HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-29, Page 1r,
MOVING RIGHT ALONG — This week' sewer
Construction is moving east along John Street,
towards Main. 'A Vasto Construction employee
stands on a trench box which protects morkers
under:ground as the power shovel extends the trench.
While sewer. construction on -John, _Louisa and Ord
Streets in the south half of town and West William,
West and Welsh in the north has caused some
inconvenience it makes things a bit easier on the
town's snow plowing budget. A street that's dug up
for sewer'construction is a street that doesn't have to
be plowed. . (Staff Photo)
Over $11,500 was paid out In prim money at the Seaforth Fall
Fair it was reported at the annual
Meeting of the Seaforth
Agricultural Society Tuesday
• Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill. secretary-
treasurer. reported federal,
provincial, county and municipal
grants' 'totalled $7,452 4.65. She
said membership and entry,-' fee's.
acnissibn, dances, food
concessions. ' penny. sales,
donations, etc. raised over
$35,000, Expense 4, amounted to
$42,000. including prices,
improvements to the fair
grounds, queen of the fair
expenses.salary, for secretary-
treasurer, etc.
Mrs. Cuthill, in remarking on
the quality, of the various shows •
at Sealoittli said that one of the
animals exhibited m the beef KEN CAMPBELL
STILL THE NEW YEAR'S BABY — Seaforth CQmmunity Hospital's New Yea,t's
baby was a Ntle later than usual this year, but 'she's very welcorne: Michelle . Dawn
Kinsman poses,happily with her Mother 'Karen, She was torn on Saturda"9:at'IP:38
a.m. and weighs- 6 oz, Mid:101'e is the fiTst baby for Mr. and Mrs. John
Kinsman of R.19.2, Kippen, Her proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Robert • '
Kinsman and 'Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Ferris. R.R.27Kippen, Michelle will 'receive a
number of gifts from Seaforth merchants, • • (Staff Photoj 4) • • •
ars abandoned. in snow storm, •
Chaeges„ laid after` crash
Whole No. 5629
$10.00 a Year in Advance
Single copy 2S cents
AG SOCIETY MEETS — Seaforth's:/kgricultural Society had their annual meeting
Tuesday night,'after stormy weather forcedkpostponement from a week ago. The
new president of the Fall Fair's Women's division Joan. Campbell 6113\ R.1, Dublin,
gIves a report to Agricultural Society members. (Staff Photo)
Ccimpbells hpad Agricultural Socie
Fall Fciir pay . $11,500 in prizes
Seaforth's cheif of police John
Cairns is warning loci) merchants
to watch out for bad cheques.
Chief Cairns sayS that in the last
six weeks there has been a rash of
fraudulent cheques passed in
Seaforth,.. about20 in six. weeks.
- The cause, Chief Cairns thinks
is''hard times". Seaforth police
are' now attempting to trace
someone who wrote over $100 in
several cheques for groceries in a
• Seaforth main street is Unique
as a streetscape Huron archi-
techtural consultant Nick Hill told
a dinner meeting of the' Chamber
of Commerce in the Optimist Club
Tuesday evening.-
Mr.. Hill said the historic, value
of the street results from the
architectural integrity of . the
buildings. erected following the
fire of September 4. 1876. The
fire deStroyeC many of the
existing frame buildings 'and
made possible construction of
new substionially built blocks of
sound design.
Emphasising that the
maintenance of -a pleasant and
attractive phySical enviromnent is
good business. Mr. Hill urged
advantage be taken of the Ontario •
-Heritage Act before a crisis arise~
week around Christmas time.
The police chief says that the
merchant's chances of getting his
money back on a bad cheque are
fairly yen-tote. First of all. NSF
cheques are rarely cause for a
criminal charge. But if a cheque is
written on a closed account, or in
a fictitious name• fraud is invol-
ved and the police can he called
in. If the fraud cheque writer can
he found and is taken to court,
such as the alteration or'
replacement of one of, the blocks
by one of new but not compatible
As he demonstrated later
through a series of slides of main
street business block ,;', Mr. Hill
Said the Seaforth streetscape
overall is one -rarely seen''. It is
other towns in'the area and
its preservation, is to the
raffid through. Seaforth 'On
Ooderich Street vOs slowed for
nearly an hour last Wettnesditt
w hcrt'1"tso cars collided in slot-in\
\scattier., A car drid. en hi Milo
.1. M. Scott on the piano pros itiett
tic coml
Recalling his youth in Scotland.
Bob SpittaLdeserthed the country
and events' there a s well as
introduclq" a third nationality- •
Welsh urn , the program.
:Lloyd —TrOggarth officiated
dtiring the draw for the first of the
weekly ear club winners of $25.00
with cheques :goiting to Grace
Titford and Joyce Ribey.
The guests were fv•eleomed by
President Leo Teatero. •
Chief Cairns says. there„, is no
guarantee that the judge will
order restitution if the person is
convicted. Even if a merchant
tetkes the ease to 'small, claims
court and wins, he may not get his
MO/16y if the convicted person is
flat broke. By the. time bad
cheques arc returnecrty the bank
and get to the police they are a,
month old. "PeoPle can, move in a
mont h and it's hard to follow
advantage of Seaforth. he said.
The pictures showed results in
Goderich where a study had
resulted in a color co-ordinating
program to emphasise design
ads anutges. •
• 'Suggesting the advantages of
the • e Charnber of Commerce
supporting d move fo.makeuse of
the Ontario Heritage Act the
speaker said he already had made
them," Chief Cairns says.
. The police chief suggests that
merchants be very carefuil about
accepting cheques from people
they don't know "or they're going
to get left holding the bag":
A merchant can cheek with the
bank involved and,should ask for
several . pieces of identification
before accepting a cheque from
someone they don't know, Chief
Cairns says.
a presentation to council who Was
considering the matter.
Mr. Hill was introduced by
Keith Sharp. in expressing
appreeiation Wilfred Titford
referred to the pictures -of Main
Street that had•been shown and .„
remarked that despite , the
number of timeshe had 'walked
Main Street, they had .shown
(Continued on Page 3)- •
.:\i‘,-1.14ct (i iit
again' on Sunday night
iit..d.,isti t d ,s lit ii Lt ep snow
roads fri'dving rain made many
One Seaforth, man. David
Cornish ks as returning , from
London on the Kippen road late
Wednesday aft ermion' when his
car lett the road in swirling snow
and near /cro
Mr. Cornish got a ride into
ScatOrth and notified police and
snow plow crews that his czar was
justoff highw hv. The next 'day
When a'wrecker went out to tow
the car into •Seaforth. they
couldn't m 1,i cofirnntils;,11
went 'out
f u)t i t . i :h the
`tow truck to help locate his ear
and was able to just see its
outline, buried under several feet
of snow.
Although there wits a rash' of
small accidents because of the
stormy -weather over the last
week, there haVe been no serious
injuries, police report-
The reason? "Hard times"
Bad cheques
i i ,.polce chef
If you think that kids Wl-jo
attend Seaforth• area schOols arc
geVing more day's off than they
used to•becatisc of stormy weat-
her; .you may he right.
• SDHS principal 13ru0.. Shaw.
Buses didn't go out to area
schools on Monday hecause of ice
nfl fog. Students mitisccl school
Tfitir-,dity last week and three
days. Wednesday, Thursday' Fri-
day the week before. Things ket're
contplicatcd he the fact that a
furnace at Seaforth PUblic :School
'went on the,' blink and sonic
students there were sent home on
other days.
Mr. Shaw said last' ThUrsdray
the roads were bear at "a,ni and
all buses got out and picked up
show Was a. notrolats bull which
was sold n' few days ago to 'a
group in France in a cost of
$19.000 and ihat sonic of the
syvi9e exhibits went on to he
grand champions at the Royal
Winter Fair.
Chairmen of the differe nt
classes all gave encouraging
reports of their sections. . -
Kenneth Campbell was elected
president, succeeding Joseph
Devereaux, Vicepresidentis
elected were W.0.Wilson and
Kenneth Moore, and .rtamed
secretary 'treasurer, Mrs. Cuthill,
. Mrs.K e nneth- Camp,. bell is
president of the women's
Directors elected are Kenneth
Campbell. W,D.Wilson. Kenneth
Moore, 'Robert B roa dfoot „Joseph
Deveeeaux, Lewis Coyne,
SDHS principal explains, "
When weather, threatens buses go home
tHt.ili&Orm of 1971.•which has made everyone. a little more their •sttidents. SDHS had 95"l,
saw hundit.ds'of Students trapped cautious about sending school attendance.. which is about nor,
flu ‘ieve.ral days in local schools buses out on stormy da:ys..11 has •ma.1.,Bnt by 9a.m. things looked
also made principals more willing had,. the ,public schools were -
to send buses: flack home early if skorrried about the heavv'''snowing
the weather ' looks. rough after and the buses were sent. home
school has started for the day. again. It's best not to send the'
bUses aut.at, all the principal says, Mr. Shaw, who for convenience but weather Changes 'and "We like sake, makes the final.decision lotto lir. best thing fccrthe kids": buses that 'take'. students to ,/ •
Walton and Seaforth Public, St. It isn't costing the taxpayer any
James' and St. Coltimban Separ- more money- to has e the hoses
ate, Central. Huron High and make their runs .home again soon
Calvin Christian in Clinton, as after.-Mr: Shim said, huvatdse the
well as SDHS, says that with. school bus companies arc part on
integrated buS routes, the a contract.
schools don't get
est .d.,hildren who ride the buses '1itiymore grants by bringing stu-
hake to be considered. dents ill to take attendanceand
then .sending them home either. For example. Walton • the principal says. 6'rants .from . Schrool has only students . . • • ee arc paid on the kindergarten and grades one..two the province daily enrollemtn, not and three. Those young children . according to daily attendance as • -co.sldn't possibly he stuck at Ind' used to' be the case. school' for days in a storm,- Mr: •
Shaw says. Mr, Shaw, ‘vITO lives in .01( t
says he usually call s Habkirk
Transit about 7 ;15. The bus
company has already, been out
checking the roads and if-they. say ,
they look good, Mr. Shalt' says
he'll follow their advice and send
the buses out.
Mr. Shaw 4tidys.4,, t :111 hicek with
the townships and ask a out their
plows. One clay last 'sseek when
stu ients ,,were already in school
one 'township told the principal
they'd ''guarantee the toads for
one hour. When you hear that,
nu send the kids home. There's
no choiee -. Mr.. Shaw said,
The SD HS -• prin0Pal eio
remembers cooking hamburgers
and French fries by himself for,-100
i ids. trapped at South Huron DHS
/in Exeter by the 1971 storm says,
"Nobody wants to loOk after all
the bodies they did then '".
Kenneth Carnochan, K en riZi h,
Coleman, William Dale, Robert.
Dalton, Donald Dock's. Robert
Fotherieghanl. Harry ',1ohnston.
Erie McIntosh. Gordon Papirle.
lam rappic Ross,
Everett Storey- and the 'Junior
Farmer representative. lames
Henderson. ' Seaforth Lions honored'Robbie
Named delegates to -the Ontario Bu tliTs Monday evening when
Convention of Agricultural they attended what was billed as
Societies February 18 • IQ were a Scotch - Irish Ceilidh.
Mr. Campbell , Mr.Wilsort and Arranged ky a committee of .1',
Mrs. ("whit). with Mr. Moore and M. Scott, R, Spittal, Toni
Mr. Devereaux named alternates. Young, and Ross Scott , the,
The 1970 Seaforth Fall Fair will program included Scotch tind
be held on -September -16--1-7 , --ltisIsongs by ,the group and •solos
litertairtment was'. provided by Prank Sills, dancing by Sherry
ttiy ' ois and Bill Hodgert "is ho and .Nancy Storey and by
showed slides of their recent trip Marylynn (flew anti Angell
to Afrua with .commentary. A Andreassi. Peter Malcolm,
potluck supper preceded the D.C.G. McLean on the pipes.
meeting. Nelson Howe with his violin and
Lions celebrate
Robbie Burns clay
Prtd \\#Qlossing a can dri\ en
hs Cam Dote west on Goderich
1,nd Wednesday aftd‘rnoon,
Svatorth Police Chief John,
( :urns said that Mr. Doig suns
hcr(' ryas a truck in' his driscway
on the right sidle of the street and
turned on his blinker a half a
Hock ahead. to turn left. to park
, on I ouisa Street. The Price
\ chicle out 10 pass him as
he kk as turning left,
Chief Cairns said both men,
and a passenger in the Price car.
Gary McKellar, were all taken t
Seaforth Community Hospital
antlInlance and treated .for minor
tots., They hay e since been
released. . .
Mr. Price - has been charged
with careless driving, haying
liquor in his vehicle and impaired
Wen -he -•-failed to
appear in court in . Goderieh on
Monday on another charge, a
bench' warrant was issued for his
Many motorists were forced to
Main St. unique, C of C hears