HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-22, Page 10MORON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY. 22, 1976
Pet rocks?
The problem of what to give someone,
who has everything, was solved last year.
In the city of London and in several other
North American centres, the hottest selling
Christmas gift was pet rocks.
What advantage does a pet rock have
over a dog or a cat? Rocky, as ' most
domestic rocks are called, makes an ideal
pet for an apartment dweller, He's quiet
and needs little exercise. He's easily
housebroken and comes with shredded
newspaperS in his box.
+le doesn't each mut and isn't picky
about..his food. In factt he eats anything
you throw him at.
He has an amiable personality. Hewon't
bite or scratch if you tease him. Like most
playful pets, though, he sometimes gets
carried away' in a rough game. He often
seems aloof, sitting in a corner by himself
for hours. Nevertheless he's devoted to his
You don't have to entertain Rocky. On
the contrary, he'll entertain you with
tricks; he loves to performs He rolls over, if
you lay h'im on a slight incline and give
him a shove. If yotago with him, he fetches
a newspaper. He also chases sticks, but he
can't retrieve them.
Playing dead is his favourite trick. He'll
do it for hours if you let him. He's obedient
and stays wherever his master commands
him to. At the same time, he'll hold down
papers for you:
His only fault is laziness.'"fo make him
exercise, you must push him occasionally.
Don't let him lie around the house too long.
When Rocky dies, he'll go to that great
gravel pit in the sky.. An organization in
San Fernando, California, assists. the
bereaved' owners of pet rocks:
An ordinary funeral service in a chapel
costs $5.00. Seaside and river-bed burials
are more expensive, but the owner gains
comfort from seeing his pet skip thfee
times over the water.- No cremations are
The funeral music ranges from rock
tunes, for the swinging pet rock, to the
inspirational hymn "Rock of Ages."
. Rocky's life span, though, is a long one.
Thus he'll give his owner years of
companionship. For $3.00 or $4.00, you can
buy a devoted pet for yourself or for a
A friend ,of mine • by-passed the
middleman and saved some money.She
chipped a stone from her driveway. It
loOked like an ordinary grey rock, until she
cleaned it, named it "Rocky" and wrapped
it 'in a ventilated box.
She composed her own instructions for
Rocky's care. Then she gave litm to her
sister for Christmas. Without expense, she
gave her sister a'lifelong pet and "a good
laugh. •
Many people, however, live far from
stony places; others believe the novelty is
more genuine if bought in a gift shop. As
the sale boom, this newest craze joins the
rank of those unforgettable fads - the hula
hoop, the bobby-sox and the frisbee.
Meanwhile, whoever conceived the idea
of pet rocks is laughing all' the way to the
Odds n' Ends
by Elaine Town,shend
Kilbarchan Notes
Remembers Bay skatm
0 5 ,
K of C has postponed
Christmas social
5% to 50% off
Buy your footwear Now & Save!
Jack Thoinpson
Fpotwear Service
Main St;, Seaforth
Year's Communion to several
residents on Tuesday afternoon.
I was interested in reading an
article in the Expositor about ,the
"March of Dimes" and their plan,
to promote helps from' the
handicapped. •
Many residents in the home
could benefit from that-
success. They aim at having the
physically handicapped learn to
help themselves. All the best to
the "March Of Dimes". :.;•a
Mr. James McDonald left the
Home this week for his home at
Brueefield where he will be with
well .
his sister, Emma. We wish him
Our new owner, Mr. Th omas
P. Kannampuzha, and son Paul of
Mississauga have braved the
storm twice with his efficient staff
within a week to see that all was
going well at Kilbarchan, He
found that all was. well.
Mrs. Mary Malcolm received
the sad news that her niece Miss
Mary Graham, Dresden had pas-
sed away on Tuesday.
Visitors with Mrs. Malcolm
were Mr, and Mrs. Mac Grahain,
London, Mrs. Gretta Declute and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Declute
Toronto. Mr.. and Mrs. Harvey
Hyde, Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. -
Ross Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. •
Dalton Malcolm on Sunday.
Mrs. Doris Muir has returned
after spending a holdiay in
Florida with her . ,parents 'Mr. and
Mrs. Kelly Dalton who are
spending the winter there.
• Women's
(By Mabel Turnbull) -
There •have been few. activities
since th oliday season. The.
.weath has provided . some
'int st as we the 'residents, are
ale. to watch• the winter
perforn4nce from • sheltered
quarters. .
On Tuesday. last the sun was
' shining as the scattered snow-
flakes twisted and turned and
it was intriguingict.1:atch them' as
they glittered ,:alike sparkling
diamonds in the sunlight.
The heavy snowfall will make
the skiers and the snowmobilers
happy:: I. well remember the first
time 1 saw a snowmobile on t.V.
in action. .1 decided right there
and then I would have on,but in
the words of Robbie Burns "the
best laid pans of . mice and men
gang a-glee."
• ' Skating was my winter sport
and one Moonlight night I was
able 'to enjoy a fine skating
experience ' ,on Hunter's Bay
Which was a widening of, the
Muskoka River by the :Huntsville
C.N.R. station. I 'also enjoyed a
Phone 527-0240
few rides across .Fairy Lake on
sub-zero evenings. Lhave thought
of it every time I hate heard
"Jingle Bells" often sung during
the Christmas season.
As for skiing, I left Muskoka
just about the time it was
'catching on' in Huntsville.
HoweveF, I am interested as an
onlooker as my family of nieces,
nephews and th, eir ,families are
As 'soon as the holiday
festivities were • over the Hillis
family from Ingersoll left on a•
skiing holiday to Quebec. The
hills'there are more' challenging
and snow is more prevalent.
Even my English niece,
Gillian., has become anamoured
with Canadian winter sports. She
is now with the General Hospital
in Ottawa in' the Drag
Department. She has recently
passed her Canadian Pharmacy
examinations Which will enable
her ,to take a more responSible
position. Ottawa being near the
Laurentians Provides good skiing.
, Rev. M. E. Reuber served New
Toronto and London.
The past months have kept
Diane busy in the farriily 'business
but she finds time for her
hobbies, reading and charcoal
Tracy attends Kindergarten in
Clinton and Day Care at Vanastra.
Barry has become actiVe in the
community. He is treasurer of the
newly formed Vanastra Lions club
as well as a ditlector on the
*Vanastra Community
to have any
Car, truck and tractor tires
Clinton* 482-$211
Hwy. 8 W. of-Cirnton .
Some fifty members and their
wives attended the postponed
Christmas social, of the Father
Stephen Eckert Council of the
Knights of Columbus, on,
Thursday evening in the council
rooms 'at St. Columban.
A short meeting NV" as addressed
by the Worthy Chaplain, ,Rev.
H.J.Laragh and Ed. Murray,
District Deputy of District 31.
Dancing followed to the music by
Mozart's Melody Makers of
Zurich. The evening social ended
Unit one of Northside United'
Church held their meeting at
MrS.Reuber!s on January 6. Mrs.
Roberton `opened the meeting
with a reading entitled "A New
The minutes -were read and
adopted. The roll call was
answered by 24 • ladies,.
Correspondence was read. Ruth
'bluff gave the. treasurer's report.
The general m eeting is to be
held on January 27. The February
unit meeting is at the church ar13
p.m. Collection was taken plus
collection for Toe Alpha. Penny
project to be continued this year.
PlanS for bake sale were
discussed., Devotional part taken
by • Mrs. Roberton and Mrs.
Broadfoot. Mrs. Roberton opened
with a reading "A Message for
the New Year", ,followed by
Hymn 571 was sting. Mrs
Broadfoot gave a reading "A
Message for the New Year".
Mrs. Helen McKenzie showed
sli des of her trip teGermany and
France 'and' told of their
experiences while there. Mrs.
Dalrymple gave the courtesy
.with Kentucky Fried chicken for
During the dance break two
delayed draws of December and,
the regular monthly draw for
January took place. The
share-the-wealth for December
was won by Mrs. James
Devereaux, R.R.4, S eaforth, Pork
and bean draws' went to Deb.
Simer, Hamilton and Phil
Laporte, R.R.2, Zurich. The
January share-the-wealth was
won by N orine McCann, R.R.3,
remarks. A social half hour
plan to
The . Happy Citizens of Seaforth
met January. 13' in the Legion
rooms. The group had two
minutes silence for three
members who passed away since
the last meeting.
Euchre featured 20 —tables in'
play. Winners were - Ladies'
High - Mrs. Mabel Scott; Lone
Hand - Mrs. 'Hunt of Mitchell and.
Low - Mrs. Winnie . Vincent.
Men's High - Andrew Houston;
bone Hand - Louis Feeney; Low -
Zack McSpadden. Lunch :was
served by the social committee.
members wishing to, bowl are
asked to call 527'4593
Mrs, Lorne Dale was hostess
for the Seaforth Women's
Institute meeting Tuesday
evening, January 13,
Mrs. Doris Hugill, President,
opened-the meeiing by reading a
poem, "January". Institute Ode
was sung and the Mary Stewart
Collect repeated in unison. The
attendance was small due to the
inclement weather. Roll Call was
"A Green Thumb Hint''".
Communications were read
front Crediton,Grand Bend,
Kippen East, War Memorial
Children's Hospital, Childretis'
Aid Society and a donation was
given to, Save the Sight' Fund.,
A 4-H Homemaking Club
Training School on Stitchery is to
be held, in First Presbyterian
Chutch, Seaforth, Thursday, and
"Friday, February 5 & 6th.
Cards of thanks were read from
Mr. and Mrs, Dave Papple, Mr.
and Mrs.Orville• 'Dale, Mr. and
Mrs. Eph. Clarke, Mrs. Tillie
Dunn, Mrs.S Campbell, Mrs.
Verda Cameron, Mr. Frank Hunt,
Mr. Dale Nixon, Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Jessie MacGregor and
Mrs.Lorne Dale were in charge of
the meeting. Mrs. Dale gave the
motto, "All the flowers of all the
to-morrows are in the seed of
to-day. „ •
Mrs., Dale introduced the guest
speaker, Dr. R.A.Whitman who
spoke on the care and .cutting of
plants. Dr. Whitman said the
eeds of today are the flowers of
tomorrow. Hybridating is found
in more seed companies each
year. When witting geraniums for
repotting leave them overnight so
the cutting will seal over which
will help germination, start small
plants in styrofoam cups with a
hole punched °in bottom for
drainage, cover hole with a pie
of broken flower pot and fill
lightly with sandy soil.
"vermiculite is good for starting
but must be fertilized as there is
no food value in it. Dr. Whitman
demonstrated how to take
cuttings from different house
plants. You can buy a rooting
hormone from a Garden shop and
it can be used on woody plants.
After a Christmas cactus has
rested for the• summer, let it .be
dry without/ water from 1st
,October to lit-November and put
it where you would like it to be in
your home, if yJu move it the
S will drop off, .he said. A
di • inin,s utssaion pcoemriomdenftosl.lowed Dr.
rs. Graham 'Kerr gave the
courtesy remarks and presented
Dr. Whitman with a gift. Mrs.
Doris Hugill adjourned the
meeting. Lunch was served by the
hostess, Mrs. Lorne Dale, Mrs.
Lspoernnet. Lawson Mrs. Jessie
Ivl.acGregor and a social half hour
' Shop with OHAFIGEK.--
rhost,Wiseway Stores
WI learni alaQut
Care and feeding .of plants
Call Dianne Black
with Vanastra news
'• Karen Lehnen
Each week I sit down to write
about Vanastra. What tp write?
Should I say that? Have I missed
I often wonder how someone
else would see our--community.
This week I can introduce
another lady , who will share
Wiriting about Vanastra. Her
name is Diane Black.
Many area Teople will know
Diane and her husband Barry
through their business, Huron, If you wish
Wholesale. . personal. .or community
. Diane was born and raised in reported please call Diane
Toronto, where her parents, two 482-9722.
sisters and brother still live. •
In 1969 Blacks moved to
London where Diane was
employed as a' legal secretary.
One- year ago, , January 1975,
Diane,Barry and daughter,Tracy
moved to 22 Quebec Rd,
(formerly Winnipeg , Rd,)
Vanastra. Quite,. a change' • from
• t.
Thig ate Co.
Chartered Accountants
Resident Partner
268 Main St., Exeter
Bus. 235 0120 Res. 238-8075
Snow .Boots
All Styles on Sale
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The newest addition to our
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moulding, —offering a design to
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14 King St. Clinton.
WINTER' Footwear Sale I Smyths .Shoes ,are now Offering Their Complete
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Many one of a Kind hems
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OPEN: Monday to Thursday, Saari to 6 p.m..;
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Take -advantage of big' savings this week on
popular pre-finished panelling. A beautiful
selection of 35 different 'authentic-looking
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