HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-22, Page 8THE HU ON EXPOSITOR • JANUARY 22, 1976 PLAYING POKER — Seaforth Optimist pr,esident Keith' MacLean hands out cards at a checkpoint to contestants In the winter carnival snowmobile poker rally on Sunday. The all afternoon rally took players through three townships in search of a winning poker hand. ' (Staff Photo) DANCE , to the 0 BLUEWATER. PLAYBOYS at . ' Brodhagen Community Centre January 31, 1976 FROM 9-1 $5.00 per couple' SPONSORED BY THE SEAFORTH 550 CLUB etZ • DANCE at Seaforth Legion 'Hall January 24, 1976 1 Opm- lam Music' by The Nitelites $2.00 per person Tickets available from Seaforth High School Band or at the door. All profits for Band's trip )o Florida.' • 30 THE SQUARE F110111 574.7411 Ali CONDITIONED PARK GC/DENIER e23 & 21,k) D 11.1.114‘ • IAN' Ii•ei )7 • , A l. „HIS CIA CODE NAME IS CONDOR, IN THE NEXT SEVENTY-TWO HOURS ALMOST EVERYONE HE'TRUSTS , WILLTRY TO KILL HIM. ROBERT BEDFORD FAYE OtIMAWAY CUFF ROBERTSON MAX YON SYDOW 7,77 ' • 1,./0.0ta ,lilt I API U0U1,11 roPi ...he fought like an army and lived like a legend, Patel LAUCHLI9 • THE GUMFIGHARE ,......_•••••.•••,••*•••• III rAtn•CAI•rnOnl• -111AULANU IN HA A LOY of MOM WERE HILUNG SME. • $ 444 WIN, A1 1 0 41 1111N MN , ).0oom "MYSTERIOUS MONSTER" •y,for,•,nr, e! 11,01•P'; NT WAS 'HUNG NOW. (By John D. Baker, Publicity , ChairmatipAranch 156)•;•• Legit* HojAafiiiineiM,eethig Last Thursday evening Branch 156 held a dinner meeting. The Ladies Auxiliary served thicken wings, baked potatoes, cabbage salad, beans and -garlic bread, for dessert, butter tarts and cookies. . Comrade Doug Siewarat asked the : blessing. Approximately thirty-six members sat down to the meal. After dinner 'the - general meeting was opened by Comrade Tom Wilbee, 1st Vice President. Comrade Al Nicholson, membership Chairman conducted the 'Early Bird draw 'for prizes. Prizes were donated by Seaforth Insurance, Good Times Travel, Joe. Czerwinski, Gaylea • Foods, Gordon McKellar. Wilmer Turner ,an Loyd Hoggarth, Prize winners were. - Wilson, Allan, Gordon Beuttenmiller, Don Kunder.Bruce MeManu's, Jean Ziler, Don Wood. Paul Matthews.. Jack Taylor, Jac McCleary, pete Jordan, Do Scott, Tom Young. McCreight, Lou McIver, S' and John Baker. The Membership Chairman, Comrade Al Nicholson -said that , as of December 31, Branch 156 has a paid-up memberShip of 93.2 per cent, and that due to the mad strike.Command had authorized a „one- moth -extension to the Early ..)3ird Campaign. The closing• date now is Jan. 3 tst, .197(„ Com rade Al has worked hard with his g 107 Erie ST RAT FO R D H OT EL 273.3666 YourIrst -"Lucky Lott" COMING' JAN. 26- JAN. 31st - one '''Week only CHRIS BLACK AND SWINGING BRASS HIS. 8piece grotip Vacall0 DIANI•iE SCHNEIDEit hails from Bornholm Country Singles Dance 0 Are. Sat., Jan. 24th at the VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE 9 — i P.M. Music by CAVALIERS Proceeds oz-,-\- VANASTRA RECREATIoN CENTRE Refreshments and full lunch provided atth for our next dance; vmr:gfamip.i.ligimaingatwogi?4:1 o. Cu t Ou t A n d Sa v e ADMISSION: $2.25 with Student Card $2.50 without • There's • something :for at the 4 ••• • Dance Friday January 23 AT CENTRAL. HURON SECONDARY SCIU,L CI INTON . Monday Er/enin.g Jan. 26 8:06 p.m. BINGO: JACKPOT $340. in 53 calls • consolation prize 550. Special STO. door prize awarded each' week on previous 'weeks' admission ticket. Wust be, present to win. If not claimed, prize will in- crease by $10. tor' fOollowing week. 15 regular gArnes41share,the-wealtti. 6 'cards for $1. Ad- mittance to 16 yr. and, over.. . NEW SWIM SCHEDULE Sat. & Sun Recreational Swi m- 3:00 • 4:30 Family Swim 2 00 3:00 Mon. Wed., Thurs, Fri. Recreational Swim 7:00 8:00 Mon. to Thurs. Co-ed Adult Swim 9:00 9;3u Mon. to Fri. Co-ed Adult' Swim 12:00 • 1:3frp.m. Men's & Ladies' Gym Swim Register now for group exercise, a relaxing Sauna followed by a refreshing Swim, Ladies on TueS. or Thurs. from 8:00'- 9:30 p.m. or Wed from 2:30 -4100 p.m. and Men on Wed. from 8:00, 9:30 p.m. Fee S10. with Sauna-$14. ALL STAR TOURS PIONEERS OF ESCORTED MOTOR COACH TOURS • "OUR BUSINESS IS GOING PLACES" -1- ' FLORIDA - TEXAS CALIFORNIA RELAXATION HOLIDAYS 14-day FLORIDA CIRCLE TOURS — Deports every Monday starting Jon. 19 .. 14-day CLEARWATER BEACH AND CENTRAL FLORIDA — Departs Feb. 9 and Mar. 15 . , 164TEXAS FLORIDA CIRCLE TOUR — Departs Feb. 7, 21. March • 6, 20, April 3, 17 9-cloys "MIDTERM SPECIAL" "AT FABULOUS DAYTONA BEACH" Deports March 13 and March 20 1 12-Days DAYTONA BEACH.— Deports Jan, 26, Feb. 9, 23, March 8, 22, April 3 21-day DAYTONA BEACH — Superior efficiency units at Daytona. Departs Jan, 19, Feb. 23, March 29 28.clay DAYTONA BEACH.— Superior eff iCiency units at Daytona. Deports Feb. 2, Mar. 8 , from $309 from $319 , from $385 from $205 from $2/4 from $289 from $379 • 21.day CALIFORNIA AND THE GOLD WEST — Departs.Feb. 28, Mar. 20, Apr, 10, May 1, 22, July 3, Aug. 7, Sept. 4, 25, from $545 and Oct, 16 . BOX 789 SEAFORT ONTA.,R10 510 527-0050 * ^t= Af. AL )1, * * 4, 4- * • THURSDAY & FRIDAY AT 7 PM Local Briefs "sappy Birthday" to Mr. Duncan Aikenhead who celebrated, his ninety-sixth birthday on Tuesday at Seaforth Mancir. Attending a small party in his honour were his . friends Mrs.Ada Reid, Miss Mabel Whiteman and Mrs. Elsie Southgate. Duncan was the recipient of many congratulatory wishes from friends and relatives and also the staff of - Seaforth Manor. Mrs. Donna • Farley of Toronto visited with her father Dr. E. Sadlier on Tuesday afternoon. Visitors with Mr.Wilbur Keyes were Mrs. Keyes and daughter- in-law Mrs. Merton Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McSpadden of Norwich Visited with Mr. Zachariah McSpadden and Mrs. Etta and Minnie Hawley. Visiting with Mrs. Ada Reid were Mr. George Addison, Mrs. Elsie Dinsmore and Mrs. Eva McCartney, all of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. DavidI Murray of Winnipeg spent an enjoyable visit with the latter's aunt, Miss Bessie Davidson of Seaforth Manor. Mr. Ross Scott visited with his brother M. William Scott. Mr. Harold Hudie visited his i L . :i Seaforth M nor Happenings mother, Mrs. Lillie Hudie. -Ringo was very well attended. on Friday afternoon and winners were - Full House - Mrs. Lillie Hudie, Miss Bessie Davidson and Mr. Ludger Seguin. Four Corners - Mrs. Etta Hawley, Miss Wilma Brill, Mr. Wilbur Keyes and Mr. Jakem Honkanien. Straight Line- Mrs. Gertie Hall, Mr.. Ludger Seguin and Miss Edith Salo, 2nd.Mr. Harold' Waist), Mr. Clarence Jackson and Mr., John Darling. • Seaforth ;Manor residents are looking forward' to Thursday, evening when Mr. Gold Hand:: and his band from Goderich be at the Manor for an evening of music. It was like old home week for Jerry McCourt when he arrived at the Bank of Commerce in Seaforth this week in his capacity as auditor. Now based with the bank audit staff in London, Mr.' McCourt spent nearly four years in Seaforth in the late .fifties when he was accountant in the C. B. of C. branch here. While he left • .e. Sdaforth 14 years ago, he says he not only sees many familiar faces but also many improyements in: the town% Highland Ball SatUrday,'Jan.\'24th Brussels Legion Hall Music by "The Blenders $4 per couple * Door Priz.e Sponsored by the Legion Pipe Band Get tickets from Band members • CASH BING O Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, Jan. 23- E105 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 • THREE $25.00 GAMES $75.00 JACKPOT TO GO! — TWO DOOR PRIZES — Admission $1.00, Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT pERAurniu) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth DUE TO`ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS THE FlfiST SESSION OF YOGA HAS BEEN 'POSTPONED Yoga Instruction will commence IAD. JAN. 2,§ — 7:00 -- 8:30 P.M. — Seaford' Public School — $12.00 for 10 weeks — Jan. 28 — March 31 — Register at first• session • See ED-DIE SHACK and theSeafortil Selects VS CKNX Try.Hards 2:3Gpm SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Sunday, Feb,,. .15 — TICKETS AVAILABLE AT MANY MAIN STREET STORES AND THE RECREATION OFFICE Adults $2.00 Children [under 12] $1.00 • Family Plan [2 adult's children under 12] $5.00] All profits for ArenaSenovations Rev. Gordon Kennedy, of Toronto visited his mother Mrs. Anna Kennedy last weekend. The Ontario March of Dimes, in its 25th year of service to the' province's estimated 750,000" physically disabled adults. Please give generously when yo canvasser 'calls. Remember it take' but a moment to place an Expositor VI/IIInt Ad. Dial 527-0240. -committee on- the Early Bird project and they are to be congratulated. Let us all get behind ' our membership committee,' and ,now that we have an. extension, make 100 per cent. Coming Events .Saturday, January 24, Legion social, proceeds to go to help with expenses ^for the up-coming trip to'Florida for the Seaforth District HighSchool Band., Also, coming April 12 17 KANGAROO Don't miss this great comedian b Save 'Cut Out And Save. Cut Out And Save 'WHITE RNATION HOLMESVILLE" • Dance. & Smor‘gasbord January 24 - Lincoln5 Green (, 31 '- Star Treck " February 7 •- Blue Tones 21 -' The Manhatieris 28..- Lincoln Green We cater to banquets, receptions and private parties, etc. .for Reservations Phone: 482-7535 482-3120 or 482-9228 • onus puv ;no Ina ones piiv in° in DINING 'AND DANCING car O C a N 0 0 a C a. ra --DANCE Lincpin Green Friday, January 30 BRODRAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE. '2,00 per person 9-1 am SPONSORED BY BRODHAGEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII We cater to all functions, large or small. Fine Food prepared in our kitchen. Vanastra Centre 482-3544 ---*Vanastra Recreation Centre SCHEDULE- OF 'COMING EVENTS DANCING 9 TO 12 TO 0 "MacKenzie"I. j TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY AT 7 PM .THE LARGEST SELECTION OF AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT UNDER ONE 000F IN CANADA' lettler- JANUARY 2'Z 28,29,301976 , PREVIEW THE 1976 PRODUCT LINES EXHIBITION PARK—TORONTO-10 AM TO 6 PM • CANADA'S FIRST IN•DOOR