HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-22, Page 4How to Keep
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stay wher you are
( ExposrroR oAkumw, 22, 1976
St. Colurinban
The best way to beat winter
Men hoMe from hospital
Mr. Martin Klinkharner is
home from Stratford General
Hospital and is recuperating
favourably. Mr. Harold Pethick is
also recuperating at home after a
stay in Stratford General Hospital
everyone. Mrs. Mervin Dow
conducted a Bible quiz. The
offering was taken and dedicated
1))3 Mrs, . Miller.
An invitation was received and
accepted from Thamesview
Church,Fullarton, to join with
them for the WorIcPs Day of
Prayer on March 5. Cards and
visits were reported. The roll call,
News for the New Year, was
answered by six members. Mrs.
Calder McKaig was in charge of
the Bible study based onCpl. 2:
16-23 and 3: 12-17.
Hymn, "0 God Our Help in
Ages Past" was sung. Mrs.
Miller closed the meeting with
Plans to complete at least six
Unitarian Services layettes were
made at the January meeting of
Cromarty Ladies Aid, at the home
of the president, Mrs. Roberti-
Laing. Donations of new or good
used articles would be
appreciated. A layette consists of
4 diapers, 1 receiving blanket, 2
shirts, 2 nighties, 2 jackets, 1
towel, 1 cake laundry soap, and 4.
safety pins. Clothing should be in
a 1 to 2 year old size range.
The meeting opened with a
poem, "The. Past Is Gone"
followed by the hymn,
"Standing at the Portal-. Mrs.
Mervin Dow had the devotismi,
based on Romans 8: 18-25, The
roll call was answered by the
payment of fees, Mrs.Charles
Douglas had a reading, "A Plan
for Tomorrow'', and a contest on
kinds of cloth. ,
The minutes 61' the -December
meeting were read 'by Mrs. Jim,
Miller and Mrs. Eldon Allen gave
the Treasurer's report. During •
the-business the ladies decided to
hold a Stanley Party. It will be on
the afternoon of January •
Prices for . catering were
reviewed. The'anpnal strawbe,rry •
supper will .be discussed at the
next meeting in March. It was
reported that arrangemen have
been made for the painting of the
ceiling and trim in the church
The meeting closed with "'Tis
Winter Now", and the Lord's
Prayer. Lunch was served by
Mrs. Mervin Dow and Mrs. Eldon
Mrs. Thos. L. Scott, Mrs. M.
Lamond; Mrs. Lorne Elliott and
Mrs. Carter Kerslake attended
the 92nd annual meeting of the.
Stratford Presbyterial • .of the
Women's Missionary Society at
Knox Church in Stratford on
Tuesday. Mrs. Scott has
completed her term as president,
arid was succeeded by Mrs. Derek
Nind of Listowel. 'Mrs.Carter
Kerslake was . re-electedr as
recording secretary.
Correspondent •
In My last-report two weeks ago
I mentioned that peopleirom this
district who were spending the
winter in Florida Or other warm
climates were missing our sun;
shine and somewhat warm wea-
ther here, with little snow.
• How fast am has all changed,
now we have a real old time
winter with lots of snow and zero
temperatures which we expect.
h 'ers" card party last Wednes-
afternoon on account of
weather and road condition.
'Hopefully we can have the
February meeting, but its very
All we have to have now is. a
windy day and you' don't drive
unless you have to, , or have a
However I notice some districts
around are having good success
with open air rinks. This is great,
• and look for in this district. We but you have to have people and
had to cancel our monthly, "old weather co-operation. Unfortuna-
Since houseplants depend on
the nutrients provided in water.
proper watering is very
important. Indoor gardeners can
unknowingly create problems for
their plants if watering isn't done
correttly, says Ontario Ministry
of .,.Agriculture . and Food
horticulturist. R.F.Gomme.
"Lack of water can cause plants
to stop growing, or shed their
leaves, or may produce plants
with unattractive foliage," . he
says. But the.opposite extreme,
watering too much, can be even
more damaging. Too m_. water at)
deprives the plant of oxyge and
can cause the roots to hit,
eventually killing the plant."
The horticulturist says that the
condition of the soil surface is
usually a good indication of when
to water; but several. oth er
factors should be considered. The
temperature, humidity and light
in a roam will affect the amount of
water used by the plant, as 'Will
the type and age of the plant
itself. Plants growing in shade or
filtered light conditions need less
water than those in the ' sun.
Houseplants that are growing
rapidly or are in bloom also
require more water. Sandy soil
mixtures tend to dry out' faster
than clay or-peat potting soils.
. "Watering should, be
done early in the day so thizt the
'plant is not saturated overnight."
Plants.are generally watered by
filling the space at the top of the
pot. In the ease of sonic
houseplants, such • as 'African
violets and floxinias, care should
be taken not to wet the foliage'.
AnOther way of watering is by
placing the pot in a shallow pan of
water until the top surface of the
soil is moist. If this method is
. %
Tips on houseplants
used, however, plants
watered from the top
two weeks to prevent
of crystalline deposits
of the soil.
should be
down every
tly, we did not have weather
co-operation the past couple of
It used to be a firm belief that
unless we hada good hard winter,
we could tint expect a pica' crop
year,.bItt after seeing two winters
of very mild weather with little or •
no snow, and exceptionally good
crops following one would like to
belieVe it we could get along well
Perhaps in the not too distant
future, "like the seat belts" we
may protest that too. Summing .it
all up,• if you don't like ..winter
better stay where you are until its
all over.
Mr. and Mrs: Smith and family
buildup Guelph spent the weekend with
on the top --Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. MacRae
visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Sister Julia Marie St. Joseph's
Mother house London spent a feW
days with Mrs. Mary McIver.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Penson-
neult, Windsor were visitors last
weekend with Mrs. Mary MclVer.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mar:ehind
and Linda were visitors with* Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Murray recently.
Brian Lane of Kings College
U.W.O. with his parents Mr. anct
Mrs. Jack Lane. Marvin Kale of
Fanshawe College also with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kale.
Cromarty ladies make layettes
turned home from a visit with her
and family, Jacksonville Florida.
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Williams
Mrs. Rose Stapleton has re-
Mrs. • Gaunt of RitzVilla Mit-
Mr. Don MacRae
few days. Mrs. Elmer Cannon has
chell visited with her daughter
General Hospital with her new
baby daughter.
Mrs. Monica Holland Dublin for a
returfed home from Stratford
Correspondent entitled "New Year". Hymn,
Mrs.R. Laing "Father, Lead Me, " was sung.
The January meeting of Mrs. Miller read the scripture
Cromarty W.M.S. was held at the lesson followed by meditation and
home of Mrs. Calder MtKaig. prayer. The topic, Items on the
Mrs. Jim Miller, presiding, New Year, was taken by
opened the meeting with a poem
Decisions may not be
popular, Logan hears
When Rev. A. Horst, pastor of Association. St. John Ambulance,
St. Peter's Luterhan Church, Muscular Distrophy, Cancer
Brodhagen opened the 1976 (Research), Heart Fund
inaugural meeting of Logan (Research) and the Salvation
Township Council on January 12 Army. .
.at Bornholm, he spoke of the . Ronnenberg Insurance is to be
temptations there may be in an
, office where you have authority
and also of the responsibilities of,,
all the councillors. He closed
his, remarks with prayer.
Reeve . Tim Nicholson,
commenting briefly on the future
work of the council , said that now
we are involved more in planning
and'have to rn ake more decisions
which may be .unpopular with
some, but it is the responsibility
of council to retain the township
as an agricultural community.
This' year. council hopes _to
proceed with the bridge on Con. 4
and '5 even if it is necessary to
Carry it over a two year period.
'Council is trying to hold the line
On expenses along the normal
growth rate in assessment, he
Council meetings will be held
as in the past, - the first Monday
in each month starting at 1 p.m.,
with the exception of May to
November inclusive when the
meetings will start -at 8:00 p.m.
.The following appointments
were. .:-Upper 'Thames • fommunity Centre Monday
Authority - Laverne Gordner; evening to present Nancy Rose
Maitland Authority - Edwin „ with a bridal shower. Mrs. Diane
Illman; Ausable-Bayfiefd•rown afid Mrs. Laura May
Authority" Gordon Moik;' BenneWies, of the 4-H .club
Mitchell & District Planning planned the event and the
' Boaxd - Robt. Davey - 3rs, Dan bride-elect received many lovely
Connolly - 2 yrs; Perth County gifts. Tasty refreshments were
.:SafetyCouncil - Ken L. Siemon. ; served.
We are glad to hear Mrs. Chas. Monkton Fire Area - Tim
Nicholson; Mitchell Fire Area - Kleher has returned home from
Laverne Gordner; Mitchell Agri- 'the hospital in Seaforth.
cultural Society - Carl Vock. Rev. and Mrs. John A r buckle,
Monkton Community Centre - Linwood and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Edwin Illman, A. Ritz, I. Ward, Rock, Waterloo visited with Mrs.
A.C.Querenguesser and Alf on D. Ward, FL DeBlock; Mitchell
CommunityCentre- Ralph Weiter- Tuesday.
sen -. 2 yrs., Ken Rolph - 1 yr. I am sorry to report that
Committee of Adjustment - Joe' -Mr.George'Wesenberg is still in
the hospital in .S.eaforth where he VandenBerk ( Logan), L.
Morello, G. Robinson, J: Harper has been for some time. We wish
and Ken Stapelton.' Logan him a speedy recovery.
We are sorry to hear about the Recreation committee - Warren
McDougall, David Linton, Ken sad nevo, that Mrs.George
Smith, John VenHerk, Barry Beuerman passed away suddenly,
McEwen, Ed. Illman, Joe at ,the home of her son and
Vandenberk, Carl Vock, Logan daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs:
Ron Beuerman and, ffmily on Township Library Board - Tim
Nicholson, Mrs, K. McLagan, Saturday morning. Our sincere
Mrs. Earl Oppenhauser, M-s. Ed. sympathy 'to her family.
Litman and Mrs. Ken Reaney. Mrs.Ed. Scherbarth celebrated
Salaries were negotiated and her 81st birthday on January
some to be finalilzed at a later 17th. We wish her a happy
date: Council salaries remain birthday.
unchanged, the same as the past
Friends of Mr. Freda A. Kistener
two years. Copies of the will be sorry to hear he is in
Municipal World are to be Seaforth Community Hospital.
ordered for all Municipal
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe,
Officials. Grants were authorized Dale and Miss K. Schneider,
. to. the following: Sick Children's Monkton, were dinner guests of
Hospital, Toronto, War Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe of
ospital, London, Mental Health Clinton.
Free Estimates No Job Too Smal
Painting, Papering, Light Carpe Yitry,
Floor Sanding and Refi nishing.
Industrial, Commercial and Recidential
D. HEIMPEL 393.5590 (We accept coil
YoUr Barn?
than Lumbdr
Don't Forget to Feed the Birds.
We have
Mixed gird 'Seed and •
Sun Flower Seeds
ct calls) 271.6305 [CHAFIGE.X
contacted regarding raising the
insurance on the 1968 maintainer:
A borrowing by-law for the
township was passed empowering
the treasurer to ' borrow up to.
$200 ,000.00 if required.
By-law 2-1976, an amendment to
by-law 718 re Looby Construction
Zone was passed. The clerk .was
given authority to pay the final
balance still owing of the Mitchell
& District Arena when due.
The Monkton Fire Area Board
were given an advance of $800.00
on their 1976 Budget.. Road
accounts totalling $3,600.54 and
general accounts amounting to
$32,190.16 were ordered paid.
'Council• will meet again Feb. 2
at 1:00 p.m.
Broth; agen.
Mrs. L. Wolfe
A number of neighbours and
friends gathered at Brodhagen
coot „inn Nusnoorms
onto ly p ,
Sar Pi'" plat es et I
rf105 P13te I Y
!'llotiVe got toltielievein HOME!"