HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-22, Page 3answering minor accident calls
caused by snow accumulation and
bad driving conditions. Constable
Dave Dale said there were eight
minor accidents last week with
damages totalling $700. '
Sunday night in the second
accident that day at the corner of
Duke and Main Streets cars
driven by Ross McNichol of
Hensel] and James Segeren of
R.R.2, Seaforth collided.
Damages were $2250 . and both
cars had to be towed away, Const.
Dale said,
Thepoliceman said Mr.
Segeren was pulling out onto
Main Street and Mr. McNichol
was ' driving north when the
accident happened. It was hard to
see around the Duke Street cerner
because of high snow bankS71he
said. endetheeroeds-evere icy. No
charges will be laid.
The constable said local police
'investigated five or six 'accidents
on Sunday and two by 10 o'clock
yesterday morning,' as drivers
fought the snow.
names new
Warden Jack McCutcheon
announced' the makeup of county
committees for the year at County
Council last week.
Th'e first named chairman."
Road - J, Kerr, R. McNichol,
R.W.J.Lyons, C.K.Campbell, J.
Huronview H. McMichael,
J.A, Mair, , T.W.Consitt,C.E,
Boyle, W.GeZinn.
Health .-' E.W.Oddleifson,
J.L.McCutcheole W.J.Dale,
D.A.McNeil, J. M orriseey, Prov.
Library - T.D.MacMillan, N.
Durst, H. Lobb, E. Talbot,
D.H.McKenzie, Mrs. N. dnay,.
Belgrave. •
' Property - J. Baker, G.G.Ginn,
J Jewitt , S.P.Hallahan,
R.J.Lawrie, E. 'Sillery.
Planning - C. Desjardine, H.
Mulvey, G.H.Stirling, B. Clifford,
R. Gibson, J. Miller.
Developuient - F. Cook,
D.S.Eadie, C.W,Bray, E.
Thompson ; W,W.McBride.
Executive . - A. Campbell,
W . El ston , W.I. -Morley,
F. E. Haberer, S. Profit, A.
Social Services - R. M.
Williamson, J.r. Hunking,
J.F.MacDonal H.E,Wild,
Land 'Division - C. Laithwaite,
R.Westcott, E. Hayter, H.
Robinson, G. Reed.
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Men not hurt in crash
SIGN UP RIGHT HERE — Snowmobilers lined up to register for the snowmobile
pokez rally at the Optimist Winter Carnival on Sunday. Optimist Alf Ross and other
volunteers signed up more than 100 drivers in tl?e new Optimist club house at the
recreation grounc4. (Staff Photo)
omething to Sa
by Susan White
Do governments
really know best?
closing of
Huron County Council has - health care in Ontario," he said,
endorsed a resolution calling for "The closure of the Psychiatric
the resignation of Ontario Health;;... Hospital will create a Vacuum."
Minister Frank Miller and his OP Dr., Mills told the councillors
advisory staff if •they do not that 'it would be difficult to get
reconsider their decision to close patientg admitted for psychiatric
the Goderich Psychiatric care from a distance considering
Hospital. • that GPH reaches every corner of
Council endorsed. the resolution the County. ;He added that
.fieffn the medical staff of general hospitals in Huron
Alexandra. Marine and General County would likely come under
Hospital, Goderich that 'said .the close scrutiny by the government
ministerial decision to close GPH and it was his understanding that
was Without consultation of. local 97 beds in county hospitals would
h ealth professionals and. -be cut.
Work began in December on a
new $300,000 wing for Alexandra
Marine and General le .ospital in
Goderich and Dr. Mills expressed
concern for the life of the new
wing and explained that people
would have to 'dear with many
Possibilities and changes- -in
health care.
"Unless we take a strong stand
now we will suffer and the system
will deteriorate;" he said, "Our
health is most important and we
need the facility and we need
mental health care." .
Dr. M ills said only the
provincial government • is
ccincerned about the,, health care
costs: He explained the
government wants a '$50 million
final paragraph of the „ reduction in health care costs this
resolution was a bit drastic 'and year and $150 million next year.
should be deleted or altered. ,He claimed that such severe
Health Committee chairman,Ed. restraint measures, could be
• Oddleifs'on of Bayfield, argued eliminated if there was a $2 user
that the goveinment used shock charge' on OHIP which would
• 'tactics against the people and it raise $100 'million a year.
was only fair that they use shock • Council also agreed to support
tactics against the government.. the efforts of Goderich town
"The, closure was withottt council in seeking an injunction to
precedent and there ,is no other 'stop the the GPH.
hospital supplying services like'
GPH," Oddleifson said., "It was a '
complete surprise and they didn't
let a
Godericle eve Stan Profit said
into e, know." n
that counciI shouldn't be worried
about hurting Miller's feelings,
"We are ,concerned about
stepping on people's toes but 'it
shouldn't be the case," he said,
"The Government was not
concerned about the feelings of
the people in Huron County .".
Huron County medical offiar
of Health, Dr. Frank Mills vi ed
the government's decision as a
syniptotin of what is to come in
health care.
"We go from crisis to crisis in
endangered total psychiatric
health care . in the county. The
resolution called the government
action a threat to the people's
rightsto adequate health care.
• The Medical• staff of AM andG
madoe, theca recommendations
that called' for a reversal on the
closure decision; a withdrawal of
plans for closure of general
hospital beds in Huron County
and the the Minister and his staff
commit themselves to decision by
consultation with representatives
at local levels.' Failing acticm5 on
these recommendations, the
Minister and his institutional
advisors were requested to resign
im ediately.
S me councillors argued' that
S. Hibbert
Assoc. plans
Mrs. J. Templeman
The South" Hilbert Athletic
Association met Tuesday evening
at the home of Lloyd Cameron. It
was decided to hold the annual
Meeting in the township hall on
Tuesday February 3 at 8:30.
Mrs. Gordon Parsons and Mary
flew to Florida on the weekend for
a weeks holiday. ,
When Seaforth council discus-
sed a resolution from the Town-
ship of Stephen opposing the
construction of a nuclear plant in
the county until questions about it
are answered, someone said, but
don't you think the province has '
already „looked into all that?
Recent evidence, suggests we
ca ' think that way anymore.
/'The sad thing about life .in
Hufon County these days is that
we can no longer trust that our
senior governments have thor-
oughly looked into the decisions
that they attempt to push on us.
The more 'we read abeut and hear
about proposals from above, from
the closing of Goderich Psychia-
tric Hospital to the off again, on
again nuclear generating plant on
the shore of Lake ' Huron, the
more we realize that our naive
faith that government . knows
what's best for us is badly out of
A couple of the Stephen
resolution question's are about
possible leaks of radioactive
material and about the effects of
nuclear, plant pollution• on food
crops. We've never seen these
questions answered satisfactorily
and we are certain that not
enough research has been done
....Ian them for the government to tell
us to forget our fears.
The Stephen resolution' could
have asked about nuclear waste
too. A tremendous fiasco is
shaping up in Port Hope where
fill and building materials from
'the Eldorado nuclear site Were
used in schools apd homes:
'Radiation levels in St. Mary's
school there arese high that the
local board has decided to aban-
don it. It's not Safe. But how safe
are the childred who attended the
school and were exposed 'to
harmful radiation.
Cant'we trust that, governments
who allow atomic wastes to be
used in school yards and charge
big; hydro users tower rates than
careful consumers know what"s
best for us ‘e
No , I don't think' so. And
decisions to close the Goderich
Psychiatric Hospital when people
in three counties strongly object'
and alternate ways of saving
money aren't considered, to
march hydro towers through
productive farmland and to even
consider a nuclear generating
plant that could harm otir agricul-
ture and our communities have
brought this government incom-
petence close to home.
To most of us, the realization
that our governments haven't
looked at the implications and
effects, of their decisions as
closely as we have comes as a
shock. We wonder if there s any
common sense .at higher Is.
More donations have come in to
the Seaforth arena renovation
fund, according to chairman Cliee
Buist. They include Betty Cr. rdno
$50,. Dr. C. Lacko $20 and Lloyd
Hoggarth $15.
There ie about $5800 in the
fund, according to -Mr. Buist. The
goal is $100,000 to be raised
locally. Donations can be sent to
the fund's treasurer, Ernie
Williams at Box 348, Seaforth.
They are paying expensive con-
sultants with our tax money...why
can't they answer our questions,
we wonder.
We feel powerless when we're
hit by big government decisions
that don't make sense about
things close to us. What can you
do? How do you get heard by. or
persuade faceless bureaucracies?
It looks like we'll have to fight to
get our point of view across and
Personally we're concerned that
we're not very experienced at it.
Somebody in Goderich has an .
antidote for our powerlessness
and frustration. He's offering a
night' chool course to help people
learn how to "fight city hall".
The instructor, Tony McQuail
of Luckpow has started the course
"to ensure that decisions on local
issues are kept local and not made
in Toronto or Ottawa", according
to the Goderich Signal Star. The
course is called "Effective Com-
munity Action" and it sounds like
a good idea,
The whole question of a nuclear
plant in Huron may be a dead
issue. We hope so but aren't
convinced. Huron MPP Jack
Riddell thinks the possibility is
remote and that should reassure
many people.
A former editor in Kincardine,
Ted- Rowcliffe of , the Exeter
Independent wrote his feelings
about what the Douglas Point
Generating station meant to
Kincardine recently and his com-
ments are worth thinking about if
you are trying 'to make up, your
mind pro or con a station in
Huron, ,He says:
Personally, I think Ontario
Hydro killed the town of Kincard--,
ins. A lot of others would argue
with - me, particularly business
people and elevelopere who have
'made a killing. The average work'
joe has never had it so good up
there really but somehow, despite
all the high paying jobs and
profits being made, life just
doesn't seem as good as it was
before the -whole deal started,
Rents soared astronomically, as
much as double, in some cases
forcing persons ,retired on fixed
incomes to move out of the town
in which they had.spent their
entire lives' One house . that
rented for about' $150 a month
'jumped to, $275 in one month
simply because it was' being
rented to an engineer working at
'Douglas Poiret who didn't give a
damn how much it cost because
his company was paying the shot
anyway. ,
There were a lot of benefits for,
some people. BuSin ss for real
estate agents boo c ed. Develo-
pers made a big b ck cutting up
swampy farmland' into subdivi-
The postponed annual meeting
of the Seaforth Horticultural
Society will be held in Masonic
ILO on Wednesday, Janu,ary. 28th
with a Ppt Luck tiupper at 6:30..
p.m. Bring your n dishes,
The Hensel] Minor' Athletic
Association will ieeet in the
Hensall Arena on Tuesday,
February 10 at 8 P;e4.-
sions. Grocery stores gouged the
consumer, charging up to ten
percent ler more than competitors
in nearby towns such as Hanover.
And as l'said, the one segment
of the population , which benefit-
ted almost as much as the
buseneseeten were the semi-'
skilled workers who jumped from
about $3 an hour to as much as $6
and $8• an hour at the plant.They
were the lucky ones. Many others
who weren't acceptable or
couldn't make the,transition from
the furniture factory to the
nuclear facto re left out in
the cold.
But, as Mr. RoWc iffe ended his
comments, it's a pretty complex
cfuestion. So it is, and that's a
good reason for us to think the
whole thing over. It's our county
'and our style of living that will be
affected if Hydro builds its plant.
What do you think?
The girls in the band will have
raised the money they -need to
finance their trip to Florida to
play in the Edison Festivial of
Lights by the time they are ready
to leave. SDHS principal Bruce
Shaw sayi the band is "solvent"
and ready to take off for a week in
Fort Myers by bus on Saturday,
Feb. 7. The last big fund raising
event for the band is a dance at
the Le;" t • this Saturday night.
Phone, 3484411
Moog Iliitgace OM Collect]
- Home - Life - Auto
- Farm Liability
- Accident & Sickness
County council
wants GPH open
Mrs. Hive w said. Another car
from Dougras Point came along
end picked them `up and took
them to the general store at
When a mail courier came into
the store she offered to take Mr.
Rivers and Jim, who had a broken
wrist, into Wingham Hospital to
see a doctor. Both men were
checked over there and spent the
night in the hospital, before
coming' home in .clearer weather
Saturay morning. •
Mrs. Rivers said her husband
lost his glasses in the accident
and that 'plus Jim's broken wrist
will keep them away from work
for a few days.
Seaforth police were' busy
Three Seaforth men who work •
at Douglas Point station were in a
head-On collision on their way
home in Friday 'afternoon's,
storm. No one was seriously hurt.
Elmer Rivers, his son Jim and
Winston Powell left Douglas •
Point when it closed at noon
Friday, with.two other passengers
in Mr. F'owejl's car. Mrs. Rivers
said both cars were travelling
slowly because of the storm and
the.men were wearing seat belts.
This was a "big help" in making
the crash not too serious.
After_ the accident the men
didn't want to stay in the car
because they feared another car
might plow into them, and they
started walking the mile and a •
half to the village. Of Amberley,