HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-15, Page 18Sugar and Spice b Bill Smiley That as some year This is the time of year when 'nstant experts and fallible fools such as . newspaper colamriists make idiots of themselves by predicting what the next 12 months will bring. Looking into a New Year is rather like looking into an old rubber boot. It stinkl.ra little, you can't see anything in there, and the thing probably leaks, heel and toe. I prefer to do a little looking back and a , little looking forward, make some hasty generalizations based on the arthritis in my big toe, and hope everybody 'will have forgotten what I said by the following week. Which they will. Let's look back - 19 75 was the year of The Big Strike. Everyhody who was Somebody, and a great many who were nobodies, went on strike at least once. As: a direct result, Canada's credibility . as a producing nation, a reliable nation, a prudent, sensible nation. took a nosedive. Foreign' investors were heard saying „ things lilke: "Migawd, I'd be safer betting on the exact hour and minute'of Napoleon's return from Eternal Exile than I would be putting money into that Crazy Canada", It was also the year.of the Grand Gimme and the Chronic Catch-up as everyone and his elderly aunt, clad in sackcloth and ashes, moaned piteously, beat bosoms, and scrabbled tooth and nail to get a . bigger chunk of the national loot than everybody else and her elderly uncle, It was the year in which the Montreal Olympics could no more have a deficit, according, to that reincarnation of Moses misleading his 'people to the unpromising land, Mayor Drapeau, than a man could ' have a baby.- It was the year in which the . Thanksgiving roast' turkey was transformed by our Grand Guru into boiled , seagull. - It was the year of election upsets: political promises, union threats, dire warnings, insane headlines, and callow assumptions. In short, it was a year much like the one before it and the one that is coming after it - an amusing and horrifying record of. man's moral and mental weaknesses. But that was the bad news. Now for, the goOd news. It was also a great year, in some respects for you and me, Personally, I had a fine year. Just 'listen to this list, and yours is probably better, if ' you think back. ' I discovered a bracing, healthful, new sport, cross-country skiing; and within a month was known as The 'Terror .of the Trails (by two old ladies of 86 and 89). I developed into Canada's 'most , auseatingly proud grandfather, as Pokey and I cemented an already firm friendship, .culminating in an' orgy of mutual admiration this past Christmas when the • little devil got, at least • eleventy-seven presents. I love him because- he is bright, lively, handsome, and a real heel-on wheels kid. He loves me because, he can get me to do anything, literally, that he wants me to--do. In this league I am known as The Spoiler. While we're all in the family, other things made it a good year. My wife and I stayed married and together, a' rather unusual combination after a quarter -century. We even like each other, which is almost incredible, after what each of us has put up With. My daughter, apparently celebrating Women's Lib year, or something, got herself pregnant again and I am expecting My first granddaughter (daughter underlined) any day now. Notice I said I am expecting. It Used to be the mother who was expecting, but things are all cock-eyed these days. Still in the family, i met a whole gaggle of cousins from the 'West I'd never seen before, cousins from the Eas't 1 hadn'd seen for 25 sears, and sisters and brothers I hadn't seen for a couple. A great reunion, enough family stuff to do a fellow for the next decade. There, were many other high moments for me during 1975. Did some auld Lang ' Syne-ing with newspaper friends. Caught a big pike and rode in a tiny Aeronca over.The brooding, empty wilderness of northern Saskatchewan.Caught a big cold and rode in a taxi through th,e brooding, teeming wilderness of Toronto, 'Beat my wife two-out-of-five in , golf. Ignored the postal strike 'by writing 52 columns, even though some will never see print. Teetered through another three terms of , teaching. Discovered that in another few years I would be-eligible for a category-F pension. F stands for Five cans of pork and beans a week which such a pension will provide. AR in all, a jolly good y ear, one for which I wouldn't trade anything, except' a chance to do it over again. Now' for a brief look into th,e dim distances of 1976. Last, year we were bored silly 'by Women's International Year. I predict that this year we will be bored right out of our skulls by two mountains of ennui .the American Bicentennial and the Canadian Olympic Games.' NOt much else can be glimpsed there, in the murk and muddle. Unions will go on threatening, politicians will go on • promising, the rich will get richer and the• poor will get .babies. But, -gloriously people will go on being people: despicable and noble;' anguished and triumphanf; hating and loving; being born and dying.. It's a great life, and the only one we have. You go 'on doing your thing, and I'll go On doing, mine. At the e nd of 1976 we'll,, make out our lists, and compare notes. ,predict right .here and now that we'll have just as many ups as ,,dOwns, and will remember the ups and forget the downs. • THI #.1„PRPON EXPOSITOR, 4ANuARy 18, 1916 Huronview Calendars presented to all residents A group of Indies representing the Evangelism department of the Clinton Christian Reformed Church visited the Home during the holiday season and presented each of the residents with a lovely Christian calendar, • Reverend McWhinnie, Chaplain of the Home, is convalescing in Goderiehjtospital and we all wish him a speedy recovery. Rev. Wildfong, of Clinton, took the Sunday service andMr. Nelson Lear sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. H enderson, The Bradley Family, of Clinton, entertained on "Family Night". This family of seven singers Winnifred, Marie, Eugene, Ansberth, Domain, John and Jacqueline are, -accompanied 'by their father Eugene with the accordion. The Brad(eys came to Canada from Ireland about three years ago and have become well known entertainers. The residents enjoy the fine singing of the Irish, Scottish and Canadian songs and their appreciation was expressed by Mrs. Leybourne a native of Ireland. • • 60 Haw ro Keep More of Your Money : If you're expecting income in, a lump sum Ir.ay, from a registered penSion plan or a deferred profit sharing plan or' as a retiring allowance) ,you can 'expect to be taxed in a lump as welt! Sctbering, thought isn't itt Besides, wouldn't a life income be more useful to you than -a lump sum? You can kill two birCIS wish one stone - convert the lump sum into a fife 'income and save a bundle in taxes now, by Using Sun Life's transfer of funds ar'range• ment. The lump slim the taxman didn't get will be put to work for you, and you'll be taxed only as the income is paie • A, Give me a call, Let me show you how small that tax lump becomes. ARNOLD STINNISSEN SEALFORTIii 527.0410 SinLiFe OF CANADA Mr, and Mrs. F.R.Cosford entertained the' Fireside Fellow- • ship group of First° Church on Tuesday evening. . Geo. Hays, 'the president was in the chair and Mts. Wm. Brown presided at the piano. - The scripture lesson was read CLEREVU AUTO WRECKERS NEW, USED AND REBUILT trucks DUNLOP & REANGAIN Car, truck and tractor tires TRACTOR TIRE SERVICE ' REPAIR "SERVICE Clinton 482-321,1 Hwy. 8 W. of Clinton R:R.2, Clinton ' _lower Interest Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON 1 St and 2nd Mcietgages n anywhere itt Ontario on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL' and FARM PROPERTIES - Interim financing on new construction or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA , PHONE AREA CODE 519-744-6535 COLLECT SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS &' CONSULTANTS LTD. Head Office: 56 Weber Street, East, Kitchener, Ontario WE BUY EXISTING. MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH Corr5kpondent , skat tin was popular. Thanks to • Mrs, Karen Lerman the men who volunteered their Country Market, Vanastra will time to make it possible again this change .ownership this week, winter. Thursday, January 15, Laurence y 'McAuley of St. Thomas has purchased the store from HU101, and Maitland Ltd. Regular shoppers are familiar with Huron and Maitland' Ltd. partners, Scott tuckham and' Ken Th ompson and will miss them at the Vanastra Country Market, To Mr, M cCauLey, welcome to Vanastra and the best in your new store: Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smith and family to Quebec Street front London. New to 8 Victoria Blvd. are Mr. and Mrs. Art Burt. From Clinton to Edmonton Rd. Vanastra, Navelle Davis. Ice Rink The outdoor ice rink in the.west side neighbourhood park is again . underway. Last winter outdoor Saturday and Sunday were clearing -nd flooding days. As winter blesses us with more ' ...snow, more help will be needed to m aintain the 'outdoor ice rink. After a snow , just come and help clear ,the rink. The outdoor skating rink is available to all at -nytirne, just remembe- shovels too. Because many skaters are small children • please no snowmobiles near or on the -rink. Also, the snowmobiles damage the ice surface. With the snow there are small • winter problems, but one peculiar to Vanastra is snow in front of the mailboxes. The township is responsible for ploughing the roads and streets and Vanastra is responsible for removal of snow from in front of MATERNITY WEAR AT The SeParate Shoppe MAIN coRNkiii GUNTON • OPEN 1 -- 6 P.M. NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR USE EXPOSITOR WANT ADS Phone 527-0240 • • • 0 • • • • • • Men's • .Snow- Boots * LEATHER TIES JO WATERPROOF VINYLS Reduced 20 % and. more Many one.of a Kind Ltems on Display for Quick Sale Childrens • Snow Boots Redtiqe4 2059„,,,:d sseBso y. 20% to 10% off * 'SKATES * FELT PALS ovoisHOEs' * SNOWIVIOSILLE_SOCITS 50% l Women's Snow Boots All Styles on Sale s`' HIGH LEATHER 'BOOTS WATER PRQOP viWas **, /LOW TIE PANT BOOTS AFTER SKI PATTERNS ° 'PRICES REDUCED. k" • • • • • • • • a • • a • O • • Sale Price - • . 540)0 499.00410 0. 429.00 330.00. 510.00 500.00 629.00 485.00 560.00 540.00 599.00 519.00 560.00 535.00 610.00 • • ea 66 m • • 'es • • • es • a • • • • • • • , a • • • • • • 1.4 to Cosfords host Fireside by John Patterson• and a prayer was given by R.E.McMiltan. The secretary and treasurer's reports were , read by ' Mrs. McFarlane and Miss Peg Grieve , Plans are being • made for a rummage sale , in the spring. Miss Peg Grive read a splendid poem on "Huron County" which noted all the clever men in the' county. Miss Bess ,Grieve read a story on "Tribute to a dog". Donna Patterson told of • the Mennonite colony at Elmira: Bill rown gave a reading. Miss Peg rieye presided at the piano for singing of the old old songs: Lunch was served. • 111111M NMI NM MINN WINTER Footwear Sale Srnyths Shoes are ,now Offering their ,Complete. Stock, of ,Winter Footwear .'at Reduce(' Prices NEIN MIMI III= MIMI IMO er 1111111.1^ :•• a place for the small"' businessman', said Mr. Riddell. 'I'm inclined to agree with him.' Mr. Riddell added that Peterson talked at .the level of the -people while Dr. Smith had a tendancy to talk about the level of the average person. 'Peterson is 'the front runner :,nd 1 'think he 'has the best organization,' said the Huron MPP, recently named agricultural critic in the Liberal caucus. of • • a • • . Sklar, 2 ,pc, suite • • 'Was, 2 pc. suite .Braemore, 2 pc. suite • I ,... ki Twister, 2 pc. suite , • Braernore, 2 pc. suite • Troister, 2 pc. suite . . Kroehler, 2 pc. suite • • Sklar, 2 pc,. suite . Kroehler, 2 pc. suite • . Braemore, 2 pc. suite Braemore, 2 pc. site . Kroehler, 2 pc. suite Braemore, 2 pc. suite • Troister, 2 pc. suite . Kroehler, 2 pc. suite . Braemore, 2 pc. suite . . . Braemore, 2 pc. suite . • Troiser, 2 pc. suite :.....:,__.,.Braemore, 2 ,pc. suite • Braemore, 2 pc. suite . ‘ Kroehler, 2 pC..pulte • Braemore, 2 pc. suite Troister, 2 pc guile • • Vanastra Out door rink open to -all the mailboxes. - If snow piles too high mail carriers cannot open the mail box doors and mail delivery will not be possible. Perhaps 'residents can co-operate on snow removal at the Grays' Mail Boxes. Contact the Community Association with ideas. January 16 is Gospel Sing Night at the Vanastra Christian church. January 17 the Clinton Minor Soccer Association will sponsor a dance to raise funds for their club. Dance to Shannon, Saturday evening 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Any ladies interested in curling Thursday afternoons 1:30 p.m., to 3:30 call Gayle Brownricfge, 482-7118. More entries are Welcome for the Citizens Bapd Radio Operators Bonspiel to be held. January 24. If interested call' Bruce Shillinglaw, 523- 4376. . Huron MPP :John K. Riddell a has predicted that Dave Peterson will be the stronger contender in the bid for the Liber,a1 party-'s provincial leadership. Mr. Riddell said that he felt the campaign would 'boil /down to four serious candidates' 'namely Peterson, Dr. Stewart Smith, Mark McGuigan and Albert Roy. He said he felt Roy wou. Id.be at a disadvantage due tol6is French Canadian ancestry and Smith might not get the support 'he' could since he is of the Jewish faith. Mr'. Riddell said he felt it was unfortunate that people would use cultural or religious bias in choosing a leader but he Was expecting it to happen. Mr. Riddell • dismissed Mark McGuigan as a potential leader stating he had 'political desire but little political appeal,' Mr.'Peterson, according to Mr. Riddell, is 'right-of centre: in his philosphy and still believes in, 'free enterprise,.' . 'Peterson believes there is still For Liberalv leader Riddell 'favours P!tprson FREE 1976 SEED AND GARDEN CATALOGUE BEAUTIFULLY ' ILLUSTRATED Complete List of Flower and, Vegetable Seeds, Lawn Seeds, Garden Supplies, Etc., Etc. Clip Out and Mail Today! 'ONTARIO SEED CO. LTD. BOX 144, WATERLOO, ONT. Name Address Prov. 4 We are pleased to announce our new ownership and our new name from M. Ross, Q.L.S., Ontario' Land SUrveyor; to Kiar and Ross ,Liinited - Surveyors, --- Al West Street, Goderich,'Ontario, N7A 2K5 ' Looking forward 'to being of service to you 434.00 474.00 515.00 390.00 !, .500.00 !I 464.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • ESTERFIEL . . . . i•• Our entire stock of chesterfields has ibeen reduced to as' as off L is to n s . ( Take advantage of these savings. : • a SMYTH'S SHOE ST RE I Mgin Street , B (firFuniture.527-0680 One moms mem moms lamm mom mom mom row mum • 6 Mitchell 348-9951 "•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 6.44 -00.0 00000 o 64 0 0 •160460•66•••46460•1600000046000041 oo 44 o 040 Mfg. Sugg. 724.00 780.00 740.00 610.00 630.00 480;00 750.00 740.00 900.00 710.00 799.00 800.00 850.00 650.00 810.00 790.00 750.00 630.00 680.00• • 750.00 510,00 , 650.00 600.0.0. -