HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-15, Page 17'HE .011) PINI*PPPT.41I-. JANUARX Jo.. T PEIER MCOO 74 ORONIV STREET MITCH= Plume,: 348-9412 Long Distance Cali calved - Home - Auto - Commercial - Farm Liability - Accident ,& Sickness - 11110311ANCX CO=OPERATORS eisuRANCE AsSOclAtiON C I AG Heatedwaterbeds sound wonderful for winter nights. They may also' save little lives. Every year in Canada, hundreds of infants die from a repiratory disea,se syndrome called crib death. The pattern is almost always the same. The baby is put to bed happy and healthy. During the night, there is no sign of disturbance of any kind. In the morning, the baby is dead. The, cause is not suffocation. Autopsies show no clear-cut pathology in the lungs or anywhere elsp; there's no evidence of vomiting or choking. 'This fatal phenomenon, some experts believe, is brought about by spasms of the vocal 'chords which shut off the intake of air during sleep. A viral infection in the respiratory tract could cause breathing difficulties and trigger the lethal spased. Death may result from an inability to breathe through the mouth when nasal passages close. No one knows for sure. But the disease happens• more often in winter than any other season. Now doctors at the University of California hope that heated waterbeds can help reduce the death toll among newborn babies, Dr. Louis Gluck, who has developed a method for pre"' die ing is condition in unborn ittfa , says the small water mattress, kept at body temperature, gives the baby.the, same sense of weightlessness that he or she felt in the womb itself. A beating oscillator' can give the infant a constant sense of motion, and. the recording of a heartbeat, • can duplicate "the mother's and be passed through the waterbed. • Researchers plan to Set up the Burling, bleeping environ for babies in the infant intensive care unit at the University's School of Medicine at San Diego. To find out more about ways of treating all kinds of lung disease, contact 'your Christinas Seal association. And answer your Christmas Seal letter. It's a Matten of Life and Breath. FUND RAISING &SALES for the SDHS Band Florida Fund We wish the support of people in the community - Donations may be left at the Toronto Dominion Bank In fant deaths VVaterbeds may save lives xpositor • •A'sZleffiNNONNONWAYWANZPONNYMMOrai g N LOTS OF ACTION GREEN Buy- a°1976 John Deere 300 or 400 ()cid,* nds by Elaine Townshend - • The Daydream Book One of our spring and summer catalogues arrived in the mail today. What a treat! I can curl up in a chair for hours studying each page. I become oblivious to the snow outside. My mind wanders far into the future. I mentally arrange patio furniture and watch kids playing on a back yard swing. The pictures of the swimstilh take me to warm beaches, where sand castles are built. The bikeg' trail me down country road§ shaded by maples, and the motorboats transport me onto a calm lake. The tents and the sleeping bags bring the sound of crickets to my ears. Thus the daydream book provides me with a form of escapism from,the rigours of winter. For as long as I can remember, I've anticipated the arrival of a new catalogue. It filled the same roles in our house as itdid in most other homes. When I was y oung; it made an excellent picture book. Later, with a little imagination And a pair of scissors; I turned the figures orthe boys and girls into ,paper dolls. M any of my school assignments featured pictures from the catalogue. The old books soon.became riddled with holes. Years ago, any old catalogue that remained intact wound up in the outhouse Although its pages were out-of-date, they still helped to while away the hours. Sometimes a few pages were tacked on the walls to cover cracks and ,to brighten the decor. Of course, that was before my time. Well, almost before my time. In the pioneer, days, the mail-order catalogue was one of the most important books in the home. Even if the family couldn't afford anything, it was nice to look at. The entire household gathered around the, kitchen table admiring:e'ach page. They saved then-money until they could buy one or two of the things they really needed. Then they filled out their order form and mailed it away. In a few weeks, they drove to the express office to pick up their fretght. The catalogue has changed since then. Some of the old companies retired, and pew ones replaced them; others just assumed different names. Some catalogues now offer an even wider selection from which to choose, while others specialiie in a certain line, of products., The delivery has been qstiickened. The convenience has also increased because we shop in the comfort of our home and order by phone. We are notified when the shipment arrives.Thus our only exe rtion occurs. when we drive to the order office to pick up and pay for Our purchase. Even this inconvenience is by-passed in most cities, where delivery' trucks cart the parcels to the door of the buy,er''s house. If the item is unsuitable, another phone call brings back the deliveryman to return the package. . Although the catalogue has changed over the years and has performed some unrelated services, its • main purpose remains the same. It still . tempts 'us perusers to buy some of the merchandise shown and in the process, it fills our minds with daydreams. Woo.dlots WEDDING INVITATIONS can mean THE HURON EXPOSITOR rn orb profit PHONE 527-0240 SEAFORTH" A properly managed farm •• woodlot will furnish a convenient and-economical supply of timber, fuel and fence posts for home consumption and, at intervals, will yield valuable sawlogs and veneer logs for market. Firm woodlots will' produce ' valuable material , without improvement work, but there will also be many undesirable, crooked and, defectiv'e trees of little, value that could have been eliminated. More efficient management of many of these woodlots could double or_ triple the value of their output. The majority of farm woodlots in Southern Ontario are in need of some tylie of improvement work. Instead of being left to grow untended, young second-grOwth woodlots may be treated to ,produce more high-quality wood more quickly for higher profits. The most important treatment in a young woodlot is a thinning when the trees are four to ten inches in diameter and 30 to 60 years of age. Thinning is done by cutting or girdling low-value trees to stimUlate the growth of the remaining trees And to improve the quality,and composition of the woodlot. Older woodldts will benefit if the less valuable pecies and the leaning, twisted, branchy, crooked, diseased and, over- mature trees are removed. There is a great difference. in the commerical value being 'known as "weed trees". These "weed". species will never grow into good-quality timber and should be removed as early as possible. ImprOvemenrwork in such older woodlots may still be carried out at a profit if the trees are big enough. To assists woodlot owners in the most efficient management of their woodlots,' Ministry of Natural Resours--staff will inspect a woodlot on the owner's request to advise on management techniques. Of even more importance, the Woodjands Improvement Act authorizes the Ministry to enter into agreements now with woodlot owners under which woodland improve -ment , work, may be done free Of charge by the ministO• .The Ministry of .• Natural Resources provides the labour and supervision to do the actual thinning of young woodlots • or girdling of undesirable cull trees in older woodlots at no cost to the owner. The responsibility.. of the landowner is.to protect the woodlot from grazing and fire and to report significant insect or disease damage to the. Ministry office. The agreement extends for ar period of fifteen years in most cases and, if the land is sold, the agreement can be.assumed by'the n ew owner for the balance of the fifteen year period. Any woodlot owner interested in details of this assistance can contact the Ministry of Natural ' Resources office at Box 490, Wingham, Ontario (357-3131., or Zenith 92000). The 'Win District includes rth Counties- as well gas Huron, KinlosS, Culross, and Carrick Townships in Bruce County and Minto Township .,in Wellington County. Complete Coll sign and Frame ervice Day 887-9269'. Nite 887-9231 * 24 HOUR TOWING * CARL'S AUTO BODY BRUSSELS • P1ACH1NE... family fun, economically priced! SAVES 1 00.0° ' Get John Deere dependability in a family-priced sled. Choose from two models. The 300 with a pistoworted 292 cc engine. Or the 400 with a. 339 cc reed-valve engine., CD ignition, and • surface gap sOark plugs. Both engines are mid- 'mounted and fare-cooled. Both machines have bogie wheels set behind the mounting arm for a smoother, more stOle ride. Green with reflective yellow trim for added safety at night. BIG JOHN FRED McGEL,..„,„ AUTO ELECTRIC LTD. Box 154 Phone 357-1416- WINGI1NM, Ontario NOG 2W0 Sixty or over? - Tin new service package will save you money and trouble: • Here's how Plan 60 'Saves you money: • Free chequing. No service charges. • Interest bonus on your Premium Savings Account that helps guard against inflation. It's a special package from Toronto' Dominion • that includes- many of the bank services' you have been paying.for but 'are now free with Plan 60. • -4. .TO RO NM DOMIN ION". the bank where people make the difference • No service charge on utility bills paid at the bank. • No commission on travellers' cheques. • You can have monthly inteiest on five year Certificates of Deposit paid directly to your account. Minimum deposit $5,0007_, • You receive a Plan 60 identification.card that allows . you to cash cheques up to $100 per day at any TD branch across Canada. • If you qualify, and your spouse is under 60, you can both get the benefits of Plan 60 in a joint account. Here's how to get it: Here's how it saves you trouble: Just come into your nearest branch of the TD, or give us a that easy. • Five dollars off the cost of a safety deposit box or safekeeping services. :14111terit, 4