HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-15, Page 1Whole No. '5627 116th' Year • • k • $10.00 A Yt.:ar In Advariee Single copy 25 cents FIRST. SECTION PAGES 1 — 10 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1976 — 18'PA 11 . Huron B of E donates $800 to trumpet band The Huron Board Of Education raised $3,000 and will be• provid- will be paying a small portion of ing another $2,205 •themserves. the expenses incurred by the' This left a balance of about $800 Seaforth „District High School after an expected Wintario grant girls trumpet hand when they - of $1,000 is received. travel to Florida in February. • 'Out of 'a total cost a .$7,000 tp send the band to Fort Meyers, •Florida the , Board agreed unani- mously to pay up to ;800 of any deficit. Principal 'Bruce Shaw in a lette'r to. the Board said the ,girls had Chairman Herb Turkheim said, "We as a Board shduld be proud of the Seaforth girls. This is the first high' school . band • from Canada invited To participate ,in the annual Edison Pageant _of Lights: PRCSSstaff ets raises cCutcheon warden s reevo-br6aks • Reeve Jack McCutcheon" of Brussels was elected . Huron's 1976 warden' by one vote, cast following a tie in Goderich on Tuesday. Reeve McCutcheon, 43, and McKillop Reeve Allan Campbelt,' 56, were tied with 28 votes following the second ballot. Under the Municipal -Act, the reeve of Goderich, Huron's largest municipality, casts•the tie 'breaking Vole. Goderich 'Reeve Stan Profit voted—for Reeve McCutcheon and the race was over. A third candidate, 'Clinton Reece Harold Lobb was defeated on the first ballot, in his third try fOr the warden's seat. It was Reeve Cathpbell's second try. Seaforth's representatives, Reeve-John Flannery and Deputy' Reeve Bill Dale supported Reeve Ganiphell on both ballots. Tuckersmith Reeve Elgin Thompson nominated Reeve Lobb anti threw his support to ReeYe McCutcheon.on the second ballot. Tuckersinith Deputy Reeve . Sillery . supported Reeve Campbell on both ballots. as did McKillop Deputy Ralph McNichol. " • • A large crowd sat in the county council chambers and sto4 in the „hall outside to hear the cults of the voice vute'as cleric, Bill Hanley • called the roll. Four county councillors, Reeve Simon Hallahan of E. Wawanosh, added that he's not "interested in Hullett Deputy Reeve Joseph change for the, sake of change." Hunking, Reeve Cecil Desjardine Huron is a leader among of Hay and Turnberry, Reeve counties because county council Harry Mulvey switched their' has had foresight and has "stuck votes from McCutcheon to our Week Mil". he said. Campbell in the second ballot. • He called cutbacks in health The new warden has been 'spending by the provinee in reeve of • • Brussels and a Huron. "totally unacceptable." representative to county council The closing of the Goderich since 1971. He is Married to the Psychiatric Hospital would be a former Esther, Raymond and they "serious loss to our community. have three daughters, Michelle, comn4inity meaning the county and Jill. His mother is as well as Goderich." • McCutcheon of Huron's goal should. be to • provide "the highest level of,. Gedrge, also of service as economically ' as pOssible", the new warden said. Reeve Campbell said he would work •• with other levels of governMent, to hold down inflation."'Something has got to be done,",he said. He said he did not favour changing the county structure. Like an old tractor that'S working well, it should be left alone, he said. The McKillop reeve pledged to do his best tp keep Huron's small hospitals open. , The last McKillop warden was the late Ken Stewart in 1966. County cle'rk-treasurer. Bill Hanly said after the voting-that several times in its history county council has had its warden 'chosen in tie-vote situations by the reeve of the county's largest town-, Goderich. The most recent was four years ago. Laurie Mrs. Lottie Bruskels.• A. brother Brussels. was 1962. Reeve McCutcheon was nominated by Hay Township • Reeve John Ti rthey who said he had been an excellent•ehairman'of the . county'S Huronview committee and was a successful .b0-n-essman. . McKillop's Reeve .Campbell. was nominated by Morris reeve and 1974 Warden Bill Elsion, who ,noted that Reeve Campbell had served seven 'years o.n county council. -In his Speech before. the election Reeve McCutcheon said he had been tagged as favouring. county restructuring but that he was only in favour of keeping. the door open. He said Huron's present, committee system is "efficient and thorough" and Huron warden in WINTER CARNIVAL COMING UP Some volunteers from the Seaforth Fire- Department were out with their old truck Monday, night, helping the Optimist Club put an ice surface on their baseball diamond. The outdoor rink at the rec grounds will be a new feature of the Optimist Winter Carnival this weekend,' with family skating all weekend long.' (Staff Photo) Park by $10,091.00. This was the. ' amount of a grant which has been received from the Ministry of • Cui tuk andRecreation according to Optimist club' president' Keith MacLean. Construction of the field-house/ was, completed laSt year. The building provides facilities for ttains using Optimists Park as well ds accothodation for meet- ings. of the OlUb and other 571,e Dptimists all „set for winter carnival The weather couldn't be better their ninth Winter .Carnival this' . skating rink at the. Optimist Pag. nd . Seaforth Optimists arc -weekend. • ' ," The' Optimists have litioded, the Coking for record participation in New this year is'a big outdOor . park's ball diamend to provide . the rink. • • • Tony .Goldthorpe, i,s who New. nham.' ,.. chairman of thiS year's carnival • ' • said the carnival's snowmobile . . • .. , . , 'races 'are'' rmsdy novelty .events. ea d s Brita ilia . • . .i.ii , •, • . ''for local people•• to Kaye fun —, rather than races for profession, . . ' . • •. organization's. 'Mr. MacLean said that with payment of. the provincial grant debt on the new builing it -•has been reduced, to approximately $10,000. Total cost of the building was $48,000. he said and 'avikted that one of the blg• items:' Of expense in' the construction pro- gram had been • 'pa2nient of interest on money borrowed. The 'grant received ' will result in cutting • interest payments in about h'a'lf he said. House-cobstrUction doubles here in '75 Ne"w house construction, a traditional indicator • of growth, had 'nearly doubled in Seaforth From 1974 to 1975. According to building permits on file at the town clerk's office 13 new homes were built in kthn last year, compared to seven (Continued on Page 1 A BAD EIRE PREVENTED — Glenn McGregor of the, truck into a' s A powbank an&%41ed the fire BruCeficid had-- a—few anxious MOnients_Monday_____deiparitnentaitit.th.e_grevas21pretiy_wellimothered whertIOW fuel oil delivery truck nearly caught fire. •' by the time we got ther'e," Ghtf Hulley said. The Mr7Vcaregor. was driving through :Egmondville Chief said that a bit of the oil i the truck's tank had when he noticed smoke coming from underneath the- . ... , broken the seal and spla1hed on the hot exhaust truck, Seaforth fire chief Dory Hulley said. He droCie (Staff Photo) COUNTY COLINCIL PICKS WARDEN -= The halls and thy''coufity council ,,chamber were crowded Tuesday in' Goderich when councillors voted for the 1976 ,Huron Warden. Reeve Allan Campbell of McKillop, second row left; tied with' Brussels Reeve - Jack McCutcheon on the second ballot but was The' Huron-Perth • County -Roman Catholic Separate School for its administrative office staff Haid, Francis Hicknell and Board approved salary increases Ronald Marcy. at a -Meeting in Dublin Monday night. All the increases arc the maximum permitted according to the• • anti-inflation guideline, .all ,effective January 1. •197.6. The 1976 salary for Jack -Lane, Superintendent of Business and Finance will ,,. be increased by $2,230 to $22:230- and for Ed. Rowland, Co-ordinator of Plant and Maintenance, by $1,025 to $13,525. . The board °flied weekly sa lary rates were set as follows:. payroll Jerk. $147.55; accounting clerk, $145.55; secretary to Director of Education, $152.30; secretary to Academic ' Superintendent, $143.'15; secretary to Superin- tendent of 'Business and Finance ,$153.45. and secretary to consultants, $128.80. Effective September 1. 19'75, hourly wages of school office clerk typists were advanced by 33c to $3.63. Lea Ye' ab scn cifrom • la n u arY to June, 197n, was granted to Helena Partridge. GradeS 1 - 2. teacher at St. ,Patrick's School, Kinkora and Edith McCarroll was named her replacement for the duration of her leave. The following standing committees for 19 7 6 are as follows with' the first named chairman: Buildingand property- John •• O'Drowsky. Donald Crowley, Arthur Haid and F. J. Vere, ' -Personnel • William' Kinatin, Michael Connolly, Ted Geoffrey arrd David Teaben; Tranwortation - Vineefil Young, Tea Geoffrey, Joseph Loohy and defeated when Goderich Reeve Stan Profit broke the tie. Reeves Simon Hallahan and Bill Elston are at, front and. Reeve Ed.„Oddliefson, Bayfield is beside Reeve Campbell. Russell Bolton .of McKillop sits behind the McKillop reeve, next to Mrs. Allan Campbell. (Staff Photo) 1976 Huron Warden McCutcheon gets chain of office from 1976 Warden McKinley. (Staff Photo). Young art ist tr,ip to Mexjco. A young Seale:1h student. Grade •12, is a self taught artist. Mexico in an art contest parents. Thin and Brian Haley. IM. has won a trip to (s,raolitiesr7ed• by the London Art heard about their son's award ge Haley, Goderich 5t. The Galler y piavi newspaper grandson of Mrs. Norman Knight Friday by phone. 'He is the ads, asking entrants to, send , of Market Street. drawing and $1 to a fund raising effort, at the Gallas age 'groups were invited 'to 'entirbut the competition was broken up into several sections. Anne Hansen. librarian at SDHS suggested • to students there that they enter, . 'Two won, students ,acrually submitted.. entries and Brian's drawing, of a tiger moving through a field, There are no art classes offered at SDHS, only an -Art Club which is ,a "sometime 'thing" Mrs: Hansen said. Brian, who is Brian Haley Robert Newnham Robert Newnham of Seaforth was installed niaster of Britannia Lodge No: 170 A,F, & A.M. Monday night, succeeding Robert P. Caldwell of Brucefield. Other officers installed: senior warden, John Butson, Staffa; junior warden, Peter Seaforth; senior deacon, Dr. William J. Thompson, R.R.2,') ''Seaforth; .junior' deacon, Alfre Ross, R,R.2, Staffta; inner guard, Donald Eaton, ,Egmohdville; outer, guard, David McLean, Seaforth; secretary, Gordon Wright; treasurer, Cyril Kirk, Harpurhey;• senior steward,. David Tremeer, Seaforth; junior steward, Kenneth Ca rdno. Seaforth; Chaplain, Ross Scott, Brucefield. • Clair Reith, past , District Deputy Grand Master .was in charge of the installation ceremonies.,, Two - Mr. NewnhaM's teacher colleagues from Clinton, William Craig and Bill Cook, assisted . in the installation ceremonies. als. Thelaces arc 'on Satuiday afternoon, with a snownitibilc poker rally on Sunday, starting from the Optimist ark. • The weekend 'ks off ‘vith a torch light slim, mobile parade from the Optimist Park to the arena. There's a dance thatnight at the arena to Lincoln Green. Saturday morning • the Optimists arc' Sponsoring an Moth hockey • tournament, There will be snow sculpturing at the SDHS grounds too. The •Atom champs play off. Saturday „night and two dances itre being held at the arena hall and the Legion. A lot of members hac worked on ,the .Optimist Carnival. Mr Goldthorpe said, They include Harry . Johnston and Wane Scott who are -organizing the poker 'rally, and Keith MacLean who is in charge of the dances. . . Seaforth optimists this week were. able to reduce the debt in the new field ,house in Optimists . . Howard Shantz; Finance -and - Insurance - Greg Fleming, Arthur The 1976 ad hoc committees: Board policy and by-ldw 4 Ronald Marcy, Howard Sham/ and Greg ,Fleming; Trustee-clergy.-liaiSon- Francis Hickncll, Michael Connolly and F. J. Vert. Board Board appointed representa- tives for 1976 are: Dan Devlin and Fred Bergsma to the .Stratford Publit Library board, David • Teahen, William Kinahan'and John O'Drowsky to. Family life advisory committee and Joseph Looby to the Huron' Perth Tuberculosis . , and R espiratory' • Diseases Association. The board approved the Hurim- - Perth Unit Of Ontario English • Catholic Teachers' Association Sponsoring a systempublic wide speaking contest whicl* will he open to all students from Grades 4 through 8 in' all the separate elementary. schools in. Huron and Perth'Counties. The competition wolf he „two levels intermediate for Gracies••7 ,and 8 and junior for Grades 4, 5 and 6. The school winners for each division will compete at a zone level where a first and second ace winner in each division will be decided and the zone winners will compete „ in a systetn competition early in March. 'Awards will be presented to the winning schools . and winning individuals and particiPation awards will be presented tr6 all other contestants, The total cost, of the' competitions will be funded by the teachers' association. • 4