HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-08, Page 18North American 2 Auger 8ft.
Several V Types
hp. Walk• Behind '
Study to reduce
farm energy use
studies will be conducted to
compare the actual with.the rated
performance of ventilation fans.
• Based on the results of the
inyestigation. Profs r
Theakston expects to produce'
guidelines for farm operators on
optimum' ventilation and heating
systems' The results will also
form the basis of suggestions to
operators on how to upgrade
existing facilities at minimuim
capital cost. The report is
expected to „ be completed in
April, 1976.
The energy study on farm
buildings and ventilation systems
is one of several energy reserach,
projects being conducted by the
Ministries of Agriculture and
Food and. Energy under the
Energy Management Program.
The basic objective of the EMP
i's to assist all sectors'of Ontario's
economy in implementing .ste.,tter
energy management techniques
and to moderate, by one-third,
the increasing rate of growth in
energy' consumption.By 1980,.
EMP officials are 'looking for a $1
billion redurtion,per year in total'
energy expenditure in all sectors
of the provinee's economy.
Letters are apprec,ated one Bob Trotter tIdale Rd Eirmta Ont N3 B 2C7
A study now underway may
reduce energy requirements for
poultry and swine housing and for
the storage of foodS,‘vegetablixsp
grain and lipid manure on
Ontario • farms.
Professor F. Theakston of
the_l_lniversity of Guelph's School
of Engineering is heading .the
$10,000 project, •funded by the
Ontario' Ministry of Energy and
the Ministry of Agriculture and
Food as part of Ontario's Energy
Management Program.
• The focus of the sludy will be to
determine, if present systems can
be impreved to allow better
' utilization of. energy in swine and
.poultry buildiugs which tend to be
energy-intensive- operations.
"Efficiency in-the use of energy •
Os . a major'
iaancern in,, the,
agriculture field • and there arc
many systems-ea 'ventilation and
heating in use on Ontaiiio farnit
which require an' evaluation eYaluation of
.energy ecinsumptiokin 'terms of
production,” • Professor
Theakston said.
FarmS'across.the province will
be visited to ,desermine the
adequacy and efficiency of
existing .setups' while laboratory •
After more than 20 years as a journalist, you would think ly, we get equal billing i in the 'uncomfortable position of
I would be used to Canadians being ignored by the American having to decide on who would get food and' who would pot.
press. In effect, the two governments 'would find themselves in
Canadians are treated as poor cousins by the major news- the unetiviabletposition of operating .a global food rationing
papers in the Excited States We are looked upon as inartic- „program
elate clods who wouldn't know The north end of a cow going "The two governments have net consciously sought this
south in ao.east wind,„ • responsibility but it is, lievrti eless, a prospect with which
But I expected more from the New York Times, the paper they must ri4' reckon:`'
that is supposed to print all the news that's'f it to print. They So says the New, York Times, one of the most influential,
still carry this Slogan on the masthead . • publications in the free world. .
Just a lew eeks• ago, the paper carried a story on Page NOiwonder Canadians, get irritated at the attitude display-
2 with this headline Increasingli,, The C S Is Breadbasket ed by our big neighbour to the south. We know how uncom-
To the World • fora* it is to sleep beside an elephant. Wherethat elephant ,
Such a pompous, arrogant statement The articie quotes
• pryduction figures in wheat. for instance, and lumps.Yoth
Canada, and the United States in a North Anivican statis-
tic . • ,•••
• Who, 1 ask. went to the World Food Conference more than
a 'ear ago' and pledged to double food aid contributions to
the trotted Nations' Canada. that's who
'And all the while the nations at that conference were
waiting for the: United States to take a leading role. But
' the l"S„ did not
Who sneaked awai, during Terence. flew to Egypt.
an Arab:nation. and_sold 200.01)0 to, of wheat to that coun-
try'' Earl Butz. that s who. the U S. secretary of agriculture.
While democratic- leaders at. the COpference irT.Ronie were'
trying to. increase 'International food aid by one million
ton's , • r
"North America today finds itself with an almost mono-
polistic's .control of the world's exportable grain supplies," • the New York 'nines said • ' •
".. the ever-growing dependance on North America bs
thexe,,st i21_1heyvorld cannot continue for much longer'
SO it's just-North America, is it",
`Only in" the "final two paragraphs of the article does Can-
ada get' mentioned, as a separate entity. as a nation unto it-
self. , •
'This' prospective excess of import needs over export:
able supplies could put the' United States and Canada ',final-
Environment Ontario
breaks wind, we suffer quite a windstorm.
It was just three or four weeks ago that Prime Minister
Trudeau was visibly angry in the;„Commons about remarks
made by William-Porter, retiring U.S. ambasSador to. Can-
ada, Mr. Portee. dilly reported by the Canadian media. made
his remarks over a. drink or two in Ottawa with selected
members ()NO press. •
Mr. Porter, said that recent decisions by Canada have
reached a bad turn of events and he wanted to put Canadians
on notice that nationalistic attitudes in this country were
causing -alarm in congressional and media circles ,in the .
Well. no wonder Canadians are seeking nationalistic goals.
The media in the consistently ignore' Canada and Cana-
'titans until we now rub the .elephant the wrong way. I have
never been a Yankee-baiter. My attitude is that if' we must
have a big neighbour, then we have the best one in the world
in the,United States. - • • • • •
But it's time.Canada was given her rightful place in the
eyes ,and ears of- Americans through a 'responsible press in
that country. We're just sick, sore and tired of being treated
like a banana republic with no more stability than a wet
noodle. ' •
When it comes to helping feed a hungry world, Canadian's
are in the forefront and will remain in thatlons-rkon with
no thanks to our fratulating-manamat beleiw the forty-ninth
• b
• 1.
4. )111,1V I 1 Int•I'lL'IlctinU,
s„.irin'_ population cOlosioo --
tikes i, !rich :it has nix La" b e l o r e
seen, le, ice t.0111111011 as 11(1'11Ni;
,p,inrovvs, three tith es us co mmon
as robins. die rc(iss iii n rnn
second onb, t() the starlint.2,, in
mintlers in southern he
blackl)ird's curt v(..teL (ion .01 the
nines id parcrinlioo<1
meant 110111 \. Ihitl s 10 .111:11\
II \ ot c rs ,I bird-wats.ber,
- moil' NA01,11. 1.t.
you're .1 binocul.ir 711.111111,ieturer.
it mas 11,1‘c nicalit • ink.reased
sales. Ilut it 5(111'1e a Lori) h ornier,
it has me,Jitt atching•y our 1;011
fitcralls OVe(litig •the problem.
-,pr c ati (it rgt.:
the Uctin‘
\si11101'111'..; ,,0111
t'.S. anti in sic breelaing grounds
is t h e ou t \ e \perts. „ • can sec tor the population
e‘plosion. More food. • • More
birds. More harCest culprits., ,• •
V1Htli the increase •in
1,1111-IUL' h,Is L'oirt i:. a ll escalation in •
the ancient rite of bird warfare:',,
Along with'. tratlitiortal control
methods has e eorne proposals,
more than .1( little tinge of the .
hiiarre . about them. Take for
'instance the sa s s ()I the blackbird
problem salta tion t'hat pro (i to
11c quite unpala table.
ago,- a gi ip or
Italian immigrants sked
permission [Vont of
N o t tir,i1 Itesourees to trap
blackbirds at Holland Marsh.:
(')t Toronto. The delicious
,It ss a sensation. the..
argued, Bait [Tie plan \sus -doomed
h an edibility, .riot a credibility,
gap and the .Ministry of Natural
Resources didn't swallow it.
Even had the ,plan succeeded, it
wouldn't have ruffled many
heathers in Kentucky l fried •
chicken land.
Make no mistake, the control of
the redwing blackbird is 'a top
priorit , the. ,.ligrietiltural,
community, Research is serious
business.. A posticide, that has
resulted from that research is
itrol, r solution to a problem,
with pro.blertee of its own.
The first. signs of avitrol's
handiwork are -unmistakable.
Soon -after eating the treated
corn. flight .become'S ,erratic and
then impo,ssible .foil the redwing
blackbird, screeching torment
from the chemical-pesticide in ,his
.body. Death.. when it comes,
v • .ut
arrives slowly. 'ending two or
hOurs of retching, "anti
convtilsions. •
There.are those who would say
society has more important things
to do than worry abinit how we
treat undestrahle animalsr3Tv•re
are those who would say. a post is
akest,, and the-orily.thing'.611.a.t?;
'matters is that we rid outset\ es ()I'
it. But then.' arc also' those
would .ask-, does the, manr
death mean nothing?'
• ...
1.:nvironmt en Ontario says no.
This fall the Ministry
established ' a . committee to
establi?,:h guidelines for .the
desirability of pesticides now in
use and proposed 'for the future..
Represe. nting naturalisti,,)
science and •goy eminent, the
er of
• •
coin puttee assess ment will, be.,
ba ,sed on Both' utilitarian rand
By, .banning 'pesticides. that
cause pain to animal or bird
pests. the Ministry .has assumed .
the• responsibility to provide
Farmers 'with acceptable control
methods, R(Aeat'cli in niethocjs
that include, among o thers,.
electronic 'squawking. devices, is
now _tindcrway'.
I hen 1,:.nvironment Ontario
used its, authorit'y this fall to ban
the sale and use of avitrol in this
province. it was mer'ely . recognizing two facts: the.
redWine blackbird is at worst a 47,
pest at. harvest .time and its
numhers mt?st he controlled; it is
also at least it living creature at all
dines and that Control . must-!be
humane. . ,
Researches redwing blackbird c`ontrol
I ,d townshi shed Hullett
Notices of Assessment will be mailed to all Ratepayers on
January 6, 1976.
The last day of appealing your Municipal *Tax Assessment
Is February 11, 1976.
The MuniciparAnessment Roll -will be in the hands of the
Municipal Clerk on January 19, 1976- and may be examined
during normal working hours.
The contents of .this Roll may be discussed with the
Assessment Commissioner or an Assessor at the. Regional
Assessment Office between 8:30 and 4:45.
Huron-Perth Regional Assessment Office
57 Napier. Street
ment as follows:, •
Drains ;
lolulkett• township comail' has
tilloeatt.;'(1 S50,000 to,a loud .
,for Imil'dinga township shed. 1 he
council. which hopes Ili 11 4Iilti the "
Shell In the near 'mitre, tOok the
action at their last 111('L'IIIIL; for
19'5 oil December
In other Inkiness cutoff, it issued
Building permits to .blo t 1V am-
nes. ( on. tor a House.
suhjcsa to Iiiusiiship Its .1,i s ..11111
Hcalth Volt. ,
Accepted the tition 01 Gor-
don Hoggart and 111,110'...... lid
inst ruct. (1411, to nothts the
Maitland v a n e\ iithor.u% for
Vfotion 11 (.,r(g .13r•indon
'and loin Grameii
extension to h,ctih Bri,l,iiiiiit on
the Bowes Brain the ‘Vall.ne
rids is 110, 11111 ,t Ins.
S,0011 as cundit 011's allow ill the
spring. preleralii‘ 115 earls June
AccePted the 11ii Drainauc,
Inspector's Completion ' Certili•
•cate 'for. Tile- Drain Loans, anti
instruct the Clerk to prepare the
necessary 13\ •141‘). • '• •
AcceptiN.IilinIllt.',11ii)11' 101' sc'v cr-
ance' consent Oil Lot, 2 0,
from Robert Dalton.
Passed by lass to imp„,,,
special • milia I drIiinage rates
upon• lands in -respect of w hich
money is borrowed tinder the Tile
Drainage AO. 19 7 1.
Agreed to refund taws on 6.36A
Bert Hay erkamp iiaspresetit to as ',recommended by the Asses-,
sment-Office. Renewed the • (1"e"ti (111 the ' "(.151 "hilit (tt'
tract with Bud (Marone \ for i'eclutring Inns'on manure storage
Garbage Collection at sam,e,price tanks1,.Pf less •• than ten' feet iti
for 1976. height,/ ditc• the present By •law
requires. t plained to hbb Accepted the Petition of Neil '
GOve -nlock and others for a that this By-lav, was draw n,
\with the best interests of the _Municipal Drain and referred to
the Conservation Authority. majority in mind as determined
' Accounts were passed for pay- by the Council that passed the
By-law, Mrs. Govenlock was
11.758.22 present to inquire about flie
84, tp1„.87 i)roccdulrp in applying for'
21,998,31 municipal th•tlinag.e system, The
89 243_DS Gleyk is to send' her the necessary
1 496°00 form for an application. ,
A bUiTiling permit for a Trifiliir
235.406.72 manure tank 70 by 10 or 12 feet
Huildulg pen.its were issued tic
I a nrincralit, lot 2 Con 13..
• Imp ment Stied: .1:intes Greid-
amis ..' Lot .11). Con 0 Silo. Milk
House, Addilion to Barn, 1Vilfred
WI) \ I. Con 5. Sited:
( holies Merrill. Lots .32 and 33,
(on. in, Feeding Manger:Lames
1 hompson. Lot 1, ('()1). " House.
,abject to foss nship Ry •I,O) s and
Health L'on.
Council Appros'ed the , Tile •
Drain Loan for Bert
Has ckanip, Lot, 22. Con, h, ami
. Tons 1 an Dorp. Lot 10 ( on, 8. as
sims!) 'Oil application afic;- the
sev erance on La)! 30. Con, 13 .111(1
1-1..for . Applic'-
ations for c \ tension on Gibbings
Drain In s Ni t s,. A Jan l ieson and
ol lea's v ere :lce pried, also t ie
Kente.ai+ and ot•hers for intoo,icipal
ih•ain ;mil la:ILI. to E.H,
•statit for consideration. '
The' ierk 55 as asked to st.`11(1. „..
Olit IICL'eNsiir' statement to the
property ow tiers itixolk'ed . ,
Wiorinns drain as .agi'ecti, to. 4.
agreonient that ,ek .0 \V ner ,
11A1 1111«i•I: in 'regard to a drain on
its 13 and 14.2 (.'011. 6 attd
Miiiistr\ of, Natural Ri'sourees
and John .VViinunes each to pay
40' 01 the cost and Reginald
I and the 'Tow fl',11.11”) of
Mullett to cash 1();', of the
deep subject to Township By-la\\;s Walton • Ontario
an Col' Clean-Ont of the Pubs Drain
was accepted 'and council will
have the Ditch, Commissioner
make the necessary ar: ange-
Hullett a;ked the Huron
COlinty Board. of Education to
accept payment for' 1976 levy on
June 30,, and .Deeember 15, also .
orporation of the township of
Hulled to enter into-agreement,'
,with theowinirs of tap& located Certificate on the _Work
on Lot 5. Con. 6. for Wm. moknic.... in the Township of Hullett for the
the Huron Perth Scpari te
They accepted the
For Your
McG,o,vin:s Farm Equipment Ltd.
McKee-New Idea-Lucknow
-North American-
6 & 7 • fi. Blowers 'in Stock
anti approved payment of the 'rile purp.317•Z', of refbresting Portidns of
DraM Loan as applied for and the lands was also passed.:
instructed the Clei•k to prepare The Clerk will prepare a brief
the ifeces`,arY By-law. on Hulled council's view's .-on
A by-law to impose Spovial,,;Planning,. and ..send, it to the
annual drainage rates upon lands Planning. Act Committee. as they
in respect 01' which Money is have requested.- Severances on
ho -owe ender the Tile Drainage Cen.•5 Lrit, 2, C'on. 13 Lots 32 and
Act. 171 was passed. ,3,3 Con-. 3 Lots 26 and 27 were
A by-Law to authorize the 'forwarded to the• H tiron County
Land division committee:A letter •
was read from the Huron County .
Engirteet• explaining why the
speed limit should not be reduced
Ombudsman names
rural director
• --
0 pleasedt a wa as
0nibutlsman ofo.fG' iiie0:tiviiiroior,in ofis . village of Dulbeau, Quebec -- near
Arthur' Maloney, Q.C., The '' Gilles Morin. born in the small •
new department of Rural,
tpo irectaonrnotounhceead tt hhee Lac. St. ,lean, to the nfionlialincoiall
f Sincet'lle ct the t ‘e.
Services within the Office of the
a7-ilb:rninid9g6sroa, sy.v wealth thhiiiifs
experience to his new position..
Agricultural and Municipal represented various investment s '
houses " selling bonds , and
debentures on b'ehalf of -the,'
smaller centres across north and 4
northwestern Ontario.. '`There
aren't many I haven't visited", he ••
says, "nor many in „. which I •
haven't doh(' business and made
gOod friends."'
ln the field of Rural Services,
The Office of the Ombudsman has
received a number of complaints
having to deal with matters of
expropriation...the • extent, of
expropriation ,.. and the -4
monetary settlements.made. Mr.
with to municipal Morin
pointed out, tinder the terms- of
conies dealings "the Ombudsman's staff having governments or agensiese-
spent a full der.dde- of his career
However.. The OmbildSniall dealing with indfeiolual farmers
The Onthtadsman'fi Act of
-iii,tisciite,itir,a1 groups in financial.
Ontario. 1975, he and his Office apatters, and helping municiPal
officials arrange . debenture
At present. Mr. Morin ,irs
working as a sides representative .
for the Great-West Life
Assitranee Company.
Mr. Morin may not Mean' much to h
larger centres such as 'Toronto, Hague.
Ottawa. Hamilton or Windsor. The -- bind with 'their
Mr. Maloney added, but they can two sons Eric and Nicholas . they
be of immense importance and. are currently living in Ottawa.
assistance . the .,smallerdit Mr. ,Ibloyin will Jake up his
communities and centres of duties at the central office of The
Ontario which- need -clout - at OmbMisman, 65 Queen Street
Queen's Park, West. in Toronto, on Ft:hrtiar.y 1.
. • •
up to 4% off
All winter fabrics
,in Stock -..
Double Knits * Wool Blends .
* Quilted & Plain Velvets* a -
Polyester Satins* Cotton Prints,
* Printed Terry *
Now is the time to shop,
Mary's Sewing Centre
_ Clinton
Ph. 527-0240: gipositor Action Ads
in Constance. as Council had
.A letter of • . nova] from
Ministry of . ansportation and
CommunieatiOns was read, for
purchase of a tractor, loader and
Mr, Morin,'44,, will head the,
staff membqs. dealin g with ,
municipalities;a•ural communities
;.(tut' individuals, partiothrly In
the smaller and more remote
centres of the province.
Mr. ,Maloney, in a recent
appearance before the Municipal
Liaison Committee at Queen's
Park, Toronto. explained to
Committee Members that • the
terms of his jurisdiction prohibit
him from representing individual
complaints in their personal
can and will, if requested.
represent and belp„municipalities
in their dealings with 'the -higher
level of government.
The duties to be'carried out by
to liert Haverkamp'on 1°0,5, Con. • At another meeting December
7. The request from Don -Buchan.- 11111111 11111111 NMI ,11111101 UM= 111111111ra • 1 Reeve John jewitt explained the ,