HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-08, Page 164:30 Coming Up Rosie,
5:00 Partridge.Faniily
5:30 1 LOve Lucy ..
.6:60 FYI News, etc.
7:00 Little House (iin The
8:00 'This Land
8:30 MusicameraT
9:30 T.B. A.
10:00 Upstairs.. DoWnst airs
I 1,k0 The National
Brian 11:.20 PM News, etc,
• • 11:30 Cannon.
Ontario 'Schools
Friendly Giant
Mon Anti P
, 8:00
8:45 '
\ 9:00
9:15 Ontario SchoOls
10:30 Mr. DreisuP
11:00 Sesame Street
12:00 CArtoons
12:30 News AT Noon
12:45 Movie
2:15 Shirley Ta for
2:30 Edge f Night
3:00 City Light
3:30 ° Celebrity oks
4;30 Vision On
5:00 Partridge FAmily
5;30 1 Love Lucy
6:00 FYI .
7:00 Barney Miller
7:30 On The Rocks
8:00 Carol Burnett Show.
9:01 Police Stow
10:00 The Rockford Files
11:00 The National
11:20 P.M. News
11:45 Police Woman
8:00- 'Ontario Schools
8:45 Friendly 'Giant
9:00 Mo'n Ami
9:15 - Ontario Schools
10:00 Canadian Schools
. 10:3'0 Mr. Dressup
14:00 'Sesame Street
12:00 Cartoon
12:30 News
12:45. Movie
5:00 Partridge Family
5:30 \I_Aove Lucy
6:00 FYI News, etc.
7:00 Medical Center
Edge. of Night
City tights with Brian-
Celebrity Cooks
Take 36•
Coming Up Rosie
8:00 Mary' Ty_ ler Moore
8:30 M.A.S.H.
9:00 Tommy Hunter Show
•10:00 Hawaii Five-0
11':00 The National'.
11:20 PM' News, ,etc.
11:45 Movie.
These are the fads:
• antario's'neWResidential Premises Rent Review
Act ((fleets most landlords and tenants in the
..pro'vince. act allowiz; for a review of the
amount or rent a landlord any •
,,,Landlords and tenants should be .i.iWttre of their'
rights and responsibilities under this legislation.
The Ontario Government is inf the process or
.estahl 011'4 rentreviett. offices. in major centres •
across (he province. Review office.rs willhear
diSputes on rent increases by both landlords an&
A rent review board is beine.established td hear
appeals by tenants and laarlordsagainst the' - -
decisions of rent Teview o ffi cers,
What does The act cover?
• apartments • houses • townhouso • duplexes
• triplexes.• rooming houses mobil'-home sites ,
• rent-geared -to-income units.
• What are the exceptIons? -
.• Certairi(min-pront housing or non-profit . co-operatives •
• units in a hotel. motel or vacation home which
.are rented for a,seasonal or temporary .period
ntit execedingl'our months
-• buildings that were first occupied as residential
premises on ()rafter Jan, I. 1976,
• cOin e rci al premises
How does it work.
hakc entered 11110 l'elleli:ed
ethic 11.14'0(011e otectire bet ween..l n6 30,
, and Dee, 31. 10 -5. lothoire. van .quadd lic.ehr(n•(; '
xi dial: • . •
1,The ma \ inivin rent increase for such iigreerhentS.
cannot ext..leet.1 per cent or the rent charged
durini2..lbc last 11.1'11 month priorto•Aug: I. 191-5..
unless:. •
(.0 the t.mant and landloi'd aorce at'a higher rite
from a rent review,
--••• - rent. Or • • - - • •
"I landliird oNdins the necessar\ approval.
o dicer.
landlord ma\ appl \ to ,I rent re\ iew officer For
permission to increase rent imire.than eight per
cent. tenant nvt\ lilt an application with the
landlord requirilig Nun to justify any 'increase.
. •
These alThlications must,he made 31. 1976,
Should a latt.11ord and (enant ogree on an
ith:rease in rent abuse tficeiuht pkg7,...i2n't guide-
One. thy\ must complete ans.1 sign a rent inerege
ag.reement no later than Jan. 17. 1976. Copies of
these aureements should he kept ass. both Orties.
. ,
norms ma: he oht,tiockl ‘‘ritinL: 'Rent Res iew.
Bo\ 5S0 . PostarSt.roon loronto. \141 21.8.0r
\ on '\\ ish to use the form published recentl
• in. this newsp a per.
Nos\ e\er. a tenant mas, such an agreement
• hr conyl,..(in.,..! .1 -lawmen( of re \ ocation \\
311.1,i sof the rigning olthe agreeMent.
B\ sjgni lig a relltXillir..',Ist2,1 14 rcement the tenant
\s„O\ es. the right to appe,i1 the Merl:rase during the
period Auk 311, to 1)ei.., 31. 1975. I he temant also
waives lie right to collect ,I isehate of rent as
prOsided for in this act. other than the amounJ of
a rch,tte. stat6.1 in the rent increase .1;41).eement.
Rent i nerease agreemems do 001 api).1 an':
period 'after Dee. 31. l9:15, sod do n-Trrillislitttfee
iwaiserufthe tenant's t.,!.R.Iirt It; LT_
The rent increase aureernents do•not relieve the
landlord from his Obligation to oh'tain apprOYal
from a rent review of fi cer 1.(Tr an \ 'Font increase._
charged on or after Jan: I. 1976 that 'is more than
eight per cent of the July: 1975 rent.
Where the landlord and tenant dci noragree'on a.
rent increase tihoy.e the eight•per cent. the tenant
'is entitled to a rehate.otsanv rent'paid in exceZs of
eight per cent by Feb. 16, 1976. If' the. landlord '.
fails to make -such a rebate the tenant.may: apply
to a rent review of fi cer.'
agroemeht becmiley elleoire
rowwed between ,Inn. haul 34-1076. laclu.sive,
rest should now:'
A landlord who,wishes'an increase of more than
• eight per cenrmust file an application with his
'rent review olliee.and notir, the tenant at..least 60
days before the increase is.scheduled to become
effective. In respect to thosi.: rental increases
taking e ffect between Jan. I. and J'eh, 29..1976.
the application must he made by Jan. 31. 1976.
A' tenant who wishes to appeal an increase has 60
days in which to fi le an application with, his
landlord requiring him to justify the: increase: ..
In case of a hearing: a date will'he set by the rent
review oflicer„and.both landlord and, tenant will
he notified,
After the hearing the rent revieWsvIlic.er will,
establish 2 the rent. and may order i'etrottet've
whqt is a tenancy a reemeot? • •
110c:tunic\ agreement gives a tenant tht.: righ1 to
-occupy a particular (IA.:A..1141g. or to. renew
the right to rent a particular dwelling.
'I he agreement can he written.
verhar or implied. In other words,.
even it' don't base a written .
lease \ ()wary covered hs the _
idgiSr ion, ' ,- •
For ri ten agreemeuts. the
Importa date is the •
4' date the agreeliteut
'eomes indo effe'c't.
i\ist ilit it..01,1)e ti(ll eate on
:Is signed..
Rent' res, new legislation is tied to the (1\\ elling un
an annual basis with the .1u I \ 1.975.. rent taken as
the rent.
• Who aiiends hearings?.. , • . 'ienants, landlords yr their representati(es should
niteMI rent review beatings. Tailure to appear or
he .represented removes the-righ, to appeal the
;rent review itecision. .„
hearings will he informal. and every ell:ort,
Wilt. he imi(le to keep the proced nres. simple. so
that mav conduct their own cases, •
rent review ollifle'r has the passer io call
witnesses and to or(ler'the production of the •
necessary, (locuments..
linkuns Vnadd asvarc dna, they appeal.
dun). rent ine:reme o.rem-r(vieit• 0.17iuer: the
olticer could 14,rmit the IwitlImstl grente'r increase
thand he nth. • ) 117/erc /,and/nre/ has been i•!-quired 101)0,0y (I0
e X /Sling 01'1)1711.(110(1
ullicer odijitit thy all'atopitnt biltitt' the
fen! level! . - -
l'ntil the rent review: meehanism'is in place.
please do not telephone. You can obtain further
information on the lesitlentilt1 Premises Rent
Review Act by writing:
Rent Review,
Box 580. .
Toronio. M4Y 21':8
e of Ontario •
SON ExosiToR, JA.NMAIFIY) 8, 1978
.•9 ••••••••••'
F :.L TV l •*.s•iv'•••••
i " stings
5:30 1 Love Lucy
6:00 FYI,'News, etc..
7i'00 .Bob Newhart Show
7:30 Phyllis
13:00 Rhoda
Newlyweds Ontertain friends
8:30 Front,Page Challenge
9:00 All In The Family
9:30 Chico And The Man
10:00 'Newsmagazine
10:30' Man Alive
11:00 The National
11:45 Movie.
8:00 Ontatio -SchoolS
8:45 Friendly Giant'
9:00 Mon Ami
9:15 Ontario Schools
10:00 Canadian Schools
10:30 Mr. Dressup
11:00 Sesame Street
12:00. Cartoons
12:30 News
12:45 Movie
2:15 Shirley aylor
• 2:30 'Edge Night
3:00, City Lights
3:30 Celebrity Cooks
4:00 Take,30
4:30 Electric Company
5:00 Partridge Family
5:30 1 Love Lucy
6:00 FYI, News, etc.
7:00 Ton y Orlando. - Dawn
8:00 Happy Days
8:30 This Is The Law
9:00 :The fifth Estate •
10:00 ,Doctor's Hospital
11:00 The 'National
11720 PM News, etc.
11:45 S.W,A.T.,
8:00' Ontario"Sehoals
8:45 Friendly Giant
9:00 Mon Ami
9:15 Ontario School's
10:30 Mr.' DresSup
' 11:00' Sesame Street
12:,00 -Cartoons
12:30 News
.12:45 Movie
2:30 'Edge of -Night.
City Lights' •
.Celebrity Cooks
Take, 30 •
12:00' _Snylernwl
1230 ....NoOn Report -
1245 Movie
L30 Edge of Night
3:00 Take Thirty •,
3:30 Celebrity Cooks
ForeSt Rangers
4:30 Commn up Rosie
5:00 Phil Silvers
' 5:30 partridge Fami
6:00 Johh'Strong Report •
6:30 Trntli or- Consequence
'8:00 This Land
8:30 Musicamera . Upstairs/Downstairs
11:00 The National
11:45 Mery Griffin
8:00 Ontario Schools
8:45 ..frieridly Giant
• 9:00 Mon Ami
9:15 Ontario schools
10:36 Mr., Dressup .
II:0O'Sesame Street
12:00 ,Sniderman
12:30 Noon Report
12:45 MoYie '
4130 Vision-Oh ."
5.00 Phil Silvers
'5:30 Partridge Faintly
6:00 John Strong Report
6i'30 Triith or Consequences
7:00 Lawrence Welk
8:00 Ontario Schools
8:45 Friendly Giant
9:00 Mon Ami
'9:15 Ontario Sehools
10:00' , Canadian Schools
10:30 Mr. Dressup •
11:90 Sesame Street'
12:00 Spiderman
12:30 Noon Report'
12:45 Movie
2:30 Edge of Night '
.3:00 Take Thirty .
3:00 Celebrity Cooks
4:00 Forest Rangers
4:'30 Electric Company
5:00 Phil Silvers
5:,30 Partridge Family
6:00 John 'Strong Report
.6:30 Truth or C,orrsequences
7:0,6 Phyllis
7:30' Circle Eight Ranch
8:00 Charlie Brown' Special
9:00 Fifth Estate.
10:00 Doctors Hospital
11700 The National
11:20 News
2:30 ' Edge of Night
3:00 Take Thirty •
4,00 Forest Rangers
11:45 Mery Griffin
'8100 Ontario Schools
8:45 Friendly Giant ,
9:00 Mon
9:15 Onta
10:30 Mr. Dressup
11:00 Sesame Street
8`:00 Carol Burnett
9:00 Movie '
40:.30 Celebration
11:00 The National •
11f20, 'Western Ontario news
11:45 Mery Griffin
8:00 OntariO Schools
' 8:45 Friendly Giant
9:0 Mon Ami
9:15 Ontario Schools
10:00 Canadian Schools
10:30 Mr. 'Dressup
11:00 Sesame Street
12:00 Spiderman
12:30 Noon Report •
12:45 Movie
2:15" Howie Meeker
2:30 Edge of Night,
3•00 Take Thirty
• 3:30 Celebrity. Cooks
4:00 Forest Rangers
4:30. Vision On
5:00 Phil Silvers
5;30 Partridge Family
6:00 •John Strong Report
6:30 Truth or Consequences
7:00' Space 1999
8:00 Mary -Tyler Moore
8:30 M*A*S*H
9:00 Tommy Hunter
. .10:00 Police Story, •
11:00 The National
11:20 Western Ontario News '
11:45 Mery Griffin
1;15 Movie
12:00 CelebratiOn
12...30 'The Roy Jewell F,Eirrii
1:00 Super Series '76
3:4 Sports Report
4:00 . Country Canada
4:30 Hymn Sing',
5:00 Billy Liar .
.5:30 Wonderful World • of
6:30 Doc
7:00 The National Dream,
8:00 The Waltons
9:00 Perfortnance..
10:00 Marketplace
10:30 The .Ombudsman
1.1:00 The. Na(ional
1:15 Nation's Business
• 1:20 PM News, etc. • .3:00
11:45 Monty Python's Flying 3:30
Circus. • 4:00
11:45 "The Shop 'On Main
' Street' - Josef Kroner,
Ida Kaminska.
11:45 Monty Python's Flying
' Circus '
12:45 "The Chalk Garden" -
' Deborah' Kerr, John
•' 11:45 Movie
- Barett.a
12:45 "The Stranger That Looks
, Like Me" - Beau Bridges,
Meredith Baxter,
I-1:45 S.W.A.T.
12:45 "Agent for H.A.R.M." -
Mark Richman, Wendell
KNX TV listings
12:15 "Tlie Way West:' - Kirk.
Douglas,, Bob Mitchum.
11:45 "The Family Way" .
Hayley Mills. John .Milks.
.12:45 "Jazzboat" • Anthony
• Newley, Anne Aubrey. '
11:45 Merv- Griffin
H:45 "Carry on'„Clee - Sidney
James, Kenneth Williams
• 11:45 Mery Griffin
•12:45 "House' of 1000 Dolls"
Vincent Price. Martha.
Hyer. '
11:45 Mery Griffin,
12:45 "Ynti Can't Win 'em All"
Tony ._ Curtis. Charles
• Bronson.
,9!'60- "The Letters" , • John
• Forsythe, Ida Lupino.
.14:45 Mery
Griffin -
FRIDAY, AN; 1-6 -.Y.-
' 12:45 'Night Hunter" Tony
Lo Bianco, bon Meredith
.1:15 ,"Opera.tion Kid Brother"
Neil Co eery, Bernard
8:00 Picotine
8:30 Spiderman
9:00 Circle Square .
9:30 Salty \-'`)
10:00 Forest Rangers
10:30 -Peanuts and Popcorn
12:00 Cartoons
12:15 Howie Meeker's Hockey
School •
12:30 Reach For The Top
1:09 Thaekeks World
1:30 Olympiad
2:00 CBC:
4:00 CBC Curling
. S:00 Lost Islands
5:30 Welcome Back, Kotter
6:00 FYI- .
6:30 Space 1.999
7:30 Man About The House
8:00 Hockey Night in Canada
10:30 Ceilidh
11:00 The National
1.1: IS .Provincial Affairs
,11:20 PM ,
1.1:45 Movie •
8:00 Monde en ,Liberte
' 8:30' The Church Today
9:00 Crossroads
9:30 Family Finder,
10:00 NFB 'Presents
10:30 Forest Rangers
11:00 Junior Talent Eldur
.8:00 Ontario Schools
8:45 FriencilyfrGiant '
9:60 Mori Anti
9:15. Ontario Schools
10-:30 Dressup
11:00 „Sesame Street' •
12:00 Cartoons
12:30 ` News r
1.2:45 Mo.iie
2.30 ' Ed c df N ight g
• 3:00 City Lights with
3:30 Celebrity Cooks
4:00 Take 30
4:30 Coming Up Rosie
' 5:00 .Part-ricive Family
8:06 Wonders- of the Wild ,
8:30 House of Frightenstein
9:30 ,Junior Talent HOur .
10:30 Flintstone. Comedy HoUr
11 :3'0: Squd're
12:00 Cartoon •Corner
12:15 1-1owie Meeker
12:30. Olympics
1:00 Reach ler the Top , •
I .:30 Gardening With GWen
2:00 Canadian College Sports
'4:00 Curlilng Classic
5:00 Lost Island
5:30 Wel2one Back Kotter.
6:00 • Hee HON' •
7:00 Musical' World
• 7 :30 Ba ney Miller
' 8:00 ckey Night in Canada
10:30. •
The National'
11:45 Cannon "House of
Cards" 4. ,
12:45 "My Father's • House"
Robert Preston, Cliff
11:45 "Police Woman"'
12:45 'Tape Fear" - Gregory
' Peck, Robert Mitchum
11:45 "Trapped Beneath The
Sea" - Lee J. Cobb,
Martin. Balsam.
Polic e News
During the week from the 17 th
December, 1975 'till -the 30th of
December. 1975 the Seaforth-
Police. Department investigated
36 occur ences. They are as
Police' ormation, • 8
Vandalism ' 5
Assistance .9
Break and Enter 1
Alarms • • 2
'Dangerous Conditions 1
Disturbance , 3
Traffic Complaints. 1
Insecure Property 1
Lost and Found 1
Mischief • - 1
Suspicious Persons 1
Animals 1
Missing Persons' . 1
3. Major accidents investigated
totalling $6525.00,
' 3 minor accidents investigated
'totalling $250.00. "
2 charged under the Highway.
Traffic Act. , •.
5 charged under the Criminal
Code of Canada.
2 Persons were warned for
'minor violations. •
Mrs. Mary Merner
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson
attended the Byrne-Warren .,
wedding in London on December
Mr. Arid Mrs. Lawson, John
and Elizabeth attended a family
shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Malcom Byrne (nee _Lynda
Warren) held at the home of Mr.'
and Mrs.Robert Lawson and
family near Clinton on Sunday.
December 21st.
Mr, Mrs.Ed. Szusz,
Rodney, Randy .and Robynne
spent the -December 20th
weekend visiting with her brother
Mr. and Mrs. EraSer Lear, Dana,
Judy and Matthew, when they
celebrated Xmas.
Mr... and Mrs. Ken Preszcator
held Christmas for their family on
Sunday, December 21st. Those
attending were Mr, and Mrs. Jim
Preszcator, Bill, •Debbie and
Michael, and Mrs. David
Preszcator, Christine, Lisa,
Christopher and Greg, Mrs.
Lawrence Hill of Crediton, Diane
arid .Naney and Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Dillon and Michelle, who
are now residing in the area, in
Don Buchanan's house. 'WelcOme,
to them,' Mrs. Hill remained for a
few days visit. • .
, //Alvin Storey 'of Vanastra spent
Chri•subas holidays with his
grandparents, Mr. and' Mrs. Bill
Storey .
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson,
family gathering for Christma:s Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wammes
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Ronnie Of Clinton, Mr. and
Earl Lawson of Clinton hetd on Mrs. Leo Sanders, Jennifer and
Monday evening, Dec. 22nd. Jeffery of R.R.#4, Brussels, Mr.
Christmas Holiday visitors with ,ind Mrs. Cliff Brindley and Ricky
Mrs. W.L.Whyte, Tom, Bill and 'of Hollyroo.d, Miss Cathy VIn den
Mr. Harold Whyte were Mr. and Hoven of Monkton visited on
Mrs. Frank Van der Molan, Paul, Xmas Day with Mr. and Mrs.
akville Mn,John Wammes and John. Mark and Margie of • Jeff Kerri
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley spent and Mrs. John Why
y, Miss Xmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. and Andrea' of Lin
Margie Whyte of Guelph. Miss Tom Riley of Clinton.
Velma Higginhothom of Toronto Mr,, and Mrs. Nick . Whyte,
visited for a few- days with David, Crystal, Brian and Murray
Margie. • spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
• -Mr. and ,Nick Whyte. Bob McClymont and family of
DaVid, Brian , Crystal and puelph when they celebrated
Murray were also „Xmas Day Xmas..
visitors. Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr, and Mrs. Friuli Stevenson, .McIlwain,.• Lyina and Steven' of •
David, Darren and Luanne spent Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Xmas Day with his parents. Mr. Crozier. Brian", Paul, Kevin and
and Mrs. Gordon Stevenson. of . 'Lori of Huron Ridge,. Kincardine
Tillsonburg. Mrs. George Mcllwain, Sr. spent
Sunday with Mr. and IMrs. Carl' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merner,
Sandy, Julie Ann,' Michael and • Merner, .Sa•ndy,". Julie Ann,
Michelle and Mrs. George Michael and Michelle for their
McIlwain ,visited , on Christmas Xmas tanuly gathering.
Day with,Mr. Walter Kingswell of Mr. and Mrs. Paul St
Huronview. 151ivid, Darren and Luaspent
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thompson Boxing Day with her parents Mr.
of Etobicoke,' Mr. and Mrs. and '•Mrs. Cecil Herman 'and / •
Terence Hunter (),f Coibprnc family or\Shakespeare.
Township., Miss Sheila Baker of ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dale,
Winthrop spent ,Xmas Day with" Linda Storey and Alvin ' of
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Vanastra pent Sunday Dec. 28th •
Jim, Sharon and Bob. with Mr.' and Mrs. Bill Storey. '
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson, - when they celebrated nias.
-John .and Elizabeth spent Xmas . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Szasy,
Day with Mr. and Mrs. Georg Rodney, Randy and Robynne
Turner, Barry and Bonnie pf spent Sunday in Georgetown
nth id M Keith'
Little, Kevin, Karen and Heather.
Karen and Heather returned to
spend a week's, holidays . with
their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Preszcator, Diane .and
Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. David
Preszcator, Christine, Li$a,
Christopher and Greg ' Mr. and
Mrs-Jim Preszcator, bine,
Debbie, and Michael, .Mrro.
Mrs. Larry Dillon, Michelle spent.
Sunday at e the
Community Centre when the 'Hill
family gathering for Xmas was
thoe'M'i.r.. and Mrs. Clint Wilson (pee
Congratulations are extended
Doreen Metid) on their recent
marriage on December 27t .h held
in Londesboro.
Jim' and Margaret Medd
entertained frie nds and relatives
of the bride and groom on.
Satprday evening at their home,
follov.ing.their honeymoon. The
couple, and Kerni will be residing
on the, groom's farm in East
WimoN r'enaonsdli.mrs.
John Thompson
attended the reception.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Southgate
and Jepriffer spent Christmas Day
with his mother Elsie
Southgate of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hope of
Hamilton, Miss. Kathy Dimaline
of London spent Xmas Day with
Mr. and Mrs.'. Hugh - Dimaline,
Don, Peter and David.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Southgate
and Jennifer spent Boxing Day
with her parents; Mr: and Mrs.
Gordon Mac ;regor of C nton.
• • • •
11:20 News
11:45 • Begt of Grouch()
12:15 Movie'
7:30 ' French Show
8:00 French Show
8:30 Wonders of the Wild
9:00 Masters Touch
9:30' The Church Today
10:00 Cathedral or Tomorrow
11:00 Crossroads
11:30 It 1,0' Written
12:00 Peoples Church
1:00 ()(.`11'S
-- 1:30 Country Canada
2:00 Hockey (NHL v. USSR)
4:30 Hymn Sing
5:00 Singtime
6:00 Disney
• 7:00 Beachcombers
7:30. IriSh Rovers '
8:00 Waltons
.9'00 Performance
10:30. , Market niece
11:00 The' National
8:00 Ontario Schools
8:4 5 Friendly. Gfatit
9:00 Mons* Ami:
9:15 Ontario schools -
10:30 Mr. Dressup
11:00 Sesame Street
12:06 Spiderrnan
`' 12:30' Noon REport
12:45 (MoVie •
2:30 'Edge of • Night
3:00 Take Thirty
3:30 Celebrity Cooks
:COO Forest Rangers
4:30 Comin up Rosie
5:00 Phil Silyiers
5;30 Partridge Family
6i.00 John Strang port • '
6:30 Truth or Consequences
7:00 Little Houie on the Prairie
8:00 . Happy Days
' -8:36 ThirWthe Law,
..19::60 All in fit'td-Fallnil.Y..- -
9:30 Chic& and the Man
'16:00 News magatirie
10i°30 ' Man.Alive •
11'.00 , The National
I1 :45 ,Mery Griffin ,
• •
John and Elizabeth tittehded the ,Tuckersmith. •
,, • •
A' •