The Huron Expositor, 1976-01-08, Page 6111•Ayselclea "HOT LLII,LS" PARK GODERICH .mi •OuUll PHOHI 571 )61 , Alt CONDIVONIO • THLIRS JAN lo SAT JAN la ONE SNOW ONLY 8 p.m. . "ONE OF OUR DINASAURS IS MISSING"' PLUS , CINDERELLA a INekbes4roNte SATURDAY MATINEE 1;30 SUNDAY JANUARY ONLY "GIRLS FOR RENT" MON ,JAN 12 and YttES JAN 13 ONE OF I 9Y S's BEST "NASHVILLE" • a glorgavily tunny movie ADVANCE TICKETS now available' tor , OIANA ROSS IN MAHOGANY One night .1( 'Wed ion II „ 9'- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, -J rIOARY 8, 1976 Mr. anti Mrs. patriek D. Smi,th and tiaIlghter Erin. returned to ' Mountain N'io‘, California after sp,.'nning mo weeks with Mrs. Smith's 'parents. Mr. and' Mrs. Sinelair. Mr. 'and,' Mrs. Donald Stephenson ahd family of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs.Bill Stephens9p and - family of Toronto: spent Christmas with Effie Stephenson. Mr. dnd Mrs. William Brown. and `granddaughter. ' Joanne. spent Nett Yea-s* Da with Mrs. E3rot ns •mother. Mrs, Henr‘. J.* No..b and her aunt and uncle. Mr. and 'Mys. WaJter Vogt. at I at isto,:k: , Reeent isitors.with Mes. Mary Makolm at KiJbarehan were. Mr. . :Gordon Rushhroot. Toronto. Miss Alma Beard. Guelph. Mrs. Gor- , Lion (3ear4,,, Miss Auctre Rush'- . 'brook. Kinston. Mr. Keith Mal- ' 1-01'011tQ, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Malcolm.. Simeoe, Mr. Barry Gordon. Pam Patrick R.N. • London. Mr. and' MN. Ross .iorcion and Vicki and .Mr. and Nash, :NI ,Cort;; SaAau.).2,c, ..M.,:a.244W14000*.n*i= CROWD WATCHES HOCKEY - .More than 460 people watched the Seaforth Oentenaires-tie the league leading Belmont, team at the arena here Friday night. Watching the game in the centre'row here are from'the left, Joan and Jack' Patrick, Kathy Robb, Mary and Dave Longstaff, Gord Buettenmiller and .Joann6 and Paul Mathews. r (Staff Photo) Minor hockey. news 1) A ,Mi.1.1vi c;rcg SDHS kids son Reach for Top Forthe,Top Team \till 3een on Sicalorth High, 'School Reach S'aturdat , January 10th" I o'clock agciin3t Wiarlton High • Team member.. are Willi:My-4)11..12 w, e SPrey. 'Joanne Primeati-and Don .Melady. MR". AND MRS: RICHARD 'nee Brenda Dale' Fri.; Jan. 16 K,O,NAlt*I • • Family Paradise Musk by :,Ken Scott OrcheStra Dancing 9-, I . Etert one Welcome Reception for. Yoga Instruction COMMENCING: WED. 'JAN. Ll THROUGH WLD. MAROI 24 'EXCLUDING JAN. -241 WEGISTER: AT RECREATION OFFICE OR AT FIRST' SESSION: JAN 14. .*, FOR FURTHER 4NrOilM TION„ e Ar TA C # EA 7: 11 0-01C E . 527-4-588 LOCATION: ,sEArouTti PUBLICX'HOOL COST:. $12 TOR 141 WEEKS. TIME: WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 7:00 P‘.M.-X:!i0 Yoga will be offered otrfee again this winter St. James' Bowling . 'learn standings: Swingers. 53: hgers "1:.- Down Out 48; NlisFits. 45; Ac'es. Dov,ris '2. Ladies' high single.011\ e Little. 25-la Ladies High. Triple. Ruth Steinman.' 637. Men's high single and :triple. Reg. Dick. 298.. ..:*Eir.i..:riments and tuii for our nexf Country Singles Dance' Sat.: Jan. 10th Music by rv , (.1170ffiliOn5 Proceeds to 14‘NASTii4PECREAr.0 ,L,•„_-_-\ at the , -"-.NASITRA 11:',CREATION CiAlTRt,c. • s t oring up to lin. .1 Mark in the third period ,tt ing' upui. \HP owl At the l-i: 4F2. mark Waek3, 14 Jur Sc;.ilorth got tht Mg goal 1~ going ahea4 - 1,0 Bro33(..13 pulled their goalie and la. Oat id- Mt. Litt amp -.Loring in . the emptt net got hi3 third goal of -the I I night. • Sealorth won tilt...gable 4; 2. , 8 'Flu. 11in marked the fir3t time 5 tor mant ear ,. that .Seatorth has.. deleated B.ru33e13 in Not ice coMpention. Nitir'rat 23 Huhn ( /t rti do.ki \tart H.( wird " Joh‘n 1)a . 2 2. 0 Coal Keepers .Ciaine3 Again3t Al2. KCIth . \Al( • • 1.11•1•\ ,11111)1 /1.. II 16 II' tL .,i'm lit at "( linton 1,1th.rciai Jan. 3. to gam . 3ole of I si u in: this \‘tts Cteiting game cri Bru33eI3 and' Si:oliortli Not ite3 la3t Soturdat a3 3cored ln the' tir3t . petiod. Ron. VriNeoll Sefilurai team, Fint.41 to, 1311.133c13 tied •I he gape tht.:".3 -minute mark. the wilt goal st ()red in the 3eirtntl period al the 13 minute mark tt ,13 1 FII1V11 .`, making the 3eore 2 - tor Bru33els. Nib, Litt ain,..eored again at.the Agnommastm. STAG pCHRE SeafOrth Legion Jan. 1 ir,fiT7z= • Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown Jr. of, Collingtvood spent the past weekend at the home of Mr. and • Mr.--o-Rd Mrs. George Town- Mr . William Brown, Jarvis i send Murra and Matt. aod Mr. and Mrs. Alex Townsend, David Julio and Scott of Tuekersmith anti, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Towni s':nd of Harpurhe spent New. Year with Miss Erma Broad- toot ot' Kitt hvner. Friday Jan. 16 Snowmobile Dance at COMMUNITY CENTRE with music by Lincoln Green Admission at the door $2.00 each 9 P.M. Dancing to Lincoln Green. SEAFORTH • 'COMMUNITY CENTRE Admission at the door $2.00 each 9 - Local &ids DANCE at Seafortk Legion Hall January 24, 1976 lOpm-lam . Music by The Nitelites '12.Q0 per person Tickets available from Seaforth High School. Handl or at the door. All profits for Band's trip to Florida. • St. alorth Centenaircs sa> •thi.w 'II miss One ,plit\ making and storing pun.th (if Gary. Phillips Who has lett . tor training at Gagetott n ith the Canadian Armed Fortes. Gary returned honk. tor a brief perioci mer the s anti pro\ ed his \ aloe to thc Centenaires. He toilet (eil three. assists .and twii. goals Int Ifirce games. Cc-ntenairt• plaets •and manase- ment eNtended tongratulations to Gap ;.and said they wish him' the • hest of luck. CASII BINGO 1,r 1/ HUH, ti Friday, Jan. 9 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games..for $10100 , .THREE $25.00 GAMES •'‘.75.(#0 JACKPOT TO GO'. • - TWO DOOR PRIZES Admission $1.00 Extra-Cards 5c or 7. for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER' 16 NOT . . PERNIITTEOI -Proceeds for Welfare Work- Auspices Seaforth. Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion, Seafprth -Dat ( Fridat night, Sealorth deleat-ed ' .13at held tt db a 3Lort. of 9-1. Rob Na.31.1 anti. Mike \lre l aunLilin eacti -.cored lititt. Uith l'iltit..K(otal. Rob Smith. (irt Colle anti Nlark MeLltvain each -,eoring once lor Sealorth. Mike Itltortl -.cored the-onit gnitl s tor, ftit • On Satordat Iht• Pee Wet-, plat tilt 1 tigion Pct.: Wee Hocktt lotii'Mtment in 131.t th. I het \1(,n 1,1.1(•11. link gi1111(• 1:t1C1,11(INk • is ith a atrrt ul ' -3. Thc teeontl tint'. hriiiighi a tlIKI-I•il1‘..(1 01' 15 goal-. for ;tile , ,Kincardine anti' no. '4).113 Scatorth, . I lit local I Branch Sc%,1101.111 wcc, 'ht. loitriiamcni. I ht nowt-. p: hots on Sralor'h I'ie Wet team /11/.111('‘. \‘',1\111; 13(.111112 k\ Mar6 11,1t1111L4III1. ' lust I)i'llt. NL.II folin3ton. Mark • s l-lannigan:11:trolil Forts a4•ti3: Nlike Mk Ron flak. Peter rtirtit.r, -Rob .fillEtittof's ;Note: I hi; 1•\ positor trill he pleased to print Minor Flocket nett. et crt oat hes art a3kcd to bring *their 3cort,., and a report of cash eek.-.3 game-, to the 1•tpo3itor. Kits. de3ert credit for their hard \writ at [hitt Kurthcr hot ket anti 'het tote to tee their Aim (antpht II nariAt3 in tilt nett.. Look tor; and Itrr t VS/ 1.11411 1.1Mtribtitt .l c ,N4 .111(21. 111)(kCi 11(.F1 /4 ', Ch,j1.1R .t.4,(1, nlnt ttttk In the nhurg I he SC.alorth Pic Wac.3, plat u(4,. Rob ( ort lour ganie• durin,g the pa3t \to:A. Innit On Nitnnqs,,ntt;ltl.Mitchell ',ton Gt. yard Klan iii a hurt of 12 lilaint Flat ktt t II TEMPUS e• 4-^ Continuous Musk' 9 7- I LESOERANCEJR10,. ' and YOU'AND ME • EN ery Weleonie ZU RICH COMMUNITY C ENT R Fri., Jan. 9 /R•fa:Zal:lilf•ralitMsX2lafaIRtil.,07,.~ AlST ICTA + Purs,es; Belts; Hats 40% OFF Belvedere Gift wrap paper cards • Writing Paper 347 arrangements. - '41.%m (070..00FF FF + Chhstmas -decorations, cards & t All Candles 30% -OFF- t „' Aprons, Placemats, Serviettes, Chefs Hats --- 5% 40% OEF 1 InVitation, Gift, Birthday k Oc- casional cards ---- 40% OFF . , . ,„,i- , Wine Goblets, Sherbet Glasses , . ad 'Ashtrays (Matching):.:, nfti07_ Don't- forget th$it our Jan, Sale of FIELOCR'EST towels, shower curtains,' bathmats, sheets ;and. Pillowcases carLsave you up to 25 oeccent' VALENTINE' DANCE'. Feb.- 7, _1076 Mu4c , by Warborlites SeafOrth Arena $5:00. per couple Tickets Av ilabte from Jr:HOckay Executive- -, • A, mission by Ticket Only linton & District Snowiiobile Club N DANc at the Vanastra Shillelagh 'FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1976 MUSIC BY "Oar Trex" # LUNCH PROVIDED , - . # -PROCEEDS Priirti_013 ACTIVItiESA- ADMISSI.ON: 57.00 PER COUPLE, ADVA-NCE T-1-e-KETS. AVAILABLE FROM CLUB EXECUTIVE, AND PrRAY POTTER & SONS, "481900 $8,00 PER 'COUPLE .AT THE DOOR. 8:00 - 11:00 P,M. Family Skating - Free ' 8:00 P.M. - Torch Parade Line up at Topnotch Feed Mill 9:30P.M. Snowmobiles Dance at the 'Arena Hall featuring i Lincolp Green" Saturday, J n,.17 , 8:00 A.M. - Atom Hockey Tournament '9:00 A.M. - Curling Bonpiei 10:00 -,12:00 -7 Buitding of Snow Sculptures 'at High .School ,•2:00 P.M. -7 Local snowmobller events ' - Tug oY War, Men - Snow Sculpturing -.Novelty Races,Registration. HopKty TOURNAMENT 6:30 P.M. - Hockey B.,Champion 8:30 P.M,. - HockeY-A Champion 0:00 P.M. - Carnival Ball at the Arena Hall. SnowinobileVoker Rally • Snewmobiles must begin between *1:30,,7 2!,39 - Ratty conimences at tha OptlimiSt Prizes To be Awarded S‘undajf, Jan, 18 •