HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-08, Page 5, THE HUROWEXPQ IT9R JANUARY 8, TO I * 24 HOUR TOr CARL'S''AUTO BODY BRU-SSEIL Complete 'Collision and 'frame Service Day 887-9269 Nite 087-9231, Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Action Ads • holiday ai horn Correspondent. Mr H. Willard, Cobourg, , Mrs. J. Tcmpleman \ 'sued in the holidays with Mr. Holiday \ isitors \+ Ph Mrs. Sam and Mrs. John Miller and family. Norris' and Mr. and MrsBob Norris were Mr. .and Mrs. Eric Miss Teresa Miller was Lontined to Stratford General • Norris, ' Sean andMichael. Hospital, for se\ era) days in the McDonald College. Quebec; Mr. ii„hd,„„. ,and Mrs. Jim Norris. Judy. Gatv .. Miss Ethel Ballo\ cll, is home and Doug„Brampton; Mrs. Eth el ° 04..tin. after undergoing surgery Ly all, Nancy and DON id. Torpp.t0,, in Stratford General Hospital. Mr. and Mr, John '-Burleigh., Joan and Jackie. •Goderich: M- r., • ' Brute EaWn left Wednesday to is turn to ,' Bangladesh, after and Mrs. Harold Longman. s'Aiding the holiday season with Londeshorough _and Roy' fi• Tamils. „ . • Ballo\ ell. . :New.... Years Day visitors with • . , ... F a ton Si'.. 'Mr. and the ,I. Templeman family were. Mrs. advertisement. Please be con- , Mrs. Bruce ' Fawn, Kim, .1611 and, Bev Tenn-At:matt. Mike soled by the fact that it is some Eliiabeth, Richard. and*Andre\‘ , , I' time since there was an increase.• Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Templeman moleman anti • Other Utilities have had. OA 0 or' and • Mrs. Da \-e Capling. three increases , since - Dublin MissiSsauga were Monday Hydro has increased rates accord, evening dinner viler, ol 'sir .and ing to T)..1, MacRae, Chairman ..mrs. ,I oh ti 1reppleman and Dublin Fl.y:dro.. •' . • ..... - family,. 4 . . Surprise party honours - Staffa Visitors sperick New Yecrys Dan id McMaster. Waterloo, Geraldin6 . Templeman and Caroline McMill an. Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. John ,f3uritigh and, family, Goderich visited' Friday with Mr. and Mesb6gBob Norris and family. Sunday dinner guests with Mr., and Mrs.. Rob Templeman" we're, Mr. anti Mrs. Dale Marlyn and girls. Russuldale . Laura Marion, Stratford, Mike Parsons. Mr. and. Mrs. 'John Templeman and famil\ Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Scott anti family returned home Sunday evening. after spending the holidays in the sunny south... Students Correspondent Mrs. Jean Dill entertained Mr. Don MacRae and Mrs. Bill (Karen) Warren, Miss Cynthia Looby who is Jill :and Writ ; Jean's grand attending St. Joseph's Academy, children for New Year's. Monday London spent Christmas vacation Mrs. 'Mary Dill from Stratford with her parent's Mr. And Mrs. visited with Mrs. Jean, Dill. Lbuis Looby #8 hi'ghWay Dublin. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cynthia also spent a few days in Eckert over New. Years,Mr. 'and Cambridge Hespeler skiing at the Mrs. Stephen and family R.R. 1 home of Dr. and Mrs. McCartney. Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. 'Luke Mark Loohy who is'a.student at Schdonderwoerd and family,' Regina Munch College Lohdon Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Ribny Van 'spent part of his holidays with his Loon and boys Kippen z Mr. and parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mrs. Ken Hurley and girls Looby and-Anita. Mark also spent Stratford, Mr.. and •Mrs. Dave, a. few days with his Uncle Rev. Steinback anf girls Mitchell, Mr'. Father Arthur Loohy in Camp and Mr7;: Duncan • Eman and .Borden. Angie, Mitchell, .Mr. and Mrs: • Rev. Father Arthur Loot)). was Jack Storey and Sandra, Blyth, in Dublin for Christmas' vi-siting Mtge Eckert, Nelson St. Dublin. with his mother Mrs. A. M. Lo,oby , Mr.. and Mrs, Gunther Bory , and other relatives in town. , suik spent last Sunday' with ,Mr. Visitors with' Mrs: Don Costello and Mrs. Joe Eckert, were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mr. Walter Carpenter is a • Costello and family Kingston Mr. patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and Mrs. John Krauskopf Gary Lomion. and Theresa,Gtielph and Mr. •Mr.. Jimmy Eckert and family and Mrs. Ken.,. Wickens and Kitchener visited with Mike Fe- family, London. Mr, and Mrs. kart and Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Eckert Charles Friend' were in Delhi on over. the holidays. , • the, occasiiin of Rev, and Mrs. H. Mr. John Nagle spent Christ- DonaldsOn's 40th Wedding. Ani- mac with his daughter Miss versary, • Bernadette Nagle RN London. Miss.I tidy Fried has returned. to NoW for the bad news, Hydro Edmonton after spending the rates will he increased' on your holiday season with her parents. current by ro bill, see rates on., New Years visitors. with the Friends were Mr. and Mrs. Las • n MaeDonald Geo , Walkerton Miss. Mc ki llop ma ,Cambridge Galt, Mr, • Fiona Bladon Ottawa, Mrs. Elea-- • nor Mather Chatham •N.B. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Malon6y Mill Si. Dublin entertained at Christmas with' guestS.from Lon don Mr. and Mrs. Frei' OvercluiVe and'Imaily front Tillsonburg Mr. ' Correspondent and •Mrs. pat 'Feeney anti` famity, Mrs. Ed Regele , from Kiichentr Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mr. and Mrs. Alec Glanville, Feenc\ also Mr,. and Mrs. Harold Mr.. and Mrs. Glen McNichol, Mederak and Brizip, Burlington Mr: and Mrs: Murray Dennis • Mrs: 'Pat O'Rourke also Mr. and spent New Years Eve at the home Mrs.Bill O'Rourke From Mitchell of Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold McCal- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brehm and , him. Mr. 'Gene MacDonald of MrS. Mary F.•Feeney was -.New York visyited at the honieof the' guest of Honor. , Miss ,Joy Her. • Mr. add Mrs. Steve Maloney' , Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hare and and family and Mrs. Marc_ E. Angeline of Listo'wel spent New Fet:MCV spent' New Years in Years day •with Mr. and MrS. I.4ondon with Mr. and Mrs. Fred • Harold -McCallum. Mrs. ''Don Oyerdulve• anti [minty. • ,,.„Dennis is under the doctor'' care. ' We wish her a speedy recovery. • ' • Mr. Walter Chark.of H.R. 4, Colleen • Mel...ay, sang , •EN\ 0 area men were among the finishers in the ,Wor'ld's largest snowmobile, race. The ,Kawartha Cup International. Oyer, 7;000 were in attendance. In the, 44Qmbdifictl,stock Keith Siemon. , a• plumbing and farm equipment dealer of R.R. 4, Walton, placed. 1st. while Ron . , Moore of Stratford placed second, Both Were ciriving Yanrahas. . DUBLIN HYDRO Rate change effective January balin g Domestic 1st 50 K.W.H. c • 2rid. 200KW.H. 4 —2.3 e 3rd 500 K.W.H. . —1.5 c Balance 1-65 -c ,.Minimum $3.50 . General Service 1s1 50 K.W.H. — 4.5 c 2nd. 200 .K.W.H4 — 2.6 c 3rd 050 ,K.W.H.,1 —2.15. c Balance.. 7 1.10 C S.C, 2;10 c' Minirhum $3.50 Don MacRae, Chairman guests of Rev. and Mrs. Arthur their holidays last week. Horst, Lois and Steven for part of Ntrik,ing Home. Readings and vocal numbers were given. Each Mrs. Rope: its '..Btodkagen,,_ The vrsited Kilbarchan Mr, and Mrs. Paul Horst ‘t ere Mrs. \ erm-Wol le Correspondent her brother and sister-in-law;s: horMe. Mr. and 'Mrs. Adam Sipple. Embro. spent the Xmas holidays with their son-in-Lb\ and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Doug - Aitchison, Dotig.., Anne and Mary. Niagara and Mrs, F.dwin: Rock, patient got a treat of candy and Mr,. and Mrs. Rom Th ompsop hountiful lunch.. Mrs. Edgar bawl)). fruit,. Mrs'. Hilda Freneh and qi-it'llt boxing day with the latter's Mrs.Ceorge Rock pros died a parents Mr. and M i•••:. I.:1.)A inf.! eon- Elligson was ,..111 charge o!' the Mr." and.. Mrs. Ron Gethk , program. .....N._ planned a surprise party in honor • Mn'. and Mrs. Flail Rook have of the lattcr''s mother, Mrs. returned home . from- their Henry, Rose recently at their honeymoon , in Honolulu where ........).„.„„e. mi., -an d Mrs. ,Leonb„rd t,„ they spent a week and a half. also Mr. and Mrs. Don Rose and They said the 'weather there' was , fficir families joined with the " to • . . gorgeous. ' ' ' spend a pill'aSa Ili evening.. iVtr,. and • Mrs. Robert Weikel, Mr, and Mrs,Frank Van Hevel Rebecca and Jason, ",:pent Xmas rind i•mi.m.y are „o„, residing in ,tiny with the latter's parents Mn', their spacious ...,m,„, home m , 'and Mrs. Harold Mogk. . .Bornliolni. •'''. . ,CongratulatiOnS to Mr. anti Miss Sheila Mogk. 12eg.N., Mrs• RoVAIOiroor on the arrk '0 or Regina, Sask., is spending Iter their baby daughter who was horn holiday., With her parents Mr. and in • StrAtford Hospital, .MOnday, mr ,,Gle „ mdgk, Dec. '29th , 'a ~islet bit' Daniel. .• Mrs' .Jahn Vock Spent Xmas. • Mrs, Bernie. Clarence '(wl:, i„„y,ith Mr. and Mrs. mort.ay Three Quereogosesser) i', (-.'Orlrine0 Kracint.T. R.R.5. Stratford. ' • to Univerity• Hospital, London. ' Mrs. , Melinda ::F.ickmeyer, Mr.'- and 'Mrs.Cakehr,cad,. Mitchell anti • Miss • Fr da Hamilton, . spent some of, the Eickmcycr, Toronto were' •ith holido'swiththe latter's parents. Mrs. Adelitie• 8,2nnewie on. Mt. arid 'Mrs, Les Wietersen„ ' Sunday.. . Friends of Mrs. ---.,...Wititer. , Mrs. Martin Diogel, Ni3w Muegge .will be 'glad she has •,1 ,erser spent a week at the hothe . returned .home from the General • of .fVIr.and Mrs.• Ralph Fischer 110qpital, Stratford. . and family Walton: •. . MrslEd. . Ahrens celebrated . Ca:ptain Gary EitAmcier :visited , her, 86th 'birthday:, on the 2-7th. '• his brother and sister-in •laxy. Dr. Many Happy Returns. • , and:. Mrs. Roger - Eickmei.vr and Mr: Dalton slim hias.reeeived family. , word of his sister-m-atw's death. We are glad to hear . _Darwin Sipple)MI. ''.La II, ii: ..,',,, •(•e'cilioak:,:11\o,t()11-lectflii:tiratti.. • Diet/ . has.. returned home from Seaford' Commutiit \• Hospital. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! Outstanding Values on Many Items in the Store!' DISCOUNT During Our January Clearance Sale art ---- ALL SEASONABLE LINES BOOKS and STATIO-N-EICYISTORr Thk Friendly Store In Seafurth — "the kltodiSt.tqlve 11111111111.1101611.11.11\ • • cr 4; 1- 4 home from Montreal .•, .' . • • to his home;• • ' . . . . , . Mr, .and Mrs.. Stanley Preszca- . --sees crcifts-m,----400-„DrejuiLLand Barbara Glanville.. • , • . . . . ''.. • of Creditoti visited with Mr. and •. . i' Mr,-.4Tiarles, Friend . was -Mrs, EdWard Regele one clay ,last ) rtostess for •.. die :_,Deceinher -week. Met't,ing of the Dublin WI. Pot Luck dinner it as enjoyed by the members and marls'. visitors,: • Mrs. Norman McKay presidedS .09 mon • for the meeting. Laurie .and • • -I •Walton who spent Chri,stinits with laublini WI in'Montre'al has returned numbers and. accompanied ' on their guitar.. Mrs. Ann llurchill prt'sented them n ittt a gift. Mrs. Charles: Friend' introduced Mrs. Joe Dorsey and daughter Judy., They displa ed their (Taff. Made froitt•:"Ilop'-bottleS,'.. tight bulbs,. weeds 'and pipe cleAners. 'Mrs.,• C'harles Friend, pri.ssented them with a gift'. Roll call Yvas"answi.sred, with a Christmas verSt,"tind. a • for . it nursing hoine. Chri,meats carols Were sung 'with Mrs, • Charles 'Roney at 'the plain), "g'Mrs. R.S.Aikens thati•lied the ,hostSS, and the 'meeting closed ''''•4th the Qurcn. wins at • race For'Your Commercial, Residen tial o r tjaWiring (Free Estiriiplqs Contact DAD Elpctric MaintenanCP • Seaforth-' Also For APPLIANCE [WASHERS, DRIERS; RANGES] and bOmESTICREFRIGERATION REPAIRS Phone; 527-0636 days 527-1503 after 5:30 pin a, YOUNG MEN'S - (HECK P LEISURE' SUITS EACH BOYS' SECONDS SIZES 3-6X • COTTON LONQ SLEEVE • LADIES' T,E. EN'S . vyciOt. DRESSES T-SHIRTS PRINT CORDUROYS n 3 7 , SPECIAL 1 ., vp. ASSORTED POLYESTER It WOOL CHECKS 5 1." Y SPECIAL $ 10.97E DOUBLE ,. TWIN—QUILTED 2 5% OFF C ro Many ,makes and models to choose' from in straight: stitch, semi and fully automatic plus'a, variety' of good used machines. . ' We oFcept• trade ins' and• do repairs ov1-1 makes, 'January ,Sale Sifecialt DELUXE ZIG—ZAG that embroiders, makes li'ufton holes, sews.on buttons, darns and overcasts, (no at- tachments needed) for as low as . CASE 'EXTRA "The, 'Store, that, Saves Yon More" on • MEN'S—BOYS—LADI ES---GIRLS & BABY WEAR YARD, GOODS— FU RNITURE -MATTRESScS — PAINT—SEWING MACHINES—SMALL APPLIANCES—LAMPS Highway ti 4 Soutkof !Clinton at V anastra NEW STORE HOURS' •• Monday Thursday 11 'a.m. . 6 p.m. Friday T1 .a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday 9...a.m. •,.6 p.mr Closeif Sunday