HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-08, Page 1OHC to build
more senior
Seaforth may ha'‘ie another
Senior l.,LI'Citizens apartment
building by 1977. Council agreed
'vlonday.night to have the Ontario
lousing Corporation go ahead
'vith plans to build a 14 unit
Ther0 arc no vacancies in the
!I unit apartment thae.OHC built
sere for senior citizens in 1973
Ind •an OHC survey finished in
)ctohet, 1975' showed that there
,vas an immediate • need for 14
nore of the rent geared toincoMe
There is a large population of
people over 60 and a lack of rental
ecomModation in Seaforth. the
)HC' study found.
Council agreed. with 'the OHC'
indings but clerk Bob Franklin
aid there has been no indication
.ct of when construction will start
tr even Where the apartments will
re built.
Seaforth agreed to pay 7 1/2 "l, of
'ny defickin the operation of tho-
tew building, the • same
rrangement they have had with
hesexisting 21 unit building.
The OHC study showed that
28"tt of Seaforth',s population in
1974 was over 60. Althdugh.
Seaforth'.s population decreased
by 155 front' 1968 to 1973 the'
number of, senior 'citizens
increased' by 41 compared to a
'provincial , average of abut'
Apartments, to Seaforth are
hard to find, the study said, and
the vacancy, rate in the. few that
are here is nil. Only about 29% of.
the dwellings in 'Scaforth are
rented „ones. compared to 37%
province wide, according to 1971
statistic‘s 'in the report.
The report included inter-
mation: from more than 30
questionaires and applications
'filled out by senior eit.izens who
were interested in the low income
apartments., Statistics showed
that. rents they pay now range
from $50 to•,$89 a month, with
most' over $70. •
'All of those hut one. who were
classed by OHC as 'very
-.interested and needy", would pay
less rent in . one of the new
apartments than they do now,
All had incoMe•in the $200 to
$399 a month range.
citizen apartm- ents
,',irst to get second term
Five iv'Teks 'of Wincash draWs
with ten winners ' Of $10
merchandise vouchers were
climaxed with a Christmas Fee
draw for $400 in merchandise
vouchers which was won by Mrs,
Cteorge Pethiek of ,
Seaforth.: • • -
Thirty 'local merchants
participated, in Wincash and the
thousands of coo pons in 'the
' Wincash (Inuit were e‘ idenee that
'people who shopped in Segforth
were interested in Winning.
'Of think 'inot"e people- did, their
shopping., at a ft bine this -yea
said a Clerk, in thee Stedman:s
Store where the 'tiraws cycs,re held.
.Many other'-hierchants on Mlin
Street agreed. s
• W Hen -it 11 at; all oven and. the.
Wincash tickets were beitig
Supports 'Stephen resolution
Town wants answers. before
° Huron .power p nt is built
THE LONG ROAD Tt FLORIDA DrganizerS from the Fort Myers, Florida
Edison Festival of ightS were at SDHS Tuesday, helping to n plan travel
arrangements for the irls,truMpet-band. The band is now looking at taking a bus to
play at the Festival, hich runs from February 7 - tfi. Prtm left are,tand leader
George Hildebrand, S HS principal Bruce Shaw, ,Fr6d Hall and Oscar Howell of
'Fort Myers. ' ' (Staff Photo)
Girls may go by bus
Baind needs $3500
more for Florida trip
The SDHS Girls Trumpet Band The Festsival organizers are
needs about $3,500 more in order providing all room and board for ,
to finance their trip to Fort hand members for a week, but
c after a meeting Tuesdaylocally, he 'said.
Myers:Florida, band fund raisers money for travel" as to be raised
-, • Oscar Howell, who isirr charge
The band has been im;ritEd_ to of _bands forthe_F-eal E as in
play 10 several parades at the Th, Seaforth Tuesday an`d\ showetT
,omas Edison Festival, of Lights. local people the 1976 Festival
Band leader George Hildebrand program , which has a page about'
said the hand ,is looking at taking the SDHS band. Although
'twoav itibngs busts rrather b .th7a.ti flyi4. arid Canadian hands have 'played in le
, the Festival beforp, the SMS
girls Will be the first Canadiati
marching band ever at the 34 .yeaf
. old event.
Mr. Hildebrand said--^a fund, is •
still openftfqr donations at The •
• Toronto Dotritnion Bank. A .dance-
will be hekc at the„ Legion- cm
January 24, We said. "At the:danc,c
a 'draw will be held,for a prigq pig
donated byToptiotch Feeds MI.
Tickets are ..available
iii1Oebrand's Paint and Paper and
from band members.
.• •
/Thole No. 5626
16th Year
. $10.00 A year In Advance
To keep downtown unique
sees'own . heritage
THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT — Grace Pethick accepts $400 in
merchandise vouchers from Seaforth Chamber of Commerce - president Ken
Lingelbach.. MrS. Petlaick was, grand prize winner in Seaforth's Wincash Chrisimas
shopping program, She and her husband, George live-at F1.1:1.1: Seaforth.
(Staff Photo)
Incas . is a sij:ccess:
Seine very tentative motions
toward a •. plan that , would
recognize', and try to keep
sSeaforth's Main Street intact
were 'm,ade at Monday-. :night's'
council meeting.
Council had agreed to have its
finance and general government
committee look • at forming an
architectural advisory committee
to designate buildings in , town
which ,have historical or
architectural importance. The
committee would try to make sure
that "changes made to these
buildings were compatible . with
the original design and council
.could delay -demolition of a
designated building fdr up to 90 •
"Variotis visitors this summer
admired, d admireSeaforth's Main Street"e
mayor' Betty Cardno said. "We•
-ha to be careful' not. to lose
What's -there by .bodge podge
Nick Hill, former Huron 'tounty
planner• who, has set 4 ' ti his ow,ft
planning and•. , architectural
advisory business gave council a •
, presentation on retaining what he,
called the. "'rich architectural'.
heritage" in downtown Seaforth,
file advocated preparing a
heritage district 'plan, for Seaforth
so that destructiotetof the unique
character of Seaforth's downtown
Canadian 'fire, and front a really- s "-Would' be:' na inimal. . Mr, Hill.
pointed out .. that. 1 most of
Without a lead from town
council on what the quality' of
Main Street should be, Seaforth
could be. left with a devkstated
downtown, •Mr. Hill replied)
If someone wanted to make
the architectural
committee could
probably help them work out
something that 'conformed to the
couldn't prevent, the ultimate "plan, councillor Ellis 'said.
demolition of historic. buildings. Councillor Jim Crocker pointed
but council, under the act, could to the Toronto Dominion Bank
delay if. Delay • (bold be building as an example of
disastrous to your Main•Street." something , which definitely
the planner said, but it would be doesn't fit in with the rest of Main.
up-to council to' build in as many Street, ' 'As a good example," he
safeguards 'as they wanted to said, 4
Veep the. Main Street'".heritage. Council can try to set a
Mayor Cordite! said that the , standard, Mr. Hill said. "1 know
heritage plan, would' essentially of very few towns with such an
hold Main Street as it is now. An
advisory crimp-lifted could ask
building owners to,,Show it their
plans before, doing O any
renovating. Councillor Charlie,
Campbell wanted 'to know what
the cost of any cleaning and
reconditioning work s would be.
''It''Sytot all on paper, it' buildings
. are going to last:: he said. •
Mr. Hill said the owners of •
Main Street buildings would, be
responsible for any work they
wanted to do" on their own
-building'. What if an owner didtv'e
want to Iseertip his• building's
cost of preparing a plan;
including sketches, maps,, public
meetings 'and preparation of a
booklet of perhaps 40 pages at
under $4,000. Up to 75% of the
cost could be covered by a grant
&dm the 'Community planning
assistance branch of the ministry.
he said,
Mr. Hill said the Heritage Act
intact yain Street facade.'.'
Councillgrs agreed to give Mr:
Hill's proposal 'to the • finance
committee to look at and chck
into' grant possibilities. ..i
The planner said the architec-
tural committee would be made
up, , of • cound appointed .
volunteeeS. Besiness r people
/ should be, heavily repres nted .if
Main , Street .is goin to be '
consitfered- first, he thodght. •,"° '
Mr. Hill said he hoped to, make '
another , 'presentation , on
Seaforth's ,Main Street to rhe'
',Chamber of Corrirnerep very sepo.
arehrireture? What if he wanted , "I don't' see anything drastic
to bria .i, the windows? happening, just a recognition that
councillor GOrge - Hildebrand there:S. something valuable here -
wanted to know. ' - and let's Ieep it , he said,., -, •
• ' ...... .
ight.... s now storm:makes
, ,.t ., ,
reporter s ia ,,, in erestin-
, , . ... . . . r .
,. (By wOusa Ow . • . Seafortlo s As the .ca:ro stthead. snewhoiottl.oit-4 loiter il -• ••,.),ve ,112 i. i l'a v 011 r. of.-..Obits I 't stttels•-,•'-idenWt.-' Several wondered. ,..
Teasseetiito eotmefteni,sajbers , disa-pp-oiietet+-1'.!""trett-s‘neiri-ot snow-. 'op rectal . I srelased a hit a s• i • vouncilfols Ellis St,id. . : • '• The money involved,is less than
• •
council. meeting in- the new year' . t %lets .-Stil)00tiC0 . to . be following, a"rouride..,:s'is„,..,„ • 06:4. s big,. stee l eyernment hat looked at . this?'' .'
• .S1.600 and councillors V ond erect if. filo don't, you think the will be hopuig that their first ;Panic SC tin; The bifOrtek• Whfi-'11 ' followt:d. the tools in the, road
Tuesday night is not an omen • of . was. not behind, • "Kcc‘p ,going!.' bridge • with brief gli noises' or11 it Would•be worthwhile to tender,
Councillor Sohn Sinnthoon.asked. . MaYcir Cpirdno .asked • if .any
• what lies ahead in 1976; • Keep going! There _ wasn't bush line'd toad, . s . • Several councillors saiertni - the couneilhirs had direction for reeve ' Sz, ' anythi ngelse" ' 6 do ^on • that' • Motion to supports Stephen wile. „NFlapnery .and.`dePtity reeve Dale Those Who. had to travel to the • ' • i • After what seemed miles we passed. •
un k nown sideroad. After what in the vote for Warden at county meeting at Huron Centennial ' ' reac'hed the second c;oneeksion •. . .•
seemed an eternity red lights ' Councillor reappointed -Leone council next week. School south of Brucefield over ' where the thoughtful clerk atta in R ,, as' their representative to : Councillors Sinnamons and Hil- County Road 3 from Egmondville stopped as he turned wes t to his' 9`.al ' • ' ' shone ahead-the lead ' ca r Was
waiting at the turn onto the the Ausable Bttyfield Conserya- debrand 'felt •they didn't know, to Brucefield found a ground drift home. He suggested I lot the read
concessiOn• road. Again the -car • non Authority.' ,and noted she hall enough, about the candidates or. was filling •in the road at 8 P.M. Superintendent lead, and:bre:1k , ,
.. disappeared as the rep6rter Was , . , a record of perfect attendance. at their abilities to give direction but As the sleepy eyed • presS thaw to , .
i go mei 2S in that snow toe path , down the •-* secono
their meetings. .Deputy reeve. Bill councillor Ellis "said "how can
rutted 'road. . . . . , - con"cesion east to Egmondville. 're pOrter, council, ' -fad ' •
, . Dale was •-yeappointed to the they represent 'us if they' don't superintendent ' and i'• clerk Those last - miles _
At the intersection of County seemed M\altland Conservation Authority. knoW what our thinking is?" treasurer trailed out of the Rees 3 the see wee 1sittt imt „gain . endless, What a weleorne sight to Father H.J. Laragh was not You can't ,just think abbot .one meeting at 1:15 a.m. Wednesday . 'my relief, and 'if Fgmon le and dvil I Em'agine surprise .see the lghts' o reappointed council's rep, to Sea• toWtr.but you have to keep the
• morning following a' late session; when • Tuckersinith clerk Jim -• finally boric to Seaforth. It was 2 forth Community Hospital board -whole 'county • in Mind, deputy they , were .rudely met ; by , a McIntosh emoiYed: froth the a.m. When I walked into the because councillors . felt 'they • reeve Dale :said. But he added
swirling snows ern. fe .
• Swirling_snow around 113s car. . house. , needed direct ' i•epresentation that it Was good to see so much
When the ' reporter . went "I thought it was ynu following A phone call to the Coonihs from someone on council, interest shown' in the warden's
through snow up to her knees mei", said the clerk. h wso lives on' house revealed that the councillor - Because of heath spending cuts contest.
getting to Her car she knew she had got stuck somewhere and was and' possible hospital closings, the second concession. And I was Clerk Franklin was reappointed
,was in for p rough trip home. supposed Os' - :be , follow ing at the . home of Depots' Reeve Council wanted close liaison with :it • a salary of $12000. Council
With three going to Egniondville Councillor • Cleave Coombs of Ervin Sillery. Glad I wasn't the board:and appOinted council s endorsed a resolution from the I* or Seaforth it was arranged• that Emgondville!! following him. lor Ellis as it's rep.
the Member of council would lead "I' see All•ANicholsOn's truck What a night! Weh, I learned • .
town of Port• Hope which koured
Jean Hildebrand„ Dave Robb, giving municipalities authOrity to
• the way with the press in the 'coming," he said as he' walked one thing. Road Superintendent Stli Copeland, and 'councillors reject education levies, if they arc
middle, followed by the road Niel to speak to him. • ' Allan Nicholson .lies keep 'the Campbell and Bill 'Bennett were ',over 10% • '
- -
. superintendent in his big He returned to siiy "County ' township roads in better•conditicin reappointed to the Town's reerea- They turned' down a resolution
township truck taking township ' Road looks had. Y our best bet to than the county keeps its road, at eon coMmittee: More memers 'rom Godetich which, asked that
roads "which are better plowed • get hoMe would be to follow me least counts road- 3- Like the. will*, wanted,... . - , day care ceptre deficits he paid ,:by
.than" county roads". ' through the township roads to the provincial highway snow plow s, Reeve John Flannery_ and Dc- Coutdy..soCjal services rather than
In the Confusion, ofsgetting the- second concession a.tuf Toltow it - they, patrol thy. roads ' regutarly . Fifty reeve BM bale Were appoin- by local• nrtriftistnalities, ".
car 'cleaned of snow, getting into Egmondville. Allan will when the su4•1S shining. But 'let ted to the'planning board for one ' , Councillori'Elbs said Seaforth
stuck, the reporter finally got follow you." the roads be filled with snow and year. Council will get a rccom- , would benefit least. since' there in
going after a slew start and Such relief to .have company. there is never a plow in sight: tzt melfdation from the.. planning rto centre here and the local small
followed a Oar' down a township Freed of the dread of spending Thanks,'says, for helping me board cm whethia . rho: want population would be helkiiin. v
_sideroad in the direction of the night alone in a car home. another PUC representative, for larger toWns% -
eleaned•45-out of the thorn for
shipment to the dun p. a few
items other. than tickets sVpre
lOu•ndii• Buried deep in, t be packed
in piles, of thousands' of. tickets
were -a six inch ruler from Sills
Hardware, a sales: slip from
mused' op Christina's shopper, a
.draw ticket • for a promOtion
sponsored by Clinton merchants,
Ed. Dearing of •Staffa became demand 'for restraints , • hut
he first person to he re-elected to • .commitments that already already go
second ternras Chairman of the, beyond the it.straints.•
erth County Board EthCation, "tie cited a 36...1-per-cent pay
'1onday night in Stratford. increase •• for; euStodial staff, • a
Mr. Dearing defeated 30-per-cent • ..increase for
.A.Anderson in a secret ballot. elementary school .tachers,
He-told board members to 19.5-per-cent increase for
sheet a lot of public critieism in • secretarial staff ---- which is still
le coming year. The board'faces • tinder consideration 'hy the ante-
s toughest year yet, with 'a inflation review board '— the
• as-yet tinsefiled • contract_ with
' secondary school teachers. major
renovations to Isi,:towel Central
School, the need for additiona)
staff.' and e„,xparisio,n of• , winter
"The board's' Costs will
continue to increase, and the local
taxpayer will be expected to'pick
uli the difference." Mr. Dearing
said. "That's a horribly gloom:v
He told the hoard it must
. ,z, against the nuclear plant but . Could a tender be liniited to town-
mission to look at the effects of a 'council should' 'support the Step- ••at: $5500 but clerk .113A Franklin
nuclear poWer plant on tigricul- hen resolution because it asked said there may he a lower price
ture, health and local government .for answers onseveraelegitimate - b,ecause auditors are IlOW require.
costs before a plant'is approved questiOvs. ' • - ',• • ed ont,v to spat check the clerk's
for Huron Monday night. • „ With hard times, we may not Figures. -
'The Stephen resolution asked he able to he choosy eve nabout ' Councillors accepted' a PL1C„
the• commissuin. 'which is investi- 'nuclear . - develoPment, was compromise on 'the arena water
gating powe'r planting in . the councillor Charlie Campbell's shill that 'will see'tbem pay $100 a
province, to answer •14 questions view. 'Looking-at the possible'loss month. Arrears of more than
ranging from the cost of spinoff of revenue in the. county, if the $2000 . for water• used there in
development to local communities hospital closes and oilier unener-Clerber .and Noilember will be
to pcssihlc Marketing .problems ployMent, coMpared to the num- written off. when $200 is receivrid
with food 'grown ' near • nuelear. her elf. • r4ople who: Vvork ' in 'the 'PUC told cotincillors. Arena
. esamine every proposed budget ":"pOwer plants, if consumers feared agriculture. he-staid he "wonder- ' committee ehairman Bennett cal-
' iteni extremely carefully. • • . .. contamination. . eel it-we can affords not -to expand led thes•IJUC offet fair. . • •
- se, All present -programs most be There are • linaneials benefits s ourjob pgisdoetion in the county.-
, e. jtisitified •be for e 1976 liinds Lire
The question o'f•haw to get oil
• from tu. nuclear 'plain„ttio, council- 'He tickled that he didfi't like to • su pplied, toheat the t .' bill :., ,le own wa..
see. :t. . ceintnitised. he said. ,, .... - lor 'George 'Hildebrand ' argued\ lose agricoltural lil,net. passed . to • council's fi nance, and
„ .
Y 4 •
.; ' . . A review of night schhol "Employment has been a boom at -That'. probably what was general government' eminni tee
r • 44,.,....‘•,.•, , programs willicus a top priority hn,, Douglits, Point.''' The . plant has said. beforC, eVer ywhere. where lera,recommendation. For y rs
ED. DEARIP1 G (Continued on Page 8)• been a headtiebe to Bruce County, good land is covered:with asphalt the contract has been rota. .d.
now,'",:" councillor Wayne 'Ellis among' local dealers and clerk Bob
commented.' '''Sernewhere we -Franklin said he had been a,p-
have to 'pull the plug and put a oroac.hed by Gordon Nohle and
stop to this." ' , • asked it: he had a chance to •his
If we have no 'food, all the 'Considered, ' . .
doctors and nurses 'in the world -It -should really be tendered
‘'ori't help a hit,, said deputy lisrv., councillor '"John Sinnamon
t'ec've Bill Dale. -"We're not said, ' and, most others 'agreed, '
. • • . •
" Seaforth Council sttp'ported -a
resolution from the Township of
Stephen asking the Porter Com-
deputy reeve Bill Dale pointeds Clarkson and Gordon, were
out. • reappOint.ed the' town's auditors.
Councillor .lain Cro.\clter said 'They had estimated. their 197.6 hill,
orth's clowntowirwas. rebuilt
e same time after the fire, of
and;.. therefore 'present
buildir s go together •web.,
Mrs, Hill. 'said •that once an
architectural advisoisY• eephimitte?
was formed it could start draV.ritig
up a heritage plan. Then if
merchants of other] property
• owners watAed to make changes
•or does: maintenance on •etheir
buildings ..they "could haYe'lhe
voik done' so that it Wouldehlerid
inwith the- overall afrhosphere of
the street., ... ... • \
..The ". Goderich.' planer said
funds "aid 'available f ni the
Ministey •eif Rousin t' 1, small
comtrio•ities•who watt lb cl aW up
plans to preserve their ar tee-
tura} heritage,-.He estimate the
-papers addressed to the United,
Slates and its,possessions sharply
increased, At the present time the
average mailing ' of .,this-'news-
paper jo U.S. and foreign addres-
ses cbsts the publisher 5 Cents per
week. The new rate for, the
average mailing will at leasttvvice
this amount up to as hutch as 20
cents for each issue:'
The increase-.witl•-nreati"J'hat
Effective Jantiary 1, . United si'yearlyit ub'seeiptions•to the Unit
States. 'Postal rates news- 'States, and countries other dia.
Canada will have to be $10.001Or
the subscription and 55:00 for the
postage. Canaelian subscribers
who spend the winter. months in
the south. 'Will Also "be affecte
The average stay in the Uni
States -is five months., which adds''
approximately $2.50 to th; sub-
scription price.
Sorry!. We don't 'It it 'either.