HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-01-01, Page 16• dctober /6 • * • SP / THE HURON .EX1)061TQR, JANUARY 1, 1976 • • • The yegiCin JANUARY 8, 1975 New O.P.P. replaces Corporal Primeau, . James R. McLeod has been transferred 'to the Seaforth•Detachment. Ray Primeau has been in Seaforth for 10 years. Ile-Anne McLeod, posed with her mother • Mrs. Kenneth McLeod, after her arrival as Seaforth's first New Year's baby. Robert Caldwell, Brumfield, was •installed as Master of Britannia Masonic Lodge by his brtither Kenneth -Caldwell of Clinton. JANUARY 15, 1975 • Mrs. John Riley of Tuckersmith narks her 98th, birthday.7 Anson M (Andes, was sworn in as Warden of, Huron Co. Robbrt Franklin, Seaf6 rth's new clerk was shown around the town office by Ernest Williams. . Mrs. Wtn. Scott of Brumfield is new Horticultural President. JANUARY22, 1975 Duncan Ai'kenhead of town celebrated his 95th birthday in Seaforth Manor. Mary Renne was thrown by a bull, at her home and is now, in Seaforth Community Hospital. Gordon Rimmer heads, planning board, JANUARY 30, 1975 Tuckersmith hires Eisler to tag dogs. Ross Scott given 56,year jewel by Brucefield FEBRUARY 6, 1975 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ross.honoured on 40th anniversafy.' New pumper for the Seaforth' area Fire Department. FEBRUARY 13, 1975 -~ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Felker, High St., marked their 50th wedding anniversary. Work crew restores Van Egmond house to' 1867. MARCH 13,1975 .--VVilmer G. Broadfoot paslyd away in Stratford. • Mr. and Mrs. David Papple 'mark 65 years .of wedded life. MARCH 20;.1975 MTS. Thos. Scott Sr.of Cromarty marked ner 94th birthday. Robert Spittai, choir master, honoured at St. Thomas Anglican Church. / • Huron budget 'is up, 20%. • MARCH 27, 1975 Tuckersmith telephone names W.D.WilSon of Brucefield -and Percee Johnston, Bayfield., Affect 'of flooding on drainage worries farmers, , ' APRIL 3, 1975 Ar- med robb ers tie up Geo. Dixon and his sister. • Miss Mae SMith's h'ouse,was brokensInto about 8:30 in the evening. , Cast i,ron•':fountairi is, back on Main St. Canoe race is on, on Bayfield Risfer, APRIL 10, 1?75 Spring storm bring Seaforth to a stop. Seaforth says thank4 to, retiring clerk, E. Williams.,2, ' • . • Norman Seems went to'London Hospital after. receiving heavy burns. APRIL 17, 1975 Huron Expositor, uts qui Centenni'al, paper., • ,' • • „ 5 Council imposes $15.00 arena surcharge. , • A visit to the McGregor sugar bush enjoyed by Grade K-3 of the Seaforth Public School. ...., APRIL 24, 1975, Hensall widow wins $38,306 in darriag suit. Irate ratepayers ask Tuckersmith council to • support recreation. MAY 1st, 1975 Only 'alew 'rabbits *ere saved at the fire at L. \ Leslie Holmes"\shed. -°‘ Lions may sponsor siniors-housiug project. , Arena board to s addition. MA 8,1975 . • . r. , and 'Mrs. \John W. Armstrong, esboro, celebrat 50 years married life. wn gets home renewal grant. MAY 15,1975 • Town policemen get 24% raise. Seforth's taxes up 14 mills. • MAY 22, 1975 1500 people dance to Guy Lombardo in arena. • W.T.Teall, long time car dealer; passes away. • . M'argaret McCowan is shown anteing the tulips in her garden: MAY 29,1975 ' Fire destroys the barn of Douglas Hugill, #2, Seaforth, together with SO sows and 150 piglets. Teachers get. 30% raise in -Huron Perth. , Ausable-Bayfield to start flood plain mapping. JUNE 5, 1975 Mrs. Miller ices one of 50 slab cakes. 'Hospital buys $75,600 X,Ray machine, • Lawrence PlumSteel retires as Principal of Seaforth District High School. JUNE 12, 1975 Whitney Funeral Home sold in business here. Feiv complaints Huron. • Councji 'agrees to double water JUNE 19, 1975 Friends 'honor Mr. and 'Mrs. Dundas." Van Egmonds have reunion. ' . JUNE 260975 Expositor prints a 100 page issue for the Centennial. , Seat° rth Meat Shop gets new face. FrankPhillips has a splendid showing of, soldiers in the former Bach block. ' JULY 4,'1975 Rev. Docken honoured at Walton. Home' coming "held at ,Cavan Church Winthrop when Rev. Lesjit McSpadden was the guest speaker.. Mrs. Elizabeth' Brown was named Happy Citizen Queen. • • . JULY 11,1975 • Wm. Tutor, Varna was installed as G.M. at Brdbefield. I:0.0.F. • . Tuckersmith ta?c 'payers ‘-say rib to recreation. Three-year-old Jonathan Knetsch goes for a "- - night walk. • . -tz.• • - JULY 17,1975 Secohd craft festival on Saturday. June busiest mi'inth for crime yet. Water hike on next ' • JULY24, 1975 , . Edgar Flannigan killed by a tahker truck 'which he was irt,collisien with. O.F.Y'. crew were busy at the Van Egmond house. " JULY 31, 1975 Twp. March of Dimes raises • $500.00. , . • , • • Father Laragh'returns from. Europe. „ • , Jim. Hayter nominated as`;00 capdidafe. , • AUGUST 7,1975 Senior Citizens picnic at Van Egmond house. Mrs.'Lena Benn,ewies at'Kilbarchan marked . her 90th birthday. • Ageof hoMe milk, delivery comes to.an end.. digging at Egmondyille. ' AU,GUST 14, 1975 - James St. reconstruction ettarts. . Counctil.conimittee to study 'water takeover. Town Hall basement is hazard. AUGUST 21; 1975 'Fire in garbage' misses, factory,, • ' Centennial makes $5,000.00. Russel. Bolton° again is' returning officer. AUGUST 280975 "Bunny biAiness . looms. Tom Jorgenson known as Rabbit King. Friends gather at Walton for the James McDonald's' 50th, wedding anniversary. Chief finds pot in his bad yard. Murray Gaunt acclaimed 4s Liberal candidate in Wingham. SEPTEMBER 4, 1975 Lloyd Porter of' Walton, marked Birthday. • ,i Fred McGavn of, Seaforth celebrated bis 93rt1 birthday. SEPTEMBER -11, 1975 ° • The • late Howie Morenz hOnoured at • Mitchell. • Hensall's Queensway residents take tour by bus. Crowd hears Nixon at Riddell barbecue gathering at Pine Ridge Chalet. David Papple was '90 last week., SEPTEMBER 18, 1975 They ploughed up a storm at the Huron Plouthing Match held on the farrit of John Clarke: Staffa couple, Mr. and Mrs: John Chappel lost their home by fire. -Thieves- enter I.G.A. store '..but couldn't - remove safe. SEPTEMBER ,25,1975 ' 110th Anniversary services were' held at • buff's-Church, Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCullough, Cromarty, celebrate 50 years of marriage. Riddell wins election by 4000, Edighoffer was l'erelected in Perth. OCTOBER 6, 1975 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lingelbach honoured on their 25th wedding anpiversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott married 50 years. Seven local sisters win $100,060 Olympic Lottery.- OCTOBER 13, 1975 71N7...s Ken VVilliamson's barn burns on , the - McKillop Grey boundary. Calvin Pressey 'dead as the restilt of a three-vehtele collisicin on Highway 4. Mrs. M arilyn Pullman was killed when her car left the road near Embro. OCTOBER 23, 1975 Water rates up 50%. in Seafcirth. Preben Marcussen has been given $600. C)anada Council grant to „write an' account of Tactoryt. work • gild people's reaction to ' assembly" line work. Town asked for crossing guards. Dr. Chas. Moyo resumed his practise after a long iffness. • • , OCTOBER 30, 1975 Mrs. Leila bundas marks her birthday• at Seaforth Manor. Mrs. Ada Reid marked her 86th' birthday also .a.t Seaforth Manor. • Vandals damage area cars. NOVEMBER 6, 1975 ' Ronald Mackay tells of his Russian trip., • Arena gets L.I.P. grant. Work td start. in spring. , John Segeren's barn burned. Harputhey gets turn lalte. No money ,for street lights. . NOVEMBER 13,1975 'Patrons of Seaforth Post Office will get more locked boxes. 94 'graduate at S.D.H,S. ' • • NOVEMBERIO, 1975 Mrs. Ivan Forsyth fell and broke her arm at G od erich. Alphonse Cronin, 2,, Dublin, had his barn taken down by the Mennonites.- NOVEMBER 27, 1975 Gordan Hill,Varnafartner, heads '0.F.A, again. - Large crowd, played euchre at Walltorror Mr. 'and Mrs. Ken Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnson who lost their barns by fire. • • „ Dogs caught in Bayfield River fur traps. • ogcEmBtit 6;1975 ,Tuckersmith council closes Vanastra entrance. and plans Harpurhey turn Jane. • DECEMBER'18,1975 P.U.C. suggest $100 mlith for arena water bilTLopnotch donates hog .tp,S.D.H:S...banti. Vandals aCsEhi"pratt 15glaTs5;,Window'it Trapnell's Bakery; Arhehie's %note,. • • Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacKay mark 60th, wedding anniversary. • , FEBRUA4Y 20, 1975 MisS Ethel Beattie °had story in rtor Candy stripers get 'pins at' Seaforth Community Hospital about Seaforth characters. Bety McLean of Egmondville won $1000. . 'Jas. A. Stewart was another Olympic lottery winner. Bruce McManus • won a $100. FEBRUARY 27; 1975 First' singes dance success. Doreen Johnson and K.A.Scott were winners 'in the Seaforth Lions Club draw.' • MARCH 6, 1975 Arnold Campbell's house was on fire in McKillop Twp. • • • Tuckersmith to hold tax rates to last year's teyel. 1. after 32 years about tainted meat' . rates. Torrance his 90th October 9 ALL OV E R IN A, FEW MINUTES--'it took only a matter of minutes for fire to reciOe a barn oh the farm oirKen Wililiamson,on..the McKillep Grey boundary, east of 17Vaiton toaheep of rubble Monday afternoon: The Willliamsons had been getting the barn ready's° that a neighbour Hugh from lost his barn in a fireTridaY night, could Use it for the winter. Sparks from a fire in a field relay have been carried to the barn containing hay, stew and ,some implements. '(Staff Photo) A LEAR PROOF KALI, 4---*--nOw roof to protect it about $1,000 for-rdaiertats-and$900-for-labour, from. the winter sndWrie up at the Walton Whole amount hasn't been raised yet but organizers ccirntiluhltyH'ail after a collection was taken up in the are pleased with the donations they" are getting. Community, KennY Bird and crew of the Brussels (Photo by Langtols) area are doing. the Job which• Is 'estimated to cost „(Icfraber GOLDEN ResNELs - Ralph Fisher of Walton and Ausiell watch the corn' pouring but from one of the three wagon loads that Mr. Fisher brought Into te born dryer Wednesday. At the height Of the iushbY local farmers to'get their corn dried,- there were six, anti eight h our waits to use dryers In some places. (Photo by Oko)