HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-10-26, Page 8TI I IA. rOMORMANMPPmern.,..anomPIM.1.1.0,14WIpp0.000.,NOWIA M. 11. DicINDOO. M4.NTLES, CAPES, SUITS, EX- OLUSIVE NOVELTIES. b1X- T.ii,:31ORDINARY 4r 4I UFS M. a MoIudoa's great Cloak and >ilress Goods Department invites you to the greatest allowing and greatest selling of the season with niore novelties of note —more entirely esoIusiva effects anti betters values—and larger stock than any other store in Winghaan. There are many reasons why the correct buyers come here for their Mantles and Dress Goods, Ordinary Cloaks -Phe Dotuestie designs never enter here—Our Goods are all fresh from foreign fashion centras and oost no more than ordinary goods. OVERCOATS. As Overvoat time approaches, it will be important for you to know that the largest stock of Men's and Boys' Over, coats of any town is right here at M. IL Mclnd:ao's: The very finest and highe=st class of Ready.to-wear Over- coats, Coats so stylish—Sa Good --So perfect —'Chat it seems folly --pure and . simple, to pay muoh tnoro for ordered Coats. See our great nine dollar (:9.00) Ulster. FUR, COATS AND C .PIIS. Ladies and Gents Fur Coats in great variety. It is to your interest to See l-,ese goods, as M. H. Molndoo is now undisputable the largest Fur deal• er in Wingham. M. {. Ma iR1 'S Tho Montreal Herald. The Daily herald is now the loading newspaper of Canada's greatest city. It publishes morning and evening editions, which mill be sent to any address by mail for $3 per year, $1 per four menthe, or 30e per month, cash in advance. Persons wanting a daily raper should giye it a trial; they will he delighted with it. The Weekly Herald is a 12 page paper. It gives the news fully ; discusses public questions fear- lessly; contains an agricultural department+ children's corner, woman's page, continued stories, cartoons, illustrations of current events, short stories. It has a large and growing circu`.ation. Drop a postal card fora sample copy of The Daily or The Weekly Herald. Montreal Herald Co., 603 Craig Street, Montreal. MORRIS. Mr. Wm. Geddes had a couple of loaves of bread and a jar of preserves stolen from his cellar, one night this week, it is supposed by a train wbo was seen in the neighborhood.—Mr. A. Russell,. who has taught during the last six months in S. S. No. 5, ]las secured the school for 18115. sidewalks, $3,14 ; R, Graham., meal ; to tramp, 26e ; IXy. Willits, gravel, $1.871. On motion by Thos. Hemp- hill, seconded by Wm. Wilson, the' Olerk was instructed to have 500 tax receipts printed by D. Saunders. On motion by Thos. Hemphill, ,seconded by Wm. Wilton, the Treasurer was granted au allowance for stationary, tie. On motion of Win. Wilson, seconded Thos. Hemphill, the council adjourned to meet on the third Tues- day of November, or at the eali of the Reeve, J. Cowax, Clore:, BLUEVALE. Mr..Charles Walmsley was buried on Tuesday afternoon, in the Blue- vale luevale burying ground. Mr. Walms- ley was born in Ireland, and about thirty years ago carne to Biuevale. He lived for a good many years in a, house on the lot where the new Methodist church now stands. About six or seven years ago he went to live with his son in Ripley and had reached the remarkable age of one hundred and two years when he died. ----Mrs. Robert Maxwell returned home last week, after a visit to her son, Mr. John Maxwell, of Brandon, Manitoba. --Miss Eliza Messer is visiting her brother, Mr. J. J. Messer, of' Hamilton. CLINTON. The " Model Foot -bait Club" won its first intiteh last Thursday evening, when it defeated the Collegiate team of.the town. The ball was kicked off from centro and in a short time the Collegiate team by the good playing of J. Clegg, had a goal to their credit, 'With this the Modelites wakened up and went in for work. Many were the shots rained upon the Collegiate goal, un- til at last C. McKinnon, by a neat shot, evened np the score. The score was now 1 to 1. Soon half- time was called. After half time, the ball travelled around consider- ably until at Inst, by a neat pass, the modelites again scored. The Collegiate boys now worked with all the foot -ball strength they had Left, but it was of no avail. Again, by the skilled playing of C. McKin- non, the ball was played in front of their goal, when their own back put it through. The score now stood 31 to 1 in favor of the Modelites. They played for about five minutes longer, when time was called and the model - 'tea were in it. The teams were as follows : COLLEGIATE. Coombe, goal Ross, MeMordie, Morrow, Hartley, half backs Weir, Curtis, Mahood, Clegg, Morrison, Munn, Thomson, Tnotnson, forwards Brownlee, Baird, McKinnon, 2(1eLood, Braden. The teams are more evenly match- ed than the score would indicate.— The Brumfield cricket club drove over to have a friendly game last Saturday, but were sadly out of it, and went home hardly as joyous as they came. At the end of the snatch the score stood 20 to 3 in favor of the home team. W. O. Dairymen's Association. , r EXECUTIVE ECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEET TO COM- PLETE ARRANGEMENTS FOR TUE STRATFORD CONVENTION ON JAN. 15, 16 txr 17. The executive committee of the Dairymen's Association of Western Ontario met on Saturday afternoon last in the secretary's office, London bricks MODEL. McIntosh, Powell, Kirton, Mitchell, WRONETER. The Commercial Hotel is to have a new landloard. It has been bought by Mr. floss, of Atwood.—Mr. J. Howie shipped a carload of horses to Scotland, on Saturday last.—A. G. p''ortune,V. S., and Mr. Wm, Torrance of Milverton, spent Sunday in the 'village,—The Presbyterian chttreh is `Undergoing repairs. Mr. Ainley, of Brussels, is at present putting in a 21ew ceiling. ---Mr. George Gibson, wito has been living for some years in Michigan, has returned to Wrox- eter.—Mr. 3,Moffitt, of Owen Sound, who has been spending a few days with his brother here, has gonehomo. —Mr. b . Hemphill has commenced work at his now dwelling -house on Mill Street. The Reit R. S. G. Anderson, of St. Helens,has accepted the call of the Presbyterian church of this place. The decision was made at the Presbytery meeting in, Wingham, on Tuesday, the 23rd net. The Connell islet on Tuesday even- ing, lgth ven-ing,1tlth October. Members present: Messrs T, B. Sanders, 1,11n. Wilson and Thos. Hemphill. Minutesof last meeting were read and confirmed. *The following accounts were passed and debentures ordered for theme, Tic when Playford, work on • TIMES, OCTOBER 26, 1894. MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRtUCTION. 1 Catalogue sent free on appli- t Cation. MORRIS' FOLD - RRGERS - CO. Bteil's L1l.STOWISL. HALSEY PARK. Agent, WxxonA I, STILL LEAD THE TRA ;E -- z ERC A T TAILORING AND CENTS' FUNNING In EE. 4 T s we have the most nobby to be found, our stock is complete. Note a few of our prices Plough Boots, from $1.00 up. Ladies' Fine Button Dongolas, tipped, from $1.00 up. Boys' and Gills' School Shoes, from Ofiets, up, and all other goods in that lino equally low. nieu and others desiring assistance at meetings should communicate OUR STOCK OF with the secretary at once and endeavor to have meetings arranged for at an early date, Mr. ilillar will have charge of the milk testing department at the dairy school at Guelph, daring February and March. LOND.ESBORO. • J. D. Andrews, of Hamilton; 0. C, T., and F. S. Spence, of Toronto, G. S., were hero last :weds attending the greeting of District Lodge No. 24, I. 0. G. T,_Owiw, to the wet weather and a die social being hold at the residence of Mrs. Mogridge, the I. 0. 0. T. lodge was poorly attended on Tuesday evening. Nest meeting will be the election of officers. A good turn out of members is request- ed.—Mr, 13ell hats had the Commercial Hotel newly shingled. Mr. Whitely did the work, using British Colum- bia shingles.—Miss Gerrie Young, of Clinton, is visiting at Dr. Young's. Miss Jennie McKenzie returned last week from Owen Sonnd, afters long visit. She says she had a good time. --The Sons of England are going to have a. dinner and entertainment -on Thanksgiving afternoon and evening. They have invited the Supreme , Grand Secretary, John W. Carter, of Toronto, to be present. The com- mittee will spare no pains to make this a big success.—Dr. Agnew, from pear Bclgrave, was in the vilIa.ge last week. --On Wednesday of last week Mr. Thomas Hazzeiwood, of Hu'llett, was married to Miss Martha A. Hughes, also of Hallett. r1'he cere- mony was performed by the Rev. W. Smyth, in Clinton. We extend our congratulations.—Threshing is nearly finished in this vicinity. Mann:LD. AttresTamo — CaAwroav -- At the Manse, Wingha,;n, on Wednesday. Oct. 24th., by the Rev. D. Porrie, l%ir. William There were present : President Armstrong, of Kinloss, to Miss Rebecca Pattullo, Woodstock ; Hon. T. Ballantyne, Stratford ; Mr. A. P. LADIES MaeLaren, Stratford, and Messrs. John Geary and John S. Pearce, Loudon. • Arrangements aver° completed in connection with the annual conven- tion at Stratford on ,i'anuaiy 15, 16 and 17. The following „ entlelnee are expected to give addresses at the convention ; Hon. ,John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture ; Hon. Thos. Ballantyne, Mr. John Gould, Ohio; Mr. C. IL Everett, president of the Winconsiu Dairymen's Association ; Mr. F. M. Davis, Potsdarn, N. Y. ; Prof. Robertson, Dominion dairy commissioner ; Prof. Fi°tetter, Ex- perimental 1'arlli, Ottawa ; Prof. Dean, and Messrs. A. T. Bell and Wm. Rennie, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, and other practical dairymen, Invitations will also be extended to the officers of the various dairymen's.assoeiation in Ontario and Qaebeo, and to other prominent men conneeted with the dairy industry. A eominunication was read from Mr. F. W. Hodson, superintendent of Farmers' Institutes in Ontario, asking that the association nominate • several suitable men to assist hi institute work in the earning winter, A eommitte was appointed to +confer with Mr. Hodson in this ]natter. Mr. T. B. Millar, the competent Inspeetor for the association, was re- engaged for the season of 18051 duties to begin on April 1. His services will also be continued till the end of the present year to assist] thesecreta: in attending and ad- dressing local dairy meetings. Efforts will be made to ha'e its many of these local meeting take place before the new year Sas possible. Factory - AND GE ' ,LEN N Rend 0 cents in stamps, or 10 cent. silver, and wo will send you by rather, anti he PERFECT LE T WRITER A neat little Book, bei _ +erfect Guido in the art of Lelttt Writing.. contains hitters of Lore, friendship and 1tusinces, etc., with valuable instruc- tions and advice L'i•ery young roan and wawa) should bare this Books Address, NOVELTY PT7 ELISH.ERS, Ingetsoll, Ont. NOTICE. VALISES AND TRUNKS is full, and at prices which must satisfy all. "Boot and Shoe repairing done as usual. .J. J. HOMUTH 84 SON, WING HAM. Crjwford, of Oil Springs, Lawbton Co. '4 ANDI.us(aN—RA1—•At the residence of the bride's parents, on Oct. 17th, by the Rev. Mr. Miller, of Brussels, Mr. James C. Anderson, of Turnberry, to Miss Graoe Pnrgison Ray. eldest ilaoghter of Mr. Robert Ray, of Grey. e DI>nv. V' s'roNR—In Wingham, on St:nday, the 21st of October, Wm. S. Vanstone, aped 32 years and 10 months. v; `TRAY REEF Came ou t.7ulyo th,elopret 11mis the first r f red and white two ye bare sato by prowl and taking iter awa. of ; to undersigned about m ossion IL, Tutriherly, a d heifer, The owner eau property, paying. expenses G. B. SCOTT, UL,,nannau P. 0. 04. Tnrnberry, Oct. 22nd, 18 W ANTED, __L)o.tt ane Trnv• ing S;downier, T 7 I' (i tP, to handle ou • Iardv Canadine Grown .Nursery stock. We gone tae satisfaction to rcpresmttatit•or. and Costo for. Our Nurseries art the lava est in rho Dorn for -ores 700 acres, NG substitution in order xelusive territory and liberal terms to wino) ,, part time agents. Write STo.'E 4 WELLINGTON, (Bead Ogler.,. Tuaontn, net, :Che only Nursery' ioCaratt:t.tiAIOter n :orchards, 1 MISS G. 1.McKENZIE, A. T.M. Teacher of VIOLLIN, ELOCUTION AN PHYSICAL CULTURE. 1t'or full particulars, apply at the resi- dence of Mi . Gro. i io1 aNzIE, W ing- han1. Notice is hereby given, th t a court will be held pursuant to ' e Ontario Voters' List Act, 3880, b is Honor the Judge of the County C. , rtof the County of Huron, at the' ow. Hall, Wingham, on the 6th of N. e er, 1894, at nine o'olock in the . moon, to hear and determine th :ever'al complaints of errors and oto slobs in the voters' list of the muni,:ipality of the Town of Wingham for 1801. Ali persons having buslnase at the court are required to. attend at the said time and place. 3, B. P'r.auusorr, Clerk. Dated at Winghatu, this 22nd day of October, 1804. CUUR l 0f- ..R 1f ISION,..... Notiee is hereby given that Court Will be held pursuant to t Ontario Voters' List Ant, 1880. by Ilonor,the Judge of the Gaunt Oou : of the County of Huron, at I3>r AV , ou Virednesday, o' . mbar '7tlt, 1884, at 10 o'clock a. a, to hear and determine the several c • plaints of errors and omissions in the Voters List of tbs Municipality of Fast WatvanonIt for 1.894, All persons having buoinesr; at the Court Bre requested to attend at the said time and place. Cl Fr FV.[trJ.rlEiF J J'L, erk of Eat 14LJswanosh. teat Witt/ stroth, uot, 22nd,11304, MSS NORMA aI SLEY Pupil of SIGNOR DINELLI, of the Toronto Conservatory of Music is prepared to receive pupils' in INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. For terms ripply at Diusley House. MISS MAUD LESLIE, TEACHER of 1Y1 U SIC 1 Is prepared to receive pupils, being fully competent to teach advanced pupils, as well es beginners. Will also prepare pupils for Conservatory of .Music and graduating. Enquiries kindly allowed at Ross' bookstore. Residence --Edward Street, Wingham. IRS. LESLIE. DRESS AND ivtANTLE CUTTING. AND PIT'T'ING Den Is 'teas warn %VIM. HATS AND BONSETS Iteinodtellest alltdl Trililniirossted. Patterns of all kinds out on the shortest notice. itesidente - Edward street, opposite Baptist eland; Winghant. OR, McLELLAN, LONDON, ONT. 't34 Dundee Street, Ii '% E stmt EAR St1tG1EOI '+ Gradu,,tn of the slew Perk tyo and i:ar hospital. 1850. post GraduatclInnrse oh the Syn. For, Nese acrd Throat at the Now 'fork Moet Graduate Medical School end I1bsptta1.1502. );yes Tasted, Ulatete Applied. fine steak of Spectacles, Lenses and aurtifiuiat E$ ss, Will be at the Dr. McLellan is in New York this month attending .a epeeist rouree on eye, enr,tiese and throat, end wilt return on October 27th and make his menthy visit to lattenbury ilouse.Olinton,on Friday, November 20d, � to Nell it tir46te(i WANTED ALES EN rind rbmpae'ta 11,10 of awry Stock or Seed et►rbcs, er both. Per. 'nomad and mine pdsittens to stood men, We oras Aft* you exrlluaive territory, if you Yri,h. It will pay yeti to *rite int for terms, AddreN*, he Hawks Nursery toReobeete} OF ALL SHAMS, ---The US ESS °OOLLEGE SHAM is the mo't to ho despi.od. Not every Institution dubbed Business College is worthy of your support. You will in ell nikclihond take a business course but once, therefore, why not select a school that has earned a reputation sur practical conscientious stork, The Forest City Business and Shorthand Collage of London, . Ont. Stands head and shoulders above the average Chnadian School. Graduates everywhere sncesssful. Cata- logue free. Address carefully, • ;F. W. tWESTE1 VELT, limrimellbal. S H E SHOE ST Two doors north of Postoftice, ne Nt. Halsted & Scott's Bank. NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES Our object for this season vi make Customers, not is money. die will look for our profits later, All shoes warrant act as represented. We wish t are Our prices for The styles aver We will prove to y Store. It is to our interest WI GRAM and r, 4 ,rhfGtLut yi,,,,,�gt,,,r,untut i,U}u,i» establish an exclusive Shoe Business in Winghtnn, e best that the best factories can produce. this season will be very low. the very latest. it that it will pay you to buy your Shoes at the Shoe o please you, GOOD BROTHERS, The New Shoe Mon, EAPORTIL Having bought sin prepared to fut etieh as IIR,t(s:"VY, LIGHT NETS, SS AND GOLL ._ t t the Ambler i1arneso Business and started hi his old stand, the public with everything ueaally kept in a harem* shop id TRACK IIA1tNESS, STBRS, IPS, CURRY COMES, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRTTh lS, V'AL'ISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &tc., &e. 11 lay own Collars and guarantees eatlataetiorr. ill nes yen right. Winghtatt 1, VOL. XX: The Bata has bee tor a Big Vali 'J,'ra l( .a large and well-sele every lino, all bough Pearkets and marked .of profit, Goods we this season, which 3 .calling and getting need, lois it he what Flannels, Ubdcrwet Ready -Made Clothin Groceries. And in ( yon and make a 11 go will give to all (lash .Ceuta or 10 MIL cz ar system, on ail porch cents, (with one exce Remember our go as any in the trade, -undersold. We stilt the best Tea in Win for one dollar, 6 lbs. cents. 110010444.4.1 1111144. —444,14" ORB The Tar Baa, Oct. lit Mania Issued by PRANK toria street, Wingl required. 4 m Olege, Toronto, C Ungeo.stlonnhty inerctalSchcois. , O stun this paper. r+......, r,..,....,,.. �. l;x'eep lire sizi sunny face, 1 ambition in smears with fo Iii6lcs of age,-- Woman Suf1 t anti Half C In Great 13 all elective ofii of parliament. In Frailer eleet women of education, . In Sweden elective office lives : also Inc the house of lc L�C Cheap .Lam Macdonaid's 1310 —The railwa to Toronto this The fare was tint —Cash for go Graham'u rearke -I1 is said th 21. Marys, int store iu Tamlyn -'or sale, a Roosters and 11 Wingharn. ' ile a you ipso anee agent the soheed, on it breaking one of -=Mr, Allan 1'ifilchnity. Garet inst. to Prances Mr. 8. Butchin tions. J. Galley, and inftrmary : Residence t 1 forinaelestdenc to, day or nigh —The Sons c servie° iu th Sabbath morns aq . members p and Itrt asrnnon deliver Bev. D. Petrie That pleasant soothing otfeot need of w in3;n1 ,notbtr is s'. gratifying rel if the bast f Very family