HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-10-26, Page 66 THE WIN6111A.M nmEs, OCTOBER 26, 1.894. e.111,1inglIam imt$ PRIDA.Y OCTOBER 20, ens. EDITORIAL; NOTES. IN 1860 Cauada exported. '124,320 lbs. of cheese an. the United States 15,515,73a. In 1870 the -exports were Sie427,782 and 57,.2e6,327. in 1880 there were 40,3„08,C78 and 127,- 553,907. Canada kept overtaking her rival until in 1.8AS her exports Ra173,1a7 p eerie and those of 1.7 Ill!••ei I Stares were SA,( )08,4:58. Next (Aulittla Nrils ahead, the hist fignaa being nearly revereed. In leej the exports or Canada were eenede, .valued a t $13,- 407.470 n, I thost it. United States 81-A4023 valnea at $7,624,048. These figure:4 ai . contained' in a Dominion pamphlet on the produc- tions of the (alley and .nuteket there- for. Practically all •aur exports of cheese goes to Great Britain, and nearly 59 per cent of the British importis of Canadian cheese. Compared with these achievements the 1 ' . • •„ of the Cimadianb • trade is not very satisfactoree but the export, small as It 'is, 'is nearly equal to that of 'the United States. In 181)3 it was 7.036 013 pounds, • valued at $1,29ta814. Great Britain imports 244,497,008 pountleeof butter for which she pays i,,a8,330,591. The quantity is rather less than that of elt1clouble. Canada ought to aim for a'5•000,000 worth of that trade, :and -then see how much better -she •can • do. The little kingdom of Denmark senile: into that market 96,715,584 pounds of butter valued at $23,597,177. •• Canadian Forestry Printing. THE itesis OF A CHARGE THAT RE- SULTED IN A LItiEp SUIT—A FOR- ESTER EDITOR'S CrEtRACTF.R VIN- DICATED — ALSO THAT OF THE HIGH COURT EXECUTIVE. At the recent asSizes :in Guelph one of the most interesting and lin- rortant cases VMS GLIMMER THE TOTIoNTO EVENING isZEWS. — Thai action which was brought n the geeett's Bench Divi- sion by .11r. Harry Guiumer, of Gttelph, publisher of the Fle,rald„ against the Toronto Elvealing. .News Printinz Company., as tried :before His Lordship Mr. Justice Rdbertson ,and a jury on Therseley and laaiday, eat Guelph. The particulars or the acme are that in au iesue of the 'Tor- onto Evening News the 'defendants pellished the following article: "FAT JOBS FOR erneererts.” How the Orders are used by some members to make money. :Considerable interest was aroused last summer regarding the contract foleprinting the Forester which was alleged to have been awarded at ia prism very greatly in excess of rates offeved in Guelph and othertities." The plaintiff, who had the contract of 16inting for the High Court Cana- dian Order of Foresters, claimed that the meaning of the article published by the defendants was that the defendants referred to the plaintiffets the gentleman who holds the contract for priming The Fore-aer and the organ of the Chosen Friends, toldby the use elf the words "fat jubs for printers' ;and "how the Orders are .used by :some members to make money," tale defendants intended. the amb1ic to infer that the plaintiff had wrongly used his position to obtain by improper means corrupt contracts for printing and without giving :adequate vake in return, and mean - Ng that the plaintiff was an mt- worthy member of the Order to ,whieli he belonged, and referred to bis being represented by The Foe - ester and the organ of the Chosen Friends, and that such article tended to bring him info disrepute among bis assoeiates and brothers in these Orders. Mr. Gummer immediately served a notice that he claimed thearticle was libelous and asked them to retraet what they had said, hut The News pRitt nt attention to it and refused to pologiw. Mr. Gununer then com- enced an action against them for Vages and the defendants still re - to apologise hut maintained he article WAS true. 'his position the action came ''lie and upon the plaintiff article, the definalants justify what they said, e . • s • but although they called several witnesses with the object of sub- stantiating their chargee, all of' them foiled, to prove any basis of impute- - tion against Mr. Glummer, and 011 cross-examination aamitted that Mr. Utuuiner had not been. guilty of any improper act, in any way, in eonnee- tion with Ids dealiuge with the some - thee Mr. Gmemee then (1110(1 the officers of the societie:: who line nnd all denied the imputation.: contained in the artiele and said that there was nothing whatever in them The case. then went to the jury. Mr. Nesbitt, on opening the ease to the jnry and explainilits to them the nature. et it on Thursday, stated that if the de- fendant would retract the ertiele, •apologize and pay the tosts, that .11r. Gummee woula abandon the action, as he was not looking for maney, but to get at the persons who weie, using I the columns of the Ntays to defame I him. The defendante, however, de- ! elined to :wept this proposition and linsieted On their defame going on. After the examination of a large numbee uf witnesses, alr. Wellace I Nesbitt, of Toronee who, with Mr. IT. P. Caine% of Guelph, appeared for the plaintiff, addressed thejury. At I the outset, he explained the law on the ease. In such actions the jury were to deckle syn both the law and the fact, a prsetice that had origin- ated by the gifted Fox .over a hun- dred years ago. The leading Eng- lish authority had clearly shown that lin eases of libel it was immaterial what meaning the author intended I to convey; what the .jury had to 'connect themselves with, •Nilas the meaning the ordinary reader would take out of the weeds, What that I meaning was witness after Witness had shown. Even a witness for the , defence, Thornton, admitted that the •, article insinuated at corruption on • the part of the plaintiff. J. Howard Hunter, registrar .of friendlyeocietle.s, a man whose slaty it was; to sit in solemn indgment itt all matters per- taining to their welfare, testified that the News article lesinaated wrong- doing, and were his attention called to it officially by a member, and it was not contradicted, he wotild :feel it his duty to investigate the •charge. The defendants, When :called upon to do so, refused to retract their state- ment. They wouldt not give the -.author's eatne, but it was selfeeeident they allowed their paper to be used by some secret •enenay of' the plaintiff to vent his malice. Since they had accepted the responsibility they should be made•sweat for it. ." We • have been following this lie everSince I 1892," said the eloquent counsel, "bat this is the first time we have met it face to face to say it down." Mr. • Nesbitt then went en to analyze the tweak efforts of the defence to make I out that Honest John Neel:nuts and Mr. Elliott, of Winglume Mr. Brittoa, , of Gananoque, Mr.: White, of Brant - fora, Mr. Jameson, of Peterborough, Mr. Henderson, of Whitechurch, a•nd the other members of the Executive were in a ring to give corrupt con- tracts. Not one tittle of evidence had been addueed itt jestification of the innuendo in the Now6 article. Closing, lie called on the jury to vin- dicate the plaintiff s character. The gaintiff did not come into court for money, but since. the defendants had libelled him and sought to justify the eshel, they should be made pay sub- stantially for the wrong they had, dam. THE JUDGE'S CHARGE. , Hid Lordship explained that it was not necessary for the plaintiff, in a case of written libel, to prove specific damages through the publication of the aitiele. He dwelt on the power of the press for good or evil, and said that if in the performance of what. it considered a duty in expos- ing an alleged wrong, a newspaper e,ommitted a wrong itself, it should pay the consequences. He expressed the opinion that Edward 'Tow° was at the bottom of the whole trouble and had. got the News into this scrape. He asked the jurymen to take the article complained of to their room, read it carefully, and if it impressed them that the defendants imputed to the plaintiff corrupt acts, which the evidence had not justified, then they were to return a verdict for the plaintiff. After about forty minutes deliber-i ation, the jury came 11) with a ver- dict for plaintiff for $200 and costs. The Wile of thiS. cause celebre must , be gratifying to the members, of the Canadian Order of Foresters, who are justly proud of the straight -1 forward and upright course of the officers and executive of the High Court. The great good the (Wei' is aecomplishing,cannot be carried on unless baselese attacks en the integ- rity of officials 410 promptly ehalleug- ed, and, as is this case, promptly disproved. ea_ veer eneestion • Tends to nervouenese, fretfulness, pee- vishness, chrome Dyspepsia and great misery. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the remedy. It tones tho stomach. creates au appetite, and gives a relish to food. It mites pure wood and gives Lealthy 1 action to all the organs of the body. '.1.dti.Ilizonsi.lood's for Hood's Sarsaparilla HOOD'S PILLS become the favorite cathartic. with evereoue who tries them. T NBERRY. The Turnlatrry Council met in !McDonald's hall, Bluevale Monday, October 15th. Members of Council all ! present. The Reeve in the chair. I The'ininutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed. (Sem- i municatione Were read from Robert IDouglass, re Government drain.— ; Action deferred. Also, from John Rutherford and Thomas Aitken, Township Fence Viewers, awarding damages to Joseph Gray from fire set out by Alex. Cameron—Filed. Reports—The Reeve reported that along with Mr. Dintent he had met the Reeve of Morris, on Boandary line, and let ajeb of building break- water,wideuing and fencing road, to George Johnston at $7.70 ; job com- pleted and recommend payment of ITurnberry's. Share. The Deputy &eve reported having let a job of gravelling on West Gravel road to Arthur Stapleton at 40 cents per rod; job completed and recommend pay- ment. Also, let a job of ditching 27 rods on Patrick street, W. T. Plot, to John Stapleton, at 20c. per rod. Mr. Mosgrove reported having let a job of gravelling on East Gravel road to Arthur Wheeler at 62c. per rod ; job finished and recommend payment. Mr. Gemmill reported having let a job of fencing road in Wylie's beaver meadow to Arthur Wheeler ett, $11.50; job finished and recommend payment. Also, let a job of cedar culvert on Howick boundary to Wm. Hayes, at $30; job finished and recommend payment. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, second- ed by Mr. GeMmill, that the Clerk. be instructed to notify Mr. Hugh Struthers, owner of lot 7, con. 5, to stop digging dram on road allowance leading to Government drain and ' also to notify Jahn. that no person eau drain into Government drain (except I those lots that paid for it), without I first obtaining an award from Town- ship Engineer for such outlet— ; Carried. Moved by Mr. Mosgrove, ' seconded by Mr. Gemmill, that the !Clerk be instructed to write to Mr. ! Henry Wheeler to clean out drain at I once to give Mr. Wm. Harris an !outlet, or else measures will have to I be taken to bring on Engineer and. have award made—Carried. The tollowing accounts were passed and acheques issued: Henry Wheeler, $7, gravel and damages; Arthur Wheeler, !..ijM, gravelling ;, Arthur Wheeler, 1.1.50, fencing road; Alex. Craig, I $4, road scraper; Arthur Stapleton, $12, gravelling'; Geo. Johnston, 1$13.95, work on Morris boundary ; I James Messer, t 3, work on Morris lboundary ; Wm. Patton, $10.08, gravelling on Wawanosh boundary ; Munieipality . of East Wawanosh, 181.11, gravel; John Watcher, 7 5ctse I repairs Linton's bridge ; Peter Me - Ewen, 20c., spikes; Wm. Gray, 50e.,. repair S to culvert ; Hayes, 1$30, culvert on Howl* boundary ; I Frank Carruthers, $1,50, repairs to ! Gray's bridge; John Mosgrove, $2.50, gravel; James Powell, $3, box drain; WM. McPherson, $3, select- ing jurors ; John Burgess, $3, select- ing jurors; Herbert Hennings, $3,e selecting jurors. Moved by Mr. soot so„rii„1„,,,, On tho VW:trona. Public speakere singorS aro often troubled with .Sere throat and hoarse. mess and aro liablo to sorer° brunelital attacks which might be prevented and cured by the use or Iittgyard's Protocol rialsain .-the best throat and lung remedy in nee. The immense power a local news- paper pet!sesses in attracting trade to the town 'in which it 16 published or diverting' it into others ehunnels eau hardly be estimated. Further, it is 11 matter that iS scarcely considered as an important factor in a town's prosperity, for the simple reason that many business men do net give it a thought, 110 who will impartially consider this assertion Wilt 1)0 con- vinced of the truth of it. The local cAVEATS,THADEMARKs COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A, PATENT? For a prompt anewer and an honest menton. write to 11111 NN d1 CO.. who have had nearly day years' experience In the patent business. Communica. tions strictly confidential, A Handbook of In. °mention concerning Patents and how to ob- tain them sant free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent tree. Patents taken through Munn & Co, receive special notice in the Sci en ti Bo A uteri can. and thus are brought widely before the public with. out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued crackly, elegantly illustrated. has briar the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. 53 a year. Samplecopies sent free. Building Edition. monthly, $2,50 a year. Single copies, 25 cents. Every number contains beau- tiful plates, In colors, and tlimtographe of new houses. with plans, enabling enders to ehow the West deafens and secure cont acts. A•ddress mune! as CO.. NEW YORE. 361 BRoADIVAt. Now is the time to buy your paper is very naturally biased in ) favor of the place of its publicationd erreSeass". 15.117 sa b Ina) and. if given a fair living paroling° by home busieees men, will guard well their interests, just as the mer - chain; guard the interest of hia in- dividual customers. • linerr....1.111.,04.,4114•0.4..4.1MANMAIK • yHE ." MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Read proofs below: KENDALL'SSPAVIN CURES Box 52, Carman, Henderson Co., Feb. 21., I21. Dr. R. 3. KENDALL CO. Dear Bira—Pleasa send me one of your Bono Books and oblige. I havo used a great deal of your Kondalrs Spawn Cure with good success : it is a wonderful inediclue. I once had a mare that bad an Occult Spnvin and ave betties cured her. 1 keep a bottle on hand all the time. Yours truly, Cues. Powers. KENDALL'S SPAM CURE. CANTON, ISa. Apr. 3, IR. Dr. B. J. KENDALL Co. Dear Sire—I have used several betties of your "Kendall's Spavin Care" with much success. I think 0 the best Liniment / over used. Have Fe- n:ova one Cur!, one Blood Spnvin and kilted two Bone Spaying. Have recommended it to several of my friends who are much pleased with and koep it. Respectfully, S. R. RAY, P. 0. Box M. For Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr. B. J. EENDAIZ comrAxr, EN OSEHIHGH FALLS, VT. r,et.;",,", ;,•,, efli e CUTS DOE THE PIKE OF PHA AGAIN. STEAK, 1.0C. PER LB. ainj other meals in low proportion. PORK SAUSAGE also 110 hand. lam prepared pay the highest price for all kinde of fowl. They must be drawl ' and well dressed. GEO. SHAW • I Wingliam, Oct. 10th, 1893. u•A• • es 't inglrim 41iirter3 --IS PIIDLISIIED— EVERY FRIDAY MORNING --AT TRH— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGRAM, ONTARIO." _.____........ $ubseriptionwace,eirer year, in is -Avenge ....._.... *DYER:1181NC RATES: • -.-- 61,,,,, 1 1 yr, 1 I, um, I a am, I I too. ono Column 1iu Halt " ..1(1)) 83 I ..:(111 tot I it3:4 '(43 'A Quarter " One inch . ii0 Oa i 12 00 I 7',') 2,0o 5001 $ 01) 2 ed 1 00 — . . _ Legal mai other casual advertisements, $1". Per line for Ord insertion, and Se. per line fo eaeli subsequent insertion. itcral wallies 100. pe. line for first insertion and 5e. per line tor eachelibsetment insertit E. No 'local none° will Oti charged lose tiger 25e. Acivelti sem en te olLust, Funnily 8 trayed, Siteations,, I and Business Chanees Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines • nonpareil, el per Mc»outb ouses anti learcus for Bale, not extleetling 8 $1 for Bast mot ith, ate. Ian subsequent month These Units will be strictly adhered to Special rates for local advertiscieente, or tot longer periods. Advertisements and lora) notices without specific directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged accortlingiy. Too •••ftery ativeriasemente must be paid in ad t enee Changes for contract nalvertfr-,ments must be a ' the ottiou by Wednesday noon, Ell order to appear . that week i R. ELLIOTT • Paoesurron AND PUBLISHER 4111 When von C41,11 get them of Dn MACDONALD, FINEQUALITV,IVIOUNTED CENTRE STREE7:. SPRING ROLLERS —FOR - 25 CF NTS. II NEW PATTEM , 1 1 - i NEW DESUS, I at all prices. J. A- CLINE 0. CO, 1 Hardware. Merchants, STONB BLocit, Wingbana. - I HALSTED SCOTT wucenan, • • • - Ocrama. iv B. TOIVI,Elt. Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario- -Coroner for County of flSon— OfYIce next to Mr Morton's ctilee, Wing- t,ani31':1.ciOn1 OURS. —0 to 12 a. m., 1 to p. in., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. (j- P. KENNEDV,Ton M. 0. 11.3 0. • (stioo...t,ot to L)r% J. A. lticierunc.) 0•15 Medalist of Western Univeritity: Late Rouse Sure:eon in London General iloepital. Ppeclal atten- tion paid to diseases of women and children. °Mee—Formerly occepled by Dr.' le eldrum,Corner of Coutre and Patric'. streets. 111, INGHAM ONT • VANSTONE11., BAR LUSTER, SoLICITOli, Ete., . Private ...lid C0111 VIEW, funds to lean at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town ' and farm propert) bought and field OFFICE—Doaver Mock Wixenam —_'E.R 1 — Josephine Street • J. A. HAteree, 11011,11 P011:14. V'gbam, Ont. ---•- ••-.---- J. A. MORTON • BARRISTER , J. W. &err, W Ingham ant Listowel. Deposits Received and Intermit allowed. • Money Advanced to Farmers and Buell:less lalen, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral secmity. Salo notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada et reasonable ebarges. !Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. -------- Free Press agents In Canada—The Merchants' Rank of Canada Office Boure—From 0 a. m. to 5 p. A. E. SMITH, , A en . FARAI AND H(),fliI ZETLAND SAW MILL VOIR SLOC SOT_H. PAPERS FOR _3 0 Enlarged and nproved, A High -Class Family Paper. • EACH NUMBER WILL CONTAIN: Rev. Or. Tolinages Sermon delivered the Sunday • wal'ert°1!‘aircil'Isistil:. anderings. Aral:IBA ,ail..N.Iptlicszifilistrated. gpleMild ghost Most...melt week. A Serial Tale, and otiwr fentawirig 101(1111g Matta. SUBSCRIBE NOW Price, 011B DIHEIF a year In advance 1, the ris.BEEL:Tr:Rni$E189P4Re;ftS all•i FARM ANO HOME—In all res. Atrents %rutted in every en represented district to. Cruickshank, seconded by Mr. num PRESe PRINTING CO. Diment, that this meeting do now, adjourn to meet in McDonald's hall, f Bluevale, on Monday, November I 19th, 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m. , JORN' BURGESS, Clerk, A Gloemy Oetlook is that of the dyspeptic, but his facc! will brighten when he knows that itipans Tattles eures that terrible disorder and will make him a cheer- ful and happy Mint She --"You have Met the beitutie fat Miss X. have you not ? What do you think of her?" He --"She is one of that sort. of women that any man could die:/for, but none eould live with." Tha It.D. 0, for indiscretions 0± diet. GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. E. L. DICIIINSON, Barrister Etc. SOLICITOR TO BANK OF HARILTON.• HONEY TO 1,0p. Oflice—Merer Block, Wine:ham. JEA0A1E, L. D. &Mixon/do. Is manufacturing first-class sets of teeth as cheap as they ean bo made in the Dominion. Teeth extractedc absolutely without pair., by his how process, guaranteed perfectly safe. OFFICE : 5,, the Beaver Block, opperite the Brunswick House. Wm. H. macdonaid, L. D. S. DENTIST. OFFICE, MACDONALD'S SLOCK. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rci Mondays cif each month. Lumber of all kinds, JOHN EITCIIIE, First-elass Shingles, I UENERAL Leh DRANCE /WENT and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of Wing- hani. 11201.ndere by mail premptly attend co 031011011 MONSON, Box 125, , 0 WINCHAM SAW MILLS The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they IPIIJtJI^ have it very large stOCk of • JOB PRINTING NChtt)INi nooks, Pitutdilete, I'04131'11, 33(1 A Heads, viands at, .111'.,at ., e,' execened in the hest style et the art, at moderate priers, and on shed t , I • it LOTT. TI 11 let 1)illee. = T. En CORNYN JD ; RTAKER f AVINGTIAM, ONT. i I ,11111011100( LUMBER, SHINGLES LATH ; ; BARRELS WOOD, &cif on band, which will bo sold at vorp close prices to meet the roquiretnents of the hard times, First Class Shingles, $130 per square. Wood Mots, pertord, delivered.. Everything else:eeeally low. ComS end see as before buying, as we will not be undersold. MetalAN It SON. Wingham, June 7th, 1898. ORTIRPO DEANs,Ja., WISOHAM, -E • LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOIL THE COUNTY' OF HURON. Moderate. Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charges JOHN CURRIE, Ventoness, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR Tag cOUNTIEfi RIME AND DEUCE. All orders left at the Tanis Wilco promptly littera ed to. Terms reasonable. JANES MEN/MGM Lumssue Auertomma FOR COUNT/ES Honore AND. Baum All sales attended to promptly and on the Shorten Notice. Charges Moderate and Gatistaetion Guaranteed. All necessary Arrangements canbe made lit tbe TIMES' Oleo WEIMAR °Et DR. J. McASG, M. 11. Toronto, Member Collo Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. BEtanAvg • • • • • • • ONTARIO Money to tout on Notes.. Notes Discounted AT IttAsONABLE Tana, prximoity, goivpily,ege rho:tier:8 Attn5yi ypoiterttentirtirgitt and accounts tollsotedit.tom totaNtoo. bearer likiele Muslims (lud. 0