HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-10-26, Page 5TIM WING -HAM TIMES, OCTOBER 26, 1894, here over the brutal murder o MURDER NEAR LISTAWE -- (f Miss was first seen at Teller's, a flag Jcssio Keith Friday is intense. In station about nine' miles south of FoUlrrEtax-YI".AIt-o'ma JESQ,Ii. rcrl'rII spite of the fact that search parties .Listowel, on the Stratford division of TIIn VICTIM. are out in every direction, no trace the G. T, R. About 9 eau, he pass - of the tramp who is suspected of being ed the schoolhouse, where be inch - Listowel, the perpetrator of the awful decd eontly exposed Ms person to the Oct. 1.f, ---The people in p • "p P 1 this neighborhood were startled to- I has been found,. seliool children. Ike was next seen day by rumors to the effect that a; The coroner's jury was sworn in at Britton, another flag. station 11 murder had been committed about' at 9.15 in the swamp. After view- miles south of Listowel, about 11 one and a -half miles from the town. ling the body of the, unfortunate girl, o'clock, by the section foreman's Late in the afternoon these rumors , and having examined some pools of. wife and Featherstone Smith, of were more than verified, and the Need, the jurymen returned to the Listowel, immediately at, the, high - excitement was unprecedented when ; residence of Mr. Keith.. Evidence way crossing on the fourth conces- authentic reports were made known I Was given by the section • men, Mr, sion of Ella, wito remarked bis that a girl, only 14 year of age, had ; and Mrs, Keith, the father and tough appearance to a companion been subjected to the host brutal ' mother of deceased, and other. [who was riding with him, and who KNOWLEDGE + . outrage and afterwards murdered, 'Nothing has been elicited, however, laughed and caused the man to turn Brings comfort and; improvement and The feeling became more .intense throwing any light or giving any in with a menacing gesture. 1 urther ands to personal enjoyment when when it was known that the victim formation as to the perpetrator of up the track, about a mile, he was rightly used. Tho many,. who live bot - had been in the town shortly before this most brutal cringe. The Lis- seen by two lads named Laird and too than, others and enjoy lifo more, wit:t the dastardly deed was committed, towel hall was appointed the place to Atwood, of Listowel, who were sit - being, in fact, on her way home when • meet on Friday, the 2l;th, at 10 ting on the suction tanks. They she was intercepted. The girl was o'clock, for the purpose of awaiting both had guns and were out shoot - Jessie Keith, the d'atughter of Mr. developments and obtaining farther ing, The boys accosted the pian Wm. Keith, a respectable farmer, information as to the perpetration of and some words ensued as to their who lives about one and a -half miles this most brutal and cruel crime. ability to shoot, which he disputed in from this town. She was well known Irl its details the crime stands quite a jeering manner. Laird told him here, frequently corning into town to on a par with the hideous White- that if he would throw up that old ° get supplies for her home. chapel murders, inasmuch as the hat he would soon show him whether It appears that the unfortunate body was so grossly mutilated, doubt- he could shoot or not. He passed on girl travelled on the railway track, , less after the commission of the out- to the scene of the crime which took which crosses the farm, on her way rage, so as to render it impossible to him within 50 yards of Keith's house home from the post -office, and there say positively that such a Gleed .had in passing-. The track makes a she was net by a tramp, it is sup- - posed, and outraged and murdered. The discovery of the crime was made in a very unusual manner. For some time the seetionmen have been kept busy attending to the track in this neighborhood, and most of them. •# knew Jessie Keith by seeing her going to and returning from the town along the railway track, After din- ner today the scctionmen were re- turning down the track to resume been committed. Not only was the curve just opposite the house and the throat cut from ear to ear, but the snow fence hides it from view from - abdomen was cut transversely for the concession line for a distance of sixteen inches and also from the about 100 yards, but the sideroad - waist down vary deep, and nearly crosses the track within plain sight =. all the organs were roughly cut out. of the spot where the first assault- In addition to these mutilations there took place. The road is well travell were three marks on the fore part of ed, but at that fatal moment no one the head, evidently received by a was in sight• to protect the young blow from sc.me heavy instrument, l girl • from the attack of the fiend. with the purpose, it is supposed, of rite section men were working on first stunning the girl There is also ; the identical spot not a quarter of an ..--- -- -. __......_-_ _.....-_ _.. T r 25 All St col Cashmere extra w•idc :roc. for 25c. their work, when suddenly one of a slight cut on the upper lip. . The !hour before, and returned to work jail here it was discovered, that he Heavy Dark Gray Costume Cloth, double fold 35 " 25. them sate pieces of torn paper and body was found entirely naked except ; perhaps before the fiend had tom- ryas making use of other such articles Lovely Check Dry Goods in black, white and fancy checks.... 40 " 80 rice between the rails, and he called for a skirt wound around the neck, I plated his demoniacal work, - not 75 in lien of underwear. Heavy Mantle Cloths, all shades 1 ?:i " 1.00 the attention of his fellow workmen and covered with moss and • rotten yards distant, but still where there Mrs. 111cLeocl, of Ailsa Craig, has I All Wool Box Cloths 100 " 90 to trier. A consultation wan then stood. The skirt, as has since flans +X11 Wool Cashmere Gloves 25 " • 15 Mkt, and as scraps of clothing fur- pincer, was not the aril s, harsh 2 g l p 1 3 ill col ILcbbio lru e.... , , 71 " 25 slier along the track were also found, 1 l th t five carried a cheap black valise which i They were ' tole t from her house on 'h 1 60 " 45 ' fears were entertained of foul play, and immediately they set to work to also about fou inches longer. It i' the petticoat which was wrapped She has also identified F hers the y g , ;rt investigate the affair. , { 9s" EIS Evidently there had been a strug- gle, as the marks at the side of the track plainly showed. Following up these traces, the inen came to a plowed field, through which they Saw something, or, perhaps, some one, bad been dragged. It was a compara- tively easy task to follow these signs, . "' and at the end of the plowed field they came to a swamp, eighty yards from the edge of which their iuves- ' Ligations came to an awful termina- tion. There the horrified men saw the outlines of a human form, cover- ed over with moss and rotten wood, while a sickeniiig odor ,'of blood seemed to pervade the air. For some - time horror held them spell- bound but at last they summoned less expenditure, by morn prompt -7 adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health cf the puro liquid laxative principles embraced in 'tho remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is duo to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax. ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. 1t has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it,acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in '5o. bottles, bub it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, snd being well informed, yon will not t+ocept any substitute if offered. G. McINTYRE'S P . A., Z, Z.a ANNOUNCEMENT. DRESS GOODS. We will not be undersold in these goods; we Save them in many cases below manufactures' prices, MANTLES AND MANTLE GOODS. We are not undersold in these particular lines; a lot tocl('ar out at one- half manufactures.' prices; now iisyour chance. We cannot be undersold inn tbir: department, We have tllc`.tn at right prices, so our =towers say; don't miss. them. O LEN ''00 .) S. 'We want you to inspect these and buy, thereby saving from twenty to thirty per cent.; they are going out fast. - Early in the seas( n, we placed orders in Eastern Tea Centres, thereby securing the early I ick leaf, wieicil has a '>trenyth and favour that is no obtained later, and this puts us in a position to give you Teas right. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, heady -made Clouting, Hats, Caps and a great many other lines to clear out at a price to suit the times. Dress and Mantle making on premises. All mantle goods bought here cut free of charge. Cutting and fitting a specialty. G. MCINT YRE, . WINGHAM. MA CDONALD BLOCK. Wall' t;H g —• .; 9 ;I: 17 i• Sale. _ wa.s no eye to pity, no aria to save. identified the valise and clothing, . , girl's, ' • o r Duffin all this time the murderer found in the swam n as her ro lert r, r r • -. inches around e waist, or I 1 p bl 1 h' 1a . . Wool Shawls, allco ors . . inches more than hers, and it was contained, as afterwards transpired, the afternoon of the Northern Fair., believed it was lvounct around her ! about the -dead girl's neck. When garments that Chattell threw on the i ' ' neer- to cheer~ the flow of blood No !he emerged from the swamp an • railway track when the constable m 1 C' d upon it by means of which it could I valise, which was Somewhat puzzling to this strong evidence of the prison- ` ` +1 marks of any description were found; passed Kidd and Leslie he had no was in pursuit of him. In addition which you will have to see to filly appreciate. _het are •sl nett• xoo s, y pp made and trimmed in the latest styles. be identified, and the members of the , to the authorities, and a vigorous er's guilt, he himself has admitted family assert positively that it was I and thorough search was again in- that he was in the swamp and that I in finding the missing valise by, 1,;eneral here that Chattell is the Malachi Alexander. It was conceal-! real murderer, and it is urged by After covering the hotly with moss . ed in R. R. 'Play's field adjoining - the 'some that the'Listowel witnesses were and leaves and concealing other evi- - swami of death, and but a short (lis- dances of his clime the inhuman i p;instructed to refrain from publicly monster turned north through the I tance from where be was seen by identifying him, in order to avoid a swamp and stopped to wash his hands I Kidd. The finding of the valise ac- i hostile demonstration on the part of ata small pool of water in an old counts for the discrepancy and identi- the crowd, that might have culminat- I open drain. The footprints are quite ( ties the murderer absolutely, but who , ed in speedier justice being adminis-' p I unfortunately, is still at large. The i tared than can be obtained by the not the girl's. It was almost s:atur t stituted this morning,which resulted the valise is Itis. The opinion is ed with blood. distinct here on each side of the pool.. valise, which was evidently stolen at slow process of the law. Here were found - several pieces of some railway station, contained a flesh .and shreds of skin, which had • mans ons , t~inns on one of twhich had evidently adhered to the villain's I woman's bonnet, shirt two pairs of hands and arms. He then continued! stoc. ae''T,+, - pend 3.5"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap - i c.w to Got n "Sunlight" Picture. courage to uncover what was too ap- northward and emerged • from the' letter 1, a pair of shoes and a per bearing the worsts "Why Does a Wo- parently the body of a girl, and then swamp at the edge of a ploughed 'letter of men's overalls, onvhicli were Le er B os., Ltd.ok Old 43 Scottooner han a St., To out a sight met their e•:tze.blood t ' s though,.strange g r field, some portions of which he bad . + 1 , . Y. pretty P body. of Jessie Keith,whont they lead working, but strange to relate he did I only in small spots. One pair of • Ito sa oo S aln , and you will receive U post a ic- Thebe, lying colal in death,was the to cross and in which a lean was'to ..ay, after all he but( ieiy the -cure, free from advertising, and well worth owner hacl performed, they were, flaming this is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost one cent post- age to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address caro- ., seen in the full bloom of health only not see hmi; and in the adjacent • Stockings and the shoes were the a few Lours before. The body was field two siren were working within a h divested of all clothing, and was clozen yards frorn where lie passed, 'Hissing ones removed from the feet lying in apool of blood, which was but neither saw him. It is probable of the murdered- girl. Kidd diel not fully. Yi g notice tiny blood stains on his cloth - yet oozing from -several. ghastly that he came • out of the swamp ing, though he passed within six feet GUIiItIL. Groaners in the head and body. It almost at the same moment that Mr. of lr)nn. The mutilation of the body was very apparent that the foulest C. Uowiig entered it 50 yards further did not exhibit any degree of skill A convention of the Liberal . Cart- - of crimes had been committed. east. He the skirted the line fence' servative Association of East IIuron ad The perpetrator of this most brutal between R. R. Hay's and John ylomo lcno l dh the gte ooft anatouty,lutist v sli he will be belle in the town hall, in this Crime had evidently come up the , Ballard's farms to the south east oviclently knew the. position of the place, on Friday next, for the pur- railway track, when he met the poor .cornier of the race track, atvoiding organs which were removed. That pose of nominating a candidate to girl. After the murder he must have two men who -were ditching• on thecontest the Riding for the Dominion carried. or dragged the body in the, east side. Continuing up the baLck it was the work of a monomaniac of Parliament. --The Orange concert, swamp. He then crossed over a or- stretch of the race tract: be was the jack -the -Ripper order cannot be tvhieli was to have been given on the p• p doubted. tion of Mr. Rolls' farm, which isnext accosted by Johnson Kidd, whom he evening, of November 5th, has been to lir. Keith's, on the town line -east ; had evidently not seers. Mr. Kidd The description of the murderer•, postponed and will be held on the . of Listowel, and across to the third; was ploughing a long,, narrow field Which tallies with that given by all evening of the dedication of the new concession of Wallace where he was, on the cast side of the race track on those who saw hint, is appended. Orange hall, which will probably be seed n,bout four o'clock this after.' a lower level at about 2'o'clock,wlen The murder- wits committed by a about the second week in December. noon, after which all trace of him ; he bade the man good day and, re- stout man, about 5 feet 9 inches, I for the present is lost. ° These facts ceived the same salutation in return, dark, swarthy complexion, about " . were discovered after one of the men , after which the fugitive asked where 85 years old; may or may not have had gone to inform the authorities, ! he could get a drink of water. Mr. had sniall dark moustache, mixed the others remitting to guard the Kidd directed him to a pump at Mrs. with grey; very heavy body and 4" heel y~ In the mr•Lirthne the news: Caters house., a fete rods distant,:Lnd shoulders slightly stooped, very full aten Your sight bad spread all overr the district, and ;right on the townline bei,ween Minna chest ; rusty black coat, turning If you are losing flesh your a erotwd of people grtickly began to 1 and Wallace, and on the main street brown; old black feltbat, laced shoes, system is drawing on your coiled. The coroner in Listowel being I within the corporation of Listowel. black, with toe caps, pants lighter latent strength. Something from home, the, authorities in Strait- The gran proceeded to the pump, had than cast ; weight 1;10 to '200 pounds ; ';Cake ford were notified of the affair. A `a drink without look up at Ars, hard look, short neck, is noticeably is wrong. search party was organized and . Cattel, who was seated at the window heavy bodied. 1 feet aw y Fie then TIM ltVr2D>JRtn CAUGHT. Scott's commenced to scour the country in nota dozen vtt hope of coming up with the liar- crossed the 101100 to the townline. Stratford, Oct, 24, --It seems morel Amillimillimilmme derer, Mrs. Cattel had a good view of the than likely that at last the autliori- • County Crown Attorney Idington, mann, while tic Was at the pump. ties have safely lodged inn Stratford -e wes Sheriff Hossie, and the coroner from The runt ducr turned. east on the :jail the roan responsible for the late 1'i11t1151 Stratford, arrived on the scene of the townline, away from the town, .and horrible murder of Jessie Keith near Murder on gip fl.l5 p. in. train, was incl shortly after 2 o'clock by Listowel.. AlamnedaChattell, a French the Cream of Cod4iver Oil, stopping at the swamp, and, after Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leslie, who gave Canadian, was arrested on Monday, to give your system Its need,. ' viewing the body and surroundings, the SS= description as the others- who near Erin and broughthere yester • ed strength and restore your had it removed to her late home. saw hint. This is the last authentic clay afternoon. Since his arrival the healthy ,eight. Physicians, The body presented, a frightful ap. case of the gran being seen. • web of circumstantial evidence has peararticc, the throat having been Tracing the movements of the been woven thickly around hien, the world over, endorse IL gashed and the body terribly cit and rind 'rer, whose identity is absolutely When arraYstcct he threw away a- par- k , 01 t.. a6@liil - I. . s bstitpi t torn. established, wee Will go back to the cel containing articles of woman's' ecattAlloinle.811101lr. w htt.SQe. p. ,, Listowel, Oet.21.---The excitement early morning of the fatal day. lie clothing', and when, searched at'th . speak for themselvees. Once seen you cannot t exist buying en'e. See our Famous Dock island ilat:d-made Long 1:oets. See our Men's and Boys' IIeavy i•'reizc taster and elsterettes.- See our Men's Rigby Waterproof Dress Ove : •esas See our stock of Men's Buckskin Mits and 4.•:..,ves. See our Range of Flannelettes from 5c. uZ t, :•ds. See our Men's Winter Shirts and Drawers, from 25c. up, and there are dozens of other lines of floods which you ought to Fee and which we will be happy to show you. If you want genuine mono)--savirig,hard time bargains, come and see our promises fulfilled. t DON'T WORRY! t' TRY t i tl BRINGS COMFORT aid WASH DAY T. A. 1L I ...,LS, Wingham WEBSTER & CO. have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for MAKIN MEN'S TWEED SU ITS - -TO $4.00 SPOT GASH. If you have any Tweeds at home, now Is the time to save a dollar on the making of each sttit, and get a good fit. First-elass Trimmings supplied itt wholesale prices for spot cash only. If you want to buy it Suit or Overcoat you ean save from $3.00 to $10.00 on each, by purchasing from us. VVEBSTEF & 00" Opposite the new Macdonald Black, Winghanl. Merchant Tailin