HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-10-26, Page 1In IN 1N VOL.. 'XXIIL.---NQ. 1192. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1894. The Been has been making preparations fora Big Fall. Trade by gathering together a large and well-seldoted stook of Goods in every line, all bought at the lowest and best markets and walked at the smallest margin of profit. Goods were never as cheap as this season, which you will admit after calling and getting prices for anything you need, let it be what it may. Dress Goods, .Flannels, Underwear or Staples, Furs, ReadyMade Clothing, Boots and Shoes and •Groceries. And in order to father help •you and make all go as far aspossible, we will give to all Cash Buyers a STRAIGHT DIs. COUNT or 10 ri.lt CET., instead of our present system, op all purchases, lett it only be 10 cents, (with one exception only, sugar.) Remember our goods are marked as low •as any in the.' trade, and eve will not be undersold. We stillhold the reputation for the best Tea in Wingham at 36 cents, 8 lbs. for one dollar, 5 lbs, for one dollar and fifty ,oents. ORR & H1SCOCKS, The. Only Direet Importers. 'Tan i3xen, Oct. llth, 1894. • Marriage Licenses Issued by Feeenk Pnx.abson, No 23, Vic- toria street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. 90o•a04+08•AA000O,9O+00000 •� Place In Gaaada to.: I B 8 ge «a Business Edu- iYl ca ion, Shrthand, e et.., is at the Con. :O • • ^ • • tral Business Col - and Stratford Ont. fee • TorontoOnt, t B, Unques�fonultly Canada's Greatest Goin. mercielScheels. Cata:onues free. Men- tion this. paper. Shaw a i;tltutt, Principals. 4•4441144.6.4.44:400 0044440 REAL ESTATE AGENCY Town and i ri t i+roperty sold on join mission, to the best advantage of both •buyer and seller. No sale, no charge. . Rents collected and property looked after. FIRE Inii RANOE. Those desiring insurance should select eine of the following old and reliable English Take Notiee.—The Tntirs and .stook companies : • Weekly Globe w,l'lie eat to any address Sun Fire Insurance Company, (Bated?* in Gonedn,, er the ? ti ='ad States, for one dished 1710.) -:Year, for one dotlaretrt }iYable in advance. (esNorwich eJIlt>:.'• Insurence Gom panYr .aS ib seriPo n faWx�ao ulm e ce et any . ti . tabhsha177) •Alliance Vire Assaleteice Coreptny, (es .. On Tuesday, while coming back from tablished 1822.) . •the, funeral, Mr. . Kling's horse • became Lancashire Fire L srLnCe C amp ny , uhma}fti,geablo an ran faro the eid• ': k (establiehec11b'62.)'iaea the Park H se, upeetti tib S. hilt rictUi fes ' and throwing .y 1\t Kling iia • ,� .. « f` s itsv Rest Estate and Fire ins5ianco Agestt;; toes, who was ri ng with hum, ee. , '' or= Kent Elea, Wingham e tunately neither 'thein were hurt. The buggy was coneerably broken, but the . LOChorse did not ge away. �'f�:NE �i'iirS --Teao0 1 �p ns Oa doz. at Herr. s Faix. -Division Court was held on Tuesday last, in the Temper nee • all, by Judge Doyle. There was. •lir t calendar, and it was disposed of by • •n. • ' —J. R. Royn• stock of groceries at cost, at H, E. 'WD's, Macdonald's Block, Wingham, —Rev. Wm. MeG gor, of Durham, was in town a few days 1 t week calling on old friends. He likes is new charge very much, and was on 1 way to the Baptist Convention at St.. T omas. —Save 20o on every dollar by buying your Groceries at Kerr's Fair. —The Canadian I ependent, published in Toronto, will h eater be known as "The Congregatio list," and will be edited by Rev. Char s Duff. The former editor, Rev. W. Wy • Smith, will still aid in the work. —Boots and shoes neatly and promptly repaired. Goon BnoTxlsms, The New Shoe Store, —The Judge's Co t for the revision of the Voters' List of tit : Town of Wingham, for 1894, will be held n the Town Hall, on • Tuesday, November th, commencing at 0 a. m: Wo understa 1 that there are quite a large nuznber of t peals to be disposed of. —All persons i _debted to the under. signed on accou • will please call and settle not later tn ' Nov. 1st, or the bills will be placed in user hands for oolloctiun. D. A. Mechem:. --Last week's 1 russels Post contained a description of th; apiary of Mr. G. A. Do,i.dman, of the town, as well as a cut giving a verY i igoo Deadman is an and has one of province. He ,Tersey cattle. • view of the same. Mr. enthusiastic iastiC b P ee•kee er s he best apiaries in the lso has e, herd of very fine -=rresh Groceries at Kerr's Fair. air. J.11, ReyIds disposed of his •stock of geecextoa, 1-1. 23; bosh.: •'' --Plates 00c a doz. at Korr'.sFair. �-A number of tit members of the X, O. O. F. of Brussels ar ..ing their brethren in town a fraternise sitt'.as we go to press. ;. t. ; . , Cheap La bods. I3. E. Srew,, Maddonald's Ble t, Wingham. El intends Kobe. —We learn that .iVlr I't commenoiug the mapn store of pop again in town, shortly; —Cash tor for good butter and eggs at R. A. alta rt'A neerket gl•ocery. —Mr. A. Secord•ia•a tending the meeting of the Western Assooi tion of the Congre- gational church in Se land, Ontario, this week, eye - -Mr. John Bell, ,•jr, ft on Monday for Seaforth, where he joi 4 to hunting party and he is now in . Mus enjoying:a sea- son's sport. —Long boots: Imam. and factory - made. The best;; • aria' cheapest in the county. Goof, Bitoeniins, 'The New Shoe Store. o day ads week, to Mr. '4—A jewelry fakir hal jewelry in Seaforth, `+ surrounding torous. ,,umber of "greenies" i Goderieb; wbo soon; been selling trashy oderioh and other nd he Bund a good both Setiforth and parted with their ;money. ese • —For first-class tailoring .and cheap gents' furnishinge, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Grahams grocery store. —By reference at, t ings, in another column r Manna succeed liCayo the present, the Colin to have a sidewallt»u Council proceed - twill be seen that I I in defeating, for in their endeavors down on Patrick That Jbyful r'eelinlg Opt the exhilarating tense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness :*Mob tall +lite nae iff Syrup of Figs, is +known Lw who have . not • pro. beyond•'bhe old time medicines and `‘ielbstStereed titimtt't'ineei dusted ..Ate, o, y d by mite 7,01, l4f ad,, Yi —G. T. ,Et. trains for Toronto and east leave: .Wingbam at 0.25 a. m. and 20 a. m., via W. G. & B.; 0.35 a. zntr�• ,?.�-25 p, m., via Clinton and Guelph1 neotions by alt trains: On Tuesday; of er the conclusion of the Division` ;oi;r t,on a suit, who seeYned t friend, should have been decided, assault ants in the case, net stables. The olcl g handled, and was b tteheadand face,: 1 Morris, and no don —Miss Charlotte McDonald wishes tb intimate to the ladies of Wingham and vicinity that the Dress and Mantle making business, formerly carried on by Miss M. Johnston, will be continued by her in the old stand, Gregory Bloolt -Pref. Moody's tailor system taught. Cutting and fitting o .specialty —I{err's Fair, corner Josephine and Viet toria streets. • —Part of our Hart stow correspondence is unavoidably crowd out, btttwill appear in our next issue. ---Butter and Eggs wanted at Kerr's Pair, —L. G. Chamberlai , eve specialist, will be at C. E. Williams' .rug store, Wingham on Tuesday, Novembt Oth. See adver. tisement. —Any person bang a nicely located house, with about stet. rooms; oan And a tenant by applying at this office. —The Union furni ire factory is now making the new lines of furniture they in- tend placing upon tta n rrket, and will soon have a full comps nt of hands em- ployed. —For sale, a u er of Brown Leghorn Roosters and s, Apply at TIES office, Wingham. • --After five years If labor, with the help of 247 editors, and fee enormous expendi- ture of nearly out million dollars, the Funk & Wagnalls Cempany ennonnos that the last page of the 3ecoud, the concluding, volume of the new : •tandarcl Diotionary, is now in type. This volume will be ready for delivery in Nov . 1ber,Pena,Meyer Block, Winrbam. 1 tiPislars speaker of the evening. The Baptist choir r Appronticea wanted to learn. Dress- -Tho 5th of No ember, Guy Fawkes will give several selecns. a t u making. traitor system of cutting taught.., day, will be celebrated by L. 0. L. No. 704, i next weelt• —Electric. Soap, 10 for 05c at Herr's Fair. '$4 A Chinaman er ved in town this week and has arrang d to open a laundry , in the brick building next door to Mr, , Wm. Diamond's tea ore, ‘10;#'y -14-Cops and Saucers, 700 doz. at Kerr's Fair. V—Mr. J. B. Fergus!!, town clerk, lute boulevarded and plaasd a plank sidewalk in front of his reside co on Shaer street. The appearance of bis fine residence and grounds have been gr�atly improved. / --Trunks, valises, leather bagseto. Now stook just received at GOOD Biennials, The New Shoe Store. • •—Ilia Lordship iabop Baldwin, of London, preached in t. Paul's church, in this town, on Sunda last, at 11 a. ne. The discourse was a pra iced and thoughtful ono, and was enjoye by the large congrega. tion. The Bishop •cached et Belgrave at 3 o'clook and at B yth at 7 p. in, At the latter place he pr .shed the •anniversary sermon. 0n Mono Ly afternoon, St Mark's church, Auburn, wet consecrated by the Bishop. —Watches, olodes and jewelry promptly repaired and fully . warranted by Heuer 1� $1 A YEAR IN `.DVA tC Fa -rooms 12e, Clothes Pine 2o doz., Slate Pencils 0 for 1e, Spoof 2o, at Kerr's •-Bir, Some of the res eats of the town do not seem to be aware of the fact that it is contrary to law to us firearms in the cor- poration, —private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf ,lona Nx.t•;naius. —Arrangements at + being made to drive a member of piles i, 1 the river to protect the wheel housee of t e waterworks from being inundated. and 'wept away. —At a meeting ,f the. W. C. T.. U., recently held, the fo owing ot1icere were sleeted for the ensuin -e. year ; Mrs. (Rev.) D. Perris, president ;rs. John Conery, recording secretary; .]:rs. Jobn. Forster, corresponding secreta _y; Mrs. Wm. But- ton, treasurer; Mrs. Alistlm, Mrs. Diamond and 52rs. (Ray.) Giffi xd, vice presidents, The meetings of the Lesion are held the third Monday of each month, and the Gospel Temperance mP =ing the first Mon- day night of each wont... The next Gospel Temperance meeting .w 1 be hold in the Temperance Hall, on Monday evening, Nov, 5th. Rev. Jas. H.milton will be the Apply to MISS H. 7. Powsnn, opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. 't—On Monday, •shortly after dinner, while Sir. J. B. 0i mmings and his son James were drivini 'along Josephine street, the axle of the wagon broke, the occupants falling on their fav s on the styes. The Norge took fright n sol ran down`to Sweets' hotel sheds, where he was catigllt ` `Neither Mr. Cummings m: Jitnwte 4,0e injured, except a few sorat :hes, and• the horse was none the worse. WANTED to borrow for a, term of years $3,000 on good farm security, at 5 par cent. interest. For particulars apply at Trees Office, Wingham, 0 t. •-Tsemembers 0 te Rural Deaneryr of t ro meti n Clinton W dnesda of Huron o C t e y last week,represen .atves being P resent from Seaforth, Win. ham, Goderiolt, Brus- sels, B)yth, Dungan, ton, Bayfield, Middle- ton rind Clinton: • Te Rev. Rural Dean Hodghus presided, a d complimented the grand bya - eaters � met a_ a and tea in the. +-+ Town Hall, t1/Ltev 11, W. Hughes, of Ade- I laide, will deliver les celebrated lecture, "Orangeism in Gres. Britain," Rev. Jas. Livingstone, of Ifinc reline, will lecture on "Oraugeism in Can da," and Rev, A. P. ' Moore, of Bervie, w' 1 deliver an address. The lectures mid dresses tvt il be inter- spersed. nce t •- spersed. with sets :tions by Capt. Tom Robson, humorist, of London, and Miss Lelia Berry, sopraf_o, of Lucknow. Mr. A. Anderson, of Luck ow, will be present and render a number of .selections on tate bag-, pipes. Sapper wit be served in the town hall atter the entei ,ainlueut. '-I a.n still here n 'W} ham in t t leas n the g Furniture and k' •: i' i~ u Uudeita tog' business, Lt Ci cordially invite anyone wanting goods in my line to call and sen for yourselves where ou canget bestvalue for your i money. Don't e deceived by what some interested parties say about prices, but. come and sea for yourselves. I am not Take 11—Tile :Mails and Weekly Globe «111 be sent to any address, in Canada or the 'United States, for one year, for one dollar, payable. _in• advance. Subscriptions may cot}Tmeuce at any time. On Sunday last Wm. S. Vanstone, firm of Vanstone passe.: away at the this town, in his 1 o n was the eldest son stone, "anti:" had not ith for a year or so. trips to the Old and during the last re cold, which de- n of the lungs, which, li ,tin was the tCa 0 e p , Re was a general th has' cast a gloom of the i . The friends , any authority or taiin ympathy of the whole ! vent the plaintiff from r bereavement. The I a councillor. It appe -as very largely at- and the other membp and Orange societies disagreed•on questxdp me, the deceased being which resulted in til t these societies, as well Relief Committee no ai,d, in which society mittee meetings of wh lie caeried an iueut pec. I chairman and then y,llrevetrt tg"' senior member of th � Bros., marble dealers, the F his mottle r i ho 0 33rc1 year.,TLe•deceas of the late Joseph Va enjoyed very robust !sqq He made a couple of Country this season,. trip contracted a sev into Fon esti velooed o 0 e. r •1 of c al L 1 he an ,xvt cause of his death favorite, and his de over the commu nit •ass have the Clet,9 ..d hk community in the Furniture, Tuesday here to be undersold yourselves. in I utvitnre, funeral -cis T y Deanery on the.- inc -eased interest mani- Picture Framing or Undertaking. Please tended, the O=.Iclfellr - • ad in church tick during the year, bear this in mind. •taking part in the s S. Gnacmr, many of the congzgntions having been Practical Undertaker. a member of both ___ as the Sons of 'Soo A Picture of Gladstone, . Which readers oft is paper can obtain • for a nominal price. A very fine portrait of Hon. W. E. Gladst- tie, Great Britain's greatest statesman a• 1 orator, has been ntreal Herald Com - 8 inches in size, is led paper, and makes for framing. It is a urier picture ' which mous sale througlio•et TIDES desirous. of the .CI. hey were' all fro then discussed wi 30 it was -the general •obtaining this can et it by sending their the end is not yet,' opinion that no p: plait aboard receive a nitlt's 'and address accompanied by six freed from debt gal ed in attendanee anti also in number of communioants. Rev. ','11r. Weed, the secre.ary, read the minutes, lifter which a comm ttee was elected pou- sisting of Rev. Merrs. Hoagies, Turnbull and Higley and ' essrs. Helmeted and efthoseinterested in Dennie to co -open •te with the mission! published by The M think drat he, or his committee of,the•di cese in the assessment; pony. It is 12 by lchtitt tt l iL b Oust had of the several paris as for chum], work. I printed on superior t d eine bf the defend- A resolution of sy eepathy for the family I a handsome picture : the • 'Queen's betel of the late Crowell Willson, of Wingham, companion to the L tleinau ,was 'severely was carried by a se:acting vote. Matters last year had an eno were ' to with therants to Corin C d11a L. i,eadel 0 id r i about ea d} Readers t .cons ewlzy o tC —Tim deer hunt opened Saturday, 2 Nov. 15. Dogs ar during the whole se time is allowed for need to be. A. persi but two deer per i shoot a fawn. F'or: any of the regulati of 1150 is provide Second offense is months' imprison g. season in Ontario th inst., and closes on allowed to be used son, and no additional still" hunting, as there n is permitted to shoot ason. It is illegal to the first violation of e on the statute a. fine The penalty for a $50 fine and three et. .grant when it is pia n that if willing they gould support a clor ,yrnan for themselves, and•also that no mb ley given to themission fund should be ex ended for any other purpose than those ,port of poor missions. A vote of thanks rata' passed to the rector of Clinton for hi . hospitality, after • whioh the meeting c osecl with the benedio• tion, to Meet in Sen-,rth in May. A good mission meeting w held in the evening, _ when spirited add sae's were delivered by Rev, Messrs, Arm rung, of Hayfield, and Wood, of Wingham • ' SALE REOLSTEB. All parties getting their stale bills printed et the Trans office will hrbre a free notice inserted in this list up to the time of sale. Fein% Nov. 2nd.—Auction tale of nine stock and implements, on lot 41, con. 42, East Wawanosb, at 2 o'clook p. m. Mathew Carpets Along With Furniture. lir: Elliott, proprietor. John Currie, one - Anyone wanting to buy furniture or lortr. carpets this fall and wanting to geCtlie qv, 3rd.—Auction sale M best value for their money, Leteceddeteette. ; 044 them to call and see what I bays 'taVi'ffer far. , id •inpletnents, at g o'clock p. fn Bed hoorn Snttes, ParlorS itgl iHo• r Iiakerproprietor, jag. _Ilene boardsMatresaesSprinq titS, dersou, auotiopee}. hd I 1 h Dods on hand it die nave all etre � ri want to ee11 thesis, an he matter tevhat SAT/ADA N•av' 8tlr'. tion sale of prices are gttotal you - elsewhere Hoof s btty south half of lot No. 9, horse 1, Morris, eon• until yea oalI Lud Igee what styleetzttsd eietinO of 00 acres, more or lose, at Q00001.0 rf es I have. beat Orr- tlto best value in , furniture but to ttuy f heb purahaeone Rotel, wingham, at 2 o'clock p. m. Mar -1 $40 worth and 'over'ofrniture I will t garet Baine, proprietress. rater Deans, supply carpets at odd': sheet from tbe I auctioneer, oar tg ad y Esperfenoe nae ]'roved it.. l� manufacturer. If neoessae� yott can get the made order to t our rooms,1 r, Matched and Rested all ready for, A triumph in medicine wasattained when putting down. Thin is est epao;al offer Ana experienee prayed that Scott's Emulsion (thence to gat your Foo .t Etta '' ted clamp. twould not only stop the progress of Pei• remember this o t is .. S. Ytut'fAe'v, inenary Consumption, but by its continued c� Win' ,liens. ; nes health and vigor could be fulls• r+esktirsd, h"uleetkit e < . ` or, g t 1 .x fix-'+ .'n a cents to pay the cosof mailing and tubing, to the Montreal E. a1d Co., 908 Craig Street, Montreal. .The R‘Al, Issue. Dt.elt Trona,—At , public meeting held in. tbe Temperance all on the evening of the 3rd September, 7r. Macdonald made nn address, in wbicl he saw fit to strongly condemn for thei ' inconsistency those 1 temperance electors vho voted against the Mowat Adtninistrat sn. In your issue of the 7th inst., I stabile the fact that Mi-. Connolly had pledked himself that, if elected, he would . 'Import n prohibitory Matter measure, no matter . y what party 'such measure might Lit brought before the Legislature. I thou ht if the fact was brought to the noti ; of the Doctor he would have seen At , retract or at least modify bis: stoterneee , but in this I have been disappointed.' I instead of a retrace tion . as 1 expected, :have been met by "Teetotaler," who a pears to want proof that such pledge tis given. I have re- plied that in my •ot. ion it is unnecessary to furnish proof, 1 It 'would do so if the statement is denied sy Mr. Connolly. I however will go ft thee and prove my 'statement in case it s denied by one of kie•known suppotte. over his own signa- faxe. As it is teak evident that Dr. Maetlonald does not intend to retract or modd;fy his stateniFats,1 shall net follow the Matter further tikes something its a reply to this corn' funioation intakes it appear really neoetewy. Yours truly, Take NtNotfee.--The Tants ' WeeklyGlobe will be• en to I sent any addr. in Canada or the United States, foe oaf year, for one dollar, payable in advarzts • Subscriptions may .commence at any Um —The December i ue of the Delineal • which is caked The )hristmas Number always a notable ed: magazine, and this y ally good tbiugs. Al ion Of this favorill:.• iffr it is full of ufilr�sa7L•• y of the coat --taw. tions have• the diet -leave flavor of season, emong titer; being Christinat Cheer, Gifts and 0 ving, A Plentationsi Christmas, and a •f-tristmaa Entertain. ment. In the Mini =rgarten Series tbei subject is Christmas -ork for the Children, and the chapters on 'Onetime Iron Work and Crepe and Tissue Papers alae treats of articles suitable forirsentation. Barnard '.''' College (New York y) ie the subject of an able l:aper by a g*t,duate of '98, and there is a l ractieal ar 1 helpful article len Photo -Negative Retot` thing as au Bentley.. went for Women. Tee initial chapter of a_: series on the Relatio: s of Mather and Soni opens the subject inte eseing1y, the second instalment of The'Ho se .chsouseee sensibly the matter of furnishi g, and the'ecntinua- tion of What To Do :!i Illness will be of great benefit to ever mother. In, the popular Tea Table Tks is found gossip. about seasonable e a ; there is an article on Fur Rugs and Rol `s, and the newest Books aro. noticed. N .wdeszgnsare shown in quitting, Netting, fatting, Crocheting, Lace Making, etc. T e subscription place of the Delineator is Cue Dollar: a year single Copies, fifteen .ants each. Address orders to The DefinetorPublishing O. of Toronto, Ltd., 8 t d 3 ;,ichmo St.4t'est�" »d Toronto, Ont. —A case of conside)able interest: came: ae before Judge Ohadw ck, of Guelph, on Saturday last. Mr. Masten, Q. C., art behalf of the plaintiff, a councillor of the • town of Mount T• o t cleat -•u chairman nal}of the d z tt Relief Committee, mo'ed•to obtain an in- junction Testai t , pts nTn M 1tlartnT 1 e Mayor �I x l n, . � Y g and the other. `member of the council of the town. of Meant For et, from exercising an • action t e- y o r P holding his, seat as s diver the' plaintiff f ` sou eil have �a ��e , ?� . L .du • the year ns of the )ilB:stem- fats trend'* bllsev Take Notiee.—Tho . Tants and I tueetiug from being hem : Tlie plaintiff 3n Weekly Globe will us sent to any address ; c;otmc l criticised the •Rion of the oth 7 in Ilanada oe the Unitech States, for one ti year, for one dollar, payable in advance. ; teembers of the count in severe terms. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ; when the Mayor and council ordeted'hint to apologize. Thistle refused to 'do, anis Peionais. i the Maoor directed t ie chief of police to Mr.J. McTavish, of Seafc rth, is visiting . jeer the plaintiff fro the council, ,and friends in town. 1 Itis Worship has cont plied at subsegnetit. Miss Lilly Itaake of Lucltnow, is visiting :'itaetinge which the ilnintiff attends to friends in town. t eject him. His Horn • Judge Chadwick 1 *ranted an iu`unctio .for 8 da s against ains't ] Y r Mr. Chase. }iatnh, sitist, of Woodstock, is the. Mayor and the me, Thera of the council " in town this week, so eating towaniS t e plaintiff, and €t Mr, T. Mmencirev- was visiting friends in motion will be n1?tde r b' ao itinue this in» . Stratford, this tveul 1 +•inetion at Oegool ' all in Toronto this:. bliss Bate Iirin ly is on a visit to her i Week. It appears th Mayor and cctunett t sisters in Detroit. I claim to;be acting un er a bylaw author ' Miss M. hieLean ,vas Boma from Luck- 1 ming the council to eje t any member using now 00 Sunday Inc language reflecting on other members, but Mr. 1I. lloona .of the Ripley Express, the plaintiff claims t 's ley -law is beyond 11I . G.i thepowers was ill town on '.CU- 3day. Mrs. Grieve, of > rgus. was the guest of 1Inept. Mrs. ressant a feat -lees s lmet week. Mee, H. P. Chaps in, of Ripley, was in Uwe vuncil. town on Saturd,ti;,Wet, on business. I .4. special meeting of thtttaTowit Conner! bliss Sallie Noor ook left on Tuesday to ; was held on Tuned tv• evening lost. Meni• visit her aunt, who •elides in Dundee. I hers present-• ItMtijni' Minna, peeve Sparl4 j Mr. Samuel. Teff afTroy,is at present on i ens, Deputy -peeve lI Flue and C ouuatl)il a visit to his son -i: lL•v, Mr. 1t, J. Black- 11Io1 inlay, Gregory,1 lading, Green. Xli • ile well. Moore, Arsrott, 111 -dsntan mai r'Juhue., l 11Ir. Geo. Tervit r• ,d Mr. K. Lieklater, of The t nestion up f - consideration wear i Walkerton, paid W igham it visit on Sun- the laying of a new idewelk en Patrick !day. street, the ratepayers of that street having Mr. ,)ohn Allenbj sr., of totes, tetttrttecl offered to supply the _ails and lay the walk from visiting fried s in Hinco•rdine, ou if the town would arniah the lumber. Friday last. The Mayor would not allow any discussion _ . Mr, Thos. J. Scot of Toronto, was in until a motion was ietore the Council, r i er totvn'a day or two ie latter part of teat when the following -nation ryas made ,a • I wee k, ., nlli •• on Inci as. C tt 1 Moved by C. 3, liettdf-g, secenr,led by Woo. Mester Thos. See., son of Mr. Walter Moore, that this Cou eil gratin the Strstt Scott, of Toronto, .s been inWWII 'few Committee to a Y lumber blt ti3 TTw treet. Considerable the motion, taken abera of the Central to pat the meth no looney to pegs ned the Gonne% days renewing old trnttanitaneeships• a sidewalk on Patrick Blyth Standard i nfiss 1:. G. 'Y'oung and discussion ensued . on Miss 111.1►iit:belt w visiting friends in part in by several me Winghant this week rias visiting friends ..Mr. H. S. Young Vhutsday..Mr. and Lila Miss Lenise 1" were the guilts of and Tuesday. Miss 'Mabel Jameson Mayor Maritsa rasa Winghatn this week stating that 'there waw Mt in Wingham on gill 'amber, and tajot Mrs. J, 13.1!`et'gilson neon, of Wingham, `stliincrilx: ft(sr h friends Mend"'' 'eekiy Glebe. $1