HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-10-19, Page 5'1'.J: - ' WING:HAM TJJ\1EM., OCTOBER 191 i894. THE HUTH. FALL SHOW*. other kind, 1st and 2nd W Irwin. Stafford, W Taylor. f4ilvcr skin The Blyth fair was held on Taylor, Light Legborns, W Irwin, 0111.0116, lv II McCracken,. Al Bre-( -day and Wednesday of last week, W ' yb0r. White 13rxalnmas,lV Irwin, tbollr, White field beans, W H 130- tuul vas very sac cc �sfol, On Wed.: ` r Ilarrisoll, Bleck hpaukslr, ,1 Har. Oi•aelcen, M i3t t thong. Corn, J .Tt i a toay lthone ,vas a very large trowel rison. Dart: 13rRahtnas lst and 2nd Fisher, J Stafford. d, Citrons Mrs, T in attendance, though the weather W Irwin. IIf b ,g , 1V I .. J. Hamilton, W II McCracken,' Water- '1'ucs Brown Leghorns, 1st and .2nd W [(menti, 111rs, Il Walker, Potato i Water - was is'ttlto. cool ''h(.ie was g•oocl Harrison, Dertink;s, J Harrison, W melons, W II McOr€token. Cabbage, competition its all the aut1101 ua1tc.s, Irwin. Black 'breasted. red game, J. Drumhead, R Sellars, 3 Stafford, ,,, • the stack lacing of ft rnllerlor quality; Ifaggitt, S Bowers. Bantams, W Any other kind, l' Metclilf, R T3. there was a large oats of � bn„alc , 'Taylor, W Irwin. Polands, .1 Har.. Laidlaw. Cauliflower, W Taylor, cutters and implements. The in4idc : rison, Plymouth Rocks, 1st and 2nd 1 Sellars, Winter celery, W II Me- ° ilibit 100 also very good, bat tenete; W Irwin, Collection of pigeons, Il. Cracktin, W Taylor, Ctlettmbc�is, plays slot room enough to do tete (lis- Har •itt. ,Collection of other fowl, W Taylor, F Metcalf, plays justice. In fruit, vegetables, ; , lst and 2itcl W Irwin. Guinea fowl DAIRY AND PROVISION'S. produce, &c,, nothing more ;1st and 2nd J Harris0an, Factory butter, G Nott, Tub could be desired.becoming eIn ladies' work. Imniz tz! N1 rs. butter, 3 McMillan's special, Mrs. T the extent is beco , ing greater every! Lumber 'v iron, .1 Bi unsclan, 1 Hamilton, G Quinn. Tub butter, 3 year, and this, ta0,stffersoperl for want of! Stevens, Bob sleighs, Slater & Sims,1 Kelly's special, Mrs, T Hamilton, room xwhole h toexhibitionere v s highlyt. i Stevens. Iron beam sod • plow Tub butter, J Emigb's special, R The toe highly ly Gillies & Martin, ,1 Brun.•clon. Iron Corley, Butter in prints, Mrs, Ham - satisfactory, and the • directors are , , , pleased that everything passed off. beam general purpose plow, Gillies ilton, J McCallum. Butter in rolls, so lis 1» 1 •. Mr. ;IIc(),uarrie, wino has II & Martin, 0 Hamilton. Gang plow, Miss Helen McGowan. Factory p y been f Gillies & Martin, J Btunsclon, 'Iron cheese, P. Papineau, Daily cheese, so long be c xl identified with the I harrows, 3 Phillips. Single open Miss Symington; Mrs D Stewart. Ex society as its efficient Secretary, vas • buggy, J Ferguson, Brunsdon, traded honey, W Hartry; Mrs II unceasing in his attention. Slie ' Single covered buggy, J 'Ferguson, i\IoQuarrie, Honey in comb, W following is a list of the prize winners: V Vannormatn, Latter, Slater & Ifartry, Mrs H R Wailer, Home - MUSES. Situs V Vannorman. Set of horse made llread, Jas Harrison, N Cum- IIeati-y� Draught—Team,, Janes Ihoes, Slater & Situs, J Phillips. Set ling. Tea biscuits, Jas Harrison, N IterIOMS, J A G Dale, IT 11IeJ3rien• trotting horse shoes, J Ferguson, J Coming. Maple sugar, W H Me- Cracken, M Brethour. Maple syrup; J' McDowell, M Brethour. Canned fruit, W H McCracken, Mrs H R Walker. Grape wine,, Mrs 3 M 14f Brood mare, Dale, J Reynolds. Mare foal, J Reynolds, 5 Shortreed. Horse foal, G, Dale, J A Dale. 2 -yr old gelding, J A. Dale. 2-yrold filly; J Shortreed, 0 Dale. Year old gelding, G Dale. Year old filly, J A Dale, J Shortreed. 2 -yr old entire colt, Jas Snell, 0 Dale & Son. Four colts foaled in 1894, J I' Fisher. General Purpose—Team, Robinson Wood, J Reynolds, E Wightman. • Brood mare, 1st and 2nd, 0 W Taylor. Mare foal, 0 W Taylor, G Christopher. Horse foal, 0 W Tay- lor, J. McKinnon, 2 -yr old gelding, Phillips. Sash mouldings, Worry & Ingrains. Wooden pump, D Showers, 'P Willows. Farm ;ate, B. Edwards, C Howson. Stove and furniture, Denstedt Bros, ,1 G Moser. Land roller, C Hamilton. Turnip drill, 0 Hamilton. Specimen cooper's work, W Taylor. Scuifier, C Hamilton, ,1 Brtuisclon, Churn, W Taylor. Mower knife sharpener, Ashbury & Jamison. Tile, M Hammond. FRUIT. Winter apples; J Potter, J Jackson, Fall apples, J Potter, Mrs' Nott, T Ross. 2 -yr •olcl filly, R Ferris, J Baldwin, J Potter, •1 Jackson. Icing McCallum. Year olcl gelding; J of Tompkins, J McDowell, T Brad- McC'alluin, R G McGowan. Year old nook. Northern Spy, 3 Jackson, W filly, H Ross, T Ross, Carriage Irwin. Rhode Island Greening, R • team, AfeMut•ehio & Co. 0 McGowan, J Potter: Ribston . Roadsters --Span 0 Rowson L Pippin, D McLean, R 0 McGowan. Lott. Brood mare, John ' Taiu.er.• Golden Russett, 0 Powell, J Me - Horse foal, 3 Tanner, 3 J Walker. Dowell, Roxboro Ru.isett, 0 Powell, Mare foal,. M IIazmiond, it B Me- J McDowell. Seek -no -further, J . Gowan. Stallion, AI 1 ammond, MeDowell,R Corley. Swaar,J Potter, 2 -yr old gelding, Mrs A E Sage, w R Cx McGowan. Wsgner,J Jackson, I- I iarrison, 2 -yr old filly, P ,1 Brigham.. Bendavis, Mrs 3 Brig - Smeltaer, D Moore. Year old geld- ham, A •Yaeob, Mammoth. Pippins, in Mrs Sage, Year old filly, '1V T Bradntock. Spit2onberg, W Irwin, Knox, R Pollard. Single driver -in R 0 McGowan. Fallawater, J Ja e.k- • buggy, T 0 Doherty, W Campbell. son, G Powell. Tolman.Sweet, - J Saddle horse, L Lott. Sweepstakes, Williams, J Jackson. ann, , R best mare or gelding, 0 Dale. Hughes, G Powell. Maiden's blush, CATTLE. Potter J Ellis. Duchess of Olden- Thorougbred Durham—Milch cow, D McLean, R G McGowan. Snow, 3' • R Corley, Jas Snell. 2 -yr old heifer, 1st and 2nd J Snell, Year old heifer, N Cuming, J Armour. Heifer calf, .1 Snell, J Potter. Aged bull, J Gaming, ,1 Potter. Year old bull, J Shortreed, J Cuming. Bull calf, R Corley, W Snell. 2 females and 1 made, J Snell. Grades=–Milch cow, R Medd, N Cuming. 2 -yr old heifer, J Watt, R Medd, Year old heifer, T Ross, R Ferris. 'Steer calf, lst and 2nd R Ferris. 2 -yr old steer, lst and 2nd T Ross. Year old steer, lst and 2nd T Ross. Fat steer, 1st and 2nd T Ross, Herd of cattle, M II Harrison. Heifer calf, J Armour, M H Har- rison. SHEEP. Cotswolds—Shearling ram, J Cum- incr. um- inc. J Potter. Ram lamb, lst and 2nd J Potter. Aged ewes, J Potter, J Cunning. Ewe lambs; 1st and 2nd .1 Potter, Shearling ewes, 1st and son, Ella Anderson. 2ncl J Potter. GIZA N, • Leicester—Aged ram, ,7 Henry, J Red fall wheat, J A'IeCallum W Snell. Shearling ram, J Coultes, J Scott White fall wheat, G Moffat, Henry, Shearling lamb, J Coupes, J M Brethour, Spring wheat, D Br.e- Snell. owes J Snell N I earning. Aged ewes, J Snell, N thour, G Moffat. {Falk wheat, R Ginning. G Cing. Ewe lambs J Snell N McCowan, lI Edwards. Special •y , 11, prize for spring wheat, J Potter, 11 G OVi'LEOGB ]Brings. comfort and improvement and tends to personal eujoynionii when rightly used. Tho many, who live hot. ter than others and enjoy lifo more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products t the needs o1 physical being,. will attest the value to health of the pure liquid 'a..ative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. lits oacellenee is duo to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to boo taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of s perfect- lax. ati v o ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and mot with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid - Hamilton, J McDowell, Tomato,net's, Liver and Bowels without weal:- ening them and it is perfectly free from catsup, Jas 1-lamilton, D Moore. every objectionable substance. Pickles, mixed, W Taylor, Mrs T Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug - Hamilton. Pickles, any other kind, gists in 75o. bottles, but it is manu- W kI McCracken, W Taylor. factured by the California Fig Syrup MiNUFAOTURES. Co, only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs. Wool flannel,. Mrs. Geo. Nott, M. :,,1 bong well informed, you will not Brethour: Union flannel, M Bre- t.ccc;,t any _substitute if offered. thou.' Wool blankets, Mrs T Ham- - ilton, Miss Symington, Union 1 - blankets; Mrs H R Walker, Mrs D ; Lanes, Mrs. Campbell. Water color Stewart. Horse blankets, Mrs Nott, painting, Miss Lanes, Mrs Campbell. J McCallum. Coverlet, Mrs. Stew- Crayon in portraits, Miss Limes. art, Mrs. Nott. Rag mat, Mrs Walk- Crayon drawing, Miss Lanes, Miss er, Mrs Nott. Yarn mat, Mrs. Walk- Young. Painting c,n pottery, Mrs er, Mrs Nott. Rag carpet, Mrs Campbell. Pencil drawing, Miss Walker, Mrs Nott. Stocking yarn, Lanes, Mrs Campbell. Maned paint - Mrs T Hamilton, •1V H McCracken. ;Ina. Miss Symington, Mrs 0 Camp - Pair coarse boots, J Sherritt 1 & 2. ' bell. Painting on glass, Miss Young, Fine boots, J Sherritt, I Miss Symington. Pastelle, Mrs LADIES' WORK. 'Campbell. nil painting; marine Flannel shirt, al's ..T Hamilton, j view, firs Campbell. Collection Airs W Ar=Kenzie, White shirt, m•s, photographs, 11 It Brewer, Cash. MCNic'nizle airs T. Hamilton. Pillow PLANTS AND FLOWERS. shams, Airs Nett, •-Airs Dr Ferguson.; Collection of foliage, 1Ii•s H R Patch quilt, MIS W meKenzie, miss: Walker, Mrs Carder. Geraniums in Symington. Crazy quilt, Airs Geo bloom, D Marsh, H. Iti 1 alker. Nott airs D Stewart. Crochet or Fuehsas m bloom, 1) Marsh, 1I R knitted quilt, Airs Stewart, miss Walker. hanging basket, ;Liss Symington. Woolen .stockings, Ans Helen McGowan. Disp ay of plants burg, Mrs Nott, J Potter. Colvert, A==Kenzie, Airs T Hamilton; Gent's m flow cl, in a l� tlll�(•1, D 11x1 sh • W Irwin, D Moore. Alexander, J Sherritt, 20 -oz Pippin, J Williams, R 0 McGowan. Any other variety, Mrs. D Stewart, R Laidlaw. Collec- tion apples, R G McGowan, Mrs. Brigham. Winter pears, Mrs. T Hamilton, Mrs. R. Shortreed. Fall pears, Mrs T Hamilton, Mrs R Short- reed. Plums, 5 Sherritt, Mrs .D Stewart. Tomatoes, W Taylor, F, Metcalf: Grapes, Miss Symington, J Sherritt. Craps, R Shortreed, J McDowell. Peaches, Miss Syming- ton. SPF*CIAL ATTRACTIONS AND COMPE- TITIONS. Lady driver, Miss Sage. Bag pipe, Arch Anderson, St. Helens, J Organ Ding- wall. eompetiton, Miss Stow, Miss E Anderson. ' Bicycle race, Chisholm, Goclericlt ; Emerson, Clin- ton. Writing by pupils under 15 years, Edna Carder, Nettie Ander. Cuming. 1 eii of sheep, J ne teGowan• G -rowed barley, D I3re- cot on tss & Sori 1aItG AZ Go v a . &cooiling thous, M Brethour, Large white Crochet work in wool, rrr13 Campbell, rani, lst and 2nd Cooper & Soii oats, D Brethour, M Brethour. Black Criss, Symington. Bedroom slippers, .Ram lambs, Cooper & Son, W Snell. oats, M Brethour, D Brethour. Small Mance made, Airs Campbell, arts Nott, White oats 0 Mile.: TI Edwards. ,, Aged ewes, It (r llcGotivan, W Snell, {, . Farley toilet iJOttleS and 111RtS, rias O , Shearling eaves, 1st and 2nd, Cooper Small pen's, (• M.o.., :M �le(;hout. Campbell, 'irs gots, Footstool -.;;o4 & Son. .Ewe iambi, . Cooper & Son, Large peas, G Moffat, R (l• McGowan. ' ' W Snell, . Fat sheep, N Coming,,, .1 • uuothy seed, seecret our, .1 Me- e - Snell. Sheep ---Any .other breed not tri l) Brethour, ram, \V W Fisher, .. Slttar'l.. lttiio'irs. list—Aged ing ram, Ram lamb, Aged ewes, Roe potatoes, W II McCrac"kenr, Shearling ewes, Ewe lamins, lst and. 3 McGee. Elephant pat€ttoes,• Cr 2nd .7 Tabb. MIAMI W it MeCracken.. ' Potatoes, rlr,3, any other kind, J Ellis, • .7 McCain wear, Miss McQuar'rie, Miss Spirting - Poland China—W W .Fisher took lust, Collection of potatoes, E Hag- torn, knitted cotton lace, Mrs &m- all the prizes in this elms. gitt, W II Mo(�lraeken. Field car- art, Mrs McKensio. Bead wort:, Chester 'White—Aged bear, Jobb rots,P Willows,,r ht'Callumn. Garden Mrs Nott, lx Moffatt, Button holes, Potter. Boar, It Edwards. Sow, ii red carrots, W Taylor, W II 1c Cts T Hamilton, X Cuming. Collet - Edwards, Oraeken. Swede turnips, I:, B Laid- tion ctf•ladiee work, Mrs Nett, Miss Any largo breed—Aged boar, V 11 law , .r McCallum. Collection garden Symington. Scholes, Brood sow, 1r It Scholes. produce,. W Tav'1or, W 11 McCrae) lr sof rol.AU paintings, rs,. bliss Boar, .r Potter, 1t iii Dale. Soil It en. Beets, M Brethour, W Taylor, llee 1 b i M Dale. Mangold wortzels, .Jas Snell, W'i'ay- louses, ,tr's 0 Catmpbell, Vivre Poulin", lor. Pumpkins, W Leavy, .las plaint in oil, Miss Lanes, 'Nit's: Turkeys, J Cuming, A II Jacob. Jackson Squashes, 1) Marsh, W Campbell. Anitniatls grouped or (*etas J" Harrison, r'. IC slit tom II 14ttOra;Ckon. lied onions, .T Stag single, in oil, Miss Lanes, Mrs Camnp mitts J ucCallum Airs Nott. Darn on socks, Mrs IValker, Jas M00alluiil, Table boquet, W Taylor, ?itrs Patches on old pants, Airs Walker, Walker'. haled boclnat, •J Hnrrison, Geo. Moffatt. Plain sewing, Tire AtC hits Walk -or. t Floral design or or Kenzie, miss Symington. Old lady's sanest 1 ,c D Marsh. Collection collection hand work, 'Airs. Nott of dahlias, Mrs 1 81kcr, W Taylor Arcs T Hamilton. Braiding, mrs. Collection of passes, 1Y Taylor, R B Nett, Airs T Hamilton. Arrascenc Laicllaw�. work, Airs Nott, 'miss Symington. - moty ra Got a "Eu nt; tb'• Picture. Send 2: -1( -Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap- per healing -the words "Why Does a Wo- man Look (alts ; comr Than a roan") to CUT 17..011 RS Embroidery on bolting cloth, Airs 0 Campbell, miss Symington. Em- broidery on silk and satin, urs Nott, Airs Bradnock. Kensington em- Lever Bros., Ltd., J1 4cott ..t-., Toronto, broiderv, Mrs Campbell, airs Dr Oar- and you will roc( ive by poet u, pretty pro- tare, fres from alIvi•rtisin�;, told well worth dot'. Ii01na11 embroidery, Mrs. fran;iuo. Ibis is an easy way to decorate Campbell, Mrs. Nott. Parlor Seieerl, your none. The soap is the best in the market and it wilt Only cost one cent post- age to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address care. .ezrr�°Y�,E�s ANNOUNCEMENT. DRESS GOODS. We will not be undersold in these goods; we nave them' in many casea below ananufaetures' prices. MANTLES i ,TLE CMS. We are not undersold in these particular lines; a lot to clear out at one., half lnanufactures' prices; now is your chance. 11.3 3E741 We cannot be nndeisold in this department. prices, so our customers soy; don't miss then. WOOLEN GODS. We want you to insycet these and buy, thereby saving from twenty ta, thirty per cent.; they are going• out fast. Early in the season, we placed milers in Eastern Tea Centres, thereby securing the early 1 'ek leaf, whic111tas a strength and flavour 4u -it is not. obtained later, and this puts us in a position to give you Teas right. P GO OD 8. Groceries, 13oots and Shoes. Iteadyamcle Clothing, Hats, Caps wit, a great many other lines to clear out at a price to suit the times, . Dress and Mantle making on premises. All Wattle goods bought here cut free of charge. Cutting and fitting a specialty. G. MeI] TYRE, We have them at right airs Campbell, miss Symington. Sofa cushion, Airs Nott, "miss Spoiling. 1 ell 'Af ss Fancy panel, Airs Campbell, b i Y p + faty. Symington. Table Scarf', Airs Nott, miss Symington. Drawn work, Airs AreKenzie, MISS Symington. Holton . or point lace, G Powell 1 & 2. ., (]nte+alucl fox last issue.) Novelty in fancy work, Airs Carder, Mr. Jennings has added a. millin- Novelty Nott. Any other fancy wore:, ery department to his already well- Airs Stewart, Aus Campbell; Crewel equipped store.—Mrs. •Wm. Patterson �oi`k Airs Campbell, Mrs Nett. has been on the sick list. She is Crazy work, AirspD SteMIS ,miss now convalescing.—Miss Emina Bos - Symington. Crochet Steworin silk, man, who has had a protracted anti miss Symington, Airs Dr Ferguson, serious illness, though not yet out of Java canvass work, Mrs Campbell, danger, is a little lather—leer. W. J. ansa Symington. Crochet work iri. Jennings, of Bluevale, supplied ltev, t in• _ S nmmton mfrs Stwart, W. J. Waddell's work, on the Ethel circuit, last' Sunday. BLIIEVALE. MACDONALD I3LOCK. ►1 Spoiling, miss Symington. Applique work, Mrs Nott, Airs Stewart. Pin Cushion, Mrs Nott, Mrs Campbell, Handkerchief or glove case, Miss Lanes, Miss Symington. Mould work, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Nott. Wax work, Mrs Campbell, Miss Symington, Suit of lady's under - rutti er i� 3 I ' : C + :fly tom; ' Taylor., ofern onions,, i broil. ; Sixl le plotitn'es in oil,, litI Ilismlimene rojoivisive, the world over, endorse it; babies and children like the taste of it. Weak mothers respond readily to its nour– ishing powers. oarrishing.powers. •sS -scar dimmammar Emulsion the Cream Of Cod-liver Oil, is the life of the blood, the maker -of' sound flesh, solid bones. and lung tissue, and the very est.nce le nsurishme»t. 0Olet bi dot hs bj Substltiltci Sots ilk>tilfNl s i1 Arrl6ed i.Ei. *Ot. WINGHAM. Every day we are oliening new cases of new goods for fall trade. Dress Goods, Mantlings, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, - Laclies'Jackets,lleady-Made Cloth. ing, Tweeds, Worsteds, and every- thing which goes to make up the most complete stock in the town. We extend to you a hearty invi- tation to call and examine this stock: and we feel confident we can i show you goods and prices which cannot fail to snit you, T. A. MILLS, Wingham. • LESS LABOUR GRr=A-Py k coMFORT ®ES YOUR iFE HER OWN ASHINC? 9F she does, see that the wash is made Easy and Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP, which does away with the terror% of wash -day. Experience will convince her that it PAYS to use this soap. WEBSTER 8z CO. have deCc1ecl, for a short time, to reduce the price for MAH N MEN'S TWEED SUITS X4.00 SPOT GASH. If you have any Tweeds ut home, now is the time to save a dollar Ott the making of each suit, and get .a good fit, it'irst-class Trimmings supplied . at wholesale prices for spot cash only. If yott want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can stave irons $3.00 to $10.00 one each, by purchasing front its. WEBSTER & (" Opposite the new Macdonald 131oek, `W.ingbarn. Wi Merchant Tailors.