HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-10-19, Page 1TIMES VOL. XXIII.---NO. 1191. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1894. 81 A YEAR IN ADVANCE The Brenn has beet" melting preparations for a 131g Fall Trade by gathering together et. large and well -selected stook of Goods in -every line, all bought at the lowest and best markets and matked at the smallest margin -of profit. Goods were never as cheap as this season, which you will admit after •calling and getting prim for anything, you need, let it be what it may, Dross Goods, Flannels, Underwear or Staples, Furs, Ready -Made Clothing, Boots and Shoos and +Groceries. And in order, to father help you and make a $ go as far as possible, we will give to all Cash Buyers a STISAXGET DS- COUN OF 10 PEE 1110004 of our present system, on all purchases, lot it only be 10 cents, (with one exception only, augare Remember our goods are marked as low .as any in the trade, and we will not be undersold. We stillhold the reputation for the blest Tea in Wingbam at 85 cents, 3 lbs. for one dollar, 5 lbs. for one dollar and fifty -cents. Itak•eP 4 4 t C D' R ;.* Zt t.• ORR & H/SOOCKS, The Only Direct Importers. 'Ties Bran, Oot.3.1th,1894. • eearrlage Licenses issued by Frame Pateartsoil, No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. :404.0.itfol•VP444.4iwiteeet-tb4,0440.0044,0 Pit Place in Canada to get a Business Edu- cation, Shorthand, etc.. is at the Con- trai Business Col- • —Tea Spoons 10e doz. at Kerr's Fair, —The Bishop of Hu on will preach in St. Paul's church, W*ham, on Sunday next. —Marinated Filolutre 0, at H. E. Semmes, Macdonald Block, Wingham, • i —Golden tinted lee es now Carpet the sidewalks and their r able make e one feel that winter is nearly a hand, —Kerr's Fair, corm Josephine and Vic- toria streets.MV —r. . J. Loizeau of Now York, will preach the Gospel in ..5 yer'e Hall, 'opposite Mills' store, on Sunday ' ext,at 7 p. m, —Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf Jens Maneuvers. —Conductor J. Wal sley, L., H. and B., is at present enjoyin his holidays. Con- ductor ilicAuliff is reli ving Mr. Walmsley. —.A.pprentices wanted to learn Dress- making. Tailor system of canting taught. Apply to Miss IL J. POWELL, opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingharn. —The Ladies' Aid'Society in connection ' with the Wingham Methodist church in- tend giving a grand . eho.nksgiving Dinner, in tbe town hall, n Thanksgiving Day, • November 22nd. Preticulars will be given leap ou. if -Mr. Jas. Parish,. eho recently'purchas- , ea Mr. Re 3. Green's brick residence, bas disposed of it to Mr -D. Stitherland.Vir.. Parish takes Mr, Sutherland's frame under it and will gre ly itnprove it. Mr, house on Francis st eet as part payment. He intends puttin a new foundation i —All persons indebted to the under- signed on account will please call and settle not later than Nov. 1st, or the bills will bo placed in other hands for collection. D. A. MoOnune. lege, Torontn Ont, and Stratford, Ont. unquestionath CenIada's Greatest com- • —Poems on "be t'f I I)are 1 inercist5etteoks. Croatrrues free. Men- X- Eon this paper. Shrew & Elliott, Principals. elseeteeeteekreeeeeeet440(eeteeeteeeteeeeadee REAL ESTATE AGENCY. • TOwn and Farm Property sold on nom - =lesion, to the best advantage of both buyer and seller. No sale, no charge. Rents colleoted and property looked after. INSURMICE. order, that ancient • man's winter ove may new be writte of the writer este iceman sells his. sp .to the coal man, 'Cu start. FIRE Those desiring insurance should select one of the followiinaold and reliable English stock companies ; Sten Fire Insurance Company, (Estab• Belled 1710.) Norwich Union Insurance Company, .(eetablished 1797.) Alliance Fire Assurance Company, (es- tablished 1824.) Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, :(established 18524 • Se ' YOUJDLL, , Teeale.,Eseateeeend Fire Insurance Agent! e • ' Bone Block, Win,glaain. • kelet client the yowl' • oat and his "uncle' itis a fightiug chance with his life, the the eon:do:papers the soup kitchens Rev. Canon Da 'is, of London, who - preached in St. Bsul's church here, a Couple of Sundays ago, was, on Tuesday evening last, indt ated into the Arch - deaconry of LondoL./The service was a. most interesting on. , and was taken part in by His Lordship 1 ishop Baldwin, Very Rev. Dean Times, ant Revs. leasers. J. B. Sage and J. H. Moorleouse. —Miss Charlotte McDoneld wishes to intimate to the ladies of Winghsm and vicinity that the Dress and Mantle making • business, formerly carried on by Miss Johnston, will be continued by her in the old Stand, Gregory Block. Pref. Meody's tailor system tt.ught. Cutting and fittine OCAL NEWS. —Service will be I aid next Sunday at _ • the Congregetionel c lurch at the usual hours,11 a. m. and 7 m. •$undu.y School at 2.30. Preaching b the pastor. Morn- ing subjeet: "Soul Winners." • Evening subject: "The war to God." A short prayer meeting eillesh held at the close of the evening roiiiriere ..11 art• wel- ' • • , '-a-Freell 4isecorfes at Koreterair. e . —Wecleceter'ee nee‘e aper, elle Advocate, t will be issued next w 'k. . • •,—Dinner and- T • ,letileres, Maccloif Leepeetor 13,Obb alleolte an official et,e,eVingham. W' *Tay e . - • --13utter and Eggs wanted at Kerr's Fair. I V'r —Mr, Geo. le Irel d lost a valuable Newfoundland dog on turday last, it is thought, by poisoning. tf • —Cups and Saucers, 70c doz. at Kerr's Fair. • m -- A communicati a reoeived fro " Temporance," just b ' ore going to press, will appear in our nex issue. —Eleatrle Soap, 10 for 25c at Kerr's I Fair. —.A. sample box of been receiVed at this of Mackay & Co., Toronto, it discount s any other the hardest brass svi uritan pins has lee from Gordon, ho claim that • n, being made of nd pointed in oil. —Trunks, val' e eather baguet°. New stook just recei at Geon Bre:cures, The Ne . Shoe Star —The long•pendie g case against Mr.Wirl. Carruth, of townife 'assaulting a constable while on duty, Was lismissed, on Wednes- day. But Carruth as fined $15 and costs for disorderly condu on the public streets. —Members of the Mechanics' Institute are requested to ret rn all books in their possession, on or be ore October 31st, as that is the finish of SO present year am( the libraraian wish s to cheque up his Yearly returns. • —Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly repaired and fully warrantecl by Herstex. Pena, Meyer Block, Winghean. —The annual Weting of. the Ontario Curling Association was held in Toronto. on Tuesday last, when tho groups for the primary competition for the Ontario tank- ard were arranged. eVingbam is in group 14, which is compo d of Lucknow, Kin- cardine, Wingham, 1 russels and Walker- ton, with D.D.Wilso ' of Seaforth, umpire. =Brooms 12c, Clothes Pins 2c doz., Slate Pencils 6 for lc, Spools 2c, at Kerr's Fair: 7e,(2 -Wm. McLean, lad who at one time was employed ate Brunswick • House, was tied before a bn nch of magistrates, on Wednesday, for ste ing a pair of boots from an employee of the house. He was found guilty and itt was decided that he the boots and the should pay e2.50 f costs of the court. WANTED to borrow for a term of years - 63,000 on good farm security, at 5 per cent. interest. For particulars apply at Thies Office, Wingham, Ont. —On Thursday cef lest week, Mr. Jos. .T. Golloy, V. S., and Mis . Mareearet Johnston, were joined lathe hceee bonds of matri- mony, by the Rev. E. W. Hughes, of Adelaide, at the residance of the bride's mother, Victoria strilet, before a large member of invited gm ts. After the con- clusion of the ceremo! y, all sat down to a bountiful repast. The- presents we useful, ornamental and costl ,, and testified the high esteem in white-- the young couple were held by their . early friends. The TrtMs extends congra nlations. • Carpets Along With leurn1ture. Anyone wanting to buy furniture or carpets this fall and wanting to get the best value far their money, I would ask them tn call and see what I have to offer . .in Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Side - sit• Es Week mco e. , , boards, Matresses, Spring Beds, eehairs, athe 60e a anZ itt Kerr's; Fair. • —G. T. R. trainsor Toronto and east ' ae. suc goode on "an an I g d a d I • ' • •-.L. O. L. N 794 V b • leave Wingbana Abt. 6.25 end 11.20 a. t 11 brate the "Gunpo—der Plot," 5th Of • war. to se t, em, and no matter what .o. o.m, will eele- nee eie,'W. G, de' B:1 6.35 a. in. and 3.25 rices are uoted you elsewhere>. don't bu antie. you call and see what styles and awicreit have. Not only the best vein in fureitme, but to anyone who purchases 040 Worth and over of furniture I will supply carpets at cost direct from the manufacturer. If necessary you can get the carpets made to order to fit your rooms, cut, matched and sewed all reedy for putting down. This is a special offer and a chance to get - your rooms carpeted eheap. Remember this offer is from ' blovernber. • —The cotnpoeitioi on the Lestowel Banner is now meetly done with a Rogers' type -setting and make, machine. —Cash for good bueter and eggs at R. Gtahamet market grocery. —Several members tf the I.O. G. T., of town, were at Londe bore, on Tueeday, attending the meeting of District Lodge. They report having hie a good time. —The sohooL boom at its meeting last week, re-engaged leo present etaff . Of teachers, all at indent ed 'Wail as per vomit, except Mr. lusgrov , who was given a raise of $50. • —Long 'boots, ha and factory. made, The best cheapest in the , • etninty. Goon Beo4iILa, The Iklew Shoe Store. •.44.0Steritt.throtribrg is adorning altogether too common in town, d it is time the law which forbids boys 'uoingt catapulta or slings, was put hi foce. itne at the plate glees in one of the te in Macdonald's block was broken, Je day last week, b' y it nitarblo threbYti4 catapult. Ono Of Olt figured OA !lows in the liable gook WAS nitro bftketi by a stone, a few ayo ego. SO st.Thenyo.Caftein contaito sioOpiateo, to JttxrIoie wiH relfeve "VeZontiVerisktetwoiay a los**. efe - • p. me via Clinton' and Guelph. Good eon- tereions by all trains. 'Ilt.re:One of those es.a.nts whittle usually makes a stir in soci ty. took' place on Wednesday,whon Mr. -'hos. M. Henderson, of the Bluevale teat , and Miss Clara Linklater, of Lowe. %Vingham, were united in marriage, iThe presence of the immediate friends f' the contractieg patties, at the resideteee of the bride's Mother. The cerement was performed by thefRev. D. Petrie..? ter partaking of the weddhig dinner, ' h happy couple left on tho train' foe eoncion and other Water') pointe on a silo t honeymoon trip. The presents were b th numerous and costly, and allow the 6 teem in Which the contracting parties bk-;ro held. On their return they will Settle etwei to the realities • of life Mt the groom fart* in Morrie teewriship, about half.S.ay beteeeen Wing. , ham and Ifluevale. he . Tnnts wishes ! • thorn happiness in t sit journey down lifers pathway. • • Thit Ioyful Pooling With the exhilarating senseof renewed health and strength Sind internal clettoliness which followthe use of Syrup of Piga, is eteltrioren to the few *116 1106 not pro. greatest beyond the old thus tgadioinas and Slit *heap substituted ntnet,imeu Whited bid *Mir ilittilliffittl lot the tit Informed, P S. Giteeet, Furniture Dealer, BALE ItBGISTE All pareleagettitni their sale lolelteprinted at the 1' . have a free notice inserted in this Ilse op to the :tithe of sale. SATEEDAY, NOW 13.11).-4310.4.011 sale of south half of lot 140, 0, cone ix littitris, con- sisting of 50 nerea, more or Wettest Queen's Hotel, Whighate, at 2 o'olack p. Mar- garet Baine, proprietreos. Peter Deans, auctioneer. sZDA1$ Oo. sp•s`t.A110tICEI £10,10 farm k and implatininte, an kit con. 0, Tutab.a 1 olclook p. James Parish, pro. 'dor, • John urrie, awe, Homer. Telostesee Oct. AnOt101.1 WO. of Turnherry, farm stock, on lo 1 o'clock p. ten. Xeoprletor, G. 13ert. • auctioneer, waive headaches mod •for Utt. Phenyo-Caffein doer it, Wt. druggiot recommends it. ' Death of Mr. Cr -well Willson. Tho very sudden death of our esteemed fellow -Magee, Mr. C_ owell Wilton, on Friday night last, ea -le as a bolt from a clear sky, and has cent a gleam over the whole community. II. had been ailing for few days, but not .1.icausly, and bad been up as usual durine the day. During the evening Dr. Tamlyt called to see him, and chatted with him or a time. After- war4Itehe made a draft of a monument be peenposed to have erect d at his brother's grave, and showed it al his son, Mr. B. Willson, who was sittin in the room with bim. He then retired -s usual. Shortly after, Mr. B. Willson ti ught he heard a groan, and went to tit and spoke to his father, enswer, he ran up and • water•oloset holding his and groaning. Mr. Wi to the bed and seated li fell over on the bed and foot of the stairs and receiving no oiled hien in the 'ands to his chest son assisted him n on it, wbon he expired. He had taken off his coat and v t and was evident- ( y preparing to retire vhen he was sized with the pain in his smat. The deceased, gentleman always WI ;rywhere exhibited that amiable dispos tion end obristian • character which ende :red bim to all. He was an honored met ,her of St. Paul's' cleuroh, and will be g eatly mimed by the •members of that bo y. In years gone by he had taken an aotik part in: the counsels of the country. 14e vas in. his 80th year, and was °a son of • the late Lieut. -Col. Benjamin Willson, . P.,of Elgin, Ont, and was born near St. T homes. After receiving his education ttt :he Hamilton district school, Mr. Wilisor held several important positions of public trust at an early period in life. He was a _•one time president of the Agricultural lutual Insurance Corn- pany, major of the Second Battalion Middlesex Milith , and member of the Canadian Parlianeent. He sat for Middle- sex and Elgin in he Canadian Assembly from 1851 to 1854, And for Best Middlesex from 1863 until t - union, when he was returned for the s e seat, holding it in the Conservative in erest till 1872, when he retired, but was eturned again in 1874 when he defeated David Glass by a small majority. Sh tly afterwards, Mr. Willson resigned, a ale had since been living in retirement i this town. By his death is snapped on of the few links that bound the long past n western political life to the present. e leaves one -son, Mr. 33. Willson, a hr ther who resides in London, and mune s grand children to mourn their loss. 0 Sunday morning, the Rector, Rev. L. 0 Wood, preached the funeral sermon, and in the afternoon a short service was held in, the church, after which those who wish de were permitted to see the aeceased, as 1 lay in the coffin in the church. The fu rtd took place on Monday last, from bit residence of Mr. B. Willson, at 6.15 a, In., to the Grand Trunk station, thence to Lon on, and from thence to St. John's oemet 7, about six miles from the city, where , e remains were laid beside his late partnevin life, who prede- mewed Isini some n tie years. About seventy citizens of 't e town accompanied the remains in a speci 1 carprovided Ly Mr, B. Willson. The senior) in the church at Si. John's was taken_ part in by Dean Marsh, and Revs. iessms. leloorehoese, Sage and 'Wood, and Dean Marsh. The o Mutual Fire Insuran which the deceased time, attended the fin sides many citizens blue's were in atten number belekSir Joh at the grave by cors of the London e Company, with s connected at one eral in a body ; be - London and St. nee, amongst the Carling. ' tliase • Qt1,401,44301bir of out Subscribers are in I strrea.rovfbittlieTristt, wine foc,144; only, and (444010 this uucl:sevort,1 'Preeding . • YeErES. 011 they svould call Mei tiesettee or remit the amoinit, at all emly,dtetee , We need Mende, to run our buttineteibiitr pay one'deleta, its Well as other • , peoplef and must have it. All enbeeteption ficcounte will be Kent out during the next two Or three weeks, and those not paid be. • —There was a ght fall „of snow on —'Le suany frie cis of Dr, Sloan, for. • ground, i:usibuit n enough to o'over the roerly of Blyth, wi be glad to lentil that in his now famous sit for the recovery of leis e7,000 be hos won Jds case in the Supreme, j, a. Court; this is 1 nal, and carries with coats, which amot it to somewhere iii the nd promptly neighborhood of $ ,500, he New Shoe —The Rev. R. 1 G. Anderson, M. Ae, B. D., St. Helens, is I tiled to take the pastor- iicely ' located ate of the Presby ellen Congregation at oms, can find a Wroxeter. The reeshytery of Maitland will meet in the Presbyteriah church, Wingbarn, on 'Itielay, 23,.a inst., M one &Week e. m., to det e with and issue the i I call to Mr. Aneerso e. St. Helens and, East , lappear for their in, vets at the said meet - Ashfield Session d (3ongregation will ite,-Mr. John Ke has remov " fair" to the stor next door Fields' butcher sho • —Boots and shoes neatly repaired. Goon Bitornstii Store.. • —Any pers house, with tenant by a plying at —Messrs. Heating will close their cider 7th of November n apples which they in factured into cider or them in before that da ej. is office. Ritchie, of town, nd jelly mill on the t. Parties having end to have menu - 'elle, should bring jug. :-The brick work o r. • --The regular qu new carriage shop has bWenomoipDore letr9 ed. Huron Medical As. This splendid structure will make a very I Clinton, last .veek. desirable and conveniene • faetory, and we allY interesting Meet trust Mr. Dore will fin. .his investment a able papers were"), es profitable one. Q.f ' especially those of Dr —For first-class tailoring .and cheap and Dr. EeDEOely?. gents' furnishings, • try •Webster & Co. • Enron boasts of the Remember the placCprast door south of surgeons of the we R. A. Gral1ata's grocery store. A plank'•tddeeval north side of Peitilek treet, from Josephine ham, of Brussels, he nominee of this to Centre street. 1s is an improvement 'association for the • 'Mario Medioel Conn- ; that has been greatle:eneeded, and the .walk oil, for No. 4 Distri .t, has been elected will be appreciated :7 those having to without opposition. travel that street. • • :1 -e -On Wednesday evening of last week, --The friends of Mr. C. S. Faked*. eeete, . and. Mrs. 'same Ireland, of town, teacher, whose paror west of Whitechurch, pained to learn that hospital in Hamilton and kidney trouble very low. • ;meetings lieJci by bit terly meeting of the • elation WEE helcl in his was an exception.. g, when some vain- nted by the members, • Grahannof Brussels, • f Winghana. As est physicians and tern peninsula, the association 519 of is being laid on the great value to the weft:salon. • Dr. Gra. s resicte a few inikaatelebreted their go len wedding. •Fifty SIS Kinloss, will -,e1-eyears ago they were -joined together in eine e is lying in the.eliends of holy nnear inouy, about half of suffering with beef:ie.:which time has been -speut in Wingliam. nd jaundice, and is e'en:long those preset- t were Mrs. Pease tied ' llisallattie Ireland, 3f Dallas, Texas; ales, rzisedd= DWeintrOitStewmiut and. afrs. W. J. Cates, of Wmt.1,tIttifeb:zahto. any , andMrs J. Tennatit, daughters of in ()parade or the 'United States, fm one meeeme. gm /relent, and their son.Geo. year, for one dollar, payable in adYntree. L. Ireland and wife and about seventeen Subscriptions may commence at any time. grandchildren, A Soutrtiful spread • was • —On Friday' of las eek, Mr. R. Bowker, partaken of by all 'resent, after which a of Toronto, had the ev. Mr. Littwin and• very enjoyable evening was - spent. The Louth Becker, of 73 dhagen, up before Poliee Magistrate Fl .gg, of Mitchell, aged couple were n ade the recipients of on many valuable and medal presents of gold, the charge of coliectin money and circa - Mr. and Mrs. Irelastd are aged 73 and 69 - • latiug printed matter n behalf of the Iowa years respectively mid Eire both hale and Aid Society,. an it -nuance corporation wishes them many • ng anniversary. — • 12als. ,ofDetroit, was itt Wednesday. Murdoch, of Lugik • ' in town this Roberson. ce to Clinton Ne d Dinsley, of Wing - of Miss Curtis on •s, Texas; Mrs. Cates etre% who haveheen r y, anl. tise 'inn conneoted with the Iatheran church, but , returns of their wedil not registered in this erovince. A number 1 _____ of witnesses were exa ined in the case off t . JP.018G. Mr. Becker, and he vat' fined 620 and Mr. S. M. Hallida 414.30 costs. The cae• against Rev. Mr. town on busiuess, on Littwin was withdteewn, as he bad done ' Me. and Mrs nothing in the inte-_ est of said society now, spent a few day duringthe pasb twelve months contrary to the guests of Mr. Wn the statutes. •e Blyth corresponde Ern : Misses Cargill —I am still here in Mecham .in the Furniture and Undertaking businiss, and h tan, were the guests cordially invite anyone wanting geode in Wednesday. , my lino to call and see for , yourselves Mrs. Peese,iPa1l where yon can gat best value for your money. Don't be deceived by what some interested parties say about prices, but come and see for yourselves. I ani not here to be undersold either in Furniture, Picture Framing or Undertaking. Flame bear this in mind. 5.PGrallActcilYti Undertaker. —An interesting pion meeting of the Women's Home and Foreign -Missionary Society was hold in t e Methodist church, October 9th, at 3 =3kdook p. m. Mrs, Towler presiding. T ds meeting was opened by all joining in sireeing an appropriate hymn, after which :.etach member gave a scriptural quotation daring en the subject. Mrs. Gifford then le. iti peayer. Miss Mc- Donald, a represent°, ive of the Presbyter- ian Society, read a •ery inetruetive and beneficial paper on ti good results derived from miesiohary woei.t., "how it has helped the women and girls f our own land" to be: while the haerest sit ing . souls fo Christ. After the elf-eaorificing by try- • triet is at ormolu 77 others. The net me more •charitable and' singing of a liymn, •es. Ritchie read a 11EilleaErCLIII:liiIrit:':11:ii;litt);'11 short extinct on the rk one man lima accomplished He. re ived a testament whose duty it shall b frOna an officer mid re • It diligently. The leofidatetsihaunActe,veirsyitio'avget,aki people or his village n • d to gather in his holm to hear him read tom the wonderful be visited at least once book. Isle result 'mart became anxious inelmber*ofl tire executive .thiges were to read and detiroli fo themeelves. We ttlx`" (-4 were then favored wit a solo from Mrs, supply local •papers wi relating to local temper itrattronig, followed by' n open dismission The Grand Chief Tel to tow it hag Mr. Andrews. of Ham „ and assn the Grand. tepee "Bent' It ‘v" and both of thette g bellowing Witt stirring uddressee, givi rd, Mor. -agement to the &leo and Mrs. visiting theie'aged .ents, Mr. and Mrs. • , rarquhrtmon, of Win ;lime on Sunday. • — Messrs. H. Mejannel and W. Scott were le st Sunday. 1. No. 24, IndelA'aita.,Ve )rder of Good Temi the guests oe the Mieraes Beck,of Wiegham, 1 The guttetete.4°I;7neeeing of Distriet Lodgete tik, G. %Alistria Lodge. Mowat anti, town, have returnect3. essrs. J. Gray and/ `4. plass, was held late he Temperance Halle 1 Londesboro, on tor-eliey, witle *,p. C. T. Ilurdoeh, of Luckieoe-e, in the ' aril a, fair representation ff ttembe4.• Reports from the NIL a falling off memLership in bership 111thoclia- , as against 803 last vere peeled, reconsut of nu organizer, to open up new ones ; alt o, to the the discriet should quarter, by some •ointeittee. Seem- trongly urged to iteites of _news ce orgenizetions. w or, n!L C)nti.leserl tmi(lt, tory. P. t4. Spence, itlemen tit liver ed words of entscurr. tr. This was the to this section, With the tetacr- 'd edil lease Ireland,•cit this to their homes.. ' • Clifford Eat:Ibis...4e D. MoExteliern visite wenn. ore 'tho te 6 . are% 1M" llitaliOnary work, placed in other hands. for collection. tgA. eke"( timber word to the wise is sufficient,"• .„. . taken part in by the Mesdames Towler, Gi Expariarice hits Preyed. it, too, Davithoin, Morro A triumph in medicine *as attalbed when • 11. . roma, 1.46ek gild first visit of bIt.i.Anitire% experience prOVed that Strott's Pmultrion • „. WM then taken. It was deo atlee spirit isplay , tie mem *bleb atnennted to V "-Vs mts• were glad to have the t end would not only stop the progress of Put. next spoliOffIrers vela , • ulesSgerY OstisllehPtitsle but bY its ooritiotto4 tattirg ale tot; lure berinf on provided refreshments Efor ell present, uled that —Sarre 20c on every della, by buying the President ill reg your fitrol'beine at reit, meeting Mee then al • tc ilto1110 length at tegattlt wit. The members of .Londeshoro lodes use health itua vigor could befall* teetered. its on Work b re gums' mit tute. whioh were eervell t e 1, or. Hat. r • Towler interview It wtts decidttl to hold -=-R• next wetting , d to kbove. Vile Blob, at u thins to 1:4 •xtd by the ammo with prayer. tive. 1,. 44 , I • •