The Wingham Times, 1894-10-05, Page 5EAST WAW i.NO»II. si The Council "met in the council room, on September 25th, pursuant -to adjournment. Members all pre- sent. Minutes of last sleeting lead and passed. Communication received from George Quinn, Con. 3, with $5 •enclosed, being malate of proceeds from sale of five imclainled calves that castle into his premises last sum- mer, and lately- sold by .stint in his capacity as pound -keeper, Report of John Ansley, County .el•irineer, re- garding condition of the bridges on river, received, and rec0111men(ling ei that the bridge at Marnoch, co ices- cions 8, and 9, bo re -built next sum- mer, on account of a good deal of the timber in sante being badly decayed; and further, that certain repairs necessary to make it safe till then be done this fall; the one on the 10th and 11tH concession line, by being attended to and looked after, with the flooringproperly repaired,be considered perfectly good for two or three years longer. His account of $3 for the inspection of these 40 bridges was ordered to be paid. Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. ;McGowan, that the Deputy -Reeve be authorized and empowered to superintend and inspect all necessary repairs required this fall on the bridges .on river. -Carried. Wn1. Hallahan, lot 40, eon. 5, was present requesting; that action be taken re- garding ths opening and cleaning out of a ditch near his property. r. The Reeve was authorized to look after this matter as soon as possible. The Reeve also paid over to the Treasurer the sum of $0.50, being price of 22 cords gravel sold from Township pit, lot 42, concession G. • The,Collcctor's bond for the current year, received, and being considered saitisfactory,was duly accepted. Tho following debentures were passed • and signed, viz : Wm, Deacon, nails i and repaies on bridge On river, cols. j 10 and 11, :;5.20, gravelling at lot 31, cons. 10 and 11, x$,'20, cleaning out hill, lot 33, cons 12 and 13, $3.85, total, $29.05; George Naylor, gravel Alts work done on western boun- dary, $1.25; .John Ansley, Wingham, inspecting the two bridges on river, $3; 3fnnicipal World, St. Thomas, blank forms re "Ditches and Water- courses Act," $2.85; John Coultesjr., 131 rods wire fence, sideline 39 and ,... 40, con. 6, $13.10; B. H. Taylor, re- pairing abutments and cleaning out creek, lot 32, con. 6, $6; James Mc- Gee, lumber for drain, sideline 30 and 31, con. 10, 75e.; Wm. Paton, cutting hill, lot 28, cons. 10 and 11, $11.25, gravelling on northern boun- dary, $10.08, cutting hill, lot 30, cons. 12 and 13, $25, total, $46.33; Wm. Karnick,-117 rods wire fence, sideline 38 and 34, con. 3, $11.70; Charles Campbell, 37 yards gravel and cedar for culvert, per Alex. Bruce, sr. and Peter Mason, path - B? masters, $2.10; ttobt. Haines, 37 yards gravel and damages, $2.25; Joseph Golley, Morris, 11 yards gravel, 77e.; Thomas Nicholson, Auburn, for gravel per Wm. Wilson, pathmaster, $3; John Redmond, 55 - yards gravel, $2.75; Henry Edward:, 51- rods wire fence, lot 36, con. 0, $5.-15; • Artlnr Brooks,oks Belgrave, gravelling at lots 42, cons. 8 and !l, $30; John Clausins, 104 rocas wire fence, sideline 30 and 37, con. 1, $10.40; Charles Armstrong, under- * brushing on sideline 30 and 31, con. 3, $10.50; Win. Karnick, under - brushing on sideline 83 and 34, con. 3, $1; Wn-i. Nethery,. 34 rods wire fence, sideline 39 and 40, con. G, $3: 40; Rich. Leishman, repairs and fixing bridge, eons. 8 and 9, 75c; J. W. Mowbray, undcrbruslling at lots 28 and 29, cons. 12 and 13, $5.25; Wm. Johnston, con. 2, digging, fill- ing and finishing drain, lot 34, • cons. 2 and 3, $8. By-law, No. 12, 189.4, read and passed. The council then , adjourned till Tuesday, 13th Nevem- s ber next. THE WIN GHAJ.1'i TIMES, OCTOBER•req 1894. M.. • way in which Blake, Lash & Cassels conducted the suit Bryce vs. Culross, and their punctuality in - refunding the sum of $193.9(i, being the amount of expenses recovered from Bryce re said suit, that wo tender thetas our sincere thanks for carrying the suit to such a successful issue and that the Reeve and Clerk forward our thanks as per motion and attaeh the seal thereto --- Carried. Wase. Reid --P, Kuntz -That J. McLeod get Culross portion of the Thacker ditch finished; also a culvert built over sauce on 10th sideline, con. 5, as the other part of the ditch is coln- pleted---Carried. H. McKay --P, Kuntz --That as Dougald Campbell, pathmaster, employees Mr. Caskenett to put in a culvert where the cross- way was burnied on 25th sideroad, con. 15, that a cheque be issued in Caskenett's favor for ten dollars, to be paid by the Treasurer to Ceske - nett on I)ougalcl Campbell's certifi- cate that that is the proper amount and the culvert built according to agreement -Carried. Wm. Reid- II. McKay -That a cheque be issued in favor of John Brown; for two -cul- verts on 15th eon., opposite lots 2t} and 27, amount twenty dollars ($10 each) and that the treasurer pay him that amount on the certificate of Mr. Johnston that they are completed ac- cording to contract --Carried. H. McKay -P. Kuntz -That as the road is washed out on 25th sideroad, con. 4, that Wm. Reicl have the road re- paired. - Carried. Win. Reid --P. Kuntz -That checks for the follow- ing amounts be issued and paid by the Treasurer to the different parties on their producing certificates from Mr. Reid that their contracts are completed satisfactorily : Robt, Fal- coner, $24; James Couch, a12.50;, Joseph Fennel, $6 -Carried. • H. lrlc- Kay-1Vm. Reid -That a cheque be ishsued ill faygr• of Wm. Latimer for twenty dollars, to bo paid by the Treasurer on the certificate of Peter Kuntz that this contract is completed -Carried. J. Welwood - J. J. Johnston• -That as Mr. Wolfe is in destitute circurnstaaices, that she be granted the sum of ten dollars, •and that Mr, Kuntz get the sank for her --Carried, J. J. Johnston -H. Mc- Kay -That as the different parties that took the contract of ditching from the bridge on the )14th con., west, have not complied with terms of contract and have given up the job, that Messrs. Reid and Kuntz proceed to deal with the said work in what way they may consider best -Carried. H. McKay -P. Kuntz - That by-laws No. 10 and 11, for the purpose of raising the different levies thr the year 1804, be now read a third time, passed, signed and 'seal- ed --Carried. Finance report: - Roderick Mc- I)onald, damages to crop in drawing gravel, $2; American Road Machine Co.,balance on sera pers, $1.61; James Jlanly-, culvert 12th con., lots 22 and 23, $15.50; Samuel Hutton, clearing jam, lot 9, con. 9, $2,75; Geo. B. Armstrong, culvert and ditching new road, con. 9, lot 9, $20, repairing culvert broken by steamer $5, total, $25; John M. Klein, building culvert, :.-10.62; Joint I•Iein, graveling, lots $2 and 33, boundary Culross and Car- rick, $13.11; Nicholas Schuitzler, gravel on boundary Culross and Carrick, $2.42; Weiler & Son, lum- ber, $3.99; Andrew Schell, covering culvert, con. A, $1.30; Thos. Ross, 64 yards gravel, $4.48; Francis Cle- land. culvert and drain, cons. 4, 5, lot 11, 811; William Harkness, work on 25tH sidoread, con 1, $15.50; Henry Caskenett, building culvert lot 25, eon. 14, $1.0; Robt, Falconer, repairing 20th sideroad, con. 0, $24; James Couch, removing jam, burn- ing timber and repairing bridge, $12.50; Joseph Pennel, raising ',bent on bridge, lot 28, cons, 8 and 9, $7; P. PoltTER1'IELD, Clerk. 0ULl O>S. The Calross council met at the town hall Teeswater, Septenebe • 2'7th, its per motion of adjournment. Members all present. J. 'GPeltvo.x(, , t tcs of 111 inthehCllll Reeve, chair. rl. last meeting were react and adopted. J. Wolwoocl ---1'. Kant z -That as the ratepayers petitioned to have the 10th sideroad, con. 7, opened for travel, that, Johnston and McKay have the salve opened as requested ---- Carried, W. Reid -1. weiw o:l-.-• That as the culvert opposite Tot 5, tion. 12, is in a dangerous state for travel, that Mr. Kuntz have the 8allle repaired -Carried. 1'. Kuntz --'-W. Reid --That this eounell,appree}sting the straight forward and honorable Donald MeKiggan, 26 yards gravel, ::11.82; Mrs. Wolfe (per P. Kuntz), she being in destitute eirctuustauces, $10; Pottle McKenzie, repairing • cul- vert, con. 6 and 7, $2;80; Geo. Mc- Kee, repairing culvert, eon. 6 and 7, 1.50; Joseph Welwood, postage, WEST WAWANOSIL The West Wa'wanosh Council rnct according to adjournment,. on Satur- day, Sept. 22nd. The lnelubers were all present, After reading minutes of previous meeting, the Treasur'er's report for August was received. It showed receipts, 8760.01 and (spell- (liture, ;^374.84, leaving 0391.17 to September account, Moved by Mr, Gibson, seconded by 11Ir. Durnin, that the Clerk notify Henry Dodd that this municipality is willing to do its share towards putting in culvert opposite lot 17, con. 1 --Carried. A communication from (a arrow & Proudfoot was react, advising the Council that if they attempted to carry out the contract, let opposite lot 25, cons. 2 and 3, an injunction would be applied for by Mr. Wash- ington to prevent the work being carried out, he claiming that the work would unlawfully dam water on his property. The Reeves were appointed to see theinterested parties, with a view of having the matter settled without litigation. Messrs. Stuart, Todcl and the Clerk were ap- beneficial properties of a perfect lax. pointed to receive and accept, if ative ; effectually cleansing the system, satisfactory, the Collector's bond. dispelling colds, headaches and fevers The following checks were issued : Thos. Agnew, graveling, con. 10, 845.10; John Kilpatrick, contracts, cons. 8 and 9, 830; Dr. Case, vaccine points, $7.50; Geo. Armstrong, gravel and minding gap, 810.15; John Me - Lean, 152 yards gravel, $10.6.4; Thos. Anderson, contract, $61; Jas. Hoey, contract, $14.31; Jacob Miller, con- tract, $27.40; W. H. Wilson,' lumber, $4.89; Jacob Miller, contracts, $95.85; Kenneth Cameron, repairing road, cons. 12 and 13, $10; John Kilpat- rick, gravelling, con. 0, $30; John Clark, extra work on shed, $6; Robt. Haines, gravel, $$3.80. Council ad- journed to meet on Saturday after- noon,. October 27th. R. K. MILLER, KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment -when rightly used. Tho many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy lifo more, with less expenditure, by moro. promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is duo to its presenting in the form most acceptzblo and pleas, ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly Clerk. WESTFIELD. The anniversary sermons in con- nection with the Westfield Methodist church will be preached on Sunday next, October 7th, by Rev. Dr. Gif- ford, of' Wingham, at 10.30 a.m. and 2.30 p, m. Service will also be held at 7 p.m., but who the preacher will be is not at present known. On the Monday evening following, a grand tea meeting will be held in the base- ment of the church. Tea will be served from 5.30 to 7.30. After tea, a platform meeting will be addressed by Rev. H. Irvine,. of Goderich; Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Wingham, and Rev. Geo. 13uggin, of Blyth, chairman of the district. Appropriate music will be furnished by the choir. V eterinary Convention. A ,IIF.ETLNG HELD AT STRATFORD WHICH WAS INTERESTING 1'O THE PROFESSION. Stratford, Sept. 28. --The veteri- nary surgeons of western Ontario held a convention in this city yester- day and to -day, there being a fairly representative attendance from Perth, Huron, Waterloo, Bruce and Wel- lington session to a 1 t'c . The first se o has 1 counties. 1 s was held in the Council chamber, City hall, on the evening 'of the first day. William Gibb, of St. Mary's president of the Perth county as- sociation, occupied. the •chair, W. J. McMaster, of this city, acting as secretary. Interesting papers on topics pertaining to diseases and their treatment, were read by I)r. Berger, of Listowel, and Dr. Walker, of Clinton. The meeting then adjourn- ed until Friday. On reassembling, the convention proceeded to form an organization to be known as the Western Ontario Veterinary Medical Association, for which the following officers were elected: President, Dr. Berger, Listowel; vice-president, Dr. Walker, Clinton ; seeretary,. Dr. Carr, Kir kton ; treasurer, Dr. Me - Master, Stratford. Chairman Gibb read a paper containing much valu- able information for the profession, after which various subjects were discussed, affecting the interests of veterinarians, especially along the line of greater protection for legiti- mate practitioners and the elevation of the profession. The convention tlitally adjourned at noon. telephohln , &c., $1.'73; D. A. Ire- htnd, improving ;ravel rend, $90.08; John McIntyre, overscei ng gravelling, gravel road, $3; Robt. Campbell, C. P. R. labor, $+3: Wm. Latimer, grad- ing* and gravel. lot 10, 11, con. 15, A20; Mrs. Cross, house for cleetion, 4. IL ltolcaly----1'. Kuntz ----That the finance report n just read be a(lopted---Carried. J. Welwood--- •.1. ,Johnston -That this board do now adjourn to meet again on Friday, the 20th day of October, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a,ni,,. in the town hall, Teeswater-Carried. CnAs. Burro', Tp. Clerk. and peru anently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of tho medical profession, because it,acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and itis perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75o. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California. Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. Gr ' GHEAP GASH STORE, during July incl August clear out all Summer Goods at SLAUGHTER prices in order to snake • room for fall filar ta (ZOO a ..0111 ®.•re.z,.a.a••• Dress Making a Specialty. G. Mc NTYRE, MACDONALD BLOCK. BELGRAVE. Mr. J. G. Stewart, of Wingham, was in to..'ht on Sunday. -Misses Hannah and Bena Bryce, of Turn - berry, have been spending a few days among friends in Belgrave and vicinity. -Mr. J. M. Henderson, of Ethel, has taken Possession of the post office store lately occupied by T. R. Erskine and commenced busi- 1 ness.--A special meeting of the Pres -1 bytery of Maitland was held in Knox church on Monday for the purpose of arranging to give a call to a pastor for the P,elgrave and Calvin appoint- ments. now to Cot a "Sunlight' Picture. Send 25"Sunlil;bt" Soap wrappers (wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Vo - man Look (Old Sooner 'Tfua.1 a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post +a pretty pic- ture, free from advertising, and well worth framing, This is nn eu 4V way to decorate your house. Tau sum) F+ the best in the market and it will only cost one cent post- age to seen in the wrappers, if you leave the ends ol,,.... \V. ite year address care- fully. LISTOWEL. • The residence of B. F. Brook, of this place, was on Wednesday- of last week, the scene of a happy event, being the occasion of the marriage of tlieir eldest daugliter May to Mr. J. N. Hay„jun., member of the firm of Iiay Bros. The sister of the bride, Miss Ida Brook, acted as bridesmaid, and D. D. Hay, jun., of Stratford, assisted the groom. Rev. .J. A. Morrison, B. A., East Presbyterian Church, Toronto, performed the ceremony in the presence of a large number of relatives, who did honor to the union of the popular young couple. The •numerous friends and relatives of the bride and groom gave evidence of their regards in the form of many valuable presents, aniong them. being a Morris piano, the gift of the bride's father, and ri silver tea service, the gift of the grodnl's father and smother. The happy couple left on the 2.22 p. rn. train for Toronto, Niagara Falls and Buffalo on their wedding trip. • At present there are in Ontario fifteen cheese markets, located ate London, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Brant- ford, Listowel, Shelburne, and Newmarket, in Western Ontario, and at Peterborough, Belleville, Canipbellford, Napatneo, lsieton, Kin gston, l lrnckvil le acid Morr}slur„ h In Eastern Ontario., Pale Faces show Depleted Blood; poor nourishment, ever y thing bad. They are signs of Anaemia. Scott's Emuision the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites, en- riches the blood, purifies the skin, cures Anaemia, builds up the system. Physicians, the world over, endorse Do.'t ie halved by Sebstittitss[ goat Myiii tislrllii.611Dentiesta. Mk.1 I1. r WINGH4.M. • Every day we are opening new cases of new goods for fall trade. Dress Goods, Mantlings, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, Ladies'Jackets,Ready-Made Cloth ing, Tweeds, Worsteds, and every- thing which goes to make up the most complete stock in the town. We extend to you a hearty invi- tation to call and examine this stock and we feel confident we can show you goods and prices which cannot fail to suit yon. T. A. WILLS, Wingham. 1 LESS LABOUR GREATER colvlFORT . OES YOUR WIFE 0 HER OWN A,SH I NC ? 1 F she does, see that made Easyand the wash is Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP, which does away with the terrors of wash -day. Experience will convince her that it PAYS to use this soap. WEBSTER & CO. have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for MAKIN MEWS TWEED SUITS $4.00 SPOT GASH. ...e. If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar on the making of each suit, and get a good fit. first-class Trimmings supplied at wholesale prices for, spot cash only. If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can save from $3.00 to $10.00 on sac* by purchasing from us. WBBBTER & CO.,. Opposito tate new Xited011al(l !Hoek, Winghaln. Merehant Tailors. •