HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-10-05, Page 1. • • to\ VOL. XXIII.---NO. 1189. VALUES AWAY UP HIM . • - • •,•,•••• WINGHAM, ONTAI0, FRIDAY, OCTO3ER 5, 1894. —Plates 60e a d . at Kerr's Fair. —It's savings th4 make a man rich. —Tea Spoons 10a doz. at Kerr's Fair. —Regular rneeti-4.0 of . the Sobool Board on Tnescley evenin next. ,ata"—Mr. Alex. Day.eon, a town, has been -lac 'seriously ill wits a throat affection for about a week, but we are p eased to learn that he is nicely oulthe rn96d. :PRICES AWAY DOWN LOW, AT THE BEAR. ORR & H1SCOOKS, The Only Direct Importee 'TEE BEAR, Sept. 12th, 1894. Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATERSON. No 23, Vic- toria etreet,Winghane, Ont. No witnesses •required. re...Oentettee.4-0444444)4024.041 EST Place in Gnnada to 0 get a Business Edu- * cation, Shorthand, etc., is at theCert.- rai Business Col- * Unquesponably Canada's Greatest Com - lege, Toronto, Ont. and Stratford, Ont. ie„ . mercialSehoohs. cancogues tree, Men- 0 tion this paper. Eitiaw irc Lliiutt, Principals. .4e, .04gPtiXrf404:44 tt-00.042,.... REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Town and Farm Pro mission, to the best 'buyer and seller. Rents collected and FIRE Those desiri -one of the folio stock compani V rty sold on com- tdvanbage of both seta, no charge. operty looked after. URANCE. insurance s1ouId select og old and reliable English Sun Fire Insurance lished 1711).) Norwich Union Insurance Company, -(established 1797.) "' • AllieneeVire Assurance Company, (es- iablished 1824.) Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, (established 1852.) e, Cotnpany, (Estsb• S. YOURILL, Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent, Kent Block, Winebam. . . . . . • LOCAL NEWS. —Fresh Groceries at Kerr's Fair. --Pick your fall derwear. bent—the average —One on plant "bicyclist. —Marinated Fil 'Macdonald Block, —teat week th .oppressive. This weather in eareest. —A change of ad M. Gordon was re • issue. Look out fo went next week. 4s, at H. E. SNELL'S, ingham. heat was at times week we have fall ertisement for Mr. D' ived too late for this a startling announce- -M. Patterson's 62.50 Stem Wind Watches will be sold for the next 30days forea2. ,eeee ,(F—At 'the tieing= of Elders in the Presbyter in church, on Sunday last, Dr. Macdonald and :Messrs, D. M. Gordon, G. Mclntyr- and P. S. Lihklater Were elected. —The West Miro - Teachers' Association held, a convention in Gialerich, on Thurs. day and Friday of 1 •st week, but the seere- Lary has failed to se td us a report of the meeting in time for his issue. —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remember the place, one door south of It. A. Graham's grocery store, —The Queen's hot 1 stables at Kincar- dine, owned by Mr. bt. Durnion, brother of htr. Jas. Durnion lot two town, Were destroyed by fire tt Tuesday evening, long with eleven h see and two cows and ether contents. 0 ly aslight insurance wits on the building —The Public ar eortlially invited to attend meetings r prayer, the study of the scriptures and reaching of the gospel, to be held (D. V.,) ‘tifeyer'stiall,(opposite Tt. A. Mills' store,) E'ridav and Saturday at 7 and 10 a. m,. 81trid 7:60 p. Sun. /key, 8, 6:80 and 8 1. in. That 34ful reeling With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanlinesi tilielt follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is to the few who have not pro. gtetind beyond the ata time medicines and the cheep substitutes etvmatizet offered telt never &ow/peed by ele4 Wormed. --Dinner and Tea Semen's, Macdonalc a6.50. at H. E. ook, Wingham, —The union meal of the Woman's Horne and Foreign M sionary Society will be held in the Method st church ou Tues- day, Qct. 9th, at 3 o'cl ask p. m. ill() Directors of t le Wingham Driving Park Association are cushing along the work on their newounds. They had twelve teams and a 1 srge gang of men fixing the traok on Tueaday. — Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf .Toner NEELANDR. — The Mr. Webter spoken of by our Londesboro corres ondent as having met with such a sever accident near that village, is a brothera Mr. A.. W. Webster, of this town. —Messre. MacEwen Bros., of Bluevale, were awarded first ierize for aged ram in the Downs, at the irnberry Agricultural Society's show, at Ingham, and net I. Keiffer, as given in la week's Trues. Take lairelotice.—The Tures and Weekly Globe will be sent to any address, in Canada or the United States, for one year, for ono dollar, payable in advance. Subscriptions may commence at any time. —Educational Ane versary in the Metho- dist church next Salaaath. The Bev.B A.ustin, M. A., B. D. _will preach in the morning, and in tr; evening a platform meeting will be held, to be addressed by Brie Austin ar L the pastor of the church. ,Collection In aid of Educational Fund. —G. T. It. trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6.25 a. m. and 11.20 a. in., via W. G. & B.; 6.35 a. m. and 13.25 p. ne, via Clinton and Guelph. Good.con nections by all trains. —The Gospel T perance meeting in the Temperance H 1, on Monday evening last, under the auspi es of the W. C. T. U., .was fairly well att Ida Rev. D. Perrie occupied the chair, d Rev. Dr. Gifford gave a capital addr s, which was greatly appreciated by all. re. Smith gave a recitation and Mis Hall a reading. The Methodist church choir supplied the musical part of the !_rogramme. — Services at the longreptional church next Sunday at the _usual hours, 11 a, na, and 7 p. m. Su •day school at 2:30. Preaching by the pa or. Morning subject: "Spiritual Food." Evening subject: "Witnessing for Ch mm t." The communion of the Lord's Suppe will be observed at the close of the mor ing service. —Wstclies, clocks and jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by Ileum PARE, Meyer Block, Wingham. —The first Arrr the Harvest Thank held in St. Paul's town, on Sunday 1 deacon Davis, of very earnest and ladies had decor versary Services and iving were conjointly scopal church, in this st. The Ven. Ara- ncion,• preached two actical sermons. The ted the church very tastefully with gri n, fruit, flowers and vegetables. Tho ugreottions were good filling the church t its capacity, and were also liberal in the collections toward the building fund of th: church. On the Mon- day evening folk:owing, a service of song and organ recital presided at the o deacon gave a ver ulteVerenee due to The choir renaere the ser/iee very COW. Along With Furniture. Anyone wanting to buy furniture or carpets this fall and wanting to got the best value f.r their money, I would ask them to call and See what 1 have to offer in Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suite% Side. betas, Matressee, Spring Beds, Chairs, have all such goods on hand and I testa to sell them, and no matter What prices aro quoted you elsewhere don't buy until you call and see what styles and rim I have. Not only the best value in orrature, but to anyone who purehesee $40 worth and over of furniture I will supply carpste at cost direot from the. manufacturer. If necessary you Can get the carpets Made to order to lit your room!, out, metalled and sewed all ready for putting down. This h special Offer and a dates to get your room carpeted cheep. Remember this Offer is front S. Gmeaa Furniture Deieler: Witighatra as held, Miss Meliardy an. The Von. Arch - earnest address on the od's house and services - the musket parts of eptably. TIMES. —Cups and 8auc 70e doz. at Nerr's —Kerr's Fair, corner Josephine and Vic - Fair, toria streets. The "Black ainigh " Mr. J. IL Hector, passed through town ne day last week. His popularity as a le tare does not seem to vane. ---13utter and 's wanted at Xeres Fair. —A London Soutll woman answered an advertisement for a iew hat fastener, anda7 —A Brantford minister, Rev, Mr. received two rubber bands with instrug' Hobbs, in a rec t sermon, described tions to fasten them n to the hat and run dancing as "Imp set to nausic," and them around under h ears warned all member of his congregatio against indulging i this wicked please. —Nature has her Inmutable laws. If a man does not e rope, his ood be- comes sluggish. Ne seat to vertise has the same effect on tr de. —Brooms 12o, Clo s Pius 2.1 doz., Slate Pencils 6 for 1, Spools 2c, at Kerr's Fair —Hundreds of p4opla write Phony°. Caffein cures heads le or neuralgia when everything else has healed. —Do people read advertisements? Of course they do. Maw and mauy a time papers aro bougbt imply and solely for the apvertising page and partioularly is it true at the present ime when fall goods are so prominently o the market. Take Notie —110 TIDIES and Weekly Globe will be sent to any address in Canada or the United States, for one year, for one dollar, payable in advance. Subscriptions may commence at any time. —The Oddfellows f Clifford have de- cided to start a lge of tbe Rebelta degree, when all le. .es related to Odd - On Saturday is 1, the Piper farm, - fellows will have an pportunity of ja-thaa' ere being lot No. 11 in tit tenth concession of this beautiful degree. and helping on the Turnberry, was sold 'y public auction at spread of Frienclseie, Love and Truth, and the Queen's hotel, in - his town. Mr. Sas. , in helping those whi need help in time of trouble. • Weir was the puraaaser nt the sum of ' 63,000, which is coasiderecl a fair price. \VANTED to borrow for a term of years—' Mr. \Veir now owns t )0 acres of land in t3,000 on good farm security, at 5 per cent. , T , b „ a+ interest. For particulars apply at Trues a Offica, Wingharn, Ont. . auctioneer.; "-The frame on and a -half tory dwell- 1 —Save 20e cm ever r A by buying ing and lot 28, EdAard street Mid, owned yo/e_ae,Groceries at Ke a hatiar. by Mr..1. W. Scott banker, of Listowel„):a.' —Mr. Samuel B. emale, of town, has tax has been sold, throreh the agency of Mr. s.• liens whose record fee the. past six months —When a subscrib refuses to take a paper out of the post- erne° lie should see that all arrears are ,aid.. This is accord- ing to law. The pa ;Usher may continue sending the paper en collect full rates up to the time of payment. Fon Sees—A good fresh Milch Cow. Apply to JAS. ELLIOT, Blueveie P. 0. —If "A. Christian'' will furnisle us with his or her name, we s ill publish the com- munication sent in. We must have the name of every contri utor to our colnmns, not necessarily for ublication, but as a guarantee of good fai Mr. 1 Deems was the Youhill, to Frederi at Seyffert, foreman in Button & Peasant's factory, who will go into possession in tie near future. —Excellent, the tkry best, sure to do it, &o, are the repor of those who use Phenyo-Caffein for headache or neuralgia. —A new swindler as made his appear- ence in some of tho surrounding villages and towns in the newton of a young than of pleasing speech and polished manners, who claims to represent :the Montreal Dress_ makers Supply Coespany. His plan of operatious is to can ass dressmakers and take orders for fa -shin books, which are to be forwarded to the rubscribers. It is said that he has already. inured quite a sum of money, but nothing has been heard of the books, and the sub gibers have arrived at the conclusion tha' the young man is a fraud. —Miss Charlotte McDonald wishes to intimate to the ladies of Wingbam and vicinity that the Dress and Mantle making business, formerly carried ou by Miss M. Johnston, will be continued by her in the old stand, Gregory Block. • Prof. Moody's tailor system taught. Cutting and fitting a specialte --An exchange say': There is too roneh stress laid upon imi are wells or wateeiti 2k1. A YEAR IN ADVANCE —Electric Soap4O for 25e at Kerr's Fair, .,Taolt and jifl went To get a pail of u But the things thoji down They really hadnl oughter. Take Notice.—The Trims and Weekly Globe will be sent to any address in Canada or the United States, for one year, for one dollar, payable in advances Subiptions may commence at any time. Geo. E. WiOltms, who has been employed with Mr. . A. Newton for some years, left on Tees( ay . to open a harness shop in Londesboro ghal Mr. Williams is well known in that village, and we are sure he will be succe sful, if good work and careful attention to . to wants of his cus- tomers will ensure it —Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A. Graham's market grocery. p the hill, ter— en-id when they fell —The meetings of the United Christian Workers are well Wtended, anc1 a good deal of interest in thee body of Christians is being evinced. lesers. Philpott and Fisher, of Toronto, coadueted very success- ful meetings on Wedraaday, Thursday and Friday evenings of 1 .st week. Both of then gentlemen seem to be able and earnest workers. —I am still here in Wingham in the Furniture and Undertaking business, and cordially invite anyone wanting goods in my lino to call and see for yourselves where you can get best value for your money. Don't he deceived by what seine interested parties say about prices, but come and see for yourselves. I am not here to be undersold nether in Furnitute, Picture Framing or Undertaking. Please bear this in mind. S. OnAci,:v, Practical Undertaker. —Brigadier Margefts and wife paid the local cartel of the Seevetion Army a visit on Friday evening net. There were a great number press It at the open air meeting, a number cla officers and soldiers from the surrounellhg corps also being present. The Brigrader and Mrs. Margette are both good speak 'rs and vocalists, and the meeting in the 1 =ticks was interesting and profitable. is something remar .able. Five of them • are White Legherus and one is a mongrel. i During the time r entioned they le.yed seventy-five dozen ma two, or 902, eggs, and the mongrel het etched two broods of I lb chickens. Mr. Si le would like. to hear I ; of elven) who can eat this record. ' i —A fakir is world ig from town to town "galling" people out of their bard -earned money. Ho may be iere shortly,and it will be well for our citie s to take warning His system of opera ions is to hire a hack and start solliug je lry. The first few purcbasees get their money back. Then he induces. a number 1 people to give hitn a dollar each. He e omises nothing in return, bet they all e ect their money end some jewelry.. The ekir then gives a, rambling speech, and the cash and driving —Then who were i Methodist Sunday Fal _Fairs. Howick. at Fordeaela Oct. Blyth, Oct. 9-10, Clifford, Oct. 10-1-r • Dungannon, Oct. 1-12. Take Notie .—The TIDES and Weekly Globe will ie sent to any address int Caneda or the United States, for one year, for one dollar, peyeble in advance. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Particulars et Necessary. Dean name—a etotnler" does not give satisfactory reason for wanting partionlars of Me. Connolly's ledge to support a pro- hibitory measure, i elected. If I toll a lie about tbe matter nd culled it a fact, could easily tell mo e lies and call them particulars. If 1 g te peaked:las aTeeto- taler" coald quibble abora teem, jaet as he does about the feet New, I will give "Teetotaler" two el laces to have proof that Mr, Connolly d 1 pledge himself as have stated. First -If he will get Mr. Connolly to deny tb statement through your columns. This will be a eatisfectory reason for giving p of end it would cer- tainly be forthcorni g. Second—If «ree- totaler' will pove lere is any inconsis- tency in a temp:yeti:0 elector voting on „ the opposite side fr ,na the itotet-keepers. If ho will comply twah my seteotta iriosi- tion, I will give proi f of iny Staternont out of sheer gratitude. Yours, &c., Tenreitexce FopuIst Remember Princi the Methodist churcl ing. et 8 o'clock. S man." An intellect pected. Admission 1 is invited. Lecture. 1 Austin's lecture in this (Friday) even- bjeet : "Only a Wo - al treat my be ex- tents. The public TownCJ.inxil, The regular moot ly meeting of the Town Council was heal on Monday even- ing. The following reembers were present: Mayor Hanna, laanute-Reeve Holmes, and Councillors Mcla_nla,y, Gregory, Read- ing, Green, Deans • Herdsman. The minutes of last inn Jing were read. Mr. D. McKinley rel d objeetion, to the r Mei not signed the t of Mr. Outs. Read - ea a previous meeting. e then approved as is read from 1 essrs, rumond, Thos. Walker ng the Council to pass parties coming into meet t.y tee poan& es, seconded by Geo. ion from the butchers minutes as the May ! order for the payme ing's account, passe The minutes w read. A petition Geo. Shaw, Thos. land J. G. Field, as 6. !a by-law probibithe I town and selling Moved by Wm. Hol Green, that the ped Far -meas. The Misses Collisea, of Harriston, spent Sunday in town. ends by pocketing Mrs. John Law, o Saruie, is on a visit ff. Beware of him. to her Mines in tow, attendance at the Mrs. D. aleCorm alt, of Goderich, is ' 1 1 11 t visiting friends and dations in town. • Mrs. Jas. Renee, and ohildren, of grates for drain, 5J Sunday afternoon, e -joyed a very interest- ing and profitable r-srviee. Reviews are Exeter, are visiting dr. ,Tolin Murray. work on streets, I)* usually considered very dry affairs, and Mr. Hugh Lowry,- of Delmore, spent a gravel, etc, 19.75;§ the attendance is ver often less than at few days with frienc : in town, this week. °etc., ¶9L15; Jas. I the ordinary school essions; but the re- Messrs. S. Sexstni-h and J. Wyllie spent 13. Ferguson, salary 'views of this school re an exception in : a couple of days thienveek in Kineardine. Jos. Bullard, salary, . Miss Mary arcLei. nen, of aiucerdine, is salary as nightwate both tbese respects, fa was shown by the typhoid generators, nd too little upon visiting her friend, Nein i\Iaggie Vanstoue, Irwin, salary as ca. large attendance and interest taken in the cleath-clealing garbita around the premises. Foul cellars receive too little attention, meeting ef last Sin day. Between three this week. 625 ; John Dickson, of this town be left the hands of a com- mittee comeosed of he Mayor, Reeve and. Councillors Deans a d Gregory, to see if a by-law can legally b passed to prohibit non-residents from etealiagemeat by the pound in the town ' ,lea4,earied; The follmv- lug accounts wera eatata Wen: Dore, , , • tentge' Geo. Hughes, 5.4 Berber, ohie,GinesPie, streets, in, streets, $3.15 ; J. and postage, $77.50; 106.25 ; Thos. Irwin, nan, 15.2�; Thos. seeker 01 cemetery, lacy 025 ; Jos. Coad, ifiin, charity orders, 1. charity orders, 110 rio Light Co., lights ; Wm. Gannett, ; 1-Luniltou and -; pipe for drain, anicry, $3. Is was recommended that tbe thew itecounts be paid, except Hamilton •ed Toronto Sewe& Five Co., and thee it be, refetred to the Council, not being certifi d to, and also the accounts left over at la meeting being uncertified be referred lit k to the -Commit, Moved by P. fleas, econtlea ey W. Hoboes, that the report nt the Finance Committee be adopted an 1 111.3 itecounts he paid, and also all account that have since 1 accounts not r until certified liam i I ton and count having ored to he paid. Council for the r putting build. - et was granted. money for the town until the uncillor Herd*. Williarne hiked ajOurn Olour hundred m also the effects of slo water, which im- & 1 •t pregnstes the earth up to the back door- alidVeitors, were p step with fever-breee ng germs and bad took part in the eery odours. The well n-ty be contaminated, was short and clo but the source of the contamination is in subject of the quart Life most instances tra, table to the filthy of Christ. J. A. surroundings. Kee - the dwelling and the School Orcbestra, surroundings free fra'n decaying matter, of the service. John etc., and you will av-el much illness, and ducted a brief ilinstr hear fewer growls -fro -a the doctor about Titles and Golden Te ; "that well." the quarter; .R. McI — --• I the Geographical plac SALE REGISTER, l nection with our Lord 1 All parties getting their sale bills printed Hattie Reid gave a at the Tines office will hem) a free notice reading on teething inserted in this het up to the time of sale. the Superintendent SATERDAY, Oot. MO.—Auction sale of concluded a bIackboar stock, implement% ego., et 4. B.Ctitumiugge short addressees gi shop, at 1 o'cleek p. m, aJeil, Cenemines, Buchanan, of Parkdal proprietor. John Cat4eilnietioneere 'philter, Rev. Dr. Gift n Tona% Oct. 1611a aeAuetitur • mile lel hiring in a civilized farm stook and impleMents, on let 18 a' i: con. baliaYea it triot, wh 10, Turnberry, at 1 o'clook p. In. Walter the blessings of S. Hawk proprietor. Peter Deans, exc. OttlaY 01 the life 0 ought to be of intens Who tan have wee to the Bible, and alio town. ri' XicartiOna est and Northwest interest was largely ithetert by those Who tar. Clande Laing, o the Bank of liamil- mike° tt, st, tan/ attended the Sonde • School review eorvico ton, icavee this week, 1 i take a situation in ly helf rate's. Bound of last Sabbath. ..-.—,....—. the head office at lams ilton. Mr. Manley return pessage within Morden, of lItianilten, .ill succeed hitu. others of the School, esont, most of whom o. The programme y confined to the r's Bible study, the Morton, Esq., with led the musical part eeln-nds, J. P., coa- ted review of the s of ate lessons for d oo/E sq., reviewed s of jnterest in con. Lord- , 0 tioneef: The Mime Seek TO. all pf‘ttfa of the 'she the Chicago, Mi Itailway at practic trip tickets, good fe y day On September an 1894. Per further in nearest coupon ticke Taylor, Osknealan sotto, Ont. Mrs. W. T. Yates land children, after salary, ; C. N. spending a few week in London, returned a8; A. LM e eDonal Thuredity. cents; Willett= Ele Miss Lonise Fereason, who has been for September, 030 spending a few montage at Peele Island, re- rent, Mrs. Melvin, 4. turned this week. Toronto Sewer Pipe Co Miss Jinnie Fidel left on Saturday for 4480.24 ; A. Ross, eta Chatham Eusiness esellege, where she will take a course. Mr. Frank latichen ,n, of Toronto, spent a few days in town tiring the week, smi1. ing on cld friends. early life; Miss Mr. Fred Smye, tra -eller for Balfour &1 tort and aeautiful Co., Hamilton, was visiting his cousin, ints. Dr. Towler, Miss Ella, Cornyn, thi week. the school, brieflyea-aAir. and Mrs. LaiStc nis paned through review, followed Oa here Monday on thee. way 'to L01113011, n by Mr. Frank Nihere they have decid to reside in future. been eertilled to, end , Toronto, and thrers. E. G. Ash. of East Teams, Michi. certified to clot be left ov a. There is no mail` gin, returned bowie Monday moening, correct—Carried. The nntry, whether he after a ten days' visit mith her father, Mr. Toronto Sewer Pipe Co's or is not daily enjoying S. Yothill, of this tote . • been certified to, teesiristinnity, iristiitnity, and the. ea'atir. J. c. -Brown, fctrterly of the Bank Mr, R. Kinsman asked the its Greet Voundet 'of Ilemiltort here, butt ew agent in Obesity, use of part of the etreet 1 interest to every one spent part of Monaay calling on friends in ing rTeitteeit•Iiiaelu,titt onr . Intititehrief etit Salary Of §250, was ordere byelaw aa read to procu: cureent expenditure of th taxes eau be eolleeted. "Vn.nted. --....—,..... niNil stated that n11 Mr. e of sale, will be sold A smart, tntelli, mt and energitie boyExpeience hauProved it. hint to have the Connell 25 and October 0, between 12 and 111 'ears lit age, wanted tY A triumph in Medicine wasettained when rl oattayer Was instructed to rmetion apply tothe !)tftatillaoltall'e Lett Volt gb8etterragit,rlealmrt4 experience proaed that Soott's Emil:lei" rent. The Council then agent or address A. ebeet the bow. winery bey peeteetedwould not only stop the progress of 1 assenger Agent, To. Arrangements maw be made to attend =wary Coneuroption, but by ittt sonCrteed —Subsetibe for the school ils necessary YIN health Ilia vim coald hatollv restored. ; Globe. = tars mi 1 Wed*