HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-09-21, Page 8BE R. Mc iDO . TIM. TALL TAXA. M. If. MCINDOO'S DRESS GOODS. Well posted shoppers have naturally learzted to expect the most, ea well as the choicest for their money, at Wing- italn'e recognized Dress Goods centre,and this week, the most extravagant ideas of elegauce and economy will be more than realized. Marvelous Silk and Wool noveiities•-the newest sveaves and shades. X arvelous new French and German mixtures; never such a display of fine Dress Goods. A very busy week in Dress Goods with such as this to draw. READY-MADE MANTLES. Oar most complete stock of fine Mantles in Newmarket, Reefers, Tight Fitting Jackets and Skirt Garments, for Ladies arid Misses, in all the latest styles; pain, and trimmed with riohestfurs, in endless variety,and all shades kind styles. Don't delay in looking through our magnificeat stook before they got plotted out. It is just such offerings at this—so much quality and style for the price -- that gives M. H.Melndoo such a decided lead in ti•.ie line. FUR COATS AND CAPES. Something special. Here are more handsomer effects—and more of them -- better values and more of them. Our Fur stook is very ccmpsts and opened up for inspection,. at M. H MiaiNDDO'S. AIWITIONAL LOCALS. —Too much care cannot be exercised this year by people visiting exhibitions and fall fairs, Perhaps at no other period of the history of Ontario has there existed the same amount of poverty, considering the time of the year, as there has this season. Tho fact that so many laborers and mechanics are out of employment and that winter is fast approaching, makes it i necessary for these poor anEortunates to resort to some means whereby they may be able to sustain life, and strange though it may appear, it is nevertheless too true, that the shows and fairs are places most suitable for seeming victims to accomplish their end. The city papers bear evidence of this, and are warning the public to use every precaution to thwart the plan of the thief. Isiotwithstandiug these hard times, the fairs were never bettor supported than they have already been this year. -.The editor of the Uxbridge Journal is away from home, but from the following it will be seen that he has left behind him a trained man, equal for all occasions. The man in charge says : The editor of this great japer is away on a wheeling tour. We don't. know when he will be p1t, but we are equal to any emergency. We can ''write tt poem, discuss the tariff, umpire a hall game, report a wedding, saw wood, beat a lawyer, describe a fire so that the people will shed their wraps, snake a dollar do the work of ten, shine at soirees, address the horticultural society, measure calico, abuse the liquor habit, test whiskey, subscribe to charity, go without meals, attack the N. P., defend the Government, sneer at snobbery, wear diamonds, invent advertisements, overlook scandal, praise babies, delight pumpkin raisers, minister to the afflicted, heal the disgruntled, fight to a finish, set type, mould opinion, sweep the office, praise the widows, run for office, speak at a prayer meeting, and stand in with everybody and everything. If you don't see what you want ask for it. The Ziome Seekers' L''xcureions To all parts of the West and Northwest via the Chicago, Milwaukee err St. Paul Railway at practically half rates. Round trip tickets, good for return passage within twenty days from date of sale, will be sold on September 11 and 25 and October 9, 1894. For further information apply to the ,nearest coupon ticket agent or address A. T. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, To- ronto, Ont. LRO S. We 11-1 Beet Irby 5 me very severe ,rain stormy dollfg ., great deal of good, suets as putting out fires and giving thea got crops a new lease of growth, ----The Rev. Mr. Walker, B. M., of Teestivater, is hold- ing s, series_ of weekly meetings in X, Pic1tilrs house, which are well patronizes and very inuclt ap- Dreciated.—Mr. *and Mrs. Robt. Mar- shal, Mr. W. I oxtort net .I' . Meta wood are among those who attended the Toronto fair last week.—Mr, Gee. Crowe is away to Goderiott this week attending court.—Mr, Joe 'W'elwooct is off for Buffalo with a ear load of lambs, and they are the best that he has shipped for tiom fame. --.Quite a number of the natives see attending the Tecswater fair, *bike others are saving their quarter $1r the Wingham fair, THE WINGILA.M TIMES, SEPTEMBER 21,1814. They are making preparations for the big fall fair, Aud the farmer and his faintly are load ed up with care;. IThey are rubbing down the geldiug and l the big Wood marc, And the three-year-old is frisky—you ought to see hint rear, And they run hies round the pasture when they've gat au hour to spare, They make hien go full sail, With red riubous in his tail; Yep, they're makin' preparatious for the big fall fair. They are combing out the fleeces on the thoro'bred rams; They are picking out the best of the pretty spring lambs; The hired mea is working au a wicker work rig, For the easy transportation of the pedi greed i And he boysspare all oonstructing the cutest little pens For the safety and the comfort efft the Vere de Vere hens; : ' The iristocratio bull With turnip tops is full:-- • He'll make a great sensation at the big fall fair. They are making preparations for the big fall fair; There is very n3uch excitement in the circumambient air; Each farther has a pumpkin that can't be beat b'gosb,. And every person stands to win upon a certain squash; Not to mention barley, wheat and oats, and buckwheat, corn and peas, Aud the products of the vine and the harvest of the trees; While I bear the housewife mutter, "They'll never beat that butter !" Yes, they're makin' preparations for the big fall fair. They are making, preparations for the big fall fair; In the barnyard, in the kitchen, down cellar—everywhere; The curry comb is going and the brush is never still, And the girls are making butter with a flourish and a will, They are glancing atthe wall, where diplomas in a frame— The triumphs of the past are a glory and a name. Before each eye. arises Tho vision of big prizes, Yes, they're makin' preparations for the big fall fair. —Tan KHAN. MUSICS, EXCELLENCE, 4ETISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRVOTION, - Catalogue sent free on appli- cation, MORRIS - FEII.D - ROGERS - CO. LIISTOW:EL. IIALSEY BARD, Agent, WIxonant, GORRIE. Mr, W. S. Bean has decided to re- main in Gorrie, and will extend his business here.—Those who have threshed around here report grain of all sorts to be an excellent quality and large yield.—The Excelsior'" Manufacturing; Co. have their machin- ery running full time these days fill- ing the large orders before them. - Messrs. I. Sanderson and W. Andisii have their new brick residen?'ces about completed and will occupy them before the cold weather sets in. BLUEVALE. one.—Robt, Watson has sold lot 16, con. 10, township of Morris, 64 acres, to John Donegan for the sum of $3,200. J.JHOMUTH :'.SON STILL LEAD THE TRADE MERCHANT TAILORING AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS. In .4L'['8 we have the angst nobby to be found. our stock is complete. Men's Plough Boots, from $1.00 up. Ladies' Fine Button Dongolas, tipped, from $1.00 up; Boys' and Girls' School Shoes, from 6:Cts, up, and all other goods in that line equally low. OUR STOCK OW BLYTH. Mr. A. 1'Vettlaufer has rented his tannery to Rainton .Bros. of Wing - ham, for a , terns of years. They expect to have it in fall running order in a few clays and intend to manufacture gloves, robes, etc. This will be another industry added to our thriving town.—Mr. Frank Buggin left on Monday morning' for -_ Philadelphia., where he will resume his studies in a dental college.---• Arrangements are now being made for a grand. eoncert in Industry Hall on the second night of the Blyth Pall Fair. gultN. Note a few of our prices: VALISES AND TRUNKS • is full, and at prices whish must satisfy all. 'Boot and Shoe repairing done as usual. Methodist church, Pordwicb, oa the lith instant, :,y Rev. S. C. Edmunds, I�. D., Robert Marshall Mosgrove, of Howiok, to Lottie Beswitherfek, of Fordwieb. Bazrxow—FLruiNG--Un the 12th inst., at the Ontario St. Methodist parsonage, by Rev. W. Smyth, Israel 'Phos. Britton to Miss Margaret Fleming, both of C ' on. Kann—ln Morris, on September Gtat l the residence of the bride's father byt. ,the the wife of Mr. George Kerr; a son. Rev, James Hamilton, Mr. John Reid to CAv z' tarI-In Brussels, on September ith, the wife of Dr. M. Cavanagh; a daughter. JoaNRToN—in East Wawanosh, ou September 5th, the wifta of Mr, Charles Johnston; a daughter. MoEvses—In Culross, ou Septetnher, lst, the wife of Mr. Henry McEvers; son. KREAs1F.a—In Culross, on September 6th, the wife of Mr. Geo. Kraemer; a daughter. FIELI}-In Teeswater, on September etb, the wife of Mr. J. W. Field; a dal ghter. .,;Wzanna—In Bast Wawanosh, on Sitp- •tember 9t1a, the wife of Mr. Wm, Weber; a son. CLEGG Rusts -At the residence of Mr. W. Purdy, the bride's brother-in-law, by Rev. Dr. Gifford, on the 12th instant, Francis Clegg.; of (-lomat( township, to Elia* Rush, of Wingham. STRONG-WARDELL-In Rowick at the residence of the bride's parents, on September 12„h, by Rev. J. Greene, Wm. G. Strong to Miss Ella Warren. MOSGROTE-BESw1TFIERICi{ - At iss Emily Stapleton, both ofTurnberry township. „air"- DIF3Jt. 400kwarr.-In Morris, on Sept. 14, 'Isabella, wife of Isaac Jewett, aged years, 9 months. °1MC0ANN.--In Morris, on Sept, 13, Richard £'fot)ann, aged 92 years. Mr. Robert King is building a back i .. • .i..-_ --__- - kitchen to his house.—Mr. Robert Duncan is laid off with bronchitis at present. --Some of our townspeople viewed the eclipse of moon on Fri- day night.—Mr. fr. and Mrs. A. Craig spent Sunday in Walkertoii.----A number of farmers are threshing just now.—The August make of the Bluevale cheese factory was sold last week for 11c per lb., being the high- est price paid in the Dominion for August cheese. Bluevale also secured , the highest price for June cheese.— i "....' Ir. John Patterson, of Conn, an oldJ NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Bluevaleite, succeeded hi getting first , - prize at the Industrial Exhibition for' Tim IsSTATE or JASn;S.7olINSTON, DECEASED. June cheese.—Mr. Sam1. Scott shipped i Notice is hereby riven pursuant to Ravi ed Statutes a car load of hogs on' Wednesday.— 1 of Ontario, Chap, 110, Sce. 30, that all nelsons fav fug claims against the estate of Jamas Johhston'late Mr. John Scott, of Listowel, was m -. the To nAhip t T b y, ' th County of the w o urn err ,n o Wednesday.—Miss 1 Iitrron, Yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the town on l6 ednesday ---Miss A Wyne lull a f t ray o August, A. ]3„ `18fld, arc, before the 3rd went to Brussels on Tuesday on a, ' day of October,1304 to deliver or serail by matt to visit ---hit's Bailey is ill at present.— I the U tdarsftr d, Soli`cttor for John Jnliirston, the pa tiara of stair In Bluevale this ~vest: on business. -- i th t d h n a notlCu that Atlss Mary Collie was visiting , R o ar es entitled hartnr re and gni to he 1 — execs oro t o w II of the said deceased, at tVing- hfr. C. W. Andrews, of London, was!, ,, ham,nt6 Ontario, counts and full adrtIo liar a Aitch cams against t a said estate A d tak after a ate the sant Exe act wilt dtgtribut th in nam a Which notice shall have bean then k1t•cn. it YANSTONE, Solicitor for the said Executor. MORRIS. i Dated this 7th day of September, A. D., 1391. On Monday morning of last week, t - during a heavy' rain storm, Allan.. WANTED SALESMEN to Ae1t a cheese > and eomptete ltae Spelt s barn, lot 14, 4th line, was et Nursery Stour or ietd Pbthtces, or both. I'er• assents of the Aald leoeased amo t th p tl tttl l tcreto Kincardine this week. ,; y t I t R f struck by lightning aIld soon redtie- manont and haying positionA to good mon. wa Hatt hire von axctlksive to tt It h. Is will rt cry vett +T1s ed to a mass of smouldering ruins. pay You to write us for teri4e. hddress, Alex. Stewart, who lives on the farm.' The hawks Nursery CO was the first to discover the firerat Rochesieir, N: Y. nothing could be saved. The bind-' ing was 40x5: with stone stabling, underneath. There was also a straw house and shed 20x$2 attftehed. Among the contents were six acres of peas, barley, wheat, hay, binder, mower, dril ',aw cutter, roller, !grain eros r, plows, democrat, threshing machine, &e. Some young pigs were also burned. Mr, Spoir holds an Insurance policy in the Bowlek Mutual, but the amount we diff not learn. .He fortunately has another bairn on another part of his farm, Flo that while his loss is heavy he is better off than Mad he only had STRAY- HEIR STRAYE0 on /tori. Il,. Ton•nshi;, curlIna heiltr. Owns identifying .it and K the AND aka* LON MISS MAUID LESLIE, TEACHER of MUSIC, Pupil of Madam Maoking, Detroit, is V'r 14, prepared to receive pupils', teeing fully competent to teach; advanced pupils, au :11 owead atbhte` keEquries kindle Raeidence--Edward Street, *Ingham. rentiAls Of WIC one red iend white secure the Mme ,by charges. 0 1'. 0. - J. J. HOMUTH & SON, WINGIIAM n OF ALL SHAMS, ---The BUSINESS COLLEGE SHAM. is the most to he desplle 1. Not every institution dubbedtlusincss College 1q worthy of your support. You will in n11 likelihood take a business course but once, therefore, why not tolect a school 'that has- earned a reputation for practical conscientious work. The Forest City Business and Shorthand College of London, Ont. Stands head and shoulders abOve the are rage Canadian School. Graduates everywhere successful. Cats, logue free. Address Carefully, .Lf. W. WESTFJV1ELT, Principal.. THE SHOE STSRE NATE.. i'p .11"1... WE Two doors north of Postoffice, next Halsted & Scott's Bank. Cure $IC't HEADACHE and Neuralgia in ao Mmurrs, also Coated Tongue, Dizri- ness, Beionsness, Pain in the Side, Constipation Tf vpid Liver, Bad Breath. To stay cured and i reg,, me the bowels. VERY iSIOE 70 TAKE. PRICE 25 CI-rivrc AT °RUG STORES. 1 ESTRAY HEWER. Strayed on the premises of the undersigned, lots Ie and 20, conreasion 6, Turnherry, one J year old heifer. Owner can Aeeurn the same by identifying1t and paying the usual chargoi. GEO. POCOCK, Jr., W.liteham P. 0 NEW MAN IN AN OLD° STAND. Having purchased tete Y NORTH END L1R1S', and put in a number of flrst•olass HORSES, AND RIGS, I am in a position to give as good turn- outs and satisfaction as can be got at y- wbere. Prices Moderate. The patronage of the public is solioited. Livery—Near the G. T. R. station. S. A.1IfCLEAN. Wiftgbam,July 24th,1891. ' It you want dour SPRING ANR.IIIIMER made itt the tateet style, go to IRVIN llYy itpporite Bank a it%mutoltt WiltGP NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES Our object for this season is it make Customers, not money. We will look for our profits later. All shoes warrant. ed as represented.. If ti Yl.l lilt fit.Itittttttrllllt1111111n11it r----flt•t" We wish to establish an exclusive Shoe 13usinessiinnvWingllar. 111,-31[4::03E1,-,•,,!...... aro the best that the best factories can produce. Our prices for this season will beovory low. The styles are the: very latest, We will prove to you that it will pay you to buy your Shoes at the Shoe Store. It is to our interest to please you. GOOD BROTHERS WINGHHAM and fSEA.EOR,TH, The New Shoe Mon. HAriNESS AND DOLLAR laving bought nut the Ambler Harness Busilief+s and shirts$ itt his old stand, am prepared to furnish the pubiie with everything usually kept in a harness iflOp shell as HEAVY, LIGHT and TRACK HARNESS, VETS, DUSTERS, Wmrs, CURRY CCi4tns, • , fl1 VS1IES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING -BAGS, &e,, &c. M I sn>akr all nay ovula Collars and guarantee satief+aetioft, . Mos sae* trial rand I will use yeti tight. vivlam, t <14 VOL VA,I PRICE6 eats Bean, Issued by toria,.atrei required. B Xingumerel tion the ..eteSeto —Cale —Tho1 ' Wm. Dor —Gray street, a streets in —M. Watches fop3. Mr. olice M without 1 ydIt is mencPd i next, if t by that t At s sine Mis poisoned Medical both on —The excursio last wee 0. sociatic factory •--ser housew Lean, A --]tri tb thewife, Sal meetie evenigg from aq take pit —Mr bas sol on lot Mrs. 1; Mrs. J. Culross desires ..A Word o the b+os comms 4th, e,n and Su tended coliecti W receive 11, theyb., w nearly Work �A after s SOY, the ci city b Theo tends egtim i�tohe fight the c peril cusp epos Cnffe Mei