HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-09-21, Page 7L Doff/nod Items, Mr. Cleaves, itepublican, was .clected for Governor in Maine Mon- day by over 37,000 majority over Charles Johnson, Demoerat, Senator Frank Smith narrowly es, aped death, on Monday evening, by being thrown out of his carriage in Sront of a trolley car, in Toronto. Ile had three ribs broken. A 'heavy electric and. rain storms viSited Harriston and vicinity Satin. - day morning, Mr. Thos. Grill's barn was 'struek by lightning and burned to tho ground, together with all Ops„Parly insured ; loss heavy, TILE WIN (11-11N SEPTEMBER 21, 1894. xoportant rpoottoon. Brawn vsMurray,--Ilis Honor Judge Doyle has given a judgment in this case, which is of much impor tame to farmers and others dealing in stock, 'The plaintiff,Samuel resides in Ashfield, where John W. Murray, the defendant, also resides; both aro farmers and cattle dealers. . On the lith of September,1893,Brown sold. to. Murray eight head of cattle and received on account thereof $5, and the following week Murray picked out his cattle froin a large number and branded them. Murray was to take his cattle in about three weeks. The cattle not having been John Marley, of Centralia, while taken within the time agreed onl helping Aurthur Bauslaugh cutting Brown, without giving Murray to corn Saturday, dropped dead, He understand that ho intended to hold was about 70 years of age, mid one him to the bargain, sold ,at a logs of of the pioneers of Usborne toWnship, $69. For this sum he sued in the Be was a We long. Reformer, a eon_ Dungannon Division Court,anci after sistont member of the Methodist consideration His Honor delivered Church, and leaves a wife and two the following judgment; married daughters. The evidenee shows the cattle in .An exchange says there .are scarcely any turnips left on many of the farms in Logan; they have been almost entirely eaten up by the grasshoppers, In some fields the vines are nearly all that is left, and the pests are now having finished the lea'sres, attacking 1ie roots. Few , gardens have any cabbage left. During a violent lightning—Z7. last Friday night lightning struck -and fired Thos. Lapslie's barn near Seafortli. All the season's crop, with .a valuable California colt and four pigs, were burned. Insursance $700 .on barn and $1,200 on contents. 'Two bras belonging to Matthew Scott, Tuckersmitli township, with "three -years' wheat and two years' hay and this season's crop, were also totally destroyed. Insurance un- known. Walter MaeWherrell, who was found guilty at Brampton Assizes of brutally clubbing .to death James Williams and his wife Eliza on the Middle road, Toronto township, on Dee. 14, 1893, will be hanged by the neck, until he is dead, in the 'courtyard of Brampton jail on Mon- day, Oct. 1, Sir John Thompson is alleged to - have gone over the evi- dence carefully and to see no reason why th5 murderer should be given another trial. Walker's trial for the same offense, it is said, will go on this month., Mr. W. H. Millman, of Toron'to • one of the most extensive buyers of apples in Canada, says that the apple crop this year was turning out far better than was expected early is one deacon. in the season. In most places there The pure refreshments of life aro is a good average =op, in no place the moral and the intellectual. that has come under his notice is the Cheerfulness is health; its opposite crop a failure.. The samples are melancholy is disease. as a general thing, very fair, though Slightly undersized. Mr. Millman No one is useless in this world who has purchased already some 25,000 lightens the burden of it for another. barrels whieli he thinks vill be • Beware of desperate Steps; the about all he will require. lie says darkest day, live till to -morrow, will that 75 cents and, a dollar will be have passed away. the outside figures. Plenty of sleep is conducive - to - New York despatch says that bemitY.' James H. Beatty, president of the German Northwest Insurance Com- pany of Ontario, and of the Federal Life Assurance Company- of Hainil- ton, Ont., swears- that he has lost $37,500 by John 0, Beatty,' now in p tHelp from without is often-enfeeb- Texas, through a colossal fraud, in ling in its effects, but help from with - Manipulating a sthek concern, capi- in invariably invigorates. talized at $7,500,000, fer•irrigating . The great happiness of life; I find, lands in California, Arizona and after alt, to consist in the regular /igxico. -jams H. Beatty is said 'to discharge of some. inechanidhl duty. have subscribed for stock and John • C. Beatty is believed to have porket- The intelligence which has con- ed the money, the whole affair being verted the brother of the wolf .into a scheme to enrich the said John 0. the faithful guardian of the flock ought to be a Beatty, who had no title.. to lands in e to co so eth' bl m & Mexico,. as pretended. Several others are said to have been victimized also: The case will be ventilated in court • at New York. Pimples, boils and other b innate of the bloodare liable to break out in the warm question had become the property of the defendant in the payment of earnest and the placing of defend- ant s brand on. them. That being so, the onus is on plaintiff to justify his re -sale of them and his right to recover from defendant the kiss on suelt sale. The plaintiff should, before re -sale, "have notified defend- ant to pay the balance of price and. take the cattle away, and give him clearly to understand that unless he did so he (plaintiff) would re -sell and look to defendant for the loss, if any. This• rte. 1, tbreforo, is - miss the plaintiff's claim and direct judgment for defendant," • A great many peoplehave the idea that if stoek i not taken away at the date agreed upon, that they can do what they like with it. From the above judgment they wi.11 see that the law is entirely different,- and that before they attempt to sell property which belongs to thepurchaser, they must take the proper step a to got rid of his title. A Curs That Cures is the kind tnost people desire. Such a cure is Ripans Tabules, but not a cure for everything. They aro for all liver and stomach disorders and one tabule gives relief. • Concentrated Extract. Too much rest itself —bectines pain. The soul of woman lives in love. The soul is an enigma. God is the solution. All the devil wants to begin with Even a garment looks worn when it loses its nap. • . . True dignity isnever gained by place, and never lost . When honors are withdrawn. towards curbing the instincts of savagery in eiviUed men. weather. Prevent it by taking Flood's E'er over Fifty Year' Sarsaparilla, AN BOLD AND WBBCARIIID Will slow ' S,.061,, Syrup hos bee» used for over fifty • years by millions of mothers for their chilureit while I She—What makes Charley Biggles wear that string to his new straw hat? Ile—To keep it from blowing away when lie talks through it. teething, with pertectsuccoss. It soothes the child mittens the gums, allays all pain, mires wind colic. And 18 thubest remedy for Diarrina. Is pleasant* the taste, Sold by Druggists in is ery part ot the Worth. Twenty.live cents 0 bottle. DS value le incaleulable. Ilo sure sad ask tor Mrs, Winslow s Seething *rap, aud take no other Woe. ,Ada—Why does Clara speak of George as her intended? Are they engaged'? Alice --.-No; but she in- tends they shall be. • Figg—You think 1 suppose be. suffering from brain fever. Jones— eause a story is old, it must bo good. 1 guess not. IIs hasn't the raw Fogg—On the contrary I think be.. material necessary for brain fever. &Ilse it is good it Must be old. I Williamson—Did the man you She waisted the tadder.--14.1thelo 1 bought that male -from say that he. wiltyou row with inc -down the wouldn't kick? Irenderson-10.; river of Tile No, Chitente bat I.but he would have said so if X had vtoilldn't inind acting as 0.,-C&SWitill• asked biro, • Alarmaduke—lfay 1 go out to play now Afamma—What, with those holes in your boots? Mama- duke—No, with the, bulldog next door. Beatride—I hear Mr: Shapely is THE MAN IN THE IROM MASK. That actor clever fellow. Ile can talk French, German, Italian and The moo navoaa maim/ors tl of ThIs Spanish, Indeed! Islet it a pity nykterlione rors9u4ge, he can't talk English.—New York There are some historic inyoteriee that Herald. oxello increasing interest the more the at. terupte to solve them are 'rile last JOIleS-13r0iVil—Vve been .stopping word hoe net yot been +spoken rdHurd to At ft place in Chicago where it is SOO the authorship ef the celebrated lettere of for fifty dayt4. Junius. Notwitbmtnoding the cotton* Letit_s of xaciatiaT, sir bole* nickintosh, Drown -Smith --I been stopping Du Aedineey aud other eminent critics in at a place where it is $50 or fifty fixing *4,initinvin upon sir :Plinio Frauds, days, the Wolin of France hats been well nigh abandoned in recent yore. Aside from A Boon Iiorsemen.—One bottle certain. facts and dates that go to Over. of English Spavin Liniment completely throw the claim of Francis, hie idoutity removed a curb from my horse. I take with 'quotas" eau be maintained only M pleasure la recommending the remedy, the complete sacrifice of his character; us it, acts with mysterious promptness to Stud Fraucia was by no means a bad man, the retrieval Trent home of hard soft or • Another historic riddle which for calloused lumps, blood epavitl, splint, nearly two hundred years has defeated oarros, sweeny, stifles and sprains. GEO. the guesses of the curioue is the Man in ROBB, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold at the Iron Mask, who wits imprisoned /or Chisholm's Drogstore, Wiugbam. y years in the Baetile. ! rittkFenalot f Monmouth ; Fottquet, I 1)o you, use condensed milk? later of Louis XIV; and Connt Er'colo. , SO. The milkman can put a Antonio Matthioli, the Italian traitor and quart of it in a pint jar. spy; Oldenburg, thw:. poison inixer, and • several other person:roe, have in turn I If yon want to make sure your worn the mask of iron in various stemming will be taken have it engraved and tritilitions. BM the Latest and tipper- • • on your ran it lla handle, eptly a successful attempt to discover the secret has been made by Etnile %rivulet ; Harmony is all right in its place, and Basleres in a work entitled "Le WI 3401_,14.r'•',7-(7-44111410,01 I II -- . . 7440VILFRI,S ><.-r• 0 ''t1;47Pihf;VACi1113EI:kr, ,,,, cuRE,s ..,,.,.. ' * ' * ;I: ri :11 5C ";CII:1' : I:71;7i 1 ri TS MIDAIL -F CHOLE.RA— MOR841.5 f DIARRI-149E 1 cto,L.DRwo i° SU"i4E of DUCTS Price ozwAra 0 F IMirAvoti s tto Clangclign PacIfict Railway. TUf2' TABLE. Trebel grave 4 4ep10t to lethme: -KA VIVI I:19 a. .. For Turerto r. 1* •,:5011. 0 .......... Fo, Wet» au p. m Aunts. lea a. as Z:06p.m 0.60 •. 10:40 EZAI'E'lReti2T " • --TIME TASLZ.-- AICIIIVIC AT IVINORAlo oxis a ,u. Palinerstan, Onriph, Toronto. &..U;2511:20 " 1110 " 0:4 R. tn. ;nixed for l'almerston 7:30p.m mixed for Hioearrilee 11.20 ant for Elm Mine 3.37 p. re .1 10.07 th ta London, Clinton, &c., 44 4. 44 • 10:40 t Iaol p. lu.O7 " 11:00 S:C0p. at. JOB TNCLUDINB Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Eli 1 .1. Beads, Circulars. ow., ete... executed in the best style of the art, at moderate pliees, and ov tilted notice. Apply or address It ELLIOTT. Ttu sit 011ie", WitighttIn. - • ^ • 4 . • - • , BAHK of qua de rer, e Revelation of the Cipher Mao blIt the barber and MR razor should of the famous Marshid Catinat. Th.° Ille a big dunce. She — Absurd Correspondence of Louis X tV." The au.• never undertake to pull together. thus fell upon their discovery. in a cud- He—Yes, I dislike her, She called ons way when editing the correspondence . shah had preserved only his papers reli Z ! You're not large, are you, Charley ? I to the eampai!m of 1686, 'intiong these i were accidentally saved two letters in 1 Minnie—Did he kiss you when he pro - I cipher, dated July 8 and 9, 1691. Bazieres posed? May—Certainly; I wouldn't I found the key to the cipher, also, to his great surprise, that nizitasfoelvuelda. 'consider any but sealed proposals. I the mystery of the Iron Mask. There are conditions, said the man ! Louis XIV at the period in question was,. win)ta. 't d el , 1.1} ' , , I at war with half of Europe, aud Marshal tinder which one is justified in put- : canna, in commaud of the French con- . fronted Prince Eugene in Northern ItalY • ting on airs. After several suncesses of °admit, LutdsHeart Disease Relieved itt 30 • 801 1110 heart tie the capture of 0111160,ill :311111.1tOS.—All cases of orgauic or Byrn - Savoy, and gave orders for its itumediate i pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 investment. The siege operations were in- ; trusted to a veteran campaigner, mpaigner, Lieuten- I minutes and quickly cured, .byDr. Ag - I neve's Cure. Sold at Chisholm, e Drug i ant General Vivien Luba; Seigeleur deI store, Winghatn., ' Bulonde. Instead of taking the fortress, I Bulonde was completely ronted by Eugene, 1 Prcetor—Well, it's only a step from and retreated with the loss of his aetilleg ! the sublime to the ridiculous. LelloN: and munitions of war. This disaster ........„ if the midst of a career of victory deeply in. i ..ail, it were only a step back caused Louis, who attributed it to the : twain. cowardly conduct of. hie General, In the I Throwing the slipper after the . cipher letters Lonvout, the Minister ef War, : 1. tells Marshal Oatinat that the King is , bride is said to be a much mom Igreatly offended at the behavior of Bu- : ancient custom than that of throwing , londe in abandoning the siege of (June°, the boot after the lover. and ostlers UNIT 110 be arrested and con- . veyed to the neigh oozing citadel of Piener- Somo peepIe laugh to show their ol. Minute orders wore given at the mime pretty teeth. The ose of Ivory White tinge concermug the treatment of the dui -Tooth Powder makes people laugh more tiuguished prisoner. He was to be looked than ever. lt'e so nice. Price 25c. in a cell of the citadel at night, but to be I Sold by druggists, permitted to promenade the walls .by day, Innocent---Johnny,said the teacher, Should this. be the true solution of the mystery it explains the command of Louis where 18 Siam? 1 don't krav, ma'am, XIV, to provide a prisoner by day with a se 'd Johnny,haven't mask. The correctuess of the key to the cipher of the year 1691 is established by Edith—Do you think it's true, as the later discovery of a letter (not in he says that he loves our whole SOX ? cipher) of Louvois to Cativat on the same 3farion_w1y, certainly. Hasn't he subject and corresponding with the cipher dispatch. Whether -these revelations proposed to it? agree with the subsequent career of Bal. If there is any more of this oseula- onde reunites to be detertniued. The tory conviviality, said the little Hos- Mask. whoever he may have been, was re- movecl to the Bastile in 1608. The authors ton girl at the children's party, much temporary observers as a man of fine 1 presence, with ' white hair. Althoutthl_ _ —7.— • closely guarded, he was treated with gr• respect; aud sat at the table with the ige ernor of the prison. All this better I Bnionde than little Matthioli, wile has be regarded by some investigators NB 1 Iron Mask. For the rest describe him from the accounts of con- shocked, I shall withdraw. Wearer of the magic was not of iron, but of blink vele and waS designed merely to •prevent recognition. - Voltaire, '.ho first spoke the MatiPin the troll Sleek, eve he was eminent personage,. Was that persons Count Vivien Labbe Bulonde? The e donee patine etrougly in his direction. biI;ide1phia ec.w. l'bo Most Deauttful woman. Which, asks Marmaduke, in the London Graphic, was the most beautiful woman of the century? Was she the celebrated Corn- I tesse di Castiglione? Some years ago I ! started the problem, proposing the Coun- teso, as iny own favorite, for the digital - tion, and at the time, most of those who possessed the best qualifications for form- • ing All opinion upon it imppotted iny choice. Anyhow, there died at West Humpstend last week, a lady, who, if she was not the most beautiful of the century, was decidedly, in her youth. one of the . most faseitinting. This was Mrs. Thistle- thwayte, more generally known eolne forty years ago as Laura Bell, The late Mrs. Thistlethwayte was the original of "The Nnn," a ordure which is familiar to most 1 by the photographs of it, which are still sold by the thousands every year for scrap] book collections. The youth of Lauri% Bell was eventful. I Cahn, however. was restored to her when she married the late Mr. Thistlethwayte, and of late, up to 8 year or two age, her I house in Grosvenor Square was the rettde* vous of many of the celebrities of ottr day, among them being 114, Gladstone and . Umlaute Novikoff. Close upon half a oen- tury heck, so great was the beauty of Mre. Thistlethwayte that it is recorded that up- on one occasion alt the opere, the 'entire house rose simultaneously* te look tit her , es she WAS leavinn it. This Is a scene Which I have myself, otton more than one occasion, seen partially reproduced. Some 111 years ago, 1 recolleets some i.)00 or 800 people in the Row eurromitling Mrs. Langtry—then at tile height of her repute tion as a "professional beaute---,the outer rims of the eirele being domposed of batiks of chairs hurriedly dragged to the vet, • and upon *hick people were standing. so as to be able to obtain a view of her over the betide of the crowd. And the lady Wal not Alt*, Linigtry niter 41. IttliAnbt signify„ they thought site we'. 44I.AASIO." b' 1111 r d r in would disdain to eat in public. No corn is ever to be found at the Peers' entrance; therefore it is that the pigeons all flock to the House of Commons. Bat since the commencement of the strike the birds have become quite demoralized. They know it is not tho recess, because the light on the clock tower is there at night, and they cannot make out what lois become of their friends the cabmen, the horsea and the corn. For some days their lainentable —coo ing" from the p,otris of hunger, was clig- treseing to hear, until the hapoy Wee mime to Superintendent Horsley to institute a kind of pigeons' eoup•kitchen, or free breakfast table, every moruing. A pleat,. ful supply of crumbs and eorn 'matt -red on the ground, and the pigeons show their gratitude by flapping their wings and coo- ing in the =jot 'key. The seperintentl- °nee eharitable exertione are ad:n[1.441y supported by the members "of the police hate on duty tit the Noose Cemmons.— London Telegraph. Elections in Greece. "In Greece elections ate held iiqhurches on Sunday. In the church to which I succeeded hi gaining access on one elections, day there were ranged. iironntl the walls flirty -too boxes, that being the,,slinber of eandidatea to be voted for. eiese boxes I were about the size a ape of a eracker box, one-leclf paiq white with 'Yes" on them, and t.,,"Sitrer half bliack, svith •No' tittorseitleThitell box stood a repre- Remo/tire of the canditlarrsud over the .041Mt wait hung tile tend 'date's pNore, Each voo.r, RS Ile entered, the 'church, luta hill name registered and it 4;neek given him, IA passing around the church the voter is ,givert a bullet, or vote, by the representa- tive standing beside the box of each can, (Mate. Negative votes, as well as affirm - aura, must be oast, that le, xf a voter oh. jecte to a. candidate- he must coat a us:gm- -tire billlet Great Care exercieed by the reptesentatives of the tau lidates that titers: la no stalling of the ballot boXeit..—NeW York tribune. '44", L.71 MILTON I Capital, `,I1,0,00, Rest, 0050,000, President -401W :STUART. to. --A. (4. ltsmssr. ZOTOE. PROCTOR, GNI WM GIBSON, 81 I. A. T -POWDERS i Cure S/Off HEADACHE and Neuralgia 1 ' in 20 C cdT ,I.• Dr' ness. Biliousness, Pain in the SW, Const, patio», , Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. To stay cur, d ond i regulate the bowels. vantr :wog To TAKE. PRICE ZS CONTE ..r DRUM STOREC, ,4,.................. airttrawma......M.............. t . Dzsr. had severe headache for e% the past three years, 6 ;,) and was not free '1'4,44:fri from it a single day. es esses I used doctors' poma- ding and all others I could think of, but did me no good. My cousin said I must TRY B.B.1 because it is the best medicine ever made, and I took three bottles of it, with the rertthat 31tuhr:lioseftotiioolootinicttierresd bnoeth for headaches and as a blood purifier, is the •BEST Ni4 THE WORLD, and Dan glad to recemmend it to all my friends. Miss FLORA MoDome, Glen Norman, Ont. 4.4••••44.444 wan. ;1, 11. 1.118 aorento). Cushier -4. TURN tam% bnytrine nftrat--ntmle, 1010 3; Saturdays, 101 1. Deposits of 41 mai %muds rctel% ell mid Intera, allowed. :spacial Disi,osits also revel -tett at current rates of interest. Drafts ea di out Moab) int the United States bought awl sold 13. WILLSON, Aetna E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. SAFE la BR ISTOL'S SUG-411-004TED 1 • , taamso, IMETABLE PROMPT • .,LILI, J4411. o h 1,!,11141..1 . 1.11411. ,101 to.i.ast • i1.6111,14 1 Ititg essl, 114641lelcii,d5 T. Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Oleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, • Kidney and Bladder Diseases Positively Cured by TfiegowIlictilogReatimiltitioRgerilliilisompj 2'. -You can Deposit the Money in Your Sant or with Your Postmaster to be paid us after you are CURED under a written Guarantee! SO rause, Excesses and Blood Diseases have wrecked the lives of thousands of young men and middle aged men. The farm, the workshop, the Sunday school, the office tho profes- sions—all bave its victims. Young math it you have been indiscreet, beware cri the future. Afiddle aged men, you aro growing prematurely weak and old, both sexually and physically. Consult tts before too late. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confidential, VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURED. W. Et. COLLINS. W. S, Collins, of Saginaw, Speaks. W. S. COLLIN8. "X gm 29. M 15 I learned a bad habit which I contin- ued till 10. I thee became "one of the boys" and led a gay life. Exposure produced Syphilis. 1 because nerv- ous and despondent; no tunbition; memory poor; eyes red, sunken and blur; pimples on face; hair loose, bone pains; weak back; varicocele; dreams and losses at night; weak parts; deposit in urine. etc. 1 soon hun- dreds of dollars without help, and was contemplating snicide when a friend recommended Dm. Kennedy & Kergatt's New Method Treatment. Thank God I tried it. In two months I was cured. This was six yours ago, and never had a return. Was married two o' Years ago and all happy. Boys, try Drs. Kennedy it Ker- aaFouc TREATACT gat:thane giving up hone. arryat TRENTIIITT S. A. TONTON, Seminal Weakness, Impotency and Varicocele Cured. "'When I consulted Ere, Kennedy & Kagan, I had little hope. I was surprised. Their new Method Treat- ment improved me the first week. Emissions ceased, nerves became strong, pains disappeared, hair grew in again, eyes became bright, cheerful in company and strong sexually. Having tried many Quacks, I can heartily recommend Drs. Kennedy & Kergan as reliable szronwrikvex„i, specialists. They treated me honorably and skillfully." ANCSR TRRATX'T. T. P.SMERSON. A Nervous Wreck—A Happy Life. t. P. EMERBON, P. Emerson Has a Narrow Escape. 'Inv° on the farm. At delsool T learned en early 'habit, which weakened me physically, sexually and mentally, Family Doctora said I was going into "decline" (Consumption). Finally "The Golden Monitor," edited by Dm. Kennedy leKergan fall in- to my hands. I learned the Truth and Coesse. Self abuse had intoned my vitality. I took the New Method Treatment and was cured. My friends think I was cured of Consumption. I have sent them inany palette, all of whom were cured ' Their New A Method Treatment supplies vigor, vitality and man - nitrous vittvrprt. hood."• AFTER TAINXIMIT. A rters Are 7000 elson? novo realest hope _Are Yon -contemplating reef. nLrlIJIG.111 & ewes Vas your Blood hon diseased? Ram yOtt any weakliest? Our New Method -Treatment will mire yon. What it Mei done for others it will do for you, 01714.211018 C417.414.VILALZ/V3EDIIII::• AC:ert. 1%/Coatt..4i.-ar le Years in Detroit. 180 000 Cured.. No Risk. .,_ con auttAtton Press. No matter who has treated ion, write for an hcitiest no on 'rte of charge. Charges neaSoneble. Books Pree_—,',IThe Ooldett Monitor" trawl), on Diseases at men. Ineloae postage, Scents. Waled. „ Pr:NO NAMES USED WITI4OUT.. WRITTEN DONSENT. Pitt. yATIK. NO Medicine sent C. 0, D. No rtaltnels, Oh boxes or erwial., floes. Everything eontkliantlal. QuestI011 118t and cost of Treat. Merit. WEE. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN No.148 SHELIIV ST DETROft 8111011 S. A. TONTON.