HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-09-21, Page 5ilk ClAirOSS Fa Show. and 2nd, Ewe lambs, Jas. Crows :Ram lamb, Alex. Mace; 2,J, Little. • The ("taros Township fall fair WAS ' Shropshires-Aged MID, W. Cope- beid in Teeswater on Tnesday and land; Aged, ewes, W. Copeland. I?Vednesday of this week.. The Shearling owes,''R. Barber; 2, W, weather was all that eottld be de. !•Copeleaul, Shearlingram, R.Barber; sired, and on Wednesday there WAS 2, W. .Copeland. Ewe lambs, W. a large crowa of interested sigbtseers. Copeland. Rant lamb, W. Copeland. The inside departments wore gjawn : Fat sheep -.Any kind, W.Copeland; inMessrs. (MHOS , & 11fartin'd show o jas. Crowston. room,which are well adapted for - the purpose, but rather too small. The i exhibits in these departnients weir() _,..1.3..e,,r1s.nsl.iitr,er-a..rod sow, Will. WM- splendid, large roots and vegetables ",,..,‘",',i; tz D. z And, Little.. Boar pig, A. • se Sow pig, V, Rettin- being in abundance, and the display s''. of fruit, ladies' work, &c., was good. Little.' Chester White -Aged, boar, G. A number of the business men of Teeswater made very niee displays . Stroase, Brood sow,P, K. Beingersner; of their wares, and Mr. John Skilling 1 !,,,, .Gr.;;SI2tru,s,e. . Sow pig, F. X. Beinger- had two vary flue -toned pianos, and I ""L"' 4: Borba. Boar pig, G. several organs, sewing 31111311111CS, &e,, I SVP°116c; 0, F. X. Beingersner. Yorkshire Whites -Brood sow, R. ofi exhibition, and twoexpert players iMcDonald, Sow pig, 1?, MeisTaugh- gave a number of selections of music,' His exhibit attracted a great deal of I t°ll' Poland Chinas -Aged boar, Weiler attention, especially from the fair I f 1 , Son.. Brood sow, Weiler & Son. sex, ale killOW of horses, ca.ttle, L,„„ "'" , pg, w - eller i .& Son, 2nd. sheep, pigs and poultry, was ully 1 alk up to former years. The socPOULTRY.iety has I very fine grounds for the 1 Geese, any kind, Chas. Henderson outside , & be seen by Son; 2, A. M. Howson. Turkeys, how As will the i 211-z eChas. Henderson LS: Son; 2, A. M. list,whieh is given herewith, a goodly ; Howson. Aylesbury clucks, Chas. number of the prizes come to Wing- I ham and vicinity. ; Henderson & Son, lst and . 2nd, i Ducks, any kind, Chas. "lenders= & Mr. Geo. McKenzie's' brown four 1 2, year old, Pedro, sired by Onward 1 San; jas. Martin. White Leg - fang, dam by. Royal George, horns, Walter Taylor; 2, Jasanartin. hands high, took first for saddle° 1 Black Spanish, Chas, Henderson & horse, while his three year old sorrel I +BIZ .:Plymouth Rocks, P. MeNaugh- colt, sired by Raven, out of Lady'ton; Chas. Henderson ' ) Son,, Chas. Henderson & Son. & Colborne, was awarded third place. Mr. L. Lott, of town, took llst and 2nd. Houdans, Chas. Hen - second prize with a fine saddle beast: c emu & San, lst ancl 2nd. an - PRIZE LIST. tams, W.. Toylor; 2, Chas. Henderson HORSES. & Son. Any otherkind fowl, W. Taylor; 2, Chas. Henderson & Son. Heavy Draught -Span, W. Hen- ders; 2, A. Symon; 8, J. G, McKenzie. afPLE1VIENTS Jas. 1 Lumber wagon, Clinics & Martin. . • Three year old gelding or filly, , Top bugy, Gillies & Martin. Open ' Crowston; 2, Thos. Verson; 3in , . .,i.liKs . Fiold filly or geld- bggy, , i alGillies& Martin. Sod plow, 111. ing, GCO. B. Armstrong; 2, v A. Me- :4- Rogue; 8, John Hughes. One year ' GRAIN, • • r . old. fitly or gelding, W. "'enders; 2, t. C. Hetherington; red winter wheats. White winter wheat, M. Fischer; ) Geo. Moffat. Spring colt, W. Walker; 0 A.0 McKassze. S W.'lenders A. Schmidt; 2 V. Rettinger, Sprins. -, W. _!_. Brood mare; Headers; 2 .w. wheat, Jas. Ballagle 2 Jos. Borho; 8 Walker; 3, A. MeKagae. BastC. Henderson & Son. White peas, in , , , . 'e link t, ., F. Borho;' 3 Jos. • in class, W. Henders. General Purpose - Span, Alex. , Borho. Any other variety peas, Watson;; 2, Johnc .1/; 3, W. Hugh Clinics; 2 C. Henderson & Son. Armstrong. Three year old filly or , Black oats, Jos. Borho; 2 A. MoDon- • gelding V. Rettinger, lst and 2nd. aid (con. 9); 3 F. Borho. White 3, F. Borho. Two year old filly or , ants, Alex. AleKague; 2 A... .ninidt; gelding, Wm. McDonald; 2, D.Fiaser; . 3 Thos. Wilson. Barley, chmidt; 8, Alex. Watson. One year old filly -2 A. McKague; 8 Jos. Lorlio. In - or gelding, W. Walker; 2, Geo. Day. - Wan corn, yellow, ' ins, Wilson; 2 S. Tapley. Sweet e rn, Thos. Wil- '' .• Spring colt, W. 'lenders; 2, Jas, MC- . Kee; 3, R. E. Little. Brood mare, son; 2 Jas. Goodfellow. Timothy W. Renders; 2, Jas. McKee; 3, R. seed, F, Borhs; 2 F. X. Beingersner. .E. Little. Fastest welkin°. .eani., White beans, A. Schmidt; 2 Jos. Mrs. Kirkland; 2, V. Hettinger. Borhe. Any other variety beans, Best broke team, S. D. A. A. Stab; ! M. Fisher; 2; W. Taylor. . . : 2, Alex. McDonald. Best animal hi ., ROOTS AND VEGETAELE4. • ,... class, Alex. 'Watson.. Eily Rose potatoes, A, Goble; 2 Road and Carriage -Span, Geo. .444P: Goodfellow. Beauty of Hebron Dever; 2,L. Lott. 3, P. (Maley. Buggy; atoes, Jos. Switzer; 2 'Jas. - Good - flow. White Elephant potatoes, F. Z. Beingersner; 2 F. Borhol, Assort- ment potatoes, Jas. Ballagh". 2 Jas. Goodfellow; 3 Jos,, Borho. onions, Jas. Martin; 2 Thos. Wilson. Celery, • W. Taylor; 2 H. (Allies. Large Red Onions, H. Gillies; 2 W. Taylor. Onions, white yellow, M. Fischer; 2 W, Taylor. Potato onions, P. McNaughton; 2 W. Tay- lor. Globe man,golds, W. Taylor; 2 Jas. McKee. Red ' maegolds, W. Taylor; 2 0, Henderson & Son. Red • '4?' Roadster stallion, W. .Moffat; 2, L. : field carrots, C. Henderson & Son; - Good. Burst horse, special, L. Lott. 2 IL (Allies. White field carrots, W. Taylor; 2 s\. Schmidt. Table carrots, 0. Hetherington; 2 W. Tay- lor. Blood beets, Jos. Borho; • 2 C. Henderson &. San. Beets any, other kind, W. Taylor; 2 II. Gillies. Win- ter cabbage, W. Taylor; 2 D, rah, bairn. Red cabbage, Jas. Crowston; 2 W. Taylor. Cauliflower, W. Tay- lor; 2 C. Henderson & Son. Yellow. tomatoes, Hugh (Allies; 2 Jas, Mc. Kee. Red tomatoes, W. Henderson; 2 Thos. Wilson. Collection of, vege- tables, W. Taylor; 2 V. Rettinger. Water melons, W. Taylor; 2 Thos. Wilson. Musk melon, IL Gillies; 2 calf, A. MeKague; 2, Wm. Watson; Jos. Borba. Citrons, W. Copeland; 8, Alex. McKague. 2 A. Goble. Swede ttirnips, 0. Hen- Durhasns - Heifer under three dorms & San; 2. john Howe. Yellow years, ; 2, DI% Galles. Aberdeen turnips, C. Henderson & Two year old bun, Mrs. Kirkland; 2, Son; 2 A. Sehmidt. ' Greystone tne., W. Moffatt.: Aged bull, Mrs. Kirk- nips, C. Henderson & - SCSI; 2 JAS. land, McKee. Parsnips, Ittt,(sh Ganes; 2 **1 or jersey -Cow,.: W, J. Howson; 2, W. Taylor. Pumpkins, IL Clinics; 2 R. Howson. W. Taylor; 'Sqtash, H. (Allies; 2 Tho.. Wilson. Collection field roots, SHEEP. Leicester -Aged ram, W. Baptist; .0. Henderson 4, Sou: Coneetion. 2, ti. D. A. A. Stobo, Aged ewes,. tomatoes, H. (Alias; 2 W. Taylor. Alex. Mantle. Shearling ewes, E. • r,ArnzsT woux. E. Little. fihearling - ram, Alex. . "'moiled quilt,woolen., Alex. Mc. McKagne. Ewe lambs, W. Baptist; Donald (con. 9). 'WOW guilty cot" 2, Alex. Meltague. Raul lamb, W. ton, M. Fischer; 2 jos. Lambertus. Baptist; 2, Jos. Switzer. . -Woolen counterpane, home spun, Oxforddowns-Aged ram„ Chas. Thos, Wilson; 2. WS. MCIllerS011. .. Jos. Switzer ., . ittle; 2, Jas. Crowatou. Copeland. Crazy guilt,. ; Thompson; 2, 'Sas. Crowston. Aged)Knitted quilt, J. S. MeTavish; 2 L. ,pwes, JL ,..-:.,-,.,,lej 7 ...,. p %AA Jiass.:Clisowst=s Ask 2 F Borba. Log cabin guilt, D. .. ..-, ..-. THE WES-GRAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 21, 1894. • -horse, It. Little; 2, Jos. Lambertusr -41-3,• L.Lott. Saddle horse, R, E. Mc- Kenzie; 2, L. Lott; 3, R. E. Me - Kenzie. One year old filly or geld- ing, • Alex. McKee. Two year old do., W. Copeland; 2, W. Whiytock; 3, P. Clark. 13rood mare, J., Johns- ton; 2,Levi Good; 3, P.Clark. Spring colt, P. Clark; 2, L. Good; 3,J Johns- ton, Three year old driver, in har- ness, W. J. Kirkland; 2, W. Cope- : land; 3, Thos. Breen. Lady driver, i%fiss Watson; 2, Miss Mary Stutt. earns,. Grade --Two year old steers,Atigh MeKague; 2, Geo. Moffatt; 3, 4.7Mc- ICague. One year old steers, Geo. Moffatt; 2, M. Keith. Fat ox or steer, Jas. Ballagh; 2, A. McKague. Fat cow or heifer, W. Armstrong; 2, Alex. Mao; 3, A. McKague, Grade cow, Jas. Reid; 2, A,,Meltague; 3, Geo. Moffatt. One yea.r old heifer, Chas. Thompson; 2, John Gordon; 8, W, Zinger. Two year old heifer, Chas. Thompson; 2, A. McKague; -8, D. Fraser. Village eow, A. M. 'low - son; 2, P. MeNaughton, Heifer Fairbairn; 2 3. 5, MeTavish. Out1 and made dress, A, M. Howson; 2 R. Copeland, Woolen stooks,. Mrs. W. McKenzie; 2 Jas. Martin, Woolen. mils, Mrs. " W. McKenzie; 2 A. Schmidt. Darned socks, Alex. Wat- son; 2 Mrs, W. MaCenzie, Ornamental work, Geo, leo; 2 D, Fairbairn, Hair work, J. S. MeTosish, Em- broidery, W. J. Howson; 2 R. J. Itiseox, Berlin wool work on wire, Geo. Yea. Berlin wool work raised, Alex. Watson. Bocraet• garden flow- ers, 3, A, Forsyth; 2 W. Taylor, Motto, Geo, Yeo; 2 J. S. McTavish, Tissue paper flowers, Geo. Yea; 2 Thos..Stephens, °react work, cot- ton, Win. Jarvis (eon 6); 2 P. Me - Naughton, Crochet work, wool, A. McDonald (eon. 9); 2 Thos, Knitted work, cotton, J. S. MeTity- isle:2 Mrs. W. McKenzie. Knitted work, wool, Jos. Switzer; 2 A. Me - Donald (eon. 9). Safa, Cushion. Jos. Switzer; 2 D. Fairnbairp. Pair stockings, Mrs. W. McKenzie; 2 Jas. Martin. Rag mat, A. Watson; 2 Gillies & Martin, Pillow shoals, W. Watson. Darned Net work, A. M, Howson; 2 Mrs. McPherson. Arrasene work, R. J. 'Timex. Wool work on Java canvass, A. Rivers; 2 P. Clark. Painting, Mrs. Geo. Johnston. FRUIT, Northern spy apples, A. McKague; 2 A. M. Howson. Baldwin, A. Schmidt; 2 A. McKague. King tompkin apples, F. Borho; 2 V. Ret - tinges. Golden russet apples, John Howe; 2 J. Kaehmstedt. Greening apples; A. Schmidt; 2 H. MeKague, Snow apples, A. Schmidt; 2 C. Hen- derson & Son. Any other kind, J. Kaehmstedt; 2 John Borho. Largest apples, any kind, H. McKague; 2 A. IL Howson. Crab apPles, large, A. 'Schmidt; 2 J. Little. Crab apple, small, A. McKarsue. Peaches, V. Rettinger; 2 W. Watson. Pears, L. II/fatly; 2 D. Fairbairn. Yellow plums, P. MeNaughton. Blue plums, Jas. Martin; 2.P. MeNaughton. Any variety plums, P. •Grant; 2. James Martin. Grapes, F. Borho; 2 J. Kaehmstedt. Collection of fruit, V. Rettinger. DAIRY PRODUCE. Crock butter, W. J. Howson; 2 A. McKagne; 3 W. J. Kirkland. Salted butter, A. M. Howson; 2 Chas. Steele; .Tohn McRae. "Tome -Made bread, W. J. kirkland; .2 Mrs. W. McKen- zie. 3 W. Copeland. Ornamental butter, J. 'Little; 2 Geo. Day; 3 Jas. McKee. Baker's bread, W. Kirkby. Extracted honey, 0. Henderson & SOD; 2 A. Caslick. Home-made cheese, F. Borho; 2 J. Gordon. Maple sugar, Jos. Borho; 2 F. Borho. Fall wheat flour, Howson Bros; 2 A. Lit- tle. Spring wheat flour, A. Little, Howson Bros. Piekles, Thos. Wil- son; 2 W. Taylor; 3 R. Fischer. Canned fruit, J. A. Forsyth; 2 W. Copeland; 3 F. Borho. iifaple Syrup, Borho; 2 P. Bethel. 3 Alex Mc- Kee, Five minds, 1 lb. prints but- ter, Geo. Day. Four lb. loaf home- made bread, Mrs. W. McKenzie. - WOOLEN GOODS AND OTHER -ARTICLES. Blankets, factory -made, W. Zinger. Blankets, home-mode.,.,C. Henderson & Son; 2 Thos. Wilgon. Pull cloth, factory -made, W. Zinger. •• 'Union flannel, factory -made, W. Zinger. Home-made flannel, J. S. McTavish; 2 Jas Reid. Stocking yarn, home- spun, Hugh McKague; 2 Jas Martin. Stocking yarn, factory spun, W. Zin- ger; Flannel, home made, J. Little; 2 W. Copeland. Flannel, factory - made, W. Zinger. Collection photo- graphs, S. Askin. Presbytery a Unroll. The Presbytery of Huron met in Willis ehurch, Clinton, on the lith inst.. The attendance of members was small. After routine business the Rev. W. Martin reported that the HomeMission Committeerecommend- ed that instead of a series of miSsion- ary meetings, the Alibied of Missions be brought befbre congregations by their respective pastors or by ex- change, as deemed best by sessions. This was accepted. Mr. W. 'titan, a student of the third year in The- ology, at present supplying Bayfield, read a sermon lxised 'cm the text 2 Car. 0, 15. The sermon was tip - proved. of, and Mr. Hall pertified to Knox College, The supply of 13a - field and Bethany for the next six months was left with the Home Mission Committee, Mr. AeliesOn asked that the report of the Sunday School Committee be deferrect until next meeting of Presbytery. This] was agreed to. Bev. 3. 5, Hensler -1. son called the attention of the Preshr r toy to the effort being made to re-, move the debt of Knox College at the approaching jubilee of that KNOWINPaP ,/ Brings comftw:t ier•-"vrruont tends to pin la ; rightly used. nulor, :71:1 117,1) ter than other.: /to:64 :ifs :.o.ot 7, with loss expentlkure, 1.7 prouVly adapting the vorld's t ..at produota to the needs of nhysimi bifig, will attest the value to lealth Cie pure ETA laxative princip!cu tritIbiLztld in the remedy, Syrup c,f Figs. Its e.--colleuco due to it:: presenting • in tho form, most acceptab".,) and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ativo ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. •.•,; has given satisfaction to millions and not with the approval of the medical .n.ofession, because it adz on the Kid - Livor and Bowels without weak - ming them and ib i pc,rfeetly free from very objectiouabio ctfhatat.ce, Syrup of Figs is for sale by till drug- gists. in no. bottlos, but it in manu- factured by the California, Fig Syrup Co. only, whose Immo is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of rigs, and being well informed, you will not Went any substitute if offered. institution. After some discussion it was agreed that ministers bring this matter before the . congregations in the way which seems best to them. Moderation in a call was granted'to Union church, • Brucefleld. The Presbytery adjourned to meet in Clinton on the 2nd Tuesday of November, • Ilow to Got a "Sunlight" Picture. Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Wo- man Look Old Sooner Than a man") to .Lever Bros„ Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty pia - 'tura, free from advertising, and well Nvorth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your horse. The soap is the hest in, the market and it will only cost one cent post- age to send in the wrappers, if you 'este the ends open. Write your address care- fully. HOW" CK On Wednesday of last week over 200 invited gtiests assembled at the residence of Mrs. Johnston, New- bridge, to witness the marriage of her daughter Mattie J., to Mr. Geo. W. Wallace, of the same place. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. L. Russel, M. A., B. D., of Leamington, assisted. by Rev. Daniel Wright, of Lindsay. Miss 'Emily Wallace, sister of the groom, fined the important position of bride's maid, while the groom was assisted by the bride's brother, Mr. R. A. Johnston. After the ceremony all sat down to the wedding feast, after which an enjoyable time was spent. The bride was the recipient of many handsome and costly presents which signifies the high esteem in which she is held. The happy couple left on the morning train on their wedding tour. We wish them a pleasant voyage through life. Rheumatism Cured in a day. -South American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism andNeuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action on the system is remarkable and taysterious. It removes at once the cause of the disease iMmediately disappears. The erit cote greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted at Chisholm's drug store. Loss of Flesh Is one of the first signs of poor health. Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, Diseased Blood follow' Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver 011t cures all of these weakness- es. Take it ht time to aver' Illness if you can. Physicians the world over, endorse it* hs deolid by Substlittisl iuott Balleillts. AIM:tweets, Sea ef GHEAP GASH STORE, during July and August SLA 11/1111 41E4 clear out all Summer.Goods at GHTER prices in order to make room for fall 00-C)C011:34. Dress Making a Specialty. G. MONTYRE, MACDONALD BLOCK. Every day we are opening new cases of new goods for fall trade. Dress Goods, Mantlings, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, Ladies'Jackets,Ready-Made Cloth. ing, Tweeds, Worsteds, and every- thing whieh goes to make up the most complete stock in the town. We extend to you a hearty invi- tation to call and examine this stock and we feel confident we can show you goods and prices which cannot fako suit you. T. . HILLS, Wingham. WINDHAM. DON'T WORRY! TRY IT BRINGS COMFORT WASH DAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES. A full stock of all kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS, for both High and Public Schools, just received. Also a large stock of Scribblers, Exercise Books, Copy Books, Slates, Pencils, Crayons, ike. WALL PAPERS, WINDOW BLINDS, STATIONERY, a fall stock, as usual. A GOOD WINDOW BLIND FOR 50C. Roller and all eompleto. ALEX, ROSS. The, Popular Bookstore, Witigliato.