HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-09-21, Page 3W. G. T. U. COLUMN!. (C41041t7214,1) it !MIA WISTOSUAST tsars 1.) Por Gni weed 1fulne,anld Nalire Land. Masan call 1510 st'ontiou, of the mothers and sisters to the tact, that Atha Wotrran•s Ohrlstlast Tetuper- *nee Vni011 snouts every Monday at three o'o oak sharp, dor onsbomr, at Mts. Flolnt'a residence, Pat- rick street. Ai'1 ladies are outdo welcome. As the Easter has kindly discus es .pest el his ,spade. for our•worlc, we ask Meads of the cause to send Item$ to eiuteiest otl aJa moral questions of the ,day to any of our mcinherb. 'oaeh. Cooking. • The Whiter season is approaching • and no many sof the ladies in different minions are cooking f'orwar'd to some good work. • I know of one union that did a good wort last season by opening a eeooking school to teach the young taffies of our land that cooking is as =Wan art as music. Our American sisters have taken the lead in that respect and have established schools in 611. the principal cities and towns iii the State's. We should not be behind in this respeet, We have good talent lying dormant which could be devel- oped and our young ladies trained so they will bo able to fill their position as wives and mothers, for no woman eau grace a home as it should be unless she can cook a meal. Miss C. V. McLeazl, • a member of the London W. C. T. U., has had com- pliments showered upon her as a teacher in cookery, and there are others entering the field so that - it will not be for want of opportunity if the future wife cannot cook. 1 1_ i The Advocate, the liquor dealer's organ, seems to be somewhat per- plexed over the fact that Lady Aber- deen has inaugurated the •custom of omitting wines and other intoxicants from her official receptions, as was the ease the outer day at Halifax. It remarks that she has the right to serve tea,eoffee and lemonade only at iter receptions if she desires to do so, but suggests that those "who have no taste for the new order of things" could stay away without being con- sidered at all wanting in loyalty. On the other hand, it thinks that Prohibitionists who stay away be- cause sack liquors are offered in abundance "seemeth to us narrow." There is one remark However, indul- ged in, which had better be left un- said, to the effect that "Lady Aber- deen is nothing if not out of tite common." She is, in every respect, an intelligent, earnest, common-sense and practical woman,held everywhere in respect, and has "something " in- deed to Uln her ' when"not out mend c I o f of the common." The step she has now taken not to put the temptation to drink in the way of any guest, young or old, is one that even many non -abstaining people will highly commend her for. • * * Thc Detroit Conference of the Methodist Ch urc'l last week resolved that the drink ttatlic in the United States, involving an expenditure of more than $1,00Q000,000 annually, outweighs in importance all other financial questions; that it is respon- sible for two-thirds of all the crime and censegent suffering', and is conse- quently greater than all other social questions ; that it is the mightiest impediment to the progress of the kingdom, of Uod : that the nefarious business is. so intrenehed in polities that notwithstanding the value of the pulpit and other agencies in the dissemination of knowledge on this great question, it is obvious that all these ]trust fail of their purpose ex- cept as they lead to conscientious and intelligent voting.; that any'political party that neglects to make this a prominent issue inust fall ; that any political party to claim the suffrages of conscientious, intelligent men must make the .immediate and total sup- pression of this infamous business a proiinent isttte. Peou114tr to /tacit Hood's Sarsaparilla is peepliar to itself in a strictly medicinal sense, iu three important I)articu!ars, viz; first, iti the, combination of remedial agents,used •, second, in the proportion• in which they are mixed ; third, in the process by which the 1ltitive curative properties of the prepaition are secured. These three important points make Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiar to its medicinal merit, as it accomplishes cures hitherto unknown. But it is not what we say but what isooci's Saranpnrilln does. that tells the Story. Whatflood's Sarsaparilla has done for others is reason for confidence that it is the medieme for you. The Rivals ---Tile lolide—I won. (lel' if i shall ever lite to be a, hun• deed n ' The E111tlette—Not if you • retain 22 much longer. TUE W1NOVIAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 21, t894. A Word of Catttiun. We observe that largo numbers of horses have been exported from Can- ada and sold by auction iii the Glas- gow marts at prices said to yield those engaged in the ti; rude au probit after paying freight, 'commission, in - i saranee and other charges. Most of tllelli are garade horses of ulediuzn weight, by Clydesdale .statilions, out of Canadian half -bred. snares, An English writer notes as worthy of eoniinenclatiou, that they have been broken to work in it velar superior matinee, and he advises the borne breeders to look also to the breaking and finishing of work horses. For draugnt horses of good ,quality and weight there always will be a demand, and one of the leading Canadian buyers of fancy drivers and saddlers i+entar ted to the writer recently that sat:drier animals of these types appeared now to be harder to get than ever, The horse that has drugged the. market is the com- mon street -ear plag, whiph •electricity dine crowded off' tlw track. The widespread use of the bicycle, no doubt, obviates to some extent the use of the light road horse. 'Horse breeding, as some would say, has been "in the dumps" of late in Amer- ica, but, notwithstanding that, here and there men are rearing the right sorts, and snaking it pay. Undoubt- edly, there has been a great falling off lately in the number of mares bred, and ono of these days people will wake up to realize that seine first-class horses would be an exceed- ingly valuable farm asset. Then, as usual, there will be a general stam- pede in the opposite direction ; but horses are not like hogs—a stock cannot be produced in sit months or a year. In horse breeding, as in litany other departments of apicul- ture, steadiness of purpose is a most desirable characteristic, and will eventually secure its reward. As was pointed out in the Advocate for August 1st, when wheat is cheap the wheat grower should exercise all the greater care in cultivation, manuring and the selection of seed, in order to obtain the largest possible yield of good grain, even if for feeding pur- poses only. The same princi le applies with equal force in then main of horse breed no.. I f the eho ding. e care best of ay be pro- f 111 demand, es, we believe a sable doubt.—Far- fitting should whateve dueed. ' at remun there is no liter's Advoea of Mares, stallions, f ete., the greatest pos 1e taken so that • desired tyl, at such wi tive Ramilt People \ay of Stark's Powderls; armer, Alderman`el Barrister, sa - ''I experienced tomo immediate i't et' from the use of Star ' •Powders r Sick Headache, Biliousnes Neural. a and Liver). J. Temple, 40 Catharine St. N. -..sys :-- "I.lind R. Stark's Headache, Ne ralgia and Liver Powders a sure cure:" Mr. Lancefield, librarian, pu. lie library, says :—"They aro most valuable for sufferers from Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Complaints." Mr. Geo. R. Flook, Station Master G. T. Railway, says t "I vas troubled with most severe headaches for throe years and was tenable to get more than teat porary relief. Since using Stark's Powders t havo been entirely free from Headache'." Price 23 emits a box ; sold by all medicine dealers. Important Insurance Decision. A decision of importance in insur- ance matters has been rendered by the Supreme Court. A condition of a policy of insurance against fire provided that the policy should not be assignable without the consent of the company endorsed thereon, and that, in the event of any sale, trans- fer or change of title in the property insured, the liability of the company should thenceforth cease. S., the insured under this policy, gave a chattel, mortgage to a creditor of all his stock -in -trade insured thereby, and also "all•policies of insurance on said stock and all renewals thereof." The eonsent of tile eompany to the giving of this mortgage was not en- dorsed oil the polio.. The Supreme Court of°Canada held, reversing the decision of the Supreme Court of lova Scotia, that as the chattel mort- gage and subsequent transactions showed that S. intended the policy to pass to the ereditor, there was a breaeli'of the condition and the policy was void. held further, that though the chattel mortgage was not a `sale' or a 'transfer' of the insured property within the meaning of the condition, it was 'a change of title' therein, which freed the company from Iia• bility. The « 1obe'ii Sixteen Planks. Tne Toronto Globe has evolved siitteeil planks, which make a very good platform for the people to Stand upon during the next Dominion campiign, On any ane at them the present Government should bo ousted and on the whole of them there should be a complete Governmental overthrow : Freedom of trade, Non -partizan redistribution of the constituencies. Manhood suffrage, one man one vote, and one voter's list. Abolish Government House, Abolish the Senate. tionsAbolis.h Rideau Hall appropriia.- Abolish the Deputy Speakership not the Commons. Reduce the number of. Ministers and Government departments. Reform the, superannuation system. Reform the Iaw courts, limit the facilities for appeals, simplify and -clay apen litigation, .Abolish taxation exemptions. Establish a railway coanrnissiou and prevent discrimination between Canadian shippers and against Cana- dian ports. Reform the militia system. Abolish "extras." Stop the milking of =public con- tracts and railway subsidies for ealn- paigncontributions. Canada first. • For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In- fanttitn, ' Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and Sum msr Complaint. Dr. 1'owler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt, sate and sure cure that has been a popular favorite for over 40 years. Art of. Popular Teaching. Bulwer, in his England and the English, hits off the literary charla- tans most aptly. We extract the passage for the amusement of our readers.. At present a popular instructor is very much like a certain master in Italian, who hes thriven prodigiously upon a new experiment on his pupils. J was a clever fellow, and full of knowledge which nobody wanted to know. After seeing him in rags for some years, I met slim the other day most sprawly attired, and with the complacent and .sangu- ine ail' ofd prosperolus gentleman. I am glad to see, my dear sir, said I, that the world cgs well with you. It does. Doubtless your books sell famous -1 ly. Ball, no bookseller will buy them. No, sir, I have hit on a better metier than that of , writing .books. • I am giving lessons in Italian. Italian? why, I thought when I last saw you, that you .told line Italian was the very language you knew nothing about. . Nor did I, sir; but as soon as -I had procured scholars, I began to teach myself. I bought a dictionary. I learnt that lessen in the morning which I taught my pupils at noon. I found I was more familiar and explanatory, thus fresh from knowing little, than if I had been confused and over -deep by knowing much. I ata a most popular teacher, sir ; and my whole art consists in being just one lesson in advance'of my scholars. hen ]laby was sick, we r,avo her e•astornt. When r:ho was a Child, sao cried for Castorla, When she becatn, Miss, sao clta:g to .Castoria, When sao had Children, saegave Lunn Castoria. Vaccination and Smallpox. It may be of interest to opponents of vaccination to learn the following 1 of facts front the epidemic n smallpox a poY in I'cnnsvlvania: There resided in Danville, a family consisting of father, mother, three sons and four - daughters. 'l'lle parentswere pro- tected by vaccination when the resent epidemie broke oat; none of . the children had ever been vaccina- ted. One of the local physicians in whose store one of the daughters was employed, becoming acquainted with the facts, advised the girI to be vaceinated and send her brothers and sisters to him for the satire pur- pose. The sisters all carne and were vaccinated. Tho brothers all refused. All sevenehildren contracted the disease within a short time. All four girls had mild attacks of the disease and recoi ered without any -- bad effects, All' three of the boys died. It is to be stoped that those who publicly talk against vaccination maty be able to reconcile aueh facets with their consciences. orlon 1t0'OIC OUTING ON TUE GREAT ].AXES. Vomit picturesque Mackinac Island. It will only costou. about $112.40 from De. troit ; *15 from Toledo; $18 from Cleveland, for the round trlp, including meals and berths. Avoid the heat and dust by travel- ing on the D. ¢r C. floating_ palaces. The attractions of atrip to the Mackinac region aro unsurpassed. The island itself is a grand romantic spot, its climate most in- vigorating. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built for the upPer lake route, costing $$300,009 each. They aro equipped with every nfodern convenience, annunciators, bats -rooms, etc., illuminated throughout by electricity, and aro guaranteed, to be the grandest, largest and safest steamers on fresh water. These steamers favorably counpare with the great ocean liners in construction and speed. Four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena,r Mackinac, St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, "Soo," Mar- quette and Duluth. Daily between Cleve- land and Detroit. Daily between Cleve- land and Put -in -Bay. The cabins, parlors and staterooms of these steamers are de• signed for the complete entertainment of humanity under home conditions; the Pal- atial equipment, the luxury of the ap,. pointments, makes traveling on these steamers thoroughly enjoyable, Send for illustrated deseriptrvc pamphlet. Address A. A. SCrrANTz, G, P. & T, A., D. ct C. Detroit, Mich. LIVIILL COLLEGE, OSHAWA. . O An Institution where none but board- ers are admitted; has been running about 18 years. Employs a very Efficient Staff of Ten Teachers. SOHOLARMPS ARE SOLD embracing a full course yearly, includ- ing all the English branches, Sciences, French and German, Classics, Music, Drawing, Crayon Portrait, Oil Painting, Ornamental brunches, with Vocal and Elocution, in classics, at remarkably low rates. This institution draws students from Toronto. Montreal, Ottawa and the towns and cities from Canada, as well as from Now York, Chicago and other cities i from the United States. For particulars udlresa, ISS D. A. HURD, Secretary, Oshawa HEAP Our Clubbing Hates. A Blesis ing to .Every Household. HQLLOWM'S PILLS AND OINTMENT These remedies hare stood the test of fifty years oxperietice, and aro pronounced the beat blc4kcrnwP foC Molly use. THZ PII4IaS Purity the blood, correct ati disorders of tho LIVER, STOMACH, icIDNEYS AND invaluable In all cotttpiainta incidental to finales of all ages, zrr T I+•55 1.' 1•teM Is the only reliable rctuedy for bn4 ego, sons, ulcers, anti old wounds, rot Tatb.weill9TS;.?CR!>r TIIROATS, COUGHS, r:OLDS, GOUT, IRY.EUI.XATISM, GLADUI.AR SW Lr,1' ty ANDU 1' liwi DIS$Asv,s IT IIAS NO ifgUAL. Meoufactund only at 74 New Oxford. Late n711 O•:,or,t and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world, .14--"Pnrobasers should look to the Label on tbo Boxes and Pots. TV the address is not 03 Oxford Street, London, they aro spurious. FOR THE ST .A. ': f IN ORD 'BRED 1 w�W � E c� „e,. H .. . �_�.. ,t: HATS, GO TO OAP S, SHI • +. S, COLLARS, °T F -3, Cheap 5: or , ',. Y .A`.s �a.:•, AT H . VI . Thc TOMS and Town. ..ba.-, .,, eltklr• .. .... 1 00 Thu T1atksannl To.... a., Eno. .u. weeldr...... 1 75 Tho Tusks and Lon sun e1d.,n flour, wetltiv.... 1 i5 The Tla(BM and I: nld ,, F:uu P. ass. wr.ekly ... 1 i5 The TlatM Owl ehnnrreal UMW', weakly 1 r,0 TheTimESand ?:a,trenl %siues<,weekly 1 ti01 The Timis and 101 ,4 t,1 Dake World 2 50 ' TheTtates awl Mouth ea) Family Herold and Sts, weekly, and prclnitmt 1 70 The Tnanit The ladles' Journal, monthly, 11 Torontketo .......... .. 1 os The TI51Lx and Cosmopolitan Al ageznie,lllatntllly, Naw York: .. ... ...... ... 2 25 Tho Tu�as and Tho Liro Stock .lottrnal and Household Companion, I75 , TitmTrots and Partners' Auvoeato, binrt(Aly 1 00 , The Timms and the Cult!vator and Country 1 Gentleman, week Is 75 • Reduced rates with all other papers not mentioned i in the there list, . Address - I Tlstr•.s Orrice, Wingham, Ont. •..vu2vy-��✓Cn,.-y:vr:avv'.r'twr✓c,aron.m.�yava<,•� n "SEB +T R',.J IlYTERNATFONAZ Buffet&Nem DICTIONARY .47'rea.,v ephelides. it sGrmldEducator. ThesurccssorgfthoN ,o 3 tb a � 5 a ,Ira SW's "Unabridged." '11 Ten years 'were Spent revising,100 r editors employed, .2 and over 000,000 !y c expended. .Everybody should OWII this Dictionary. It an- it tf'Ie re „eworsallquestionse 1 concerning the his- a tory,. aioflspelling, r u„F'f• k. pro- meaning and E meattiug of words. .4.I,,ibraryinItself. it alsoives V ,, the facts often wanted Concerning eminent persons, ancient and modern; noted fled- trona persons and places; the countries, cities, towns, and natural features of the globe; translation of foreign quotations, \rords,pitrases,rrndproverbs-; etc.,otc.,etc. This W ork is IfivailUable to rho household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro- cssional man, And s61f-educator. The Globe, 2'oronto, stysl— a;111newdlotfonaryis rho best book of Its kind 1453 1•:turlls,t bangtr rage. For every f8m11,y rho members of irhtch have Snasttrcd the at of tead- ing,its purOhnse trill proyo aproatablo htveshnott. J.'iio Times, Ilsmilton, says: -- rt may well 5 0 pronounced the beat workrng lI - tionary and the cheapest book ht the world, mrd 850(110 bo it1 every school And family In Canada. .1T apeyourBookselletshowit toren. 0. cc Ce 1itotriam Co. Publishers, srrhtpf ckl,,tfoea., t1.S.4. 5'•5ohotbabyrheap01oto. grsi0 tc reprints of :indent editions, uinu hi'sii.utt free nngees Illustrations, etc. 09 ES WIILRE. Al ELS AILS. u' In thee. Sold � dru�gists tie7-1 Lang Waist, Correct Shape, Best ;- a ter 1a1, Combined with the best filling in the world, makes the le Featherbone Corset " unequalled. XFOD and... COAL eas- . FOR ALL. SIZES OF eto— Capacity from 10,000 to STEEL RAOIAToR." fie-- . ems▪ •• . CP• — Ob i tom•OW— Olto— FUFr�: 't S NACES1 BUILDINGS 80,00 Cubic deet WOOD FURNACE HEAVY GRATE, especially adapted for wood burning Heavy Steel Platen re Box Dome and Radiator, which, heat -"NIP quicker and are more durable RADIATOR and Great Heating Powe • LARGE ASH PIT --w COAL FURNACE , Large Combustion Chamber Long Fire Travol,enciroling radiator Large Heating Surface ,, • s. : Large Feed Door Sectional Fire Poi: ' Rotating Bar Dumping Grate DEEP ASH.P1T OXFORD WOOD FURNACD 11CATALOGU and TESTIMONIAL BOOK.a Fu11 Guaranteed Ca acit • Send for... ....Manufactured by.... The GURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd., TORONTO. a �ltid���lllll�lll�ld�l or c atic Nearaligic TRY O1NEAPPLICATION painQ Of THE QLi?MEN'ifO006. PLASTER I t WILL DISPEL THE PAIN LIKE MAGiC. o30p1r COW A1, USE PERRY /4. 4•soo FOR ••••• ALL +•• DAV 15 '. BOWEL • *,•TROUBLES••• • Ki LLER ,b,..,:.w:,.�e.,. y ..'.Baru,,erra•,t11x:.zsnc#aazt�rlmaslr►- Ts E. CORNYN U N D ERTAKER, PAIN C1,lluIt :)tit DIV. Coster, Co. 111010x, : t:IOTTON'EEtt. ISSUBI1 OI 'IIABItIAGB Ltt;1NSEs ConitxsstoNEl% I t It. C. J„ Etc, W1ttiAltrltlt, Olt/. s,.