HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-09-21, Page 1UF
VOL. 1187.
VALUES AWAY UP HIGH —Casli for good butter and eggs at R, A, Fon SAt4L—A. good fresh Mileh Cow.
m Grehatn's market emery. Apply to Jett, Etexcie,
414. fw-
, e
041 fit'
••4, 40.4••••••
— The London Flei
attended by resident
during the week,
—Messrs. Peter I
and R. Elliott were a
Teoswater show, this
ze,Sonee of the em
4 furniture factory c
Monday. It will be
the factory is rennin
has been pretty, well
of town and vicinity
Nans, John Neelands
--ing es Judges at the
loyees of the Union
mmenced work on
eek or so before
Full blast.
guaranteed to cure
o or neuralgie. 25c
PRICES AWAY DOWN LOW —Phenyo-Caffein is
, any forn. of lieadao
all druggists.
— Tho Huron all
this week, and a nu
ancl vicinity are in a
capacity and some it
The Only Direct Importers.
Van Been, Sept. 12th, 1804.
ssizes aro being held
ber from this town
endance, some in ono
—Cross & Blackwell's Pickles, at
Marriage Licenses H. E. SNIMLIS..
Issued by FRAME PATERSON, No 23, Vic-
toria stroot,Wingliam, Ont. No witnesses —A juvenile illii.m of footballers dr
required. over to Teeswater on Saturday last, and
. . . , . .. ._ - - • • • , .. - played a juvenile el lb of that town. Tho
4,,oeeeeetteeeeeeeleteeeeseeeeteeteseeeveseeeeeceee town boys defeated the Teeswater boys by
O INisk. T Place in Canada to i a score of one goal o nothing.
4' ,Es get a Business Edo- 42 4(.0A
r. John c a tient Shorthreul, : ' r. John ton will have the brick
elt.., is at the Can- , i'
v. ege was
• '''''''"'""'="..""""al trBusiness C 1
louse which the lJames Johnston
o a od
A lege, qeyeelo, Ont., nee Stretfora, Ont. ,si erecting at the tim.of his death, finished.
4 tue
eeqsetonabiy Caveat's Greatest CUM. . .
. inercialtScholle. Gate neeve free, Men- : It is situated on tilt road to the cemetery
,e, tion this paper. Shaw a. hiliett, Principals, * ; near Mr, Thos. Elliett's.
4.04,00etelereeoeeeteitee. teettfeet0000stee I
.................ee,e,e, ----. . --•- • • ...-- - - — I —Ladles, have your garments made by
Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite
. LOCAL9 NEWS. 1 the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, good
work, always first-class lit.
—Calves feet Jelly, at H. E. Semmes,
Ir. D. Stewart altped a load of lambs
Macdonald Blook
the first of tho seasote to Buffalo, on Tues-
-Several block crossings will be put '
. clay last7j)Should 'ae market prove a
down on different st-edts this fall. ee
profitable one, there 3 no donbt but many
—The G. T. B. ten special trains from of the lambs from is • will a
Wingham to Londe ,on Monday, Tuesday
and 'Wednesday of t las week. , theil.,,.
—M. Patters s 62.50 Stem Wiqics Discord has aris
ps of the Salvable
'Watches will b sold for the ne 1' 0 days.'
—The alumina
branoh of the W.
Monday afternoon
elected and other
Bluevale P. O.
'meting of the local
T. IT. was held on
last, Officers were
siness translated.
—The Maitland Presbytery mot in the
Presbyterian oliu di, here, on Tuesday
last. There was good attendance, and
considerable bus less was a transacted.
Report of proceede es next week.
—Tho fall 'elm , crop is a pretty good
one in this section, and aro picking
them up rapidly. 4he packers are hard at
work, and it will be long before some
largo shipments will be made from here.
—Wretches, clocks and jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by HAL=
Pane, Meyer Block, Wingham.
11r. Chas. Pollson, of town, on Salute
day last, caught one of the largest fish ever
taken out of the rater hero. It was of the
Mullet species, end measured twenty
inches in length Si.1 weighed two pounds
and three quarter .
—Quite a numbcr of the local sportimen
have hen taking dvantage of the open
season for shooti4 On Seturdey. a num-
ber of them were )ut, but we have not
learned what luck hey had. Game is not
very plentiful this ason, it is said.
—The next meati g of District- Lodge
No. 24, I. 0. G. T.,' vill be held in Lon-
desboro on the 16th f Obtober next. The
Grand Chief Temp r has promised to be
present, atm it is expected that other
officers of the ,Grar Lodge will also be
presen t.
—An effort is bei
- I
weekly mnrket in
in the Wingliam-' son:1°th* 10thst
Army, and quite a market wonld be
for .
number of the membei have gone out and to both buyers a
formed another army,. o be knowe as the
Berlin and other
on Monday, a.eeee ix
caseThe owner , United Christian Will ig WorkeeteeeiThey sPlondid weeldY
. have rented a building -end aro co uctmg —A. reacting of
eg property and paying •
their meetings on, so ',ewheitithe same Of the East Herm
—Found, in Wingl
large brier root pi
Cart have it by pros,
for this notice. '•
—We have to thank
Northern Exhibition,
ton on October 2na, 31
plimentery ;ticket and.
Mr, T. E. Cor
furniture and under
across the street, to.*
pied by Mr. Jos. Bullo.
g emacie to establish a
intou. Why not do
ne in Wingham? A
great accommodation
I—The Presbyterial Sabbath Sehool have —Plienyo•Calfein w 1 cure any, f m of I Obitery,
beaclache, neuralgia, r emetic pain- The following rererence to the late ee
just added three v ry valuable enape or
ful periods, &c. 25e A. dr uggift t
oh chrt s to their toed Mg outfit.
--A social, and ir the auspices of the —Mr' W, A, John , Ravi
the City Restaturan bus
Woman's Miasionaiy Society, will be ld.
at the Methodist parsenage, Mond
Mg, Sept. 24th. mission ten
are cordially invi
—Every persoti
the lair, Sept.
Nocery and get a
--Mr. James
Z 'from Mr. Itobt. Hill, I
n 0. All TlantibY of new oescl
out in the new Mae
shop lately oomph)
He will ca,rry all Nina
when visiting .
fruits, oysters, o,,a
up 01 Goii,t,allndaivit ogGurlifl Tiert!
rooms in connect& f
egoss, who has been
working in Blyth or sotne time, got badly Ca and see him. •
kicked on the fac by a horse, .on Thurs- --A. lively runaway .curredon Josephine
day of last weel. He was able to be street on Tuesday af Mrnoon. Mr. Thos.
brought home on Friday, but is still in a Walker, butcher, lei his horse, as lie
critical state. thought, secure in th, shed, while he went
—Regula'r serviees at the Congregational to attend to business, but it made a bolt
church next Sunda at 11 a.m. and 7 p, m, out of the shed and sl trted down street,
stor. Morning subject: The buggy 0£41/10 in co tact with a post in
,me expect from God ?" front of Chisholm's d ag store, breaking
'True evidence of union tho shalt, which ent-ed the horse'sdeg
rdial weloomo to all. causing an ugly gash about four inches
est; and stock
added a large
h goods, is opening
neld 13look, in the
• Mr,' T. E, Cornyn-
in of canned goods,
d has commodioue
oyster parlors, &c.
Preaolting the
"How much ma
Vening-sebject :
with Christ," A
—Tno prinoipa
schools leave had
the rules laid dow
of the different publio
their attention called to —The annual meetin
by the Board of Roaith 1, Teachers' Association
and school lo w go, Nrning the vacciaatiOn. of Collegiate Institute Go
pupils, and the reraest is made that they and Friday, Sept. 27 at
carry out these inuct' DS to the letter as. is the programme for e
T11uesney.-11 to 111
of the Star Res- Appointment of
Ci81e18;-30 to 12:15 —Ethic
d the exclusive right eo
standpoint—S. J. Boy
neryt &c ,on the exhibi-
1:00 to 2—Penmauln
W ednesday next. Pleis get- _Miss M. Rusk.
le ortons of grapes, and will
r fruits and confeotionery m 2 to 2:40—Geogreph
abundance for thecasion. Jimmie never and how to tetteh it—
does things by ha yes. 2;40. to 0:e0-11ritisi
teach a 4th class—R. R.
• —Bills aro out .nnouncing a grand cheep 3:20 to 4„.__Dereeetion
excursion to Sam 1, on October 4th next, Burins, 4th
under the ttuspices of the Canadian Pro- Feinte-0 to 10—R
tective Assooiatio The train will leave payment of dues; elect
Kincardine at 5:2, it. m., Wingham at 6:35. 10 to 10:40-1thetori
a at 12:15 p. m. Re- H. I. Strang, B.A.
Sarnia the next day,
, m. The f are from 10:40 to 11:20—Li
soen as praoticabh
—Mr. Jas. Ma
tament, has secui4
soh fruits, co/fe
tion ground
ring in a c
have otl
d sellers. Waterloo, and arrive at Sari
vns in Ontorio have turning, will leave
ets. October 5th, at
Wingliam is place
xectitive Committee
nservative Associee , Ill -35, and other
ne and Harry Days Arrengerneets in r-gard to the revision of i
, on Friday last, 1 rates. A -mass in
Berme on the 4th,
the Old Country, the Dominion Vote s' list were made, and ; ,T. 0, Madill, Gr
was anything other matters dealt . with. A. Convention Essery, of Loudo
will shortly be holt to nominate a canal- P. p. E ;et Lambt
date. A. West Larnhton
. .
particulars can be g
—Private Moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
tf .—
.Tonie Neerexes.
the directors of the lineseese the Salvation Aa y. ' . tion was held in.
be held in Walker- ee-fr esses. Wm. Vo.nst
and 4th, for a coqaturned from their trip
ress badge. last week. Mr. Vanst
but pleased with his tr
n has moved his some of the time, but i
king establishment now. He says the weath
shop lately occu.
cloudy nearly all the dm
(I. as a roateurant. other side Of the Atlanti
--Servant Girl Wanted,—For general , Liverpool were somethin
housework. Apply eolVIrs„ John A. Me -
Lean, Alfred street, yv: ughean. no place like Canada ye
a clear dry climate.
—Last Friday nigh there was a partial
eolipse'of the moon, Nvi 'eh was visible, and WANTED to borrow for
a number of oer town eople remained Up
to see it, though it as nearly 'eleven
o'clock before it could seen.
—The Women's Iforeffr.e Missionary So-
ciety in connection wi. the Methodist
church will give a soCialribthe Parsortage,
on Monday night next. .eroceedings to be
devoted to tho interests of the Sooiety.
—For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, one door south of
B. A. Graham's grocery store.
—Sunday night last, bout eleveui o'clock,
a disgraceful row took place at Messrs.
Beattie Bros,' livery s ble. The trouble
seems to have been bet
at the stable and some
and, the language indri
graceful. The matter it
by magistrate's court.
—Mr. :jos. Bullard 11
stOek Of feteffs arid confe
A. Mins; tie Abe ling Mr
Xr. Items Will open out
donaid Blook This ie splendid stand,
ooeupiecl by T, 111., ne te
Temperance Hall, be
the store in d
god One, •nd no doubb, mr, the Town t
johns will build up a 1e trade in his room, the Wingham
t• • item we reproduced 1
line.• "And where the ma
He was sick
nicely recovering
r was wet and
they wore on the
e and the fogs of
awful. There is
for sunshine mad
term of years—
e3,000 on good farm secuiity, at 5 per cont.
interest. • For particulars apply at .Tice
to 520,000. A canva for stook is being
Office, Wingham, Ont. does not satisfy tin
made, and the town i to be asked to assist particulars would t
onus or by subscrib- My purpose in stati
had pledged himself
the Dominion neemb _e for South Bruce, is r ago, the Exeter tive measure, was t•
nearly a "Pullma,nee in miniature. He people became posses „d of the idea that re i ance electors who v
deserve censure en t
owns and operates rue flour mill, saw creamery would be :inlaying investment, '
tency. By the w
mill, sash and do fa ory, oniploys and a joint stock eon -Any was organized,
several hundred hand ; all e year around, and plant amid buildin , at a cost of 05,400, , for consistency ?
"Mommt" and the
owns some 10,000 acts of swamp and bush purchased. The &Net was furnished by
learned, was, "the
land. Cargill villa is very nearly sup- an American, who resisted in organizing
ported by his inane y. He lets built nice the company. The venture did not turn their licenses." Tb
houses for his men N thigh he rents at aim out as successful oe :expected, and last were expected to vo
rate and a largo ha ! for church services work the creamery N as sold by auction, had promised to p
Now, what I want
efowat promise the
to get their votes ? t
their licences if h
IOW ? A. few "par
at the low rate of
tions at proportionate
ing will he hekl at
o be addressed by Rev.
ncl President ; Mayor
P. D. McCallum, M.
; A T. Gurd, M. P.
and others. Further
ined from bills.
--Goderich peopleteve decided to /QM
ir ?Oillt stook comp; ay to erect, a large
summer hotel and sanitarium. It is
thought that propel. buildings and a suit
able site should be se -aired for from el 5,000
request for the •
"how" of kir. Con
sn,y, I do not think
particulars. If the
-• The Guelph Mer
Mr. H. Cargill, bro
gill, of this town, say
y, in .,spealting of
r of Ur. John Car -
Mn. H. Cargill,
the enterprizo by a
ing for stook.
—A. little over a y
ten an attendant and public meetings. Cargill is et, fine man realizing only 6150( Experience comes
ung men of town, sodomy and a gra- favorite generally, high,
ed in was die-
! ready to assist and h 1p those in need. —The botel men ef the Province are
eing investigated TR t f • Toronto and east a ti f Ilia Ont rio
I leave Winghare at 6.25 a, rn. and 11.20 a.
di p
m., vim Clinton and Guelph. Good con- of the Association, at- set forth by the cmi- w
ell. Perhaps "Te totaler" can give them Hilton Ashton, and iss Jessie Ashton, of and War, which is followe
--G. . B. re, ns organizing, un er name o le a
ot Necessary.
arding "Teetotaler's"
vhere," "when" and
lly's pledge, beg to
t necessary to give
lowledge of the "fact"
the knowledge of thc.
salify him dither.
g that Mr. Connolly
to support a prohibi-
show that the temper -
ted for him did not
o ground of inconsis-
, how does this look
e hotel keepers voted
nly reason I have yet
did not want to lose
temperance electors
"Mowat" because he
ss a prohibitory law.
know is, what did
otel keepers in order
id, how will they keep
passes a prohibitory
milers tdong this line
of the West Huron
will be held in the
rich, on Thursday
1 28. The following
eh day:
—Opening Exer-
om mi t tees.
ion from a moral
—How to tenon it
—What to teach
History—How to
Lesson, "Robert
J. Moore, B. A.
Art of auditors
on of officers.
—How to teach—
cretins 5th class t
Lesson, "To Winter, H. S. Reader—J. B.
11:20 to 12—Ente
1:30 to 2:10---Natrs
ce. Grammar—Paper
o crf Assigning and
Correction of He no
2:10 te 2:411—Rep _ ets
doting exeroises.
Mr. Wm, Dore
business, cm Tuesday
Mr, Crowell Wil
spending some tine
Thomas, tendon and
home on Monday ni
Mitchell Advocate
the popular rector o
brother, Dr. Wood,
Mrs. C. C. Simpsel
W. J. H. Adams, of
Mr. J. Sullivan's.
Mrs. Irwin and M
aro guests of Mrs. Jo
Clifford Express:
Wingham, has taken
He is employed at
Mrs. Swan, who 1
her son, Mr. R. J. SN
went to Howiek, on
tives, accompanied
who has been on a c
friends here.
License Holders Afereciation. The object Miss Kate oisy , of Wroxeter, Mr.
'8 °sea of his me via W. G. & B.; 6.35 a. rn. end 3.25 would be very :met table and profitable as
Work—Wm. Mc -
of committees and
ts in Kincardine, on
on, who has been
with friends in St.
thee places, returned
bt, looking greatly
Rev. L. G. Wood,
Wingham, paid his
visit on Saturday
of Chesley, and Mrs.
Wove, are guests at
. "Fowler, of Seaforth,
n Elder, this week.
y. David Kincade, of
p his abode with us.
S. Hotel's factury.
s been here visiting
an, for some time,
onday to visit rela-
y Miss Una Elliott,
ple of week's visit to
Heater _Retie, brether ,f. Ivax 0. S. Graoey; or—
town, we take frona 11 .1 Blyth Standard of
lest week: It is witt profound regret that
we are called upon to, chronicle the death
of Mr, Hector Buie, )14 sad event took
place at his father's i'' sidence on Mendel
forenoon at 11 o'clock. Mr. Buie had been
in very poor health fo some time, having
been 'unable to atten to business far a
year or more; and wild visiting in 1Veon.
treal about a month ag contracted typhoid,
fever which proved qu kly fatal to a con-
stitutioa already weak ed by disease, Ile
was a young man of wl m any community
might well feel proud. After graduating
at an early age from the Clinton High,
School he taught so of for a few years
and when an epportu ty offered pluckily
entered on a larger fiel by purclaa,sieg, in
company with s l'elr. avis, the Montreal
Business College, whit was the beginning
of his business career n, that city. The
venture, due in a large legree to Mr. Buie's
energy and ability, lemanze at pronounced
success. Not satisfied with this, and while
still engaged in busin ss, he took up the '
course of Commerce 1 Law in leleGill
tiniversity, taking 11 o degree of B. 0. Li,
The high position he ,ocupied among his
fellow -students was 4owu when he Was .
invited to deliver th, valedictory of bis,
year, Among his feli iws in business. and
social circles he was -ield in the highest
esteem, not less for in 'egrity and picibity
than for his many othe excellent qualities
oe mind and heart; th widespread sympa-
thetic interest of all in is late illness testi-
fying to the warmth of their regard for one
iwho so well merited th ir love and syin-
panty. "He is not dee 1 but sleepeth," and
the example of his life and labors, short, it
is true, but full to over flowing with lessons
of the beauty and pmver of work foe the
benefit of others will lot lem without fruit
in its influence on the young men of the
To Our Corr pendants, •
We are well pleased 'tli the way oar
correspondents have meted in making
the Trues a we/uoine sitor to our many
readers, but now tin !; thebusy season is
about over, we hope ther:ill not relax
their efforts. We shc-ild e glad to hear
from them every we,t, but where that is
not easy of accompli= ment, as often as
possible. We Nvantyi make the Times the
newsiest paper in flia tmty. When sup-
plies run short, Itiiidl! mention it, and
more will be sent forwi el.
—The Delineator fee. November, whit%
is ,called the Thanksgiv ng Nernber, is the
first of the three great , Winter iasues, and
presents a. table et con eras that is most
varied and itetiKeeting..e.The fashions for
the month appear et.* '.eriore .attractive
thanusnal, and with se ", becoming styles
wom a akind should eppea ether best during
the winter at hand, A melY ehastrated • 1
paper on E vening and Dinner dresses
supplements the regular !ticks; and ap-
propriate contributions r the semen are ,
the Thanksgiving Dinne a Thanksgiving 1
in New Thiglend, Table ecorations, and
How to Serve Apples id Pears„ The' ;]
initial paper of two new ries appears in t:
this number ; one treats o The House, its '1
location, etc.; the other • f the Relations
between Mother and SO . One of the
most interesting papees the month is a
"real conversation" betwee Edith Thomas
and Dr. Elliott on the sa jest of Woman
by a charming
Miss Thomas'
on the Kinder-
• and student
and there is
vided in Term-
s of Crops and
liege of Belti-
nitle etnitribte
Aurned from Bradford I tee en .able article on e.rivate School
e tetutned from To' I Teanhiag as an Ocenpatio -. for Women.
What to do in Melees cont_ns good advice
Mitibid McInnis were! fatotltileien7ther of a family. • and there are
popular Tea T le Talks, the
Oordon's Tuesday. - description of a China - Wedding, and
eld, after spending a, I special
London, returned on i Xetting, Tatting and La :Making. The
papees oft .0roc ting, Knitting,
1 subseription peke of the elineator is only
gViavtialsnirt7mGello.ibblieokt- , Cents each. Address 0 len; to The De-
i One 'Dollar a 'Year, Sing 00pies, Fifteen
1 lineator Publishing Co: of Toronto, pa.)
len, of Huron Town -
cis in town i a ltiohmoral St. West. oronto, Ont.
ionery to Mr. W. 13;ections by all trains. stitution, :i. T join together in one Howiok township, re the guests of Mies
Robt. Hill, and and show where the consistency come in. little poem on the subject
—"In referring to Association all the I keen Holders and Tours truly, Etta Cole last Sund . best vein. Lite third artic
Wingham Sept. 8, 1894.
n the store lately
Judge Doyle in holdii
he course taken by
the court in the
use of the failure of
furnish time court
tures finished the
t week by saying ee
r will etid 11 18 herd.
,---We' unaerstand that Ur. Wm. Dore
to say." To relieve he perplexity of our
had decided to 'pull down Se partly burned
esteemed eatene, we ay assure him that
frame bitilding and erect two-story brick
building iitits stead. The i, ,,i the end is quite ap rent, The Council
buildin9 wit'. ,6 must simply coniply with the law, which
120 by 24 feet, and will be d f
" eyebrs Ill; obliges the munici •ality in which the
room paint -and woodwork
shops. This stonemasons warli.il n";64.7nart. court is held to fur ish the necessary at.
Comniodation for luoling the court, or else
Veldt tis Week, and the ricklaYers will a
3 then rush their work 9ing. 1,0*. Dore wpahyotiour4livesaicierenr will
expects to have the b lain& ready for
occupancy hi the ctairse f a - few Weide. the publie, hardly cr (Malik to Wingliam,
to know that it town of such pretensions
The X Beatty' • has not a suitably minim& eclat room,
Thrives on gnat food and Ailifils.; with though it boasts o a "big" town hall."
tijetity of 4torolee 14 flui ' Ifer The “learried" edit of the Goderich Star
brin ,i1OWS with betalrit 7b tits has the thanks of t "perplexed' editor
Wictb, its &aim y, 'If hot teffiliebtle the of the Timm for th information oontained
eleallaing itik'.• : . Of a lakkt renuttly, slit in the above. In amens 'of perplexity, it
nies tbsontle ...,. Oesseutlicinialifrative, is good to have one to relieve) us, 'without
, tlytup of Pigs, ' . ' k4 fee or reward.
others of the Provinc
interested in the mai
of the liquor trade, a
Oohs throughout the
encourage the forma
dons in Counties
of Ontario who are
tainance and welfare
d the various associa.
Province, so as to
ion of each associa-
nd license districts
Whale none exist. 2. To proteot the mem-
bers of this Associati n ih the full and free
exercise of their bud ess according to law,
and to maintain am* further the general
interests of the trail by all lawful ways
and means, ani to resist measures
tending to the injury f their business, and
to pledge the support .f the Association in
favor of tepretentativ Parliament and
the Ontario Legislat re, who will oppose
all prohibitory legial ion and support the
License System,
Experience e Proven it. -
A triumph in medic ne waseAtained when
experience proved that 04x)tt's Emulsion
Would not only stop the progress of Pul-
monary Consumption, but by Re continued
tit. health and vigor could be Milt restored.
Fall Fairs.
Wingham, Sept. 25-26.
Palmerston, Sept. 24-25.
Harriston, Sept. 25-26,
Goderich, Sept, 25-26,
Woodstock, Sept, 25-26,
Paisley, Sept. 25-26.
Zurich, Sept, 26-27.
Brantford, Sept. 26-28.
Stratford, Sept. 27-28,
Settfortim, Sept. 27-28.
Delgrave, Sept, 27-28,
Atwood, Oct. 2.
Mitchell, Oct. 2-8.
Clinton, Oct. 2-2.
Wroxeter, Oct. 2-2.
Arthur, Oct. 2-11, ,
Pale, Oct. 2-11.
ValkeetoneOct. 2,4.
Tnicknow, Da; 8-4, •
Elora, Oct. 4.5.
Brussels, Oct. 441.
llowiek. at Pordwielt, 00,6,
Blyth, Oct, 040,
Clifford, 04,1041.
Dungannon, Oet, 1140,
• ,
Miss Lottie Mit hell, who has been &tartan takes both teach
returned home on Viednesdny last,
I thron h attraotive work
visiting friends in eistowel and Mitchell,
eetelelr. J, W. Scott, • oedipal student, has feajeliieleaoteinegereolleVeMairetilit el;
t just returned . ror1 a three months' visit Tissue Papers. Mary L
to the land of Scott and Burns. He also
Mrs. Wm. Inglis writes of The Woman's
more, and Xilldia Gilbert
spent sotne timein 4)gland and Irelatid.
on Saturday.
Mr. Robt. Mainpr
ronto on Tuesday.
• Misses Maggie ant
viaiting atUr. M
Miss 'J'ernile
couple of Menthe 1
M. d' ifrs The
bovenehip, are visit
Mr. and Ilrs. W
ship, are visiting fri
M. D: M. Gordon
Soott, were at Lend
Mr. and 'Mrs. :los.
rta Masters Bey and
fair this week.
ibsou and
The merchant who gr
Andfurns up tbcwbil
In sorrove and pi
Because trade's v
left for an Premise° on Thursday, Is the fellow who wol
ibles and sighs
of his eighs,