The Wingham Times, 1894-09-14, Page 8f t THE W1NGHA.M TIMES, SEPTEMBER 14, 1894, M. II. MeIND0 O. ra,„, the orphans adopted into Worthy Thom not s' tired for • NOW FOR THE FALL TRADE. Already great big cases,—containin g our Oall Stock, begin to arrive. A. most magnificent—a most perfect—a most gorgeous stook of fine Dress Goods, Mantles and Men's Suitings. • DRESS GOODS, Your inspection solicited of high clava novelties and plata fibrics. Values that cannot be offered later op. Beautiful designs and colorings at 50c, with Trim- mings to match. A SESSATION IN MANTLES. One hundred beautiful Fall and Win- ter Mantles' opened up for inspection We have the greatest Mantle display ever shown outside the city, and we quote such prices that it will pay you to buybny at once'at M. H. MoINDOO'S. will be maintained in f' 0011S., C0111,1111SSU, over the situation at 11 other points, The Trade go. Mr. Thos. Inglis, of ahip, writes as rollers to Globe, on this (p. m farer's standpoint ; $4 SIR-^Tilere is 11Q one can, farm a more c of our political necessiti all classes are pursuing ary calling, when there a cal harangues to listen to, a,n opportune time for fa consider their best interest universally admitted there is thing wrong. A depression over this fair Province like a nightmare. X do not speak eolpp ingly, as few countries are in blessed than we are from the fiel inatitua 11 look and h MUSICAL EX CE ENCE, n ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION. Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MORRIS - FEILD - ROGERS - CO. Men's LISTOWEL. HALSEY PARK. Agent, WINGHAM. „ . .J. .H 0 MUT H at, SON STILL LEAD THE TRADE —IN— MERCHANT TAILORINC AND CENTS' FURNISHINGS. In 1-1.A.TS, we have the most nobby to be found. A Cautious Farmer. On Saturday afternoon a gentle - the flocks, the herd or the orchardamanly looking man called on Mr. Yet there is a disease, a consumption, ' Ashbaugh, a well -do -farmer near wasting the energy and substance Mount Pleasant, Brant county, and of the people; a taxation that keeps stated that he intended to purchase ever gnawing, and we, like despair- a vacant farm near by. He further in g invalids, rather than seek relief said. that he was anxious to know from a skilled physician, have been where the boundary ended in a bush the victims of quacks. at the back of the place and asked ” To my mind the disease lies in Mr. Ashbaugh to accompany him, our trade relations with other coun- ,The latter did so, first taking the tries, and especially with the United precaution to leave his pocket -book iniermation Waatea. States. Having 41.11 ice -bound coast containing $55 in the house. On To the Editor of the TIM. some five' months in the year, it cer-arrival in the bush another slick our stock is complete. 'Note a few of our prices: Plough Boots, from Ladies' Fine Button Dongolas, tipped, from $1.00 up, Boys' and Girls' School Shoes, from Gots. up, and all other goods in. that line equally low. VALISES AN TRUNKS is full, and at prices which must satisfy all. garBoot and Shoe repairing done as usual. Dam S1R,—Would "Teraperance,". who fainly .woulcl be our lvisdona to con- stranger came across them and pro- • says in last week's TRIES thatMr. Connolly sider where our best and natural posed a game of cards, in which Mr. ROBERTSON—DODDS.— At Blyth, 0/1 Sept. 5th, by the Rev. A. McLean, prohibition of the liquor traffic, kindly It surely' has been demonstrated to the two strangers that he had not a Auburn. Whit= Robertson, of Blyth, to was pledged to support a measure for the markets are for our surplus produce. Ashbaugh refused to join, showing assisted by Rev. R. Henderson, of inform the public, through the same every unprejudiced mind that Eng- cent about him. These two men Mary K. Dodds,. daughter of James medium, when and . where that pledge. was land shows her colonies no favors by have been working this game in Dodds, Esq,, Blyth. given? Re might also give a copy of the way of trade, and has never profess- : various parts of the country. Their ....DIED."5 pledge. "Temperance's" letter was the ed. to do so, however ardently our ' plau is to get the victim to pull outteorr.—In Teeswater, on the 4th first, 1 heard of such a pledge. Mr. gar- politicians have tried to convince us some money, and then at once put ii.: st., Martha Hardy, Idaye of iAndrew row's position ona . this question is, 1 believe, to the contrary. . She opens her relvovto his head, with the threat ; Seclut'Tcurn603N9.— I. yetntrs Teaenswatreur°,none 3rd that he will support Mr. Mowat to carry$, markets to the world to obtain cheap that he will shoot unless he hands inst., Robert Hutchison. infant son of out the pledge given to the Temperance food for her •.people, and buys our over the spondulix. Near Stratford Robert and Catherine Hutchison. Rued people of the province, and that seems to products only as foreign product at a recently, they secured several hun- )1 ,,Months. have been satisfactory to ost- of the great reduction of price as compared dred dollars from a farmer in thi - • inst., James Wallace, aged 70 years and Ar..L.Aom—In Turnberry, on the 8th m Temperance men in the Riding. with her own. !way, and they are said. to have be ii 2 days. TEETOTAlan. "Take as an example the market very successful, the duped ones BIT1E.—In Blyth, on the 10th instant, for live stock since the openina of usually keeping quiet rather than Hector„(pule, aged 33 years, 8 mouths Wingliam,. Sept. 10, 1894. Awful. Story of Death. UNBURIED BODIES FOOD FOR WOLF AND BUZZARD IN THE BURNED DISTRICT. navigation. The London, Bristol tell how they have been fooled. 'an ``) days. Liverpool iepoi. ts for choice an- when C However,1tlley got hold of Mr. •• • adian cattle. June 28th, 40. Re- .Ashbaugh they tried to work the ports of home cattle Earleston and i wrong kind of an individual. Cornhill, July 2nd,.beef 7s 9d to 3s: - •- a ..-. -- - - -- a . ---- a -- -- • - - - ,010,0 home and 9c for Canadian catt . Gd per stone (14 pounds), or 1.4e for; in ' th? itlitlq. ,,,o.ona Sept.son8th, rivEiZo—f-lqr. Joilenhre Pokegama, Minn., Sept. 7.-4. Horne cattle, also described cattle of MoLitoarart. -10 Goi:111 on August courier bring3 a report that the light weights £17 to £21 lOs while .26th, the:Vtlite•oe Mr. N. McLaughlin t. a bodies of 23 Chippewa Indians, Canadian stall -fed,' . -:' •-• '1daughter. Toronto brought 800 to 1,400 ; -1 blicks, squaws and pappooses, lie pounds; weighed in ; witl'oDf"ILI:.74nalli. rrygli”„ Aug, 28th ,th e upon the baked sands between' here in Bristol £14 lis. 1 give this one i NARSRALT,—fl Blytil, on Sept. 3st, and Opstead, a small settlement on instance only as a proof of discrim- , the wife of Air. Thus. Marshall ,_.• a son. the eastern shores of Lae Mills Lac. ination against Canadian and. foreign i ConsLey.—In Brussels, on Sept. 5th, f They are scattered over ten miles of cattle. Anyone interested in the the wife oMr..A.ndrew Cousley, banker; a son. country, and. will in all probability market has observed the same in al- DmititrEn. prove food for buzzards and wolves. most every .market of the presentalob the Oth inst., The country where they lie is too far season. a • &fat the residence of the bride's parents, fr for burial ceremon= Now how does our Canadian Wingliam, by the Rev. D. Perrie, om, civilization • Jos. Cerruti', to DIESs Emily MeLeani, les. The Indians left their reserve- stock takoin the American market. youngest daughter of ar. Lachlan • _ Lamarmwsmorainnsmovew tion two months ago and built a Not long ago the Hon. John Dtyden, Lean. • hunting lodge along one of the fork.s • in a speech, stated that the butchers •• of the Shadridge creek. Chief Was- in New York had printed on their confab was the laa chief of the delivery waggons, Canadian mutton. , party, and. lie perished with his fol- Why ? It meant that there was a ' am tualardanad otters for lowers. premium on Canadian mutton.. And os:oullIbigalgof alt9s1' tie tuokreee. - 700 DEAD IN ONE COUNTY. well -we remember the clay when our 75 abres under coat •aioi ripe Olitario cattle held their own in i •:, .1)109oha. aronEg.64 oPI Barnum, Minn., Sept. 7.—Dr: the eastern 'markets in competition • "ath• 'Ila)"'Ple" i` Cowan coroner of Pine comity, be- with Illinois and Kentucky bullock s, ! %Nina -ham end 14 i spring well. Th FARM FOR ALE. sale his farm, being on 14, East Wawanosh, 1 There%re about the balance is principally place a comfortable brick barn, with stabling under. bearing °Mimi1 and good. re. is tJtuateti 51i miles trout farm will ho reasonable particulars apply on the promises or address, i deer and, even a few moose. The tario feeder than being compelled to wgetogo=: livolv.rogattlotax.ioy snano,o. terrible atench from them promises feed in the stall, until May, June, cl?altas against ihe est te of James 49hrton Tara ntiara 0:mm1:au:la AT WORK witla reciprocal trade iv th the fi'nitecl. n sge, Sol eitor for John Johnston, the executor of will of the Bald deceased, at Wing, States might bring more money. a. ha oin 'ten. and cattle always sold according to -their madman e. 0. not infrequently commanding the I a TICE TO CliEDI'TORS. highest price in the midwinter mar -1 Je 'he about Hinckley is littered with kets. Such a market would certainly les aaa BsTLTE Or ./AlttES JOIINSTO:1, DECEASRD. ty will reach 700. A serious problem for the survi- vors in this neighborhood is the dis- posal of the dead animals. The re - Sept,HaA. 818K OK. Proprietor. quality any month of the year, and. Boot Wawanosh, the carcasses of horses, COWS, hogs, be much more profitable to the On -1 f the Township of Turaorry, in the County atoef L o breed pestilence among the few and even July, cattle that were fit ltitvoi, Yeoman, deceased, who (Soden or about the 3.0t t August, A. D„ 1,804, are, before the 3rd rtra-13941 to del ver or send by mail to people left. for the shambles in anuar and rat Ontitirio,, 1111; tumor and addresses, a sato. Daluth, Minn.: Sept. 7.—The re- f netaetilmsetaftentritarel‘i:ranU andatiull znapiculars of their on y re er to the cattle trade heing lief commission iS here. -It will as - c Bee' that more interested hi that kind 4 farm. ate that 'date the saidesItxeliutor witlilicli t(?113t t li Y ing. Still I have Berte ereto, hat hut regard °Illy to t e c a ms of saw nails being rebuilt hi the burn- dairying and almost every branch ti no ce shall have been then given. ed district. If not it is Planned to of stock farming would be equally rt VANSTONE, rebuild Hinekley as a, farming town. benefitted by free 8ADOSS Dated thi fiti All the ter .*to b d 1 , d that its„ sof the said deceasedvanong the parties entitled h 1which certain if there is att chance of thert yy urne over is ,a to the o day of beptember. A. 111.0804. Solicitor for the said Executor. ready inerican markets No o people in to sell a choice WANTED SALESIfENand • r for the plow,. and, it was the the world are more able and ivillnThe Cornplete line opinion.ot, the coma -fission' that all to give geod value. for first-class o: Nursery Stock or geed otntOes, or both. Per. ma.nent and ?eying owittotis to good Men. We can heads d fardAks.can-Ve1,1v ea.farms tide of- food than the Americans. g ie von exclusive, territory if ,von wish. It will ap y you to write Us for terms, Addrev, f gellsrolls 'ProPottiOils._ The St; Now is, the dine to review our situ- The Hawks Nursery Patti and Duluth railroad represen- ation. W. et. rontises of tariff re- Cure ./Ciff HEADAO)PlE and Neuralgia in 20 Anitrurrze, alto' Coated Tongue, Dizal- n.ss,_Billousuess, Pain in the Side, Constipation, T& -:p4 Liver, -13 id Breath. To stay cur -d and regn:ate the bowels. VERY ?HOE TO TAKE. PROF 25 CEI'IrS 17Fttio SroRss. - ESTRAY HEIFER Strayed on the promises of the undersigned, lots 10 and 00, corresision Turnberry, Otte 2 year old heifer. Owner can secure the sante by identifying ,t and paying the usual. charges. CEO. P00005,Jr., Wingham P.O. NEW MAN IN AN OLD STAND. Having purchased the NORTH END LIVERY, and put in a number of first-class HORSES AND RIGS, am in a position to give as good.turn- outs and satisfaction as can be got any- where. Prices Moderate. The patronage of the public is solicited. Livery—Near the G. T. R.Iteantia Whigham, July tltb, .Mc GZIELLEN, V you want your g P SPONC AND SLIMMER . • tative: offered to giae• farms to alj. form, hitt what a delusionItochester, N. ! Who do not own them. It was furl Delmore, Aug. 25. Tnos. ther outlined that the women and' elifidrert refugees who ate here will' The Huron Fall Assizes will open be provided fol. in this city until the ' in Goderich, on Monday, li7th inst., fathers can put up temporitry justice Palconbridge presiding. The ings in the burned district. Lumber criminal ealetular contains the fol. and anaterials for these buildings lowing cases : Q1.166-11 vs. Hugh will be sent on at onto. The state McLeod, Iterjury and false pretences, or individuals must provide funds traversed front last assizes. Qum r neeessarios of life over wintevand vs. Thomas Smith, of Hallett, eharge to aseertrin the amount needed, a, of rape on Winnie Graves. Queen tan tad complete MUM will at onee! joseph. Same', elusagit of rape :be taken. %Hee MU WS be wont en Ids DIM daughter. Qtteen vs. -WM1J h1u" , -zpe ant 1* mode no have thiatt, J. J. HOMUTH & SON, WINGHAM. ' ‘‘ .A.RE YOU UNDECIDED WHERE TO TAKE TOUR Ess 0 OMAN T Write for Catalogue of the 4•;" ;fit erra., ,„7 fr#.:41:EgLittf V-ey•f • 'prta 7r.:0 :A:44 Forest City Business and Shorthand College of London It centaine full infet Illation regarding our work and methods. Satisfaction is assured. Ont, Graduates are everywhere successful. . College reopens on MONDAY, SEPT, 3r6. Board 5550 per week, In private families, W. WESTERVELT, Prialvipal. ESTRAY HEIFER. 117 I. 1 - EartANZI) an the preihises (A A, Langley, 140' ideatityleg it and paying the usual chergta. ARDS hVt Lesson., made in the latest style, go to Wttmetet SH E STORE, ATAI. ma 9 Two doors north of Postoffice, next Halsted & Scott's Bank. or dr"; NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES Our object for this season is - to make.Customers, not money. We will look for our profits later. 4.11 shoes warrarat ecl as represented..- milrgke, MISS MAUD LESLIE, TEACHER of Isttysic . • IIRV.IN, b141,4'ilitl y competent to teach atiVaneed pupile, as well as beginners. Enquiries kindly 'allowed at Roes' beckotore. 41amiitegoe—adestard Street, WInhm.1 • ' • ..,, • • opposite Dank a trAtaitogi, wrzommt viiitinnilifttutitzttkutit , We wish to establish an exclusive Shoe Business in Wingham. C:0 ALT 1E3E400 are the best that the best factories can produce. Our prices for this season will bo very low. The styles aro the very latest. We will prove to you that it will pay you to buy your Shoes at the Sht Store, It is to our interest to please you. GOOD BROTHERS, The Neia 'Shoe Men. WINGHAM and SEAleORTIX. . HARNESS AND GOLLRS. liming bought out the Ambler Businete and started in his old stags, tun prepared to furnish the public ,vrit4rerything usually kept in a ha - -ess E1.. suck ns unAvy, LIGHT and %lam. HARNESS, NETS, DUSTS, WHIPS, CURRY CCMIIS, DRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS) TRUNKS, VAMPS and TRAVIILLWG BAGS, *.f :oaks tuy °Wu Collett/Aida ;parent:* satioattetion, eatIr trial and X will ass you right. IskiM T 01 VOL VALLI 412;40:1, ratite" PRICE 'Ton BEAII Issued b toria Stro regOired. 00041 • • 4, lege, • Uncon • tion th 44, L54 wdoliwnig:b ihaeiri eovuei, and Wed. —M. "Watforech2.es lar;Pb°111'ilel VIA have for this n —Wel Tt noi ;e1 .11 ntro: p c'furniture across th ' Lean,A e piedeote 183seieyvr, —Last a.number to see it o'clock,hlep —r ciety in church ondevoted —For gents' f .R. A. Gil Re—mserrunit, disgra( Beattie] seems to at the et anilthe " steak nf g:rittexo.001u: by anial air. Job ea coonuts ai d 3'th:hilt wt.' 11:4911 building 120 by rirsh000rmut: etroe000 nortasi ThriveF xm wit4 It: elesash alas tiv 0310