HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-09-14, Page 3a a W. 0. T. U. COLUMN. (cu\NC(."rr:D 111 TUS WiN(t1IA9t numiex.) Prtr God and frame «Jtd.Yatirs Gldltd, Well Call the attention, of the mothers and sisters to the Sues, that the Woutau's Christian Temper. anon C,ttioit menta every aionday at three o'clock sharia, for one hour, at atrd. dolor's residence, Pat- rick street. All ladies are male welcome. As the Editor has kindly given us tart of his space. dor our work, we Itsk friends of the cause to oentf acme of interest on all iteral questions or the day to ear of our ulunthere. The annual drink bill of tho United States has made a gain of 238 per cont. in the last fifteen years— that is, more than two and one-third tiines as much was paid for liquor in 18113 -as in 1878 e:• * It is one of the marvels of Modern depravity that the people in their sovereign capacity as voters Should :so degrade their manhood as to be oblivious to both moral and political obligations, and prostitute their sov- ereign power Of protection to throw around this demon of selfish cruelty, the liquor traffic, a garb of legal re- spectability, using the forms of law to subvert the very object of law. * * s_ Jiin Smith, (as his card states and as lie prefers to be called) travelling passenger agent of the Union Pacific Railway, headquarters Boston, spent a few days in Montreal last week. Mr. Smith who has been one of the most popular. railway men on the ° continent of America for over forty years; and who is brimming over with good humor and quaint shrewd- ness, is responsible for the following cards :—From a bushel of corn a dis- tiller gots four gallons of whiskey which retails at $1G. The govern- ment gets ,x;3.50, the farmer who raised the corn 40 cents, the' railway gets $1, the manufacturer gets $1, the retailer gets $7, and the consum- er gets chunk. The above is printed on the back of Mr. Smith's cards and conveys a fund of information and a significant moral. The Catholic Leaders and Tem- perance. l The most important declaration the Catholic Church evertmonoune d t •in-�this country is doubtless that of 111oit1scigeur Satolli, the Pope's nujcio, ....._ in approving Bishop Wattersol1s ex- -4 ruling x- ruling of© Bishop Natter It from which a appeal was ma. to Satolli 11 was as fo lows : t, I here! * withdraw my approbktion from 1,yny and every Catholic Socibty in tlfi`s diocese that has a liquor dealer tp , at its head or \ officers ; and I society itself f• vileges as a ceases to beat is engag J' agent i�!! intoxicti lnittec Of die be; • ticl 'rill pulsi 1 of liquor dealers from menh- berslhl in Catholic societies: The r saloon keeper where among its uspend every such ni, the rank and pr - atholi a society until it red. No one who is principal or turc or sale of laould be ad- o offi.c either the manufa ng liquors 'to membership." fcourse we may exRlect, in the se of Columbus, the kf eet will he withdrawal of Roma l Catho- generally from all coitRection th the liquor traffic. And, the me result is foreshadowed in'' tin- iesota. Archbishop Ireland a pronounced temperance man ; a he gave very direct testimony as t"(i C his views in an address delivered - before the Roman Catllelic Total Ab- stinence Union of America, at St. Paul. After stating that upon his visit to the Pope two years ago, time Pope had praised the work of the Total Abstinence Union, Archbishop Ireland used these emphatic words: "America," said tho archbishop) "has set her face against the saloon, the , den of corrupt polities, and any church which will not come out for temperance is. an °prions excrescence of the soil. The American saloon is the vile Glen of intemperance. It is laden with blasphemy- and sensuality. I make no reference to the personal Characters of saloon keeper4 but the .business is bad. It is the enemy of goo:l and the country. Let the day soon come when we shall not see'tho nanmo of a Catholic Above the portals, of a saloon." 1 cl - Gentlemen, –I have used yonr Yel• low Oil and have found it unequalled Cor burns, sprains, scalds, rheumatism, croup and colds. Ail who use it recom- mend it. Mrs. Bight, Montreal, Que. . Mistress (to maid) : Diel any one THE IN (3111,1s.M TIMES, SEPTEMBER J BE Rr 14, 1894. 3 What is .:11.11J,11 .alll.'illIlfL ,Iola Castoria is Dr. Salinuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, hlorpliino nor other :narcotic substance. It is L lrarruless substitute Farr Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor CAI, It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions 'of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea, and Wind Colic. Castoria relieved teething troubles, Cures constipation and flatulency, Castoria, nesinlilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Case toria i.3 the Children's Panacea—the IIoth©r's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria b an excellent medicine for chil- dren. Mothers baro repeatedly told mo of its good facet upon their children," D. O. C. 0:•noon, I.oty^.il, Ma.e. "Castoria Ls the best remedy for children of wl+ic:t I Fri acquainted. I hope taro day fa not for (Natant when mothers w illconst or the real interest of tapir children, And use Castoria in- stead of the various quack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, byforcingopior t, morphfao, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending Chem to prematuro graves." Dn. J. P. A1:7cnEt.otr, Conway, ,Ar' Castoria. "Castoria Is Bewail adapted to children that I recommend it as superior teeny proscription known to Ino." II. A. Amnon, M. D., 111 Co. Oxford Ct., Brooklyn, N. T. "Our physicians in the chihlroa's depart- nnent have spoken highly of their ozperi• once In their outside practice with Cr.:,toris, and although Io only have among nttr medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we aro free to confess that t1'a merits of Castoria has WOa 115 t0 look with favor upon it." • UNITED I105PiTAL AND DISPENSARY, Boston, Mass. ALL1it C. SMITH, .Pro., Tho Cowin -or Cottspaay,'1', . 1 M t./4,' •) �i,•*�':,rJ.•i17. 111. a,-,tr .. NTFt 't ur ii,.�{;.. Min. Street, Now YorIl City. In an .4 Does Horse Raising Pay i' Tho prices of horses are very low at the present time, yet when we consider the price of other farm pro- ducts, horses are corparatively pro- fitable. In fact good horses find a market at fair prices. It is Only the common horse '- 'se that]sac•. ht on g c market. Good horses are finding an outlet to foreign countries and to en- courage the exportation, the farniers should strive to breed up to the high- er standards of merits. The largo cities also want the best and the de- mand is on the increase as prices recede. 'Phe care of horses has much' to do with their development of the best class avhich is most easy to find a market. Feeding for muscular development and vigor rather than for fat. is essential. A writer of experience says about horses : Don't bo afraid to buy a horse because he is thin. In other words look out when buying it fat one. Flesh hides blemishes. Better muzzle the horses that hinder the free use of their necks by checking while at work. Checked horses sweat more and grow thin faster than free ones. A team that is yell- ed at and jerked will bneome so nervous that they do not know what they aro about, they grow thin with half the work of ono that is used kindly and steadily. The manners of the team show the temper of the driver. . If for any reason the horses have not shed their coats or are thrifty, give them a little oil meal in their feed daily. Begin with a table- spoon and gradually*- increase until feeding a pint twice per clay. Few feeds will give so much strength and n'iale hila look so well. Water is good for horses feet, If they get hard soak • them in warm water. Never oil or varnish any part of the horse's foot. Keep a foot hook handy and clean out the feet every day. It; will prevent thrush and other dis- eases of the foot. Have the collars. made tliin at the top and full where the draft conies. A Good Appetite Always uccompnniesgood heitlth, and an absence of appetite is an indlcat-on of something wrong. Theiunileral testi-' na:,ny given by those who have nsod Hood's Sarsaparilla, Ls to its merits in restoring the appetite, and as a purities' of the blood, constitutes the strongest l000t11111endation that can bo urged for any medicine. noon's Pints nee " purely vegetable, I carefully prepared trona the Bost ingredi- ents. call while I was out, Mary? Mary A strong-minded woman was hearer Yis, muln, a young man called to see to remark the other day that she Bridget, the cook, an' she sint wurred would marry a 11111,11 who had plenty up that she wasn't at glome till of money, though he was so ugly avenTil'e she had to scream! every time she sour latomlaoh. Molted! at 111111. Take K. D. O. for heartburn and,' Care of Horses Shoulders. Although horses' shoulders are toughened and tanned at this season of the year, there is great danger of collar galls. A collar that will an- swer very well in cool weathor,whcn there are no flies, will often cause trouble in the fall ploughing season, when the ground is hard, weather hot, and flies troublesome. It goes .without saying that a collar should fit a horse well at any season, but if careful scrutiny of collars and sweat - pads is more necessary at one time than another, it is now. A collar should fit so that there is no room for moving from side to side on the neck, neither should it be full at the portions resting on the points of the shoulders. The linings 14110111(1 always present a smooth, soft, but first surface. Brushing, drying and beating into shape with a smooth, fiat piece of wood should be carefully attended to. It is no uncommon thing for horses that have been used on the binder to commence plough- ing having a 80111 neck, which, if I present, or a tender spot on the shoulder, care should be given to relieve the affected part of further abrasion. There is no par" of a horse, when at all sore, from which he will shrink more readily from pre»tu'o than the top of the neck. Fidgety horses sometimes become even dangerous to treat when the trouble is long continued. SVith an 1111111181 so disposed, a twitch should be used from the first evidence of resentment, 'which will attract his attention from the bottle, which ho would otherwise soon become so n111011 to dislike. A Axle pad is soime- times all that 1S necessary to effect a cure, as it is healing in nature and at the saute time smooth and cooling. A good ointment for skin wounds is composed. of 011c3 ounce of sugar of lead, or zinc sulphate, to eight ounces of lard. This is e specially useful in cool weather, when there is n0 danger of further chapping by the wind,and also when there is no dust likely to get into the: wound to cause grinding by the movement of the harness. l'or use 111 11'x1711 weather there is nothing better than "white lotion" : sugar of lead, one ounce ; sulphate of zinc, six drachms ; soft water, one pint; apply to sore shoulders and neck with n sponge every few flours. Its action is to reprove inflammation and dry the wound. If found to be too drying, apply a little carbolized or zinc oilltlf etit.--••-le'a1']nefs' Ad- vocate, d-vocate, ( SPEND NOU14 QiITI[NG• ON Glia: dilti:.1': LANES. Vida picturesque Mackinac Island, It willcost you about $12.50 front De- troit u from Toledo; 318 front Cleveland, for lac round trip, including mos anal berth=s. Avoid tltoheat and dust by travel- ing as the D. & C. floating paluees. 'l'llc attrssritious of at trip to the : iadtititle rl'gi!,1) are esnsurpassed, The island itself 1s a grand romantic spot, its ,climate most in- vigorating. Two new steel p'1::.e;t rt r steamers have jitst been built i%.t• upper lake route, costing alt:'1,CCn ,.,,: They aro equipped with over; contrcniencc, annunciator, b•':y . r• . , ,.t, etc.,Illuminated throughout by (1-:- . i and aro guaranteou to bo the gr,ItaleJt. largest and safest sternum on fry:tlt blit: r These steamers favorably compare the great ocean liners in construction to ,l :Speed, Four trips per week betwc,•:i Toledo, Detroit, Alpcna,a uIac'.:ivac, Ignscc, Petoskey, Chicago, "Soo," 'All: - vette vette and Duluth. Daily between O'er: - land and Detroit. Daily between•:.' - land and Put -in -Bay. The cabins, parlolA and staterooms of these steamers are do signed for the complete entertainment of humanity under home conditions; the pal. :dial equipment, the luxury of the ap pointments, makes traveling on these steamers thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illustrated descriptive pamphlet. Address! A. A. SCIIANTZ, Gl, P, & T, A., D. w C. Detroit, Mich. DEMI DOLL C 9 OSHAWA. An Institution where none but board- ers aro admitted; has been running about 18 years. Employs a very Efficient Staff of Ten Teachers, A Blessing to. very iousebold, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OTMENT These retnedies have stood the tort of fifty yerars i'Xiwtlettre, and urn prnn^.nneed the L,st A) «I). Ines for Family use. Tarifa the blood, correct all disorders nl the 4.11,l1lt, r.T"3143011, GIUNLY r Meal sable In 'di complaints incidental to fel:t lesof ell 4114, s.T :•1 1 • Is the nnlrroiaddn rnnetlt• for hell ego, sows, Mears, and old 41nunW. 1','111'•lJrve.m.1.4. crit$ TI{W)4T8, 0011815, r4;LUY, 0017, lif'1:1.'2,I 17.'Is,%I, ti1.Al/ULAit (4111 1.1!.l,a, A'.1' itPl UlaillAKl:y IT ilaa.i:O 11141141.. Alurtafnetilred nary at 7K, New (1.o8 i1. Laie ..:::, t.;:<;,.( ,. «., and sold by all Medieiuu Vendors throughout the world. 1:;_.•"Z'nrsilasers should look toile Label on the Boxes and I'otd. If the address is not 5:3) Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Severe Pain in Shoulder 2 Years Cured by The D.&L.141enthol Plaster. My wife was afflicted for two years with a severe pain under the left shoulder and through to Ulf heart ; after using many remedies without relief, she tried n • r D. & L," Menthol Plater, It did ;tetrads. and owing to this cure hundreds of these plasters have been sold by me here, giving equal satisfaction. j. B. SUTHERLAND Druggist, River John, N.S. Sold Everywhere, 25C.each. � r' .AL.c ;g. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE SOLO, HATS, embracing a full course yearly,includ- in; all the English branches, Sciences, French and German, Classics, Music Drawing, Crayon Portrait, Oil Painting, Ornamental branches, with Vocal and .I Elocution, to classics, at remarkably low rates. Dr. Low's Worm Syrut, cures and removes worms of all kinds in children or adulis. Price 23c. Sold. by all dealers. It is 1t111e11 easier to love some peo- ple than it is to agree with them For nervous headache use X. b. C. This institution draws students from Toronto. .Montreal, Ottawa and the towns and cities from Canada, as well as from New 1York, Chicago and other cities from the United States. For particulars ad9ress, oIISS D. A. HURD, Secretary, Oshawa 'CHEAP Huta Our Clubbing Hates. The T,Uvs and Toronto 'data . weekly 8 1 .') TheTtttks and Tato o,"t lingo:e, weelely 1 71 Tho TIMES and l.,naloa Ad%ertiser, weekly1 75 The Tamps and ',mitten 'P.m P, ens, weekly1 75 Tho 'Innis and vnntroni llornid, weekly 1.50 Tho Tta,rasand Nlnotreel N'JWens, weekly. 1 00 The Times and 1'otnnta, Daily World 3 50 ThoTotes and Montreal Family Herald and Star weekly, nod p,wnlinat 1 75 The TIMES and The Ladles' Journal, monthly, Toronto 1 25 The Tuts+tool Cosmopolitan Alogl',ne,monthly, Now York... 2 25 , The TI�)Ee and The Live Stock Journal and Household (lompenie,, monthly...... . 1 75 Tho TIMES and Farmers' Aarocate, bt.wtolay 1 00 Tho Toms and the Cultivator' mrd Country Gentlemen, wenklt .. ... ... 75 Reduced rafts with n11 other papers not mentioned in the above iist, Aaaress TIMES OFFICE. Wingham, Ont. iVRB$2(ZR'S INT.RNA1 IONA_l, Entire&Y Nero. DiClAONARX 7. Abre.st,lthe ,es. Grand Educator. >� t SIF,I Theslecessorofthe d "Unabridged." w Ten years were et spent revising, len editors employed, .v I and. over ti300,000 :hvu1:'Nai„-f:"�,r`�A'1Mi;i iJ. i dNpSi Sa t7(afMps1seAtYa .ea:* expxYdaCYd. 1,y should. own at( .yb Ci N Dictionary. Ir. tea- 0. Srtelaall tmestinus 0 • concerning the hi3- .r tory, sl,ciliug, pro- • his- ' nunoiatloal rand eo- Mr,man 111eatr111g of words. q A. library in Itself. It also gives r the facts often wanted concerning eminent a persons, ancient and Inodern; noted !lett- t tions persons and places; the countries, it cities, towns, and natural features of the globe; translation of foreign quotations, words, phrases, and proverbs; etc., oto., etc. This Work is Invaluable in the household,' and to the teacher, scholar, pro- fessional man, and self -educator. Tho Globo, Toronto, says: This neif dlotlonary is the best book of Its kind In the Engiish l nggnage. For every fully. tite members of which rays mastered the art of t eud- 1145,!te parchaso will prove a profitable investment. no T'irues, Iraminon, says: It may well be prononneed the best working die - Homey and the cheapest book in the world, and should he in every school and Welly In Canada. S'avoyourIlooksellerahowit to you. tt: C.1lfertiaw c o. I'Jdtishers tprtpferd,Joss,, U.S.A. 11ryyR9fancinrea0oent• editions. .ihtn nl oMpeeI uc pages, illustrations, etc. ws INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Plso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Rest, iOisle.p to 1T1e. and (Meanest, +,:All trr.1vi `,r X1it 1 sold by druggist* or seat by Mull, Ma 11. T. I•t.Yenio. Wfti'ref, l+i. -----(LJ CAPS, COLLARS, Cheap � cy n for ��- 13 �� �-F- Cheap KASH, Sw... , F _ p,. t •" it jIgnil .w: ll f,lllL1 Li Uta 7TH� �A � 1f�I_-.- �� � n �� ��� � N CANADIAN CHOLERA. �� YOU �- _ IARRtdfEA arae BOWEL COMPLAINTS —ITS EFFECT 1S MAGICAL. all4:".„ ;n _•- L('ii t+ i 1 .N &e. Make a better filling fr Corsets than any other known material. "Featherbone" C1"-ssts are tough- er and r:lore cl u tic than any O:h :r ma ka, as they are ei:iil'?;ly filled with quills (Fe,^,thee:::ne). To heh?. at ail tie; iii Dry r;e:is Stores. VTTTrTTTTTTPTTTTTt TT/TTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTT E- OXFORD AVO°ID... ACES] .. FOR ALL SIZES OF BUILDINGS .. Capacity from 10,000 to 80,00 Cubic Feel —411 WOOD FURNACE HEAVY GRATE, especially adapted for wood burning Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box Dome and Radiator, which heat gnicker and aro more durable RADIATOR of Modern Construc- tion and Great Heating Power LARGE ASH PIT "CYCLONE STEEL RADIATOR" OXFORD W0013 FURNACE �,1~ull Guaranteed Cap�acit Sendfor.•. y Y • CATALOGUE and TESTIMONIAL BOOK. ....Manufactured by.... EThe GURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd., TORONTO. llllllu�l�llld�lllllllld�l�l��lll��l 1111���$ COAL Large Combustion Chamber., Long Fire Travel,enoirolingradiator Large Heating Surface Large Feel Doer Sectional Fire Pot DEEP gASH PITing Grate FURNACE -•� i 041t'It COWAN, 1 CLk:ntc JTu 1)!v. Coeur, Co. lIcroa, AUOTIONEE11, ISSUED, 01 IIAltltLLGE LICENSES 1 eoatrnaslnnit r. li. C. t1., Err. W 1x11 0)111, Us't. • .. a,..;.a euaviA z Ri+ ..5,,,. FRar rxco*-ztvilte - E. CORNYN UND RTAKE ONT. .