HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-09-07, Page 7Potatoes fora Week. ,I q On Sunday have them mashed— not pounded into a sodden mass, but whished into a ereaimy substance. To attain. this they should bo peeled, steamed, broken with a potato whip, moistened with milk and butter, seasoned. with salt and pepper, beaten into a batter until they are very light, On Monday bake thein in their skins. They should bo washed clean, baked in a good oven and served at once. For Tuesday they may be peeled and baked with a roast. When. the meat is within half an hour or so of being ready lay them in the gravy Under it anti bake until they are covered with a crisp, brown skin. On Wednesday serve them in Ken- tucky style. These are sliced thin els for frying, soaked in cold water for half an hour, put in a pudding dish with salt, pepper and milk and bake for half an hour. On Thursday serve thele fried whole. Peel And boil them. Roll. in beaten egg, then in cracker crumbs and fry in butter. On. Friday have potatoes a la Par- isienne. Wash and rub them with a coarse cloth until they are skinned, drop into boiling water and boil un- til done. Have ready in -a saucepan. some hot cream and butter, a little green parsley, pepper and salt Pour the water off the boiled potatoes, cov- er with this and let it stand. On Saturday boil the potatoes with their shins on and serve with butter.—Philadelphia Times. A Good Appetite Always accompanies good health, and an absence of appetite is an indication of eonxiething wrong. The universal testi- Inony given by those who have used Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to its merits in restoring the appetite, and as a purifier of the blood, constitutes the strongest recommendation that can be urged for any medicine. • Hoon's Pmts cure all liver il!s,biIious- nese, jaundice, indigestion, sick head- ache. 25o. Gems of Thought. Think all you can of the good qualities of others ; forget and keep silent concerning their bad qualities. .We gain as much in avoiding the failings of others as we do in imitat- ing that in which they excel. Order is the sanity of the hind, the health. of the body, the peace of the city, the security of the state. To be free -minded and cheerfully disposed at hours of meat, sleep -and exercise is one of the best precepts of long lasting. If wrinkles must be written upon our -brows, let then not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old. Habits are soon assumed ; but when we strive To strip them off, 'tis being flayed alive 1 • No true man can live a half life when he has genuinely learned that it is only a half life TIle other half, the higher half, must haunt flim. Kindness draws out the better part of everynature---disarming resistance, dissipating angry passions, and melt- ing the hardest heart. Write your name in kindness, love and mercy on the hearts of thousands you come in contact year by year, and you will never be forgotten. The tendency to persevere, to persist in spite of hindrances, dis- couragements and impossibilities --it is this that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the .weak. How majestic grows futurity as we approach it, how far off seems the earth as we are about to leave it ! Its troubles, its perplexities, its pains, appear but as cloud -shadows ofa day; ' they are lost in the contemplation of the infinity beyond. Sirs, --\1'y baby was very bad with summer complaint, and I thought he would die. until 1 tried Dr. T'owlsr s Extract of Wild Strawberry, With the . first dose I noticed a change for the better, and now he IS cured, and fat and healthy, Mrs, A. Normandin, London, • Ont. W1h 61-IANI TIMES, S, S PTEMj3T 17',1894 MORE OR LESS FUNNY.1 AFTER 20 LONG YEARS. e doctor, lvl►o was becoming gents warm in A FEW STORIES WITH A HUMOROUS. the region of the collar. t, FEELINGS QF MEN RELEASED FROM 1 would if I were you. remarked the TURN IN THEM, passenger, still mildly, smiling pleasalttly, i.QNCa IMPRISONMENT. Then the conductor hustled arou,id and A xteasauretl Larson--lyo Longer Rod the finally foetal it brother conductor wile lues ailverettilise New to Them—Gathered Plow - going up the road away, whole he {educed Timed clergyman retie Mile the Safi-- 1 to give up his seat to the mildly firm pas- ere Tike Children—Wonder #:xpressed ut ors Sworn --10411w Oat a Kansas talo— 1 seltzer.' the Sight of Caws and Poultry --One of '":hem's a seat for you; now give ma The of a itailroad Passenger, that ticket," said the conductor in a fereoi. the eters a Csnadlsa.• dllDkson Peters leuued back initilnnir, ons tone. ( ,.. ___those geese or ditelce?" Get'tainl3, here itis.' says Harper'it Weekly, and slowly y blew a And the mild but ficin passenger handed 'that was a questiolt )asked by a thuul 40 cloud of smoke toward tile ceiling. Jolles, ears old n I.Iatrsinl;, ]ion., lost Senility. he said, "I want to ask your opinion in re- out a peas good to Ghiauga, yy'• .,_..�,.,_ .ta Arden. iter tuner, anter uu v lard to the probability of esstun which ! it w' �' 1 W' Wimter 11 t w.•, t\et thetwo ale.• �' u e most fatuous H )litl { ht( p Geed i n t' •111 ) fat tt ll, for Small J,b J it (1 woe told Inc the other day."( It the 1Ca► sun Ienitrntiary. Ti,eaa ter "Well, Jackson?"" was the guarded reply Lvt•ry safe mannee:N: T has nteteltee] to herr iiheltated , u Semens, after au W41'- 0 the cautions Jones. his force expert looksinitit , whose ditties ceration extending over twenty years, "It struck me, continued Peters, that consist in opening safe's true l have :totem At 5 o'clock on Sunday morales; Warden a mean Who had told Its Teensy--titut is to out of order, Many of the su etdr•uts to ('hese unlocked tile cells. Ile took Win - say, a man who lies told as uInell of what 6004 (weal' from the arose eareleethess of uvr seal 1Ic:Nntt to the prison barber steep, I may call awe-iueptring truth as yon have their u\vuets and nt times the honest siLfe, and lifter they were shaved gave them two ought to be a goocl judge of the probability . Goverment suits, which did not at tet all, of a, shires It Was a cyulutu'�story wicioh 1 1\'ineder, who wut]tecl iu file prison shoe was going to ask you about. a erin•kers enjoy a genet la',;;h :,t th•' expense shop, had brougllt two pairs of pateltt- Mest cycluue stories are palpable lice, of n ere%) of li snit ntit••e'.•s or the proprio- leather shoes. '1'lu' men out these on. Jackson." for of some important est .h i'•,nlent, \ut With the lliiehh--jnpnliued aid stylishly "No, doubt. The point is tide: He long since n 1 true inettufscturer tele- pointed fout•gear ,old the ridiculously - Bald he heed seen straws driven through graphe•l to It1.'w York satiuutaker, request- L'I)enp end twwice':Ira clothes, they, in nom - inch boards by the force of the wind." foe tn,.t a 14131 he seat at 01100 to nkN 1)11(08 uunv With ekSo•nator 0. U. Bentley of this ...it never happened, Jaekeen, That is a of bnKtneus• a :own about fifty utiles from eit-v, stepped outside the great stone walls. atok lie told of every c}olune bolt blows. the cite, Lepel reeehing his destination For twenty years they had seen neither Your friend imposed upon pen yontlh, my the expert, ween his kit of tools, repaired 'tree, shrub, bird, flower, grass nor domes - boy. He would never have slated to tell 1 to the eetabl.st uieut, and was iufurmecl tics animal. Two ofWarden Chase's daugh- suoh a manifest and self.heralded lie to 1 that the vault, an old•fashioned affair tors met thein just outside the door and Robinson or Smith. I must admit, ( which locked with a key and which cot- presented them with two beautiful flowers. though, that the force of the wind in a tanned tiro safe and books of the concern, Severna trustees approached them, beam - genuine cyclone is considerable. When I : could not be opened. The man examined ing, and presented them with bouquets as lived in Kansas in the '70-1 1 had a gaan-' the look and then the key, opened Isis kit, they went down the plan. tity of poultry, but it was blowu away in ' took out ,t hit of wire and began to dig a Tears were its both Men's eyes. the first cyolono of the season except mass of dirt, dust and lint out of the key, "Seel" cried Winner, the most demon - a black Spanish rooster. He clung to a ; Then he inserted it iu the lock, while the strative of the two. "There is a town. grass root with his bill, and allowed his , proprietor with a sickly smile looked on, There was nit town here when I went in," tail to crack and whip it the wind like a 1 "What's your charger asked the mann- emtrht. He trade cite the faoturen; 9 (;'Chat is Lansing," Said 311•. Bentley. yncsht P gale, "Let's notro there," said Winner, "I though most of Itis feathers were blown " "Fifty dollars," replied the expert. I want to go over to those woods.." off. Subsequently I found some of them Does anyone know ydon tire in town?"a MeNutt ):greed, and they went over to a imbedded over btu an inch in ley grind- "No.", thicket by the roadside. The two carne stone." "Well, then, here's Sl#0," remarked the across it cow. "Yes," returned Peters, "I presume my mannfacturet•. "I'll g+.ve you $10 extra if "Is that a cow?" tltid Winner, heaitaat- friend was trying to impose en my adoles• : you'll take the first trap back to New York canoe." j without telling anyone he price I've paid "I think so, Jackson. I had considerable to have a elan dig dii out of a key for experience with cyelones that mintier in me." a Kansas, Bet I learned to handle myself so that I did not mind theist much, 1 soots ' Clear case of •ontelnpt, saw the fallacy of depending 08 eyeiow> ; The dispenser of t e finest brands of stellate and that curt of thing, Tito tondo- western jnsliee sat on tt soap box, says the mental difficulty of all each things is that Detroit Free Press, wi'li a law book spread you try to hold youreelf finely in nue place. 1 before him ca an utee tded whisky barrel. It is as if a ship in a gale shunhl tie up to a I "Who arrested this small?" lie asked as post (supposing edam:eau posts for the the prisoner stood up before hitt. time being), instead of driving before the "We aid," resuondel half a dozen cid- tempest, The first Dyclone that summer, eons standing around. of course, I went down cellar, like other . "What's the charge' folks, My horse was soon blown away. "Huss stealin'." j The next thing I knew the cellar went, too, "Kin you prove itlf Tolling over and over like a silk hat. I "You botcher life we kin; we ketohea was soon spilled out. With infinite labor I him in the act." crawled back iu the teeth of the wind, in- The judge looked ugly. teuding to take refuge in the hole the col 'Will yon swear to it?" he asked, lar came out of. To uiy consternation, 1 "Course we will; didn't we jist tell you found that lead blown elvay, also. I then we ketched Ilius at it?" followed the example of the rooster, clung "All right, gents," said the judge bland - to a root, sed allowed my legs to flutter ' ly, es he htfd his nun across the law stook, and snap in the gale like a weather signal "I'll titre each an' every one of you $10 and flag." i costs ter contempt of ccart in fetchiu' him here, and dismiss the 011.48 agin the prison- Iteatssnred by unit Language. eh: Yon onghter strung him up when you A good story is told by the illustrated ketched 'him." London News of a timid clergyman just [ arrived from a trip abroad. Coating home • FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH. on the Berlin, of the Arnt•rica)t Line, the weather was ,alarmingly tempestuous, The The Interesting Story of a Follower of In the evening they went to a park and Wind blew a hurricane, the vessel naturally Don Carlos. saw an ice toboggan slide in action. Neith- rolled and the parson took fright. He left Aman who \vas famous i:) the politics ser had read about this in the papers, and his stateroom and staggered along to the p both were greatly excited over it. They office of John Km -mingle the purser, who enc! iutrigne of iyeaterth Europe many also insisted on stopping and examining is a bit of a wag, and .ill: years ago died,. poor. friendless and almost t„ every high httildiug. "I'ni sure, 11r. Par.;er•, you'll pardon me, unnoticed, in -1'+rein two weeks nl;u. lie "In these 20 year's, said McNutt, reflect. but I feel so dreadfully agitated. Kindly was Gen. Ju,ut loss Sempe, the adjutant lively, "the world has moved along a cells inform lee, are we in any positive clan- and chief executive of the Spanish pre- tory." ger?"• reader, Don Carlos. iMoNutt'a ease is' the sodden \Viuner'a Kavanagh replied: 'Come with moa Senlpe was n rich ]awyer when he inet gp to the fore -t Don Carlos in Pau. He beo,une interested, folks are wealthy, touring the most wealthy moment and he led the wayin I'atsees City, and, lits want at once to castle. ''Now," continued he, ",.end your then bypeotizeci by the `cause of the pre - their palatial home. wl)etre bmwasreceived ear down there and tell me what you reader, As he set in the hotel one after- .with open arms,3Ic�Tlitt has no one to hear?" I moon at a wedding breakfast a messenger whom to o. His old mother still lives in brought a dispatch to him. He read it, b o lucky, The sailors were re swearing in their happy- \\walked ant, put cu his ]rat, raid for five Nova Seutia mad is very poor. His wife is fl \s3'• mauled to another Mall` and. lives some- arer "How shocking! What hingungeI" some- years %V88 11 e even thwas Ero,tlis heDou where in Missouri. Witmer was 19 where groaned the parson, trembling from head , I he went to the penitentiary and McNutt to foot. Carlos, who, ns soon as Sempe reached 20 yenrs of age.. McNutt has secured a "Now do you for a moment think that • hien, handed him a thousand :,000 -trona job of decorating in Leavenworth and will those sailors would go on in that tsrofalle I notes, easing;Deposit this money in the bank. It is open a shop there. fashion if there was real danger?" asked Winner will go back to the penitentiary I to be used in beginning the war, Then , the consoling Kavahne. h' Iconic buck to err and we will cross the as general mansger of the Burr Company's "`Tree, true," replied the pat+nu! aolne- ; ,, shoe bnsiuess there, that conlpatly having what calmed by the lisa$1,nuislbonier, ,,the '•Ute , the convict contract of the Lansieg prison. Semite obeyed. He disguised Don may sometimes pluck the sweet flower of1 The young ulen bec,ut to serve t heir seu- Carlus. awl tried to get hint into Sp+sin un- t ,N wyso offlProvidence m the vile carscindeeda of l]»scrute I observed, but they both were detained by McNuttis nce on wife sne eared a 1874, divvorce nd0 ra few able," and bank he crawled to his room,in Spanish soldiers. lee commander of the years later married again. She is now in a degree reassured. soldiers did not recognize Don Carlos, but Clay County, Mo., and has a family of was convinced that he was an int - Two hours later the storm had increased Growing children. in violence, the wind raged and howled Portantant prisoner. Sempe put oil Don Nothing was donefor five years in behalf Carlos dfsgtthae during the night and more wildly, and huge waves broke over of the young men. Then efforts for Ia and seemed to submerge the groat ship, let escaped. he► a diens ce outside know one his mvpv.1 ee a pardon were made. Ex-Setuttor Bendy The ptrsou \va ingly. "Don't go o . Let me look at at." And the circled ar rind the melted, much as a matt examines lion at Laruntn's. 'hien he npproaclfed her timorously. and Iaid his hand on r back. "'l'his," he said "is the only c w I have seen in twenty years." A little later tit ;net a flock of geese. "Look, said Win; er, again. "Tell me, 1 really do not ka w, are those geese or ducks?" fl He was told!' they were geese and he tried to pet then♦. "Winner "said McNutt, a moment latera "what is that. sent? Do yon smell it?" : "Yes. It mut come from those flows ' ere." Both men descended upon an elderberry bush and stripped it of its blossoms. They were like. two children. They picked every flower they saw and carried it with them. "See here," said Winner, "stere is aped old milkweed. How green and beautiful it is." And Ito pinched it and added it to his armful of varidtated vegetation. When they reaped Kriss,t.•s City they both began to pineetthings that they had read abort in the uyi vipapers. McNutt could ue•t distinguish between a cable ear Hud an electric car. He insisted on trying both, r nr 1 1pettily' mid it all got it u1t,u his g Y head. which wer trhlch. more scared titan before, and was seen abouts, an they, supposing a the `silently, nervously fumbling his way along more important of the prisoners beet got away, gave chase, leaving Don Carlos in i the wet deck to the forecastle. tel was Semite clothes to wander off at his leisure. 1 deadly pale and trembled with excitement. Setupe wits enngllt, but Don Carlos reached H listened. The sailors were &tootle • a not of his nonan again, d ti that h finally secured their release, :loth were good prisoners, neither luavittg teeeivod a demerit mark in the 20 years.---Widiia Eagle. He The official crop estimates for 1894 - as compared with 1899 are given by Iluropean papers. The figures for the countries outside of Europe are :. India, 0,813,000 tons of wheat, against 7,749,000 last year; United States, 890,000,000 bushels of wheat, against 882,000,000 last year; 28,- 000,000 bushels of rye, against 24,- 000,000 last year; 1,500,000,000 bushels of torn, )against 1,809,000,000 last year; t;; multi. 53,000,000 bushels of 'Wheat, • elg.1:,1+t 50,000,000 last year. b rraltuo ill shfety. Semi"' wets abased and Fathom of Gro't•Ilea. and a tremendous oath amid the din The father of Samuel I (•pyo wits a tailor. reached his ear. half starved itt captivity. but he bore Itis The father et James dill was a coobler. '31'tan k heaven," murmured lie; "they sufferings 1e they he\ithout a enterecl the Carl murmur l st war with -out era still at` it; they still blaspheme. There eln••h hope of anyttit et. save warello his is no clanger yet; elle Lord be praised!"faitlllniness to lo„ Ir. 11 1, the pretender. , insisted OnIlls ltlghts. He left Spann 3.t 1.0• ;•los.' of the war A west -boned train had just pulled out without at i..•ii,y " hie former fortune. , of the Union station at Albany, soya the HO eot:14 not i•1 dee- hl\\', in his native Express, and the ouudnetor was harvesting land and In 1'ari•, t, ere WAS net professicnal tickets. .11.11 the seats were taken and sett- ewa7 "1) 11 to 1.1)11. I1,' and tris wife. lived et•al passengers were obliged to stand up, it) two 1'n"ltla with . tar the 111uney which Among the latter was a dilldent•10o1.ing, he ettr"r•11 las 41 colt} est to : upport them. mild-mannered man, who, much to the Eventtutlty he get a el• rkship iti a bank condnctor'ssurprise, refused to give up a with 11 14.110'S ul r.o,r) at Year. ticket. .ls clerk he worR,•el necunhpiuiuingly, "When I get a seat you get a tieket," he witllont ,•pp,'all to 1 ut' powerful persons rettiarke& mildly, but firmly; "yon etre who were otce itis friends, tear in and probably aware that tide eurnputee tv,lwot collect tat'e9 ft'oln perisel'gets whom it does 110E pruvitle with seams." "()h, eons now, that don't got I wont your ticket, see? Thus spoke the voodoo. The father of \erne truer 31 d a_' Liborer. Oliver Cromwell's father was a brewer.Epiotetus was the sob of a day In urea•. Socrates was the eon of a dee; o buten. Giotto. the artist, eves a ltensaltt's NUI:, 'Pains, the tenor, was a dentist's sun, The father of Pius V. was a shepherd. Schein :nes father was a bookselien The father of Cowley was a grocer. Charles Lamb was a servant's sou. lluzurt's father was a bookbinder, Militia WAS the son of a copyist. Pope's father Warta nterchnrht, 1seatader's fresher wits ,t carter. Lucite) was a sunlptor'e sun, year out, nptll tris WHOdied. .Aft -r her lent 11,c (town tend lefts. death 118 mid. all ,ttepinintanee that he had The English Iunge I;o le it ((81'1085 and • w ,e11 r'n.,ugh of Iiitf.."d hadn0 heart for wonderful thin; A Spanish girl in a.very more of :r. Ile diene meek rttetullly to This ecru)11118- i„elled a „des etdinner lit ') , q 10,', D deeuli• enc 1i r.J loi'f the usher Ili •ht, 9' tor, in a tone that indicated that be be- 111 tis 1.1)188 after his death the olllclals "With"Withdear oom:•,"natal llereletp• Bevel he would intimidate the mild -matt- found 'silly 40 .cents in lunacy, a package Bron, pleasantly,. "w Hn1 ttil•>tWI11.l>' tetete leered math.• of letters from Don Carlos, a manuscript . lug gown," + . , e' "No some no ticket;�� laconically observe o. tnemelits rf the eeriest war, afew' lied a '•,t,,! =.0 yuta num; sot said thother ea the latter. p:eces'st old, pilin furniture. On the first (iuubtf 11,7. ';6Y''rs, perhaps It wren,)•* he if "We'll see about that," growled the con- ,, page of the memoir' WPM the words: 11 had tit„,” • . "ratthhnl nide death," ---:new York Stip. 511» eu•11rly ttheant to tuty that the gown i thin 1 te, 1111• and w.nNirr• tl why t•vere. Ludy 1•IeaC• rl nt•ta; a" ,1,,,,• ,ae•it',gthile:.. r' I L ' . jrf "1L•' STS A B CURS 5 '— -' tic 0 L. sv R A :(171:31"41;57R8 ACI ccit 'M+ iLfRAB 1 1' la 0F "A purrs Canadian ;Padilla Utel Wars TIMI l'AI3LE. Trellis attire and licltart Is follows r.( Vire saht)vEssi toe,. e. o+ ,..For Titivate P°q.......,.0:aba.m loin,. . re . rn.......... For Tee.seatrr °ir, p` nti(1 1,. m 10:48 .r 27 i1.+N 5GTS 3 . 35 'A ` GrI f .,4E IMITATIONS 'i 1 PO ID•EY♦S Cure S)Cff HE.4D.4Cs9;E and Neuralgia in 2O iwlNures, SLO 'side, Dizri- ness, Biliousness, fain in the Side, Constipation Torpid Liver. Bad Breath. To stay cured and ' regulate the bowels, VF -RT NICE TO TAKE. PRICE 26 CENTS Ar DRUG STORES. SPOTS AND BLEMISHES, CAUSED BY BAD BLOOD, CURED BY LORENZO Y17LI&TON. ( IS' Ei DEAR Slits,—I am thee-idal to D.B.B. because I am to -day strong and well through its wonderful blood cleansing powers. I was troubled with scrofulous spots and blemishes all over my body and was advised to try Burdock Blood Bitters. I took ono bottle, with great benefit, and can positively say that before I had taken half of the second bottle I was PE FE_. ;.T Ly CURED. I am so pleased to be strong and healthy again. Y g by the use of B.B.B. and I can strongly recommend it to every- body, LORENZO PELISTON, Sydney 3tiues, C.B. Oyu ,eat. h Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, ;'Sleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases Positively Cured by Itictiowlilotilogireatmeotitioggrilliiliscovoril - —TIME TAE4E.----•-- ANN)ra .t'1• ,r)10)1AA b1tAl•,1 wisanAal itde a at, Palmerston, Coudph,Tan ate, ,1u',fl: 58,1* 11:2+) .,.. ., " 11-30 ,t t{::•ft A. In. inked fir l'nluier.tnlt 11 7:31 t. ra luau a u,. " u4aultnr lii;trardiue li:Iaam •'::17 l'. tu, ter I(lnardlue •t trip, in 11617 " '• l0 07p, 1n II 1St ,1 11„ Landon, Mater. kc., ;1.25 " Sealy. u,. .. JGE3 PRINTING, J':01.t'inee1 Reeks, i'ampn1'ts, rosters, 1311 11 Heads, ('Lrctrints, &e., ire., uccuted in the beet sts'e of the art, at tendetato prices, sad en sbart se tee. Applt 1,r settees It Fle.lol'7•, 'Mrs tniice, Whlgbant. BAIIK frirlit LION WINGHAM. , Capital, „I,?u0,GU0, Rest, c,4 650,000, a( 1'rceidcnt—doze; *rl•Am vice'F'retltlult—A. U. 1UsasY. ninzarOIt h -JOHN exoerea, (s'+. Rocca, wit (,eases, 11 P, A. T Wren, A. n. Lac (Toronto). Cashter--,1, TUriN LULL, savings Eanit--11t:u,r lett 31; Saturdays, 101 1. Deposits or e1 1e.d 01 ..anis melted aid tater`. a1l',wed. Sp or iac lrb ep aa.ts also , tredred at current ra Drafts on •Tae, t ltr.tah, and the Cuited States booght and sold • 11, '.V ILLSON, AOENT E. L. 1)I('KiNSON, Fort it( r. NR1 DELICATE 1 MURRAY 85 RICH Eq PURE SWEET LASTING • t� Kkc RARE PUNGENT cert (C' iziy A-4 Az COI STILL HOLDS THE FIRST PLACE Lri IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Y 1 S' iZ C'ht1.H E� .i'i l'tl 11 v-, ..; 1" y ,,tett-' tier eele-You can Deposit the Money in Your Bank or with Your Postmaster to be paid us after you are CURED under a written Guarantee! Self Abuse, Enema and Blood Diseases have wrecked the lives of thousands of young men and middle aged :non. The farm, the workshop, the Sunday school, the office, the proles cions—all havo its victims. You, p man, if yon have been indiscreet, beware of the future. Middle aged ,nen, you aro growing prematurely weak and old both seaally and physically. Consult us before too late. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRIsem: tally CONSENT, Contidtadat. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURED. W. S. COLLINS. W. S. Collins, of Saginaw, Speaks. W. 8. COLLINS. "I am 29. At 15 I Iearned a bad habil which I cortin., • nod till 19. I then Immune "ono of the boys" and led a gayry- nlife. and despondent; no ambition; memobecame o;eyes rod, sunken and blur; pimples on taco; hair loose, bone pains; weak back; vancocele; dreams aid losses at night; weak arts; deposit in urine etc. I spent hun- dreds of dollars without help, and was contemplating suicide when a friend recommended Drs. Kennedy & Kergan's :Now Method Treatment. Thank God 1 tried it. In two months I was cured, Thia was Mx years ago, end novor had a return. Was married two s \ years ago and all happy. Boys, try Drs. Kennedy & Ker- nEFORE TaEATM'T gar be -Ore giving up hope." d,1188 TREATSt'T 8. A. TONTON. Seminal Weakness, Impotency and ° Varicocele Cured. "When I consulted Drs. Kennedy & Roman, I hod little hope. I was surprised. Their new Method Treat- ment improved me the first week. Emissions ceased, nerves became strong, pains disappeared, hair grew in again, eyes became bright, cheerful in company and strong sexually. Having tried many Quacks, I can heartily recommend Drs. Kennedy & Kergan as reliable ne Timmy/ Specialiste. They treated me honorably and eklllfally." Arent weenier. +. P. 1 MERSON. A Nervous Wreck --A Happy Life. SP. Fate:MON. -- s t S. A. TO?TON. T. P. Emerson Hasa Narrow Escape. "I live en the farm. At school T learned an eerie habit, which weakened tee physically, sexually and mentally. Family Doctor` said I wets going into "decline" (Consumption). Finally 'The Golden Monitor," edited by Drs. Kennedy & Korean fell in- to my hande. I learned the Trull; and Cause, Self abuse had sapped my vitality. I took the New Naked Trecttnest and 'ens cured. Day friends think I patients, oared of Consumption, I havo sunt them many rill a A[ethod elatmofnti uDnli Son vitality and New i ' a ,t 11E101(2 TIEA'rllt'T. hood." Arran T1(LAT3 usr,. READER 1 Aro yon a victim? flava you lost hopo? Are yon .contomplating mer» riage7 Hes sour I'llood bean dfsoteec ? $ave 708 31317 woaknees? Car New Method Treatment will cure you. what it has done for otters it wi1L do for yen., 16 Years in Detroit, 160,000 Cured. No Risk. aCensultatlon Free. No matter who hes treated you, writs, for an }wheat opinion Free of charge. Charges reasonable. BOOkot Free --1"The Golden Monitor" (inns- trated), en I3isesaoe of men. Inelosr ostake '2 rents. WRITTEN �--NO NAMES USED WIT 'UUT WRITTEN CONSENT. FRI.. VATE. No medicine sent C. O. D. NO names on boxOOe: or envoi, °i'pes. Ev� ything confldentlal. Question list and coat of Treat DRS, KENNEDY 86 KERUfI, NDE1 ROIT, IW CHT• -4