The Wingham Times, 1894-09-07, Page 6�A. e to 3Omu film FRIDAY 51,1'1 Etti1I113 7, 13J•,I, The Haunted eeteol. "L-.tI%I.,'I'IONS mere "rl:i) IN TIII: ;ATR- 'rl•:aiIa>lt,t NOlr E"I----.t BRAVE .WT 3' �a:N•>R'•.tr::) DV .flit: I. \hi'. Toronto, .tut„ Sts. - hiss Annie R. McKechnie, tate Lady who, until a few cissa :leas Wince ienet:es :1t the now fiuovas-hammed :seisms, heals" in (trey (minty, is at ps't'.AVIlt stating in Toronto, having definitely resigned her 1)•)...trioti as teaeht'>' alta her re- si,guatioti having been accepted by the. trustees. Miss McKeclluie is iii• no means the t101't of young lady that would appear likely to he either tht, suijt'. t of any byplt.,tia iufuenet', has been alleged, us herself to be the wielder of such al, power in so ir- responsible alld t'.rrntie a inalnner. She is a bright, handsome and in- telligent girl, and her clear-cut features and decided expression indi- • VLF 1i7f F� .«YR4{,t►.2.a11 1j4.,tt+ {'t3i, of Mount Forest,. the pt'op,leto tablespoons of butter, two, tablet , the photograph gallery fi'hltn \vllfeh,spos)ua of Maw and one pinta cream; the piet1trt'tc imams \vrltes lis ft>llt>we t , when it lois tllielteueti; acid the meat "If the image appeared through .a and mushrooms, and just before talc - hole ill the cauue'ra it would have lug from the file amid the yolks of done ± o with previous ;stamps.; and two egg's. Season with t\\'() telllepoous then again it seems Strange thiti of salt, one-quarter of it teaspoon of image apevars at this peculiar time, white pepper .and a dash of ea cnue; Hume taken other photos of the fill the cases and serve. building, inside and outside, and no ,, image appeared," thousands of soldiers, banters and lumbermen steep every eight in ' • The Boys At School. ---Boys tents and open sheds without the who are away at school should least zn1111t sus =sequences. Men in Always have some quick and sure the first stage of' eonsumption have Y+n eth for midden :lttan'1c, of ()rani :)s recoveredby adopting a semi -savage 11 , 1)iati•ritt.t'fe, as' t)sse):ttPt'y, lin' at. etude of life alitl vamping outdoors in Physician is not always Dear, and an all but tht' • stormiest rights, la it irony's delay in eases of this kind the draft you fear, or the contrast ( f often leads to serious 1'esnit.. There- temperature? Illaekst11ith8 \ilei eon- fure 1'areuts should .nl>ply their sons duetOrs semi to thrive uuder sueli with Piney 1)1VIA' t).\i.;-Iili.t.rla, influences. Draft? Have you ever which is ns et eaeious as it is simple) and harnties:A. Directions are with each bottle, incl one dote rarely fails to bring relief to n sufferer from any bowel (0B >lattnt. Only 25c, for a bottle double old size. damage the tine lady sitting motion- • Iantaito and f•T_oaasollold Hints. less in her sleigh or the helmsman of i Add a teaspoonful of borax to as as storm tossed vessel ? It cannot be , cate a determined and thoroughly pain et hot soap suds ; put your table the inclemency of the open air, for sane mind, The change from the :neighborhood of the Khoo', where she was regarded with constant suspicion and was the object of eon- sidei'atble active hostility, has hail a beneficial effect upon her health; but she still shows signs of the terrific strain which has been put upon her nerves. That she is a girl of great • pluck and strength, of suint is shown bye the fact that on the neighbors Circulating a story that every even- ,, ,,, . ing at 9 o'clock the apparition of a „resit relief for tired feet to biose seen boys skating in the teeth of a snow-Stolm at the Pate of Mem 311I1e8 all ions ? "They Counter -set the effect of the Bold air' by vigorous exercise." Is there no other way of keeping warm ? Does the north wind silver in it anti let it stand two hours; even in the sweltering stoner nig Its { rinse it with clear water stud polish the sweet south winds, blessed by all with ti soft cloth or chamois, ci'eatares that draw the breath of life i • It is a very great mistake to laced bring tlo relief to the victim of afro- groves with sill:, as tic silk will cut phobia. There" is no doubt that families- who have . freed themselves the kid much sooner than cotton of. from the superstition that night air is equal fineness. All kid gloves are injurious,can live oat and out seat 11 at the manufactoryy n'itll eottoai , healthier in the heart of a great cit, , thread. I than its slaves on the airiest high I A thick rug of some thick woolen' lands of the southern Apennines. stuff, such as old carpet pieces, is a Rev. T. W. Leggott, Book i 1 t stand t. table for any who have O S a11e a L ,L G O o ,Iacty dressed in white was seen to length of time, saywashing dishes or lin, Ont., writes : After giving the pass from the new school hoose to the kneading bre£ci. If . D. a fair trial, I am satisfied old one, she waited at the door of the ; it is the best remedy for :Dyspepsia, old school house absolutely alone one The latest remedy suggested for ever brought within my reach. I evening until 9.30 o'clock. Needless diphtheria is pineapple juicue. It is have fouud,it all that it is claimed in to say the apparition did not appear. said to be successfatly used as a mire ; its behalf, and have much pleasure There was no one within half a mile. by the coloured people of Louisiana. lin recommending it as a most excel - The juice is of so corrosive a nature ' lent remedy. VARIATIONS of THE NOISES. ' that it is sett to cat out di»htheretie Free Sample of Ii_ D. C. mailed to Solite interesting details were mucous. any address. K. D. C. Co., Ltcl,, �1 given by Miss eIa ecluue of the t� physician recently lecturing u _ ; New Glasgow, N. S, or 127 State St., The , nature of the noises which p 3 r. ' pt lie most delicate the most sen- ' A Volutes for Doys, There is a sciences Ill doing little things just fight, Aid 11 (10\\'11 -town business num to a r'epor'ter for the Now York San a few days ago, and I noticed it alt lilt' office. 1 bad two. office boys there 1V1101.40 mein ' dttT' it was to br'iltg lite Motes, of -ear i tilatt 1w('r(! Wilt into nn'. of to fetch thiols that I wanted: to use. One t,i' those boys, whenever I sent him for a abook or anything' heavy, would Welk. rapidly by illy desk and toss it in- ,. deiiltltt.l� towed lues If it hap- pened to miss the sand land on lay desk it \\'11S all i'igltt. If it fell oil the floor the boy ill\vays in:waged to fall over it ill his cngrruess to pick it up. `Then if he had a letter or a card -to deliver he would 001110 elOse up to the desk and stand there sea n ninry it over \with minute care. '.fills being concluded he would flaunt it airily in my direction and depart, Tllu ether boy always canoe and went so that I c..)uld hardly bear hint.. If it was n. book, inkstand, or bol of letters he weals sit it quietly Clown at one side Of ley desk. Letters and cards he always laid tossed—right whert. illi- eves \whtilU till! on tllenl tilreetJy. 11 tlrea'e was any other doubt in his mind about whether he ought to ley a let- ter on my desk or deliver it to some tither person in the office, he always did the thinking before he came near tee, and did not stand annoy- ingly at That elbow, studying. the letter, That boy understood the seienco of little things. When New Year's cause he got $10. . The other boy gots fired. Belief its six hours.—Distressing ria• hey and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." 'Pltix great remedy is to great su)1)n 'told cicligttt to pbytioi,tns on ac- count of its exoeerat g promptness in reliev- ing pain iu Ile bladder, kidneys, back and every part of•.the urinary pi wgas in male sun female. It relieves retention of water mid pain in passing it aliuo:tt -immediately. If you want rynielt relief aril euro this is your remedy. Sold at Chisholni's drug store. ai were on physical exertion declared that if Poston, Mass. Bible of all pleasures, consists ill pro - heard. On the second day the bail: -1 only twenty minutes ai day were' rooting the pleasure of others. ing sound which was mentioned was very pronounced ; it seemed to come spent Ill physical exercise tIS an Sit up Straight. Rheumatism Cured in a day.—South •d tt tl 1 ' • frons four children in particular, two `t june o men a CC ucaion, iiiost boys and two girls, and at one time people might live to seventy without; it seemed as if the four were actually s a+ days Bina"' and perhaps prolong fighting; four distinct barks would 1 heir lives to a hundred yearns t bo heard, one gruff, quite high, and! Powdered soapstone and salt in twe midway, and these seemed to equal proportions, wet with water, contend with each other; the atmos- ' will snake an everlasting and fire- phero got close and heavy, and set• proof mending for the lining tostoves; them all eoughing. For a long time ; it is much less expensive and trouble- • the sound followed these four children some to procure and put hi place and wits especially loud when they ; than new fire bricks. Don't let fire sat with their backs to the wainscot -;spoil the stove because the larieks ing ; when they were sent out it ; need mending. frequently would cease. Miss Mc- I I eellnie stood up for the children, Pickled i'epper:3.—tick titer just and this was declared to be a reasonas they begin to turn red; soak in for thinking her responsible for thestt'hng brine 10 days ; take from the noises, though the train of reasoning ; brine and soak one day in, cold is not very clear. One very singular : water. Remove,. wipe dry, lay in circumstance mentioned by Miss Mc- -tars, cover with cold vinegar. The IieClittie was that when the sound vinegar is nice as art aecontpanilUent seemed to he coming from the child- to spring salad. ren their chests would heave and Pickled Pears. --Make a syrup, their throats glove, though their lips using six pounds of light brown would be perfectly quiet. The sugar ono quart of eider vinegars children did not seem .aware of this, ;Peel the pears nicely, leaving the and to there the noise seemed to cone stems on; leave the pears whole and from the nearest piece of wood, such steam until tender; have the syrup as a desk. When the children were ; hot ; put them into the syrap for reciting the multiplication table the : three minutes, skim out and put into noise would accompany there; when ' two -quart jars, pour syrup over them they whispered it would be low; and till the jars full, thea screw, the when they shouted it would shout as cover on. Allow live teaspoons of loud as they, and when they dropped ground cinnamon put in two bags from a shout to a whisper the sound ' and cook in the syrup. would drop, too. A girl sang and the sound accompanied her. .�n odd boiling for Sauce.--I-Ieat to the eircunxstance was that the noise was, Remove pointfone pint of sweet intik. never so loud when I'ublie School 1 Ilente)ve [roto the fit'° and :tit` in the never or oud whe Was in the Schon :. yolks of three eggs beaten together Inspector, it Abell seem to avoid 'with half a cup of granulated sugar. irises vaer, from one corner to ;.Return to the fire and stir constantly r another as he followed it. The' with ntil a grated e lemon peickened el. rt1 ate custard sound would often vary, and on the to he cooked over Ilat w£tter, or in second day after' moving baek into custard -kettle like all boiled eustards. the school from . tate temporary if difficulty is found lit removing the quarters it was of a whistling nature; ! � snow front the mold, immerse for an .Miss Melieehnie counted Gil distinct' instant in ho v ) t woo. maw i i, a uadec p whistles in one hour. dish and pour the Custard about the Ira IT A PERIPATETIC 0110ST ? base, It is to be hoped that Hiss 1110. Baked Corm—Select -Select nice fresh ICeehnio can be induced to teach rtt least one lesson in the new school cars of tender corn of as nearly equal house; so far the sound has been .size ass possible. Open the husks and confined to the old building, and it remove all the silk from the eon; will be of the greatest interest to replace and tie the Call around with ascertain whether" sho noises would, a thread. Put the coat m a hot oven, occur on her going to the new build- and bake thirty° minutes or stalling ; there are noir a few who would tender. Remove tato husks before be rnueh surprised if the sounds tvere set ving. t, prove not Confined to the one Chicken Patties. --Cat the white buttering. Nothing is more abominable in a young person than the habit of' stoop- ing, and, except when caused by malformation or actual weakness, nothing is more inexcusable. A slouchy, stooping habit of carriage always suggests Ialzines's, and often stealth and dishonesty:. Carry your head erect, expand your chest, throw back your shoulders, or you will never possess grace or a commanding presence. The Creator "made man upright." Round ,.shoulders and bow -shaped • spines may be avoided by watchful- ness during youth, and an erect figure retained in matarity without an effort. if you bend over too much in your ptudies get a lower seat. Saw the Legs off an old chair,and then sit down } so low thatyour chin will come ,just above the table ; make the hind legs; a little shorter than the fore Iegs,and then read and write with your arms ,on the table, and ',t will take out ,some of the crook from your back. One mother, whose daughter was getting the habit of stooping, used to have her lie fat ori her back'', without' a pillow, for an hour each day, while,' the read to her out of some interest- I ing book, In a little while she was ',straight as need be, and a picture of; meat. of it cooked eltieken into (nee In connection with the explanation and mix with one eau of mushrooms of the "phantom photograph" given free from their liquor and cut in air. Fraser, Mr, G. F. Chatptuall, hairs, Make as Cream sauce with two health and strength. In some countries the womncn carry palls, tubs and heavy loads on their { heads—this keeps theta erect. Throwing back the arias is another means of' keepitn„ straight. Retnetn- bet, yon may add years to your Ilfi, by standing up straight; and you may have not only a longer life, but a stronger, broader, happier, and more useful life. if you go about with . head ereet, chest expanded, and lungs 1 well developed, with rosy cheeks and fresh complexion, than if you go about bent over, cramped el up, stoop trig, fiat -chested, sallow, lierwous and niiscr'able.'--Blue And Gray. Why Pitt Oft taking medicine until yea are sick? 'otl can ]keep a bog. of Ripatis Tabu- les I in the house steel at the first signs of a headache or bilious attack a' single tabule will relieve you, Go ahead when y'oit are sure you are right, but don't run over anyone else in the road. . X. D. O. rills the Witt i tt sit.round family pill on the market. American I;•henmatio Clore of Rheumatism and Neuralgia. radically cures in 1 t o 11 days. Its action on the system is remarkable and n'.ysfet'ioos. It removes at once the cause of the disease immediii tely disappears. The first hose greatly benefits. 75 cents, Warranted at Chisliohn's drug store. Sink net in spirit ; who ainieth at the sky shoots higher than he that means a tree. THE M087 SUCCESSFUL REiNED?" 1 FOR MAN Ot! BEAST. Certain In fte eftects and never blistery, Send proofs below : KE DALL'S SPAVPN CURE. Besb?tCar,nan,Hcuderson Co,, III, Pob,21,'34.. • Dr. B. J. )SBO»AY.I, Co, Dear Sira -Please send me one of your Horse Books and oblige. I have used a great deal of your Iiendall's Spavin Oure with good success • it 1a a wonderful medicine. A once had a mare tlrathad an Ocealtt.,,avan andfive bottles Cured 1140. I beep a bottle Yours n@ars the time. Att r01vx11, 1 K NDALL'S SPAM; CURE. Dr.13...L iixSb tUS. CO. Dear Strs-I have used several bnttleo of your 'r3Lo,nlail's anoxia Cure" with ranch success, I think it Oho bort Liniment I ever used. Have re- moved oat e.movedotte Curb, neo _Blood NpaVi„ and killed two Pone ttpdvien. Have recommended it to several of my friends who are much pleased with and keep It. Respectfully, 13.R. RAT, P. O. Born& CAUro1, Mo., Apr. 3,'32, For Sale by all Druggists, or address 2)0. D. J. i'I t3.IY»AZJ CONWP4N'i', bFOSGCROH FAlL9 1 t 1'. Vona i tfst nexv►taie'St oDXNJ. The Great English Rented": 13m reactors f k es Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forme et Nervous Weakness, Entissfons,Sperm• atttrrhea, Impotency awl ail efeots of Abuse or Y. teaessva, 3lenatt Worry,a a s tve use oCs X3e os'eand After- - of ro5,aceo, Olituntos' Sttmu. ldnts, whtoia socia Kaci to in• frmay, insanity, Consumption. and an early grave. Hasbcen prescribed over 35 years In thousands of cases; Is MO- only lleliatfo and I'ianest Nedtalia known. Askdruggietter Wood's I'hoepliodinot If heoftera Como slorthtese medicine In place of this, Inclose trite SA letter, and we Wilt send b$f return Mall. Trice, Ontr paokage, tit of; SS, One wag paedee, iota MU aura Patat)ilote tic* to any addreee, The Weed. m ntv, 'trmazolrr out, Canada. Sold in twinglietsyby t7.1:, \t 1 Ikt t*. Iiruxxist. • `art the removal et A. worms of alt Wale frdtnchaldref or adults, bse M1"rt-p* ObRNMAN WORM l.CIZZNCgg. Altvays prompt, reliable, wife And pleasant, requiring no• after medicine. Never tailing, Leave rib bedsit* *Ike"' Ilir'itt se ! ' offsets tail:' %letit cAYEATS,TRA E MARKs QOPYF UCHT?, CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT t For a prompt answer and an honest opinion. tush, to RI Ii iv N ►C; CO., who have bad nears fifty Years' experience in the patent bueinoas, Communica- tions strictly confidential. A Bandbook of le. formation concerning Patents and bow to ob- tain thous sent free, Also n catalogue of, median - foul and solen8tta books son free. Pateets taken through aloin A: Co. reeetvo 'imolai notice intoe escientltlo America'', and thus are brought widely before the nubile with. out L COSG to t he inventor. This �per, .fsaued 0qktytelegantly III uetratoa,hoe by aOtto est oar no ion 0# n s entlHa NOVA in thq world. $$ a Year, Sample (topics soot free, ituiidtng Edition. raouthiY, $$O a year, Single coples.t.t4 cents. Every number contains beau.. Ural plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses. with plans, enabling, bmldors to show the latest designs and seeur0 cvutjaota, Address MINN j; (i0., NSW YORE', mil $ROAowAT. LOOK HERE! Q We have about 40 I G -S of slightly damaged CUT NAILS consisting of the following sizes : 1- INCHI LATH, . 1 INCII SHINGLE, 24•, 31, 13s' and 3/ INCH, at the following prices; LATH AND SHINGLE, 2 cents per 1b. ALL OTTER SIZES, - 1 gents per lb. Also FARMERS' CAI 9 BAGS, $I.8o PER DOZEN. �• A. CLINE ' CO e elingijam`. *trigs ,L'l -18 P1,1Dhleilltn-- BV1 1X FRIDA.? MORNING. ^-•AT TIlIi- TINIES 0FFICE, Jail»PHINE $TR gT WINGIIAl1i, ONTARIO. Subseripttonpsioq,$l,per year, in advatieu AD.VERRTISING RATES: __ Spasm 1 Jl yr. 1 4 ago• ! H n ., 1 I nt Otto heron 1 tUUO 00 540 Dial 520 00 00 Balt " 40 00 ','0 00 12 00 ,r ,8 r00 quarter 60 00 ..0. 1AO I __ _ [slobJ 5 00 2 GO 1 (14 0 4 1 Legal and of for owned ads ortlsolnentn, se per line. for arab insertion, andlt .per lino lo oecluubsequoni insertion, Local notices 10c. pe 1110 for Uret lrs•n•tton, anti lo. per lite for cash subsequent interne, . No local notice will bo charged lose than :'Se. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situation, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 Brno nonpareil, 81 per month IUOuses and Farms for Salo, n01 exceeding 8 SI for Hist month, 50o, por subsagnent mouth l'tn ` ehees0rpotorSoulda will by strictly adhered to SpeOial rates for local a drertlaonlet,ts, or fat s. Advortisomeuts mid local notices without specUte 1 dire dine, 241111 e inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. ory advertisements must be' { paid le advance Changes for contract advortk.,nonta must be 18 1 the oiiico by Wodhoaday noon, to order to appear 1 that week 3), ELLIOTT 1'ttOe'atItl ttlt AM) I'UNLIMIRS Hardware lierchauts, S•ron 1100e10,-Wingham. HALSTED : , SCOTT Josephine Street Ont, J. A. HALSTED, 3, W. Scor', Mount Forest.Listowel. Deposits Received and Interest allowod. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Hien, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security, Salo notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts, of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and N otos. Agents in Canada --The Morchnnts• Bann of Canaria Office Boers -From 1) a. nt. to 6 p. ru. A. E. SMITH, . A ant, WETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of €a.1 kinds, First-class• Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car toad Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any )art of Wing- ham. t..rordorsby mat) promptly attend 0o 0E011011 13101!SON. >lox 180, Winghant P. O VVIGHAM SAW MILLS The undersigned in returning thanks for past, favors,begleave to say that they have a very large stock of CUMBERIPUD. uH CES LATH i f 7 BARRELS, WOOD, &c., on hand, which will be sold at very close prices to meet the requirements of the hard times. First Class Shingles, $1.10 per square, M Wend lbhts. per Cart, delivered. 'Everything elseeequtlily to\v. Come and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. 14Ic7.,EA.N ttc SON. Winglaasai, Juno lib, 1800. "DR MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET. Wetanaal, - - - ONTARIO. INT• 73. TOWLEIt,1I,D.C.M„ MemberCollego Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Huron - Office lip -stairs, next to Mr Morton's 0Nice, Wing. haul, Ont, Ornes Ii n0Bs,-O to 12 a. m„ 1 to p. m., or ate Residence, Diagonal Street. T 1'. KENNEDY. LI. D., 113.'1. P,$ 0. e (Successor to Dr, J. A, Meldrum.~ t1 Id Afedallst of Western University: Late house Surgeon in London General despite', special anon• Pon paid to diseases of woman and children, 01110,4 -Formerly occupied by Dr: blcldrtm,Corne, of Centre and Patrick streets, 411300i)A31 - • - OXT R VAI STONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITORR, Etc., Private and Company funds to leen at lowest rate interoat. No commission charged. 3Iortgagos, taw and farm property bought and sold 01+'F'ICE-13cavcr B1001c Wntouan J. A, 1301LTON BARRISTER Winghum Ont E. L, DICKINSON, �^ Barrister Etc. SOLICITOR TO %WIC Os' ttt 3ILTON, LOAN. otlice--Moyer Block. \V4,,ghatn, tiONIOT To• iiIGVTI$TRl .•-J. 8, J EAOME, L. D. S., wmalIAat. d i 1s maitnfactunng first•elass sets of tooth as cheap as they can bo made in the Dominion, Teeth extracted process, guarantee d p ifN tlytsafe, path, without by has new OFFICE In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House, Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, MACDONALD'S BLOCK. Will visit Gorne lst and 3rd Mondays, of each Month. `+ JOHN 111101IiE, 0l-.NEI1AL INSURANCE AGENT IVIYOtfA$, ONTARIO 1DEANS, JO..t4'130011Aat, . LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTit 01•' HURON. iUSales attended In any part of the Co. Charges JOAN CURRIE, WINoustx, Ons., LICENSED AV0TIO11itkIt Poll Talk' COUNTIES ittifloN AND ll214JOiv, All orders left at the Totts OltlCe promptly attend ed to. Tereus reasonable. , -JAMES 1HENDE SSON, LtottSsan A410r108E0 Ba-C OUNTiE5 IiilURON Atte Ali sale\ attended topopnd Onso�w- o shorteet NAtico. Char t. ItCoeles s t 6 emid Allneeoasary arrangementsf clan uaa&nt & et'the Totts'rlllco N'exallA>I Ont 1111,, J.:Itt0AS11•, M. Toronto, MbCollege ?hslden' as4$e ae (IittdaAVit - 0 t(Immo Motto. to Loss of Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE BLE tAVEl Morey ativaacrd err hf0rtgr fids at 5 pot nentwitt prlvitofre of .paying at tha and et any Faar. Nettie and edeount9 coltucted, lice kt. irelnlbOth oi'sr tlkitlr tlwtld*trttra, Ont. 6. I'otatoea for1 l 'i On Sunday have 11 not pounded intoa, sot wliisbed into a CI'eti To attain this they she steamed, broken with joiatenecl with milk seasoned with salt and ito- A batter until t:' Tight, On Monday bake They e she sl 'zls, . Y old bo baked in it good oven a once, For Tuesday they it and baked with a roas meat is within half an being ready, lay them under it and balk t covered with a crisp, b. On Wednesday serve tueky style, These at as for frying', soaked. 1 for half an hour, put dish with salt, pepper bake for half an hour. On Thursday sen whole.. Peel and boil beaten egg, then in er and fry in butter, On. Friday have pot, isienne. Wash and rt coarse cloth until they &op into boiling wate til clone. Have ready some hot Cream and 1 green parsley, pepper the water off the belle er with this and let it On Saturday bol with their skims on a butter. --Philadelphia A Geed Ap Always accompanies go absence of appetite is something wrong. TI mouy given by those Hood's Sarsaparilla, restoring the appetite, of the blood, constitute recommendation that any medicine. HoOD's Prt,t s cure a nesse, jaundice, indige ache. 2'3e. t:Goms o1 Th Think all you cap qualities of others ; silent concerning th We gain as Intl° failings of others as ing that in which tl Order is the sani the health of the be the city, the securit To be free -mind disposed at hours o exercise is one of t long lasting. If wrinkles mus our brows, let thet upon the heart. ' never grow old. Habits are soon ass strive To strip them off, ' f No true roan ea when he has gent: it is only a half half, the nigher him. . Itindness draw,. of every nature ---d dissipating angry ing the hardest h Write your na and mercy on the !'ser'" ` you come in cont and yon will nev+ The tendency persist in spite couragenients an is this that in all the strong soul fl How majestic approach it Inn erth as we t are Its troubles, its appear but as etc they are lost in the infinity bey Sirs, \Yy ba summer su a if would die. unti Extract of Wild first dose I nota better, and now healthy. Mrs. grit, The official c its compared wi European pap the eotintr'ies Ot India, 11,813,( against 7,749,0 States, 390, against 382,0 000,000 bushel 000,000 las' 'bushels of corn last year; 1 alt: of 'wheat, year.