HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-09-07, Page 44 THE WIN AM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 7, 1894,
In 1803 We exported to the 'United
BLUVeVALE. , er for best lambs; 1.56 to 25e higher;
States10,606 horses valued alt $1,1;.?�; is our Sat c utv to announces the fair o s; goo sheep c to M,lc � woman.
310, upon which the duty tower death of Mabel Timmins, only giior for fair lots good sheep loo ; ►'lingltam, September a, 1894,
the McKinley thew' was wa18,L80. •daughter of Mr. James Timmins, of to 2s5e higher. Sales ; Extra lanibs,1 Coireoted by P. Desuls, Produce Domer.
Under' the new tariff the duty would Toronto, formerly merchant at this $4,60 to$4.75, 1ttaecl, $4.25 to ;^4.50; 1''lourper100 lbs.. •,',R.., a; 50 to 1 75
�2 c,7 ,like. Mr. and Mrs. Timmins and. light to fth• "i .:,0 to $4; best ex loft irpA11 eVheat 0 50 to 0 50
— AND-- have been $• .,4.,1,17, or w ,14,000 leas. 1 1 , S r}u wheat , .aro to 0 50
� e exported 387,618 sheep, valued M tbcsi had been travelling through sbr p, $$3 75 to $4 ; good �inixed sheep ` cants, 014, R R..... , .... , . R 0 30 to 0 82
at ; 1,088,S11- duty ,elder old tariff Manitoba and Britie Columbia, and ti 2.R)0 to M3 ; culls and eoniulon, if. 0 4 Oets, Now„. .......... 0 25 to 0 10
$504,577; under new tariff' $21.7 71st] were returning, leaving gut back as to 1x2.25. tl3arley 0 85 to 0 40
* ' 11'oas 0 50 to a 52
Or R; 388,000 less, 41 e exported 2,- f.tr as Medicine; Ilat, when the rad Toronto, Sept, 4,---Tlterc was a :Butter, tela 0 14 to 0 17
Bettor, rolls 0 10 to 0 17
Eggs per dozen..... , .. . .. , 0 08 to 0 09
Wood per cord.... ... . 1 25 to 1 75
Hay per ton .......... 6 00 to 8 00
Potatoes, per bushel 0 00 to O. 00
lb.,Tallow, 0 05 to 0 05
Dried Apples, per lb 0 05 to 0 05
Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 00
Beef ...... 4 50 to 5 50
OE NW L A It' 1 11 forf lots; good 1 10 2t
66 1,942 .dozen eggs, ou which the
duty wns $133,247, whereas under
AOT.O, N. W. TELEGRAPH CO the new tariff it will be. $70,948, or
$53,30,) less. '41� e exported 1,1,17;
op* Brunswick House. :38() pouud3 of wool,. on which a duty
of $240,083 was collected. Under
,Rthe. new tariff wool is free. W ex-
0/1t1ported 1,431,398 bushels of' barley
valued at e638,271, on which the
:duty amounted to $429,430. Under
� �'i�''.�"�!, 1� '.ithe uc « tariff the duty would be
a. C & Q t ill , $191,1;81, or ?238,000 less. We ex-
poorted 94,282 tons of hay, on which
the duty Wats i'''.'377,1;18, while udder
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 7, 1894. the new tariff it would be only X188,-
..... „ - just1564,
WiughalU, - -
SOUTH Huron Liberals re-nominat- I Report of Lower Wingham school
ed their old member, Mr. John Me- ! for August :
Millan, for the House of CornmoI16. i DAYS PRESENT.
Iv'`.13ee1-ett 10
Tun Halton Patrons will put a J. Dey .10
candidate la the field for the Dwain- M. Halstead .. . 9
ion elections. M. Kerinedy, , .. 9
M. Graham ..10
IT Is now said that Maj. Gen.
inn CLASS.
Herbert will not vacate the command G. Ansley.. ......10
of the Canadian Militia, but will N. Graham 10
quietly submit to the snub given him D. Cruickshank .: , 19
some time ago by the Minister of M. Campbell 10
Militia. E. Welsh .... 10
'1'ilE Deep 11 aterrvays Convention, F. Green.... , 10
.1.. Pattison . 0
which sleets in Toronto to -day, pro-
mises to be well attended, and it is
to be hoped that something practical
will come out of the meeting, in the
way of cheapening of transporta-
M. McDonald • 8
E. Wellwood e 8
1p. Netterfielcl 3
R. Johnston
T. King ............ 5
0. Watson.......... 5
the Patrons of Industry, in a recent J. Potter .10
. Graham .10
speech said : "If the day ever came 1(I Campbell 10
when the Patron Party became the G. Elford q
tool of Mowat or Meredith in the R. Elford ... 5
Local House, or of either party at ' A. Nevans
Ottawa, that day would see aMallory J. Linklater........10
leave the.Patron party. L. Potter . .....10
i1In. D'ALToX MCCAR.TirT address- A. Currie ... 8
N. Welsh. 9
ed a large political meeting in New N. Phippen 6
Glasgow, N. ;S., the other day. In L. Hill . 8
an interview, a short time ago, he
said he had. been kicked out of one
party, and the other would not re-
e,eive him, so he was forced to run a F. Graham ...
party of his own. R. Devell.
2a -D CLASS.
:.. 9
.. 5
J. Lockeridge .....10
J. England 10
D. Finley....
Average attendance, 59.
R. J. BAItTOK, Teacher.
N. Ranson. .
S, Currie
IT is understood that Cardwell is
to be opened in the course of a few
weeks, Mr. Robs. White, the present
member, being appointed collector
of customs at Montreal. The Mc -
Car thyites have a candidate in the
field already. On Tuesday, ler.
Willoughby was nominated by the
FoLLOrviKG close upon Mgr.
Satolli's endoi'sation of Bishop 'f'i'at
tersen's edict against allowing liquor
sellers to occupy positions of trust in
C'atholie societies, comes a similar de-
claration by Chancellor Biaekwell, of
the powerful Knights of Pythias Or-
der. At a recent convention of the
grand officers, held in the United
States capital, the chancellor recom-
mended " that the time had come to
declare that no saloon keeper, bar-
tender or professional gambler should
Hereafter be considered as eligible
. for membership," and the asked that
a e08111IisSio11. be Appointed) to formu-
late plans for the vigorous enforce-
ment of the regulations.
THE nen Comedian canal' at Sault
Ste. Marie ryas to have been opened
Borne weeks ago, and it was rumor-
. ed that the delay was due to the dis-
covery that a portion of the work
lutd been " scaumpccl " by the con.
tractors. This was denied, and a
'correspondent of the Globe states
that the delay is the result of a gross
blunder made by the department of
railways and entitle in adopting a
slx'cilicetian for the carnal walls
which permitted a half mild section
of masonry to be built upon crib
work too light to carry the weight,
The wall has had to be propend up
with cement.
TIIA,'r Canada will benefit great
A. Wiley ..... .
.T. King •
J. Finley
J. Murdoch....
event took place, It appears that
dr, and lira, Tinuuihis had left the
car when the Mill started, and
Mabel, no ctcui)t, feared that they
would bo left behind, When they
returned they found that she had
feinted and in a few hours slit was
dead. The remains were interred in
the liluovalo cemetery on Saturday
last, the funeral sermon being
preached by Rev. leer. Pring. That
Mabel was loved and respected,
might be read in the faces of her
sad schoolfellows as they followed the
remains of their clear companion to a
last resting place. -Truly a man may
be judged by the pleasures he in-
dulges in. For instance, on Thurs-
day last, you might see the well
built young man dressed in his
• smartest suit going to Teeswaater to
ai.arra;. partake in the feats at that place.
While on Monday and Tuesday the
gay young fellows and also some gay
old fellows might be seen with the
gay young girls and the gay old
girls at the races at Brussels. And
again on Wednesday what men went
118 to the station wore at least a tartan
!)4 necktie, as an indication of Scotch
89 blood, and the women no less than a
88 Glengarry. And we knew from
$4 these indications that they were off
75 to Lueknow.—Miss Ann Rutherford
left on Tuesday morning for Hol-
land, Manitoba, where her brothers
reside. She will be greatly missed
by her young friends in 13l u)vale.-- .
Mr. R. N. Duff was in Kincardine on
Saturday on business.—Mi'. J. Mc-
Donald's team started from the
_station on Wednesday when hitched
to tile carry -all. No damage was
done, as they. were caught before
. they went very far.—A spark from a
locomotive set fire to the grass on the
railroad, this week. It soon reach-
ed the fence and done away with
about 40 rod of it.—Mr. John Kill-
ingworth has moved on Mr. Edward
Last week a tire originating, it is
supposed, in a spark from a C. P. R. Live Stock m.arksts.
firmer tone to trade at the western
cattle yards yesterday, owing prin-
cipatlly to the higher offerings. There
was a good attendance of buyers.
There were 50 carloads in all places
on the market, which included 725
hogs and 425 sheep and lambs.
About a carloads of butchers' cattle
were taken for Montreal. In the
export cattle trade most of the stuff
was cleared out, and generally the
price paid was 4e, choice bringing. 4
and 41e per lb. There is an active
demand for good export cattle,. but
floor quality is not st'antecl. IIx but-
chers' cattle quite a number of' sales
♦veru made in the vicinity of 3e per
lb. for pretty good stock, and some
of the choicest were taken by local
dealers at w3.50 per erwt. For one
lot of exceptionally fine cattle $.70
per cwt. was paid. In export sheep
a good trade was done, and were
from $43.20 to t;3,a5 per cwt. and.
about 5 per head. Butchers' sheep
and lambs were about the same as
, last market. The hog trade was
good for cho_cc bacon hogs, prices,
weighed oft' cars, ranging from $5.40
to x+5.50 per cwt. Choice veal
calves from x"5.50 to $6 per head,
and sold readily. Milch cows and
springers sold well, and good ones
are wanted. Prices ranged from
4°Ztl to $50 per head.
t -
Cheese Markets.
Utica, N. Y., Sept. 3. --Cheese
sales to -day, 3,085 boxes at 9i, 2,108
boxes at 9•1c, 8,290 boxes at 10e,
832 boxes at 10 1-6c, 100 boxes on
private terms.. Butter ---145 packages
of creamery butter at 22 to 22,1c.
Little Falls, N. Y., Sept. 3,—Cheese
sales to -day, 40 boxes at 9 e, 936
boxes at 01c, 3,232 boxes at 10e, 326
boxes on commission, 276 boxes
dairy at 91e to 10e. Butter -74
packages of creamery butter at 221e
to 23c, 100 packages of dairy butter
l art 20c to 21c.
Ingersoll, Ont., Sept. 4. --The
offerings to -day were 2,600 boxes,
August make: sales, 375 boxes at
101c; 101c, refused for some lots,
although 10c was the general bid.
Market quiet, but firm,
Belleville, Ont., Sept. 4.—At the
cheese board to -day only 125 boxes
of white August were boarded, most
of the cheese in this section having
been contracted. No sales were
made, and the board adjourned until
the first Tuesday in May.
to sell a choice
a»d;,romplete line
of Nursers Stock or Seed Pots toes, or both. Per.
maven, and paying. positions to good ,nen. We can
give you exclusive territory if you wish. It wilt
pay you to write us for term+, Addres+,
The Hawks Nursery Co.,
RocN. Y.
• cnixro\.
Pall Wheat, 0 55 to 0 58
Spring Wheat 0 58 to 0 58
Barley 0 85 to 0 40
Oats 0 34 to 0'85
Peas 0 58 to 0 55
Potatoes, per bushel0 50 to 0 50
Butter 0 14 to 0 15
Eggs, per dozen . .. 0 08 to 0 08
Cordwood " 3 00 too 4 00
engine, burned considerable fencing East Buffalo, N. Y.; /Sept. 3.—No
and a stack of play belonging to Mr. Canada stock on the market to -day
D. Ititeliie, 5th con.—On Friday, but agents for Canadian shippers and
Aug. 24th, after a prolonged illness, sneh Canadian firms as Matheson &
Maty Collins, beloved wife of Mr. Co. expect that by next week the run
Robert Wicks, of this township, of sheep and lamps will begin steal -
passed away at the age of 52 years ilv. It is now possible to market the
and 9 months. light cattle here. Not many Hogs
from Canada arc shipped to this
UrODI'1RICH. market. In fact, Canadians are
„ , more frequently buyers than sellers
The Collegiate Institute has re' here. Prime Canada Iambs would
opened with a. fair attendance. The have sold to -day up to $4.75 and at
model school is well filled. Mr. Halls - this figure there is a. small margin o
has been appointed to fill the place profit over Canadian quotations.
of Mr. Park, who resigned. ---The meet Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 8„.
Knox Y. P. S. C, E. will, on Friday Cattle --191 ears through 24.5 sale
evening, welcome their pastor, Rev• market steady for prime ripe steers,
Mr. Anderson, back, and also other 10e to 2lte lower for others. Sales :
young people who have come to re- Best heavy steers, 1,600 to 1,800 lbs.
side in the town for a time. Ipvita. $5.,50 to $5.75, good export, $5.15 to
boils have been extended to the 85.35; good heavy shipping, $4.60 to
students of the Collegiate and Model $5; light medium, $4.35 to.5; light
schools to meet the young people of medium $4.85 $4.50; good fat but -
the society in the basement en Fri" chers' $3!90 to $4.30; light do. $3,25
dray evening.. --.Last week Tr. J. to 83.75 ;'mixed cows and heifers;
W. Vanatter, Dittos Signal, loft on $2.6,5 to $3.50;fiat cows $2.25 to $3.15;
the Cambria for a two weeks' boli- bulls $2 to $2.75 ; extra heavy, $8 to
Play. ---"i ho baseball game played $3.25'; fresh cows and good springers
here on 1 hursdey with (i81t resulted steady; late springers dull and lower.
in x3 to 24 in favor of Galt. —Rain Hogs 61 ears through ; no sale
Inas at last collie after a very long market easier for light grades
drought. steady for others; Yorkers, good to
choice corn -fed, $6.1;5 to $6.25 ; light
STRAYED on the promises of A. Longley, lot 10,
eon. 8, Township of riowitk, one red and white
yearling heifer. Owner can some the same by
f identifying it and paying the mai charges.
Annan LoSa7SF,
wroxetor P. 0.
331�LGRAVE. grassy and half -fat,. 85.00 to $6.10 ;
The prize lists and bills are out geed mixed pates ars, $6.20 to $2.30,
ly .for the fall show to be held here on mostly 36.25; Melee heavy, 6.85
by tete reduction in rates uncle by the 27th and 28th of this tmiorrtb,
the new American tariff' may bo
Ther e are quite a number of lapi~eial $5.00 to $6,1 5; roughs, $4.75 to 3,),:x0; 'vI 'YSICAL CtTL,TUr:1.E.
prizes, and altogether the 8110V9` stags- $4 to $4,76:. pigs, $5,50 to $6. ,
gathered from the followingexaimples, promises to be one of the best bed Sheep and lambs ---18 earns tbrougll a or scull partieahtatta, npp_lysrtzlrat the reef.
basest on lest year's exportations:.. by the soolety.
opposite Macdonald Bloch, Wingham.
A Olean Shave, good Hair Cut, and
clean towel used on every face.
Patronage of the public solicited.
Pupil of Madan Mucking, Detroit, is
prepared to receive pupils, being fully
competent to teach advanced pupils, as
well as beginners. Enquiries kindly
allowed at Ross' bookstore.
Itasidence---Edward Street, Winghtani,
Teacher of• '
to $6.45. grassy and dairy -fed heavy ti" O dist', ELO(1'[U'1'XON AND
'd of ih, C#xo,
(uspectal •.
I have a full stook of
Jewelry,, &c.,
to which I invite special attention.
and all work done on the premises.
Stand—Directly opposite the Bank of
Hamilton, Wingham,
Sept, lath to 22nd, 1884.
Canada's Favorite Live Stock and.
Agricultural EIclnbition
Exhibitors, make your entries early and clime'
Retries olein Live Stock and Poultry, Sept. 13th.
ilutries Orme, other doparttucot+, Sept. 8th.
minae ptymeuts and hoists named in tho stakes,.
Aug. 12th.
Special Attractions of the best.
Spatial i+al'way and umwess rates arranged from
all paints. Prise list, eta, tree. Apply to
President, Secretary,.
GEfo A
STEAK, 166. PER143.
and other meats in low proportion.
also on hand.
T ain prepared to pay the highest price
for all kinds of fowl. They must be drawn
and well dressed.
G•3 O. SHAW.
1,Vingham, Oct. 10th, i8,13.
234 Dundas Street,
EYE randrandLAB SlUla PEON,
Gradulte of the New York Eye and Ear hospital,
IMO. Post Graduate Course on the Eye, Ear. Nose
and Throat nt the New York Post Graduate Medical
Soheel and hospital, 1822. Eyes Tested. Grasses
Applied. Pine stock of Spectacles, Lenses and
surd-Reit!-Reit!E1 es. Will be at the
Brunswick House, WINGHAM,
The tiirst THURSDAY of every
second month, at date named below:
Next Visit, September Gth, x894.
Hours 11.30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Charges
This month we will receive our Fall Importation of
/ale rir 1.4
Berlin, Germany, and from London, England.
As these Goods are direct from the Manufiaeturers, prices will be in favor of
the buyers.
In addition to this, the styles
Our Large Importation of
are the latest on the
markets of the
110 S
Jput us specially for us in the Tea gardens of
apan, &c., will reach Wingham about the end of
August. Please withhold your orders until they
arrive. We can then give you choice, fresh Tea,
put up in 201b. caddies, at wholesale prices.
Our Stolt is complete in every department, and prices have touched
bottom in every Inc.i
Respectfully Yours,
The .Anchor house, Winghar.
A full stock of all kinds of
for both High and Public Schools, just received.
Also a large stock of
Scribblers, Exercise Books,
Copy Books, Slates,
Pencils, Crayons, &c.
a full stook, as usual.
Roller and all complete.
82 sale; market steady, shade strong- t CI U0 i►10 •., Wang- The Popular I3ookstor'e, Wingham.
Travel in the
1Y wl1IOit 1RAILR
In Ontario and i+
when one is dcsirou
certain point, about
sary is to step on bo
cars and the soca noti
but in a country like
Northwest it is soiue
Of eoursotbat eountr
way accommodation,,
limited to the main li
dian Paeifee and its b
latter of which are n
in the territory of
sit ould the traveller's
a point any great
these he is cohnpellec
other means of tra
which are indeed loos
the advent of the st
prior to the great mo
Eastern Provinces to
Land, some curious a
pressed into service it
OauSpieaous aainori
Red River cart, than
ungainly vehicle cc:
found. Just who rw
of it uo one seems
dates back long bete
River settlers landed
kirk. It is made en
not a vestige of in
metal being used,
accustomed to see ve
improved nature till
ed together so as
wear an*l tear of t
ally wonders. how o
River cart hangs
wheels are -about si
are otherwise ponce(
tion, being secure
means of' a large wo
superstructure is a 1
principle of a corn c
four by six feet .in
this strange vele
canopy top, but inc
devoid of this luxu
by which the tray
must be moved i
harnessed up in abc
ner as is a horse, w
of a bit, lines of ro
halter being suffi
" prancing steed "
trail. This May se
way to travel in t
tions, but many thc
the Red River ox
The most highly e
general in Caned
Dufferin—in coral
Dufierin, made t
Fort Garry. to th
Penitentiary in
aud.,bis account of
cleat splendid real
for in one of thc
wanting for mesic
energy with .whi
squeak, squeak, s
journey, should
exaeting. Some ft
freighting overly
means of these ea
a train of from n
drawn by as n
seen winding its
the prairie wits
charge, he direr
the foremost one
lowing whither
The main reason
ox was the fact t
sloughs Iay in t
and the slow-
depended upon
through them wi
cited as a horse
eases of emerge
the roads are
bridges built,
going out of far
often be seed, e
ket at Winni
The lndtan
course to the ox
veyance that is
The antipathy
most prominent
red than, is
reason why* he
to the lino of
easiest possible
his parpose is t
variably uses,
constructed by
saplings fasten
potty ----for the
pony -rand the
on the :groans
cross bar. I7
on the top of
self, and the e