HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-09-07, Page 3W. Ce T. U. COLUMN.
/1,7 Owl mut Hume (curl \'c;; ire Land,
Well call the attention, of the utothere and stators
to the law., that the Woman's Christian Temper -
Agee Union meta vim Monday at three o'clock
sharp, for ono hour, at sirs. lfelm's residence, Yat•
riok street. Ml ladles aro made welcome.
As the Editor has kindly givot us part 01 hie
space, for our work, wu ask friends of the cause tO
send ,toted or interest on all moral questions of the
day to any of our members.
Poverty and Drunkenness.
It is social conditions which snake
men clrt)nkards, and our- organiza-
tions too frequently neglect to make
allowance for that fact. Ill my
opinion we shall be obliged to become
the champions of trade unions and
work with plight and main to better
the condition of wage-earners before
the vice of drunkenness can be at-
So Miss Frances Willard is reported'
to have said recently. It draws at-
tention to a phase,of the temperance
question which has not been exten-
sively studied or discussed. Tho
number of saloons in tbo "slurps" is
a favorite object lesson for the pro-
hibition orator, but he seldom stops
to consider whether the saloons creat-
ed the "slums" or the "slums"
being created by other causes,
saloon -keepers flocked thither
knowing that where the burden of
squalor, wretchedness, and want is
heaviest the demand for artificial
means of tempory relief is greatest.
In Toronto we have not the con-
ditions where saloons flock to the
slums, for we have no slums properly
speaking, though there aro localities
where vice used to center and where
the poorer people gathtuccl to reside.
Another advantage possessed by this
city is that liquor sellers are not
permitted tQ flock to the poorer
There can be no doubt that with a
better distribution of the world's
wealth, that with less poverty •there
would be less drinking to drown the
misery which takes refuge in drink.
Buttho drink evil cannot be cured
by the eradication of poverty, though
it would bo wiped out among a por-
ion of the world's population. 'There
is pore drillldng among those who
are not oppressed by poverty than
among those who are trodden clown
by social. conditions. The eradica-
tion of the traffic can only .bo achiev-
ed by work among all classes. The
assistance of temperance workers in
the reorganization of social conditions
will be welcomed by organized labor,
but the work must not be slackened
in other directions.
Stark's Powders. each package of
which contains two preparations, on in a
round wooden box, the cover of which
forms a measure for one close, an im-
mediate relief for Sick Headache and
Stomach; also Neuralgia, and all kinds
of bervous pains, and another in cap-
sules, (from 3.4 to 1:; of one is an ordinary
dose) which auto n t the Bowels, Liver
and Stomach, fit 'ming a never failing
tierfeet treatmei.t for all Head and
Stoma:h complaints. They do not, as
most pills and so many other Inodtoines
do, lose their effect or produce alter
constipation, and are nice to take. 2
cents a box, tit all medicine dealers.
How to Get Rid of Bores.
An American Ambassador, calling
on Prince Bismarck, casually observ-
ed that the Chancellor's time must be
greatly taken up by bores.
That is true, said Bistnark, but I
havo one infallible manner of dis-
posing of then,
What is it ?
itty wife always. sends fol' Me on
seine pretext or other, and then, of
course, the visitor is forced by polite-
ness to take his leave,
Hardly had he spoken when the
Princess entered, saying in an inno-
cent tone:
Otto, its time to take your medi-
' The ambassador saw the ludi-
crous side of the matter, burst out
'laughing and took his leave.—
' Truth.
'Vhen Baby wad sick, we gave Ler Castorla.
When she was rV Child, alio Dried for Castoria.
't'S'heu she became )rias, she clung to Castoria.
'When alto had Children. she gave them Castoria.
The descendants of Queen Victoria
are either now in possession of, or
will in the natural course of events,
toile to•'occupy seven thrones in
K. D, 0. Pills tone and regulate tike
Adopted Names, What Hit. IHim, S']l trP 170L11. this. n nx dial: aztiism
Authors are very apt to become Many queer things happen in war- atelsrs,.
,very fanciful about their names,. as time. Sergeant Forbes -Mitchell, of • Visit picturesque Iaclsinsc Island. It
soon as the latter have received pull- filo Ninety-third Sutherland High-
wi to l est yin b ?f8 ompiromi Dae-
sic approbation. J. O. Jeaiir esorl Iitlyders,reiates what he calls a rather for tiro round trip. inrludrul meals and
says that his friend, William Stigand, laughable incident which befell it • berths, Avoid tllo heat and dust by travel,
was uneasy about his surname until Man of his company named Johnny ing on the D. & C. floating palaces. The
ho had changed elle spoiling of it, so ) OSS, It was 111 India, at Lneknow, Attractions of a trip to the Mackinac region
that it stands thus on the title page durin • thegreat Mutin are nnromantic . t, i island itself Ii a
1 g G Y� grand romantic spot, its climate most in -
of one book and "Stigant" on another. Before falling in for the assault on - vigorating. Two new f)tcel passenger
steamer's have just been built for the
tipper hike route, .costing $'100,009 each.
They aro equipped 'with every modern
convenience, annunciators, birth -rooms,
etc., illuminated throughout by electricity,
told are guaranteed to he tate grandest,
largest and safest steamers o.t fresh water.
These steamers favorably compare with
the great ocean liners in construction and
speed. Four trips per week between
Toledo, Detroit, Alpena,'" Mackinac, St.
Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, "Soo," 3far-
cjnette and Duluth. Daily between Cleve-
land and Detroit. Daily bcti,Ten Cleve-
land and Put -in -flay. 'Ilt3 cabins, parlors
and staterooms of tltette steamer's aro do
signed for the complete entertaiumcat of
humanity under home conditions; the pal.
atial equipment, the luxury of the ap.
pointments, malzcs traveling on these
steamers thoroughly enjoyable, Bend for
illustrated descriptive pamphlet. Address
A. A. BCIIANTE, G. P. e. T. A., D. 8s C.
Detroit, Mich.
William Hepworth Dixon did not the Bogum's palace, Johnny Ross and
receive his middle name from his George Puller, with some others, had
parents hut assumed it at his own been playing cards in a sheltered
discretion. Charles Shirley Brooks, corner, and in some way quarreled
formerly editor of Punch, had no over the game. They were still
right, except that of adoption, to his arguing the point, when the 'signal
middle name, and, perhaps, had iso was given to fall in and Duller told
foreseen that the satirical humor of Ross to shut up.
the day would convert it into "Steal- At that moment a spent ball
low," would have been willing •to struck Ross in the mouth, and knock -
remain plain "Charles Brooks." eel out four of his teeth. Johnny
Abraham. Hayward, a literary thought it was Puller who had. struck
veteran, detested his own Christian hill, and at once returned. the blow.
name, but an 'essayist, who was You fool ! said Puller, It wasn't
ignorant of the fact, insisted on ad- .1 that struck you. You've got a
dressing him by it in an open letter bullet in your mouth.
on some public affair. Mr. Hayward And so it was. Ross put his hand
cried in a few months, and a remorse- . to his lips and spat into it his four
less joker worried the essayist teeth and a bullet. IIe at once
by declaring that the deceased had apologized to Puller for leaving struck
merofy been killed by this excessive him, and added, How shall I manage
use of his Christian name. . to bite my cartridges the noo?
George Henry Thornbury, who ` Those were the days of muzzle -
has done such good work in general loading cartridges, which had to be
literature, was once asked why he . torn open with the teeth when load -
clad taken to calling himself ing.
As my ballads have made so de- A Boon to horsemen.—One bottle • lei years.
eided a hit, he explained, I have , of English Spavin Liniment eompletely • -- ,
decided to call myself Walter alto- removed a curb from my horse. I take Employs ; very �1 i « r� Staff
gether. pleasure to recommendiug the remedy, 7
The questioner smiled, and Thorn -its it acts with mysterious promptness in : of Ten Teachers.
berry added : the removal from horses of bard, soft or •
,F __.m..... _._. x.7..9•
An Institution where none but board-
ers are admitted; has been running about:
calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints,
Surely you must see that Hen-o-ry, °arras, sweeny, stifles and sprains. Gro. p5p9p �t 9i° SOLO, Hen-e-ry, is not a fit name for a Rona, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold at SCHOLARSHIPS ARE SOL IO,
writer of ballads, and that George is Chisholm's Drugstore, �'ingharn. embracing a full course yearly, includ-
almost as bad, though, 110 doubt, --„0.--- ing all the English branches, Sciences,
Byron was a George, Walter is a French and German,Classics, Music
much better name for a poet; so, Ram's Horn Blasts. Drawing, Crayon Portrait, Oil Painting,
henceforth bo good enough to speak A sinner in the church weighs Ornamental branches, with Vocal and
of ale and think of me as Walter. more for the devil than a dozen out- Elocution, in olassiee, at remarkably low
A name seems so irrevocable a fact sick of it. rates.
to some of tis that we do not stop to Worry and the grave -digger' are This institution draws students frcm
consider how recently certain famous good friends. Toronto. Montreal, Ottawa and the
ones have been changed or modified. 1
The Alcotts were not originally ; A by pocrite fools some, but none so towns and cities froth ()nada, as well es
Alcott, but Alcock, and the Iirontes, •
badly as he does himself. from Now York, Chicago and other cities
1 from the United States.
of SO many generationsd and reat e11before`tlle oda t 1 Sinners will never be Ina .hurry For particulars address,
y about repenting, as long as the' ry
of the famous Charlotte, an Irish preacher's manner makes them think MISS D. A. HURD, Secretary,
family named Prunty. And thus 1 they have twenty years in which to Oshan a
have decided or eccentric men midi- do it. ttuTtrlly soniCiviltlt tiiL loud tit,' h,�:
fled the spelling of their' names, as 1 sarin from them since no meat
they might change the fashion •:of Hitd the Lord quartered iZion,
Elijah g
their beards. with the richest man in instead jlarm was telt as two of: the party,
_ of feeding him on the widow's #essrs. Christie and 1 ispin, were
—'-�' I crumbs, his great camp meeting on sporienced canoeists and had taken
During tha but weather impurities of ' Mount Carmel might never have been be trip last year, accompanied by
the blood may seri•,usly annoy you..1 "
Expel them by taking Hood's Sarsa- ' heard of. Ir. D. Bell, L. L. l3. The news of
parilla, the great blood purifier. he accident is a groat shock to this
Heart Disease Relieved in gprvn, where the tuifortttnr
The Um -versa" Charm. Minutes.—All cases of organic or sym- sero well-known and respected
pathetic heart disease relieved in 80 itizens.
A lot of young women were discuss- minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag-' Mr. D. M. Christie was the senior
ing, on the piazza of the summer' new's Cure. Solei at Chisholm'e Drug-ilentber of file legal firm of Christie
hotel, one of the gentlemen guests of store, Wingham. Lewis, barristers. He was 40
the same.I It is much easier to suppress a firstears of age and a bachelor.
His manners are perfect, ventured ' desire than to satisfy those that follow. I, Arthur Northwood was a son of
O1�He's rather too independent, I Gentlemen, —I hate urea your Yel- µr John Northwood, aucl a graduate
p low Oit and hat Q found it unequaled if Toronto University. He had been
think, came a dis a yes. opinion; but for burns, sprains, scalds, rheumatism, thing the position of science master
he has fascinating eyes. croup and colds. All who use it rowel-
ococo ,t Owen Sound Collegiate Institute
They would be much more so if, mend it. Mrs. Hight, Montreal, Que. rut -had taken a new ill. Ot-
they were brown instead of blue, 1 -a,,,,„,„..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ � a M,. y fl,i4•n. f!nitake to Tmtf.itnt0. position in .Ot-
clisscnted another, but his figure p VII. oat % . •..- • .- - •. . ' L •
There aro several cases of typhoic •u ,T-_ ., ...,•„:,,,t, E
fever 111 town at present. --Mr. G. A T
Deadman has sent it splendid exhibi _._t a ' — its ks.. 1,
of honey to Toronto. The exhibit es. �?Rt.� xtLtii..t.dR JT $put up in glass jars of different sizes a '"
1, �0( pOtllld� fu...,17 -.p.r.;:ehroj t P
Mid will include about -+� «usaarzassa.,,
i:.•%. Ton years t:•rra
edits:.; employ et!, j
Don't you think he is a shade t
stumpy ? asked another, dissentc
I don't like stumpy men ; I do thin
thou h that his teeth are 1 i, ver 3 fit
Most too small for a, man's tee
opposed a girl with a big mouth; b of hooey.—The Ronald Mg= S%ori'
he has a nose that a Greek god mcg has also sent a fine exhibit to Toronto
envy, o i It includes a large city fire engine
G41't.ek enough, di5sentecl ilnothe;_`vhich throws, 1,00() gallons ofwate
but it lacks character. Ile woule The heir of the mythical Jennens
have a stronger face if his nose were estate in England has been admitted
more Roman. His hair is his most to the poor house in Camden, N. S.
attractive feature I think, and he can Isaac Jennings was rich and the
let it wave about his forehead beauti- • owner of a profitable business when
fully. he became interested in the mythical
Huh, sniffed another objector, and - .Tonnens estate in England, the value
he's so conceited about it, I do like of which was estimated at from
his forehead though. $100,000,000 to ;500,000,000, said
Altogether too low, objected an to be in possession of the Chancery
intellectual dissenter. Don't you Court in England. He became
think he has a fine chin'? president of the Jettisons Heirs' As•
On the contrary, it's course, antag- sedation, and set vigorously to work
onized a sweet voiced maiden, and to secure the estate. His effort
that kind of it chin means tyranny, absorbed all the profit of his business
if the man has a wife who is at alt and •finally the business itself. His
yielding. His hands have always fortune followed and the door of the
pleased Inc by their shapeliness. poorhouse opened to him. He still
'J o much like a woman's, objected says his "belief is unshaken that the
a. masculine looking maid. I millions helot by the English Court of
think— Chancery will eventually be brottght
What I like about Min most, inter- to this country and distributed among
ratite(' it steatcly beauty, is his mil- the heirs. It is needless to say that
lion dollars. there is no suck estate awaiting
Isn't it perfectly lovely ? assented claimants, therefore the Court of
every girl in the group with en- Chancery can hold no moneys from
thusiastic unanimity, . an estate which does not exist. It is,
another of those cases in which the!
credulous are fleeced by swindlers I
who play upon human cupidity and
;ruin all who put faith in then.
Dr. Dow's Worts Syrut, eeros and
removes worths of all kids iu children
or adults, Price 25e. Sold by all
MUM ; fet•bang, lao n
3.1 �411 is
i and over ann,a0t) e
Ni .tCvCrj'hofj,j
nhonl,t oars this
. Dicttouiu•y. 13 nn- 1
ewers all questions e
I. :7.1; ll concerning the his -
j `�-MII tory, spelling, l:roti
;, t:ttltchttiou, :mvl
.f meaningof.words. `i
A. „ibrAiry in Itself r: also gives
tiro facts often wanted concerning eminent
persons, ancient and modern; noted heti- '
tious persons and places; the countries, ecities, towns, rind natural features of the
globe; translation of foreign quotations,
words, phrases, and jn'overba; ete., o te., etc .
This Work is Invaluable in the
household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro-
'fossional man, and self-oducator.
The Globe, Toronto, says:—
This nelv dictionary is the beat book of Its kind
in the English manage. Per every faintly, the
members or which have mastered the art of read,
hen,rispurchase will prove aprofitable investment.
Tho Times, Hamilton, says:—
it may well be pronounced the best working dir.
tlohary and the cheapest book in the world, and
should ba in every school and family in Canada.
HaVeyour IlooksellershO wittoyou.
(D..D C. Merriam Co.
'-no not bee Olean photo.
graplhla reprints of ancient
edlt ons.
t4rSend for free prospectus
aontalnl eapeelmenpages,
tllustrat(oons, etc.
A Blessing to Every I ousebo1et.
These remedies havo stood the test of fifty years
1''examperienu.o,ce, and aro pronotuu•ed the hest 1;, akin lr
�'T•��^•���-��^^--��-ily���* *•�-• �y
Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the elven. $Tt ea Ar1J, KJ J NMI-,
invaluable is till complaints Incidental to females of all ages.
od%r*dlaIermedyfor ad egs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds.1'URnIS. SCRSTI10A ebUT, 1tEUMATISM, ilLAD;LAIC SWELLINGS
DISEASES IT IIAS NO J:t,IUAL. Dlanutactnreil enlr at 78, Now Oxford. Late :,;i$, Oxfmd Street, Loud=
and sold by all Medicine vendors throughout the world.
LeeTtinliasers should look to the Label au the Dena and Pots. If the adtlr(::ss is not
53;3 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
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RADIATOR of Modem Construe.
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