HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-09-07, Page 1NM don, Ont. mines. iltReip aL nk. DS, IT PRICES his season is °niers, not y, )ok for our s later. es warrant - represented. (ft VOL. XXIII.—NO. 1185. TH141 BEAR HAS TAKEN STOCK. SUMMER GOODS ARE SELLING CHEAP FOR CASH TO CLEAR OUT; AVE DO NOT WANT TO CARRY MEM OVER. ORR & HISCOCKS, ‘f• The Only Direct Importers. BEAD, July 20th, 1894. Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATERSON. No 23, Vie- . toria street,Winglearn, Ont. No witnesses required. 4tetteleattgaeGettleaecaitt...413400.1>teatdeetalt. Place in Gam% to : 4 ST ,..,,,,,ozuss,nhe,sirszt: : t , •• F A., I, ,.. • etc.,_ is at the Cen- a; - - - - - - - - — - — 'Ws' Business Col- 4 41, lege, Toronto, Ont.., and Stratfora, Ont. A, ,a, uncesesesersobly deocea's Greatest Coin- 4,.. 4, inerciai.F.,chanis, Cala 0,toes tree. Men- 4/90444604W,4KNOsttv.) 0444404J 4 nth on :s paper. Shaw a Noon, Principals LOCAL NEWS. -,e,The oyster is IkeL Ir. Walter Or -,Tee ond will likely be —The great In commenced on T tinue for a couple ee'�LA nice shower waph will br trifle. A. good needed. —Over 200 from Caledoniau games rtesday, and all Wer their :eating. min "in it." en is improying nicely, round again soon. estriel Fair'in Toronto esdey, and it will oon- f weeks. f rain fell on Tuesday sten up the pastures oaking rain is badly Ingham attended the t Lnaknow, on Wed - highly delighted with Fon SAT..R—A. good fresh IVIiieh Cow. Apply to : JAS. Eerecer, , . Bluevale P. 0. —Mr. Lachlan Me ean is confined to t house with tome int met trouble. Re was taken very bad while down etreet, on More day; and bad to beet-, ten llorne. —A. junior footbel team of town played a junior team in -Bleth, on Mondey last. 'The clubs were veryeevenly matched, and the game. resulted 13 a draw„ mole club • ..d / • hg scored two golls. understa4 1 the palmerston , telegraph has been 1 purchacied hy Mr. G. H. Mooney, of this lace, who will nuance it to Ripley and stat an independent news- paper in that thrivih.I little village. —The Executive of the -West Huron Teachers' Assooiati m held a meeting in Clinton, lately, to arrange a programme for the'next regulta meeting; which is to be held:at Goderieh, ei Sept. 2'7-28. . —Ladles, have your garments made by .41;:':•" Mise M. johinstoil, Gregory *look, opposite the Queen's Hotel. Letest styles, good work, always first-class fit. —Services will be held next Sunday at the Congregational, church, at the usual haute, 11 le. in. and ; p. m. Sunday school • at 2.80. . The pateor will preach both morning and eveniQ, Mottling :subject : "The Holy Spirit :Rhin tus." Evening subject : "The No : Birth." A cordial welcome to all. s at the Shea r Shoe Men. ARS• his old stand, hares eltbp —On Saturday mains of Mabel, a Timmins, of Toronto-, Bluevale cemeteey, end Mies Mabel h Manitota and the N and the deceased was when they were at Da to return home. Shs , hut was quite 'weak, •terneon lest, the re- ughter of Mr. J. S. were interred in the r. and Mrs. Timmins hem? on a trip to ihwest Territoriesaken , 111 •oth, clumsy citizen to help hie along, even when he tf, and they decided ,mal have no per onal friendship for or as mending nicely, intekest him, d will pay out good d while the train money to put his words into print atter was standing at Medici ie Rat, she mooned, they heive been we tten, yet the persona WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1894. — Leaves are leaving lie forest trees, —The duck shooting season . opened on Monday last. 1 —Calves feet Jelly, at 11. E. SL's Macdonald Block. —Rev. Dr. Gifford, of the Methodist church, occupied his pt !pit on Sunday last, after spending a couple of weeks' holidays with friends in and aro cid Forest. — Mr. John Nome., of this town, Eminent Preceptor of Richard Cceur de Lion Preceptory, .No. 4, Knights Templar, London, is in Toronto his week attending the meeting of the Soffreiga Great Priory of Canada. —The Guelph Fall Exhibition will be held this year on the l*th, 19th and 20th of this month, and p omises to be one of the best ever held in tl 3 lloyal City. The prize list is a good one and the attractions are of a nature that Spould attract a large attendance. , ( — Private moneys to loau on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to' tf Jonx NDELANDS. —An exchange says that at a ball in Southampton recent]', the crowd WitS made up of seventeen gent ernee and one hundred ladies. The sevent en representetives of the male sex were sc*nuch in demand that they were almost lueged to death. South- ampton ought to be_ a perfect bachelors' f'frrlthe addition tot the Agricultural build- ing is being finished!this week. The build- ing will now afford ramie accommodetio for all the inside de. artment of the show. The prospects are tleet the Fair will be on of the beet over held a Wingham. Intend- ing exhibitors shoulc make their entries as soon as possible. - —Excellent, the eery best, sure to, do it, dm., are the repot.* of those who use Phenyo-Caffoin for lei:Zech° or nourcdgia. —Tho senior footoall team did not suc- ceed in scoring a vi -tory at Brussels, on aonday. After pit whirover• au hoer, :the ee gamewas not flnislI ed on account of a' dispute between the clubs over a decision given by the referee 11 is too bad that there should be so much wrangling over ethese games, as t ley tend to lower the sports in the eyes of the public. est week's ply h Standard contained be valedictory of Hr. W. H. Irwin, who has sold the paper to Mr. A. E. Bradwin, lately of Toronto ;aturday Nighetel Irwin controlled the destinies of the Stand- ard for the past fele years, and was a worthy representatees of the Fourth Estate, and we trust he w 11 not desert the pro- fession. ChMr. Brad vin is a Wingham boy and can be dependee upon to "elevate" tile Standard, and wi\ make it deserving of the hearty support of the people of Blyth and Vicinity. . —On Monday nig .1 last, some party or patties effected an entrance into Mr. J. Nieoll's residence,ohn street, by pulling off the screen fro windows. They tk main part of house, stairs leading to 11 Half burnt metahe information, as the steers and in every g appear to have loft ! ing WAS taken. Tamlyn's residenc the burglar or burg Dr. W. E. H. Taml out securing any b ono of the basement n went up into the and were also on the sleeping apartments. were the clues to this were found on the orn downetairs. They s tbey came, as noth- he same night, Dr. 'was also visited, and is were disturbed by n, and decamped, with- ty. —You lose more then we do by not advetising in this p er, —0,1,811 for good atter and eggs at R, A. Gra, tit's market rocerv. Labor Day,' -the new holiday, was not very well c-eserved in Wingliam, though it appearsto have been pretty 'generally kept th oughout the countil It is also observed . a the United States, tl government of the country baying also set aside that day .s a holiday. —Toronto was visited by a terrific rain storm on Sanclay afternoon last, which was accompanied ey lightning and wind. A great deal of ds nage was clone in many parts of the city, ...ed one of the acrobats who was to regime -I at the Exhibition was struck and killed zy lightning. —Twelve hea, ahes cured for 25 cents, Phenyo-Catlein L les 'it. Your druggist recommends it. —G. T. R. trains or Toronto and east leave Wingham at 0.25 a. m, and 11.20 a. in,, via W. G. & B.; 0.35 a, ro. and 3,25 p, in., vie Clinton and Guelph. Good con- nections by all trains. —Wo clip the foll Star because it "A newspaper me write something wing from the Wilton as a local application 'Will .sit up nights to kind about a fellow —Thelacrosso i um went to Mitchell, on Monday, and play d the club of that town. The game was a r -ugh one, several of the Wingbam boys 1 dog laid off work on account of their': injuries. The match rosulted in favor '1 Mitehell by tsvo goals to one. The, rot rn match, it is expected, will bo played her shortly. —On Friday °vesting last, quite arm:1*er of the members of 'Dome Wroxeter, Come- dian Order of For sters, ;aid Court Mait- land here a fraternal visit. Atter the business of the iniac ing had been conclud- ed, short speeches • Jere made by a number of the visiting bretheren and others, and au adjournment wasmadto Mr. Ile Hill's restaurant, where. • light repast was in waiting. An licd1r r so was spentin social inteteouree, and thi company broke up. --For first-chtee tetiloring and client: gents' fureishiegs, try, Webster dr Co. Remember the place, ono door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. —On Saturday ti-cirning ladttMr. Alex. Coats, of this tow , passec17644 after an illness of ten mcaths. Tleit/Aeoarise i was a member of C ;art 'Maitland, Cana- 1 ' dial Order of Foroeters, the members of which society were enremitting in their attentions to him, a .d had a nurse with him when be die. He loaves a wife a nd nine ebildren, tit io have the Gym pa - thy of our townspeo reavement. The fun Monday last, to the and was under the du testers, Rev. Dr. GUTci and notwithstanding 'II Wq1,8 dodo that who are benefited 'ildotar thiak of making' losing hands and me • I tell Id lo a return, attributing thole notice to thefr'. she never rsllied, Sh girl, and was in her and Mre, Tinantins ha their old Mende in %Ea bereavement. was it bright litti; personal gtentnes: Ten chances to one eventh year. Mr. I they will send out of tetvn for their next o the sympathy of lob of work, or will takeit to an exclusive is section in their I )ob oftoonder the .inpreseion of making a saving.o.f., vrill take it _1._.,.4,. effect ' e in their sore be- ral took place on Ingham cemetery, conn of the For - Id also officiatine.,. —Watches, °looks and jewelry prompt} repaired and fully werriteted by Mem Pu Meyer Bloek, Windham. —The Gospel Tem Monday evening last, Hall, was pretty well and practice]. address Rev. D. Perris and D . Macdonald. The Presbyterian :choir ave a number of appropriate seleetions, which were highly appreciated, and Mr. : Ialsey Park gave a solo in good voice. Mats Edna Cargill gave a recitatioip The pr i:Itnime was well carried out; and the m tingavas a splendid °ranee meeting, on in the Teniperarme attended. Forcible were delivered by suecess. Tho ladies are entitled to the the for their efforts in the f the W. C. T. U. iks of our citizens cause of Temper. ante and morality. lrfe. A. Sword, pastor of the Cougtegational buroh, occupied the chair. BEAR TIRRS,—At th ing last eveuing, Dr. spoke 10 strong term against those prof -s electors tvho voted Administration. 1 de Macdonald's informed Temperance meet. Macdonald, M. 13., : of condemnation sing temperance! phut the Mowat re to State for Dr. , as well as for the information of the othe Connolly was pledged t for the prohibition of t no matter by what pp would be introduced.: that Mr. 0:whew** • —Cross 5T 131ackweli's Ptokles, at /E. E, representatives of len Order et For - be Foresters' 41411 fternoon, to trans, tion with the die •' strict Deputy for meeting ot th District No, 31, Can Otters, was held in here, on Wednesday act business in eonno Wet end to select the ensuing year. --The hutch tires hav done: a great deal of damage in this nee n. It is said diet in some oases thew fire by mischievous bad boy severe penalty for Bath 81 A YEAR IN ADVANCE -.Vhe Wingham Tf 'Club haye bed an engineer staking out ' track on the new eerie lately purchase t from Mrs, Johnston. They will do some wk on it this fall, and finish it in time fel their spring meeting next year. Weeene to borrow for a term of years— $3,000 on good farm security, at per cent. interest. For particulars apply Trans Wingham, Ont. • Per ono's. have been started Mr. John Mowat las visiting in Clifford, There is a very last week, out fires at this Mrs, Forrester, N'ssto has been visiting season of the year, all we hope that no her mother, Mrs. Varney, has returned to one will have to collude, of such conclact her home in Tortn-. on the part of Winghen boys in the fu. Mr, R. T. Goan). th has returned home, tine. after spending the tinnier around Port --Mr. Hector Buie, o Blyth, broth or Elgin and Owen Sod, of Mrs. S. Gracey, of tis town, it Brussels Post: 5 B. Srnale is rustier', ale vary ting in Wingham.. Imola Hembly, of low with lung trouble, *suiting. from a severe attach of la grit -no, last winter. Wingharn, Sundayed in town-Russie Mr,Wilson, of Wingharn spent part of his Buie, along with Mr. Davis, of • summer vacation in trussels. Montreal,. has cc:inductile' a commercial business college in tin 1 city for some Messrs. Harry Be 1 and Sextus Kent, have gone to, Mon real for a couple of time, and just recently -eturned to the -weeks. They intend. '.aking in the Toronto home of bis parents, where he now lies Exbibition on their M Ay back. in such a precarious c ndition. Mr. Newton Boyd, d Mitchell, is a guets -Mr. A. Roe has pu chased a couple of at Mr. T. Bell's. superior well-bred Tree/worth boar pigs Mr. John MeAlpin I, of Brussels, `MS in from Mr. McIntyre, o: London, They town this week renew, eg acquaintances arrived this week, and dr, Thos. Wood- Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith are at cock will take one of ftern and the other Toronto this week _, will be placed near le.re. Tide breed. of Mr. eland° Laing, o_Ithe Bank of Hatnil- ! swine is in great dema-cd by pork packers, 1 ton, spent a short t le with friends in as more desirable mem can be secured Chesley, during the wc k. from their carcase than other breeds. They Mr. John Leslie, o' Winnipeg, is down are euything but beauul looking animals. on a businessand plea: re trip. He tva'atitt —Our Fall Mantles, imported direct from 1 Kinc01'di'le Yesta.hieea: the ()elate ated makers, Max Meyer it Co., Mr. Webb, of Strethord, is at present Berlin, Germany, and Walker, Wren & visiting his father, Mr 5. 13. Webb. Cooper, London, England, are just to hand, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Weltidor.1, of Lis - and they are worthy of careful inspection Tow theineil. • Tho Town ei met on Monday even- ing last, Present— eeve Sparling,Deputy Reeve Holmes and ouncillors McKinley, Gregory, Reading, hns, Green, Herds- man, McLean, Ing s. In the absence of tbe Mayor, Beeve arling °coupled the chair. The :minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Communication was read from the Town Treasurer, with re- ceipts for August as ollows: .las. Begley, cemetery lot, $0; as. Parr, do, ; P. Brown, do, $3 ; Ch el, show license, 610; W. P. Brockenshire, fine, $1; East Wawa. nosh, gravel, 6.1.4N; balance in hank, 275.21; Provineia School grant, 6270.. total on hand, a500.15. The finance report was then read as fol -owe : R. Blaeltwell, repairing horse powoi,a3.10; X. 11, Stephen- son, grate for tile drain, $2; F. Davidson, streets, $1, drab lose ,to fire, 111 ; R. Dreaver, repairing , !rater cart, 41; J. W. Iuglis, repairing luxe power and pump. $2.25 ; Geo. Hughes, work on streets, 618.03; McTavish di, Co, band sawing for sewer, 30 rents ; C. J. Reading, 2.1. days repairing box drain, 53.14; C. J. Reading, 13. days inspecting sewer, $13.75: John Gillespie, drawing. lose to fire, a2; John Gillespie, gravel fol streets, 653.68; Wing - ham Electric Light Do., lights for Atignea, U0.00; McLean & Son, lumbar, 5'2.08;6 Jas. A. Cline & Co., upplies, $4'J.75; Wrn. Page, work at drain) $1,25: 3, S. Mitchell and. W. Page, se r, $109.40; W. 0. Stuart, sewer, $3.50. , It was recommeaded tbat the following ac ounts be referred to the Council, they not being certified to R. J. Blackwell, B. D eatgef., J.* Weil -tells, Jas. A. Cline it Co., at -1 Ny:O. Stuart, and that the other aci ouvaghe paid. The report was adopt d. =..Moved by Wm. Hohnes,, seconded ley, e McKinley, that Jas. A. Cline & Co race unt he peid, lees ' 61•50, and that Blieekw 11, Dreaver, J. W. inglis, and W. 0. el, um. 's mot:omits be !eft, : over till certified to -e0 ried. The follow- ing accounts were rend H. G. Lee, work i on streets, 03 ;scuts; Advance Printing Hotth, printing, $3 ; W. Sherd:dn. moving pest, a5. Mo ed by Geo. Greene seconded by D. MoRini y, that the moment of :Sherdein. ,for rem ving nuisaece, be paid, and same charge to Bone property Carried. Mt'. T. Bel was present in the: interests of the Union • Factory Company, and said that the new Company would nal be able to ODIDJOy and would like an extension of ime on the mortgage against the factory, Mr. Robt. McIndoo else spoke and said, that if he were in the Council he would: in favor of making a motion to lower thc number of hauds. He would be willing to meet them iu auy way. Mr. Wm. Clegg sa he could not add very much to what li cI been said. 1Ve all should ructke en e Jrt to get the factory* thought the Council ell's request. Mr. Geo. 'favor of giving the corn- , raga:lent possible, and il should favorably ton - request. Mr. W. F. Ice would endorse what e previous gentlemen. e thought the Council hing in the inatter 'of s present, that Mr. by alLtho ',tidies visiting our town. towel, spent a couple of days with friends D. M. Goiecox. in town, during the w 'Jr. F. Ballard. and Ir. Bert Binning, of We • understand t errengements Listowel, spent Sued c last in town. Miss L. Shore, of S tatferl, is on to visit Union Farniture Fe, tory was transferred to Mewls in town. to the new Company, who will put the Mr, Harry Draymc 1, of Bayfield, was factory operatiou et. soon as some needed renewing friendships u town a couple of repairs are made. Ti e men will receive their pay in a day people generally wi matters in connecti have been settled so has gone into sucth gi be in operation again ,,0-11 Monday m o'clook, the fire alarte awoke many of the will spend a few weeks : visiting friends in residents from their situnbers. On going town, to the centre of the town, it was learned Mr. Dan. Calder left for his home in that the naghtwateeman rung the 13eavertou, on. Werin -day, to give his thinking thee the bush fires had shoulder, widish was in erect in the lacrosse got too close to tie Union Furniture match at Mitchell, on douday, chance to 1,* d y, .!; tar ,owns. days this week. ; Mrs. J. D. Sills and laughter Florence be glIa to Itnow that n with the .f =tory are at Toronto on a twF•weel;s' visit. Miss Bessie Parker returned froth a eatisfactorily, that it ! visit to Sarnia, on Satgeday lest. I Miss Maggie MeLe n returned form- od hands mud will soon ! vning last about two accompanied by Miss Una Elliott, who visiting friends itt Nick, on Monday, factory for the sitaiety of that concern. Some remarks not vexy complimentery the watchmen,. wem indulged ia by Toronto to attend a 1 iteting of the Exectg started again. II number of those :o went to learn the A tivo Committee of -.le I. 0. G. T. of Cu- should grant Me. i cause of the alarm. tario. He will ratite on Saturdity. * McKenzie was in getbet ter. t, W. F. Brooke Islam has gone to ... pony ell the ena Mrs. T. A. Mills Ls retuned. from her visit to Bellontaine, (•hio, accomp.tniod by thought the Conn her neica, Miss 011ie \Tinier. eider Mr. Bell's ---e---- " Brockeeshire set —Two or three *ars ago, the TIMER had been said by drew attention to tie company doing bush Mr..las. A.. Cli ness under the nen e of the Dominion should do some Provident Benevollt and Endowment bands and sbou extend the time fon Association, and qumotioned their right to payment of the N r00 now due. Councillor do the character of ousiness they were moxialay was n fate r of granting the transacting. The attention of the Registrar request of the n v Company, Counoilor of Friendly Societies tras also drawn to the Gregorysaid he id not think there was a matter, with the reset that the Association man at the Boa has ;one into liquidaton. The following as Mr. Ben to s paragraph in reference to the Association He wee willing will be of interest : "let the matter of the Deputy.11eave Dominion Provid.ent ,3enevolent and En- dowment Association which is being 'Holmes, grant the me seconds North End char Shop. T. E. Walker, but er, bas decided to sell meat for cash cr in future, as reduced the price of newt one cent a pound all round. Steak, 3 peonds for 25 cents. No meat booked. —Our importation et te will reach Wingham in a few day. The House writes us as follows "T s have advanced about two cents' er nil. This already enhances the v Y ' tea, h. together with the advantage of having early picked leaf, makes your tea an ex- ceptionally "good one." We will sell them at wholesale prices. , support a measure FallFairs. e Liquor Teallic, Wingliam Sept. 25-26. y suth measure Toronto, gept, 845, ve no knowledge London Western Fair, Sept. 13-2e. TtteuceglvvplanteSre,pste.g-2108.4,. Ife :few:tea AadnnIdibMildr rd provc toet t:6liners, ton, Sept. 24.25. •MildmaySept. 20.. doubt very much it he. ilIdiore tor a prtat ThirrIston, Sept. 25-26. bibitory liquor law: 4• Wit that near oderich, Sept. 2540. every hotel keeper .- ' Ontario *Ot* 4.?0,16`11.71t 2b t: Mowat? "There is it r ger in the teit„ry tomewhere." Yowl, , *an ep OM. winguani,.sevcs 4th, 1 04T..thirsukseit. Critg,BSOoppitSept.:47:2288,. Belgreve, 517-2$;,,, Ifitchell, Oct. 2.3. 13. M. GORDON. The Modern Nasty. • Clinton, Oot. 2.1. ** t. Ant a newspaper man Thrives on good food and sitishine, with Asti Ot 1.„,2:11. 1txperfenee halt Preyed it. keeps t g coking pleasant and plenty of exorcise in the open air. Her ritrig, la 2.87 A trituelph in 1.1edicine wasattained when 553 ing g6 bout everybody and form glows with health miller face blooms "Walkerton, Oct, 2.4. Ittpitietice .,roved that scotoi Mt:million . spending rW: timel to itettertiliii the par- with its beauty. it her system needs the Locknow, Oct. 8.4. *ow not ttPlv 'top the progress of Put. I Hahn of *hat M aoliti Jones has done cleansing action of a laxative remedy, the 1-11,0:4111.5..,,.; 000, cor.,„„lion, bttt Ity its tentitturta thanwoul4b�requird to write eat, artiele tete the gentle and pleassn4 liquidlaxative, a1jfforal:0dt. iii.A. sue health and tigor could *tinily restorest I on the it the Nile.” Syrup of Figs. Dungannon, Oct, 1142. . .. J- wound up under the luurance Act by the this Council is 1 master in chancery at- Stratford, s judg- new Company rnent has just been give by C. J. Armour, agreement betw disallowing all the ina ter's reports but Gilchrist, Greet three clauses. It seems proceeding with the win the directors wore bot sums, amounting in all which they had paid ove the certifieete.holclers, master held should not 1 Some of the directorsund who did not believe this against the findingof tile master, but he , the atmunt of who was not as =dens e the factory started. to grant the request. olmes was also willing to test. Moved by Wre. by D. McKinley, that favor of relieving the rom the clause in the en the Corporation and Co,, relating to the hat the master, in number of hand to be employed by said ing up, held that Gilchrist, Green & Co., and to substitute to repay certain fifty hands for th 100 hands mentioned nearly $20,000. therein, and also this Council is willing to by direction of allow the 000 pa Inept due last December but which the to lay over until t to expiration of the ten *so been paid ont. ' years term nionloonsd in said agreement, Atetiniay, SOO ed by Geo. Green, that without interest—Carried, Moved by D. nevertheless made his re at to tile court, 1 passed *by this C holding the directors lfabk.. A"1"tthg being repudiate of the certificate-111)1(1ov? in Loudon advised , council again r the directors to appeal this was dOIOI amount being p and the appeal was attgued on April 17 be attached to last, The chief jiistice eeerved judgment, ! handed to the and has only just given his deeision, allow. i tc vsy the tut tailie appeal and find- ag that the master then adjourhe o power to make t 16 directors liable." I C. 3. Beading, of *15, nen at its last meeting by the Mayor, that this cords itself in favor of the id, and that this resolution he account and that tt "ba reasurer With inetrnetichrs e --Carried. Tbe Council