HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-08-31, Page 8ii =_:_1 • M. I. IL MeIND00.1 NOW FOR THE FALL TRADE.. 9,lready great big cases,—containing our k't,,il Stoolt,befiu to arrive. A most' magailleent---a most perfect --a most gorgeous stook of ileo Dress Goode, Mantles and Men's Suitings. DRESS GOODS. Tour inspection solicited of high class • novelties and plain $brigs. Values that cannot be offered later on, Beautiful designs and colorings at 50; with Trim- mings to match, A SESSATION IN MA.2 TLES. One hundred beautiful Fall and Win- ter Mantles opened up for inspection. We have the greatest Mantle display ever shown outside the city, and we quote such prices that it will pay you to buy at once, at MoINDO®'Sf —The Delineator for October is called the Autumn Number and contains an unusually large number of articles on in- teresting subjects. In addition to the regular fashion matter there is a special article of much value to •mothers called "Fitting out the family for Autumn and Winter." There are also articles for the housekeeper un Seasonable Cookery, hints on Serving Peaches, Apricots and Plums, and The Use of the House. Life and Work at Mount. Holyoke College are well treated by a recent graduate; the second paper in the Kindergarton Series opens up the study in an interesting way, and there is a practical contribution on Millinery as an Employment for Women. The rela- tions between Brother and Daughter are concluder) ino this number, and in how to Live Wisely the subject of Illness and What Not To Do is ably discussed, Instruc- tion in Artistic Handeraft is given in Venetian Iran Work and the Uses of Crepe and Tissue papers, an entertainment is provided in a Hallow'en German and a Chrysanthemum Party, Around the Tea Table is as gossipy as usual, and there are papers on Knitting, Netting, Tatting, Lace Making, Crocheting; etc., etc. The sub- scription price of the Delineator is One Dollar a year, single copies fifteen cents each. Address orders to The Delineator Publishing Co. of 'Toronto (Ltd.,) 33 Rich- mond St. West, Toronto, Ont. To the of Editor the Time. DEAN Stn,—While digging tbo drain for the sewer pipe, in the rear of the stores on the west side of Josephine street, the men had a series of cesspools and old closets to contend with. In fact, the stench from some of those in present use is something terrible. One would require a clothes pew on their nose to enter some of them. We ran across an old tank that had long ago been buried up, and the then could not escape going through it. I asked a gentleman stand- ing by if he would see the Chairman of the Board of Health about it, whose store is but a abort distance from where the tank was found. He did so and was told that he could do nothing anti that he would not ant on any case without a complaint in writing. There was no time for standing on ceremony, and we bad to act ourselves. But 1 find there is another health nuisence, and a very bad one, toe, belonging to the chairman hitn- eelf or the Chief Constable or .Health inspector, in the rear of stores and center of town. Now, the Inspector don't or won't look after a nuisance 'without notice in writing, for I, as well as others, have spoken to kiln about nuisances in town. Of course he has no time to Iook after thelives of the citizens Of the town, he is kept busy repairing sidewalks and thenonly replaces a plank when broken. Of course the town is large and there are a lot cif plank walks in it. 1 think the town will have to employ another man for this kind of work,so the Chief will have time to enter() the laws of the town, which is not done now, Dear Editor, do not known the true way of acting in ouch a case, but if this iuiaranoe is not removed there will be ailtion and without nigh writintreither. IxsrxoTsorz. TliCre are in all about fifty appli- cants for the position of postmaster of Clinton. J. R. Rooth, the Ottawa lumber - ion, has been unfortunate. • In June *fire destroyed this mill, inflicting a. 0f $1.40 ,000 above insurance, 4 %Ow he has lost another'' At10Or'" ,Ire. THE TIN GRAM TOMS, .A T UST 311 1894.e AaapnR auaw in Brief. No moose, elk, reindeer or Cariboo are to be 'killed: before Oet, 25, 1895.. No turkeys are to bo killed before Oct. 15, 1897. No beaver or otter shall be killed before Nov. 1, 1897, The open season for deer is from Oat. 20 to Nov, 15, No one person shall kill more than two deer in one year,. The open season for quail is. from Oct. 15 to Dee. 15, For geese, from Sent.. 15th to slay 1st. ]?Or duck; from Sept 1 to Dec. 15, and no person shall kill more than 400 in one season. No waiter fowl are to bo Wanted from sailing boats or steam yachts, or by means of batteries, swivel guns or sunken punts. No person shall shoot any bird that is under the protection of this act between half an hour after sob set and half an hour before sunrise. The open season for the sable and marten is. from Nov. 1 to April 1. Non-residents of the Province shall not hunt any animal or bird without a license. The open season for grouse, pheas- ants, partridge, woodcock, snipe and plover is from Sept. 15 to Dee. 15, and no person shall give away any snipe, woodcock or partridge, no matter where killed, before Oct. 15, 1807. The act does not apply to residents in unorganized districts who kill only to meet their own necessities, LAKELET. Our I. 0. G. T. meets regularly every Saturday night. Though some keep falling off others take their places, and the membership is gener- ally about 40, The officers elected for the present quarter are as fol- lows :—W. C. T., D. A. Harkness; W. V. T., Minnie Gregg; P, C. T., Myles Scott; Marsh., James Wright; Dep. Marsh., Lottie Greenly; Rec. Sec., Ella Gregg; A. Sec., John Ham- ilton; Fin. Sec., John Darroeh; Treas., M. Scott; Chap., James Wright; Guard, K. Greenly;. Sentinel,. E. Dennis. BLUEVALE. Mrs. Iiing is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Burgess, of Owen Sound. --Miss Lyle Burgess returned O. Owen Sound on Saturday.—Mr. Ward Farrow, of Winnipeg, was calling on his many friends in the village Jast week.—Mir. Samuel Me - Gee and Mr. Edward MeGee, of Bat- tle Creek, Mich., spent last week at Mfr. Johnr' Gardiner's.—Mr. Fulton Timmins spent last week in the vil- lage. -Miss) Annie McHardy is at Niagara Falls,_-cMrs. Robert Duncan is spending a few weeks in Wood- steek.—Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess went to Owen Sound on Wednesday. —While going to Wingham, on Sat- urday, Mr. Samuel Anderson's horse ran away, caused by the holdback being too slack. The buggy struck a waggon and was upset. The oc- cupants were thrown out and Mr. Anderson had two ribs broken. His daughter, Miss Kate Anderson, and Miss Currie, escaped uninjured.— Mrs. C. J. Reading, of' Wingham, spent Wednesday at Mr. R. N. Duffs, The World's Hay Crop. Canajoharie, N. Y., August 25, --- Special reports covering all the sections of the United States, Canada - and Europe, on the hay crop, col - lotted for the erop report number of the Hay Trade Journal, published to -day show a shortage, as compared with an average crop, of nine per cent., with three per cent. of the old hay remaining in the hands of farmers and dealers. The only section of the United States'''showing increased acreage is Ohio and Miiebi- gan. The crop in Europe is abund- ant. Prices at the seaboard markets of the United States vary from e.9 to $17 per ten, with a liberal supply arriving. Fire bugs set the torch to. the old' Methodist church. in Brussels, which was used as a store room, and also burned two hay presses, three pair Of sleighs, entter, ICC. Loss $60o. The skating rink was also fired, but discovered in time to save it. No • edue. While engaggcd at. housework on Monday morning, at young wornain l: named Miss McDonnell, of Seaforth, dropped to the floor and instantly expired. The deceased was much I ' reted and was a niece of John , Ian, St I. P., with Huron, • MIJSIC.AL HXCLLNCE, .ARTISTIC DESIGN. pURABIIE CONSTRUCTION. Catalogue sent tree on appli- cation. MORRIS • EEROO - ROGERS - CO. LIsTOWEL.. HALSEY PARK. Agent, WINGgAM. Chief Justice Galeilas resigned, his resignation to take effect September 1st.. Exeter's rate of to ration has been struelc at 14 mitts on the dollar, one mill lower than last sear. A frightful amide it occurred Fri- day on the farm of henry Petrie in South Easthope. Threshing oper- ations were in prorress, when, by some mishap, a ;young Swiss lad named Buser, why was working about the separa>'r, fell into the cylinder'and was nr.ngled to death, He was 17 years ok and only lately J.J. HOMUTH&SON • STILL LEAD TIE TRADE —IN -- MERCHANT TAILORING AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS. In laAT$ we have the most nobby to be found, our stock is complete. Note a few of our prices: Mien's Plough Boots, from $1,00 up. • Ladies' Fine Button Dongolas, tipped, from :1,00 up. Boys' and Girls' School Shoes,'from GSets, up, and all other goods in that line equally low, OUR STOCK 0i ,... VALISES AND TRUNKS is full, and at prices which must satisfy all. • WF'Boot and Shoe repairing clone as usual, BAIL arrived. ItUI,IMoi e.—In W agham.on the 29th August, the wife of Mr. Thos. Drum. Tuesday evening. Airs, Garrow, an mond ; a son. old lady, mother of C. T. Garrow, M. Seo'rr.—In Onlros, on the 19th P. P., Goderieh. WI Ile walking near August, the wife of 2r, R. Scott, jr. ; a Seaforth fell sustaih ing fracture in 8O;' f ns• ARNAiiD. tete'', Oq the 20th the hip joint, The circumstance .August, the wife of r. John Barnard ; more distressing on account of her .5 son. husband being burl Irl the day pre- MCGUTcukoii.—In orrie, on tho 17th vim. Mrs. Garrow being well up Aut.ust, the wife of. Mr, Samuel Mw inCntcheon ; a son, years makes her recovery more Bowras. —In Go rie, on the 17th doubtful. August, the wife of M r. John J. Bowyer; a daughter. A touching incicl•.ut took place on DI arrival of the G. T. R. western CX-,,;4%LAMBERTus.--Iii nlross, on t"_e 20th press at -London the other afternoons August, Emeline tschne, wife of Mr. Two little4m l ren, a girl of ten and Jacob Lambertus, aged 57 years and 9 a boy of se 5`a;ti r.itb,basket and hold- Ip b —In (Iger e, on August 18th, all, occupied a rear teat in one of th William Irwin, ate -d 81 years, 6 months cars. On reaehini here the girl •a, d 18 days, burst out crying, iegiinning at the,. '' Su. arrn.—In lIo .'ick, on August 21st, same time to pull f antically at her Mrs.Matthew Shr-pin, aged clO years, 6 little brother, who as sound asleep. ; moths and 7 days The passengers gataered around her and tried to learn ioir destination, We have to get out tt Canada, was ; the only answer s le would give. Different places wer ` suggested, but to no purpose. .;She retie wild in her efforts to arouse the ittle sleeper, and those looking on wei e '.compelled to admire the motherl care she. -seemed to have over her ii 1pless brother. While the passenger were puzzling over what should be one, the con- ductor carne in with a telegram in his hand whieh expl ined all. The children were coin to friends in Goderieh and had ti ,veiled all the way from Kansas. Willing hands bore the travel-begri led little ones from the train to th waiting -room, where they were silo •tly afterwards transferred to the iuron & Bruce train, and all wishes them God speed in Canada. J G-UELP- H CENTRAL EXHIBITION `Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, September x8, 19 and 20. Great Additions and improvements to the Grounds and Buildings during the past Year. Fine Programme of Special Attractions each ay. • • The most torirplet °'an eoinprehensivo prize list at any Exhibition in ()aeric. GRAND PRe.NRNAbn CoseI nT5 by Me ark L'S;ht oh Tuesday and Wednesday it enIngs, Music by permission of the Lieut -Col, by the Cele- brated band of the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, of Toren - to, Glionna's World Renowned Ital• �an (,lrehestra and the Seth Iiat- talion Hand. Single tares on ell 'Railroads to the public each day, good ti.l rotutn up to Sept. 22nd, and Or Judges and Exhibitors en producing certificate signed by the Secretary from the 14th, ,good to rOturn up to the Nth. Prise List and ail fnfarniaofeu front Box 479. Is, Boss Mcco.''t ut', WILL/tit/LAW, President. secretary. LME POR SALE. The tindernlerted oirert to nit, any quantity of good lune. Will 56 delivered to any of the aur. roundding tillages and Winghatn, at 4 tette per 1. PRAS51n. Lot t, con. 7, tnrritj dlenfarmee t;, O. POWDERS J. J. HOMUTH & SON, WINGHAM. iko.o.ese- sac, ARE YOU UNDECIDED WHERE TO TAKE YOCR BUSBIES OR TRAINING Write for Catnloguu of the 11r_^ C, 417... - ek,ti. ac` s Ls Forest City Business and Shorthand College of London, Ont. it contains full !amination regarding our work and methods. Satisfaction is assured. Gredustes are everywhere successful. College reopens on IiONi>41', SEPT, Srd. Board 2.55 per week in prirate families. 3. W. WESTEfVELT, Principal. THE .O STWIT TRE IV -4a 1E-3LAk 9 Two doors north of Poste/flee, next Halsted & Scott's Bank. NEW FIRM, NEW oOODS, NEW PRICES Our object for this season is to snake Customers, not - )money. We will look for our profits later. All shoes warrant- ed as represented. Core $IOAC 14 ADACHE and Neuralgia : . in ao immures, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation Torpid Liver, Bad Breath, To stay cured and . regulate the bowels. VERY NIOE TO TAKE. PRICE 26 O mr$ A7 DRUB STCt2ESs NEW MAN lel AN OLD STAND. Having purchased the NORTH END LIVE y and put in a number of first -dace'' HORSES AND ITS,, I am in a position to give as good turn- outs and satisfaction as can be got any- where. Prices Moderate. The patronage of the public is solicited. Livery ---Near the G. T. Ii. station. S. A. MoLEAN. Wiagham, July 24th, 1894. GENT1EMdN,�-- IC you want your SPRING AND SUMMER to T - made in the latest style, go to G. H. IRVIN, opposite Bank of Hamilton, W'i11TG1t 1]if We wish 0"1n rc ii.La .r,ntrnwrinpn to establish an exclusive Shoe Business in Wingham. are the best that the best factories can produce. Our prices for this season will be very low. The styles. are the very latest. We will prove to you that it will pay you to buy your Shoes at the Shoe Store. It is to our interest to please you. GOOD BROTHERS,. The New Shoe Men. WINGHAM . and, SI:AT'ORTI-I. HARNESS AND GOLLARS. Eaving bought out the Ambler Ilarneos Business and started in his old stated, am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in It harness shop suck as HEAVY, LIGHT and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS WIiIl'S, Cill„.. ttY CCMI3S, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, • Tht7NItS, VALISES and TRAVELLING 13A05, +lice., &e. 1 )make all lily own Collars std guarantee faatiefaction, Give me a trial and I will nae you right. vw.A W. .:Ii.i7.. '%'l%ingha;ul VOL. 7) THE B] St1143CF•11 FOR CAsli NOT WANT 0:• ':Can Bx Au, J•ui): Mai Issued by FRA, toria street, W required. "®�¢um¢ 0 �F� 4 lege, Toron Unq:seatton•= +, inerciai we4 .04,440(4 • tion th:a g' p LO r -.Tho oyste 31r. Waite: and will likely —The great commenced on tinue for a con A nice she 'last, welch wil trifle. i A. go needed. —Over 200 1 Caledonian gn nesday, and al their outing. Fon SAIii-- Apply to —Mr. Bash) house with so taken very ba day,~fund had t --tl junior a junior team The clubs Wer the game re haviig stored • . ” We and -:'telegraph,has H. Mooney; of it to Ripley an paper in that i ---The Ese Teachers' As Clinton, latel for the neat r be bold at Got —Ladies, 1, Miss M. Abu the Gluten's work, always —Services the Congrega hem's, 11 a. 01 at LSO. T morning and "The Holy 8 subject: to' welcome to a —On Sato mains of Bi Timmins, of Biuevale cern find Miss i4Canitota an and the decea when they we to return hon but was quit wee standing and nottviths Wing hands ne girohol, andver treera red Mrs. Ti their old fri tea bereave A triumph itkpitience fig 'Bulla not of *.tliar'y Cont Bite beilth rr