HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-08-31, Page 6131E. WINC3rEAN • .14,
,•••• •. ,,,
Oi‘NN... t• ' prayers went up tbr him. Work- tailed resits of the tests will be The ,..,,i,iistmetion sbeets" and "blank
rt wan:10am thus
• they Met in the morning asked, HoW 1 speritnental Union foe 1894,, which , rr"' "Nri'Y
',inganeu. and ragged street boys when lisle red in the annual rePort of the ,
for the lVolk will
•,ls he • and when tile end came Said, I.° I 'ti li USI1Vd AS an appendix t() the'''.'n%nt,, t;'''' l'inli* thi,' grains ale
FItIDAN,,i.ITGUST 31, ISM. I Hes dead : and gathered about his Agriculturn1 College report. The i."1.w01100. TIltit••( w- en w111 to Pill
• 11011S0 ill silent crowds with pale nine varieties lVert' growl: upon the in tlil•-• 7i1,1;11(.11:ji.l:;, iii:(':nts1(s1:14;1>ii-00,5=Ya
. -•• --- - ;faces. They did not need to name experimental plots at the Station in (1;.)'8'
Te s
EDITORIAL NOTES. !him. There was no other man in exact accord with the instruct:1"e make thresultof the
ions 11'"
, 4 , , ,‘ ., most value to both the experimenters
Tim cost of the Northwest Mount- • et' Ontario k.' the DWV
and the "1 nem toe live varieties
the world to befriend thein as this kleet mu se
. man had done. kani's, tioldea Chaff was sent to every
i 9, e „ • 1h )P1(1 be sewn in eVery lest•tmee.
,'•• ..,...e never gave me a penny, said a expeeimenter, it IS pOSSible to obtain a
0, A. Z ‘Vil:Z, DITC:300,
tit 1. atico 13. equal to two dollar:4 iti ; t r
head for every man, womau and .in'eTo, I didn't need ilia, But "when very reliable comparison of all the i
, , .
chilli In Manitoba and. the Territories, he spoke to me in de mohnin', sah, it kinds distributed, The following ; .( Mal 0 4' Ai • -, A 1(4,0, Ju. ph,
This. Lvov:seas a greater expendi- kind 0' lightened up de whole day tables give the average amount ofetraw1 ' ......____
Die ")0 8' H.
t'lre poi' capita than is involved in foil me. Dales nobody so kind, with and of grain per acre, of the vari-
nininAining the eitornious standing the tears in his eyes, ' ('ties grown (81 eighty one Ontario ' Poor Oiiolora Norbust • ()holm In-
. Whitt was his secret? With what farllis : , fantnal, , 01.14314.a, (.30110, Diurrlircit.
army ilf tieemany. . !Dysentery, and Bummer Complaint Dr,
key di11e unlock the ‘v:irld ? Name at Straw " Grsirl . Fowler's Ext met of Wild Strowheiry is
Fon TIM first time ht the histm'y Many Americans have made 00106- Variety.. per acre, per auto. i a prompt, sate and alive till re ;lin! NIS
Tons bus„ 00 Ibs.1 been 11, porn: Itl r taro Ito tor over 4>> : ears.
or V.:msatioutie travel a steamship sal fortuities as did George W. Childs, '
Dovson'a Gokien Cisaira 81
by shrewd, honest business methods, ..i.t.'1,,e,,.wirt,,,. t.,:r- ' -•• 35.7 I •
leaving IAverpool on Saturday had -.Loa 331..2i. 1 North Ontario Liberal Assoe1ation
;Ind many have given large sums ism"ri; ut,Wes``„ ti'i'•:ct.. ,L88
31.5 inlet iit Beaverton on Monday and de-
l:itKW her pitssengers in New York away at their death. Mr. Childs' &iris IOW Olawsen .4. 1.90
1.83 31.4 I Odell to defend the protest against
the following. Friday. This principle in business was : Do the hororife .1.73
31.2 T, W. Chapple and enter a counter
toeieliiag i (((11(1 has been made 1,y work befol.e you, .--ttt onee, and in ....\ !'•th=an Ilr'3".6
e lonIen Drop_...,!, protest ao'ainst Mr. .Tantes clle;iden.
t he t'ampania, which is literally oat life ; De the good yen' eati--TIOW, Ila rly W hi to Lender .... 1.80 .)9,..2.
, nitlir the i'muiervatila.! eitialidate.
He gave it is staOal nearly fill Of 1,1>),, 111111 .... . 3..93 l2ii.S • , -
'of eight compared, with all her rivals,
No Ve.ssel eau pass quarantine after his vast tbrtune away, while living, ' ,ksi the reports of the partial and i Iv Docc ,to n orscat en... on*, bottle
SUIlset. The Campania bad eight to institutions, to churches, to tens of the unreliable experiments hanglih
ve been -or EsSpaue
vin Linilnt oomp1-Ai-1y
Ininntes to spare when she reached thousands of individuals. discarded,. and only the satisfactory , removed a eurb front Lny horse. k take
that pint on Friday evening, bat Yet it 11101 Da 111:4 SUCCOSS 110F MS 011015 used for the above table, this . please re in recommending the remedy,
lasit acts. with mysterious promptness in
'twos enough, and she got to her wealth, nor even his, gifts 1)1 ought a summary should lye of great value,
. the retain:1i froin horses or hard, sort or
duck in time to let her passengers whole city to weep at his grave.. He and one well worthy the careful at- : calloused lumps,blood spavin, splints,
sleep on land the seventh night after had faults, but lie had a pitiful, kind Mitten • of the farmers of Ontario. !cures., reeny, stifles and sprC4
ains. ne. •
leaNing the other side. The time of heart, The conclusions drawn and. the 10-0i R3, 1•4 Min."' markhn n1: Ont. Sold at
the passage was five days, nine hours He was to every man a friend.- Marks made by many of the experi-
al iC'013 Olms Drugstore, W nigliam,
and 17we11ty-nine minutes. This Youth's Companion. nientets indicate much thought, ac- , The earnings of the Canadian
gives the, Campania the record in . curady, and good judgment, I Pacific for the week ended Aug,. 14
both direetious, and justly entitles Home and Abroad ' : The following filets have been ob- I were $362,000, a decrease of $55,000
her to bo called the Queen of the It is the duty or everYone, whether at tained froin the eighty,one repertsas compared with seine week of last
Atlantic. home or travelling for pleasnre or ..busi- under consideration:
I. rtat Dawson's Golden Chaff. 3:ear.
Dees, to equip himself with remedies . .. i
which will keep u p strength and prevent l.i Rheum 0 ticm Cured in a day.-Sonth
SOME ef the changes in the United illness, and cure such ills as are liable to gave the largest yield of grain per American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
States tariff' which will affect Canada • come upon all in ocerYdeY life. For acre among the nine varieties tested •and Neuralgia radically cores in 1 toll days.
are given below, the McKinley tariff tonio. and to keep the blood pure and over Ontario in 1894, as well as ;Its action On the system ih) remarkable and
• I inysterious. It removes at once the cause
instance, Hood's Saisaparillu as a general.
in the first column and the Lew tariff less liable to absorb the germs of disease. among the eleven varieties tested in,
1 of the disease immediately disappears. The
will Ls: well nigh invaluable Change of 1893. !first noso greatly benefits. 75 cents.
in tae second:- drinSing water oi ten causes serious 2. The Dawson's Golden Chaff I Warranted at Chisholm's drug store.
McKinley New trouble, especially if one has been used WAS decidedly the most popular var- I -
Law. ie.ty with the experimenters in bothl , The earnings of the Grand Trunk
Tariff. to spring water in the cou n try, From • .
a fPw drops to a teaspoonful of Rood's
Poultry ...... , . Oe pound 20 p t. 1 for the week ended Aug. 11 were
Sarsaparilla in a tumbler of water will 1894 and 1898.
Q=1.) , e - . ... . . • or I 7 , .
Beef 2e pound 25 p e prevent the water haring any injurious 3. The American Bronze, DaWa011's i .„.0-6,,,1 I , a dm ease of ...de., 1,1 As
.1111Gton . _2c pound 25 p e effe(t,Goklen Chaff, and Early ucnesee compared with corresponding week
Pork 2c pound 25 p c Hooci's Waste ble Pills. as a cathartic, . of last
cause no discomfort, no disturbance. no
Giant possessed the strongest, and ear.
butter. ... Ge pound 2Q pe ,
loss of sleep, but assist the digestive the Bulgarian the weakest straw. 11,elief in six hours.-Distressiug Kid -
Preserved milk3e pound 5e I., organs, so that satisfactory results are . 4. The Dawson's Golden Chaff) nos and Bladder diseases relieved in six
Honey20c gallon 2 1 p c effected in a perfectly natural and regu- ! and Surprise were the least, and the 1 hours by the .4Great South American Kid.
Smoked tish .... le, pound. 15 p e lar manner[Early Genesee Giant and American. i>ey Cure." This great remedy is a greet
Barley ...... . .. 8uc bushel 30 p 6 -- -
; 1 Bronze were the most affected by surprise and delight to physicians. on .ac.•
Barley matt 45 p c 40 1, e Co -Operative Experiments in ' ' . ( Mint ot its exceeding promptness in rehev.
I rust. ing pale in the bladder, kidneys, back and ay .. ..... $4 ton ' 20 p e . Agriculture.
1 3. The Dawson's Golden Chaff and every part of the urinary passages in male
Hops 150 pound 23 p 0 -
Early lied Clawson were th•e first to and female. It relieves retention of water
OnionS 4Ce bush. 20 V e ', . A i, J 1 ' . and PaU1 m passing it almost immediately.
W TiE AT. Mat urc. If you want quick relief era cure this is
Potatoes ..... , . 25e, . bush. ihs p c fi. K. Dawson's Golden Chaffand your remedy. Sold ,tt Chisholm's drug
Apples... .. 25c bush. 2U p e, ' Forty Red Clawson produced the
largest -quantity of grain per hundred store.
30p e 20 p e. Thirteen hundred and forty. farm- " • ' -
Cattle.... .. „ . ;AO 20 p. c ers thrOtighont Ontario are at present A despatch received at Ottawa
1 pcsirmds of straw. froth Halifax says that, according to
Coal„bitmitinous. 75c 40 e 6)8 locting, important and systematic 1116 Counties of Norfolk,Middle-
exi eriinents in Agriculture. No less i • --1- -
• . a cable from Porto Rico, discrimin-
11e, and 12ctti on, in, .1 LIC ,i111.1;
32 pc & 50p FrLa, then 80:m ;packages of g•raitts, seeds, sex, ating duties levied upon Canadian
Wool, raw- .
and Kent, furmshed fifty out of the
tn1 els, and fertilizers, ivere sent OM fiSil RS againat fish from 'Norway has
Lumber (various
fri m the Agricultural Collee.e to eI been removed.
eighty-one best reports received,
duties), . :• ...,,2 oier m rough. Free. past
th8. The Etverage yield of the nine
e within tire
... _ year. Itis. however, not SO muca , varieties of winter wheat tested OYU
1.11.8 Secret.Ontario was 81.5 bushels per acre
tate great extent of tlie work that
Sixty-five years ago a. boy ems .
gives the results their time value, and the average of the same varieties
born in Marylantl, whose pareilts and causes thein to be appreciated, grown on similar sized plpts at the
gave him nothing but a sound 1.e.dY, but rather, the careful selection of 1".
Nperiment Station was 30.5 bushels
a shrewd 'Med, and a kind heart. the experiments, the regular system per acre.
At eight years of age be was alone underlying the work mid the hearty 9. The general behavior of the
in the world, earning a. pittance by co-operation of the experimenters. varieties tested over Ontario was
selling'. peanuts. At twelve, he had The results of ten properly conducted quite similar to that of the same 1
manag81 to keep himself alive andexperiments n re of nitwit, more value varieties grown at the Experiment
to go to school for two terms. , than those of one hundred expert- StatimI'
At thirteen he went to Philadel- meets, yvlOch lack care and system,. 10. Among the 159 experimenters
phia, and as lie walked the streets Mem! of the best farmers of Ontario who reported the re..seUltsof their
of the great city he had not a penny are noW carrying on these tests ; the tests with winter wheat, only five
- in the pocket of his little jacket. to material for the experiments being speak of wishing to discontinue the
buy bread. But he hand an honest, distributed annually through the eo-operative experimental work, and
stout heart under it. inediniti of the Agricultural Ex- mu" interest is manifested through-
• • He found a place as errand boy in perimental Union, which is pule- out,,"
a bookstore, and rose befbri da W 11 Con liv • on association . of the ex. For more detailed particulars re -
every dny that he could west), the souhmts of the ,\gricultural Col.kge garding these nine varieties, as well
pavement and, kindle the fire before Not only, 16 this. material sent to the aS those of seventy-one others, which
any other store was open. My maxim members of the Union, but also, to have been tested. at the Experiment
always was lie said, do your wu, k many other interested and progres. Station, the reader is referred to the
now -eat once. Sive ftrinerti throughout Ontario, who 1 soulletin on Winter Wheat, which is
This by worked for years, six- have desired to join in the work and I now being printed by the Depart -
teen hours a day, with suet scanty have written for the lleCCSSallt
ment of Agyieulture, Toronto.
food that he 8dArtid. Ramey out or Ilk In the autumn of 1893 nine valu- 1 DISTRIBUTION OF SEEDS.
• meagre wages of three dolls a able, variCtied of winter wheat were 1 The Experimental Union has fur-.
week, Ile had au especial taient selected from seventy kinds tested at nished sufficient money for the distri-
gift with which to gam sueeeis. Yet the Vxperiment Station. These were bution of two thousand five hundred
no man, perhaps, ever held the es- dlv;ded into two sets, with five 'ar- packages of winter wheat over
peekl place which he made for him- ieties in each set, the Dawson's Gold-, Ontario this year. These'will supply
self muting the Amerhatn people. eti Chaff' being used in every instance five hundred experimenters with five
A few weeks ago, and old loan, he for the sake of coMparisOn. Each 1 varieties each. The following, "[tele -
was. struck d win while at work and applicant chose the set he desired, ties have been Chosen and are divkl-
carried home to 1)urrie4 the and the five varieties were then sent ed into two sets as indicated.below
two weeks lie lay waiting Mi. the to his addrues. Each plot was 1/I.60 Si'r 1. -Dawson's Golden Chaff,
end, thousands of messages of grief of an acre in size, and the seed was Early' Red Clawson, Jones' Winter
And difeCti011 IMMO fe0111 at1;110:46 every 80W11 111 the rate of 1 II bushels per Fife, Surprise, American Bronze.
part of tile Cnited *aces, and many acre. One hundred and fifty-seven Sr Gilden Chaff
.from foreign costumes. They were experimenters with winter wheat Early Genesee Giant, Early White
from every Class Mid kind of 111011- • 1111,00 already beep beard from this Leader, Early Ripe, Pride of Gene.
great artists and mithors, whom he season. Of this number, eiglity4nie see.
bad once aided; orphans wis nu he favoured tis with satisfactory re- The seed will be sent out by 111811
was supporting; primes and dukes p wt.( of carefully emulacted experis free to all applicants, and the province
who had shared 1114 hospitality; pe 1- meats, sixty one furnished partial re- of the plots will,• of eotirsc, be the
niless widows; college boys for whons Iio p 18, 2111(1 wrote Of Whitt 01.`" property of the experimenters ; and.
had opened a 6880L to 1110111 all he unreliable results. The elf.vlity-otie • in returnwe will hope to receive full
had IN'en kind, had given help when satisfactory reports came fromtwenty- 'reports of eareftilly conducted tests.
help- was needed. six mantles, thirteen of which were ;The grains will be forwarded in thd
prompt answer and (05 holiest opinion. write to
141 NN sk CO,. who have had nearly iifty years'
experience in the patent business. Coannunlea.
%Ions strietLY coutUleittial• 41>11118>10011 01 11>.
formation concerning Po tents and how to ob.
taut theta sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan-
ical and scientific books 3018. 1130.
Patents taken through Munn Co, receive
special =Moth the Scientific A in mitten. and
thus aro brought widely before the nubile with.
out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper,
isaued weekly, elegantly i 1 lustrated, has by far the
/unrest circulation of any scientific work in the
world. S3 a year. Sample eopies sent free.
nelkling Edition. monthly', 51.40 a year, Single
copies, :JI:1 cents. Every number contains beau-
tiful plates, in (Mors, mei photographs of new
houses. with Mans, enabling builders to show the
latest designs and seetne conducts, Address
MUNN .50 (30., IIICW YORK. 361 riliOADwAY,
We have about
40 ICII.JC-i-E3
of slightly damaged
consisting of the following sizes:
11 INCH SHINGLE,8-1, !3 and and 81 INCH,
>t the' following prices :
2 cents per lb.
centl per lb.
$1.8o PER DOZEN.
J. A- CLINE ,,f1.; CO9
Hardware Merchants,
sross Btocit, Wiegh
Certain in Rs effects and never blisters.
Bead proofs below:
Box.62,Carman, Henderson Co., Ill., Feb.21, '91.
Dear Strs-ciease send me one of your Home
Books and oblige, novelised a great deal of your
Kendall's Sperm Cure with good success 1 it Is a
wonderful medicine. I once had a mare that had
an Occult Spay's' and dye bottles cured her. 1
keep a bottle on hand all the time.
Yours truly, Cum. rolvEr.r..
CANTON, .no., Apr.3, '02.
Dr. II. J. Essnxtr, Co.
Dca;• Sirs -I have used several linttlos of your
"Kenfitin Spavin Clare" with much success. I
5181,14 it the best Liniment over used. Haag re-
uoved one Curb, ono Illood Spnyin caul 701110d
two Hone Spaying. Have recommended it to
several Of my friends who are much pleased with
and keep it. Respectfully
S. R. VAT, P. O. noxan.
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
.Thr. 33. ICENDA.T.Z. 00.71EPAIr,
Areceut dikovery by tin Old
phydelan. Suseseafulty uscd
InOnthly by thouteacts of
Laittas. Is the Only perfectly
safe end reliable Medicine dia.
covered, 13ewato of unprincipled druggists who
offer Inferior .medielneS in place of thlt. Ask for
Cook's CottOit IRoOt CombOtind„ take' OotObttP
lute, �r Incloso$1 and 6 Contain :penitego In letter
and AVO willsond, sealed, byretuit Vulliealed
patttouters in plain envelope. to Iodise only. 2
stating. Address The Coote
IVIndeet, Ont., (Imelda.,
Sold to by IL E. 111,11s, brewing,
1-44012 the renievat of
-1- worni1 of all kinds
, front children Or it delta,
1 lie great erty in which be lived situated east and thirteen west of the Order in. wilieh the appliealtitais are 3>80 tin. OMIT1406
ii...;" , (, dERmAt4 WORM
lic: i its breath while Ise lay dying. City of Guelph. The names of the received 'until the limited supply off prompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, requiting 80
.,,, LOZBNOte, Always
In all the churches, the asylums, different experinienters and the de- 'sortie of the vurieties is exhausted, lefliverlms.4"Z411,1106veteteastilts".rts";1:41 OA
.. •
• 01'1112am unto
2uba cription price, V pc.z. N.car,111AdvanOb
A1>V5(IATI8.1.5(0 RATES:
Onetiopi:teticiont i 114;1'1ri.10 11 illori1010.• •1! t.i...:1,,e;)(1•1. 1 .140,i001
. . ..
Halt " 40 00 I 10 00 LI 00 00
ou(nu,trteleurl,,, 5(5) (..),(1)1 ii atel 00 g 171 00 00 3.4:4!00
. .
I,,> and et ler •••n•nal advertio loent,., Pe per line
for first insertion, and ie. per line MCI-m.01i sil revenge*
InslIroAtl°1"1.1otices Mu, mi ilmi for first lisettleo, and
..le. twr Ilno for e,,eli subsequent ini•ertici . No loca1.
notice will be (101415 14811 than Orm.
Advertisements oi Lost, Found, :km) sd, Situations,
and kinsimiss Chromes Wanted, not exceeding 8 iluet.
nonpareil, 51 per month
Ilouses and .F1111118 for Sale, not exceeding 8
51 for that month, bee. per subsequent month
1,2114'hue*s.eretri.150111:34.will Ini Arietly adhered to
. directions, will be by0rted 011 forbid and charged
; aceorilliejt. Triii•••itory advertisements must be
. pain 111 advents.
• Changes for contraet ad; ertIr merits must be n
i ilitialo48elicalo Irt,iyte\sve:tiliremiloe:1/4arinaotolim, ritnirexi.ideunrtst,0 orapfecil
-Advertisements and 1(1(115 notices without specific
1 that week
11. biLidinT
PROV01I41111 AND l'eatisium
V A 1* • T., .7+31(1.11,44
'1=3.22, -C.c-1- ;EL
int411-iin 6!ract • 4' gh?,„
Mount. Vorcst.
3, W. Sum
Deposits Received and Interest.
all owed. •
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
Ou long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale uotes , bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all
parts of Canada of reasonable charges,
Spacial Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and R otos:
Agents in Canada -The Merchants' Earl;
of Canada
Office noure-Frorn Do. nI. to 6 p.n.
GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor-.
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class $hingles,
and Cedar Posts.
Car Load Orders a Specialty.
W001) delivered to any art of Wing-
itetirders by mail promptiy,attend et,
011011(10 TIloSlsoN,
Sox los, W Ingham 0. 0
The undersigned in returning thanks
for past favors,beg leave to say that they.
have a veru large stock of
on hood, wl4icb will be sold at very close
prices to meet, the requirements of the
herd times.
First Class Shingles, $130 per
WooC7Sots, per Cord, delivered.
'Everything elso!equally low. Come and
see us before buying, as we will not be
• undersold.
"-ngh,tm, Jun,. 7.11,
V .
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
--Coroner for County of Buren- ,
Olilee ilp•stairs, next to Sir hlorton's ofnee, Wing -
limn, Ont.
0,'rwv II mots. -6 in 12 8. 411.1 1 to 11. 1»., or at
liesidenoo, Diiiionel Street,
11 ENE Eel', SI. D., M. 11. P.S 0.
Olive ,ssor to Dr. Sieldrum.)
(4 ld Steildist or Westeen University: Late Bouse
Surgeon in London 6e>r,;I Hospital. Special otton•
thin paid to diseases of women and children.
Office -Fon v occupied by Dr.' Slidell me,Corner
of Centre min paws( I streets.
'411'1011AM - • ONT
ISA 111> ,
Private Cempany funds to 101111 1(111•011t rate
interest. No ,•ommission charged. Mortgages, mon
and farm propert,t bought and sold
OFFICE-ncaver Block Arixofmn
Ai Ingham Out
E. L. DiCkticSON,
Barrister Fite.
Office -Meyer Block, Wingham.
DENTISTRY.. -J. S. JEROME, L. D. S., ArnionAm.
inanufnaturing first•elass sets of
4.1_,44 teeth «8 cheap as they can be made
let"- "-ill in the Dondnion. Teeth extracted
obsoletely without pain, by his new
process, guaranteed Nile. tly safe.
OFFICE • In the Beaver Pack, opposite the
Brunswick 'Muse,
Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. 5.;
Will visit Game 161 and 3rd Mondays'
of each month. •
D DEANS, Jo., WixisnAm,
A. .
OF 1188011.
Sales attended in ally part of the Co. Charges
511111014 AND nation.
All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attend'
ed to. Terms reasonable.
All sales attended to prothfitly and on the Shortest
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All necessary 11111111g0111011tS (011) be made .at the
TIMES' Office
Dlt.3. AleAS11;
8, IL Toronto, Itlember College. Physicians and
Surgeons, Ontario.
Money to Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Sidney advanced on MOrtgages si pet eentwith
privilege of paying ikt 011 end of any year. $0161
and accounts c°I.ketOttie. 140041200.
Doarar )31041r Witit1111141.
The Egg Trade.
have issued the following eireata
eggs, It requires no comment ;
no very unsatisfactory condi
of the egg trade in this city is
parent to all engaged in the tr
both in the city and adjacent toY
but the cause is not' so gene'
known. Why should eggs go beg;
for buyers in Toronto to -day at
8e, per dozen when they are wort
New York 170 It will only
about 1.5e, to pay freight thence.
duty. It is simply because the qui
is poor.
Mian liens lay goocl eggs? The
There aro no better eggs than
produced here. Then, what is
trouble? Simply this; They lip
Why is this? Do not our (
farmers and country d
ta oae
D, Gunn, Flavelle Co., Toro
t their eggs when f
but they get into the,vicious hal
holding fol. a rise in price, and
.haVing storage of suitable tem
ture, a few hot days catch t
They are then hastened to ma
-arrive out of condition, and ar(
'salable. To -day there are humd
.yes, we believe thousands of cm
.eggs held here for which the ret
would be glad to get any price,
for which there is no sale. Att(
-to force these into consumption
-turned consumer against eggs
rally; and other articles of Moe
now talc:ng their place. The
:sumption of eggs in the city at
:sent is not half what it should
stock wero good.
The loss the country has sust
during the past month from. del
.ation in the value of eggs is
,great, for every egg was once
and salable, and there has >1.
been a good demand for fresh
Not -withstanding all this, tin
,still a demand for fine fresh ea?;
Clergymen Recommend. :
Rev. J . Leisbma,n, Angus,
'writes: "It gives me much 311
-to testify to tine excellence of I
C., as a cure for Dyspepsia. I
recommended it here widely, a
every case it has proved sunt
It is the very best remedy for
frightful trouble, that I know(
never fails to help or cure
' /used as ,you direct. It deserV(
-aiame "King of Dyspepsia Cur(
The cattle Embargo.
• The 'English Board of Agri(
"has published the official does
eoneerning the importation of
dian cattle. Mr. Gardner, Pr
-of the board, has decided ti
:prohibition must stand. The
merits comprise the evidence of
leen experts ancl a minute con
the board's deductions. No of
tfied positively that the eases ex
were not cases of contagious
pneumonia. Many Confirm
,decisions of the officers of the
The board considers that 11
,dence negatives the suggesti
the disease is catarrhal or el
pneumonia. Messrs. Huntin
MacQueen favored the thecaI
is a disease hitherto unobserve
board expresses the opinion t
step next is with the Canadiai
naries and in conclusion says
beyond question that a diseas
in Canadian cattle which mat
Ablest and best qualified vete
in Great Britain declare to
tagioas pleuro-pneuinonia„ 8.1
even t hose holding the 'opini
it is a new disease pronounced 1
and that the disease could
.developed to the extent shown •
animals are killed, three wee
shipment, unless contracted' be
Iv Canada. Tho matters des(
wtU doubtless receive, the seri(
tion of the Dominion Governr
-the meantime, it is clearly thi
.duty to maititain the regulatio
:ing slaughter at the, port of Ian
Do yon have headache,
• .droweiness, loss of appetite a
,symptonss of biliousness ? Itoo
patina will cure you.
Mr. LeVi Montross, tat
'Thomas, aged 78, and Mrs.
Smith, of Aylmer, Ont,
were married at Aylmer on
Dr. rowler's Extmet o W
horsy cures Marsh sea, Dysente
Collo, Cholera Morbus, Chol,
tum, and all looseness of ti
Never travel without it. Prig
Mr. W. Copp, head of
'Clark Co. (limited), wholesa
ors and publishers, Toronto
clay Morning after awns
K. D. C. tilts rine and ref