HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-08-31, Page 5TURN Iii' GREY.
Mr. and Mrs. John Powell have,
V . during the past week, lied the pleas -
tire of entertaining a nephew and
niece from San Praneiseo, Cal,, a
nephew and his wife, of White Cloud,
their son William Powell and
his wife, of Amberley, Ont., and
their son John H. Powell, wife and
son of Detroit, Mich. Tho visit of
the Californians, Mr. John II. Iior.
wood and Miss Esther Horwood, was
of more time ordinary interest, they
not leaving seen their uncle, aunt
and eon;:in for more than forty
years. They are on an extended
tour through America, Europe and
North Africa. ,John Norwood, the
nephew from. White Cloud, is a prac-
ticing lawyer and was returning
from 'a trip to the Catskill Mountains.
Not the least pleasant part of the
gathering was ''the sleeting of the
parents and children, They have
all departed to meet again nett sum-
mer on a date to be hereafter fixed
for the celebration of the golden an-
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Powell's
The council of the township of
Turnberry met in the house of Daviel
Dunkin, Glenanna.n, on Monday,
Aug. 27th, 1894. Members of coun-
cil all present. The reeve in the
ehair. The minutes of last meeting
were react, approved and signed.
Communication, was read from Wm.
Douglass, re government drain.
The reeve reported that along with
Mr. Gemnill he had•inspcctecl hill on
side road, con. 11, and reeormlend
that a job of cutting hill be let. The
deputy reeve' reported that he hacl
along with reeve of Wingham, let a
job of gravelling on boundary to
John Davidson at 21 cents per yard.
Mr. Dimont reported having let a Jas. Young, lumber to Pathmasters,
job on Morris boundary, opposite lot $15.06 ; Thos. Anderson, gravel, con. onto the co-operation of all cheese -
49, to Jos. Curtis at $4, work clone 1, $12, cola. 2, $5, $18; Alex. McNabb, makers and fayetorke who are paying
anrecommence paymet. Also that gravel opposite 25, con: 12, $18.72,by test to help to settle the qt °allot
ets all
the job of gravelling Ferguson,Morris between 18 and 19, $30.24, $48.9G ; patronsteclEaverys it is one that
thate has a
tester, shplild select the patrons' milk
and put the poor milk in one vat and
the rich in another. Note the per
cent. of fat, weight' of milk used,
yield and quality of cheese made
from each, and send the result to the
Dairy Department of tile. Ontario
Agricultural College, Guelph. From
the data thus secured they can more
nearly arrive at the just method for
all. Let every factory be a small
experiment station umitil this point is
Toronto Industrial Fair; 1894:
The Toronto Industrial Exhibition,
which commences on the aid day of
September, a few days hence, con-
tinuing until the 15th of the month,
will surpass in. interest and attractive-
ness all its predecessors. The. en-
tries have been unusually numerous
and choice, and every building will
bo crowded. The great improve -
relents made last year in connection
with ale accommodation of live stock
by the erection of new sheds and
stables on the latest and most ap-
proved , principles of; construction
have resulted in increased interest
being taken in the fair by farmers
and stock -raisers, and in addition to
entries by nearly all the old-time ex-
hibitors there are large accessions to
the number. The list of special at-
tractions is brilliant and diversified,
including trotting, running and
hurdle races, clog trottipg matches,
bicycle contests, equestrian spe-
cialties, baleen ascensions with new
and exciting drops, living pictures
(being reproductions of the most
celebrated works of art by graceful
and handsome models), Japanese day
fireworks—a novel oriental device of
much ingenuity and artistic merit,
Edison's marvelous Kinetograph--the
newest electric wonder, the Califor-
nia pllalitom carriage, music by the
best bands in the Province, coneerts
by the Ladies' Vienna Court Orches-
tra, performances by the Slavery
Days Trottpe, organ recitals, and -
every evening the wonderfully real-
istic, brilliant and vivid spectacular
and pyrotechnic performance of the.
THE .IC 111171 M TIMES, At:GUST 31, t894
$2. Moved by John Diment, second- cured ebeese;"Miry 2nd, 27... lb; Mine I
cd by John Mosgrove, that this ' titb, 28 lb, May 4th, botlt vats test-,
meeting 10 now adjont'n to meet in
McDonald's hail, 131uevale, on Mon-
day,Sept. 17th, at 10 o'clock,
ed 3.7 per eent,, and etch made 27:1'
lb, cured cheese,. June 8th X3.7 per I
eent, milk made 28 lb. cheese.
Carried. JOHN. Be7no1♦ 3S, Clerk, This question has . been a vexed; i
one in factories. Where payment by,
. WWI' WAWANOSIL . test has been adopted, It teas. been I
Council met on Saturday, August found that the yield of cheese does,
18th, Councillor Durnin absent, not always increase with the fat, and!
The minutes of previous. meeting tie discrepancy is doubtless due to
wore read and approved, The' differences in conditions. of hills
Treasurer's report for June and July I methods of making and state of the
showed receipts $512,01, and the ex- ' weather,
pendituro of $246, leaving $266.01 As some of our factories are still in �o,��+,
to August account, Moved byMr, doubt as to the advisabilityof distri- star: ' f' lirAr lye
Gibson, seconded by Mr, Todd, that buting proceeds among ptrons ac- ; Iirin rs eomfn+'•:aard7 improvement and
in order to raise the necessary amount cording to the percentage of fat in tendo fa'personal r, •i;i,eut when
of taxes for the current your, a county the milk, perhaps the following table , rightly useire xnan,•, r, he live bet -
rate of ?• mills and a township rate will throw some light on the quer- 1 ter than allots and enjoy life more, with
of mills per dollar be levied
on tell i tion : loss expenditure, by more pr,:nlptly
the rateable property in the muni- It has been felt by practical men adapting the 'avorl�l'e b:::t prouacts to
eipality, also that sufficient rates bo that paying according to the first the needs of physical being, will attest
imposed to raise the amounts requir- alone, gives the patron who furnish- the value to health of the pure liquid
eel for school purposes—Carried. es rich milk more than his just share rexative princip fc ern.oraeed, in the
Moved by Mr. Todcl, seconded by of the proceeds, and the patron send- lca';edy, ei rnls o_ ,� ige.
Its exec tense is duo ;,o its presenting
Mr. Gibson, that the Reeve and Troa- ing poor milk less than he is entitled in the furor meet accoptali'a and pleas -
surer be authorized to borrow the to, The experiments oracle would out to the taste, the refreshing and truly
sum of five hundred dollars for a seem to indicate that this view is ,beneficial properties of z perfect lax -
term of three months, for township correct.
purposes•—Carried. The Board of To overcome this difficulty it hag
Health decided to instruct the Medical been suggested by one of our prom -
Adviser to arrange for public vaccina- inent young dairymen of Western
tion at the public schools, at as early Ontario to add one per cent. to each
a elate as possible.. The following man's butter -fat reading. For in -
checks Were issued: John Moss, stance, a patron who sends an aver -
gra vel, $16.10, damage, $1, ;317.10 ; age of 4 per cent. milk, call his test
Wm. Wilson, gravel, $3.50, damage 5 per cent. ; and one who sends 3
$1, $4.50 ; Jacob Miller, ditching and per cent. milk call it 4 ; and so one
two culverts con. 12, $10,, gravelling with all .the tests. The results as
opposite 22 and 23, con.12, $9.10, do. seen in the table of experiments
opposite 21 and 22, con. 12,. $18.45, would seem to indicate that adding
total $38.55 ; Jas. Alton, gravel, one or even two per cent. to the fat
$7.70; Jacob Miller; gravelling 24 readings in these 4ests is more nearly
and 25, con. 5, $13.80 ; Jacob Miller, correct than paying by weight of
cutting hill on gravel, con. 4 and 5, milk or by the fat alone.
$20.81 ; Arch: Nicholson, repairing It is the intention to obtain further
hill opposite 19, con. 4 and 5, ;313.50; data on this point; and in the mean -
4: completed, less three loads of gravel, l of Jas. Harron, $60 1 T119s, t21]clei �x,i
and recommend payment for what is 'cutting hill and gravel con. 2 and 8,
done. Moved by Wni. Cruickshank, 1 x333.50, repairing road con. 1, $18.50,
seconded by John Diment, that the : repairing road, con. 5, $6, $58; John
, eeye and Mr, Gctatmill be author. i stole, repairing culvert, °,x'1.50 ; E. L.
izecl to expend $:0 in cutting hill be- I Ungel, nails, $1.70 ; Patrick Welsh,
gravel, $5.46, damage $1, $6.46 ;
`Thos. Begley, culvert, s. 1. 15 • and
16, con..4 and 5 $-1.80; , i'Pm. Clegg,
arbitration costs, S. S. No. 5, $18 ;
David McAllister, minding gap, 50e.;
Maurice Smeltzer, making road across
to gain the five inches in depth lie_ river, con. 4 and 5, $8 ; R. K. Miller,
cessary to lay tile between the end part salary, 35. Council' adjourned
of Wright's drain and end of the to meet on Saturday, Sept. 22nd, at
drain, and that lir. Gemulill be in
1 o'clock,
ti§rIletcd to deliver this motion and R. Ii. MILLEti, Tp. Clerk.
other neeeee try instrUctiena At once.
=•--Carried. Moved by Sohn Diment, Item to Got a "sunlight" Picture.
seconded by John Mosgrove, that a Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap-
per bearing the words "Why Does a Wo -
i boundary, let to Ed. I� is �� 11x, Watson, keep and attendance l
tween lots 10 and 11, con. 11.—Car-
ried. Moved by John Mosgrove,
seeonded.by_John Diment, that. Mr..
Douglass be notified to lay tile in
government drain at once, according
to award, and that he be instructed
by-law be passed levying a rate for
Turnberry purposes of one mill on
the dollar for thecurrent year.-Oar-
ried. By-law rezul three tines and
passed. Moved by Wni.. Cruick-
shank, seconded by John Mosgrove,
that a by-law be passed levying a
rate of 6 of one 111111 on the dollar for
special school rate for the current
year.—Carried: By-law read three
times and passed. Moved by Inn.
Gemntill, seconded by' Wnt, Cruick-
shank, that the tax collector's salary
for the Current year be w(1O and no
man Look Old Sooner Than a man") to
Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto,
and you will receive by post a pretty pic-
ture, free from advertising, and well worth
framing. This is ail easy way to decorate
your home. The soap is the best in the
market and it wilt only cost one cent post -
ago to send in the wrappers, if you leave
the ends epee. Write your address care-
ful ly.
Experiments in Cheese Making.
The question whether it is better
to pay patrons of cheese factories ac-
cording to the percentage of fat in
extras.—Carried. Moved by John their milk, or according to the weight
Diment, seconded by John Mosgrove, of milk, has been very much discuss -
that a by-law be passed appointing eel at daisy conventions, farmers' in -
John Black tax collector for the cur- stitutes and in the press. On this ac -
rent year, provided that Mr. Black count the Ontario Agricultural
furnish securities securities satisfactory to this lege, Guelph, has been making ex-
counoil at their next meeting. --Car- tensive experiments in cheese-mak=
tied. By-law read three times and ing.
passed. Tho following accounts were The conclusions arrived at by
passed and orders on treasurer is- these experiments appear to be as
sued Geo. Pocock, gravel, $3.25; follows :—
F. Paterson gravel. $4.50; Alex. • 1. An increased percentage of fat
Fergie, gravel, $1.85; Alex. Fergie, in the milk gives an increased yield
gravel, $2.50; Alert. Fergie, damages, of- cheese, though not in the samo
$2; Mrs. Eadie, gravel, $2.85; Sohn II. proportion.
McTavish, gravel; $2.144; F. Pater- 2. That a pound of butter fat in
son, $1.45; Geo. Henderson, gravel milk ranging from 8.2 to 3.7 per
and damages, $3.35; Mrs. Johnstone, cent. will make more cheese than' a
gravel, $2; .Alex. McDonald, damages, potted of fat in milk ranging from
$2 ; Ben. ?Engler, ,gravel, $4:'92 ; C•3.6 to 4.5 per cent. of fat.
Hugh Campbell, gravel and damages, 3. That there need not necessarily
$2.15; Geo. Pocock, gravel and • be. more loss of fat in whey from
damages, $8.50; John l�'owler, spread- rich milk up to 4.5 per cont: fat than.
ing gravel, $$.50 ; itobt. Elliott, from poor Milk, though We did notice
printing, $28,75; Duff & Stewart, a 'little more grease on the hoops,
lumber, $5.80; John ,1toCraelten press and shelves from the rich milk
gra e , ; � , g v , . ., .
Wm, Smith, cedar for culvert, 75c 4. That milk containing the sante large, ars, in addition to' reduced
(iso. Mason, x+1.08; Wm. o ay, per cent. a does a railways �'t
gravel, $x8.40 ; Walter Hawk, cul- the same yield of cheese, especially a number of special excursions cov-
ited. States leave beset arranged
for. No one shotild fail to visit the
Industrial this year.
alive ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches. and fovora
and permanently curing constipation,
:t has given eatisfaction.to millions and
..net with the approval of the medical
;r•ofossion, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak -
ming them. and it is perfectly free from
:very objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
giste in 75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
fecept any substitute if offered.
during July and August
clear out all Summer Goods at
prices in order to make room for fall
far P:19 ` 0 0
Dress aking'a Specialty.
The electric railway between Galt
and Preston is a great success. The
expenses of running the line are $20
a day and the grass' receipts now -
average $75 a day. It is proposed
to carry freight, and it is estimated
that enough will bo carried to pay
the entire Cspr-.nses 9f .operating the
Dys °petal eitttses Dizziness, Head -
ache,onatipation, Variable, Appetite, i
Rising and Souring of Food, Palpitation
of the Heart, Distress after Eating.
Burdock Blood Bitters is guaranteed to
ure Dyspepsia if faithfully used accord -
ng to directieue.
The other day a daughter of Mr.
Braithwaite, of Holmesville, was in
the hammock and by some means it
turned over and she fell out, break-
ing her collar bone. She fell only
about two feet and had a baby in
her arms. Mr. Braithwaite had
bought the hammock just a few days
You should buy one of our Fancy Sunshades.
to admit that we made a mistake in buying too many- for this season's
business. But the price was so low that we
could not resist them.
FT44400 fa X311'
the surplus we have reduced them exactly one half of the regular price
They are all new goods for this season's trade.
for 75c worth $1.50
" $1.00 " 2.00
" 1.25 " 2.50
" 1.50 " 3.00
for 88c worth $1.75
" $1.11 " 2.25
" 1.38 2.75
" 1.63 " 3.25
and so it goes through the whole assortment. If you doubt these prices call
and investigate for yourself. 12}- cent Print for 9e. Delaines for
25c. Summer Corsets 50e. Best Lisle Thread Gloves
15e per pair. 2 pair Stainless Black Hose 25e.
These are only a few of our moneymakers.
C. Z,Zi -� T D so T']'
the others. We have not space enough to enumerate them here.
�O m 8 6'I{
11.ty feet were so badly swollen that I Dried and Smoked Meats always on hand.
could not wear my shoes. I got Yellow
Oil, and to my astonishment it gave
instant relief, and two bottles completely
cured me. Mrs. W. G. McKay, Berwick,
The Marine Department has issued
a notice stating that the breakwater
piers at the entrance to Goderich
harbor, Lake Huron, are being ex-
tended further into the lake. The
contractor now has a length of about
300 feet added to the end of the
north pier, and 110 feet to the end of
the south pier. The cribs are at
present just flush with the water, and
vessels entering the harbor at night
will require to be very careful not to
collide with these cribs. ,
Heart Disease Believed m 30
Minutes.—All Cases of • organic or sym-
pathetic heart disease relieved in 30
minutes and quickly Cured, by Dr. Ag-
new's Cure. Sold at Chisholm's Drug-
store, Wingham.
At the opening of the New South
Wales Parliament on Tuesday, the
Governor, Sir- Robert W. Duff. an-
nounced that in accordance with the
mandate of the electors the pro-
teotive duties would be repealed and
replaced by income and' land taxes.
\Tou will find
that it will do'
what no other
soap can do, and
will please you every
It is Easy, Clean,
Economical to wash with
this soap.
We are clearing
suffering with weakness and
emaciation, who give little
nourishment to babies,should
"Siege of Algiers," with 41 per-,
formers, culminating in a burst of Seatt95
Meteoric splendor which marks a now � ____ •
era in pyrotechnic art. The attend- .e.6n, •
v l �;13F. Paterson, rati el 20c; cheese 4.5 per cent fht alleo bids fair to be extraordinarily
books,'V Soby, of f t not tiways give rates on all railways and steamboats,
vert $1.50 • Robt. Millet•, court ex- when oompatring one day with
penses, $5.20; McLean & Son, lumber, another or one month with another.
$19.07 ; Jos. Curtis, repairs Morris April 30th, 800 ]lis, of 8.9 per cent.
boundary, $4 Iia, Ferguson, gravel milk made 281 lb. cared cheese;
and brushing, $20.80; John Cope- May 1st, same quantity and quality
land, lumber and spikes,. $1,92 of milk made 27l Ib; June 9th it
orin`g a wide area in Canada and the
Mr. D.1jacdougall, ex -registrar of
Isaac Metcalf, gravel $210; David static' 281 ib. lav 1st, 300 .lb, of the county of Waterloo, died at itis
Dunkin rent $1 I c1 gravel,
3.60 per cent. milk made 24.i lb. home in Berlin on Tuesday, aged 09.
the Cream of Cod–liver 011
and hy'pophostphites.• It' will
give them strength and make
their babies fat. Physicians,
the World -over, endorse it.
Msit LeakDraw111i.100 £6L
Here's the
ever offered in Town.
A window full of
Relrpecttully yours;.
GTO.. L I&T.