The Wingham Times, 1894-08-03, Page 8moZTDOO life in fareolf lends, "As " Woman's Eye," Her n with Anecdotes, Weider; experieuces. Iyer titoy o in the wagon is highly privations aaa perils especially to a woman, being many. Act was the only woman in the party, vMoh consisted Of, berself and eeven men. The name of Bev. I ilancis E. Clark is a feiniliar household wo a, and his fame has extended to every ee nor of tbe world. Many distinguished *talons urged him to write this book. The knew that,he bed acquired in this re_aarkable journey a ARTISTIC DESIGN wealth of mnterial, iicb, with his unique collection of photogr _pits, would make one of the most valuable.eoolie of the day. All will find in it ilelLbtful entertainment, A. Mighty mid aununer movement. The July prica-poliey unfolds, gathers popularity 404. Creates trade chances A triumph in suecesstul shop keeping — pixogressive. DRESS GOODS. Every piece of novelty goods marked away down for gni& selling. Every Krticle in our Stello stock of highest class Dress Goods, Waists, Gloves, Ho- .) sterY, Parasols,Clothieg, Gents' Furnish- ings, Tweeds and Ready to wear Cloth- ing, Boots and Shoes. rABuying all goods strictly for cabh, and in large quantities, enables us to offer many bargains Inapproachable by any ,other house, All goods inarked in plain figures and money refunded at all tunes if goods are no satisfactory, at M. H McINDOO'S. rk's New Book, "Cur • . Rev. Francis R, Journey Aro This highly inst ing pole= is a ree around the world, s " peculiar ciromoste, not often fall to the %It was undertaken !able conditions by D. D. President of Christian Ruben° 4throughotit the long ied more than a year ?fifty thousand miles •enjoyed rare oppor and study. The en iby fresh, original, and is one of the mo issued by the Americ seen through Lk native is packed , and personal the long journey outertaining, its I I *RIP 111111.111111*1011% 400,1. TUE WINGIUM TIMES, AUG -UST 3, MA. MUSICAL 'EXCELLENCE, 1 rare amusement, a To possess it is to p ze it; to read it a to obtein a liloeral edu tion, It contains steel- late portraits of Dr. Clark and of his w• e, from recent photo. graphs; a large ma , exbibiting the whole world at a siugle glance showing •the author's journey fro the beginning to the end-, and 220 fine illu .trations, from pnota- graphs from life. T Arm must be seen to be apprediated. We do not know when 040 pages have given us more gentine pleasure. If we speak warmly of t134 book it is because it richly deserves it, It is sold only by agents, and is rneeti, g witb an enormous sale. Agents who introduce a first-olass Work like this ougat to be cordially wel- comed. We believe hat the best way to ikeep out poor books is by introducing good ones, and a better om than this has never been brought to ear notice. Put it into your homes. It wil be read over and over again by old and yo ng, with pleasure and lasting profit. The work is ..ptitt well-known Co., Hartford,'" 001 sufficient guarantee volurne.—Agent f Mr. William Cribb d solid information. • d the World." active and entertain - d of a recent journey ch as, owirig to the nes attending 'it, does lot of man to make. der especially favor- ev. Francis E. Clark, e United Society of and his wife, and ourney, which ocoupi. and covered nearly by sea and land, they nities for observation ire volume is marked striking materiel, t valuable books ever n press. The reader is ersonally conducted through Australia, die, China, japan„.. Egypt, Palestine, T irey, and many other, lands. We see the countries through American eyes, an obtain a pet:foals; ajar view of them ind tbeir people, sup - 'lamented by two undred and twenty splendid illustration from photogra, most of which were aken by Dr. Clark himself ; for he car ied a complete photo- graphic outfit with b The daily life of a Chinaman in his own country; his fe,vorit food and odd dishes; the singular rites wi nessed in the temples; Chinese farms •and farming; the seamy side of Chinese lite; japanesq aerobats and their wonderful pe ormances.; the burn ing ghats of India, where the bodies of the dead are consumed 'on huge piles of wood (a ceremony Dr. lark witneseed); the Towers of Silence where the dead are exposed to be devo. Ind by, thousands of waiting vultures th it constantly sit on the walls; native juagers, snake -charmers, and fakirs—these a .e but a few of hundreds of interesting topit, presented. shed by the old and A. D. Worthington di ., whose imprint is f the excellence' of the Wingham District, . ., Pe nabs. iss Livingstone of lia.rriston, a former metifber of the tea iing staff of our publio schools, has been mewing acquaintances in town. Airs. Mark Ti visiting at Mr. A week. Mr. T. A.. Reid,. friends in town ld , Miss Bertha Ha ee n spending a guest of Mr. Th . re krned home on 011,00 ev. D. Perrie a on Monday. Mr. his trip to the Old Mr. Frank Mc Detroit on a visit t town. Their route led across the land that Joseph gave to his father and brethren ; past the very fields where the Israelities made bricks %tithe .t straw, and along the highways where ones rolled the chariots of the Pharaohs. Mu h time was spent in the museum of Btt tk (Egypt)—the most wonderful museum in all the world — where now may be en the mummy of the Pharaoh who °pin .ssed the Children of lerael. The story of the discovery of Pharaoh's mtunmy among those of forty other mummies o kings, queens, and princes found in the royal mortuary chamber in the T ban Hills, and the identification of P araoh, is well told. Illustratious from p otographs show where the mummy was fo d, and others give, full-length, profile, d front views of this ancient king who w s contemporary with Moses and reigned • n Bible times, thus enabling all to see "just how Pharaoh looked." It is ono o the most wonderful things of this age th • t the mummy of this infmnone king, wb e burial place was hidden foe centurie , should at last be found, and the withe ed body be exposed to the gate of the dude s. . The description of °dent life an efit in Nicotine 1 writt with a ens and fervor that mak this porn of the book wonderfully t al and precious to B ible readers. A journey was ma in au a spring w• Aele, through au rut by robbers and host We perilous t $t -est and exciting kn. Clark at e of hundreds of miles nn stress Turkey in now,i uountry infested e natives. Thestory, le full of thrilling in- aventares. panted her brisbandl • frtarywhere. She a vivid pieture oft Mrs. Jas. MoL ing, of Toronto, was Tipling's during the •f Forest, was calling on t JJ. HOMUTH (54O SN STILL LEAD THE TRADE .."-^LINT"*".*** MERCHANT TAILORING AND CENTS' FURNISHINGS. In I-1a,,TS wo have the most nobby to be found, DURABIZ CONSTRUCTXON. I Catalogue sent free on applii cation. MORR!S FERO - ROGERS - 1.41[STOWEL, CO, :U°11's HALSEY PARE.1 Agent, WIua xolt, I KINC1RDINE. The first annua. Scottish Games OUR STOCK OF Etcoicorir our sto* is complete. Note a few of our prices: Plough Boots, from $1,00 u• p, Ladies' Fine Button Doggies, tipped, from $1,00 up, Boys' awl Girls' School Shoes, from Olicts, up, and all otter goods in that line equally low. under the alaspie of Camp Mac- ' pliers= No. 48, f. . 0. S. will be held ; in Kincardine on Weduesday,August the 8th, when $1,.500 in prizes -wlll be offered for '-aonapetition. The far-famed Pipers Band of the 48th , Highlanders will be present in full I strength and whland Costume, The Kineardin Flute Band in ' kilts willalso bj in evidence that day. A prize o $75 is offered for the team winni the hose reel race. The prize is sm. to attract the fastest teams in Weste7jn Ontario. Prizes are also offered for the largest camp and eamp comio• llongestdistance. 7-'38s ous ire The S, S. Carntfriawifl run excursions du ou the lake . ing the day. John D. 'McPherson, the champion shot putter of the VsOrld, will endeavor to. break the -vorkl's record. The 111 prize list is 0:10 large enough to draw the best athletes in Canada and. the Unite( States. Spend a day at the lake an hear good music andsee good dancia.g and skillful athletes. Cheap and effi.31ent railway trans- portation has been arranged. See bills and pr. grammes for parti- culars. . a RonetersoN—Ti • Viughaw. on the 27th of Joly, the wife ) mr. M. 'Robertson; a VALISES AND TRUNKS is full, and at prices which must satisfy all. iterBoot and Shoe repairing' done as usual. J. J. HOMUTH 8c SON, WINGHAM, TO CURE DEBILI etite, sleeplessness es, physicians r Camp 's1. thpaesollutote let tr er is just sner.t. & Co., infrs., an nerv. iumend nine Wine. zgist pursuade you °ad. EAT.. BRICK AND TILE FOR SALE. Parties requiring Tile from 8, 10 and 12 inches, will please send in their orders. Any quantity of Brick and other Tile on hand. ELLIOTT 13E08., Props.. Winghtim Brick Yard. Winghain, July 25, 1891. NEW MAN iN AN OLD STAND eek . • .danghter. , of ,Listowel, who bas,„.4%rantoies—Ig "inghatn. on 1,he 31st I Having' purchased the fetv,Iteks in town, the july, the wife of Ir. Archie Simmons; NORTH END LIVERY , STAR GROCERY. Everything New, Everything Fresh, Everything Cheap, Everything Newest, Everything Freshest, Everything Cheapest, Everything Newer, Everything .Fresher, Everything Cheaper, at the Just opened out, dne of the largest and finest stocks of CROCKERY, CLASS, CHINA- and EARTHENWARE ever seen outside the city of Toronto. . 115 piece Dinner Setts. 07 piece Dinner Setts. 44 piece Tea Setts. China Tea Setts. Toilet Setts. Table Setts. 5 o'clock Tea Setts. Bread and Butter Setts. Lemonade Setts. ' Berry Setts. • and . ROkery, her uncle, Vednesday. d Mra. Perrie returned errie looks the better of and, aughlin is home from • parents and friends in nghlin returned home from hery.isit to S forth, on Monday. Maetere'W. J. E)iott and James Dawson sant Sunday with friends in Kincardine. B. Elliott and Mr, H. B. Elliott were in Listowel our Sunday, the former being called there es account of the sudden illness of her moth r. Mr. Fred. and Ripley, have bee Munshaw's. • , Mr. John Lanioi .Visiting friends het this week. Lueknons Seut nel : Miss Martin, of Winghain, is., tl e guest of Miss Ade Grundy. • Arr. IL Tindall, g Guelpb, was calling on friends in tesvn for a couple of clays during the week. ss Tena McDonald, of visiting at Dir. J. R. t, of Ripley, has been Air. Wm. Bonn ek, wife and child, of Toronto, were gi-ests of Mr. aud Mrs. Jas, McGuire, Stetter street, for a couple of weeks, retuiaitess to their home on Wednesday. _Mr. Thos. Honlyn, of London, was visiting friends ir town a couple of days during the week. Mr. W. W. Tog' left on a trip up- the lakes, on Mond4. Ile will spend a short time at Dui th and other points before be returns. r. Alex Catopb -bank, on Wednesd neral of bis father. that place: Mrs. bedside of her fath a few days before h Mr. and Mrs. Joh in Preston. Miss Cavan, of Seriorth, is the guest of Miss Norma Dirtsley, this week. II was willed th Mil. y, to attend the fn. -law,a Mr. Taylor,of mpbeIl was at the , having gone clown death. Clegg are visiting When Travelling "Whether on pleasure bent,or buoinese, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup orrigs)aa it ttots most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fever, headache and other forms of gicknens. Fos sale in 06e, bottles lyy all leading drug- gists. Manufactured by the California Pig 'Syrup Co. only. —The %aroma ts on Thursday after with the club tt a son. • 7 lax BAcitnws—In tingham. on the 29th July. Sarah Bal 01 St. Mary's. and mother of Mrs. 'G. P. Wells, of this Place, aged 84 ye..rs. • • T MitS. P, 11. RODER IS, of the wn of Wing. _LI ham, in tho Count of Her 3, wife of P. IL Roden's, of the Pnine oho natter, desire to apologize to Mr. and. Mrt Rob t Mitchell, of the said town of iVinitham, h mg stated that they were living together n Itery. novor having been married. I nut tl statement on Informs. W. litighwi, and 1 then nog' rdeelved from was in the bona def that the information fVf.ii correct but ve learned that it WaR absolutely withon any ssundation winttever, pini now retract the same roJ regret hat ing made the statement. This statemistt is given for publication in the Wingham Advinck and Tows, and for the purpose of undoing. ahV Njery which Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell may have snot hied by reason of such report having bean dm Ated. Dated at %Vint:haul tl s lith day of July. A. D. 1804. P. II. ItODERUS. NOTICE OF VOTERS' LIST. Voters' List, 1894.—Murtzeipa.lity of the Town of Win: .ra, County of Mir. I Notice is hereby given that I e transmitted or delivered to the persons in ed in Reeting's 4 and G of the Ontario Voters' sI Act, 11(811, the copies reqpirod by said sectio • ho so transmitted or doltverecl ot the list tu o pursuant to said Aet, at all persons appearin , thy knot revised Assess. merit 5011 0! the Nal ii5lpnJfty to be entitled to vote in the arid nicIpalitv et Elections for !Imbibers of the Lo slative Assembly and at Muni- cipal Elections ; and that said list was first posted up at my office at Wing,ham on the 3rd day of August, 1804, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called on to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errora MIT found therein, to take imined late proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to maw .1. B. PERGIISON, Clerk at Wingligun. Dated tide 3ril day of August, 1804. WESTERN F LONDON, Sept. lath nd, 1894. Canada.% V'ttVer trio Stook and Agrieuatir Exhibition ALWAYS IN THE, FRONT. Make your entries early sad Citotalo your space. Entries tdoso Live 81001 and Nultry, Sape. lath. Enttleti clesc, other departments, Sspt.0th. Final payments atul horses uauied In the Aug litteele ttrac ns of the best. Special Ittil1way nod Express rates arranged from 141Z 11'8!"111:il 1.4,7 l'"417.01$"1 'WV OAP T. .I. I 14t, Pretident. Seeretary. LIME FOR SALE. Tho Ondentigned »Odra tot sale, any qUitit.itV of good lime. W11T beolefivered to any Of the /OW* 'wCtit to Harriam„ rewinding villages and Wingluati, cents per ou "'" sash& to play a Match O. ritagta. 4, 71 t• town, Otentot eon.farrow P. 0. •ta and put in a number of first-class - We HORSES AND RIGS I um in a position to give as good turn- outs and satisfaction as can be got any- where: Prices Moderate. The patronage or, the public is solicited. Livery—Near the G. T. R. station. 8. A. McLEAN. Wingbam, July 24tb, 1894. Here 1 a An A 1 pedigreed is offered for snlo. seven and eight Canadian Bois • Again Another tel nil. S f. lundre n Preston stein 13u11, aged 13 »Moths. size, weighing between ounds. Registered in Book, • AS. ELLIOT, Bluetit e O. -•- POWDERS Curs SICK HEADACHE and Nottralgfe in 20 ottNtrres, also Coated Tongue, Dim- ness,.Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, - . Torpid Liver. Bad I3reath. To stay cured and . regulate the bowels. VERY NICE YO TAKE. PRICE AS OENTI3 AY DRUG Smokes. • NL It you want your SPRING AND SUMMER made in the latest style, go to G. 14. fRVIN, opposite Dank of natallton, WO/011.AM As CHEAP AND GOOD a largo assortment of otherware. We intend to lead in this line at the STAR GROCERY. have a large assortment of P.A...INTO"Y" 0-1-CDOMIztiMS- big a dollar's worth of Sugar as you will find -anywhere and a 25e. Tea that can't be beat anywhere in the county, with everything else. usually found in a first-class grocery. Coma everybody and see the show at Macdonald's New Block. • X --X0 144:11101...4:1-t9 Star Grocery, Winghtan. • ' . TO. PREVENT SUNBURN You should buy one of our Fancy Sunshades. WE ARE COMPELLED to admit that we made a inistake in buying too many for this season's business, But the price lvas so low that We ceuld.not resist Klein. rirC) CAVIL -Pr the surplus we have reduced them exactly one half of the regular price. They are all new goods for thisseason's trade. COME AND BUY A PARASOL for 75c worth $1.50 for 88e worth 11.75 " $1.00 " 2.00 $1.11 " 2.25 " 1.25 " 2.50 1.88 " 2.75 " 1.50 " 8.00 " 1.6 " 8.25 and so it goes through the vhole assortment. If you doubt these prices call and investigate for yourself. 12 ecnt Print for 9e. ;Delaines for 25e. Summer Corsets 50e, Best Lisle Thread Gloves 15e per pair. 2 pair Stainless Black Hose 25c. These are only a few of our moneymakers. OL sEE the others. We ha c not space enough to Znumerate them here. -11,11[1.41.4 Dried and Smoked Meats always on hand. Wrxosag. HARNESS AND GOLLARS. Haying bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in a harness shop snail as 11EAVY, LIGHT and TRACK. HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS, 13RUSIIES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &e,, &e. I *aka all nay own Collars and guarantee itatintnetion, Give me a trial and I will UM you right. 'AtkaiiiiiLda.;1041101110adamilatheth-i-. Alb