HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-08-03, Page 7THE W . S 11A,M ' :1' X��*'., AUGU.J$T 3,1894. SAN AND LioN FRIENDS #tamed Tont, who had scratched Pasha's 4 Vitra for the Dine. occur in the lions' Mutters, er 1 tretnieudous• risk he imam 144 • sirs. per- p wonder how it came mit that is epidemic in some comzntanttiee, and is • FAMOUS ANIMAL. AND HIS TRAINER. lien trainers,'.' ncis with tai lions. "Very few scute one (1;scovetotl thttt oto llattads a11a lait,lily catlta;,'io11s, attaglziilg witltgreat• ]inn t sonnds, lie said, "leave the bus; fingers ueeaed c'ultivatin • Was. it .that est severity those whose bunk account,, Hew tom was Taught to obey --Tanen !n, nessgra sound in brain mut ...sibs The b' • , ,, Shows a gol2t.lflt )sus above intiUeditlte grant Majority eventually get hurt in in the olden .lays aristocratic. demos of nerds. geed zxak ly a int•. wine tl , tuteney, Tre,(t04 :Kindly sant. .oracle to one way or another. It does. not do, agl>zova111ciuRlrts brokinstrels e, the'micand e. had no, cltsease,'"crud thevictizn: wvlll, in finis, t(ldetetttntl fact utast wax 'ifix 'R[ustwlr- lion to lose one's confide;hoes Every need to c ansicler the beauty of their ressaver; meanwhile however however. there lion trainer must look open hilrlself ns will be considerable suffering, wiziclt Ther OWN ratelllgoaoo. der Mu. to be elle of the exceptions ofthe hands -that they sat perpetually tat their may be diunnisl;etl by employing the "WhyInore,n'rule of sttifererd. Tide is the attty I re.• looms, like the I4adc• of Shalott, Ito(' followinb„ preslrziptions, ad lib.; Test of the •aiiiui Leos under miac:at-ethe g'lt!rd ulysolf, Of (:nurse, they are dltn• wove With white iuzd saner fingers which Diva those- blinds a fresh coat ttf dal „� 1 „cions, blit I lo not• fear theut as longas knew no other tont Or wits r t a fie o• point It will be tiecesa fie a the spri o asked Professor Darling, of Hagenbee tis I. have uzv nerve and tt stout whi ), lotion and anarchy hays liell,ea to maid- it 1 Caren% The professor, who, owing to 1 ig ize the splay liazzcled sons <a£ the soil Mud or they will (trop to pieces, Do now •The viper tt lieu grows the less ttcz;en• p . •atzd save the re airs. be long assocfatnn with the lung of gow to captivity he becosees. the lions the proprietors of old. acres and so lel mus. in nue of the tunny qui rrels that ! TO PRESS THE HANDS. Professor Darling xecognixes full the , i1Q1 Fit(gera anti :fails May 1iw llglte to long faces and doleful stories about the AMICABLE RELATIONS BETWEEN A y ,� tpwartl,•aceful, s1r1•rzilca3l;e of securities The severe fit of blues manifest by and 1uercl3andiae destroyed their cottaeliaess? • •A Roca coat of paint on the cornice of '? Your house would improve its appear,. utively as he put this question.. too old for •saafety. They will be ex- improve the sap teu14tuce of the hand if ance and save decay, land flea some may' , "Loo is more than my pupil," he changed. for ethers probably next year, a little cure ant study are brought to be sttf1 of your back yard fence. last >;. continued. "He is my boson. friend' to give an example of the raisin fn• bear, one should know that if the tlitiiuh zoom hoer has far the last six .r and may yet becozne my protector crease in size of my pets, let roe stats hand is brood a sevez'e on or tightly months' needed repolishing. ,Tine g- i i should the other lions ever turn a•geinst that two years ago I.eo weighed only fitting wristband will snake it appear nnnislrec. cost of Tabor and ioater•Ial willI beasts, has .grown to resemble a lion nowv with -Mr , l tkgerzbeek `will soon to be hi;itself, stroked his tawny beard zacedit• it lit 9 within the owner's power to 7 1 1 Due. Our affection dates from the day 240 pounds, while to -day„ he tips the doubly so. So also clues the fashion of more than slake up the interest Pott : vve first ,net in the bazaar at $uakini, hi • beam at 510 pounds. The best fighter in weiuinn at little finger ring Rings on any save by delay, The old-fashioned la 1 {{ H America would stand small o1Lanceti but 111; thind finger aw,ravate the roofs fresco of your hall is ridiculed „by ! v° ''The mention of that meeting brio s with 510 pounds of 'live lion liurleai at breadth and n�ivt> a romia atect in spite yclur neighbors; it isf•loud and vulgar,. ' • before zee the whole strange s .enc as his breast. Au old tremor generally of the eserticizx- of the lu•Lnicare In rub it out and. srlbstitute something i his •cliai•�e feel env hostility toward the choice rxu;s n .„h If you are suspicio s there le ;r A nic; flashlight does fa darkened picture. „ knows in advance when wild beasts in tl 1 f and their disposition Moro refined, . . "Overhead, ahead in the copper, yol• r, . on the hand tutu,li art may be broli� t - low African sky, east and west, stretch- him. to bear, On fat hand pearls look well; in your wall paper, have it removed, It• • estine long bazaar, gaudy with many For instance. at the Arena perforin- on a bony one they look atrocious -at will save a prospective doctor's ll}ll, ! colored cloths, reeking with a thousand ance yesterday I observed that the lion least the hands do. It znay be a dim- which. when rmid ; leaw:es you with ! odors, and crowded with all manner of Pasha was sulky. 1 -le is naturally bad cult matter to persuade the fair ones nothing you ought not to posses,a wvitlr . nien-black, brown and white, The tempered; quite dnii;etent, in fact, frons that ff hand with • prazninent joints is ont pins expense. 4 few whites are soldiers of Queen Vie. his twin brother, Leo. I saw lriui<1ook- best left absolutely unadorned -that Give au order at once for that suit of i toric, then in occnpction of Suakin. (for 'ing at inc in a furtive way that boded ; precious stones but add to its hard. and clothes you contemplate when the times war with the Mandi had just been con- little good to fine shunt(' I turrl my back. i horny look. are a little better. Your tailor will take, eluded) and my own party. You know I am wholly unprotected I Red hands should. shun contact With the order at reduced ,• rates .during the a "To the south lies_ a hazy waste of save by my eyes and my whip, when in pearls. turcluoi,les or even diamonds, dull season. sand, broken by the crooked lines of j the cage with the lions. What did 1 do? rine old signet rings, black pearls,. sap- The parlor suit be•,.ns to look shabby; palms wliich mark the track of the I simply kept Iny face toward Mr. Pasha phires, onyx, cameo, or pigeon blood it has been in use la ears without repo- ; Nile. Suddenly °I am called from the I during the whole performance. He rubies are the most suitable ornaments -eating; it is old fashioned and not worth, reverie into which I have fallen by the 1 never found xne off my goer& If I if decoration belonged for. 111 formed repairs, It is now a good time to buy voice of Herr Kohn, Mr. Hagenbecl:'s ' needed any proofs of his evil intentions finger nails should. never be highly pol- and modern. at 'very law price:- t when his turn Boudanese agent. He apprises Ise of ',found tlld them hen it came to fished It is a sac. mistake to do so. f 1 (�r ` rr D. price 3 N offs' £it' -!,BARE _2222, 222,2.:__- x1.:.:5}4. If l: have failed. to ur,elatu,R all yet,: •ee- , 8 Mire and -ourban,. uy:eoulrt still shows- _ dl 3 i Cxtre S►r,.s fd�.fkfJ. � a- wuuts draw. o�u to 1uh to rr�� ing- nothing by way of interest or at Tere ld Ltverekad Bre tl ' 'L. -'.,-- r• slue li t• cent. tell -diir wife of it and ,, Inns 2 t j r t re,ta.ate the b'3w..-, ep ,RY. ,..CE TO T4fre. if she does not find a u ore useful way ;errs. ( Pr 26 dcrrN7'. • G'�ur $ to• employ the rne>,ney you had. better„Est ` ... -•••- a divorce,. for she is eel tainly not tlie• ! helpmate" she promised. to be;. I 0 :Got Spoke -it tot !Spotted. The, absurd and sonsetina�es extract+ I Taiara.. COWAN, almost- different* between the spelling• t r •dna pruliunciatiom of . Lugiisllt uaanes ' CnEnax '.frli DIV... C has- often beers; con>:mented noon., Sev- eral lists have been peldislhed„ but they' are by no means conlplrfte.. The follow- ing, it is believed -by the Boston T'ralr- t the arrival of two lion cubo I look 1 to perform. He is generally very slow Almond shooed ti,, lustrous as gems iI (southward and there coznes through the ` and unwilling in going through his are fascinating to 11 degree, but ibi tan- .crowd a camel, bobbingand swaying, I tricks. On this occasion his conscience .•natural gloss is apt to ninke square, ytn- kas cainels do, and beaing two wicker f made a coward of him, and he ;hist ex- shapely nails terribly prominent. .Even t'cages, swung from the ends of a bamboo celled all the other lions in the3quiokness when shapely fingers teriuiulito-itep'retty pole lashed across leis back. Turban and and ease with which he diol his -act. ! oval hails their beauty is .utterly de - fez give way before the advancing beast, I "You see. lions are very uitich, like stroyecl if the nails aro allowed to grow and I can distinguish two fine baby sten. Pasha know'ipstinctivoly that I i1. points beyond the lioearer tipe: There lions through the bars of the cages. , suspected him,- He (also knew that he is uu oaarit/ itl,s>rilurderotis looking; 1 "I am ou a mission to Africa to gather hadintended to injure line. A eombin- Chinese -like ttllonns of bone. • lions fer.Mr. Hagenbeok, Stepping up ation of cunning and remorse led him to Whe"ii the wrist bone presents a pro - to the cage on the right of the camel I be more than ordinarily pliable, and it mineut knob nines of lace ;are a 'de - am greeted by a low growl, The occu• will be weeks, probably, before lietnedi- lightful resource, and so is the Flemish pant is the lion whotn we now call tater further evil toward nie-" _ cuff. An over fat wrist is quite as un- „ ur- ,'Pasha.' the Brother of 'Leo.'Trying lovely and should be just as . carefully GONE OUT OF FASHION. a;xray luck at the oilier side, -I am received ____,••• concealed. -with purring. like that of a eat. 1 put Tt(e iLrt of Aonvor Conversation \o I,,ngcr UlI4er- 'Satiates of llfec}ilin. or knotty paint .lay .fano. into the cage. The lion• cub stood •4111.utLli$1t iiooiety., lace, should be perpetually • at .laid for 1 Tubs his soft back against it. We are those whose auatouly is elven to• -knob- Another his from the start. Opening the Another thing which has gone out of • fashion is the art of conversation_, says cage door, I take the little fellow in my the Pall Mail Gazette, It h113. of late F arms. He nestles near my breast, and years been so neglected that it is the 1 near my heart he has remained ever rarest chance tenneet with a young man since. That lion cub wits 'Leo,' and I shall never forget it to him, that, while who can converse at all in the real his brother was sulky at our first intro - he of the word. Among lifs.aww n set Auction, he himself welcomed me as a he can babble abont mutual wgllaint- hriend from the first moment our eyes maces, the new singer, the nest issue or net „ the last scandal." 33ut threw hila among ' Prof. Darling probably knows more strangers and he is silent and doll, per - About lions than any other living person haps making short remarks in a jerky ,other than a Nubian or- a Kaffir. He went into the menagerie business as a pony trainer at the age of 18, but speed- ily saw that his twitting talents de- manded more important objects.. From teaching tricks to shaggy Shetlands hemit real value. As a. consequence he is my of antique records discovered in mg 071 1110 last sylla, e: Beatiollalup• Ili gravitated toward the section occupied • he has144 never e ciltivtut hLt e shows that it, because in 1587 by a peasantwatnau near thq Mums cod Du zaruDttl3etlt>tne shot 1t1should )f1 e7ononn- l3oeton by the lions. The lions took to him andl of the ancient Arsinoe in Upper Emit„ ho to them.. terest in his fellow creatures which .have now Been laid before the public in and in Abeigaven',ay the -`cad" is not In 1888 the idea • of training lions to • would enable him to old French no atkse- Maj. Conder's work on the Tel Aniarna• sounded. 1 enziesia:,pronouncedittyngges, tidally. One of the French noblesse Tablets, comprising „ a translation of the Knollys as iulawlc„.. Saudys as Sands, perform in large arenas, instead of inp ' b. gages, occurred to him, clicl he suggest- was lately heard to remark hi that when text, with introduction and notes, says Gower as Gorr,. turd Milnes as Mills. ed it to Karl Hagozibecl:. The latter at he fust went into society his -father used London Table. Inscribed en clay tab- Dalziel should be lirenounced "Dee -al," ,once dlespatchecd Hili. to northeast Africa to impress upon his mind that at a party lets, subsequently baked into brick and with accent ou iii•sY syllable; Mantis is t he was bound to Ensure its sriccess so written iitatlrauzaie the efficient, tau- Glenna; Geogheg a +should be pro- • 1 character's, nasuiced Gaygan aldol Ritthven is Riven. than a series breach of courtesy, both to the guests gyptian foreign A. x'„rt"er t4 idea or Work. b oflico about 14841 B C tom the protect- modern rotect- Farmer Hazdfist: What under the ;the greatest tic 1.. ' 11 b t• 1 orad. the friends who invited him. In > a A fortnight after Mr. Darling's ar=ed or tributary K.in�g, "o�f Canaan, im- sun is she reason that .boys are such no 1 antiquated .• „. - 1 rn gathering no such c sent e t <C d us various _ova c t s- Here is our r tl b q n assistance critters zaow , s b soil � rat crit account r 3 .b t., c Mr.Kohn received p , 'rival in Sual;iln, t' t would find' disciple. Y un'„ • e• and confused ulalrhnez but certainty be- traying no ilztelligenne interest if of lm offending deauness is scarcely revealed. Kizl.-ndbrigut, Kim,* cliscovery be mentioned, a piece of film- j la; Hawes:den. Hard' portant political news told or some in- ' Relies: of :Arelollt Iilstol•y. Strachan should be pr. The contents of that wonderful trees.-. Colquehouni' Koohci • E. and Neuralgia a surplus a) veillt l 't t' In 20 14' NtJ1'ES. :a. •., t ((;Elia:,, Co. HuiLox, AUCTlet ISSUER 0I' MAIIB? EER, GE LICENSES script, are, for the. most pert,. news I Waoclnesborougl., Whit -Amer Woodman.- I Cautaclssio;rsi vv .. G. 3., Liu. byness." Arius that are over nittscular I cote, Woo(1Lnucl:ets�'T lnotxtlincie, Win - or obese should also be sparingly'•" ox- i dual; Yaddlethorpe, ri'altllrup; Gatns- hibited. Indeed, than appear slimmer : boroughs Gainsber; tGlensoin, Len - when veiled by a puffy sleevewhieh pre- i kerrin ; Grassington. '-irstun ; Haddis- vents the full outlines from deuaonstrat- : doe.. Hadsker; Gu�ntl'hwaite•„• Gunfit;------- _.._. _- ing themselves too vividly. The lean' j Eskdale. A.shdale; Brampton Brian,, and scraggy (Lim also requires a full : Brawn ;.Brighthelmott�l1e,BryttrlrrHalla- covezing. la -difference in the construe- Tion;:,. Horn; Meddletloin*. Threlthrup;: `' IT="'"'n' v'•.-, m"'" -fres-" ae see tionbeing f the sleeve )u on eel. • An over -generous saiu demands a Oerain; Uttoxetes. Tu,x-iter. Ram- long, flimsy, elingiile; 1)tlti'„ while the pfsllam„ Ransom; •'t:ostwvf;;lnt,. Carsit;, l: bony one xteecls a series.' of crisp gather- 1"eveusey,. Piatsy: �,' illgS 4(0(1 `flutings, through which 1110 Hcrdswvnrtlr, Hader;, „ . L Tll1 Eot'z 'Wnoximsn, 1 ONT. 7 .r n..„ Lott .4,..L:ttle klatiLway. 'FABLE. btatnn.N'r1r,, Rbv 4.(}l.4 t r. 4(4.l 414, 4150 wU fast cit® . • a, 114 ....... ibr TOLVet" r AA. can. •' v. n. .+ nue tans •. 4.e. at, 'rtes%,4tei .......4;:g3 40 1., 141 ' 3,1.40 " x ----Titt�lE 7A$Lir.+-»--- Ami nr ar WIOIIIAh *SA%5 WINORAM to a6. a ,n. Y;.$1110 stop, 004-14)14,.Toro44to• 4.40 5,5 « fat 1122.4 •" , 11::0 .+ 55441 u. at. ' nif,(o1 for Palnterstnn 7:41('p.05 low ,o p,. •' ❑dxrd!or Kinraldino 11.20 ti til 10°:M7 1,. at. for lih,..rdinu ;: a? p. as ,07 ,5 30.07 p. tt 11:00 R. n.. Loudest, tint; telt. &e., ;.2211 " ✓kettp, 441:. '•. l• al JO Pit�iaRTLC!';t �TCT• i , ,t.'TiT €1, nooks, Pamphlets. Posters, 14f1 1ivadtt tifiQUIRTS, stir.., our,., executed In the beet style et'rhw ort„ at moderate prices, and 011 *411071. notice. Apply Or uddres It Hi.laterr. pause Oalce, Winghant. BANK :IAMILTON TO WINGHAM. Capital. $1,:ao-Q,ouo. Best, SG10,000. Plesldent.-Jcuv 510aa�r. vice -President -A. G, RRAs,SAY. DIR•Ea:TOltb )0115 PROCTOR, Gun, ROACH, Wit GIBSON, lit P,t1, T Wo04, A. J. Iats (Toronto), Oashier--J. TL7RNBULL. savings Bank -Home. 10t . 4 Saturdays,to 1. Deposits of sl ;did upt:•ards receh ed and interest allowed. Special lieposits a1lo received at current rates of interest. Drafts o4, ..reat Brttnin9 and the United . States bought and sold 1 B.iWILLSON, Acura E. L. DICKINSON, Saolicitc,r. puff 1 b need- Marylebone.. Marr id bone•• lID:ome �,, • l 6@ a., • 1 formationgiven about a subject of 44101(1„ Cooliwaod;; tt I:idc1anvis.Sluldv;:. li•i�'• ' y r rrr - ; _ Alford,. ` tfoid., n„ the accent tr be- ' onouLcedS •sitwzr;; ". •• ` `•+ ` ! •• `._.• f r to obtain Mous for ins big e:�peinnen . •• Mr. Hagenbeck has agents 'all t11e world far as he was individually concerned.. guage of Synitem cunelfor ;over. But Mr. Kohn, his represents_ Co make Himself a'„l eealble was a duty we have here nothing les rive in the Soudan' is looked upon as not to be nebrlectec • without a grave of dispatches sent t'oothe c t>i zn •wr d eas s tt rave news of the capture of the two young sen unen won .t Young Ricrac ,,.�� son, J•Lspt>r pretty !high cr•Lyy to leave lions in the far south. He sent messes.- people, if they do not meet some one to The most literestnng are*: letters the old farm. and ry to grt a yob in fiat with, will ostentatiously 'proclaim rani' ' gets for them, and they were brought from the Kpti�(g of Jerusalem and oilier : town. el w� n the Nile to hien, hanging; from the their boredom, and would stare in as- chiefs of Southern Palestine, for in them , Mrs. Hardfist ( .ekly): Perhaps he o v , b e tonlshment if it were suggested that at 'back of a 0(41101, described by Mr. Dail- we can trace the dismay and alarm ore- thinks the work to*ant be quite so ;ing. They had been caught by Nubian a friend's house it was the fluty toward ated by the advance of josh= and the ; hard. hunters in the neral manner -namely, the hostess to pay attention to those who Hebrews, called "Abiri," and " Pecodet ; Farmer Hardfist: Work? Why shucks, b shooting their clam and stealilig them seemed neglected, or who found . them- of the Desert." A very striking passage • Polly; he don't sknreelr know what work Y • .1 1 Tohint that r 1 0 elves among strangers. 11 since simper 8at111 . ghes of the ; s ' done gof the despatches I • ' e �11 nit„ 1 ,•oneie H occursin •£ We bought those I her breast.� from b old ladies and. ugly girls should have a ;lions cheap," said Mr. Darling. web y gfugitive tnanaLrd,h„ apparently after the .but milk the cows. feed the horses, slop .gave their captors a few pieces of fancylittle share of consideration would be to battle of Ajalon, in which, seeking, as j the hogs. split and carry in the wood patterned cloth and an ole revolver for subject one's self to the charge of being t it were, to apologize for his defeat, he : and kindlin's, shell a little cora. ketch ;them. • The value of the goods forwlrhich old-fashioned. speaks of the leaders of the enemy as the colt. and than the grindstone for one ,they were exchanged did not 'exceed 5. Small change is indispensible in going : „sorcerers," doubtless an allusion to the about half an hair. Ile's had all the . ;Now you could not buy `Ileo' alone for about a city. To have only a rive -dollar •, miracles of Joshua. The date of the rest of the time to,'himself, except the $4,000." bill in one's purse when riding in an exodus is also •shifted back to that as- few minutes it took'•.him to mend the Mr. Darling brought his lion gemini omnibus or car is almost as bad as to : sumed by earlier Biblical exponents, bridle I broke this Meqrsin'. What in down the Nile, stopping at Shepheard's, have no money, Oat) requires small ' while the contnry theory of Dr. Brugsch, the name of Pun :eft Indices all the boys in Cairo, for a few weeks, and filially change, and the thoughtful husband too hastily accepted as conclusively es- so crazy to leave the old fatal;• -Life. peached Port Said, from whence he sripplies his wife with bright ton -cent ; tablished, is overthrown. 3 Never Appear III -Bred: red. 1 1a' lin c carters lust as regu- took ship for Trieste. To sus surprise lair. a 1snvith Yresu 1 greenbacks. A wo- the cubs were not a bit seasick during y b their first voyage. He has, however, elan prefers new and fresh money to since learned thstt annuals cio not „et that 's greasy end soiled if she • Slaughtered for their 1'•lu•S, vottrself ill-bred. General converse. To discuss your clothes, }our servants or your domestic affairs is to stamp tae 1 c tion is the sort tolerated in the sick at sea. "I never saw a lion seasick:," can have her choice, and a certain good An idea of the enormous number of best cytoses, only not tall: and 1 laugh sat he declared,"in my experience. Once man, known and loved in a large circle, fou -bearing annuals annually slaughter• b s theatre or other Mattes of amuse. a lion of mne was i11 at see, but his in- always makes a point of bringing home to eel for their pelts may be gained froml his family the wherewithal for ciomestie the following figures of skins to be•ink?rt, annoying those about you who ;disposition was paused byme badn air in expenses its a very dainty shape. He is offered for the January sales at London: carne to enjoy the performance and not hes cabin and not by the minion of the p live our 'enoversa•tion. Do not stare at vessel. Camels are pretty good train- deserved. ti favorite. One million0 00 Australian opossum, People and then discuss them so that .fin _ for seagoing people, • anyhow. The Small ch• l;©• is as valuable in the .Muskrats, , skunk, there is no.pussibility of their inistal:• g p a ' - commerce of life in other departments 220,000 raccoon, 200,000 s , 'Man who can ode attempt the with lin- as ill that of the exchequer. There are mink, 1055,000 opossum, 50,001) wallaby, ing the tonic of vont conversation; uCan is trip safely attempt Dover- people who can talk extremely well on 36,800 fox, 80.000 marten, 32,000 nutria, In fact; let '. consicleratiou• for otli- Calais trip, and 'Leo'and Pasha, yaers be your 'w,atelnworcl and refine - mit. remember, Had been carried by' a earned and serious sul2ject5, but they 20,000 wombat, 14.000 beaver, 8,000 cat. talent your code, attd'�,'ottr manners will cannel all the way from Nubia," have no small change. The (stuck jest 6,000 hear, 5,000 kancaroo, 5,000 sync, affection and easy, repartee of the drawmg-room 6,000 Thibet lamb, 8,,100 wolf, 2,800 dry- improve steadily„ taster such liersenal The lion Leo has one other :Profare not for thein. Helplessly land 110ue- hair seal, 1,100 badger and 1, 000 Russian discipline. 3 besides th(tt tvhz10 he bears for Piotes na seedy, with gloom setthog over their sable, a total of nearly 3,000,000 skins. Dishonest ingenuity. ser 1?arbus - It is the feeling that binds aticl despair in thein souls; they sit This is exclusive of the regular oiicrliigts , At Corydou fair this year two swiu- old to his bio brother Pasha. The faces, .l less gifted people chat and of sealskins on Jaan. 15, which will cote• dlers conducted a1 lottery of 5 cents a ;old saw Bolds -goodd is thicker char water by while times. The trouble )rise 28,000 skins, all except 8,200 of ticket, A monkey did the drawing. tertaltlly fields in this case. The laugh and have, good tz r c s l wo liens love each other, ctrl show is they are clestitote of small cintn ge; which are frons northwest coast seals. s An observant policeman noticed that all This ptits them at a disadvantage in --� - ' ' the prizes were drawn by men he knew their love a great deal more than do where there is no tiine for antra- • An Interesting ,.5pertment. to be sharpers, so distrusting the Woo 'mutt sons oft• r to all utsociety but where everything < Touch the convex side„ of a *watch cense of the manxl.oy, he; investigated ]They help each other loyally against Ates and treatises, lass tt tan water so 118 to leave a dro ,the attacks of the other lions who is -froth and foam. The airy lntttcrfly g 1„ p and found that there ryas tau almost rue their neighbors confuses 1111(1 ]lana,lt,l, on the ;;lass.Pont a little nioticea.hle difference between the tickets share their cage, they lie intensely to sloop fldisturbs ofn Their f ' s must s) t other into the concave side and blow drawing prizes and the others, and that .back to back, and areintenselyiof 1.r,ppy distuzbs theca clue. , Q 1 p the fuel.,>e ..soul bcelt trsaiatd to dfstitt• t speak>, be drawn trap in order, atm lire- Mian it, The to 'id eve oration of tine . t• y > ,even when se arling u s a brief entre. tared to charge on the enemy, horse, ether will ten do: the I;lasy so cold that guiAh between them and thus defraud lOie thin r Darlal f has 'experimented l d 'a'-oonv. ;All this takes t}mcg' the drop of water will be frozen, the public. ;upon this fratexnal feeling by giving no Looe and z tT ' ;food to Leo while he fed Pasha mutate,. ; i 1 Y t• t 1 1t1 • elwe still ktlnatfgllt. but the elhe111y i8 up and too a :New :Icier'. .1 told Night Iteetalled. oulsly. The re Ltlt wets that Pasha, see- ( ee utvia•y, skirmishing linty ,tutu p 1111 y Ice ori•}f}cialiy manufactured by the On the slight of the 11.411 of Julie, 1855, ing his brother's li lit actual. pushed where, before the unlucky opponent luta i 1 mixtures is not a late there were heavy feasts all over, 1852, _b 1r r, Y I arranged hie lute of battle. 13y all it80 of elxelnzc t hereand v71.fri frosts a l o er, IsT0W tows of the aat{w food giver. him under alet those who would succeed ins Idea 1,y iuly 11400118, t1iL3 invention datingEngland, the bars of tea; 'cage .4, fe eh the hungry, Means t dback . N New i<'ot'11 1100 sheep that had been, tat) Vitas' coul,.0.,., A. few weeks later society carry' about the entail change of 1 ack to 1788. Ileo attackeu (dud defeated a third lion, witty douversatioin,-1~Tttrper's Bazar. ishearedd.a fait -days before •luerefrozen to e ' death. WIN GHAM ONT. 1: , 7 ToS lonnmernsannn, PROMP`i; 4raricocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Strictur Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidn and Bladder Diseases Positively Curd by ij ag!1i* Tfle tie filfil4011 Tre tm ntj r r i 0I111 IIO £1 You caDeposit the Money in Your Bank or with Yot r Postmaster t to be aid us after you are CUBED under a written G1 aran,ee. , f . � ds u ono men u an f t es o the c •r -• the �" Das ^cs coked t y Moore a and Blood .w havewr Se. Abuse, E a and middle aired men2 The farm, the workshop the Sunday 6011001„ the office, tn0 pro ca- a sions-all have its victims. 250 ,g nuan, if you {rave been indiscreet„ beware of the future. Middle aged ,nen, you are growing prematurely weals, and old, both sexually and playlet cally. Consult us before tootlate. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN L ONSENT. Confidential. VARICOi✓ELE, I;iVMISSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURED. W. e. COLLINS. . S. Collins, of Saginew, Speaks. W. S. COLLINS. " am 29. At 15 I learned a bad habit which 1 contiti. nod ill 19. I then became oos of the boys' and INt1 a it became , re .' 1+4 I beca a a Exposure r td. ed +a fife. Z~ P y p pp 'nerv- ous land despondent; no ambition; memory poor; eyes rod, Isunken and blur;•phnples on face; hair loose, bone Was; weak back; varicocele; dreams and losses at nigh ; weak parts;deposit in urine etc. I spent hun- dred � of dollars without help, anti was contemplating suicide when a Mend recommended Drs. Kennedy& lie axes New Method Treatment. Thank. God I J tri it. In two months I was cured. This was six S. 3 1 � \ yea ago, and never had a return. Was married tiro sFTfR TAEATIL'T' + " year ago and all happy. Boys, try Drs. Kennedy &Ker- I f11A 1 ,,,2 1358.0111 T1EATDx'T gan 0,0 a giving up hope " A I 3. A. TONTON. ""'Seminal Weakness, Impotency and Ti. A. TON'"ON• Varicocele Cured. (4en I consulted Drs. Kennedy & Korean, I had little hope. I was surprised. Their new Method Treat- me'•nt improved rue the first week. Emissions ceased, nerves became strong, pains disappeared, hair grew in agliin, eyes became bright, cheerful in company and strong sexually. Having tried many Quacks, I can b, artily recommend Drs. Kennedy & Kergan as reliable -°- )•ml B E0a5TfEATazT , 8' eoialiets. They treated me honorably and ekillfnllf." "am ihh 'T. T. P.'T4i1d1SO3,1. A Nervous Wreck -A Happy Life. , T. P. r trfiSON. Narrow a 1,.,, T. P. Emerson Has a Escape. i "I live on the farm. At school I learned an early habit, which weakened me physically, sexually and mentally. Family Doctors said I was going int*, decline ((.onsamption,. Finally "Tho "Goldext . Monitor," edited by Drs. Kennedy & Kergan fell int to my hands. I learned tllo Truth rind SStae. Bel abase had sapped my vitality. I took the Nrib Method Treatment and was cured. My friends think I s cured of Consumption. I have sentthem m1n patients, all weepwt"d,in Alma :1UEAlat aAr1ronaTREATM'T. hood." atmenpUes were cured. Their and m '2% A READER 1 Affirm n victim? Awe yon lost hoe? Are yon ontemplating num. Has your Blond been diseased? bays von ny weakness? Our -,t New Method Treatment will cure yon. What it has dons for"others 't will do for yen go .R et Ca•TT.Jl.3MA.3w17C'm33821:::0 C:Mt: "IS1 00 1t".‘1‘.•` * 16 Years in Detroit. , 160,000 Cured. disk, No matter who has treated yon, write fo an honest o inion "t'eo of cha ge t( bargees oreasonable. Books. Free ••- "The (,load: Monitor" (illus., tratodh on Diseases 02 men. Inclose postngo 2 Cents. Bealsd, E N) NAMES USED WITHH'UUT WRITTEN Db SI2WTI 15Th. V•ATE+ No rniedicln© sent C. O. d. Nat names on b. ee or enve)« ogee+ 1lrtrery thlnE 601nfidenti3ti. Questior► list and ntat'ot "Treixt+. inent. F' EE. No, 148 irL�Y ;'T� RS, KE EBY 8 KEROAN DirTF# T.1010111 a