HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-08-03, Page 6Ettatinglpm >x1�1t
'.LtIDA.T A1'(;1',ST 3, 18104.
At Tonybee hall, before a large
:audience, Canon Ainger t' Gently de-
livered a lecture on ''The Art •,r
Conversation," says the Lads
,'tV.. There
was awide aod
te.ear (1 $lienee, said the lecturer,
oft.eu strangely overlooked,
between talking 1111(1• eouversatiou ;
and the rules for each were quite
(lastillet. They were separate arts,
and had both to be practiced to tu:lis,
and one of the 'clad points that had
ti be settled was the knowledge of
when to practice tits x114 and when
the (aei'.
That a talker and a Col!\'ersattion-
alils; we. e dt1111•ent peesoild, was a
r:.i.1Liu'iltafy lesson which luitny
people had yet to learn, Yet Welt!.
was room for at r;'oud talker 111 all
Pletleflnt company, tee. It 1equired all
Sorts to make a goal. conversation, as
it dit.l to make the \vot'111, a It t there
was a:ma, s roign,.. ie l,e
bad halt tight to talk + 011 Some topic
interest give at ,(lain.
When achy important 5lll'jeCt \wee
freslsly befog,) the world. it was de -
;heel'. a lo:.t? %vitt) under-
stood, it, who had made his own from
first hand, and Wats not, m'•:'(•ly
With the leading article (.f las t'tvt,r-
1te journal. Thele ',Vani a time for
everything, a wise luau had sulci, and
there \\'ere tunes for discussion aa11(1
tines for conversation. The two
things were far from being the bailie.
Conversation was wanted by umst
people a5 a healing• a','ene\ after the
.rubs and the worries and the exhaus-
tion of business or domestic care
• and discussion, if it brought mental
activity luau play, was often what
the over -taxed mind did not seek,
although an over-texecl body, when
the occupation wan, chiefly manual,
leak no doubt, reti(:ve.l and rested by
bringing intellect into play.
In hours of Social e1 joayment just
those muscles, so to speak, should be
brought into play which had not
been used (luring the (ley ; and in
the fast -living, over -exhausting 111o(1
ern Iifc, antagonism in conversation
lexis elnio:t always a mistake. Many
people thought that the Chief fnter('td;
and profit were to be gut uut of what
was called the conflict of mind, that
• it \\',IS (lii'tenee of opinion, not
agreetl,ent, that promoted converse- •
tion ; but figIhting for victory, and
in defence. of one's own ingrained
cepinioil, ter aLili1, (f'(i not generate:
• sweetness, and 1 e ver;; hunch doubted
whether it always pr..,nloted light.
Discussion was the life blued of
. CO11verSation, but argument was its
dpath. The fault of much discussion
was that the talkers were -lot con-
tent, but would 1Lieist on forcing the.
eliscussion to a division ; they wanted
It vote. taken instead of being content
with eliciting, i`lunlinaiting and ferti-
lizing facts and not obliging anyone
to go away either conqueror or CUn-
No ore could define good conversa-
tion,. it, alight be said that it was
not dull just because it Was not very
brilliant. - A conversation might
easily, be spoiled by the redundancy
of the latter quality, w shier it were
the ebullitions ut' the original wit or
the stories of the in(leln'tulent racon-
teur. A jest book was depressing
enough to read, and it was not less
depressing when it had to be listened
To those \wino ailment not at shining
but at being pleasant in conversa-
tion, he world say, take care of the
heart and the intellect will take esti,
of itself; for the art of' conversation
was closely. bound up with the deeper
wider art of giving pleasure.
it was necessary to cultivate first
the art of give-and-take, and the arts
Which grow out of Chaucer's immor-
tal description of a true scholar:
"t,lladly woldc he terns and gladly
Modesty, forbearance, kindness,
tart, the desire to please and the
desire to be pleased. would telt in
the l )ng run against there brilliancy
or the parade of infbrmation,
The art of conversation could not
be taught from books. Could it be
taught in any other way ? Ire was
Awn' a that in different homes differ.
and even opposite cotttiscl prevailed.
In one House the future member of
front Itis earliest
society was told f clays
tit young people must be seen and
-Out 1t aird, and in another house tit,:
Candidate for social success
et%tHeourage'd from the first to take
his full share in whatever was under
discussion.. Muth instructions were
right if properly blended,
Brit fair better than hntXhliS was
the cultivation of those golden quali-
ties whish together make up a better
edtteatiuu tlwn all 17lliversity Exten-
sion lee t u: t s (0(11(1 furnish unselfish-
ileS$, iteelesty, Wet anti (lee:retioll.
knowledge and illfbrinatiott
OINU a t uf the stt.edi 111 trade. To
iari - O • ,eul'-
knolt' tiulneti,lna., fairly w("11, accur-
ately, 1 4'1 ' made
11. 1 al' lit tt t
but trtt 4 \
d'1' 11 11
alt � ,
env acceptable 111 every seek.ty. But
of all knowledge,. self-knowledge was
the most useful, because that would
tell a 111811 when he had anything to
say, and when ale had not,
Beware of Green Fruit. --
Now that the heated tt'ru1 is approach-
,. i Il' , at-
� e , ply )a l'G1C1 sal Lt-
�.) . hlnl(l �
people .
n) l 1
tenti ,lt to their diet, above all things
avoiding mail e fruit and stale vege-
tables, which invariably bring 01)
Grandis,. ('holera tlorblts, ar Diarr-
hea. Children are particularly
sun jest to complaints of this kind,
a111(1 11.0 another can fuel safe without
having a bottle uf 1',.ta.a i)., vese
PAIN KILL1R Within eat::, reach. It
is a safe, sure, and speedy cure for
the disorders named, and n0 funnily
uledecine chest is complete without
it. Ask for the Big 25c bottle.
Robbing the Professor.
' A story is told of a college presi-
dent who suspected that some of the
students had planned to rob his hen
roost. Near the enclosure were two
large apple trees at the back of his
house; so he quietly went out and
waited till they cause. Of the two,
one ascended the tree, the other wait-
ed below.
When they were ready to begin
operations the (tuet01 made a slight
noise, and the one below start-
ed off with all exchunaltiuu of sum
prise. The o110 f;t the tree ilfked in
as whisper : -
What's the 1Lattter?
To which the duetur replied in a
whisper :
All's right.
Here, catch hold, said the upper
one handing crown a rooster, here's
old Pres, and, handing down a hen,
tiel'e Mrs. fres, and handing down a
chicken, here's -Miss Pres. I guess
that'll do.
The doctor quietly got over the
fence with the i',j\vls and went to his
The poor robber of the hen roost
descended to find his companion
gone. What they said when they
met will probably never be known;
but in the morning the two young
men received a polite invitation to
dine with the president, an honor
they cunld not very well decline.
Possibly they were embarrassed
when seated at the table, they saw
three fowls roasted for the. dinner
and we can imagine their sensations
when the doctor said :
Now, young gentlemen, will you
have a piece of old Pre; Mrs. Prex,
or Miss Pres? -
How the dinner pained off, and
how the roving cieliuqut fits got off,
deponent shite not. On that theme
history is dumb. But nothing more
was heard of the escapade, the • cloc-
tol' thinking that the rllurtitica.ticnl
was sufiiciei t punishuie11t.
Nothing Strange
Intelligent people. AN' hi) realize the im-
ortant hart the wood holds in keeping
Ole body in ,n corona condition, find _
.nothing strange iu the bomber of
et*es that Hood's Sarsaparillas is able to
ere. So many troubles result from im-
pure blood that the hent may to treat
them is through 1 he blood. aid it is far
better to use only harmless vegetable
t:()'upounda3 than to dose to excess with
galintne, calomel and other drugs. 13y
treating the blood, with Hood's Sarsa-
parilla, scrofula, stilt rheum and what
are coulallonly called "humors;." dyspep-
sia, catarrh, rheulnatis(n, neuralgiif,
consumption and other troubles teatOriginate in impurities of the blood or.
impaired circulation, can all he Cured.
Nepoleou's (a:rata•tucle.
scarcely was ale api)oilhe(1 consul
Wan he sentfor ll:, de PQnteeeulallt.
You are a Senator, he said, With j
the spanning glance than always ac-
companied every free movement of
his heart,
The favor that you desire to show
me is impossible, answered i)e Polite -
content. I tun only 36, one must be
I) yearsof age to be n. Senator.
Very well, you shall be Perfect, of
4ti?other 1011'that:
1 . C1S 0 " of any ill 1 1h
Brussels 1
shits you better,*; remember that you.;
are st ,,i
ti(11.1,101, and (:011ie and tilt,.(.
your peace when you are 01(1 enough.
I wish to show that I have not for-
gotten what you did for nae.
Some years later, M.. Ponteeoulant,
Senator, was living in Paris, He .
was imprudent enough to back a bill;
' 1' • 'r'e l I 1 sell 11
U• C.. 10 1 1
f10110Ofll:a #Its
question was 300,000 francs (R12,-
000); the friend could not pay, and i
the Senator found himself plunged
into the must eruel d[ilieulties. He
( was about to sell his only property
(Pontecoulant, iu the Department ot)
Why do you not go to the Eniper-
or ? asked one of his friends. 11e
is always specially kind to you.
I really dare not, was'the answer.
It would be a great indiscretion, and
he and I should both suffer,
At length one day, very miserable
at the necessity of selling his proper- .
ty, M. de I.'ontecoulant asked for an
!audience of the Emperor, and told
him all that happened.
How long have you been in these 1
difficulties? said Napoleon.
Three months, sire.
then, you have wasted three
months. Do you suppose I eau fol'-
get what y0U did for ale? Go this
very day to the treasurer of my civil
I list, and he will give you the money.
( --Levy's Private Life of Napoleon.
For Oyer Fifty Yearn
AN Sets AND WELL-TtuuD 11101SUY.—Mrs. Win
yams 6..othing Syrup has been used for over fifty
.uw' by utilhous of Mothers ter their chilu,un while
t•• cabin; , with perrect seam:As. ft soothes lite ci,11,1
Dens the ; uwr, allays „II pain, cures wind endo.
14, th,.best remedy for Uutrrho:a, Is pleasant to
I Li.e.taste, solo by Druggists in u:urr part of the
t• nth., Twenty.live seas a nettle, Its tame is
h t'ahmlable. 0,11 says yuan asst for Iles. Winslow s
5.' 1ll li 5) rep, 111,1 151(5 110 etil 11111(1.
While repairh g a fence at Castle -
for 1, Renfrew county. R. Ferguson,
a ev,'allthy filmie1', was struck by
lightning Intd instantly killed..
iA -Killarney guide, taking a tutirist
about seemed at peasant W11) was
stating alt Min.
You'll know inc again if you meet
me, said tate guide.
Not if you wash your fits-?, answered
the peasant,
She —Why didn't y ,11 conic around
last night .
didn't tin
au,lr at the,
office uiit"rt so late that t hadn't time
to go IlotiiCY to clrC,5, and I didn't, like
to call In my business suit,
She•---'i'4"ply not ? Don't you mean
The Conversationist.
Never talk shop.
To contradict is coarse.
The, critic is not a converser.
If you talk religion, be charitable.
Inquisitiveness is wholly out of
A moody person is a gloomy cow -
pa ui0n.
When curiosity appears, good con-
versation ends.
The eyes are the liveliest part of a
Commonplaces are neither to be
tr. licecl plot' sllunnecl.
A crank cannot be a converser,
for lie must squeak.
If you joke, laugh most heartily at
the joke that hits you.
A rich, mellow, winning voice
makes any conversation a success.
Success is won ifthe listeners think
they are doing the thinking.
Your associates must be assumed
to know as inuch as yourself. You
can never talk down to them.
Chestnuts may be served only when
they are freshly roasted, warmed by.
an occasion then makes it specially
Skin diseases are more or less occa-
sioned by bad blood. B. B. B. cures the
following Skin Diseases a Shingles, Ery=
sipellts, itching Rashes, Salt Rheum,
Scald Head, Eruptions. Pimples and
Blotohes, by removing all impurities
from the blood from a common Pimple
to the worst Scrofulous Sore.
While'piaying on a raft at Brock-
ville. .Friday afternoon Leo f#hinnick,
aged seven years, was drowned,
The e of Patrick ]
i tPurcell,the
. body
disappearance of which over three
years ago er'eated widespread interest
has been found floating in the -River
St. Lawrence below Hopkins' Point,
near Dundee,
The Keewatin Water Power com-
pany expects to furnish power for
Winnipeg establishments over eleetrie
wires from their new dam. The cur-
rent will have to be transmitted over
140 miles of win e.
Me. Geo. Stiven, the messenger at
the. Bank of Commerce at Goderich,
Leaves the first week its August for
Guelph, where he has been promoted
to ,'better and more Iterative posi-
Some OM 'WAS once asked, How is
it that Queens have proved better"
sovereigns than KingsBemuse was
-'the reply, when„Qiteen5 are on a
th:'ohic; Merl rule; when Kings are en
the throne W01110n i•uio.
A very important deeision was
Privy ,
given by the I11r vv (�1,11n(II 111
England a flew clays ago, which
will doubtless( be of itlt TeSt t()
inti%•traveling PUl)l e. 'file judicial
committee of the Privy Council on
Saturday, ,Mine 30th, gave judgment
it the case of Beaver vs. Grand
'f tii.l£ liailwar from the judgment
of the Supreme Court of Canada,
which court set aside the jwigment
of the Court of Appeal, dated 1('eb-
't a 'v 30th 113,1,1, lir. lit a\ (11' a#'
1 1 ,
(,alsdunia, it tb0 county of Ilaid[-
Iuand, stied the company for damages
for being ejceted from 011(1 of their
trains. Beaver had a return ticket
from Caledonia to Detroit. On his
way back, failing to find his ticket,
Ito was put oil the train. Tim Court
of Appeal gave him i31,000, from
which judgment the Grand Trunk
carried the ease to the Privy Council,
which body dfsluissed the appeal with
`.fits earlier symptoms of dyspepsia,
dt•artIurn find occasional headaches,.
should not he eegleoted. Take ldcod's
Stn•: aparille and bo cured. .
The death of.Thomas Trivia, at
the age of 83 years, occurred about
:seven o'clock on Wednesday at the
family residence, . Exeter. Tho
deceased was one of the best knower
residents in that neighborhood; and
was one of the founders of the Trivitt
Memorial Church.
Dr. Low's Worui Syrup cures and
removes worms of all Minds in children
or adults. Price 25c. Sold by • all
dealers. -
There are three towns named
Prince Albert in Canada; the first
and most important olio, of Course,, i5
Prinee Albert, Sask.; the next is
Prince Albert, Ont.; and the third is
Prince Albert, Annapolis county,
Nova Scotia.
Heart Disease Relieved in 30
Minutes.—Ali cases of organic or sym-
pathetic _heart disease retie%'eel
minutes and quickly cures, by. hr. Ag-
new's Cure. Solei at Chisooiw'e Drug -
stole, Vi%ingham.
On what do you base your asser-
tion, doctor, that the prisoner is in-
sane ? Doctor ---On the fact that -he
wagered his money that 111o\vat would
be beaten.
Rheumatism Clued in • a day.—South
American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
Its action on the system is remarkable and
Tnysterions. It removes at once the cause
of the disease immediately disappears, The
first (Lose greatly benefits. 7,1 cents.
Warranted at (;hisholnl's drug store.
What stakes you think he is so ill
love -with you ? Oh, :I know it, be-
cause he is so attentive to other girls
when. I aur present.
. A Loon to horsemen.—Oneebottle
of English Spavin Liniment completely
rennoved a curb from my horse. I take
pleat:ore In Teem mending the • remedy,
as it, acts With Mysterious promptness in
the removal front horses ut hard, soft or
oallouse(i lumps, 1)10011 ttpnVin, splints,
00rros, s\eeny. stifles and sprains. Ul•1o.
Born, l"nrmet•, 1111khl,m, Unt. Sold at
Chishulm's llrugstore, Wingham.
A cow belonging to Mr. Sidney
Snell, Exeter, was killed by lightning
while pasturing; in a. field early Tues -
Clay anorning. Wlien discovered
every particle of hair was burned
oft her. She was insured t0 half her
value. -
v _ 1,
Certain faits efreets and never blisters.
Read proofs below:
Bum:rotNT, L. I., N.Y., Jun.15,1894.
Geittle,ie)t•'-I bought splendid bay horse somi,
Kendall a Spavin Cur l.n Tlie $ Hi viii IB gene no r
and I have been offered $1iO Horth%% same horst.
I only had him nine weeks, so I got $120 for using
$2 worth of Kendall's Spavin Cure.
Yours truly, W. O. Bananas.
Dr. D. 7. ItrsaatL Co.
Samar, Mom, Dee.16,1893.
Sirs—I have used your Kendall's Spevin Curo
with geed success for Clerhb on two horses and
it is the best Liniment I have ever used,
Yours truly, AUGUST r' RItD((fICS.
Price $1 per Bottle.
For Salo by alt Druggists, or Address •
Do. 31. ,i'. itt. 'ivn iJJ cvbr lv»,
IMO$•UtttlH FALL*, VY.
174 OR tiro romoval of
worms of all kinds
from children or adults,
tad Da.. Shift Wit
*d . c: LOzIiNOES.,%way's
prompt, religblc, sofa and placenta, requiring nfi
alter medicine. Never fdillag. Leave no bad anat.
rl%ets. OL 26 *MU; sir $M*
CAN I RIit"t`AIN A PATIENT 3 icor a
prompt answer and un honest opinion. write to
11tH N N 4i;. CU,. who ihave had nearly fifty years'
experience lathe patent business, Coutini niea-
t10ne strictly confidential. A, IAantihoeh of ine
formation concerning patents and how to ob-
tain thein sent free, Also i1 catalogue of x echan.
lean anti aclentlllo bods eat free.
Patents taken through Munn b- Co, receive
special notice lh tbo Sciutiti 1 ' A tnerione, and
(11113 a'e brought widely betore the publicwith-
out cost to the inventor. leis splendid paper,
issuedp • elegantly
teeklillustrated, Y 11 ted h
a h by far t o
largest circulation ar Of 1
g (anyscientific C
s s atwork in th
world. t�ta3 a year, sampleool,fes sent tree. Q
ce .les, t:ti. cents. Every number contains beau-
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the
Jr (10.. NEW secure
`• •a".a
e `.1
it 1. •lit 0 1 111
I5 I'Wl1.IS111S1.'-
11'Isl.tY 1'IiIDJiY M(),I1N114G
—se '1JII:—
INGI1:l,111, ONTA1tXU.
Subeeriptioltrrico, $J, per 3"esti', i1. a ON uncle
.i.DYE1ITISl$(t 11.\rb:S1
dluwe 1 1 yr, 1 e nae 1 :i h,a, 1
Gnu Column alio 011 54000 11"21 (10 M(i Q0
.n I• no 1111
i )J y L,
., II
- , I
t 1 i1
Building Lditton. inontbly, S.,6q a gear.. Single
is the
a • l'}1 l�' �'�
Vi R I.
We are the Sole Agents in
Gal and see there.
• a,. CLINE & C09
STONE IlLoci(,
�, Aat-71 _ Y,1 C• SCOTT
_'t 1 ' Pi ,.
Josephine Street i?Y'^b ens, Ont,
J. A. IfAtsrlin, J. W. SCOTT,
Mount Forest. I Listowel.
De o:iits . Received and Interest
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair.valuatwn. Money remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and 11 otes.
Agents in. Canada -.-The %Merchants' Bank
of Canada
Mine hours—From 9 a. u,. to 8 p. )n.
GEORGE THiUMS0111, Proprietor.
Lumber of all kinds,
Firsticlass Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
Car Load Orders a Specialty.
WOOD delivered to any x art of Wing -
1t rOrdersby mail promptly attend to
Ilex 125, Wtnrhton 1'. 0
The undersigned in returning thanks
for past favors,beg leave tri say that they
have a very large stock of
7 1 I
on hand, which will be sold At very close
prices to sleet the requirements of the
hard times.-
First Class Shingles, $1110 per
Wood75cts. per Cord, delivered.
Everything else'e nail yylow. Cottle altd
see us before buying, as we will not be
Winglia :, J11111' ltat,1003.
Legai•aud 01 ler tolieladver'tisen,ants, 11., vernal)
for first insertion, and 13 pc 110 t5rem'hsubsequent
ia5e; Cion,.
Lo••nl ,notices 10c, pt: line for th•,t ireertiop, and
1". per line for oaob slbsuquollt i,Iserlkl , to local
waive .win be charged less than 25e.
A,I vertiscmouts of Lost, Found, ;(rayed, Si ttlatione,
and Business (nuances Wanted, 1101 oxeauling 8 lines
nonpareil, til, per month
Ileuses and Bern's for Sale, not oxct•,cdlug S
for tlit,t month50u. per subsequent month
These mins will be strictly adhered 10
Special rates for legal advertisements, or f01
longer periods,
Advurtisunloats and 1oc41 uoticos witltont spee180
directions, will he Inserted till forbid mud charged
accordingly. Trar.ttory adrerti,et110nt5 must be
paid 1 .tth•anet. -
VIntu!fes Yor contract ndvcrtlf;omits wast be u
elle otace by \Veduesday noon, at order to opines
that weak
1, ),11 MACDONALD,
MlNOnAM, • •
w0. TOWNER., 31.0,0.51.,
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
--Coroner for County of heron—
Officotip•stadts, next to ilia Hlortoa's Oleo, Wing,
bunt. Out.
Oryica II onus, -0 to 12 a: tn., 1 to p. in., or At
Residence, Diagonal Street.
1'. KENNEDY, 51. D., M. ff. 1' S o,
I IKENNEDY, (s)mc,•s+:on'to Dr, .L. A. , Iuldrunt.)
o id Wed A list of Western University: Late Haus
der, eon to London Ouuurat idospita l •,pocial atten•
tion pall to diseases of women and children.
Oplce—(gym met.] Dem:pied by Dt,'Moldruw;Corner
of Centre and Patrick streets.
1lisemot • • • UNT
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate
interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town
and farm property bought and sold
OFFICE—Beaver (;lock WINos o
Wingham Out
Itari.•i:ttter Ete.
Oflieo—Meyer Block, Wfngliam,
DI:NTISTRI.--J. S. JEROME, L. D. S,,Wrsouah.
Is manufacturing first-class sets of
teeth as cheap as they can be made
in the Dominion. Teeth extracted
absolutely without pain, by his new
2 alIn� (afe
the 113eaverylllock opposite the
Brunswick House-
Wm. H, Macdonald, L. D.
Will visit Gerrie let and 3rd Mondays
of each month.
P. DEAICS, 3i , wixounap,
Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charges
N, (IOibxN,
Ail orders left nt'tho Toms otaco promptlyattend
ed to. Terms reasonable.
All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest
Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Cueranteed.
All necessary arrangements can be made at the
Tams' mace
lwisauAtt ONr
AI. B. Toronto, Member College Physicians and.
Surgeons, Ontario.
Iimr.OnAVI( •
Money to - Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Motley Advanced on 'Mortgages at 5i pot cent whit
privilege of paying at the end of Any year. Nets
nod accounts collected.
ROxiz 1lfcltrriDoe,
Deaver block \ Irnthtar, Ont.
How 1:.eo ens Taught to 01
xntilney, Treated I(1I*I1ly n
• Understand What 1h1(ut Wee
')cine mien's intelitgeneo.
"Why do I lovo Leo viol
Test of the animals unde
Asked Professor Darling, of
larena, The professor, wit'
his longassociation a 0 with
tI n
7beasts, has grown to x£ eI
bintselff, stroked his tawny
atively as he put this quests(
" Leo is more than my
continued. "lie is my b
and may yet become in)
• ;should the other lions ever t
use. Our affection slates frl
, we first inet in tlie bazaar a
"The mention of that me'
before me the whole strap'
. tiashlight does a darkened p.
"Overhead, ahead in the
• low African sky, east and \
es the long bazaar, gaudy
colored cloths, reeking wit
odors, and crowded with al.
"men—black, brown and
' few whites aro soldiers of
i toric, then in occupation of
1 war with the Mahcli had jtt
eluded) and my own party.
"To the south lies a lir
:sand, broken by the uroo
i Nalms which mark the t
ile. Suddenly •I am call
reverie into which I have f
voice of Herr Kohn, Mr.
1 Soudanese agent. He apt
t' the arrival of two lion c
. (Jgoutliwarcl and there comes
i .crowd a camel, bobbing al
i:as mines do, and bearing
!.cages, swung froin the ends
-pole lashed across his back.
1 1 fez give way before the advt
and I can distinguish two
Tions through the bars of ti
1 "I am on a mission to Afr
lions for Mr, Hagenbeek,
to the cage on the right of
am greeted by a low growl
pant is the lion whore n
•, '"Pashas„' the brother of 'L
(any luck at the other side, -I
with purring.. like that of ;
' wy hand into the cage. '
Grubs his soft back against
friends front the start. (
edge door, I take the little :
i arias. He nestles near lit2
• i near my heart he has re]
': since. That lion cub was
shall never forget it to hiu:
his brother was sulky at of
- ' eduction, be himself welcon
friend from the first Thom
• Prof, Darling probably
;about lions than any other 1
,other than a Nubian or a
-went into the menagerie 1
pony trainer at the age of 1
ily saw that his training
mended more important oh;
' teaching tricks to shaggy
, gravitated toward the sect
by the lions. The lions too
he -to them.
In 18513 the idea of trait
perform in large arenas,
icages, occurred to slim, ani
,ed it to Is:alrl Ha •onbeck.
,once despatched hurt to nor
.,to obtain lions for his big
. • Mr. Ha, eribeck has agents •
:over. But Mae 1~`oltn, his
•tive in the Soudan, is lac
,the greatest trader in wild
A fortnight after Mr.
..rival in Suakiln, Mr. Ki
news of the capture of the
lions in the far south, He
• gers for them, and they t
;down the Nile to hien. haus
back of a camel, described
They had been caugi:;
hunters in the uoual man
by shooting their demand
- •from her breast. " We 1
;lions cheap," said Mr. Da
• ' ' .gave their captors a few p.
•patterned cloth and $l1 ole
Ahem. • The value of the go
,they were exchanged did it
. ..Now you could not buy 43
Mr. Darling brought his
down the Nile, stopping al
in. Cairo, fora few weeks
reached Port Said, from
took ship for Trieste. To
- the cubs were not a bit si
their first voyage. He h
' since learned that aninialt
sick at sea. "I never saw a
he declared, "in my expe
'a lion of mine was iii at to
- ;disposition was caused by
-his cabin and not by the
.Vessel. Camels are prett;
• ung for seagoing people,' I
'man who can ride- cauiell
:.punity can safely attend
'Calais trip, and 'Leo' an(
may remember, had been
;camel all the way from N
The lion Leo hes one 0
besides th#tt which he bete
,sor Darling. It is the feel
'him to his twin brothel
;old saw thatblood is thicl
-ertainly Bolds good in tl
two lions •love each oth
their love a great deal n
' human Sons of 1t• a01ni
lThey help each other it
.the attacks of the 'Oil.
'shake their cage, they, lie
. back to back, and are itite
seven when se arated for
Professor Darling has
,'dupon t0 thiSeos fratewhile rnalhe fefedelinIg
oUsly. The mull was 'tl
ung ins brother's plight, a;
L 1
offie'o tea tat�v "'a c1 v
f 10
the bare of hilt: l;agailr\w11
TAM. was- to i COlitl.tt•,., .A. fel
"1ae6 ett lieu anddCfcate