HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-08-03, Page 5THE • TX iN ILANI TINES, AUGUST 31 1894
On Monday afternoon last, the fire;
I.XSTOi'1rlaL. -fry _ -' _ .- r I OXE7'r11.
'�� �T � Messrs, Elliot thud. Harriett, of
4 alarmn sounded, when the elevator Of
A, Moyer cG Co. was found to be on I
Tho, The building,whieh was valued
at about $1,500, was entirely e011-'
tinlned. There was stored in the,
elevator about six thousand bushels
of grain, which is badly damaged ,
by fire and water. The building
Chesley, Mire spending a few days in
,a��a� ' • town. Mr. Elliot is Reeve of Ches..
AZ IU lO fl ley, alid has been elected 'try aocla-
°a►1y . ' enation several times., He is also.
-.,7 pr'opr'ietor and manager of tllo Elliot
Banking Company.—Mr. Will. Cas-
sels, of Chesley, spent Sunday in
town—Next Tuesday, August 7th,
September 13 to 22, is thi, day set for our civic lrolida
was insured for $1,100 and the loss; y.
on grain is fully covered by insur-; It is with pleasure that we call '1.11 the Sunday Schools Have united
anee, The fire was caused by tour attention to the advertisement, which and aro going to the Forks of the
bays who were in the back. part of appears in this issue, of this Great Credit, 'Train leaves at 5,55 a. ins
the building smoldng. One of them! Fair, for such it has grown. to be. The faro will be: Adults,. 85 eents ;
lit a cigar and threw the mates down, ; It is now second to no Live Stock and children, 45 cents, return, A very
when shortly afterwards the flarnes i Agricultural Exhibition on this eon- fine time is anticipated,—Dr. IV. M.
burst out. —Jobb Livingston, of thetilrent, Ever since 1808 it has steacli- 13, Smalo is spending a few clays in
Listowel iiax. mills, has returned I ly increased in size and importance, Detroit.—Miss 1'a, Allen,who has been
dome after a two months trip to the and is now looked forward to as an attending the Harriston High School,
olcl land. While abroad he visited • annual source • of enjoyment as well has been successful in obtaining her
Belgium and Holland, as well as the
British isles. He was highly pleased
with his -trip and looks the better for
it.—Rev,Mr. Stephens, the evangelist,
perpetrated an old joke the other
• evening and succeeded in catching
a number of Bible students. He
asked all present who' had read the
second chapter of Jude to mold up
their hands. There was a big show
of hands until some one remembered
there was only one ;?hapter in Jude.
—Vaccination is the popular excite-
ment just now, the Council hativing
issued a proclamation requiring it
performed before September lst on
as instruction to the people of Cana- third-class certificate.-- On Ji llday,
da. It is desirable that these fairs +august 100, there will be a fine
should be maintained for the benefit ' game of baseball played. here, be -
of all, but especially the farming tween the Crescents, of Toronto, and
community*, as they afford oppor- the Union;,, of Wroxeter and Gerrie,
trinities for seeing the steady advance -ds to grounds will be 15
moat in agricultural machinery, the cents. Colne everybody,-- Messrs.
improvements in live stock, and me James Edgar, Arch, McMichael and
I1lerous new varieties in field and ! John Davidson leave tomorrow for
garden products, together with the ' Scotland. They will be gone about
latest inventions of all kinds. Each two or three months.
year brings its requirements and ne-
cessary improvements in the grounds
and buildings. This year it is along . Several parties from Bclgrave con -
the line of "publie comfort," and the ,rl'Ce'1'at.to 1 attended the ]fest meeting
Directors have decided to expend of the 1,I.iitltincl Presliyterr at W'in•
all who have not the recent ..larks, some of their surplus funds 111 this haul. '14 We are pleased to state that
'and notifying that children without direction, and the visitors to the the lilianlee committee of said church
the evidences of vaccination will not Western Fair of 18'94 will find then.- were successful in proving their con -
be achnitted to the school next term. selves better provided for than by tentiorl that the congregation was not
any other Fair Association in this ''I iiulebted to their late Pastor, as was
BLUEVALE, province. circulated, and they effected a final
" Messrs. Jennings & Co. are having The exhibition of Live Stock of
ti. great clearing sale of staple and all kinds promises to excel, in excel -
fancy dry goocl, gents' furnishings,&e., .endo and limbers, past years, and
during this Month, to make room the exhibits of Agricultural and
for fall good.s Bargains may be ex- horticultural produets only depend
pedal during this month, at the upon the production of the country,
Post Office store. for, as in the past, specimens of every
,lir. George Doherty, of Clinton, is description Will be on exhibition.
selling a number of organs in the The alterations being made in the
village. ---Misses Annie incl 'Mabel internal arrangerents of the Manu -
Oliver have returned home from a fncturers' and Liberal Arts Building
visit to Clinton. --Mr. and Mrs. Camp- will add largely to the heretofore
bell left on Tuesday of last week for attractive disp]ars, and • already
their new home in Manitoba..—Mr. several very wealthy firms have sig -
Robert Stewart, High School teacher trifled° their intention to expend con -
at Williamston; is borne for his holi- sidorable money on fitting up' their
days.—Mrs. Haney spent :.'few days sections and some extra fine exhibits
• visiting•'friends in Manehester, last may be looked for.
week.—Mrs. Roberts, of Brussels, The speeding m the ring will equal
spent Sunday with Mrs. Robert Mc-
Pherson. — The football match in
Wroxeter, played between the Blue -
vale and the Wroxeter learns, on
Saturday evening, resulted in 2' goals
for Bluevale, and 1 for Wroxeter. --
Mrs. F.
Mrs.1?. B. Scott was visiting in
Listowel last Thursday.—Two rival
butchers from Wing -halt make things
lively when they come to Bluevale.
Last Saturday one was driving so
fast to get first to the other one's
customers that. the horse got excited
and ran away, broke the wagoll,and
clumped the meat on to the dusty
road. He seems to have .learned the
wisdom of laugh;:or, though for his
settlement satisfactory to all concern-
ed.—Service at the usual hour in the
Presbyterian church next Sunday,
when the church will be declared
vacant. We are pleased to see
several of the familiar faces in their
pews 111 the church, which have Leen
vacant for some time.—S. G. Taylor,
of Paris, and family, are visiting at
his mother's, in Morris. He has just
returned from the convention of the
C. E. Society in Cleveland, Ohio. ---
The fall wheat harvest is about com-
pleted. --Pulling peas is the order of
the day, ---Great damage will be done Reapers have begun work in scv-
to the oat crop by grasshoppers. ° eral Manitoba districts. This year's
wheat harvest •wi11 be earlier than
TTIRNBERRY. for many years past: It is believed
that the average will be 23 bushels
to the acre. .
T 'S%
• •`, •. 1 .J17,1)1177 vii
Brings comfort and improvcrl.::.4:ile
tentlee to personal C j., y n c•sst viten
rightly mod. The many, who live bat-
ter than uthorsand enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, L7 hoar' promptly
adapting the fioi:c.'s 1?:aatt products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative prineilites embraced. in the
remedy, Syrup of rigs.
Its excellonee is due to its presenting
in the form most aecoptab'.e and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers.
and permanently curing constipation.
;t has given satisfaction to millions and
.net with the approval of the medical
;no£essioel, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak -
min them and it is perfectly free from
Tory objeotionaliio substauco.
Syrup of Figs is fur sale by all drug-
giste in 755. bottles, but it is mann-
lectured by the California frig Syrup
Co. only, whose naive is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
keept any substitute if offered.
Ilatniiton will cut off 20 tavern
and 10 shop licenses.
T.Tsborue township has 831 persons
on the voters's list, an increase of 0
over 1893.
Northern Wisconsin is being swept
by the Worst forest fires in the his-
tory of that State.
Hon. Clarke Wallace, Controller
of Customs, has been elected president
of the Triennial Council of the Orange
Messrs. R. and S. 'Wilson and T.
any exhibition ever given by the As- Phair are very busy with their new
sedation, as some of the fastest horses threshing machine. It works well
in the country are now entered and anci is giving good satisfaction.—
all events 11711 be hotly contested. A bau'n containing forty loads of hay
The special features, many of which belonging to Mr. S. Kelly, was struck
have been already engaged, are the by lightning o11 . Wednesday night
best foe Exhibition purposes that can and burned to the ground.—The
be procured. The Special Attra;c- brickwork of Mr. W. Wheelers'
tions Committee are alive to the pub -house will be coni lett:ci this week, demand for this branch of the It already presents_. fine appearance.
Show and have spared neither time —••- ,
nor money in leaking their selections.
Ainon ;• those already secured. are the a'uuaio Life noticeable
e changes
famous txrcelo-Roman Hippodrome that about 1inmy experience,"
and Chariot Racing Company; The says a traveller of fifty years, "is in the
Kemp Sister's ; a new feature in Bal- evening life of our towns and cities.
Why, it isn't so many years ago that in
spirits• are always jubilant. --Miss loon Rae:o,_^,', a lady and gent going
Lizzie Robertson has been visiting in up 011 the one balloon sulci racing
Tceswater.—Miss Bertha Farrow, of
Goderich, is visiting at Mr. John
Bow to Gel,. a "Sunlight" Pieture.
Send 95"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap-
per bearing the words "Why hoes a Wo-
man Look Ola Sooner Than ti men") to
down on separate, parachutes, making
a very exciting act ; Professor . Cal-
verley, Niagara's Aero on the High
Wire, ,who gave such #L daring exhi-
bitioe last year, and who met with
s0 serious an aeCident, which was
noted. throughout the Press of the
Continent and &impe f The Cele -
G. 1\fC0SN717E'R
during July and August
clear out all Summer Goods at
prices in order to make room for full
Dress Makin
There are 703 names on the Stan-
ley townships voters' list. Of these
524 sire qualified to vote at all elec-
tions, 80 to vote at municipal elections i
only and 00 'to vote at the Legis- I
lative Assembly only.
A young man named Charles .Mur-
ray, of 'fuel. (.l smi tb, received kick
on the abdomen from a colt on Fri-
day, Drs. Scott and Mackay, of Sea -
forth, were in constant attendance,
but he died Saturday night.
Trustees of Winnipeg Catholic
schools en Saturday waited on the
Government, offering to hand over
any city the places of business would all all their school buildings and furni-
be open of an evening. Lawyers would y
be in there offices, the mechanics in ture, and to comply with the Mani -
their shops, the merchants in their toba School Act, if given a Govern -
stores, and everybody pegging away nlEllt el
busily. Mills and factories even would b 'ant.
run until 7.30. Now go through almost Mr. J. Howard hunter, inspector
any. city or village of an evening, and of iustu'attice fell heir to a quarter
you'll find the business wheels ata stand of a millkoiidollars 1 ecentl bythe
Still. The lawyers, mechanics,m.erchants y
—infact almost everybody—are idle. No ' death of his uncle, and left on
L 13 Ltd., 4' Scott St Toronto, ono now attempts to . do much of an
�. The Ib o 1 ori � in L- when the sun g ,
Pantomimist 2 A
Dyed Bros.
c ., '. ca • , orou O, , , Thursday last for a six weeks' or two
and you will receive by pasta pretty pie- brutal European EccentricGretesnue evenin Social life claims its own ,
goes clown and either the months holiday trip to the old
tare, free from --advertising, and well worth Lntomimis t; 1e r 1 s, igh a home circle, the club or the theatre has COtultry.
framing.. This is an easy way to decorate tors of the Acrobatic Comed.v • C.W. . „ Perhaps years Nonce
th poople. Pe ) fifty
mai home. The soap is the best in the ,Fame t, . ine1•ica's (zr•eabtest Illltsi0lt- s�e'll 110 longer work afternoons.
market and it wilt only cost one cent post- „ , , , „
age to sena in the wrappers. if you leave ist; 11aJ°tll S Wondet'ful .,Table
the ends open. Writo your address care- Pyranud ; Trained Seals, Alligators, Glx` hies and mauentsen.
fully. Prairie. Dogs, and the best •Pyrotee- Italy expends every year $06,000,000
• I for her soldiers, and less than .'4,000,000
1110 Displays ever givon `ori 1,1011 for schools. In Spain it costs )100,000,-
I`IN`1'AT.I.. groiu'ids. 000 to maintain the army, and only
Sonleehildreuplaying• with matches Intending exhibitors should make r, :000 to educate tho clnlclren; but
their, rt is the exception to finrd a Span•
caused a fire which destroyed Mr, their entries at once, and those desir- ish farmer who is able to read or write.
Charles Stuart's barns, ,about two ing Pr:zo Lists, Programmes or any Germany boasts of being in the fore.
miles north of here together with a, information pertaining; to the Pair most rank among the nations in the
quantity* of hay X11 d. some inlple= • will receive it promptly by. writing Kull gds` Sitio 000 0001 on here.}a yet
inonts.--During the storm of last the .Secretary,'lr. 'rhos. A. Brewnc, 10,000,000 is deemed suffioient for the
b education• of er children. France
Tuesday night, the barn of Mr. 1' . Lot51.1o11. �
Scott, on the 1Yth concession Of • Ash- Remember the 'dliites, Se!1)tentbe' lbi,UU0,00U and rrlY et supportheherS schools
field, was struck by lightning and 13tH to 32nd. with $21 000,000. 1
consuinCd, with all its contents.— An ,000.rio Geitrtit ono:
'irs. Clannan and her niece, 'Ilii BAST WAW' A \ 0yXj An electric motor attachment has
Stott, of Detroit, are visiting friends; been applied to the Gatiing gun which
its Kintai.----As Mr, T. O'Rielly, jr., ; Mr, Mark Cassels, of tits gravel pronnises list only to more than double
was putting up a flay fork, he let it I road, has been laid up for the past the destructive capabilities of that par -
hill by some gleans, and One of the couple of months with t verysole taidvralanrce; ueineeinettioyto oeenaagkrnot
'prongs passed through his leg, in.-' leg, but we are pleased to see that guns. The motor is detachable, is of one
flitting a. wound that will hay ilial on i he is abler to get arose el with the horse power, is very small, weighing but
the 911e1f for loilre time.—Ms. [r. i os slippers of }a ono. V`an1COSC veins a trifle over fifty pounds, and is paced
I3owinan feather renovator,Itis Was -his trouble. --•-Mr Jas. Cochrane, cath he sinoto tuna eases rico rrb ent
struck town, and is doing :11 rg` of shinthe gravel, is putting up a neat- rate of firing, 1,200 shads it minute to
bllsilless.-•---WOrd has been received brick residence, mut 1t 1:3 Se far cont- i inOre than 8,000 shots a minute.
of the death by drowning, at Red- .Meted that the bricklay'er's fleished -
An Awes 1 most y1`'n,ste,
'Wing, Minnesota, of Charles McCar- their work the middle of tate Week.-- A million notes of forego ut t1 downn
thy, a young man 'who formerly re- 1'Er. Robert ?Jason Was threshing fall every year to Supply European
sidled hear here, lie was engaged' wheat on Tuesday, and the yield.. companies witht es.
lli river c 1'1Vlne` and by 50111.' means' all �& i '
fell its and perished before help could This is the, first threshing (low in The artistic hand has a MAW an 1,
1 •f and the simple good. wihit Yt 1YDs sr sirtmst r.
wit tater Miage
ti often etioo a and n
-w 1
reiteli him. this section. *appointed. ,
An attempt was made Tuesday to•
set fire to Clark's barber shop in
Seafor•th, The boarders of the Royal
Hotel, next door, were awakened by
the smoke, and the blaze was dis-
covered andextinguished. The fire
wee carefully laic.. An inquest will
be hold.
See our
well made and splendid fits,
Or, if you prefer it, we will make up
and guarantee style end workmanship,
Our large trade in
'INF' ?3®®TS .A..1\1" SAO S
is conclusive evidence that our prices are the lowest.
Our beautiful,
insure peace., happiness and comfort in the Home.
' clo tot forget
[\we lead
The Anchor House, Wingham. .
Has proved
by its
sale that it is
The best value for
the Cogsumer
of any soap in the market.
Millions of women throughout the
world can vouch for this, as it
is they who have proved its
value. It brings them less
labor, greater comfort.
We aro clearing
Babies sUMME�, DRESS
ought to be fat. Give the
Thin Babies a chance. Give
the Cream of Cod -livor 011,
with hypophospllites, and.
watch they grow' Fat, Cbtihl
by, Healthy, Bright. Physi-
cians, the world over, ar dorso
bon1t be deceilied b f Substitutes'
sooit i i3arrDY, Naomi. AO YYfuititiete. 'tine. Asti.
Here's the
ever offered. in TOwn.
A. window fall of
iespecti ally yMo'ars,
G-0, Z..7C-iW.