The Wingham Times, 1894-08-03, Page 46
WILr. RN tv, 1 Ma. Jas. E, (Lvexr, the Paton
LI candidate f<)r West Huron for the
House of Commons, in a letter to the
Lucknow Sentinel, states his reasons
for opposing Mr. Co11no11y,the Patron -
P. P. A. candidate fur the Local
I4egis1nture. 111r. Gaunt says that
et a lne 'thig of the County asseea-
tkn, held in Seaforth, last winter, a
resolution was passed to the effect
that "there could be no affiliation,
connection or collusion with the P. 1'.
A, Or any sectarian organization."
As soon as it was apparent that Mr.
Connolly had allied himself with the
P. P. A., Mr. Gaunt could. not longer
consistently support hint and be
loyal to the Patrons, henc° he did
~what lie could to elect )er. (arrow.
Opp. ilrunsWiC ( House
Will h.aIr.,
FitIDAY AiTt,ITS'r 3, 1804.
Following the usual custom of' sus-
pending publication one week during
the heated term, to allow the hard -
worked printers a needed l:t#lal:.y,
the TIMES will not be issued next
week. The next issue will be on
Friday, t]ie 17th instant.
Tee revision of the Dominion
voters' lists will 'begin on the It of
September next, and they will 1c
finally completed by the 28th of
F ebuary, 1895. •
SIP JOHN'fuoMPSON is taking Soule
holidays up in Muskoka. Ile is
anxious to get away from the hungry
office -seeker, if for only a short
CHIN., and Japan are now at one
another's throats and the rest of the
world is standing and looking on.
So far Japan is having the best of it,
their superior war equipment being
quite evident.
THE British Canadian, the paper
some time publishes. by Mrs. Mar-
garet L. Shepherd, has ceased to
exiet, for want of funds. Is this the
beginning of the end of the P. P. .e.
movement ?
Tees year's statistical abstract
issued by the Dominion Government
shows the population of the two sexes
as follows : Ontario, in 1881, 508
men to every 404 women. Ie the
whole of Canada, in 1881, 500 'nen
to 4114 women, and in 1891, 509 men
-to 491 woolen.
A LARGE number of election pro-
tests have- been entered, among the
others the seats of Hon. Messrs.
Hardy, Gibson an(. Harcourt, and
'1r. W. R. Meredith, have been at-
tacked. It is hardly likely that
very many of the petitions. will go to
Ix the new Ontario Legislature the
professions will be represented as
follows ;
Farmers 43
Lawyers 18
Doctor 6
Lumbermen 7
JouraaBets )
Cattle drover, miner, marble
worker, banker, found ryman, tanner,
one each.
Trt mmlieipal debt in Ontario
sand's amounted, in 1:191), to nearly
$71 per mita. The taxation in
townships in the Province ineree-•e'd
fi'omii C;13101.000 in to •"•-l.,5111.or)r)
ill '112 111 the `81l (' Ie:'iod the` IWO:
111 t.c oNVIIS Mid 'filial`'es jinn] t('dalpt'remt
SI ,33C,000 to ~'2,452,000, while in
(Vest it advanced from x2,14 -1,0')O to
01 7x/7,000.
'Iisvi:Nry-ogr: hea'l of c•lttle out, of
a herd of 24, nn the Dominion I's-
perinient1 Farm nt TBrandon, Malali-
tolls, being effected with tubereu-
Fuca' a statement made in the Imn-
perial liou:;e of Colnmonsite would
appear that the treaties made by
(treat Britain and Belgium, hi July,
18(:2, and betweeu the ✓ell erein, in
May, 1855, are still honored by the
authorities of each country. These
treaties do not prevent differential
trade relations being accorded by
Great 13ritaiii in favor of the colonies
whereby the colonies ~would be given
exclusive commercial privileges of
entry on British markets, but they
do prevent differential treatment of
tariff questions by the colonies of
(creat Britain in favor of the Mother
Land.. This ,will, no doubt, interfere
with the commercial federation idea
which was formulated at recent In-
tercolonial Conference at Ottawa.
Ilad this statement been glade some
time ago, it might have prevented
the representatives front the different
eo]ouies from having a nice pleasure
Trm trial of election petitions en-
tered since the recent general elec-
tions ilt Newfoundland, have been in
progress for some weeks. During
the past week, Sir William White -
way and several members of his
cabinet have been unseatedsand dis-
qualified, on account of the expendi-
ture of considerable sums of money
in repairing roads, &c., just prior to
�srittali Grain Trees*, i11A7iiS1'1' REroir'S,
to the gentlemen's organization). '
Naturally the gentteriicii side with London, July 20,--Tlica'Mark Lane 15'eems11.
their lady friends in the disputes, end !Express, belts ,vee' 1y- review of the
hot words and threats of secession British grain trade, says :-I.nglsh
have been frequent. wheats have ftl.11on Six pence, 111.-
A. conference was recently held in iinenced by the prospect of large sup- I
the Palmer House betweeu Mrs. M. plies of foreign ,wheats. Russian and
L. Shepherd and some of the loeaLl Indian wheats aro .six, pence lower,
leaders of the P. -P. A.,4 for the pur- and American red winter bas declin-
pose of trying to effect a peace, but ed ashilling. California wheats
this eff rt failed, and of course each have been, steady. Linseed has drop -
party blamed the other, There is ped six pence.. To -day English
very great anxiety on the part of the wheats are quiet, foreign red wheat
P, P, A. members. to conceal their lost three pence, foreign fiour six
connection with the Ladies' C. P'... ., pence, Grinding barley, is firm.
but many of the ladies, on the other Corn, flat and round, advanced six
band, are anxious to publish the
names of their gentlemen supporters,
and a long list of names. has been
sent to the 'fail ---T'or'onto flail.
The arrest of the notorious Bill
Powley, who had been carrying on
Ids nefarious work .of fleecing the
public by following Cook & Whitby's
circus, at (.;alt on Friday last, brings
to mind a Niece of slick work he con-
cocted and carried to an issue in
London a few years ago. }ie ar-
ranged the scheme by taking two
residents of the city into his confi-
dence and the trap was laic' to en-
snare -8 well -known ----we will say ---
business man into their quarters,
which were situated in the West enol.
Powley arrived there, put up at the
Grand Central Hotel, and having a
few spare moments—as he put it—
he wished to have a quiet game of
"poker" to while away the time, and
as luck would bane it, ran across one
of his "pals," which, of course, by
mere accident. His other accomplice
was down street with the business
man, where they at once repaired.
A game was suggested, which all
agreed to, and the little scheme was
started. From this on it was the old
story,,.the dupe was allowed to win
for a time, but the tables soon turned,
and when he had lout his all 11e re-
alized that he had been duped out of
pence, and outs declined three
'mesh cattle eiessicets,
Montreal, July 28.—Cable advices
from -London and Bristol quote Can-
adian cattle at 4/d. Cables from
Liverpool quote Old to 41c1 for Can-
adian cattle. Glasgow cables quote
511, for Canadian cattle. Export
cattle purchased 111 'Montreal during
the week ranged from 3 qe to 41c per
lb. Ocean freights, 45s; hay, $8 per
ton; moullio,. $20 per ton; Insurance,
Iter eettt. The following steamers
are due to sail for week ending
August 4th, 18i)4: Barrowmore, Lake
Superior, Mongolian, to Liverpool;
Rosarian, Merrimac and Gerona, to
London; Memphis and Warwick to
Bristol, and Pomeranian to Glasgow.
Live Stook maricots. ,.
East Buffalo, N. Y., July 30.—
Cattle—Two hundred and sixty cars;
.dull and lower; market overstocked ;
best heavy and export stock sold at
i$4.60 to ,$4,75, and light, fair fat from
2.90 to $3.50, with good Mediums at
$3.60 to 1;3.75.—}logs.—Ninety cars;
opened steady; closed dull; 10c to 26c
off; Yorkers $5.40 to ,$5.50 ; good
heavy and mediums, $5.35 to• «x5,45;
pigs, 1;5.45 to $5.60. --Sheep and
lambs—Thirty wars ; d1i11; .lower ;
good to extra lambs, $8.10 to $4;
~n285.. The spoil was then divided choice generally $8.75 to $3.90, and
, between the three "sharks," but this I not many wanted.
did not appear to shit Powley, for on I Chicago, 111., July 30.—Live stock
the following day another stranger receipts to -day were the largest ever
arrived and succeeded in fleecing known—hogs, 00,000; cattle, 25,000 ;
the two St. Thomasites out of their sheep, 12,000, a total of 97,000 head.
share of the spoils. • This extraordinary movement is at-
tributed to the reported failure of the
L AN(1SIDL, ! corn crop. Farmers, who had
the voting day, thus giving employ- j
hent to hundreds of the electors.
The court held that so doing was
1ribery,aand dealt with those engaged
i:1 it as stated. lVcre the election
1'ews as stringently enforced in Cana-
da, it is doubtful if a number of the
Dominion Cabinet Ministers would
be occupying the positions they do
today. Why, in this county of Huron,
in the year 1891, the Controller of
Customs, so Conservative journals ;
told us, openly offered a port of 'entry
for Seaforth as a bribe to the people
of that town to vote for the Conser-
vative candidate in the recent Local
election. Since the election, a port
of entry has been opened there, and
now the sante journals are pointing
with pride to the fact that the Con-
troller of Customs kept his promise.
This system of bribing the electors
with their ov111 money, as Well OA
every other system of bribery, should
be wiped out by the people. Just as
few clays before the adjournment of
the Dolihinion Parliament, the Finance
Minister brought before the House
the raailway Subsidies to be voted,
amounting to somewhere in the neigh-
b•)rhood of 41,000,000. These sums
will be dangled before the people in
different sections of the Dominion as
bribes, and no doubt many of them
will never be paid and were voted in
anticipation of the political capital
that can be pined from them.
Mee Shepherci and ETer rriands.
:1s intimated in the .hail some tune
ago, serious divisions have arisen in
the ranks of the Loyal Protestant
'Women of Canada's Association;, or
the Ladies' C. P. A.
j A few days ago the Mail was
notified that certain parties were the
new officers, and now conies word
from Mrs. Baskerville of London,
that the largest councils of the order
I refuse to recogni/.e the officers said
. i to have been eiected et I3ra,ltford.
roni other reliable sources it is
learned that action has been taken
i by certain members to secure control
of the book and secrets of ticsoelety
and trait as stated exclusively in the
Niel! 8t the. time of the Brantfordm'e'ting, farther legal. proceedings
• will seise. The membership of tine
Ladies'(, P. A. is `largely compose('
of this wives 811(1. daughters of the
s ihenlbers of the P. P. A. and the
division s'no'the i8(lies Tins spread
I' %ve beenslatiglitered. '1'i ('y
'were testes' with t111n' 'euline and in
eery ease where dik'r'a40 'Grant, shown
by the teet, the post•1lhorteiil eottfi
rd it, Thirteen .nlfhnal-( out of the
bad (;t' 3.`r, ()11 the Indian Head Ex-
perimental FaI'm,showed eigas of the
disease aiso, and were destroyed.
`I ibis dlseal`e 8 'i)0ar$ to mire gables'
a feofl'iold in Oneida, and it is wise
M prompt niul affective measure.
taken to Remit: it oat.
Harvest is ash arcing rapidly; it is bought stock to be fed and fattened
I with corn next winter, finding they
believed in three weeks, time every;vwould have no corn to feed the
one will have finished, --Threshing !annuals are hurrying them forward
has begun; the fall wheat proves to; 111 such condition as grass feeding
be a very fair sample, --Miss Sarah has left them,
Moffat, of Windsor, is visiting her '.,'croute, July 31.—Receipts of
sister, Mrs. Win. Titfin.—Miss M. J.
l cattle at Western yards today were
McKenzie, late of Porto Bella, Scot-
land, is visiting Mrs. Jas. Crowston.
—Mrs. Col and family, of Toronto,
are the gue s of 'tars. D. Ross.—'Ir• to slippers have been reported. The
Chas. Falco]: er is home front Ca •ua
on his vacation.—Mr. Angus Crows- best export cattle are selling at ne
ton is busy buying a les, —Rev. Mr. to 4c per lb, and good dualities at
s h pp ale e to s ' c. Butchers' cattle are also
Millerof Kincardine, preaches' in `weak, with the best quoted at Sic
the Presbyterian church, on: Sunday 3
last.—The sacrament of the Lord's to per lb,; medium cattle sold at
3e and inferior atsic to ?she. Calves
I Supper will be dispensed in the are dull at $4 to $6 per head for good
Methodist church, on Sunday nett. veals, and milch cows unchanged at
Mr. David Piet}=es of Loilderi, is $28 to $12. Sheep and lambs about
returning to Canada via steamship stelb.auct butelhcrssat Seto sheep,
fele to.8e per
3?te. Lambs
Labrador, sailing front Liverpool ,)7 _ t Hogs July 26. The two years lug Stas . '" 2 r o to $3.25 each. Ho, o aare
sent opt by several Ontario mi.] -1 steads , with choice bacon, long and
lean at $5.65 to $5.70, and mixed
lers expired the end of December, I ,at y5 `�5• thick fats 4.90 to 175
18:1:3. Since then he has been trying' I stores w4 75' aJ,25 to $4.50,
to do a broker's trade in Liverpool I and stags, ; 2.50. sows,
for Ontario products, but he writes; Montrel F(�., Tall 30.—`There were
that other countries are selling all about 350 ,nese, of butchers' cattle,
agricultural products so chem there 225 calves an
now sheep and lambs
now that it is about impossible to offered at the East Incl Abattoir.
from Ontario its anything The butchers were not numerous,
but cheese. A letter dated July 70 and trade was rather . sleek, with a
says reel winter wheat declined in decline in prices all round since last
Liverpool to equal 33 1-6 cents psi' Thursday, though they were fully as
bushel, and unless Ontario is willing good as on last Monday. A few
to sell her wheat at 50 cents perbushel head of the best cattle sold, at nearly
she cannot conipetewith the Argentine 4c per lb, with a pretty good stock
and Indian winter wheat, so he is at from Sic to clearly 3 e per 11).
returning to Ontario. He also says leen h steers'thr1fty young cattle
there is not the slightest hope of "
with respect to the cattle embargo, and commonclry cows sold bat from
its 1�-� 2i, to 3c and the leaner beasts and
moval. With respect to the hay trade,wn It rel -bolting dulls at from 2e to 21e
freight lit to the steamshipse keep
low level asinal' do pee lb.. Good. enis-es sold at from
trade in that may continue, ,)tit not $5 to $,10 each and connnon veils at
if ships advance their rate of freight from b2 to 8 , each. Sheep sold t
like they slid last ,,car. Crops in from Sc to 3,_c per lb, and lambs r t
England very good.
p from ti > o ` i1 50 treed lots of lambs
England aro very
fair, and the feeling unsettled. Ca-
bles continue weak, and there is no
incentive to bay. Sonie heavy losses
selling at from $2785 to 0,25 each,
v being the „ lowest prices paid, this
GIILROSS. season, Fat hogs arc not very
Mr. Thomas Brown, of the 4th plentiful, ttlid continue to sell for
concession, last week raised as large about 51e per 1b.
barn, and has it now about completed.
Abbott, from Kincardine, is
visiting friends and relations o11 the The Rev. Andrew MaeNabb, of
2nd concessions—Mr. John Walters • Toronto, who preached in the Pres -
just now wears is smile, that is very, byterian church hero several times,
comprehensive, on nccoimt of Mrs.) last spring, has been called to the
Walters presentinglhiin with as datugh•pastorate of Whitechurch and Lang -
ter.. --Pall wheat is housed 11I1d i side congregations. The •call was
threshing is tllee order; the yield of made 011 Monday last, and was un -
grain is goo(, and straw exceptional, aniinous.
\Vivahaln, August
Corrected by P. Deans, Produce
Flour per 140 lbs . ...... 1 50 to 1 SO
Fall 1Vheat,........... 0 55 to 0 50
Spring Wheat 0
Barley 0
Peas, ......... 0
Batter, tub.. .. , 0
2, 1804.
Iz1 to g o S�- E A.][� ,10C, PER LB.
50 to 0 52
13 to 0 14 and other pleats in low proportion.
14 _____
Ov also on hand,
05 1 ani prepared to pay the highest price
OQ for all kinds of fowl. They must he drawn
i0 and well dressed.
ILIUM, rolls ...... .. .. .... O li) tc u
Eggs per (been 0 08 to 0
Wood per cord . , . , 1 2.. to 1
Hay per tor.. 11 00 to 6
Potat9es, per bushel . , , , .. , 0 00 to 0
T.ailow, per lb 0 05 to 0
Dried Apples, per lb....,0 05 to 0
Dresses. hogs 5 00 to 5
Beef 4 50 to 5
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat 0 53 to 0 58
Barley , , 0 35 to 0 40
Oats 044to035
Peas . , , . , . , 0 53. to 0 55
Potatoes, per bushel.. 0 (i0 to 0 80
Butter 0 14 to 0 15
Eggs, per dozan .... 0 08 to 0 01)
1I(l,y . , . , . O 00 to 7 00
Cordwood 3.03 to 4 00
2.1L \JOSrni
Our stock of
consisting of
('.11' P ]•.'1'S,
lel; SLINS,
Also, large stock of
Men's and Bay's Heady iVIade
Clothing, •
.LEI.T ..NJ) STI Ai leers, fie.
Sale to Mart on
11103111MeY, JULY Vat,'
and continue. •
Cash and Trade Only.
`.`ALBI AIT11,
�Viugham, Oet. 10th, 1893.
. p
t ' >
I have a full stock of
Jewelry, &c.,
to which I invite special attention.
and all work done on the premises.
Stand --Directly opposite the Bank of
Hamilton, Wingbal%
284 Dundas Arcot,
IGredutte of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital,
1888 Post Graduate Coarse on the Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat at the New York Past Graduate Medical
School and hospital, 18112. Eyes Tested, Glasses
Applied Pine stock of Spectacles, Lenses and
surtifleinl )Eves. will be at the
Brunswick House, WINGHAM,
The tirst THURSDAY of every
second mouth, at date named below:
Next Visit, September 6th, 1894„
• Wingham. Hours 11.30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Charges
Winghrlm, July (ith, 1591. moderate.
Two doors north of Postoffice, next Halsted. & Scott's Bank.
Our object for this season is
to make Customers, not
'\Ve will look for our
profits later.
All shoes warrant-
edais represented.
,U'rrlt,,,,rft.nrn ti,i'ItlLLTninilil[ili, ll.
We wish to establish an exclusive Shoe Business in Wingham.
ese-esefeeCkTs,..j 0C30
are the best that the best factories can produce.
' Our priers for this sea8011 will be very low.
The styles are the very latent.
We will prove to you that it willayyou to buy your Shoes at t
p �' he 51100
It is to our interest to please yon,
The New Shoe Mens
Will"(4IIA t and ST•;A1?Ol(TIL
r; ,M4
On Monday aft(
alarm sounded, w
A, Moyer eC 0o, iv
Are. The bllildin,
at about $1,500,
stoned. There
elevator about six
of grain, which
by fire and wat
was insured for
o11 grain is fangs
ance. The fire ,}}
boys who were ii'
the building slnol+
lit a cigar and thr
when shortly at'tc
burst out. --John
Listowel flax in
1,10111e after a two
old land. While
Belgium and 1loll
British isles. Ho
with his trip and
it. •--Bev,;atr. Step'
perpetrated an o
evening and sus(
a number of 131
asked all present
second chapter of
their Bands. Tin
of hands until so'
there was only or
Vaccination is
,,neat jtist now, t
issued a proclan.
performed before
all who have not
and notifying tin
the evidences of •
be admitted to 11
Messrs. ,Ienning
a great clearing
fancy d ry good, ge
during this inonti
for fall goods I3,
pected during tl
Post Office store.
Mr. George Do
selling a number
Oliver have retu
visit to Clinton. --
bell left on Tucsd
their new home
Robert Stewart, I
at Williamston, is
days.—Mrs. Mane
visitingfriends is
week.—Ml's, hon
spent Sunday wit
Pherson. — The
Wroxeter, played
vale and the W
Saturday evening
for Bluevcle, and
Mrs. 1?. B. Scot
Listowel last Tht
butchers from Wi
lively when the
Last Saturday o)
fast to get first
customers that the
and ran away, le
clunipecl the meat
road. He seems
wisdom. of laugh;
spirits- are alwt
Lizzie Robertson
Goderich, is visii
rto* to coot a "
Send 25"Sunlight',
per bearing the Avon
man Look Old .4(1.
Lever Bros., Ltd., .i
and you will receiy
tare, free froi .aclve
framing. This is at
your borne. The sc
:market and it wilt c
age to send in the
the ends open. Wr
caused a fire w
Charles Stuart's.
Miles north of llc
quantity of ha;
monts.--D ur inb
Tuesday night, 1
Scott, 011 the lit
field, was strut,
eonsuined, with
Mrs. Clannan t
Stott, of Detroi
in Kintail.---As
was putting alp a
fel by some ole;
'prongs passed
flieting a wound
the shelf for sou
I3ownian, teeth
struck towel, a11('
business. -.Wort]
of the death by'
Wing, I1'lliliesotall
thy, a young n1;
sided I1ear here
i11 river (lriviili
fell iti awl pods'
reach Bili,