HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-27, Page 8.me t OO.1. The death oeeu • -ell. at Brantford The hate IT 'S(ai,es, A mighty mid summer movement.. The July priori -policy unfolds, ;gathers .popularity daily. Creates trade chances tit triumph in successful sheep keeping— progressive. DRESS txl?Cri;;, Every piece of novelty goods marked away down for gsick selling. Every article in our superb stock of highest class Dress Goods, Waists, Gloves, Ho- siery,,Pacraasois,Clothing; Gents' Furnish - legs, Tweeds and Ready to wear Cloth- ing, Boots and Shoes. Buying all goods strictly for each, and in large quantities, enabless us to offer many bargains unapproachable by any -other house. All goods marked is plain, figures and money refunded at all timesif goods are not satisfactory, at M. H. WINDOW'S. So 74tany so vias, ,� rs lase have1i so anis. lip sol have tipso •tania. Sailors have shipaLnnnia. Skatershave slipscazania. • Barbers have clipsnania. Drivers have whip mania. Inebriates have dig omauia. Dead beats have sk psomania. Milk drivers have u 3somania. li'ea drit kers have gpsoma nia. on Strnclay night of Henry Yates, en- girreer* ani 1 contract °r, and one pf the,: directors. of the Gr•nd Trunk Raul. • way. Mr. Yates Niels born in Eng-, land, and carne to e aauada-in 1858 as ellief mechanical engineer.' of the Great Western F ,ilway. In 1857; he entered into .• agreement with l the late Capt. Barr w, who was. sent' by the English d;ir etors to complete j the Buffalo & Lake, Huron Railway from- (;ioderich to : ,uffalo, He was appointed chief me. hanieal superin- tendent apd enginQr.*, five years later •becoming the cal tractor for the maintenance of th-- permanent way l and the whole of t re works between Buffalo and Go(' crier; . In. 1861, when Sir Edward Watkin carne to • Canada and beea3 ie president of the Grand Trunk ktilway of Canada, Mae Yates. was off .red and accepted the position of eh' engineer of the whole of the Gra d Trunk. Railway system in Caned, , which. position he • held until 1800, IIe was afterwards engaged on vast s large contracts f r t11 Grand. veils l�unl: Railway, the o e r y, Michigan Air Lir e having been sur- veyed and con emoted ,under his 1 supervision as clef engineer. Since . that time, and u to his abandoning active engineers g work, he. was cniefiy engaged i consultation and advice to those in crested in Nariolfs Canadian railwa projects, and for a number of years as the partner of the late John H. tratford in various enterprises. L O. O. F. At the annus Grand Encanlpmt dent Order of Oa Chatham on Twee M.. D. Dawson, • pr for the year on ti TIIE "'..'I .pS, JULY 27, Inc WJSICAL 73XGELL,ENCE, .(•ARTISTIC DESIGN. AURA73L1 CoNSTEUCTIO '. Catalogue sent free can app'li- nation., MORRIS : FEILD ROGERS - CO. LII$TOWi L.. HALSEY PARI, Agent, WINGIIAM, Forty dollars m -sionary money was stolen recently Tom the Gorrie Methodist church, Sills' flour trills re I1leyersburgh, about seven miles fiatnCampbellfard, were destroyed by f re Saturday, The Owen Sound Portland cement works at Shallow L ;ke, near Owen Sound, were destroy ed by fire Sun- day. - Thomas Hanlon. 40 years old, cashier 011ie Mutu .1 Life Insurance Co., New York, con -flitted suicide in that eity Saturday evening by shoot- ing himself in the truth and breast. The annual pion e of the united neampment choirs of western 01 tario was held at meeting of the Sarnia Thursday. . There were 1,200 nt of the Indepen- voices in the chorus Mr. Winters, of dfellows, held in Waterloo, being the conductor, lay, Grand Scribe, sented his report The collegiate in titute trustees of state of the Order. Clinton have engag el E. A. Coombs, ! • He said : "Genet 11 * l ''ng the of Georgetownas t lassical master at 1 i speaking Eapsrienoe tiffs Pravod' it, encam meat bra eh has done well. a salary of$75'0 a stir, and Miss Me - f1 triumph M medicine was attained when p CUtCh e ierience proved that Scott's Emulsion The increase inn w rneterial has been. coal, Of . T Or ells, as commercial secilitiLt I$600' non- p a s a sala ofa year. would, not only atop the progress of Put• -greater, and the spensions for The Toronto. M til says : The an- nual meeting o£, th Women's Associati eluded its sessio Friday evening la pounced in the trouble existed of closed in a recen City. For more Margaret L. She orary supreme pr to have done nue Organization. TI notice has been h for publication advise the gen the columns of y office of honorer of the L. P. W pensed with, • an .: isinno way e. Margaret L. Site monary Consumption, but by its continued ; payment of due, have been very use health and vigor could be fairy restored. much less, which -s a very favorable sign. Point aux pines encampment No 73, Blenheim, made the largest 'the Dairy' Busi The • Dominion Agriculture is dol: the interests of tha following from a will show :. . "The dairy i rapid progress in last few years. dairy stations island, about $i is being made j ess spreading. increase of any °encampment in the Department 'of jurisdiction durii the term, taking g good work in in. 27. new memb rs, while Chatham farmers as ° the No 10e e with a mein - authentic source comes n� wI 1 new In bers Ten ceeainpments made double figur• s. Burlington Idustry has mane Ne. 7, Hamel.on, • is now the then during. the banner encamps) mt, with 150 mem- it the .Government,bers while Chat -am No. 10 comes l . Prince Edward next with 143 in mbers. Elgin No. 000 worth of cheese 20, St. Thomas, f r years the banner lady.. The farmers encampment, ha to take third place are quite enthu .nestle over their new with 140 metnbees. The following business which has been established new encainpmeni= have been added in ttheizr midst. In 1892 there was to the roll sinee oast session : Corn= only one dairy station in operation .wall No. 76, Ce'=nwall; Columbian on the island ; this year there .are No. 77, Prescott ; Superior No. -78, 18, at two of hieh butter is being Fort William.; :ataraqui No. -79, made. (Kingston and S irlingNo. 80, Stii'l- held that office. "In Nova S�cltia, the dairy station erg.`' The. Arian es of the rand at 'a an, is r tcesvin a lar el in- active existence, of this g' g y Encampment are good. AR claiin'� Youmans, this Creased patronage, the quantity of have been paid, sand there will be president; Airs. milk delivered daily being nearly sufficient on hanc to meet the require- of Parkhill, is three times wl at it was last year, or ments• of the sess on, as•well as for p ' resident• Mrs. H over 10;000 wands per day, and the publication c the Journal for 'taxingthe bi�.ildiu to its utmost1894.treasurer's moclt, is supreme ea achy. Aar •e number of new Balance s; hands Maclaren, of S P g December 81st 1 2 $552 40 car cheese factories and butter faetories received u to Jul 15,' 18'treasurer," It is have been stated in the province this $X,344..41; up eash ohand; Well-informed cis summer. $1,916.81; expen attire to date, $600; In New Bi Ynswick the Dominion total cash on hats_ $1,316.81. Travelling D. ry is meeting with The following ►dicers were chosen great success. An average of six for meetings with two sessions ethe year:—hand Patriarch, S. each, are S. Merrick Carl tou Place' Grand held every W. k." High Priest, E. 7 Essery, London; Grand Senior Wa den, John J. Reid, The t iberal Polley Montreal;. Grand •unior Warden, G. Tariff for •enue only. R. Ross, Hamiltme Grand Scribe, M. Reeiprocity the United St Condemned' the Governor: A demand public expen A denuneia royal commis Ministers. Disposition actual settlers Repeal of ti act, Retention distribution c . constituencies. special colnnuttee. :Reform of the Senate. i legislation up to u A. plebisctt on theriuestion of pro- the meet recent r Whitton. -Sovereign Grand L The encampments as follows Lsndsa Ilarniltat ,honorable terms with D. Dawson, Lond'i i; Grand Treasur- fes. er, E. Beltz, Loneore Grand •Repre- hC the wife of Mr t e1 urc . ti j Iv ni of the corruption of scntatives to Sove-eign Grand Lodge,. dauhhter. t, Fred Doggett, St. Thomas., and A.H. TeruneAq.—In auk ss,on the 15th Inst., r greater economy in Biackeby,. Galt; Grand ' Marshal, the wife of Mr. Pete Murray ; a son. tures. Samuel Low,Ouel h; Grand Sentinel, Artaxlsox.-In T swater, on the 17th "on of the reference` to George Bell, Oshaa; Grand Outside inst., the wife of Mr. Geo. Aitchison ; a Sentinel,tieon. ons of charges againstWilliam 'otter, Chatham. p�;��roa,.-.in Te�vatei<, an the 13th The next, plate of Meeting -was Inst., the wife of 14 r. Elliott Fulton; a ►f the public lands to fixed for l.'ieton. Oshawa, Niagara daughter. 'only. .• Falls and St. Themis were also pro- MARL Dominion franchi€e p I for Loos'rr-CMMTwni • posed. The new constitution subordinate encam merits was adopt, dence pf lir. L. Got county lines in the re- ed substantially as 'eported by the gown '11.,JtulyR.18 It brings the Wrnghatn, to I4ere; 1 at , and includes wright, of Battle Cr NIA ttalents of the'�i<; od e. /13 -no ig- Iii Wing s ere grouped in the infant Soli of th --•-'eterboi>o midst ¢ ,tenths. i rrcl Ditndlis,ol'trx«-In"se alt,, Bella;v`$llc, �hl��i�cLeau,aged d Stirling, Port t3 days, I caalna�rl,ret and 1 W� and LIME FOR Loyal Protestant. n of Canada con - at Brantford on t. As already an- Iail, considerable ng - to events dis- law suit in this hat a year. Mrs. erd has been bon- siclent, and is said. good work for the following official nded to the Mail Will you kindly: al public through 1r• paper that the supreme president of C. is now dis- the above soeiety fleeted with Mrs. erd, who formerly he society. is in. ad Mrs..Agnes . C. ity, is the supreme arren B. Buckley, upreine 'first 'vee- Waallace, of Wood- . eeretary, and Miss, ilia, is supreme stated in usually es in the city that more law suits ar pending, and that rival associations mire being formed, promising lively t Ines at - an early date. - 2 r Eilrrxotm—In Eas th, the wife of M: WALTeas•—In OUl the wife of Mr. Joh t zrr. Wawanosh, on July I3, I'i.tnto'ul; a son. oss, on July 25th, Walters; a daugh- Anthony Married Inas bay at the f Onto, Sunday there. •, The ,',t:itiiy %r yy pine,AA or Unit • ilkinson, a young un- was drowned in the Guel 'h,1Ilcr]in and Arinie Pear of Mitch street, Tor. , p Inorrn`rlg while bathing*I Teton, Triettton an hope and Cobourg. Aurora, BrockvilAL also on Sat- ,Pal°their and Toxon n't—�At the resi- rey, Battle Creek, h, by the Rev. L. otitit; formerly of i1y Cowley Cart- el,Mich. ett, on July 21st, late Cbas. Brown, Wawanosh, on tint y daughter of Mr. year, 0 months and he joint Tricker rose. ,Jarvis, Chatham and ?Blenheim g e election of • tom by a direct Pals Iiliel'AAgii, an I3 T i 187, mays Isol1.iei',, -ih t hinvielf on *tat ht M i e tf'brd. ate '.Care ttindersittltotl oMerrier sale, any enMnttty of good lime. Will be delltored to any of the ttttr- tish rounding v11Js and wingham, at ilk cents par ty 1 bushel. 13•RASIt1I, Lot 4, con. 7, Turnberry, Ofenfarrow P. 0. J.J.,HOMU-TH-& STILL LEAD THE TRADE ^l� MERCHANT TAJLORINc. AND CENTS' FURNISHIN-QSI In l4'5 we have the most nobby.to be found, our stock is complete. Note a few of our prices: Men's Plough Boots, Preen $100 up. . Ladiest,I!'ine Button Dongolas, tipped, from $1.00 up, Boys' and Gills' School Shoes, from 05ets, up, and all other goods in that line equally low, ... OUR STOCK OF • VALISES AND TRUNKS is fall, and at prices `which mustsatisfy all. a itay'Boot and. Shoe repairing done as usual. October 5 493. My health was completely restored by CA11•IP13EI.,z'S SIC= CODY.IvP,`R OIs.. 3 bottles taken in 22 days increased my weight by r8 lbs. HENRY ZIVBRN, Prop. Renova Co. Montreal. BRICK. AN TIL FOR - LE, Parties requir' • 'Ile from, 8, 10 and 12 inches, will = se send in their orders. AnYquantityrick add other Tile on hand. ELLIOTT BROS., - Props. Winghatn Brick Yard. Winghatn, July 25, 1894. NEW MAN IN AN 010 TAND. Having purchase - he NORTH E • D IVERY, and put in a . .er of first-class • AND RIGS, I am in a position to give as good turn- outs and satisfaction as can be got any- where; - Prices Moderate. The patronage of the public is solicited. Livery -Near the G. T. R. station. S. A. McLEAN. Wingham, July 24th, 1854. Here I amAgain with Another Holstein gull, An A 1 pedigreed holstein Bull, aged 13 months. it offered for sale. Is good size weighing between seven °and eight hundred. pounder Registered in Canadian holetean rresian Herd Boole. JAS, EI.LCOT, 0iuevure t 0. POWDER . Cute SICk HSADACNN and, Niuratgtu : in ars MINUTES. also Coate Tongue, I?izti- . ness,Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation : Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. Ta stay cured and regulate t1't& bowels. VERY NICE TO TAKE.. PRICE 25 CENTS AT Divot; •STORE$. • �TLMZN, If you want your J. J. HOMUTH '& SON, WINGUAAI, /-rte"WW.11111110 nP,1r ►1aCr-- . STAR GROCERY. Everything New, Everytling. Fresh, Everything Cheap, Everything Newest, Everything Freshest;` -Everything Cheapest, Everything Newer:, - Everything -:Fresher, . Everything Cheaper, at the - - Just opened out, one of the largest and finest stocks of CROCKERY, CLASS, CHINA and EARTHENWARE ever,seen outside the city of Toronto. 115 piece Diviner Setts, 97 piece Dinner Setts. 44 piece Tea Setts. China Tea Setts. Toilet Setts, Table Setts. 5 o'clock Tea Setts, Bread and Batter Setts. Lemonade Setts. Berry Setts, CHEAP AND GOOD' and a large assortment of otherware. We intend to lead in this lino at th air STAR' GROCERY. . We have a large assortment of G•r-zocZIAzm—s., As big a dollar's worth of Sugar as you will find anywhere and a 25e. Tee that can't be beat anywhere in the county, with everything else usually found in a first-class grocery,. . - Come everybody and see the show at Macdonald's New Block. - aStar Grocery, Wingham. • D. •M. GORDON. See our MEN'S WOOL SUITS, . well made and' splendid fits,.. Or;, if.yo'u prefer it; we will make up • PINE TWEEDY SUIT and guaranteestyle and workmanship, V R %11400a4 Our large trade in `'INFO o6Ts ..&w SMICDM ,•. is conclusive evidence that mu; prices are the lowest. Our beautiful, FRAGRANT TEAS insure peace, happiness and comfort in the .Horne. Please do not forget that we lead in BIG VA.L TB IN SUGARS. D. M.. GORDON, The Amber House, Wingham. SNESS AND GOLLARS ' . Having bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand, ate prepared to furnish the 'subtle with everything usually kept ill a harness shop such as HEAVY, LIGHT, and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, WHIPS, CURVY CGl1BS, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, le,, &e. I make alL.i y own Collars and guarantee satisfaction. ( itiaa suite as trial and 1` wail use you right. y -+� m.lA..y a i'I1y�! .fir J .1 *thglrarnl , made in the latest, style, go to G. H I RVI , opposite Bank of liamsltt4a, WTtIVOHa.11 qtr R VOL. XXIII. THE BliAR Is not Tam rtlo2.1'i'.tx, SUM1Elr GOODS ,ilii It'On CASH TO O1d1AU NOT WANT TO canny ORli e Only e HIS Th TEE Ba;AIt, July 20th, 189 Marriage Lit Issued by FRAiVa PAxsa toriartreet,Wingham, C required.. r BEST gin' etc 11111131.151ermM+ tr; lege, Tcrnnto. Ont„ en lege, s* Longe canoe orciatSchools. cant tion tttis paper. Stun. Ct 1 4344.404'., • LOCAL —Cross tt Blackwell's Vinegar, at Star Store.! —M' r. Wm. Lithgo'+i :lessens in town again. --Would it not be ua-1 ing taken off the wind ,w Institute mud put on • 01 —Quito a ,,heavy th u this section on Thursc a ;eiderab10 rain fell, a1 e ideal of good to tho roo —Try our new Salm at G •iliu's Grocery. Mrs. Begley, who itne, was taken to c Monday last, where eh cation performed in a B rc —The Most Execll a Boyar Arch Mescals` c pointed our townsnat Wi„1i'lrims, Grand Mas ie rr«r 111essrs. Vanstoue •. Lean litive brighten :c places with some pans-, signs painted on the c•, tive places of busines —Cash for. gtiod butt Graham's market grog —The '5th of Se item Caledonian gatua' ev and thats wyring • .grntinds niter .isuilclin improved i .the occe - .4:interGated in -tow», sho11uld tuttend ti .of. lope Lodi*on Bio the emperrrzpe hall. , , flail: deliver n, short ad( ° lest ioanto ,brobght bportefore tnhae me a full rzeeting. For f`icl cents' fIaa%rktkiiongs,ass t Bemeinbet, r„ dace; R. A. GrOnEt ' .grocer .-•-Bev gilliv +Chief it.Zi : of alta 1 , `I t}re eL[,�. i Onttirio, ermeti the menthe ,others, i the Preubyt ,place, et• OM p.m.,'ou members' • of the 0 their mutt rotatn, 'AM a and proceed 'from the the church. ---iter. 3olm C. Do .of Mr. C. Dallas, of -following clipping f the Evening 1,1 eWS,. settee to Phillips, ctnentioned •u the'" the publication of wl last issue of the '3 "Iloosier Sehe&nt Phillips, the chatnpi ,liana, school descri lives in Tevey, led., years old. The fa hook haus lasted to tl 4-0. T,1t. trains le0,0 "Wingltant at m+i.,alV. ti. ,t• B- p. nt.,1'i0, Clinton motions by all tral