HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-27, Page 6• •'! • 43 Ett OLIOrn'im PRIDaY jt:1;17 V, 1813. K INTAIL. M. Kenneth ThIA.an, while work - lug On the bridge over the 1' (Try Creek, Inui the misfortune to givt• his foot al Severe gash. Medical akt Wila seeurts-1, the wound dressed slid patient 18 ti• 414 tia AS Catild ea:peat-Li, but will be. " on the shelf it the ret t tinnier of the ar asan.a. - The pienie heid here, under the ans- pices of the Patnais )t* industry, (,n the2nd of July, was a grand suc- cess, althome: some Of the bOyei dici become a little frisky after they value np town in the evening.—Dur- ing• the recent thundersturm a driv- ing house behanring to. Mr..G. (Snai- l= Was salmi; by lightning and consumed, tot -ether with some agri- cultural implements and a quantity of 1a. -Mr. M. W. Nitty has had the interior of his store repaired, and it now presents quite a creditable at - pearanee.--Mr. D. J. AleDonald, who has been visiting Mends in Kintail, bas returned to his home in Sault • Ste Marie, Mieltigau.—Mrs. Burns, of Toronto, is visiting her sons, the Messrs. 'Ater. Nothing Strange Intel igeut people, who realize the im- pcoui,i aert 1 he blood holds in keening tl•#.• I.ud in a uormal eondition; find nUIl1 g at to e in the number o die - ma+ ti st 1.-laotita Sarsaparilla is able to cure. So moo' trout/1es result froin im- pure blood. that the best way to treat the.rnas, through the blood, and it ie far better to .use only harmless vegetable eon. poiturla then to dose to elicesa with quinine, calomel and other drug. By 'treating the blood. with tfoosra Savo- ,parina, sssotaits snit rheum and what are c aid v tn lied "bo afore d yapeo- ei a, eatarrh, rheumatient, neuralgia. consuiliptiou rind other troubles Ztail originate in impurities of the blood or itopuireti civet:lotion, eau all Le curets --- The 111enti-cal Star (Independent), con unattinp (11 Conttactor St. Louis' evidenee in the Curran bridge inves- tigation that he had burned bis books that the amount of his political contributhms might not be discover- ed, says doubt the practice- balitS of burying the Curran Bridge scandal fur ever under the ashes cf• Mr. St. Louis' furnace. TLe- shame and disgrace of this uotorions job will cling to the skirts. of the Government • until the guilt brought right hone to the nen who (breedy prolit«1 by the stuffid pay mils and otlar xtor- tions of ti:e bridge -contract. The •Governiumit has not realized V, is .s• • it 'would never /lave Obstritetel tIto cannnatrnn of • wit . the Pubile Ate,unts Commitee the ea0 would not be draggiuss, alung - during the Ink days of the . session. Mr. St. Louis' character as a public emtractor and a .politieal boss was well known before he got the bridge 'contract. His methods were not no- torious.' The Government knew the kind of man it was dealing with, and directly or indirectly the (4overn- anent profited by the huge job per- petrated in connection with the con tract. Do the ministers iniagine that Canadians will be. forever content to be bribed With their own money'? If the' Conservative party can only live by such means it is time er decent • nien to wash their hands •of the party. • ,• 1.!`^• THE WINUIIAM TIMES, JULY 27 t804, with rheumatism, and it is, quite The Shady Sid,: of tiro Hill of Tstfe. Pmslide that they anthe cause of , Up the sunny side of the Hill ot the illseAsa I it. so, its inerease follow. use, it is, for the most part, pleasant ing the tar e throats owased, by raw, i travelling, and some of tis, alas I aro eold weather issexplained the facts on . apt to be too jolly on the road. 'The record in the state board id' health i upward. Slope is fair to look upon and Oleo. Diagrams exhibiting the . hope capers before the pilgrim, be - rise and fall of rheumatism by seasons : gulling the Way with the merry of thu year prove that its course is '!songs, and weaving, as she bounds I and other diseases knew- to be lands with which 416 promises to similar to that ofsmall-pox, consump- from terrace to terrace, green gar - tion .d by germs, and known to enter f Crown hint at the top. If JK' stliMbleS the body hy way or the ailapassilfaeS. I 'now and then, and comes to grief he Secretary Baker. suggested that 0, I soon picks himself up and starts with cormnittea• might be appointed to in- ! nu Vt'' vigor, like a refreshed Titan, on vestigate the subject. Dr, Vaughan, i his up -hill journeV. i3ut after the crest of the bill is doubled, and the road lies downwarcl througlethe twilight region on the other side it is bv no means such A Poser in -Spoiling • Theinas and John were two brothers In the Saint' eitISS, and they were not the brightest boys hi the schoobalthough they were not as dull as some. flow do you spell your intme,John? asked the teacher as a feeler on the first day, responed John with pride. Right ; and now, T110111RS, 81/011 yours. IT.o-h-m-a-s, • responded T110MAS, with as much pride as John had ! shown. Oh, no, that isn't right, corrected the tetteher. Try again. "Minas made several trys, and always the same. Wen the teacher scolded him it little, Well, be eaid at last, if Jo -h -n spells John, why don't T -o -h -m -a -s spell Thomas ? and the teacher hasn't been able yet to explain clearly why lit don't. Ann Arbor, said that at present ali epeculation as to the causation of rheumatism, but be thsiught it quite probable that Dr. Blake's idea may le nearly the proper explanation ; agreeable going. Three travellers but that he wouldexplain rheumatism tont of every five dislike the prospect, AS being a remit of an .0.er-exertion I and would fain bang back. Their oe unusual' desteuetion to the eells of !match against time may have been a the body in trying to protect the body successful one to the turn, but now feem an attack of a germ disease ; in the slow and sure old Athlete bas the other word it is. an ever -drugging on best of them,. and they feel that at the part of nntn: in order to throw sonic spot, not far distant, on the off an attack of some germ disease, precipitous path before them, they The uric acid, which is nut excreted I must lie down for leek- of breath and rapidly enough and whieh , give in. tes in the body and canes the 1 Many, like that "withered ekler," rheumatic pains, is formed • hy the Jack Falstaff, tey, under such cir- action and dostsuction of coils. !cumstancea, to cheat themselves into the belief that they are still 'piing, For Over Fifty Yeari 1 and cling with foolish persistence to As set 9 AND IV F.1,4•Tit NU Roximv.- NITS. 11 i" yqindulgences which age forbids them •trs s,.othinu Syrup has been used iur over tiny .low' by millions of mothers fur their eltiloron while to relish. Men who have spent the teethien . with ourfectsaceess. Itu2othes . he (laid „,ti,„„-th„,„„1„i,-,a ,,-,-,i„, mi.., „i„4 c;„,-1„, best part of their lives in .riot and • , 3 1 and is tilt beat rune I a for Diarthwela pleasant to debauehery, find it difficult to re - the tabu,. 51,15 in nraegtas to eterr pry t of the Worlo. Twenty•five cetit1 nottle, Ita %aloe Is linquish their old habits when their incalculable. Bo sore snit ask for ti 1.4. Winslow s Soothing syrup, and take no other Kind. heads are white, and their blood is COM. Wrinkled debaliCheeS, with • HOW She Gets011,1,1 o., Them. one foot in the grave, are but two "Do you know," said a dearly common,. Tho world laughs in pretty little girl. -I go -about alone • derision, but truly - spectacles of this n great deal, and I never have any kind aremtenselydisgusting. Read- ' uf the trouble that the other girls ing of such things one cannot help %eh me about, and I do believe it is picturing to one's self the. death -bed iweallae 1 am so sociable." It seemed of Riess xneil. :in odd reason and I asked explan- When Lord Thurlow said "If athm. enYou see' T 'ever I forget my king, may God -w, ere'. g° forget me ! Burke remarked, that to I nywhere withent having the usual be forgotten of his Maker was the masher appmach me and say : , best thing that could happen to his wise memiss, but I think I have met lordship the same might be ; and ; 3 --tai • before." You know this is the said with. g,Teater petjnence of _ him -mnute in peftet regular phrase. Well, I always look who 'Affeets the worst viees of it mis- tily frankly and study aith.lsface a spent youth,and a licentious maturity, irgood f is sure to turn red - and get wabbly. Then I say with 'careful -0011.1tt'dy., as T desirous to save hint embarrass - mem, -1 am sure you. are mistaken; Heart Disease Relieved in 30 ; w have never seed you, be- . Mmures:---All,pases of organics or sym- .pathetie 13eart' disease relieved in 30 li.re." I have never known an la:dente& and quickly cured, by Dr.. Ag- !atitaItt apology to fail, nor a fellow new's Cure. Sold at Chishohnes Drug - 1,1! this kind to act any. other way store, Wingham. than • desirous to appear the gentle- man fbr :which 1 suem to have mis•• 061180 o± Itheumatisoi. Rheumatism is one a the most prevalent of diseases in this country front which ieople suffer, and the cause of this •painful malady has baffled the erudition of the most advareed schools of medical mince. On parts of the continent elieumatism is more prevalent than is ,stseneisilly known, a nd the weekly health bulletin published by the Michigan Statte Board states that it causes the la rgest amount of sickness in that state. Dr. Baittr, one of the board, said that rte State Pontal at. eddy done Much for tin' creation of knowledge re- spectIng the cause of rheum:visor. Curses have been made :showing flint rhettmeism 1ms as dila et relation to meteorological conditlinis, The l'aefs gathered -shoe t t tonsil his follows the es41.iiiiwiT' ad that 11101. nai rant/ Wt. t. I 'It' 4. t IA quite prOadite era rhennw'sm 1.4 at germ disease tel p; (-teams- n :wit 1 fttvornitte to renrodUction of the ge; 11', rind a Way for its entrance into the t body. Physiebtits are waiting' tbr 1 the bacteriologists to find the specific' as he totters, palsied -0th age, on the verg of eternity. taken him. I always aline frankly, • :as First Case. Low, and pass on) ' and more .than The young Man had . just been ad - (nice I have noticed that the man has mitted to Practice at the bar. He followed inc restmetively at a distance, sat within the bar enclosure, specula - and r have known it was to prevent ting upon the chances of Clients coin- auyone else from trying the same ing to blin, by mistake or otherwise. thing lie failed at. :- • He heard his name spoken and start- - cd to his feet. 1 was attaCkett severely last whiter Mr. De Novo, the prisoner at the With plittrhoen, critutp14 !Ing Colic awl bar is unable : to employ', copsel, n tbenutit 1 was going tradtet tint furtUria . arely 1 tried Dr. PowlerS Eatract of Willyou defend bum? Wild Strawberry, and now 1 can thank Certainly, your honor. May 1 this exemient remedy or SA ving WY lifi, - retire with him to the bar office for a M rs. S. Xelleto YI i nden, Onta • :. . few moments consultation, Railroad A.dvice. ' • _ Yes, sir; ,and give him your ipest • Eight travellers out of ten who use advice' A hardly perceptable 'sneer curled a pas5 find it expensive. s his honor's lips as he , uttered the,se. 3'C0110My saves money; se ' do last words, but'thc young man did excursion tickets when obtainable, not appear to 11.0040 it. Motioning, No railroad porter has been offend-- for the prisoner to • follow him, he ed by a gift of the smallest coin. passed into the other room.' The door s'ents behind passengers whose was elosed and 'for ten minutes ' the window is open guarantee dust and lively clatter .of Many conversations cinders.• . filled the court room. Then the There is More sentiment titan het young man -strolled into the room and ak•ut the window seat being most dropped into a chair. The crier pro- ra ble. - . claimed "silence in the court room !" Ms honor gazed on the young man thtless abnormally tldrsty, drill king and Said from the lee cooler cup is to be dis- . couraged. Arc you ready to proceed? Yes, your honor.. • 1Jc who talks for the benefit of all• Where's the prisoner? • passengers is a nuisance worse, than . I really don't know. eindem • What? Brakemen do not care whether you ' 1 tun sure 1 don't know. 8110 the company or not. Don't Mr. DeNovo, will yott explain What threaten them, you mean by this most ektraerdinary Ticket in bat saves time, eases conduct ? • C auttictorvs duty and obviates pocket Your honor tel me tegivehim the exploration. best advice I n ould, 1 believe'? • Refrain film berating mothers.41- with crying bablea. We were all slaty it please the mirk !when: 1 babies at one time. consulted bini 1 found he was guilty when Baby was Melt, .wo gavo Iter Custom, she was a Child, alto rimed for Castorla. When she beetreto Miss, silo (dung to Castoria, When she had Chilarea, she gave tlionicastoria, • An •Qbjeetion. Mr, e4Othain.—How do you like the city girls? Mr. Spodunk-7-011, -they're all right enough to look at, but I can't [say I get along with them very well. Mr. G'otham----I always th11 them very jolly. Mr. Spodunk-s-Yaasi mebbe, . but when I see 'em all standing around in low necked, dresses, 1 don't seem to -pave nerve to slap 'emon the back and joke with -'em, as do with the girls up our way. Do r Siria-I was suffering very Much from diarrhoea, and .uould got nothing to uure me. A Mead told rue of Dr. r(,Wler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, Lod a l'ew doses completely cured me. 'L'hos. L. Graham, Melita, Kan. • No man will ever amount to much who labors under the impression that somebody else is always it his way. 4 . There is no better way to bring yonr own worth into question than to detract from the worth of other men. When the hair of a Roman bride was dressed for the wedding, it was .always parted With the 'point of a spear. Package, valise or overcoat does lot reserve Remember this >eft ;re qua rreling. men who seek to monopolize litwe than their share of seat should )0 r('buked. organism. "So far as 1 know" lie b fl parilla a trial. , tarp, Ittner's )itagazito. eCtrititttttet, flu; pas:fort»ing t ferns have 10)1nii lir eti(!eich t 8 and had realty no, defence ivhatever. So, in pursttattee of your henoes so kindly meant suggestion, I Advised hint to drop out of the windosw and nmke 1111100W as scarce as possible. 1,.presuine, in fact I know, that he Owed the first part of my advice, believe he will also observe tiro 1.10 sernfalfma frijol Which from have- rest i nortmghly expelled by eagivifig Hood's t. itt rl in leer blyoti Yor years. limy TI•prisonsr.that was Is still How to tot a ',aweigh -a' Ficture. Send 25"Sunfight" Soapwrappers (wrap per heating the -words "Why Does a Wo- man -Look Old Sooner Than a roan") to Lover Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive bypost a pretty pie. ture, free from advertiisng, and well web framing. This is an easy way to dhoorate Your home. The soap is the • best in the market incl it wilt only coat one cent post. age • to semi in the .wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address care- fully. Jerusalem is still supplied With water from Solomon's Pools, through an aqueduct builtaby the Crusader. The first soaa.ti for the promotion of cinistian knowledge was organized in 1698. cAVEATSAADEMARKs COPYRIGHTe. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT 1' For a armpit answera an aribOnea OPOnOtt. Write to OL U N dr. CO., who have had nearly tiny years'exper mice lathe patent business, communicat. trans strictly coot -Klemm'. 4 Handbook of In., :fen:ellen concerning Patents and how to ob. twin em sent free. Alan)) enemata, of issealuin. leal and ameatitio books sent free. Patents taken through maim & Co, receive somata notice in tbe Scien ti tie Antorican, and time are brought wideiy before the public with. out cost to the Inventor. This splendid 19aPer, issued wookly, toelegantl yiiiustrated. bus byte, t largest oirOulatice of 11119 scientific work in the world. 53 a year. Somme eepies eeat free. Building Edition. %Outlay, eatO a year. stymie copies, 3a5 cents, Every number contains bean. mid plates, in colors, and photograpbs of new houses. With plans, enabling builders to show the iatest designs and secure contaCtS. IttIttrOSS 111.= CO,. row Your., Yor., 361Buo4awA1a, Ti1F leveland EST is the • . tiOaitt wis, -18 EVE,11X1i.itlItj11".A.1)!I4til‘1"- ()11iNINO • — TIMES JOEp8IN E STREET' orricgli? Troi- WINOI-I4M, ONTARIO. SubseriptionprIce,$ipor year,iniadvance • •....... apace 41)VE I 1ytt3 let•A'r141$8t'aio. I 1 fit ..1100.1081 iiq ii131 I 0111 coma: ,suo ack; o so 20 03 s 1 s .0.40. met e 10 00 I 10 00 11 00 oo. quarter ‘, . 20 00 I 15 00 I 7.011 4 Oa One twit 6 00 1 8 00 • 8 DO 1 00, Legai mid other emend advertisements. Se.. potline for first insertion, 31133) 111, per Reefer well subsequent Inseoa l:till'h aotices104. pei 111,0 for first irsortion and, • 50, per aim for each substem tint Insurer!' , Ea lariat aotaa am bo charged lass Umiak, advertisements of Lost, iround,Strayed,sittrationer and laminess (Thames Wanted, not exceeding 8 llpee nouparell, 51 per month liouses and Farms for Sate, native:ceding' 8 at for fast month, 00e. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to imalepeerelpeolr'lloadtse.13 for local advertisements, or lei 0 AtirertinetnoutS and Meal notices with otat tipeetfla directions, will he Inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Traialkory .adrcraisements mast ha paid in advanoe thualouttgegoes by f o rw000dni Itersadeatpdnrceoratf,c2;ont ()Aso rtttitoi 8 tarb ;eater that week R. ELLIOTT BircyGLE made OR MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET. Wixouam, 12. TOWLER MD it at• eralkl0.. •• Member College Physicians and surgeons, Ontario • . . --Coroner for County of Euron- . • We are the Sole Agents to office Titastairs, next to Mr atorton's etilee, Wing. let ham, Ont. • it eOsik•ri etre!! optraski.o.Vatsotgoat.: lb „ 1 to p, m.,, or at T 1,, KENS/18DY, lg. D., 31. (1, e.s 0, (successor to Dr: J. A. Alchlrunt.) G td 31ednlist of Western University: Late noose (anaemia) Louden General tfospital. Special -Allow Mon paid to discos:Ms of women and children. OfItoe—Vormorly cceupial by DraMeldrum,Corner of Centre end eatriel qreets, 21 INONASI • ' • • • ONT • Winghatn. Call and see them. 3. A. CLINE 4:r. CO, Sam: BOCK, • \ V in gbarn _ • • • - y • - • _ . HALSTED eyt SNIT .1•:-J_ 1\T Josephine Street • 1Pngham, Ont, J. A. nmeow,' • • J. w. Stow., Mount Forest, 1, Listowol, Dopokits Received and Interest allowed. • Money Advanced to Farmers and • Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Molloy remitted to all ,parti, of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- • lecting Accounts and V otos. agents in Canada- The Merchants' Rank of Canada °Mee Bours-From 0 a, M. to p. 1». A. E. SMITH, . , Agent. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE' THOMSON, Proprietor. • --- Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. KENDALL'S. SPAWN CURE mr.".• 444; WOorbuTintdyelivered to any r,art of Wing., hum, mail promptly attend to d Gifroxitol,TvtillOtigMhSa0n.511,p. 0 JOHN cunno, wizrottor, onr.f =Mint. AtiotrIOSEBB Solt THE 00111117811 08 utatox AND DIDION. All orders left at the Mixt; office promptly attend cd to. Terms reasonable.. • • JAURS nglIttlat8011, Ltemialtb AttorlOgitalt ItOn COtrxrum Ife• ttolt AM) All tales attended to pltirPtly 'and on the Shortest Notice, Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ti Ost T...) VAN STONE, BARRISTER, SoLICIT011, Etc.. • • ft Private anti Compauy funds to loan 11 10110111 rate r interest. 5(o commismon charged. Mortgages, to) arid Mon proper4 bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block WINOIJAM J. A. MORTON 'BARRISTER, , • Whigham Ont E. L.• DICETNSON, Barrister Ete. • soraciron Cl' MOM:TM tIONEIr TO WAX. Office -Meyer Bieck, Wingham. 'IRE SNAKES OF 11 IHEIR LOOKS AND THEIR F DESCRIBED BY AN EXPEF Italian oral Mannattiyan. Cobra VI $�a-snakea-about 1)0,000 Peas Ear* Year from Um ftoots 01 anilism Serpent t.11iaraeoria, "our honor, here's a snake." It is Wald°. Khan,the usinill mi cook, who has co e n from th for his day's work, and liONY SUM ' ing upprorally for inspection h •.-.. -• . • iron -shod bamboo walking staff l the end of which balances lineal 1;•- _ Still wriggling body o,± a heavy . :'; )11111 about three feet in leugth, •i A. moment later 1 bave the er .:: , head inside it pair of forceps, for •, „ ; 'which enables the nativesnalce-c a .• , fearlessly to catch even tbeSnost • • cue and lively Snake With his bar •- is, one that I have never attenv •• acquire. . Sure enough, I find t • . .I., . head which charaeterizes theCeb . And a glauce at the side 'makes • - that the scale in front of the ' tends right dowa to the scale in 'the nostril is situated. This i •almost certainly that the species . %mous, To satisfy myself compl force open the wide mouth wh snaps atany fingers, and on eit . : above am able to Make ,out, elm( pletely sunk in folds of the skin. ' glevicious little fang, which in p ' a Snakes.replaces one of the long •small, sharp teeth founcrin b . • • speoies. This clenches the Ma •shows beyond doubt that the r -•• one of the poisonous Oolubride 1 • i- the markings indiciating that it •4 1. • •' Icarait are an especial nuisan I , • . : they occur, for they love to liv • ,,, ,,, - •, human habitations, and have a ••10,-. fortable habit of dropping up bed out of the thatch with wi I'..4,1ainealcews are roofed. They the tops of window -sashes, e -selves up behind the basin on ti stand, and like the privacy of a • .drawer, They areloo stupid or argic to get out of the way, mil • idly inconvenienced, and the re • appalling number of deaths fie 'bites, • - More deadly even than the • ;the almost equally CO:mum c • . the coinparatively rare ha . These creatures aro both relat • 4 karait and can be distinguish 'harmless snakes by the same si cobra, .it is true, will usually • the way when it hears footst upon the other hand, it's ,tenn N. . Ceedingly short, and when it ( medical science is seldom. avail. •• . • • •,An instance which is gem • lieved mit here is describedwh • who was cutting wood was bi ' cobra upon • the finger. 1 courage of despair. and with - - Ing an instant to reflect, he' 1 -. • ax m the other hand and ch • • 1 :.• • finger clean off upon the spot. •time being he felt re) effect of •1p11, Presently he began to cal 1...ta fool for having cut .oil his • to think that he might as to save it. Efe-replaced it in • The poison penetrated into 1 through the rejoined blood ve • the result was one more de •• snake -bite. A case where a bitten intim hand by a cobra • was nursing her child, with that both mother and infant • been recorded . teificially by physici'an. and shows how e • virulent the poison sinnetime the other day a case was repo 15 canned close to Calcutta, w 0 killea a cobra and cat off its proceeded to exhibit his tr friend. In- doing so he a • scratched his hand against • fangs, and died shortly after I, 1 ••thef blood-poinoningwhich en . . Dried. and pulverized. the i most as deadly as when inje live cobra,. Native doctors i a, tingly in microscopic doses, • '' barbarous method of exti They put a cobra into • an e • and drop a banana in aftel then tie down the lid, and h over a fire. • The wretched si itoitortured into a rage iu its ba • .1. DRNTISTRY.-3..S. Jett011E, L. D. S„wareasti, •t gentriitgiietiVe, bsetlag 4 •raa ,• Oak •-• in 11 1r Tooth extracted • - absolutely without pain, by Ms new process, guaranteed pallet tly sale.* .0.1P.F1aN In the Beaver Bloek, opposite the Brunswick Mouse, • ' Wm. Macclonaid, D. • DENTIST. OFFICE, 111TACtIONALD'S I3,LOCK. Will visit Gorrte lst and 3rd Mondays of each month. . JOBB' .BITOICB, CIEBBBAL 121511BANOlf KOUT Wmanast, • GliTaitint D DBANS, Wmutm,r, J. . LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF BURON. Modor te Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charges MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY sAw • Fest MAN OR BEAST, Tall E certain lo its enacts mai-lever blisters. lteiad proas below:, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Bargpoin,r., Zan. 15,1894. Dr. 0. Its:omitted. Gentlemen—I bought a aplomb(' bayhorse Stowage with a eiband gotiourfore80. Used Kendall'e Spaviii Cure. The $ionvin ttOtt000* rated I have been Offered $150 for the Name 1101-0. only had,him lane weeka So I got Sim for using •2 Worth Of Maiden% samara cure. 'roars truly, W. 3. laurabga. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CORE Suture, brataraDea mum nr. assoAit, co. sos-i have used your kendalla Stavin Cure *nth goad gumless for corer, Ott tWo hereon and Uhl the bent Ltnintent haVe over tined. Yenta trona AUGUST Fattiotraolt. r ern 111 ties Bottle. For Sale by alt hruggists, or address Dr. J. ICIFIFY)4 C0.11FPA:Nra traosraiwit4 ralata via fin( F C3R the removal of ff frontchildrenor adults, %yentas of all kinds %UNMAN. WOVEIVI r1 Se'f: a°ntd Lplilen2sittNt,CirEertilrillva,n1t1 aft r inedlahra, rev -4 falling. Leave so b)1444/att Pmov6 clouts p•i. v.* MILLS The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave teeny that they have a very large stock of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, &c1, All pecessiwy arrangements sun be made at the on bana, which will be sold at very close J. McASII, •prices to meet the requirements of the hard times. • Al• B. Toronto, Member Oelteee Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. • First Class Shingles, in Mr r,. 111r!OltAln4 ' • • Citrate Square. Wood.l5cts. per Cord, delivered. Everything else:equally low. Cotoe and see us before haying, as We will not be undersold, • McLEM' BON,. litningluou, Ilene /tit, IS�L • IVIoney to toot on. ilotps. Notes Discounted Ail' RE- ASONABLE It•ATES ;strawy advanced on afortgairee bipor cOUt with privilege 01 piying et Ora ond on year. Netel riodawas conectutz litoormith _ sum Dleek Osf.. • • and bites the banana in its ' The fruit is afterwards car • and is then ready for use. nounced under some .eirOur be a wonderfully; powerful • • but is only nsed in extreme even then probably does i harm than good. Tho karait, the cobra, an ;-a e dryas areall eolubritse sus related more or less closely onus coral snakes of th continent, and probably •als with which Cleopatra cotton 121 1) bygone age. India also has to nlentifn Ilidperine snakes. Tliese er 'alwVys be recognized with.° by their broad. swollen heal necks cOVcred with tiny sea 'Vipers al's 'divided into clutraoterized by the posess hole or pit easily visible m of the head between the e nostril, mul true vipers, wh out this organ. The pit Vi aro related to the rattleesn none of thein have the curl inent of horny scales at ti • tail, which fortns the r Osten•Icnown creature. T nearly so deadly as the rpt though deaths are occasic by thein, their victims likely than. not to recover. , none the less painful ant pass off. • • rat Mori, fatal than any pit vipors :1,r" the 'labels, at which are both classed a 11'he (Ira)(i» a bright y species,. wit 1 consple3)011S hiko ittarhimo upon the • ) erco, 8111204311 Of