HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-27, Page 5LONDESBORO. Frank Longnuiii; of the 12th con. of nett, is down with typhoid fey- cr.--Mr. t). Munro,, of Bay City, Dlich.,. is, visiting his aunt, Mrs. Me - Kenzie. -John Cloning, sr:, is not improving much.. -Mrs. Wm. Day is on the sick list. ---Alf. Cttllinson is still walking; on eruteheS. - Geo. Snell Is about all right again, ---A, few of our villagers drove to Goth r fell, an Friday of last week, to en- joy the refreshing breezes of. Lake Uiu'on,-----Dr, Taylor, of Goddrieh, was here on Friday last. -Most of the fall wheat is harvested and we 04will soon hear the hum Of the steam thresher again. ---Miss Crisp, who has been visiting friends in 1Vinglilam since the 12th, returned home on Sat- urclay3.--Res, Mr, McLean, of Blyth, offieiated in Knox church last Sun- day afternoon. There was no ser- vice in the evening. ---Tho Methodists Have preaching every Sunday now. -Next Tuesday evening will be - election of officers in the Good Tem- • Alar lodge. Ice cream and other re- freshments will be served after the lodge'is closed, A. good turnout of the members is requested.. -?laud Fair, Lou Ouimette, and Lawday . throwing hint off the load and lett August 6th, so that Brussels may i THE WIN TIMES, JULY 27 1894. WEST 1?4AWANOSII. 1 CiJLROSS, Mr. G. T'ierce's now barn is finish -1 Mr. John MeKague, of this town- er, which is a credit to the proprietor , ship, is at present suffering from a and the builders. -Mr. 5. Scott, of broken arae, the result off being Anburn, is busily engaged buying thrown to the ground by one of his hogs to consume the whey of several horses. ---Fall wheat harvesting is in cheese factories. ----Mr. K. Medd sold full blast. The yield is heavy and a fine drove of steers to Mr. E. Wat- the sample fine. son, of Blyth.• --Mr. G. Hackett had the ° misfortutle to And one of his IIOWICK. valuable driving horses dead. ----Visas The death of Mr. Alex„ Finlay, E. Serirnegour spent Sunday visiting one or the oldest settlers in Bowie.;,, on the Boundary lino. ----Miss SusY occurred at the home of his sou -in - Jones, of Colborne, is home on a visit. law, Mr, Jacob Catliers, about five -The showers of last weep freshened miles north of Gorrie, on Tuesday the turnips up wonderfully and the morning of last week. The remains prospects for farmers never looked were interred at McIntosh. Deeeas- better than at the present time,if the ed bought land in Novick at the ori -1 prices are only in aceorclance. Hay- ginal government sale and has lived. ing is nearly finished and the amount hi this neighborhood ever since. He of staeks speaks well for the quantity. leaves five sons, Charles William and Fall wheat Harvest has commenced Alex., who havfarms in this neigh - and it seems to stook up fair. ---Mr, borhoocl, John and James, who are D. Phalen sold a fine horse to Mr. working at Pelee Island, and one MeMann, of Seaforth. Ilandsonie daughter, Mrs. Gathers. He was 83 good horses are still in demand.---- years old aaul always held a high (suite a number took in the ex- place in the estimation of his friends. cu rsion to Sarnia and they report a fine trip. -.-While Mr. Wm. David- BRUSSELS. son was drawing in hay his team There is a proposition on hand to became unmanageable and ran away have our civic holiday on Monday, Il Young have passed the entrance ex- amination. -Mr. William Cole has move& his family to Morris township, - near Brussels. -The following ,letter of condolence int been sent by Lon- desborough lodge, S. 0. E., to Bro. John R. Sundercock " In behalf of Londesborough lodge, No. 143, S. 0. "!. E, B., we tender you our sincere sympathy on account of the sad be- reavenient that has come upon yogi and your fancily by the taking away • by death of one of your daughters., This is only another reminder of the fact that all Yuen are mortal and another link to bind,you to the other aVorld, t� which we are all fast has- tening. We Would earnestly recom- mend you to look 'to Him who said,' , "'suffer little children to core unto nue, and, -forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God. She is bet- ter off now than when here, and we. pray you to trust in God and so live • here below that you may meet her in the realms ofaglory, , where parting is not known. Praying the richest' blessings .of heaven to rest upon you and your family, we remain, yours, in Harmony, James Shobbrook, Thos. Cole, Bond Laurason. 'LISTOWEL. Miss Bertha May Downey, daughter ref `I, R. Downey, formerly of Lis- . towel, died at Toronto on the 17th, after an illness of three months. The deceased. who was not quite fifteen years'of age, was dearly loved by her former school mates in town.- W. G. Hay has . accepted the offal made bythe unci for the purchase Connell p ease of the Rosbaok property on Main and Likerman streets, also the Water lots. on Bismarcl'street, including right r - lit beingaation$1 afor �00and adeed o 'rks l e f theeh olcl agricultural grounds. ---James Tudliope died at his residence in this town on Monday, 16th inst., from the result of a paralytic stroke, aged 70 years. He was a native . of Lanark- shire, Scotland. Ho came to Canada with his parents and four brothers when he was 12 years of age and settled -in Oro township, near Orillia, his father dying shortaty afterwards. 1fr. Tucihope came up into the ,Queen's bush and purchased one. hundred aeres of•hush land on' the 3rd of Wallace, about forty years ago. He returned the next year to Oriliia and was married to his sur- viving wife. He cleared up and im- proved the land and made it one of the finest fauns in the township. Some. years ' ago he sold his farm, moved to Listowel and purchased the residence in which he has since lived. His family consists of three (laugh. tors, two of whom survive him. t In loo early days Mr. Ttidltope was con- 1tected with the Congregaitional " • church in Listowel, but lir hia latter years :becarue a free thinker and soy- erect connections With- all churches, As ;a citizen lie w, is highly respected. lie vas a roan of muds originality of thought and of argumentative tem- perament. .aim with several severe injuries, but take advantage of the 'excursion to with skilful medical aid he will soon Elora's big celebration. - The be able to go around again. Orangemen arrived home from 1)Vingham on the evening of the BLH, 12th before 8 o'clock, whichwas a Rev. T. E. Higley returned, from big improvement on train service attending his father's funeral on over other years. --Brussels foot ball 'Wednesday last. -The social held on team went to 1Vroxeter on Weclnes- Wednesday evening at •the. parsonage day afternoon and played a match in. aid of the Methodist church, was with the chub of that village'on their well patronized. Blyth Band was in reereat!on ground. The score was 6 attendance. Proceeds over $23. to 1 in favor of Brussels. 11Ii:s Brownlee, of London, was visiting friends in town last week. - Miss Tena McElroy, of 1,Vingham, is spending her holidays under the parental roof on • Dinsley street. - Several of our citizens took ad- vantage of the cheap trip to Sarnia on Thursday. -On Monday afternoon a valaable mare of Wm. Bell's livery while grazing in his pasture field at the South end of the villiage had the misfortune to fall into a well, the spected by all, and the heartfelt covering of it being rotten. A gang sympathy of the community goes out of men with ropes were soon collected to his sorrowing widow and children, and made for the field where it was as well as to his, aged parents and not long before the animal was ex- other relatives. The remains were tracted from its perilous position -arid brought home and interred in. the without. a sear. -Mr. Hey wood; i)ungannon cemetery. The funeral bricklayer, of Clinton, and hid' men was largely attendee.,' the . Foresters commenced" the brick work of Bells turning out in large numbers. He big -livery barn on Queen.street. was a member of Dungannon court. LLTOKNOW. Arrangements for the great North- ern Caledonian Games 'of the Sons of Scotland, tobe held at Lucknow, on the 5th Sept., are taking definite shape. Active committees of Albyn Camp are busily engaged in the work. The subscription committee met with a very* generous, response from the citizens fund the management feel warranted in undertaking greater things and an increased expenditure over' last year. The 48th Highlander's Pipers Band have been engaged to appear in full flame and it is worthy Mrst E. 0. Cole, W.,' Mrs. Andrews, DUNGANNON.- Mr. Gordon Anderson, who went to Manitoba about two years ago, died .at Arden, Manitoba, onthe 11th inst. The deceased carried on a suc- cessful general store business. He was ill only three or four days with inflammation of the bowels. De- ceased was in his 41st year and was a gentleman highly esteemed and re - F ORDWICH. • ' On Monday evening last, aCouncil of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends was organized in this place by Grand Organizer G. W. Thomp• son, •of Toronto, with twenty charter members. The officers elected *for the current term are as .follows: Alex. Wyness, P.. C.- C.; John Donaghy, C. C.; C. W. Andrews, V. C.; A. J. Pinkerton, Rec.; Mrs. M. Donaghy, • Tress.; Rev. S. C. Ed- munds, B. D., P.; E. G. Cole, M.; of special mention that the Drummer Boy of the Crimea will also be prey- ent. An effort is being made to seeare better railway acconmiodatioii and if sufficient' encouragement is received, citizens from Godcrich,. --- Clinton and Seaforth will be enabled • BLUEVALE. to return Home on the evening of the ;sir. and Mrs. J. J. Messer, of games. Hamilton, were visiting at Mr. Wm. Messer's this week. -About a dozen of our citizens took advantage of the excursion to Sarnia last week. -Mrs, Stowe alnd family have returned from their visit to Gotierich.-Miss Mary Forston treated some of her friends to a birthday party last Wed- nesday, at the house of her uncle, Mr. Magnus Spence, of Morris; they sail had .,a good time and heartily wished their hostess ninny happy re- turns of the • day. --Mr. Hugh Ross has returned from his trip to the Old Country. --Owing to the slight illness of Rev. A. Y. Hartley, Rev. Mr. Leech preached very acceptably in the Presbyterian church last Sab- bath morning. Ile also occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church in the evening, --Mr. Samuel Burgess, of Brussels, and Misses Annie and I3e11a Richardson, were visiting lir. John (TORRID.. TEESWATER. Burgess this week. ---Miss Smale; of `Mr..Ales . Laird left on Tuesday The School Board is asking for Brussels, is the guest of Miss Wynne. 1s to visit friends in Manitoba, tenders for re -flooring several rooms and to see the eotint y.-"3Ir. Tas.. of the public% 1inal:_A little Baugh- The Chicago Canadian -American. G.; Thos. Downey, S.; Dr. A. M. .Spence, Medical Examiner. The Council starts off with bright pros• pests Of large additions to its mem- bership. BELMORE. We were pleased to' notice the names of Miss Lizzie Inglis and Miss Glary Fortune among the successful candidates at the Normal School examinations, -In London, on July 2nd, :lir. John S. Hall, the popular and highly, successful teacher of Inglis' selrool, and Miss Kate. Taylor, daughter of Mr. John Taylor, of Clif- ford, a very highly esteemed young lady, were united in marriage. Their lnany friends in this locality, where they are so well and favorably known, unite in wishing them every success and. happiness in their journey through life. They are now spending their honeymoon, on a trip ftp the lakes visiting Detroit and Windsor. Brie fidrmf' •'; ivn.i imosavF•nat'.o •Aa tends to per . • sl s rightly uaacl. r + ..: ) 1! ter than other« a :f.;ct:::: , :..414 less expondivare, by rases promptly adapting tl: , ra w' .' ; . i Z11'0(3a41 t•.:, the needs of pllysical Ir:uig, trill attest the value to heal h d,2 rho pure lignid laxative princil.icc c:r.". 1,eod iii tho remedy, Syrup of Fig. Its excelleuzo is duo to 1:'s presenting in the form most acceptab'a and pleas- ant to the taste, tlra refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; .effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds,. headaches and fevers and permanently miring constipation, lt has given satisfaction to millions and .not with the approval of the. medical rofession, btcauso it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is, -perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of figs is for sale by all drug gists in, 7ao. Mottles, but it is mann- factureol by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose n ;nee ii print.;d on ovary l>.•ioksgo, also the name, Syrup of Yip, and being well, informed, you will not •8e,ept any substitute if ci hrc 1. Flow to Got a .Sunlight" Picture. Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why Does a Wo- man Look Old Sooner Than a man") to Lover Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto,. and you will receive by post a pretty pic- ture, free from advertising, and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate market and it will only your biome. The soap is the best in the ;cost one cent post- age to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address care fully. The call has been issued ilio the fourth quadrennial session of the General Conference of the Methodist j;hureh, to meet on Thursday, Sept. 6 next, in London. Sydney Dent, the twelve -year-old son of A. Dent, barrister, of Mitchell, was drowned while bathing in the mill pond at that town Thursday last. klenry Siiverthorn, a young man. belonging to '1h,!rolel 'Township, was killed by a cave-iu of a gravel pit on W. J. 14'loore's fano near 11'oc:dville Friday last. . James Bertram, aged 50, commit- ted suicide at his home on Chatham street, Hamilton, Friday last. He iiad been out of work, aiicl committed suicide in a fit of despondency. The investigation, into the Grundy dismissal, ,and also in regard to tho charges made against 1;egistrar, Mor- row by that official in the Peterboro Registry office, has been concluded. The Inspector of Legal Offices, Mr. Fleming, has handed ht lais report which states that the dismissal of Grundy, the Deputy-ilegistrar, was justified by his letter of accusation publish ed in' the Conservative drgan. I''avorable accounts have. been re- .ceived of the condition of the crops in Manitoba, and the Northwest. The harvest is expected to be two weeks earlier than it was last year. Perkins shipped a cargo of oats to the '.ter of Mr. Win. Fowler, of this vel- says :. feed foster, the `noted turfman,. West Indies last week.-Mr.Hopkirk, "age, felloff the fence on Monday formerly of Seaforth, Ont„ Has this P. 0. inspector, was in town last. evening: and broke her arm. --.Mr. season won nearly 0250,000 with his week inspecting the Corrie office. ( W, R. Thompson started his new; famous Dr. Rice. On Thursday he lie pronounced everything ver'v mill lags week. The engine gave a i made the betting ring at Washington satisfactory. -Mr. Isaac yanderson little trouble at first, but that rifts:; Park k sere mn, both Dr Riee and Morey . has 'rad the briek laid down for his etlty was soon overcome, and the taking his colors to the front. He new residence and the foutn Wien is mill is running full blast, Bright and , baekec i them heavily, and won smear- ;depleted. day. ly $75,000 during the afterndion. The 0. T. R. extension from Park Head to Owen Sound is completed and regalar trains will ran after August lst. The line is 16 miles long. OU g hi ti O1 THE GHEAP GASH STORE, during July and August clear out all Summer Goods at SLAUGHTER prices in order to snake room for fall Dress Making a Specialty. G. McINTYRE, MACDONALD BLOCK. WINGHAM, TO PREVENT SUNBURN You should$�buy' one of our Fancy Sunshades. d� E ARE COMPELLED 'to admit that we made a mistake in buying too many for this season's business. But the price was so low that we . could not resist them. the surplus we have reduced them exactly one half of the regular price, They are all new goods for this season's trade. COME AND BUY A PARASOL for 75c worth $1.50 " $1.00 " 2.00 " 1.25 " 2.50 , 1.50 " 3.00 for 88e worth $1.75 " 51.11 " 2.25 " 1.38 2.75 " 1.63 1/ 3.25 and so it goes through the whole assortment. If you doubt these prices call: and investigate for yourself. 12 cent Print for 9c. Delaines far 25e. ' Summer Corsets 50c. Best Lisle Thread Gloves. 150 per pair. 2 pair Stainless Black Hose 25e. These are only a few of our money makers. OALT�,, _._STD SES the others. We have not space enough to enuuuerate thein here. Dried and Smoked Meats always on hand. Wixeuam. ON'T LET ANOTHER ASH -DAY Go Br k A I TROUT USING OU will find that it will do what no other soap can do, and will please you every way. It is Easy, Clean, and Economical to wash with this soap. H r ■ 1 r=i1\70.- We sig0 We are clelaring g SUMMER DRESS GOODS, leads to Consumption. Stop the Cough, heal the Lungs and strengthen the System ,With PARASOLS. Here's .the 4*g:fit* BIGGEST Enu1sicfl th1� Cream of Cod-liver 011 and hypophbsphltes. It is palatable and easy on *MO s t o ort a sh. Physicians, the world over, endorse its eon's be deoebed by Substltnte$l a sou/ /carie, $Tutsi., Aillhstest . oto. AK over offered in Town. PRINTS, DRIVE A window full of FASHIONABLE FELT HATS -AT-- 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Respectfully yours,,;