HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-27, Page 4THE WJNGJTA TIMES, RIX 27, •1,894, "
— AN D -
it; that the expenditure of Canada
on amount of the eousolidated fand
was $211,503,1ilalfl4,878, ma was
$391,814„(J52 in 181)8, an increase of
$13.310,8911 that the expenditures
On account of administration of jus-
tice, arts, agriculture mei statistics.,
fisheries, quarantine, judkiar legis-
lation, militia, and defence, public
works, excise, superannuation, North-
west Territories, government , and
steamship_ subventions, adulteration
AUT.0 N. W. TELEGRAPH CO of food, miseellimerais and Northwest
mounted police amounted to 0,256,-
424 in 1878, and to $10,384,272 in
opp. Hrunswick House... )1893, an hierease of $5,127,246, or
97 per cent; that while the increase
Wingbam, - Ont of the population of Canada from
,juty 1, 1878, to July 1, 1893, did
'not exceed 20 per cent, the increase
of customs taxation for the same
t tatm 1)4 a m irn
..period Was per cent, and the in-
_ crease of expenditure for the eame
period was 59 per cent; that this
• house expresses regret that the in-
leaDAY JULY 27,1894.
crease of customs taxation and of ex-
. •
Tiu Canadian tean have been
doing well at Bislef, England, in the
• shouting competitions. They won
Itaneltigh Cup, the St. George's Vane
tine]. four A.ssoelation badges, Lesides
:tarrying off £551) in cash prizes.
PROTESTS have Lech entered
'against the election of Hon. J. M.
Gibson, for Hamilton West, anti De.
G. S. Ryerson, for Toronto Fast. In
the latter, charges of personal bri-
bery are made.
tish Board of Agriculture, said in the
Imperial Parliament, the other day,
in answer to a question, that there
was no present prospect of the British
Government abandoning the plan of
slaughtering cattle imported from
tanada at the port of landing.
Tim Loyal Protestant Womeds
oeiastonhf Canada held its annual
eting at Brantford, last week,
he ladies would not disclose their
mes or residences and all their
ork was done behind double tiled
ors. In this the ladies are follow -
the example set by the sterner
who are the leading spirits in
P. P. A
Ht. Canada Presbyterian lately
" What course will
P. P. A. take in the Dominion
ions,is a question we sometimes
We •venture to guess that it
take to course at all worth
mg of. It is the Provincial
'-"•rnment, with four Presbyterians
the P. 1'. L. are after—not the
Mon • Government, itt which
are five or six Roman' Catholics,
f them Jesuits.
xox 163 of the Ontario Elee-
eit reads as follows :—" To
the expense and trouble of
ctions when unnecessary and
in case of corrupt practice or
•being comndtted •by an.
withOut the knowledge 'and
of the candidate, if the cor-
etice or practiceswasor were
Ming pature, or was or were
trifling extent, that the result I
Jurve been affected, or be
v supposed to have been
sr, such practice or prac-1
ralone.or Incormection with
al practices at the election, I
pt prautice or practices
old the election."
penditure should have been permit-
ted to reach a ratio three times great-
• er than the inerease of population - Hen. Wilfrid Laurier's motion
since 1878; that the 'controllable ex- with regard to gifts of public money
• penditure should have been permit- to railway corporatiens:
ted tq reach a still higher rate of in. L " That within four days after the
;crease, and that a considerable -pole opening of each session,the Minister
tion of the annual expenditure has of Railways shall -lay upon the table
been absorbed by grants made for . of the 1 -louse copies of all agreements
• party or political purposes and not made by any of the companies
in the public interest, and that - this with the Government, together with
Honse.expresses the opinion that the a statement of all payments made by
-, enormous annual expenditure places the Government up to date for sub-
teturden upon Canada se serious in sidies by any of the said compaeies,
amount that strict honesty and rigid and the orders-in-coundl authorizing
economy in the future management such. payments. That' within a
of the finances of the Dominion should, .month after the payment to any coin
be practiced with a view to lessening pany of any -portion of the subsidies
the public burdens.". the president and manager of said
coMpany shall furnish to the Auditor-
THREE. IMPORTANT DECLAR- General a staegment tinder oath show-
• ATIONs, ing if the *whole of the subsidies so
paid to thecompany have been ap.
Sir Richard Cartwright's motion, plied in the manner herein intedded,
on the Curran bridge scandal : •
!.and that it statement shall he sup-
" That it appears from the com-
plied by every contractor of the com-
report and from the • evi-
!pally who .is to receive or has reedy -
deuce taken • before the public ac-
ed the payment out of any such. sub-.
counts committee, with. reference to sidies or out ..
the. Wellington and Grand Trunk and that withofthe proceeds thereof;
in four days after the
bridges (1) that the said 'fridges
were constructed during the first opening of each session the Auditor -
four months of the year 1893 by the General shall lay all such statements
upon the table of House. That
Department of Railways and Canals ;
alleged to have been wrongfully ob-
tained from the Government, by the
defendants and amounting, as stated
in such information, to e570,064.51;
that by a.statement, of defence, 'filed
bythe defendants N. X, and.11L Con-
nolly in answer to such hithrmation
on May 7, 1802, the said defendants
made a counter claim against the
Government for the sunt of $123,-„
941.85; that the Vial of the said ease
is still pending and undisposed of;
that it appears by the Auditor -Gen-
eral's report; and by the statement
of the Minister of 1 ublie Works m
this House, that the Government did
on July 13, 1802, pay to the said N.
K, and Id. Connolly the sum of $43,-
621,50 in connection with their claim
for works done on the Kingston
graving dock,under the fictitious
name A. 0.13ancroft; that the said
payment to the said N. K, and. M.
Connolly was hi Ay improper under
the circumstances herein set forth,
and is deserving of the censure of
this House."
such documentthus laid Upon
tl. 1 p
the table of the House shall be re -
Ihave the work done on lubstrUcteres ferred to the committee on public
iby dasr labor under acontraet enter",' accounts, to be by them investigated
I tel into by the departaneut, to carry in the same manner as • the public
I out the work as laid out by the de -
accounts. That every officer •and.
pertinent; and under departmental director of the said. companies, and
superintendence and direction; (3)
every person having a contraet with theoriginal 14 • . b thedepart-
any of the companies for the per-, ment of the cost was $1:22,000 for the
substructurethat the commissioners formance of any work, the doing of
anything, or the , furnishing of any
port that,
any reliable contractor
" would have executed - the same
I :mount of work in the same time for
18190,000, whereas the amount charg-
ed to the department was $430,325,
whereof $391,000 has been paid ; (1)
certified to by the. o • ers in charge
of •the work for the department was
over 1,000,000 feet board measure
more than could have been used; (5)
that the cost of stonecutting, on the
1Wellington street bridge by piece
• work would have been $3,000,
• whereas the amount' charged to the
Government is $19,715, and the cost
of stonecutting on the Grand Trunk
bridge -Was still more exeessive; (6)
• that the pries paid by the depart-
ment to the contractor for labor were
greatly beyond current prices, in
some instances being as high as $12
for work for which contractors only
paid F$4..,50, and $9.20 for other .work
for which contractors only paid $3.75;
(7) that in many other respects the
construction of the bridge was con-
ducted in a wasteful and improper
manner, and that in the opinion of
this House the Department of Rail -
goods, effects or Inatetials and hav-
ing or expecting to have any claim
or demand against the company by
reason of such contract, who either
directly or indirectly, by himself or
by any person on his behalf, sub -
that the supply of timber and lumber_
films"), scribes, furnishes, 'or gives, or pro-
mises to subscribe, or • give,
any money or other valuable con-
sideration for the purpose of pro-
moting the election of any candidate
.to a Legislature or to Parlianient, or
with the intent in any way of in-
fluencing or affecting the result of
a Provincial or Dominion election, is
guilty Of a misdemeanor and liable to
a fine of not less than $100 and not
exceeding $1,000; unless • the value
of the amount or thing paid, offered,
given, loaned, pomised, received, or.
subscribed, as the case may bp,exceed
the last mentioned stun, in -which
ease the fine may be raised to a sum
not exceeding. such value, and also to
a term of imprisonment not exceed-
ing one year and not less than one
month, and in default of payment of
such fine, to imprisonment for a
fitrther term not exceeding . six
ways and °mils% deserving of the"
severest censure for the inefficiency,
These motions were voted down by
neglect of duty, extravagance and the Parliamentary majority at Ottawa
gross mismanagement in connection • on the demand of Sir John Thompson.
with the said work." That result does not discredit the
iesolutions. They are statements of
Hon. l'Srilfrid Laurier's statement fact, well understood by the eleetors
of fact regarding other public works of Canada, who but went an op-
frauds: ' portunity to declare in their favor.
" That in March, 1880, a contract
. It is high time to change both methods
for the eonsteuction of a graving•
and men.
dock at Kingston, Ontario, was en-
tered into bv the government with a
contractor tendering as A. C. Band Walter Thomson of IStitehell has
croft, who in reality WAS a non-exist-lbottgbt the oatmeal mill at Seaford].
ent person, but the name was used I Citizen Kelly was fined $25 and
to represent the contracting firm of 'eosts on Saturday for running it bus
N. K. & M. Connolly, who were ac- in Toronto for hire on Sundays with-
ecpted by the Government as con- out a license. On Sunday Mr, Kelly
tractors, and who completed the said was observed again driving a bus,
Work; that on April 18, of 1892, an along King street and he and the
information was filed in the Exehc- vehicle, with its passengers, were
quer:Court of the Dominion Govern,: taken to the police station. There it
meet, makipg claims against •the transpired that be WAS merely drir-
position with reference
teilteole will be a revela-
people, including! Ids I
rs. 'proposing Iiis
to the Northwest Bill '
Monday week Ite said;1
seeking to deprive any
partite schools. I have I
'ws about them, and
ld agree with the hon -
r for North Wellington
in saying that 1
separate school
ar school systenk.;
.6., at all fbr the ;
*stem displacing a
U-1' •
moved the
of Commons, the
in ere(ndinent to the
) Supply, and it was
nsnal party vote :
nt of taxation by
flan/Ada vi as en,.
11,1 . 20,054,- said N. K. and M. .Connolly and ling to it west -end church a somewhat I
• Iliste of $8,171,- others, to rkeover from them moneys numerous fainUy'
Masonic C+rautticidge ()facers. MARMIT ItIeVORTe.
• euenimi.
The following is he list of officere
Wingham, July 29, 1804.
Grand Lodge, held iarnilton. last Corrected by D. Peaes, Produce Dealer. • CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF MEAT
eleeted et the Meet gof the Mamie
ite, Pembroke) Flone per 100 lbs
week; W. R. ,
grand master ; Gibson ,
Beamsville, deput grand master ; T,
W. Lester, Ham' on, ' grand senior
warden ;
grand junior w ;. LOY, J.' W.
Hodgins, Bogor , grand ;
Hugh, Murray, Hamilton, grand
trea'si'er: Ma tem,- Gibbs, grand
grand r j.•
, Mason, Hamilton,
board, f
, we j• IT, Pritehard,
appointed to the
London, ecret
member. rand tyler. The following
eral purposes; 5, E.
Malonegoi to, D, H. Martin, Kin-
dardiug 3. . Murton, Hamilton, R.
B.sHurgerfo. '.London, J. E. D'Avig-
non, Vindsot T. S. Deward, London,
Wm, 'Rae,
ord, I. me.i.a4,01Di.r, L. Secerd,
F. McWat, Barkie,
J, Ciiiegler,
i •
The ;
MontreaT,Thlelie‘eisa. ...!Obeese Bulletin says:
'uatural apprehension
that eheese, Mii1ch Is be,11-priced,
cannot much ion, er hold out 'under
the heavy sup es on this side.
Against this, how ver, must be taken
into account the f et that factorymen
having sold lip tl ir make so elosely
are in splendid t1in to hold back:
their supplies for week or two, and
thus test the -abi1iyof English buyers
to do without th r product. Should
this test fail in .tainiug its object,
it would be a lin 'ob for the factory -
men, with their he. vy accumulations.
of July goods. The ,eling :In Eng-
land also appears to be considerably
mixed, for while some = ho es • there
are canceling orders sent t re-
presentative on this side; other are
Sending out orders to be filled on
best terms, one order for 1,500 boxe
being filled this week on thes. terms.
Whether or not the recent Strong and
upward movement was due to .specu-
laden, it is evident that the main
support of the market has been the
extraordibary heavy consumption of
eheeSe in Great Britain.
ran Wheat • 1 50 to 1. 80
Spriug Wileat • 0 55 to 0 50
tleittl ,,,,, •
B '1, • ' ' ' ." . " ....
a'l eY • • • • ....... 6 ....
0 53 to 0 56
STEAK, 100, PER LB..
050 to 0 ;IS
U .... .„
Better. rens.“
3.:Aii,g6tgoos,,t,10)etisrr •.11. •:.:
Ilaytkpr:te:rttr)., "
11),T) re :B.: per Ib
Beef ed How0 05 to 0 05
3 00 to 00 PORK SAUSAGE
0 13 to 0 14 and other meats in low proportion,
0 13 to 0 14
0 08 to 0 09
..., 1 25 to 1 75'
0 00 to '0 60
5 00 to 5 00 am prepared ••,,o pay .the highest prim
also onliand.
0 05 to 0 05
50 to 5 50 for all kinds of fowl. They inte4t he drawn
and well dressed,
1..331),:isey , .... 00 5335 too 00 4508
0 53 to 0 55
0 34 to 0 35
Is'11.11,1i11Vgb\eySitleat •
0 55 to 0 58
:P°onittas.toe's . p.c • busliel.'. . ... 0 GO to 0 80
Biitter .. .. ,0 14 to 0 15
— 0 08 to 0 09
0 00 to 7 OR
3 00 to 4 00
}Bigngys, per 6z .........
I Cordwood.
Our stock of
consisting of
0E0. SRA.W,
Wingham, Oct, 10th, 1893.
yam W.1
tte.q .keemt., W.c44!.
I have a full stock of
• Jewelry, Etze,,,
to which I invite special attention,'
and all work done on the premises.
Also, large stock of " Stand—Directly oppositd the Bank of
Hamilton, Wingham.
Men's nd Boy's Ready Made
Utica, N. Y., July 25.—Sales to -day
Were 1,590 boxes at Sc, 7,814 at
8ic, 2,445 at 8o,103 at 87 140 on
commission,145 packages of creamery
butter at qe. The market le firm,
at a decline. •
Little Falls, N. Y. July 23.—Sales
to -day were 265 boxes at The, 844 at
8c, 5 842 at 81 1,457 at 81.c, 479 on
,commission, 265 dairy -at 8e to 8}
80 packages of creamery butter at
164; to 17c; 20 packages dairy butter 1
at -I6c to 17e.
Live Stook Markets. • "
Montreal- July 24.—There were.
500 head of butchers' • .cattle„ 130
calves and 300.• sheep and lambs .
offered at ,the East End abattoir yes-
terday. The demand for cattle was.
very dull and prices were ratliee;
lower than the very lowest, of Thurs-
day's market ; - especially was this
the case with common and inferior
stock. A few head of the best cattle
sold at about 3e per lb. with pretty
good stock at fromenc to Sic per Ib.;
common dry cows and rough steers
sold at about 3c, and the leaner,
beasts sold down to tbout 2e per lb.
It is ,probable that a considerable
number will have to be held over'for ,
another market. Calves sold fairly
well at from $2 to $5 for common,
and from 1,`,16 to $10 each for superior, ,
ones. Mr, Bourassa, bought a super-
ior calf fbr $10, and several others at
about $7. He also bought 37,
lambs at from $3,85 to $3.75 each,
common lambs sell itt from $2.25 to
$3 each, and sheep at from 3e to 4e
per ib. Fat hogs are advancing in
price; fed hogs selling.at from 51e,
to 5c per lb., and those just come off
the ears being about le more.
_East Buffalo, N. Y,, July 24 --
Cattle offerings, 4 cars; 'market fIrtn.
coarse fat steers sold at 14:35, and
light thin at $3.50 to 4885..
Sheep and Lambs.—Offerings, 10
ears; market dull, With values fay
25e to 85c lower for the poorer grades ,
of lattibs, and dull and weaker for
the very best. Sheep scarce and firm,
Fair to good inixed sheep, $3,25' :
$3.75; choice to fitney. ilatiVe 111.111158, •
$4,25 to $4.50; fair to choice $3:25 to
Hogs. --Offerings, '20 cars; light
grades active; sirady; others 10e .
lower; best 'revilers, $5,110; best
Mediums, $5,45; heavies, ehoice,
$5.35 to $5.40; good $5 to $5.25; pigs
$5.50 to $5.55.
Sale to start, 011
1,1.4):NDAY, JULI
and continue.
Cash and Trade Only.
Winghain, July th, 1801.
234 Dundas Ptreet,
Gradulte of the New York Eye and Sar hospital,
1880. Post Graduate Curse un the Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat at the New York Yost Graduate Aiedical
9th, School and Hospital, 1802'Eyes Tested. Glasses
Applied Tine stock ot Spectacles, Lenses and
Isurtifitdal .E) es. Will be at the .
Brunswick tion.se, WINGRAM,
I' '1*
I ' The first THURSDAY of every
second mouth, at date named below:
Next Visit, Septembertth, 1894.•
. •
ow% 8 a, m. to 3 p. m. Charges
• Two doors north of Posthffice, next lialste
4..pic 9
St Se t's Bank.
for this season 18
Customers, not
look for our
fits later..
toes warrant-
s represented:
I, I'lJtIilttil,LiIIlttIIfl •
We wish to establish an exclusive Shoe Business itt W
3FR, ttra 3E -IC fa 30
are the best that the best factories can protin
One priers for this seadell 'iII be very lbw.
The styleA are the very latest,.
We will prc)ee to yet that it will pay you to buy your
It is to our Interest t.) please you.
. Th
'hoes at the Shoe
R81 '
New Shoe M0114
••••,' ;"
Frank 14
4 of Millett,
er.—Mr, 1
Mich., ic Vi
on the siel
still waiki
• Snell is a
few of our
ieh, on Frii
joy the reft
was here
the fall win
will soon he
thresher ag
been visiti
since the VI
day at'tornc
vice in the
have preael
—Next Ti
election of !
plar lodge.
lodge is elo
the memb
Fair, Lou
' Yew hay
amination. -
moved his I
near Brum
of condolen
John R. Su
• Londesboro
• E. B., we
• sympathy o
• ' reavement
and your fi
• by death of
This is only
fact that
another BM
•Arorld, to
telling. IN
mend you 1
"suffer littl
• I me, and-foi
is the kings
• ter off now
pray. you te
here below
• in the reale
is not knov
blessings .of
, and your ft
Cole, Bond
Miss Bert
ref Dc
• towel, died
after an jili
deceased, e
ycars'of ag
• W.G. Hay
made by th
of the Rosb
• Inkerman s
on. Bismare
f way for
• 'Tition being
old agricu
• Tuditope d!
town on Mc
result of a "
years. He
• shire, .Scdth
with his
when be w!
settled:in -0
• his father cl
• Mr. Tudh
„Queen's b'fiundredee
• 3rd of'
ago. He
Orillia and
viving wife
provecl the
the- finest
moved to I
• residence 11
• His family
tors, two d
•.tho early d
•liected it
church in J
• Years 'obecal
• ered connd
As it eitizei
• He Was a
• thought at
Mr.. Ales
k to
and to see
Perkins sh
West bull
P. O. Imp
week insp
lEte prono
sat iSfactor
has bad tl
new resid