HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-27, Page 3W. C. T. U. COLUMN. (eosin:cm nr • I1Fi woreg ?I Jim:m .) ' l''.lr G.,ii and Hou and 1Tattee ,l',uncl, Well call,JJta attention, of tho mothers nod suffers to the fact, that tits woman's. Christian Tamper. anee Onion meets uveer 1lonrlay at three o'clock sharp, for one hour, at 11 rs. helm'+ reeldcn ie; rat• rick street. Ail ladies aro made welcome. As thu E(h4or Ilse kindly given us part 'oI itis space, for our work, we ask friends of the cause to send heats of Interest on ail moral questions of the day to any of our members. . Insurance companies discriminate against habitual users of liquor. Many fraternal benefit organizations refuse to 'accept liquor defilers as • members, And now Mgr. Satolli has sustained the action of a Roman Catholic bishop who had suspended every Catholic society wliiell had among its officers men engaged in the sale of strong drink. The day when the t • fir 11 1 outlawed appears to be rapidly ap By this time everybody, 'was in • proaching. • . Wrested at seeing Doherty staring n * * away above the sergeant -major's Prof, Murdoch Cameron, M. I),, of head, when a voice from above said Glasgow,,Scotland, in a recent public 1n a rich brogue : address, said: " When he was a 'stu, Am I to be always Ricci this, ser dent the patients in' furgical oiler gel esnsirar , • • adults were given about two gills of • ' , bi'al'ily in the L) I hours; to (lay, in- Then I hl say* good -by to ye, ser- steadlittle sips of water are given gr in major, for I'll .uiver Seo yen for 24 or 48 hours. Before they • died; now they live. Every lean and woman ought to take their stand Don't Lose the Baby.—Every for the sake of their children azul , mother knows holy critical a time the sweep the drink from the board, and ' second summer is, and how many lit - for the sake of society throw it- over- I tie ones die during that period from board. - I Summer Complaint, Dysentery, 1)iar- irhoea,.and Cholera Morbus; and liow anxiously size watches clay by day; Proverbs. , lest the dread diseases snatch away Words of one syllable say most. I the loved ones ! There is no "disease Miich bine blood appears to ran in , that comes so suddenly, or is tequeilt- sewers. 1 ly so quickly fatal, as these Bowel The tramp is high tariff's walking ' Complaints, and in a large majority delegate. !of cases doctors and medicines seem Many a king's son never' spoke to • to be of no avail. There is, however, the queen. ! one remedy, which in forty years .0 Few preachers believe" more thus 'trial has never been known to they assert. i when taken according to the ited No man need apologize for being in directions, and this is Pen AVIS' the right. • PAIN-Iiild.uR, It is SO s0, and sure Protection pays for many a pauper's that no mother is just eel in being passage. without it. A bots in the house Every small fault is supplied with ' ready for sudden kness will often a magnifier. . • save a life. •Yoh can get the new Big Where the road forks in life's jour- !Bottle for. 25e • ney keep to the right. ; • Ricin mon' can sometimes be bought i ITo Yto Spoil the BoY. for less than poor ones. • If you? vent your gray hairs dis- - Your mother's perfections may not honoretlrbv a spoiled and ruined son, •• -always help your wife's appetite. adofltlthe following directions : The undertaker has been suspected Is. Let him have plenty of spending of a •silent partnership in cure-all n remedies. • vi Farewell, - It is said to be an old story, this of a luau named Doherty, who was drilling with his squad of recruits in London, Doherty was nearly six feet two in height, and at that time the sergoaut-major was a man whose Height was only five feet four. On this day he approached the squad lookingsharply about him for some fault find - In .All the men squared up except Doherty, and the sergeant-inajor at once accosted hiss. . Tleacl up there, man! called he. - Dohcrty raised his head slightly. Up Hither sir ! • The head was raised again. Then the sergeant -major managed, by standing mills toes, to peach Doherty's chin, and he poked it higher, with the remark : That's better. Don't let me see you „ ME x1 E ,1,Y L . ll1 All .- TINES, JULY .A:LY V 4a fferue o' bougtlt. What makes 1i dreary is the want: 'of motive. Modesty, 'lit ace, wit and civi- lity are Clem It s f true nobility'. It is the ti• ill) of tomorrow that makes peopl he y laden to -clay. Keep your hear` and God 'rill soul match ' lt, full of sunshine ivo you a f tce to It is better to ren in silent than to speak the tr'util. i11- Inorcdly, and spoil an excellent di: by covering it with bad sauce. A kind Heart is a b ' cl' vildieation of one's belief than a y rgt ulent, Deeds go further than rjrc • in justi- fying one's creed, • Habit cuts so deeps, hut mm's lnunanity that instead. !tem ituting Ito more than his seccn,: net re, it expos ze rst, usurp lg ne `lovor- - eiguty. . A generous mail w, Mont of an enemy, r ' which pours light al - upon the cloads'tha lustre. I Nobody talks nil say unwise things clic. not mean to • plays mucin witho note sometimes. Ho who uninte gently attempts what is beyond hi ower must leave undone his own p• )Per work, and thus his time is wasted., be he ever so closely occupied. The man who is Careful, consider- ate and lnoclerat all his faculti intellectual er than any o wl ra le wl 1e completely with your .lead down attain. 1 th fl t- )ney. . 2 Permit hint to choose his own -- % companions withotit restraint or • Progress in Ontario ! direction. At the Dominion prohibition on- ' p Giveehitn a latch key and. allow vention in Montreal ' last week Dr, • hint to return home late in the even- MacllLren maintained that gats bring 'rigs.4 Make no inquiries cis to where was representative of the pro ibitioli I and with whom spends his leisure sentiment which lead - game . such a p victory in' Ontario. Tilt r; was a moments. radical gathering. Nor -1ced Arr. i 5 Give hint to understand that Bttchanau go so far' as Lill,( {P and to lid manners makes a good substitute for an example of a tg, d t sat 1.•";*'''''rm. They morality.. Teflll him to expect- pay for had that at- hone. Th :a' history ofp prohibition in Ontario €as ti} o history ,every act of helpfulness to others. of a great reform.. T qy hacknow in 7 Allow him to occupy a seat its power there a Govern rt ht pledged to church the' parents. boys rather thanthe prohibition. They h J.,4,' he woul'cl sy . pew Permit h1 to regard the Sun- who-were G5 members in the .1•I'iltario Hilitse t lro were Prollibitu r„i ts. They had (lay School. unsuitable for a boy on tlic verge of " the'head of the Go G `nment pledged young manhood.. to a, measure - oft prohibition, ancl" his followers , m int .support him. I •. IIol.11oway's PILLS. --Dismiss your • They had oven a ' r,;af of the regular .doubts, let no one be longer oppressed Opposition on th `sir'side. They had with the notion that his malady is in more than the h.: r`,pf the Patrons, curable, till these purifying Pills have and of the P. P. a jAllcy had one Mali. had a fair trial, 'When ordinary • Was this nr Mina• ? (Applause.) preparations have failed, these Pills There was a qutien-of jurisdiction, have been used with the most marked Well, therre yrta : no question of kids. success. A course of this admirable diction with t1 e Ottawa house. It medicine clears the blood' 'from ' all could legislate , wished they ha port as they ha •What they win. party was react tion, while thet- oppose it, but about of sueh a the party in p rirohibitory m sure, the Opposition world-wide faille, and in complaints weasel feel • bot `ilei to support it, of the stomach, liver and kidneys they (Applause.) 1 -le was perfectly wil- are equally efficacious. •Pliey are ling to put prohil *ion befofe party, composed of rare balsams, without a but ,the results in Ontario had been single grails of mnr'cury or any other brought about w Mout the introclue- deleterious substance. • tits' of 11, third p, • rtrr, • 1 • s it pleased. He only impurities, and improves its quality. cl in Ottawa such sup- ;Tile. whole system is thus benefited •in the Ontario House. ! through the usual 'channels without' tees was not'that oi'e' reduction of strength, shock to the to take up the quos- 11C1'Ves, or any other inconvenience; in tiler was bound to fact, health is renewed by natural tither+stile bringing means. For curing' diseases of . the fooling as that if throat, windpipe, and chest those Pills wer brought in a have pre eminently established a • All men have patience: if they have none ll' That Tired •Feeling for others they aro 'apt to have more than t Is a dangerous Bond tion directly due to• enough for themselves, depleted or impure b od. It should not 1 People who ate on the wrong side in aa be allowed to Contin e, as in its debility arguuieet usually confess it by dipping ,, the system is eepeoil ly liable to serious . attacks of illness, is Sataapttrilla their arrows •m poison. is the remedy for se • n Condition,, find Having suffered over two years with also for that weakness ch prevails at constlnation, and the doctors not having the change of season, e i,,,t, or life. helped mo, I concluded to try Burdock /, Blood slitters, and before 1 used on+s Boon's Pints cure all Ills, bilious- bottle 1 was cured. I can also reef -' ness, jaundice, indigo: r' siek head- mend it for sick headache. Eth' ache. aoa1-Raines, Lakeview, Ont. 1\. 1, in his it'eat- lnlble the`isun, round it ---even trive to dint its ' who does not .:things that he •—as no person striking a false n the exercise of whether' animal or one who will last long - man who over -indulges in of the numerous things go to slake up life. 'he implanting of good and noble principles is the best means of destroy- ing those that are unworthy. The cultivation of courage will drive away fear and cowardice'; the nar- ture of fortitude will overcome a repining spirit ; the development of love • and sympathy will banish a .lost of hateful and selfish motives. Won Known ,Loudon People Say. IVtr. S. P. Glass, London Pottery Works, says:— "Na testimonial can ee too strong to express the beneficial of- feets I hrtve experienced from the use of It. Stark's (Headache,. Neuralgia and Liver) Powders Personally and in my family, as they have afforded me perfect relief from the most distressing sick headaches whieb frequently incapacita- ted me from doing business. I know of others who have bens equally benefitted. I consider them one of the moat useful medioalcowbinations of the day." Mr. H. 0. Patterson, of Messrs. Masur- et & Co., wholesale groceries, says :—" I have Pound Stark's Powders (for Sick Headache, Biliousness and Liver) to af- ford immediate and permanent relief in every ease."t Miss L: G. Johnson, says :—" A most valunble.renedy. The result has always been satisfactory. Price 25c a box ; sold by all medicine dealers. Dumfounded. • •-1V111---you, he said, timidly, will you have some ice cream ? No, thank you, repliedthe young woman. I very selcloln eat it. IIe looked surprised. Do you hind getting engaged to sue? I know that you have been en- gaged to several other young alien this summer. But that doesn't count. I was' never • engaged in my life, she replied. A slight pallor came over his face. Pardon nae, 'but do yon know that your hat is not on exactly straight ? Isn't it? Oh, well, I can fix it when I got home. IIe looked at her with a ghastly stare. Orettt Scott ! he exclaimed, have I read the comic . weeklies all these years for nothing ? • And he sank to the pavelaient and moaned.—Washington Star. Constipation, Headacho,Billiousness, and Bad Blood are promptly oared by Burdock Blood Bitters, which acts upon the stotnneh, liver, bowels, and blood, curing all their diseases. The day before the battle of Wagram, .napoleon had it complete pontoon bridge built and floated into place. A Boon to Rorsetnen.--One bottle of English Spavin Liniment ceompletely : removed n curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, es it ads' with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints, Handsome is that Handsome Pees. "She is about the plainest woman I ever *Ow," said myfriend ; "but her face radiates se muck sunshine that I nover think of her looks," And it was so true. No one who cause within the magnetio influence of her sunny spirit over gave a more than passing thought to the fact of lier extreme plaiu- ie s f titare and awkwardness of f. arm. She had been a homely child, and they had called her Grace—such a misnomer. Poor little thing! No one went into rap- tures oyer her beauty, as they diel over lier pretty sister, Mand. It bad been a heavy eremite the shy child, and dering'the years of young maidenhood, when other girls were showered with the gallant attentions so flattering to their girlish pride, she was always the one who was " left out of things.' But Grace had a wise mother who tenderly and judiciously showed her young daughter how she might wiu love and hold it in spite of physical defects—that she must first gain golden beat, which would en- sure a bright, sunshiny face that would win scores of friends. Grace Brown is a plain woman still, but she is elsoa very at- tractive woman, with a devoted husband, three or four pretty children, and a multi• tude of friends. So don't worry, girls, if there is some- thing awry in your features—the worry will only make -it worse. It is perfectly natural for you to desire to be beautiful, but if nature has denied you tliet blessing, why, just make the best of what you have, and cultivate the grace of self -forgetfulness and a sunshiny face. Relief in six hours.—Distressing Kid- ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." This great remedy is a great surprise and delight to physieians on ac- count of its exceeding promptness in reliev- ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and HATS TtS every part of the urinary passages in male s and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost irmnediately. If you want quick relief and euro thia is your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug store. A. Blessing to Every Rou.sehoid, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OIN"iME These remedies have steed the test of fifty years experience, and aro pronounced the 1 cst Medil1tuo4 bit Family use. 11'1-1E1 PI.E.114S Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STUM A( 11, 511 NI 11,..:10 i t v.) I t 61.E invaluable In all complaints incidental to founder of all ages. OZ'.J., J_Y• L ., . THRIs OATTS,x0000112,nDODOS Gy for OUT,ad e'1tIi1JMATISM, GI.IDI/LannnSWELLINGSnAND AU..sums DISEASES IT IIAS NO E UAL. Manufactured only at 73, New Oxford. Late 333, Oxford S rcet, London. and sold by alt Micdleino Vendors throughout the world. f, 'Purehasers should look to the Label on the Ilexes and Pots, If the address is not • 533 Oxford Street, Londou, they are spurious. LAME ;ACIt*,a. f9EURALGIA,PLEUR1SY,SCIAT) CA AND RHEUMATISM AND EVERY TIME W HEEN "D. '':MENTHOL PLASTER USED. FOR THE BEST VALUE IN ORDERED CLOTHIN •1, It takes a lively faith iu a future life to get a right view bf God in the shadow of a great catastrophe. A great many people would try to gc to Heaven if they were not afraid of the Icouds. SPEND r Ouit OUTING ON THII O1Ui AT LAKES. Visit picturesque Mackinac Island. It will only cost you about $12.50 from De- troit ;415 from Toledo; $18 from Cleveland, for the round trip, including steals and berths. Avoid the heat and dust by travel- ing on the D. & C. floatingpalaces. Tbo attractions of a trip to tho Mackinac region are unsurpassed. The island itself is a grand romantic• spot, its :climate most in- vigorating. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built for the upper lake route, costing $300,009 They are equipped with every modern convenience, annunciators, bath.- rooms, etc., illuminated throughout by electricity, _ and are guaranteed to bo the grandest, hugest and safest steamers oa fresh water. These steamers favorably compare with the great ocean liners in construction and Speed. Pour' trips per week between Toledo, Detroit', Alpena,, Mackinac, St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, " Soo," Mar- quette and Duluth. Daily between Clove - land and Detroit. Daily between Cleve- land and Put -in -Bay. The cabins, parlors and staterooms of these steamers are de signed for the complete entertainment of humanity under home conditions; the pal. atial equipment, the luxury of the ap, pointments, makes traveling on these steamers thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illustrated descriptive pamphlet. Address A-. A. SCEANTZ, G. P. & T. A., D. & 'C. Detroit, Mich. Reading. Let us take time for reading. It will never come if we wait to have every speck' of dirt removed from each article we use. We can always find something else to do; and conscientious housekeepers with little taste for mental. pursuit are apt to make great blunders " Tho life is more than meat, and the body than raiment," which means --if I nifty bo allowed to preach e wee bit of a sermon—that you yourself, with all your immortal faculties, are of vastly more importance than your house t i land crockery n asci furniture, oto hit g c o y, and those aro utterly worthless if they serve as hindrances instead of helps to your indi- vidual culture. No kind of labor is de- grading if done from a worthy motive, and no motive can be nobler than the womanly desire to make a pleasant horse. With this end in view --with love as prompter—washing and darning and scrub- bing are all elevated from drudgery to a noble place.. But our home cannot be properly attractive and profitable to ear families if we ourselves are dull and lar• rassed. Our brothers, and fathers, and husbands, and sons need cheerful and in- tellectual companions at home far more than they need nice dinner and spotless linen. It is necessary that good house- keepers should also road and refieot, and listen, and converse. cargos, sweeny, stifles and sprains. CIso. 12onn Farmer, Slarkhe n Ont Sold at • " -` — • "'" r 1 Chisholm's Drugstore, 'ingham. The walls of Babylon are said by Hero- dotus to have been 250 feet high and 100 feet thick at the base. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh le the 'seat. Rosiest to tree, and 'Cheapest.._ Sold by druggists Oe rent by mall, sbc. Y 'l\ Hatte1ttnin tvinrrrp,.Pa • .1 .1111.1,1111114111111. • GO TO WEBSTER'S OAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFFS, . Cheap for AS :. • W E B AT rr rr P4,, r i is O LERA ORBUS ALWAYS PROMPTLY CURED BY PERRY DAVIS' PAR N -KILLER. • Sr CHEAP READING! His Dyspepsia, Cure Oar Clinking Rates. DEAR/3m,— The TIMES and Toronto nlobe, weekly 8 i 6u The Tibiae and Toronto Empire, weekly 1 76 The TIMER and Landon Advertiser, weekly1 76 The TIMES and London Freeness, weekly1 76 The Turas and 'Montreal Herold, weekly 1 60,1 The Trains and Montreal Witness, weekly 1 00 The Turas and Toronto Daily World 2 60 The Tigre; and Montreal Family Herald and Star weekly, and premium 1 76 I The Trails and Tho Ladies' Journal, monthly, Toronto i'' - 1211 The Toms and Cosmopolitan Magaz neononthly, New York 2 26 The Toms and The Live Stock Journal and Household Companion, monthly1 75 Tho TIMES and Fanners' Aavocate, bi•weokly 1 00 Tho Tatra mrd the Cultivator and Country 1 Gentleman, weeltll ... ,2 75 1 Reduced rates with all other papers not mentioned in the above lis;. Address TIMES Omen, Wingham, Ont. s,wt ••oraas•apn .wvcr cr.awvoanvv I EBST1 R'v f .tv P`RRNATIO Aa, Tt 1, lirttivee New. L.t Lt la_"►'s•iJti c- ri .t5nrmYnffl e!'iu,lr.-`•`•`-^" y .J Grs,M4d,ronlor' 27 c s ee wssoro 'irl6 r'L'nabrirt*ed•,a a g e s I Test year; ,i't0 spent reel+sag, 100 t editor, employeq, r' and over 1300,000 w expender:. should ;nv.r tits. i11etinnaiT. I a.. - ewers all guesiin . eoncendng the hi;• tory, spelling, i ro- nunelotion, tt r 1 meaning of word,. A. I;ihral y in Itself. It also ;•i'; es the facts often wanted concerning col nen lesson, ancient and modem; note t sic i- tinus persons and places; the commie., Cities, towns, and natural features of tl.e globe; translation of foreign. gnotarimn+, words, phrases, and proverbs; ole.,cie,,rte. This Work is Invaluable in household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro - Sessional man, and soli -educator. The Globe, Toronto, says:— This new dictionary!, the best book of Ito kind in the English Language. For every manly. the d the ort 05 ing,ttsspureliasOf ioswillr oven:profch are table in;tsueent. The Mmes, 4Tanrdltoi:, says:— Itmaywen hepronounced the besti;u,rkingsit - tY tionary and the cheapest book in the world, and should be In every school and family In thmada. V r +. SCHOLARSHIPS AR embracing a full course y ing,nit the English branch French and German, Ole Drawing, Crayon Portrait, Ornamental branches, with+ Elocution, in classics, at rem rates. This institution draws s Toronto, Montreal, 0 towns and cities from Ca from New York, Chicago froth the 'United States. For particulars address, MISS D. A. HURD, Y `rte o Iwrite yon to that for some _ •• Ihadbeensufferin it from acute indig tion or dyspep and of course very great in venieneefrohis in mygeneral b Vi nese. I theren decided to try dock Blood Bit and after tak two bottles -I fol ani. GEO. nEiAn. T was quite ano man, fdr B. B. B. CUBED ME. I have also used it for my wife family, and have found it the best they can take, and from past ex I have every pleasure in strongly mending B. B. B. to all my friend I write yon because I think. t should be generally known what B can accomplish in cases of indigo GEORGE READ, Sherbrook DEIILL COLL OSHAWA. An Institution where none ors are admitted; bas been ru 18 years. Employs a very Effie! of Ten Teacher Ifraveyour goobsellershow lt to yon. G. 4; a .Merriest Co. Pubtishere, SprfnrylIerd, lll"as3,,17.S.A. Orrin not bey ebehil ihotn. grnnbhie reprints of nnetent editions. tr.Sesantalninolrro free geetie. illustrations,, tot.