HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-27, Page 2`cal,' W INGHAMIntiS,JULY sit 1894.. 6i ilolltiul fax• etre. Clhvet,: V Bttt ltc';1l the mother• s tc�1t•s br p , 'leer plllsa It t\rerlt beats a xllirl �_w..�. �.. ..� �� ` y l tizccl Iter face p ' y uto ilcimiringiy at il�laxt 8 •-••"to the polar- HOOSIER SCHOOL. MASTER sc�llt note tc1 Iria> uncle, asliini,*;ren arra Lilo nxatilcrs' trcn1i1111x ringers a1(1. llxaEla leer il( l?11rn. And. 11:lrt� lxousa, }3ut l dant ltnaw ElxlywixE�I°e to go Walter's bail, If )4e 114 �"11t i combed out her tresses. .And Shoky seek ,vas,: for the first time, abashed. where you eau cloy more Mgoodti for BY EDWARD EGGLESTON. resentful, Ile eouiEl not have wisl$l stood by ber nn cried c I kixawed in the presence of Ilannah, For the Christ as by taking charge of 1t • for a more complete roveergo than t(,{ace wouldn't forget you, Harmer !" oppressed .girl had, in two weeks, -,lace, and I can get the aleP0 ntment ilaunah was ready now to do any-, blossomed +out into the full-blown for you, The new coMmissloners ;thing by which she coulee support her woman, ' want just such a num." 'mother and Shocky. She was. strong And Ralph sat down by the fire, " 1'i'hite cl'ye says, Marshy ?" said • tcotixag7Trn,i i worthy then took hie stand, confessed Well, then," said \Valter•, looking this lick a11(1' even told the inducement day lead brought.. CHAPTER XXXII, t aft tete court nor at Bronson. nor !which ler.. Pete Jones had offered AFTER THE UAT'tt,F lel inured to toll. Sae was willing and talked of his scllaal and her 13u(1, the prisoner, but furtively at M. him to perjure himself. , d. clie('.1'flll, . and she would gladly school, and everything else heft what "Why, somebody ought t0 (10 for pan ''well, been, if I must"--•--atnd ' ° "T o be sure," said Pearson. �atllin� an be more denioraUzi11g lila .one t0 service if l)\° that Means ho .\vaulted to tall; about. And then the poor, and 1 should Illy to (10 it." kxlell's awful face seemed tat Squire hawking, turning, his right 3 f 1 (nld have stlpp f w C Walz\ ers< on drifted back 1 er that he surely must--- "well, , eye upon hail, while the left looked 1:, 1 hope you won't send 1110 tO at the ceiling, said: "Be careful, 11'Ir, ". this to Squire Ilhwkins, ' Pearson, or I shall leave to punish farce reassured ]Bite-- -"blit, oh! ;You far contempt," ,r t roe Pori' I call ;'" But one foal; ; "1 hy, Squar, I didn't know 'twas. @It le r. Soden assure/} him that be any sin to hcv a healthy contenlp' fer nt1'el and that be Int st, and so, with i seen a thief as Jon's 1" agony painful 6 the spectators, The Squire lool•a'ed at Mr. Pearson lio4d the story in dribblets. How, severely; and the; atter, feeling that 19i1'e ye ill Lewisbut•g, be lead been he had committe some offense with - de aa, nleinber of it gang of wliiell out knowing it, s1 sided into silence. Sala \vas chief; Port they concealed Bronson How 1acl a keen sense of 11°tOtn Prier the names of'all the band the direction of to e gale. ;)t six, of whorl. the J0110505 and "If the court f lease," said be, "1 were three, have tried to do my duty in this 'c 'there was a scuffle at the case. Hartsook, It was rn duty to prosecute in the long run than 1 •rich law, Alice's 1 , o •tecl the family, th tti i' ' t to t'lat Ai1tl so Ilcl cnles e.10 lllecl tete yet lynch lacy often originates in a ; AUi for: that matter her mother was. Crctsl�, aged to alfa \vale; through the lugean stables. burst of illingus indignation which : alre • able nearly to support her- pasture, and to the box -elder' tree, And so my bumble, homely Hous. is not willing to suffer a bold op- self 1 lier knitting, But Ilannah and. to the painful•, talkie the lane, ler story of twenty years ago draws pressor t0 eseap0 bj' leanb of eorrllpt ]lad ben carefully ',educated when And Hannah beggdd to b0 frogivell, to a close, and not without regret I ' aborn of fear, Both roams power- ' publiAleeis were being organized she bad done anythi. ig mew,. And dud Shectek, and Bad• andAlartha>. nd cowardly courts, It is Oftener yo ne? „ i as thnt moment the old- and R:nlnli lnnohes1d nt the idea, thnt . take leave of Ralph and Ilannah"Dr, Small's trviiig to git out, feel assured that ; he was innocent, jury, or what.) Pete 4Tones might dow,th a . MOMS was re-qed• and a little, aaaary I have told it! An ,.----1.Tet I must old. friencl•Bud, of the Church of the •and that he wo Irl be able to prove with a Sheriff, waeitt question. I little furniture -, was put into it, 'to net proceed, A 10„•e.seene, ever so Best Licks. I was almost as =ehhis innocence. 110W enter -a nolle must not detain 04 reader to tell the old., sweet thole was establisbee-11,eautiful in itself, a I not bear tell- puzzled over his name its I was NOM.plague ' take him," ' said .Buci, whot in his case and tin t of John Pearson, hdi,v the inob rose. obody knows'. ino..,.. And- so I shal leave 4 little I saiv an article in. a city paper byagain. The father:was 0 -one neverI. was standing with his back plankedtagninst the door... "Pd like the cons to come back again. But the rest gap Pt bere,, whie. yea may fill up Prof. 'W..T. Thomson,ort Poor-Houses.and I ask that thi nourt adjourn un- bow. such things eon le about. Theirs a chance to burn up all the they. I should hot have recognized theo send and git his trunk afore he were bere, And ionlehow Hannah as you'llease. , . Somehovv„till to -morrow, in azder to give me origin is. as inexplictOle as that of au writer as.thne to examine tlie evidence in the earthquake. But, alfany rate, a ropecase of the other, p, •ties under arrest. was twice pat rolutcl Small's neck that Shocky has. given his spare time 0 fully agitated. the pe ple of the region 3 t -n-0 a gilded seboa° and the good she praised his. goodness 'to Slioeky, ' and Miss Nancy, and of my readers, reund about Clifty a§ night drew on ministeri who shall: e 'nameless, be-• and he drew. her litt e note out of -- justly 'indignant that Ralph, had. been Indiana, 'ad »•lio if cause het, perhaps, still living in But 1 ag•reed, not to ell you• where ' — after Ralph's. acquittal. They Wel'O .. made the. victim of su '11 aeons Methodist par1- he kept it. And th i ":8110 blushed JePffe.r8so' nila\nuucia7ne„Inttiolenj-jelinsdbst,ltle! and they Wel'a frig Wiled at the piracy, once was -ailed ' • he preacher -in- and he told how the ote had sustain... day, and I see by. its columns that unseen danger to t 'le community eharg'e of ',ewisbuiig Station"—this ed him, and how bei white face kept Ralph Hartsook is principal ' Of the from suelva, band ii4ithat of Small's, good miniter and Miss Nancy up his omega- in hi flight down the Lewisbufg, . Academy. It took: me It was certain that they did not know Sawyer go.,, Han ith a place as lied of 0110y :0.'0e ; 'Am' he sat a some time, 'however, to make out -that . teacher in th .siv.h. are-,s19.itrtment, little nearer, to sh w her the note the sheriff of the county, 'Mr. Israel' the full extent- of the danger .as yet, And then a little house- Witt. four that be had, carried •. his bosem— W, Means, was none other than my . door. The .court defnanded silence. Mr. "Constable. you will arrest Dr �_ , during night, (;and both times tilt hall, Peter Jones, ilia William I all- proud to thi have been the rue 'ez + two deputies to bring matter to the botto , of freeing -lir, and address of 13 to court, said 'Squire Hartsook from susp cion, and detect- learned how'unjust ting attorney was hag the real crimina ." 1e. As for Small, b , "Ugh 1"said Mks. Pearson, who , C when they were ready to hang tall of the robbery* at conceived a great d' like to Bronson. I him or looked relier, d when he was 'The court, said quire Hawkins, 'saved, nor showed' tje slightest flush der'shitt- ;+' 1 where he and Small "congratulates ofpenitence or°gi atattucle. He bora Whittled tX1e fence while the congratulates Mr. artsook on his , a triumphant es entered the house, and CO-niumphant acgllitt, Ralph's story by telling how charged from the b had seen Ralph in a fence -corner, and f i olu•the bar of And il�lt forgot. ' . than my efforts � �. , , is of siftiu the Y • o Snall was saved ons b the nerve , THE END. 1ph, 'who had glob law may neither trelnbl- kept waiting foi 'somebody else to never kIf y .how, they got to talking come. about the 'flue instead of the past, after that, auto plthiniug their two 'And . . Mrs. Thomson evening; Ralph mantel -piece, his chair was good Miss Hannah's CHAPT1 Z XXXI. M0 T l LIGHT. . For two weeks Anger Ralph taught at the Flat Creek school -house. He was everybody's i'bro. And 110 was Bud% idol. Ile di' what he could to get Bud and Ma 'tha together, and though Bud alwjys "saw her safe home" after this, :land called on her every Sunday evening, yet, to save his life, he could not get his big fists and his . big feet Icing enough to say what he most w, ltecl to say; and what Martha 'nos wanted hint to say. At the end of Iwo weeks -Ralph found himself exe4clingly weary of Mat Creek, aind exeeedinly; glad to. hear from Mr. Meailjs that the school - money had "gin o11t." ' It gave hila a good excuse to return to Lewis- burg, where his he' rt and his treas- ure were. certain T uA n euse of delicacy had kept hint fom ' writing o Hannah just yet. ` ' When he got to ewisbtrg he had ood news. Hisncle s ashamed nn n d of memory o the f f�et that she had ace 11 3 re - his previous negle t, and perhaps i fused Mrs. Thomson, the pauper, a bed for two n` lets, affected her thr0at. But M' S .Nancy ' Mi, and 1101' sister were they , and the preacher. .And that was all; besides the family, and Bud and Ma•tela. Of couse Bucl 'and Martha ea, e. And driving Martha to a wed• ing in a "jumper" was the one oppo''tunity Bud needed. - His hands were (busy, and his boots were out of sight4 and it was so easy to slip from R ip .'s love affair to bis i own, that Bud s iineho\i;; 111 pulling Martha, .}Iarvl insls shawl about her, stammered out h if a, proposal,. which Martha, geuero4s soul, took forth° whole ceremony„auxt accepted. And Bud was. so inappvi` that Ralph guessed front his ' face ,,and - voice that the agony was • eve, 'Mid Bucl was be- trothed at last tat the "gal as was a gal.” lives as one when bliss Nancy" returned later in was standing near but Shocky noticed close to Hannah's. Ai Nancy Sawyer 10, Iced face and was happy CIIAPTE XXXIV. ° "HOW IT C.• \f>✓ OUT." -fie-are aril 'chi- ren in Nadir' himself in a quiet, eutlemanl way 1. He is die + 1 , r of this court, ! throughout, like the dniirable villain Rt' a ubiic sentiment, ;that he was. • without a stlspieion of -guilt. Con- He waived a preliminary examina- ctw they mace met the basket tion the next clad* his father went on the hill, stable, discharge Ral<)h Hartsook and John Pearson," • [his bail, and he forfeited bail and be sure, said the old man, .rad not v enturcd to hold up his Old Jack Means, rho had always : disappeared from the country and held a main). side far be master, now; from the horizon o my story. Two 'after be was arrested, until , proposed three dice •s for Mr. Hart -1 reports concerning- Small have been r began his testinzorry, :, a sook, m'- C t' — 1rCLlla lOn 11that and theyo he was wet'e 1'V alter felt inclined to stop, but lie I , � \ en with a not do it, for there stood ler, will bythe people Who would have !funning a faro -bane n, San Francisco, eon - looking to him like a lllessen- hanged him an hour ,'iefore. I the other that he 'as curing eon - Mrs. Means gave t as her opinion ; sumption sir 1Vew York by some lit the Skies, or the bottomless ,� that _Jack Bleans,all rs w z quick process. If his latter were WI= a fool 1"q t to extort the last work fromp t� soul. He felt that he was „ "This court;" said Dr. Underwood, � true, it would leav it an open quies- G an • b> Basta of it ---rat the has one other duty to perform be- tion whether Ralpll slid well to save fore adjouring fort e day.' Reedi ll 11110 fr•oin the gal bws. Pete Jones erdition, with the . enitenti 5 y p ° and Bill, t .as nsu tl happens Iamrah Th to K Ito the own fti if he faltered. And 1 IC whole thing as though •"I jilt startedlher' lion,ahead to git rougher villains, w nt to prison, and en the day- of doom, and b .. supper and milk the lows,"said Mrs.; when their terns lv d'expired moved y' Means. "A'n't a-gon' o. have her to. Pike County, Mi ouri: he was though Small's , in court, loafin .here all day," wish But it is about • annah that you to l) n Constable rec ll ehear„and at I wish to tell. new- hubbub, a r . This Oust , took nen �, ' 1 ce K t , i , She c'S ewent 1 can straight ro - ilIn 1 notadjournthe e 11 tl • 1OUrt It was none other thanun, 1 she letul ns . ,� � aupei, Tom Bifield, who Hannah had gone `but a little way, room to Flat ()reel$ climed to her and was soon ' lir fhb presence of the chamber, packed a handkerchief enerhouse. Andrew Jackson court, trembling for ear of some new all her earthly moods, consisting house. tithe had caught calamity. - , shiefly of a'few fa►ily relics,_ and g of the KK trial, and had "IlannahThomso "--it was Squire turned her back 'on the house of ill Jones's absence. His T was ly :ng, and in his Underwood who poke—"Hannah i Means forever. At l the gate she met filthy garb he was in Thomson, this coir wishes to ask the old woman, who shook her fist in esgile figure. you one or two quest ns." i the girl's face and ave her a parting and he,; elbowing his • "Yes, sir," but he voice died to a benediction iu tl words : "You the egwd, "I kn tell whisper. mis'able, migrate 111 critter you, go ,, I'm CineralAndrew "Eighteen, How old did yogi s ty you were.A long. Pin glad be slued of you 1" t my h' ad at Bueny' "Can you prove your last age 12"„ ° ,u! At the b rn 3 met Bud, turd be head pawed on. It „ , told her ood-b with a little husi;i tg Yes, sir—by my nibther," 1 nessin his voice, while a tear glisten, er nineh. One sides -.For tilers 'sound as a nut. how long ark you bound toned. in her eyes } 'End had been a Mr. Means ?" friend in need a d such a friend one �o •e you - Information." ' "Till r'.. ,.,,,en - , . „ !does not leave 'r • hunt a pally' And she, with somesweet present - •e cse11t• UGC C�gt"" wglcep- : '"This court feats in linty bound t0' "Where are bel going ? Can I--"�' ieialno had begun to�„ y, b gmens, had got tliinea ricady by fixing frau e winds would inform you that, acring to then "No, no ! td with that she up the scantily-furn shed rsom as rt le ot fu tie court please," laws of Indiana, a w Aman is of age Hastened on, afiaid that Bud would wolf' is she col lel. A • d Miss Nancy �__, -,e , at eighteen, and so ago indenture that - offer to hitch.up .the roan colt. And Sa.\vyer, who had ell Ralph that t valuable informs- could be made binding after yen she clic- not want to add to his domes- afternoon, }lace goes'se that he ivas I suggest that his d •reached your ma'ority, you are tic unlzappi' ;t by compromising going to see Hannah. It'sP}wonderful. how Wretch. enjoymei ° a, generous 6 free, and if it can be p oven that you It was dusk antl,warainirlg when heart can met out of t e happiness of war Inc.,, broke in y a willful she left. The houl5 'Mere the others. Isnot that hat he meant if i know myself. lie." ' a tel levo a when hc'sald of sucha Miss Sawyer Ier's got one side hundred -fold le's inigllty mar - joy sacrifices'? 1'".t swear isle, fer I joy a hundrede tote the tater ie love of five Ind so Miss John Cox, one of the oldest engi- neers on the Grand Trunk,lwas killed• in the yard at London on Saturday. • Dear Sirs, -1 hn%e used .Yellow Oil for two or three years, Find think it lith no equal for •:roup. 'Mrs. J. S. O'Brien, Huntsville, Ont. , Bishop . Hawkins., the 'celebrated colored orator and singer, well-known ' throughout Canada, cried of pat,ralysis stories. We want "pore than all eh%%r on • Monday, at Chatham, aged 86 to know how it all came out at the ,,years. end, and, if our taste is not prevented, Some people lauuh to show, their a we like it to come out well. For my , r tty teeth. The us of Ivory White part, ever since I began to write this .Too h Powdar makes story, 1 have Veep anxious to know than ,,ever. Its sn how it was going t Sold b' druggists. going o come elft. l'1Tell, there avec•.. �n New Era: It took place at 1 o " r The , preacher-il course. Miss Na icy Sawyer -was has shows there.. But Ralpll s uncle was away, will tower( and Aunt . illatildll had sore throat manner; havi and couldn't cpfie. • Perhaps the the Army To. $15,000. very few invited. Clint :n in the morning. of this to charge" carne, of dent frien vn,'well ki 1 of 'tile his it gjus c) '•U.] t with an eye to nils n phew's growing bad got hien the charge popularity, ,� a of the grammar' department in the new graded school. in the village. So he quietly.. arranged Ito board at a boarding-house. ' His daunt coiled not have flim about, of i41�at,faet`he .was very glace. She coL�ld not but feel, she said, that he' might have taken better care of • Wafer than he8clid, y four miles when they were o apart. He did. not hasten nab. Why should lie" a message, of no cense by Nancy Sawyer. hen' he took possession of his school,' and then, on day of seshoo1, rented to him - mon. o call on Han- He sent her Lence in itself. the evening of the firs he went; as he ]lata ap self, to see Hannah Ti nes ketia for what it is the victim of a decep on. You are hien ill that was „ have been defrauder by w 'llftl s 1 ` '+'' deception a suit for damages will road was lonely,and `"f t' theJong, l - ; tions of that 'day it ditt4 not seem that; they shoald have "Ugh!" said Mrs.Means. "You're wholly safe. ' But from the moment in this life for all tl a party court, ' a'n't 41, Dr. Under that she found herself free, her heart Did not Miss Nancy el wood ?"had had been ready tolibreak with an inn- weddings, and have Be careful, Mrs. Means, or I shall patient homesickness. What though • hundred children ? have to fine you fogy contempt of there might bercb ere in the woods? Nancy fust -happenec court." What though they But the people, tihowere in the ittlesto travelvol ? cheering humor, ehecrrd Hannah and rain was in her face the justices, and there eineered Ralph she had ilot - tasted again, 'Granny Sand ys shook hands horning of that exei I'm talkin' out , and I'm all over at Mrs rt't swear isle. nie of your con - barn at the pore - sr the hay -plow l were ten rough Thomson's humble horde., and, just. int though the in the most platter old eourse way, What though asked that lady and S hooky to conte And after Rai and Hlann married—there � vas. ah were marl no trip, :Ralph only changed hili Boarding -place and became head cif the house at Mrs. Thomson's thereafter—after it was all over, Bud cane to Mr. Hartsook, and, -snickering; just ar little, stiid as how as him and,: Martha had fixed' it all up, and now they wanted to a+: his advice ; and Martha, proud but blushing, came up and nodded assent, Bud said as how as he hadn't got no hook -tarn -In' nor;nothin', and as how as lie wanted to be sbnicthiu' and pot in, his best eche fer Him, you know. And that Mar•thy, she was of the Sarno way of thinkin', • and that was a blessin'. And the Squire was a -g oils' to harry agin', ancl. Matthy ood since the over. to her .house. Shocky wanted would rather vacate. And his er, you'll findng day? Plat Hannah to conte too.: But Hannah mother and 11 I" •andy was seclt a~; he = y with error, and allers knowed he'd Creek and bondam were behind. blushed a little and "'aid that she wouldn't take zo wife to. And he as has bend tip ' come out right. It alibrs'peared like freedom, mother, Sep. eky, and horde would rather not. thought as how.rMr. Hartsook might as if Dr, Small warm t� '1st the sort to�' gl 1 ,) were before her, a her feet grew And when she \+�s left alone, tlifttl;. of ,some ,� way 'or 801110 place side, hither,'" tie to, you know. And old John lighter with the thort.rllt. Alicia' shei Hannah • fixed her hart two or three • where1 . i 1 flet Test. Hear- Pearson went home, after drinking needed anyOther 'o 'it wasknow 1 (' held artily 111011tinia111 ra ttiinout' iven m 1' Sto trines, and swept tel i hearth, and Irvin' for the -)rent, and put in their. g trvo of three, 1 f 1� dell 1 1 � r, asses o s that the, Master Was clear. And 11e droved the chairs fir kine way and best licks fer 11 n, you know, , he entered, he whisky, keeping time; to an imaginary would come? And ':o she traversed then the another, a id did a :ood Ralph 1 ho � 1 •t �' c 11rO1nCtrt. II'C owed he send triumphal march, and feelingprouder the weary distance, and so she in- many other needless ; hings, good was about ton 111 Ise an. allusion to n't make a than he had ever felt since he fit the, quired and found tftc house, the less': for it lover, if he be a true Hercules' and the Vi can stables, but at thorough Britisher s under Scott at Lundy's' beautiful, h9mely old house of `beau- lover, does not sec fur iture or dress. he relnen1llercd Ater Ii?d would not his friends Lane. He told his wife that the tiful, homely old Taney Sawyer, and And then shc•sat d n bar the fire understand it, th u g h i ' Mi • g i Might 1 C to tell the master had fist ki ocked. the hind. knocked, and was admitted, and fell and tried to -sew, it tried to look Mind Martha of smetlllt she had from sights offen that ai young lawyer down, faint and weary, at her blind unconcerned, ittn d tri 1< to feel un• seen at the 1 Kist t ae tithe ie was to sxtion from Lewisburg. Mothers feet, and laid her tired head concerned, and Vie nos to expect Besting., ucl got Walter was hal • to bail that lie In her mother's, rap and wept and anybody, and tria o make her "13utl,• my dear ft end," said Ralph, wrould do -night appear as a .witness, and wept like a child, and said, "0 , heart keep still, An led in vain.."11 looks it little h rd to ask you to k. That 11aIph might ]lave sent his aunt at Mother! I'm free! I'm free !" while For sig gentle rap at le doer sent take a new wife --here Third looked Rheumatism American Rheum to aud'Seuralgia. rac Its action on the mysterious. It of the diseaseini first close - gni Warranted at C eople laugh snore' . Price 25c. Ir. Samuel Hill, awn as an ar t' 1. Arm 11\ <i nal ,Army, pathy and good • Most practical nos ceded over to 'operty • worth - rod it a day—S.'ontll- lc Ct •e ofI.theuinnatism. lly c 'os in 1 to 3 days. em retnarkablo and vet t once the cause tc v disappears. The lief eats. 75 cents. nls. iirug store. v father I'v110 ,lifts the front stepa on in boots. is worn on the syinbolisnl, the' , the left A:- fr • What is the f, the belated d e off midnight but petit Tho wedding ring left band, because, ill right hand. is Ruth eclieuce. 41„14,,_,, • Scrofula in the Ne Sahgervlito, Main "C. L flood Sr CO,, Lowell, Ttass tot ;II '•Genticinen:—I feel that Icaw- Foflvd years i.i t 0,or,of hood s Sarsai arltia. c1a my thick nave boon troubled with l sorofa „cticines which and tbro tt. Several klncig of nd Wlten I coma 1 tried df<l not do racially flood, n ilea there woro montes to tako Hood's Sarsapa ro that 1 coulh largo bunchds on Iny neck so s lloOdood9,55;:gliftare notboarthe slightest tau t, wet,'TIliad taken one 'bottle of this meal nor th. toys had gone, and before t bad isite, eFond t110 bunches lthdentirely df ppcar ��NOtt>e .a xw0ofs, Sangervllie, ine. ,s fiaryaptr i1. t. if you decide to ice. that. rillar do not be Induced ° buy a PISSirdsti • by rester. Hood, v «r •..; entary+otunt: cure ,thy, paristiltle aaotl0 +