HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-27, Page 1HI; VOL. .XXIII..---NO, 1172, DIP. BEAR IS BUSY TAILING STOCK 'T11I9 11[ONTII, SUMMER GOODS ARE SELLING CHEAP FOR CAS TO CGP;t.R OUT; . WE DO YOT WANT TO CARRY TIIEM OVER, OBR & HISCOCKS, The Only Direct Importers. 'Tura Bran, July 26th, 1894. , ° J Marriage Licenses Issued by PRANK PAri Itsorr, No 23, Vic„ toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. OOOO4#OOOON•• .*0000 2 BEs1•�-1 Place In Ganada to !0$p� get a Business Edu- catlon, Shorthand, • etc., Is at the Cen- -' - ' - '• tral Business Col- lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. Unquestionably Cdnada's Greatest Com- mercialSchoola. Cala o ;hes free. Men- tion this paper. Shaw fi Elliott, Principals. 4. . _ ^Aadooeasaa'sas+ama®roe LOCAL NEWS. —House to rent, apply to P. Flstren. •=Haiwesting operitions are in full bl —Civic holiday on Wednesday, nth. -•=•Rend the annol obement of McLean, the now li-'ery t -column. . • n' —Try our new S .at Griffin's Grocery —Tire Ontario tete; been received at t e Ti, work comprises 5813 pages. —Wingham Co ncil Order of Chosen rie regular meeting on Mo —The regular m: land, Canadian Ord= held this (Friday} ev fi.nco is requested. • • —Oash for good bu -Gx ham's market gro Mayor Hahne is brick house on the si church: The May extensive property —Lost, betw en Zetland, and C xray evening, a finder will k 1'.ly Truss office, Ving —Scott's comer day evening of 1!. musicians who ae the 12th of. July, every respect, ;lid-14Ir. W. F. Bro Hospital on W Brockenshire, wh a few days .previ nicely, and will home. —Brussela1oa here last weep one William L an attack of stn found among that persons in thing of his pas —Don't Jell French Evange Quebec, by the tory of Grand. 7 in the Baptist day evening, a this mission a at Maskinong, marvel so ft the enterprise. Al —Now that everything ha litres, the nu xeguinrly from It may be th flet be abl Week, but bdmething he the buds l'etipondsnt is tin ed:teary Flatter eget( f A• gust r..S•A.. another ents a can, for 1804 have s office. The the Canadian s will hold its ay evening next. g of Court Mait- f Foresters, will be ni ng. .A. full attend• or and eggs at R. A. ery. usy building another of the old St. Paul's is one of the most •s in. town. ° Geo. Thomson's, sideroad, on Wednes- Gold Lar -ring. The ave the same at the •Ripley, ort Wedges eek, by the same d in Wingham on a gtiand success in shire was at London ay to see Mrs. erwent an operation She is progressing oen .;be able to return ' e. Tetter was received ern Chicago stating that vas had died there froin llp and front papers is a ots it was supposed mei would know some - bider a# the address. ori n in the Province of Bostyorth, Spore - fission, to be gives' Wingham, on rri- •o'4l4ek. The success of d 1e Roman Catholics No, IVG "VYINGKAM. ONTARIO, All Tims. IDAY, JULY 271 1894. —The defunct fraternal Guardian •Ifincardine hos reel company Society has paid its - tentbers 8ii'.per cent ous of having a Fac with our of the money paid it by them, boys on the 8th of ugust, in th. —The Dominion Trait Exporters As- —Thursday of 1 et week was seeintion will hold its annual meeting in hottest days we hay Toronto op the 7th •f August next. the shade was regist —Berry and elm et picking have been tow indulged in by som of our townepeople Mr, John Murch durst g the pastcou}f of ,weeks. been appointed Di4000e --Messrs. Broadf of & Box's furniture Chief of the Sons factory, in Seaforth we are iufortned,'has, district comprising shut down for six w eks, on account of the Huron and Perth. . • t dullness of trade. —W '��"-' 1.,:21111,1"t$ chest, clocks and im4elry promptly --Tho Brussels Pact has passed its seedYa and fully warrant/ed by Hlwsex Meyer Block, Wingbrtm. milestone, and unc 3r. Bro. Tiers s 'able i'rector and Finlay n on Saturday last, tl prizes for the Bel- . Proctor says the ways do well ' for deli se re ttown, ne of th bad this Isar. 98 i red in may places 1 r-, Some of our townsmen have been e1' making good catohe of black bass in th river, the past wee or so, e —Luoknow leer see team has not been n !very auccessfal tl s year, and the boys it I have become disco raged and are not prac- tising. This is not the way to win s matches, d —An old Scotch lady has been bleeding e• the people of IlIoe that she wanted passage to the of buying a ticket° w' Mount Forest for with it. on, of .unknow, ha riot D/puty Gran f Sco and for th be cooties of Bruce, management, is giv ng the people of tha,,ti Messrs. Chas. town and vicinity geed service. Anderson were in toy canvassing for spec: grave Fall Show. A' people of Wingham Belgrave show. —Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. , Apgty to tf Jei m., gene ees. • —The July issue •f the PAI sh Welcome contains a well-wr tten .4,�per, by Mrs. John Forster, on • Chiliten's Seryioes." The paper was regi :e1he Sunday School Convention lately is �1 —The lacrosse been played at, tween the 1Vi did not corn asking to lto� in Godorich. which was to have rtesels, on Monday, be - alum and Brussels teams, off, t 'e Brussels players o the gat !e declared off. ' —Don't be afraid t —Mr.f.}gr F. Bi ;ekenshire was at items. We are aiwa Cllath them. If you 'rove ft inset'. `this week attending the annual; let us know the tact.; t g of the Gra- d Encampment of out of town, let ns to ew that. All these Oat ,,•io of the Wept -Wont Order of Odd. I • f r 'teats go a long way towards making an cost, as the reps eutative of Minerva a interesting paper. neampment, No: 47, his town.• —For first-class tailoring and cheap 1 —The "Camp , Fire," a monthly journal, gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. • devoted to the interea.s of the Temperance Remember the place, ono door south of . Reform, has been rec tived. It is published B.A.'Graham's grocery store. I by Mr. Fe S. Spence, n Toronto, at the low • —Services will be he-�1 next Sunday at : price of 15 cents per .nnum, and should be the Congregational chin oh as usual at 11 a. ; in the hands of Ter-perance workers, but in. and 7 p. in., and Sn ,day School at 2.80 especially every merrier of the I. 0. G. T. p. m. Preaching by t e pastor morning 1 —Mr. W. F. Broesenshire, J. P.. has and evening. Morning - :object: '•A Divine been doing a rushing businese in the "law.'' Inquiry." Evening subj :et: �The Greatest He has lately laid d wn a new rule, which Question in the Bible," may have a tendency to check the " lawing'' —We wish to call.atteAtion to: the adver- I tendepcies .of seine f our townspeople. tisement Of Messrs. G d Brothers, who He nosy insists on th complainant retaking have opened up an ex usively boot and a deposit sufficient o cover the costs be - shoe bnsiness in town. In order to estab- fore he takes the cas WI their business, th willing to sell at very their announcement, 10 e —Stray animals are along the highways at year, and any person is them in on his primis get paid for feeding • thdm he should im- her bursting thirst. Iced water or iced .modiately after taking ftiern in advert-ise lemon►4de should. drunk cautiously in for the owner. This course will save small quantities a time. The medics money to both tarties es well as save con- authorities say tat to inundate th siderabie time in searchi.-g for them. stomach with it in large quantities at once —Last week, 11fr. G. d. Hood, formerly is like pouring -.old water on a heated of this town, and brother of Mrs. John stove. - Conery, while working a ointer in Watson -Mr•. Reub. Sl. easton, formerly of the. & Malcolm's furniture fa tory, Kincardiue, Brantford Expos • or, but now connected the third finger of his ri_;ht hand come to contact with the knives, :,nd in a twinkling gave the Toronto pe Foundry Company, gave the Truss a e�ll,on Wednesday of last the digit wee mangled ti the first joint, week. Mr. Shehon has charge of the Mr. Hood will be obliged for a few weeks to Ready -Print depatztment lately established carefully nurse his hand. i by the above Coml any, and he is issuing a =On. Saturday evenire last a splendid very five ?hetet fo their customers. He game of football was pl ed on the town has thrown a great amount, of energy and park, between the Listo el and Wingham vim into his work, end although the Com - teams. The first half 1 the game the ,pany has been ply a couple of months Wingham boys were a considerable dis- in that line, ethe: have upwards of fifty advantage, on account o playing against papers on their list_ the sun and also a slight vind. that was —At the Mitche' Division Court a case of blowing. The second h 11, the Listowel I considerable interest to the townspeople, boys played it defence acne, and after 1 via., Davis vs. Mirshell, came uprf$r hear - playing one hour and a ialf, the match ' ing. The nation was brought dry Fred. was declared a draw, no her team having Davis, a son of • tl i Mayor and himjaelf a scored. It is expected ',hat the return councilor, to test die responsibility of the match will be played at festowel on Satui' town for damage ustained,through defeo- day next, The followineeare the names of fiver drainage or legligence in providing the players and the po=i.tions taken by for the removal a • surface water. John tiiemr Idington; Q. C. aapoared on behalf of the wtNcliin tt, POSITIONS LISTOWI 7 corporation and ti`nsiderable evidence was F. Buggin, Goal G. Mitchell, C. Stuart, • 1 Backs !J. Gass, taken, the defer_ le contending that the W. 7iart,ley, j' . 'tit. Tughon, town was not resp nlsible because the snow A. Stuart,. (S. Large, shoveled off the s 3ewalk by the plaintiff W. `Vanstone, H. Back ; It. Hacking, cans the cause of ere alleged trouble and I. McDonough, i J, Ward, 0, Henderson, Centre G.: Anderson, that the plaintiff was a member df the (A, Bmtford, Council. The jure held that neither of A. McLeod, 5,I; ellinaton the8f ei etimstanc relieved. the tnuniei- i2, i4idf°,utr lteetf, : parfiil3' from respo sibility for damage to pt'o ferry and thou t he reserved his tleci- tvffler sion tier, is little -mbt but Mr. Davis will lira binder twine, Win his ease, S veral other ' cases of it to '650 feet to the similar hamster vill be.instituted if the i< net t3tl lbs. to' the verdict in the i�vis case warrants the —Mr, John Wilson, through the counties c taking in Teeawater, Clifford, and other poit fall wheat crop as exo crop pretty good in s whole not up to the a promise well. V. S., was on a trip F -Huron and Bruce, lsldmay, Hanover, 6s. He reports the ilent and the hay me places, but as a ;rage. Other crops hand in your local s glad to receive ends visiting von, you intend visiting e say, they are! -Ladies, have: your garments made by ow prices. Bend ' Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite the Queen's Pagel. . other column. i work, always first-class Latest styles, good frequently found 1—Icewater is ry dangerous in these thisseason, of the hot summed days a en gulped down in the permitted to tak• e reckless draughts ith which the over s, but in order to heated person usu ly seeks to allay his or —The town of 1 damages given age their defective st pealed once or twiw wise to settle it. T can be settled for ll feeling of the ratep that basis. It is a the corporation. $j, A. YEAR IN .ADVANCE r. Geo. Moonset, is now engaged as anvassing agent he new paper to for be started in Toronl. by AIF, Tliad. W. H Leavitt, late P. P. A lecturer, who visited Wingham era' t.- es during the past few months' .testers Leavitt and Mooney I will visit t its town next week, in the 1 interests of his propos d new payer, which I will be called Public 0 inion. —Mr. 'rhos. Greg y Ii,, cut his large o tenement house, kno 1 ai rite "terrace," on the east side of Fr cis street, in two, moved them back fro the street, placed them on stone fo dat ns and will veneer them with brick 0 e will be a double house, and the ill be fi Forest on the pretext ough money to pay h country. Instead of h the stuff she bought y -rod and filled herself tlkerton has a suit for tst them on account of ets: It has been op - and now it is thought e probability is that it ,500, and the general erg is to settle it on alter severe lesson to —A couple of falirs from the other side of the line are "w, -king" Ontario towns for illustrated sup -lements, nominally in the interest of thse local publisher, b actually for themse-, s. They show ver nice samples, get g od prices, but, having no circulation for tl eir sheets, do no gond, However, they oolle quickly and pass on to the next town. —G-. T. Retrains for 'Toronto and east leayie Wingham at 6.25 a. m. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G•, & B.; 6.85 a. in. and. 3.25 p, m., via Clinton .and Guelph. Good con- nections by all trains. —Guelph Herald : jhe pair of long-hair- ed rollers who have b en doing the county places of late are .age t in the city. Speak- ing to a motley eros d on the square this morning one of the a .ostles of dirty Prince Michael wound up a period of empty nothings by asking, +What shall we dor' "Go and get your has cut," said an irre- vereirtindividual ata ding on the city hall steps. —The itptist Y :ung People's conven- tion, held in Toronto last and part of this week, was one of the largest conventions ever held in that ity. It is estimated that there were up-?ards of 10,000 in at- tendance, and the g eater part of them delegates. Wingham Baptist Church was e meetings wore held [usic Hall, and it is the city which would athering.' sr a ue, targe cottage. • When finis ed, they' will be a good addition to.that art of the town. —These are dog da They began July 2- and will end Au st 11. They have nothing to clo with ogs beyond making those animals neon fartable, like the rest of us, from the heat. They got their name from the fact that 8- .ius, the brightest stag n . ie constel ation �f the Great. Dog, and called the Dog Sta on these days, rises. and sets with the sr 1.. but Mr. Alex. Cout= , formerly engaged on the C. 1', R. here, -s very ill, and his re- covery is not lookecl�for,..,��� Last fall, he had a severe attack of p- ntsv and intlammee tion, and it has de 'eloped into cGnsnmp- tion. He has a fan ily of nine children, and none cf them old enough to assist in providing for the— wants. Court Mait- land, Canadian Oi ler of Foresters, and the C. P. R. Comp.y, have been assisting • well represented. o I in the new Massey the only building it iaccommodate such a —The regular me§ing of the Huron Veterinary Medical ssociation was held i in Goderich, oh Frid;+ev, the 20th inst., and e was attend by a large .umber of veterinary surgeons from differ . t sections of the d• county. The chair wa occupied by the president, Dr. J. 1Vilsor of Wingham, and an interesting progran e, consisting of reports of cures and d cussions thereon, was taken part in by all resent. Aspecial feature of the meeting' as an instructive address by Dr. Gibbs, of St. Marys, presi- dent of the Perth V terinary Medical Association, which rec ived the hearty commendation of all wl had the pleasure of hearing it. The mee ng adjourned to meet again in Stratford, n October 3rd: — itnd Sorel is one of the •J Lackeltidge,l 11, Win preee t day in missionary G• Stitrt, , j „Ale b ) di 1 invited. 7 rr v, cr al ate D. �` Y "4�' Allenby, j he leotions are over and S Burton, Referee. vett 'd down to routine Central Prise -will; be pleased to hear Matra Prison vire Ito est erned correspondents.. running from : ou the correspondents may Tb., and Put tip ' t • 09 Write large budgets each bale, is this y ' : =fsId mfrs ie anxious to print than earto ' ors, wee . from each locality, purchaser's carat rge c, small, If any oor- the Province. it c rt of a tionery,&o.i all that' one remitting cash r write he Tuns about the Alex. Jaffray, Bur ill be tended to. • aggrieved parties i - taping fiction, 8d, per 1b. in less _ _ eight paid to the Bttocs in Lif ' ay station within depends on little i Ings, Ripens Tabule be obtained by any , is a little thing, b 1• it tg one of ensionally 3th ths,ordier to Mr, gives good digest. , and that means good Central Prison, To. blood; and that eans good braid and t brawn, and that • ens success, Signal. Notice. All parties indebted the undersigned f will kindly call t ce and settle; as 1 l have disposed o usiness, and in future the floor and will be. carried on in connection wi the grill business. A. H. CARR. Wingham, July 26th, 1804. —The Inspector of surance has order - cd that the Canadi n Masonic Mutual Benefit Association into liquidation, and the Secretary -',pre urcr, Mr. Andrew Ellis, Lias been appo nted liquidator. The association was este ,lished in London in 1872, and its nlemb, .•s: incltide Masons in all parts of tate eo intry. The advanced age of many of the .nembers caused such t heavy assessments hat, in spite of the; directors' best effor 3, the association could 1 not continue to cite bussnose. Complaint . was made to the registrar of Friendly Societies by dissatit red members, with the result stated. 'WhentTravolitng Whether on pleasure bent, or business, take alt every trip a bottle of Syrup of rigs, as , it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, livor and bowels, preventing fever,. headache and other fortes of sickness, ' • 'For sale 11165o. bottles by alt leading drug- I gists. Mannfaetured by the California i Pig Syrup Co. only. 1tim.e, It is a real'} Fad case. The following t, upils of the Wingham ublie School have passed the Entrance Examination, so 1.1 r. J. A. Morton, chair- man of the board F'as been informed - by letter: Jennie Be 1, Frankie Clegg.Edna Cargill, Annie Et des, Marion Gregory, Jessie Gray, Bella Harnilt,,n, Sadie Jack 1 son, Ada Mainpria, Minnie Ross. Lorn. Bradwiii, Frank Forster, James (tray Mort. Morton, Bent. McDonogh, J. Park, Bos. Mussell, Alex. Stewart. —Married, at t to residence of Dr. L Godfrey, on July -8th, Mr. W K Loutit, formerly of Wing 'am, Canada, and Misr Emily Cowley Car night, of Bettie Creek. Mich., Rev. L. B wn, officiating. The bride was assisted y Miss Annie Loutit and Miss Clara Car vright, and the groom by Mr. Peter Lytle' and Mr. W Monk Tee tai r.•nt•'„ V• n•aa a'itnesat•d by a. la: go number of ftiewls le d relationsw,to passed a very enjoyable e ot.big 'with he lu,'ppy couple. The preset, .s were both numerous and costly., and tese-fled to the high esteem they were both 1 ofd. . Mr: and Mrs. rsonale, Miss Tena Mo11 oy ie viaiting her parents fn T31yth. Miss Ida Evert, of Clinton, is visiting friends in town. Dr, and Mrs. Ho sey are visiting at Dr, Macdonald's. Dr. t acdonaltl r'turned from Ottawa on • Saturday last. Mr. John Boyer, of Eincardiue, was in town on We'lnead Mr. J. Rankin, Seaforth, is spendinga few days with Erie 'de in tinge, Mise M, MaLau hlin and Miss Sana spent Sunday wit friends 'in Seaforth. Mr. Chas. Brad in, of Harristort, is met a visit to his patent, and friends in tnwn Gorrie Vidette : Miss Cornyn, of Win ham, paid friend- in town a visit week. Mrs. A.. Ireland,... 'bo has been visitin Toronto for the par week, has retu ho Miss Annie Liul: tater,: 'who was vie friends in t3rantforr., returned ho week. ' Mr. Jas. Beldon ,.left on Monde for Seaforth, where he has sec ure etion. • Miss .Tenuie Dalin : is,�home rom on a visit to her parent .an fries town. Ripley L,nquirer: rt, of 11 Jt .utie and ham, is visiting J Winnie Douakl. Mr. Jas. Itfacdoua ford.bro of Dr. Macdonald, visit d the week. Brussels'eeBrusselsH-'r, 1 t : (iso, Halliday John Bitlltuityne w) select to V'Vingh 1 f d Bsr%•se Icer i, ofStrat p>vid him a Snn"ay. - Miss Nellie Murtdr, - bf Ft. M turned tit her home,a:ter spending a with Mrs. A. H. Cart Mrs. Arthur Oook, who has been. extended visit tn'frie; ids , in Mich' tl ed on Tuesday emening. olooMr, J. Nicoll, G. T. R station' returned from PorElgin, sib - where he had beensp ncling some dgOlkie John Carr is a Stratford a the funeral of hie mother -in -h Pethiok, who died, there on 're ht,r 82n t year, Mildmay Gazette Mr. and Netterfield. of Win tam, were of Mr. Mulholland, totog •apher S"nday. Kincardine T,epe1: Rev. and family, of �Ci Ahem, aFP i the Iii ;'•.,:r'iut' he, h..Jies I son, of '. iegi"eatn, amore vitae'. 1 Ai.dr'•ws. Loutit have take up their residence ou lst Street, Battle iereek. The TIMHs join+ Mr. Lou tit's many friends in Wingham and vicinit3 in wishioi hire and Mrs. Loutit long life and proslfctrity. —An exchange ins the following as the remarks of a pre over just prior to the passingh Beforethe of the p la• tl a stewards take up the colle :tion, said the preacher the other night, I would like to make a few remarks. There are over 2,000 persons in this 'rouse, coun ing sinners and • salute, crooked and stra ght, big and little, male and female, not irsluding the crying babies. If each person tare thinks my sermon worth the price of a glass of beer or a niokle cigar, five re i tenths of a dime, let them pay that mount. If each pay a niokle, it will ►sake a total of $10 this evening. This L-peated every day id the year, would pay my salary. A. nernlon that isn't worth P niolde. isn't worth eons- ing to hear, and a_ person that woul 1. beat the Lord, the pre :cher or the printer, is a goat of odor the 1 st odoriferous. —What is our Board of Health and Council doing in he matter of making preparations- for tl preventation of the scourge of small x, which mny visit this part of ti e Province shortly ? Compulsory vac ination is now going on in the count es of Larebton, Kent and Essex, but ve slowly in some locals• tide. Very many oeople have a prejudice against vaccination but it is because they have not studied tie question mid cannot know of the protecon it gives against smallpox. One illusvration should be con- vincing as•the I*0 is plainly in favor of its beneficial effect: A few years ago there .were forty c ses of smallpox in Windsor, thirty of t e patients had been vaeeinated, while th remaining ten had not. Of the former, all had the disease in a modifier': form End escaped, while of the latter, eight died, and the remaining five were dreadfully d ifigurpd, Presbyter o:.Maiti The Praattt'ter met at July 17th. Rev... Malco Mr. Hugh Maths sou was student for Tined! ed to moderate +tills at? and Lsnesxdel i -alaritt'/ East Wawanuslr: 7rl)t (4 Standing Conenit res .f ! apltointe.l its folio' :'e : Santiat.h Unser, ante. end Forrest, and their Elders. Stu te of Religion M A'Yd"rgnn; Gnt)Prison rl li'lnahrn, Meeere. Me Hay, Mt'NTbb and Snhhnth Srh4': kZnar•. Rnllnntvne at 11 Temperance. Vies: rs, Hartley and EldAre Horne Missions.' McKay, McVarlan t Examinntinit of Roos, Kurrtly, G M Young People's St Murray, G. McTtay I Stntlstice. Messrs: El Tsars, Systenatio Ben rie, Hartley and 1 Conference, Con rt, ft' t s - It was a e d �i< settlentent of vn Mr, lifsrray to i motion that the hearing experts the Genova' As: given. The Pr third supply fa Probatlonei's' S Lurtrnow, Ju Ml who are amount, will lands at once oor for collodion.