HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-25, Page 244!
080N *P SITOR,, t DER 2% 1076 A KA lg%++g% a. A ein4
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Dear Santa Claus:
Thank you for Drowsy and joy 'I wq,1114.11�* a motvbbqx town house, and, Ste hen would like a you con't get me thpt ])would like a baby-thal*w4y, blackboard and
-) ..... e. WQ evel kneyal stunt cycle and thats
other toys that you brought me for my cars. Also I barbie camper. I think In
all . I hope y ou the tri a fairly highopowered miecrosopo, sister would like a y baby
'or. I am taking real good guitar (not Asnoo.py gol.Ior) so I en) p , hippy Bq
last year. The night you come we will leave Beans
care of them. I am five now and can prActle 9r when I Santa. something for you and your doll. We will leave some fpoil for
• SO pe A got bigger From Bruce an Colleen and you and your reindeer. Thank you
enjoy kindergarden at Holi sville and use a "plug-in" guitar, Have
in 9-M raindeer's to eat.
School, but Mommy is writing for a good Christmas, Stephen ljn'garian. P.S. I have tried to be a good boy for the toys last year.
me as I am just learning how to Your friend. Dear Santa:Love
all year.
print. Andy (Ball) We, Madonna and 1, Anne Yours truly, Tracy & Tina Bosnian
I would like Baby Alive and a Dear Santa claus, Maire, are sisters and not twins. Brian Moot #1, Seaforth
e. Santa please be good to my I wo0d like a Plow, a puppet For this Christmas Madonna Dear Santa Claus: gain
and some building blocks. I am 4• would like a doll called Bless You Dear Santa: My name Is Chris Smith. I'm
brother David, also Mommy and years old and my cousin How are all the elves and Mrs. fine and live in Exeter with my
Daddy and bring some new toys Is baby tender love, a play,
helping me w
to all my friends in kindergardtn. g rite this letter. I telephone, a baby buggy, 'and a Santa feeling?.A:e you 1.,Teping Mommy & Daddy & sister Julie fA
puppet. And I would Thank you. Lana Jones, have tried to be a good boy. I busy,
Id, like a new ,getting ready for CfiristnI40 Anne, I go to kindergarden at
L I would like
r Dqar Santa Claus: would be very pleased with these watch, a doll called baby gowne, I like the things you gave mala.st Exeter Public School.
How are you? I am fine . I presents. and a new pair of pants. If you year. This yeUr I would like a Sesame Street so I can play with it
s -progress and if you
suppose you are busy. I have Yours.truly, want, you can give us something Doodle Art 02 when I watch it on T.V.
Jim Hill can't get me that'I would like a Julie would like a doll. But if
been trying to be good. I wood else that is not on our letter and I
like a baby Alive if you have one, I Dear Santa: Varna hope that your elves are not sick snowmobile helmet shield. I have you can't bring these its, okay as
wood like some clothes. We age How are you feeling? Doe's your
'or 'your -wife, Marry Christmas.1,, been a good boy all year, we have toys from last year. And
w i.
Anne-Maire Yours truly, we would like other little boys and
ant Gwen's for from Madonna and ft
going to our wife, the elves and your reindeer
McQuaid. Barry Moore girls who don't have a nice
N, Christmas. feet okay? Are you keeping busy
11 -e 4S 0 From Debbie Corewith the letters and Christmas Dear Santa Claus: Egmoadville. Mommy & Daddy like ours to get
Dear Santa: How are all the elves and Mrs. Dear Santa: toys. We will leave you a
presents? Did Rudolph shine his Santa Clause? Are you keeping My name is Tracy and I am four treat,Santa.
nose so it will shine and make a
I would like a box of chalk. I like
busy gettingready for Christmas? ypar� old. My mommy is writing
to play on my black board and I bit of light for you on y our t ? Love,
will let my Daddy use some trip? I liked the things that you gave this letter to you as I cannot write Chris & Julie Anne Smith
I really liked the doll you gave
cause" he is a teacher. You can me last year. This year I would yet. I have been a good girl'this 222 Sherwood Cresc.,
me last year. I would get out my ISO Cox plane. If year. Woudl you please bring me Exeter, Ont.
'Y e bring anything else you like, curlers and my hair pins and like a Cessna
specially" Evel Knievel.. make her hair pretty.
Your friend, This year I would like to get a
Mike(Ball) tent set for m barbie dolls. It has
Dear Santa: y
Please send me an Evil Knievel inflatable furniture and plastic
accessories. All together it has 22
toothbrush or bulldozer. Thank
Or you for what you pieces . If you are not able to
gave me last bring me this I would like a
year. Would you also bring a
Pebbles or Barn Barn Sip -along. Barbie Beauty Centre. It is a ' head AVA
Thank you. for putting -make-up and fixing up
Jeffery Dick & Kevin hair.
Dear Santa Claus: If you can't get me either of
G1 4 these things I will let y ou decide.:r:....••.....
V e r) would like a tractor, a plow, a
teddy,and a ball for Christmas what I'd like. We,will leave you s%'
some milk and cookies. I have
please. I am 2 years old and my tried to be a good girl all year.
cousin is helping me write this ' Your Friend,
letter. I have been a good boy Darlene , ene Moore,
most of the year. Please try and Egmondville ......
bring me these things, Dear Santa:
ai Yours truly, Bruce an Stephen an me would
Paul Hill like B-uce would liek a fisher price
Dear Santa Claus: castle. I would like barbie town
. . . . . . . . . . . . ...,
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wasgood, f a. ion fimeoi �'
Dear Santa Claus: dolls. I wit leave 'the door tree; Th . at's all - Santa Claus
Thank you for the toys you unlocked and put some cookies thanks a whole bunch.
brought us last year. How are you for you and some carrots for your Michelle Barry, 67 Railway St.
and Mrs. Santa Clause. Fine I reindeers under my' Christmas 4 yrs.,old.
hope. This year. my brother
Stephen would like a tool' set,
crisscross, miniature pinbill
game, smoke rifle, shaker maker,
number 5 Lego and Cat in the
I wouldt4ike some majo books,
Vi, S. S.P. car, name bracelet,
recocket racers, mousetrap, air
stream hockey, Olympic coin with
case, Levis and a radio. We will
leave some cookies and milk for
you and some carrots for your
reindebr. Bye for now,
Jeff & Stephen McKeller
•Dear Santa Claus:
My Mommy is writing this
letter for me as I can't write yet.
Thank you for all the toys you
gave me last year. I am trying
hard to be a good boy. For
Christmas I would like a train set IA
and a front end loader just like
Jack McLiwains. For my bob
brother Jonathan he would lie
some new toys. lk
Dougie and Jonathan Hu iii
Dear Santa-,
I was a good girl. This year I
would lilke a binder, pencil
crayons, paper, jewel magic, TV
magic kit, p.j.pants,,dress and a
Tracey Wright
Dear Santa:
I'm only three. Sherry she's
thy little sister, she's just two. We
both have been pretty good but
wo-do fight just a little.
We will leave you something to
eat how about a hamburger.
I would like green toys, a
tractor, a train, a ninch worm and(Bing out, ring out
a snake. Sherry wants a telephone
with moving eyes and a dolly. Chtistmas carols ... tidings of
We promise to be -good and not
make mom icy mad. comort f ' and joy. It's time
Mike & Shbrry Miller
for peace, goodwill toward men.
Merry Christmas Everyone
Dear Santa Claus:
i was it good girlior.4 long time
so, * 1. witnt you to, bring me Bless.
you, baby t6nderlovi And a
14*IMSStdf to look through and S
,060h tteehou-se-aAd a bed for my
I k,
You'll find
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